Children's furniture, made by hand. Children's furniture: materials Plastic and chipboard children's beds

Many parents always have difficulties in arranging a children's room. Especially often they cannot choose the right furniture, it is important that it be of high quality and comfortable. The main thing is that furniture elements should correspond to the tastes of children, they should like them. Of course, in furniture stores there is a lot of furniture for children, but often parents want to create not just a nursery for a child, but his own corner. Therefore, you can try to make these products. This process is quite laborious, but do-it-yourself children's furniture will be much better and better than the one offered by many manufacturers.

Before proceeding with the manufacture of furniture for a children's room, it is worth choosing the necessary material. If you want your child to have high-quality furniture that is safe for health, then choose the basis for it more carefully. Do not use cheap material that is of poor quality. The fact is that the children's body is quite vulnerable, weak, and if the structures are made of poor quality material, then there will be a high probability that harmful substances will be released into the air. As a result, it can adversely affect the health of children and adults.

Another factor to consider when arranging a room with your own hands is that children often play outdoor games, run, so they can damage or knock down furniture during games. It is important that it is safe and durable. It will have to be used for more than one year.

Do not use chipboard for making children's furniture with your own hands. This material emits formaldehydes into the air, which provoke allergic reactions. But these substances have a strong effect on babies. If it is not possible to purchase another material, then it is worth purchasing class E0 plates. This class of chipboard is used in Europe for the production of furniture used in many medical institutions. But it should be borne in mind that this material is quite expensive.

Children's furniture is recommended to be made from natural solid wood. This material is absolutely environmentally friendly, it does not emit harmful substances into the air, so it is completely safe for the health of children. It has a high degree of strength. Furniture made of natural wood will easily withstand the increased loads that will be placed on it during children's games.

You can select the most suitable materials for the manufacture of children's furniture designs:

  • solid array of wood;
  • MDF boards;
  • plywood with the highest quality class;
  • for stuffing upholstered furniture, it is worth using natural fabric and fillers that have the appropriate quality certificates.

In the manufacture of furniture for children, it is worth refusing to use varnishes, paints with a pungent odor, toxic composition. For upholstery, it is worth using a fabric that can later be cleaned with liquid cleaners. Additionally, for upholstered furniture, it is worth sewing removable covers, they will provide increased protection for furniture from damage and breakage.

Be sure to pre-make drawings, they will help to purchase the necessary material in advance. In addition, they will greatly facilitate the entire process of manufacturing furniture.

Manufacturing instructions

How to make children's furniture quickly and correctly? This question is of interest to many parents who plan to equip the nursery with their own products. But if you have to do this for the first time, then many professionals recommend that you carefully familiarize yourself with the manufacturing process - see photos, videos on the Internet. You can try to start by making a simple one, for example, a small chest of drawers or a rack. This will allow you to get acquainted more closely with the process of manufacturing furniture elements for children.

Various videos with a detailed manufacturing process help well. On the video you can see the assembly schemes, decoupage and furniture design. The children's kitchen from old furniture is in high demand. In this case, you can not only save on materials, but also restore old furniture that has not been used for a long period.

An obligatory step in the manufacture is to determine the types of furniture needed. Usually children require a bed and a children's table. In the future, it will be possible to make a cabinet or already purchase finished products. A good option would be frameless furniture with your own hands. These types of products are much easier to make, but at the same time they will be the most suitable for children.


So how is the manufacture of furniture for children with their own hands? First you need to make a bed. This product is of great importance for the full growth and development of the child.

If the bed is made correctly in accordance with the requirements, standards, then it will have a beneficial effect on the state of posture, general well-being. To begin with, it is better to make a drawing with dimensions. A schematic drawing will facilitate the process of making a bed. Each element must be made separately. Component parts in the future will simply need to be connected to each other.

Features of the manufacture of furniture element for sleep:

  • Often MDF sheets are used to make beds. The thickness of each sheet must be at least 2 cm;
  • elements of a mobile view should be made from a base with a fine structure. For curb strips, the most suitable size would be a thickness of 1.2 cm;
  • the constituent elements are glued with glue with a solid base. For fastening, you can use strong connections - screws or metal corners;
  • if the product needs to be fixed on the wall, it is better to use dowels made of plastic material or screws.

The furniture element for a berth must be made in accordance with the necessary requirements. The assembly drawing, of course, will facilitate the whole process, but detailed instructions will also be required in this matter:

  • the main plank made of natural wood is fixed on the area of ​​​​the upper border;
  • the end panel must be fixed at the base of the wall partition, its fastening should not be very tight;
  • from the point of attachment of the end panel, it is required to screw MDF squares with a large thickness dimension;
  • the end of the base should move away from the wall surface by a small distance, which is equal to the thickness of the MDF squares. In the resulting openings, the walls of the body of the bed will be mounted;
  • as the end wall will be completely mounted to the corner zone, it is attached to it in perpendicular respect a special partition for fencing off the compartment. In the production of these constituent elements, corners from a metal base can be used;
  • at the end of the dividing wall, you need to fix the sidewall. In the manufacture of this part, it is imperative to observe a small distance from the wall. The hull wall will be placed in this area;
  • after the end of the dividing bar, its continuation should be the next base.

In time independent installation of children's furniture at home, it must be taken into account that it should fit the size of the growth of children. If you are doing decoupage of old furniture, it is important to remember that, first of all, the furniture must be comfortable, fit the size of the child.

The main bar is fixed

End panel mounting

We fasten the sidewalls

Children's table

A children's table is a necessary item in a child's room. Children often engage in various developmental activities - drawing, reading, modeling, cutting. And for their implementation, the presence of a table is required.

Of course, if the house already has an old table, then you can update it, adjust it to the height of the children and perform a beautiful decoupage. But you can make it yourself.

The process of executing the table is as follows:

  • first of all, the legs are cut according to the height of the future structure;
  • the legs are attached to the frame components with a power structure with end mills. When installing the legs, you need to mark the places for the grooves and combine the paired components. A hole is drilled in the marked area, but it should not be through;
  • leg blanks must be clamped in turn in a clamp. Next, the wood is selected with an end mill as carefully as possible until a smooth groove with the required size is obtained;
  • with a hacksaw and a knife, the ends of the parts of the power frame are corrected, spikes are created, which in the future will firmly enter the grooves of the legs;
  • all component parts are smeared with glue and assembled into a single whole;
  • at the end, after the whole structure has dried, a tabletop is inserted into special grooves in the legs, and it is fixed with glue.

Legs are cut out

Fasten to the frame

Correcting the ends of the parts

We coat with glue

We mount the countertop


In addition to the main elements in the children's room, you can make other elements - do-it-yourself furniture for dolls, you can design a small house with your own hands from boxes, carved cars or small ships will look beautiful.

The main thing is to properly decoupage furniture for your baby with your own hands at home. In order to decoupage the table, you can use the following components:

  • pictures, photos. A photograph from a family archive or bright drawings depicting cartoon characters will look beautiful;
  • drawings can replace patterns of various blanks from the material. Patterns with flowers, drawings will look beautiful;
  • PVA glue;
  • primer;
  • brush.

How to make decoupage yourself:

  • the countertop or other furniture elements must be cleaned with sandpaper and coated with a primer;
  • paint the surface in the desired color;
  • patterns or drawings are glued to the furniture with PVA glue. If the patterns are made of dense material, then they can be slightly moistened in water;
  • after drying, everything is varnished.

In the same way, doll furniture for girls can be decorated. You can also additionally make carved elements, but this is of course if you have experience in this matter. You can make children's furniture with your own hands, but this process will require a lot of effort. In general, you can make everything yourself, but you should carefully study the process of making furniture. The main thing is to do everything correctly, observe the dimensions and make only from high-quality material. At the same time, a children's kitchen can also be made with your own hands from old furniture.

So, you want to buy furniture for the children's room. It must be remembered that furniture performs both a decorative function and creates a space in which it should be comfortable and safe. Drawers and cabinet doors should open easily, the child should easily reach the shelves on the wall, and the children's bed should be comfortable and age-appropriate. The size of the chair and table should be matched to the height of the child.

As for the material from which furniture for the children's room is made, manufacturers use solid wood, chipboard, MDF and other materials. Let's try to figure out which one is best suited for children's furniture.

Children's furniture made of natural wood

Wooden children's furniture is the most expensive option of all. Such furniture has a huge number of advantages! The main advantage is the environmental safety of the material.

Manufacturers of children's wooden furniture guarantee the absence of harmful substances. They say that furniture made of natural material helps to strengthen the child's body. For example, children's furniture made of birch has bactericidal and hypoallergenic properties. Interior items made of solid birch create positive energy and are distinguished by attractive colors. The disadvantages of birch include sensitivity to temperature extremes and high humidity. The most budgetary solid wood furniture is pine furniture. However, pine is a less hard wood, so furniture can be dented and scratched from children's games.

Children's furniture made of pine will be good for a teenager's room if he treats it carefully. Pine is a natural antiseptic, and even when processed and painted, children's furniture will exude a faint pine scent, which will be enough to purify the air in the children's room. Pine furniture for children is a great option for joint creativity! It can be decorated with drawings and patterns using paints.

or aerosol cans.

However, there are also negative aspects of solid wood furniture: it requires special care and

may swell or crack from a sudden change in temperature.

Children's furniture from MDF

MDF is dry-pressed wood fibers into boards. Unlike chipboard, they do not contain carcinogens or harmful substances.

resins, since the binder is lignin, which is released from the chips under the influence of high temperature. To give a beautiful appearance to MDF boards, they are laminated with synthetic films, veneered or covered with plastic. Children's furniture made of MDF will be highly durable, and its duration

more than 10 years of operation. The weak point of such furniture will be the surface coating, since under the influence of children's pranks it quickly becomes unusable - there are traces of blows, scratches, from which peeling of the veneer or decorative film begins.

The disadvantages of MDF furniture include its high cost, which is only slightly inferior in price to wood furniture.

Children's furniture made of plywood is distinguished by a lower price. However, plywood is inferior in strength to MDF. Since the surface layer of plywood is a synthetic film or veneer, it has the disadvantages of laminated MDF.

Children's furniture made of laminated chipboard (LDSP)

When saving money comes to the fore when buying furniture for a children's room, most often buyers stop at furniture made from laminated chipboard. When choosing this material, the cost of furniture is much less.

Chipboard is a wood industry waste (chips, small chips) pressed into boards.

When using laminated chipboard supplied by foreign manufacturers, the risk of harmful substances entering the children's body from furniture is minimal. This was achieved thanks to the introduction of strict standards for this kind of products in the EU. In order for furniture for children's furniture made of laminated chipboard not to cause harm, experts recommend ordering the lining of all parts with a PVC edge along the entire perimeter, since it is through the ends of the components that harmful substances (formaldehydes) enter the air of the room. In addition, the PVC edge gives the furniture a finished look. A combination of chipboard boards with different structures and colors allows you to create nice furniture.

Chipboard has a number of advantages: it is a fairly stable material that does not dry out and does not exfoliate over time; rot, mold and pest bugs do not start in chipboard; this material has a high tensile strength, its rigidity exceeds some types of wood; Chipboard is difficult to scratch or wrinkle; traces of mechanical influences are invisible.

Plastic and glass furniture for a children's room

The reasons why plastic furniture can be in demand are simple: it looks bright, endures various operating conditions and is inexpensive. Also, plastic furniture is lightweight and compact: chairs can be stacked on top of each other. She is

Children's furniture laminated chipboard - you can hear a lot of conflicting opinions about it. Someone considers such interior items absolutely harmless, but for someone it is a synonym for the strongest poison.

Children's furniture chipboard: harmful or not?

Children's furniture LDSP- You can hear a lot of conflicting opinions about it. Someone considers such interior items absolutely harmless, but for someone it is a synonym for the strongest poison. Modern manufacturing factories offer customers the widest range of furniture made from this material. In addition, the price for it is very attractive due to its availability. Therefore, the issue of harm to children's furniture chipboard is worth attention.

Children's furniture laminated chipboard: what is the emission class

LDSP (laminated chipboard) is a material that is characterized by high strength, beautiful shades and low cost. This combination of properties has made it incredibly popular. However, not all parents are aware of such a concept as an emission class. This is the percentage of formaldehyde resins that are released from the plate into the air. Why is this harmful substance there? The fact is that in the process of manufacturing plates, glue is used, which necessarily contains this substance. Formaldehyde itself is a carcinogen that can cause serious damage to health. In large doses, it causes cancer and severe allergic reactions. Formaldehyde resins are contained in chipboard. But in quantities that can not harm health. Chipboard children's furniture has advantages over chipboard, since the laminate layer (provided that it is of high quality) does not allow harmful toxins to escape into the atmosphere of the room.

Determining the emission class can help the buyer with the purchase of truly safe furniture for his beloved baby. Chipboard and chipboard marked "E0" are the most desirable material options. The percentage of formaldehyde is extremely low. Such material can still be called medical chipboard, since it is used in medical institutions. Medical institutions use made and environmentally friendly materials. The material is produced mainly by foreign manufacturers. Domestic factories offer their customers E1 class materials. Here the content of harmful substances is quite small. Classes "E2" and "E3" are highly undesirable as raw materials for residential use. Unfortunately, not all manufacturers are honest with their customers. Therefore, if when buying in a store or factory they cannot provide you with quality certificates and documents confirming the environmental standards of materials, refuse such a purchase.

No matter how small the price is and no matter how attractive the laminated chipboard children's furniture looks, without documents confirming the quality, you get slow-acting poison for your beloved child. When buying inexpensive pieces of furniture for a child's bedroom, you should pay attention to the factories involved.

Children's furniture laminated chipboard: correct cutting and edge gluing

But what to do with the materials of class "E1"? After all, they contain formaldehyde resins, albeit in small quantities. Here conscientious manufacturers also found a way out. This is an edge banding. It should be well glued, because it has not only an aesthetic role. How to determine the quality of the edge and cuts? Carefully inspect the finished product. All ends of the parts must be neatly cut, without chips or cracks. Such a marriage not only gives way to formaldehyde, but also worsens the appearance of the furniture, reducing its service life. The edge must be processed all the details, even in places not visible to the eye. For example, removable shelves should be glued on all sides, including the one that is located end to the back wall of a cabinet or cabinet. The edge is a reliable barrier that does not allow harmful substances to penetrate into the air that the child breathes.

Furniture for a child's room can be made independently. Purchased models cannot always satisfy the needs of parents in terms of price and quality. Therefore, many fathers who have the skills of joinery and carpentry are happy to arrange the nursery based on their own ideas about the convenience and functionality of cribs, lockers, tables and chairs. In their opinion, children's furniture must certainly be original and appeal to kids.

Furniture for a child's room can be made independently.

Furnishings in the children's room must meet a number of necessary conditions. When setting up a room, you need to remember that safety is the most important thing. Children's furniture is made mainly with streamlined shapes so that the baby does not accidentally get hurt or hurt. For the same purpose, for a young child, a soft coating on most surfaces will be the best option.

Furniture must also meet aesthetic requirements. Everything - from colors to shapes - it is advisable to choose pleasing to the eye. Tones are used light, in natural combinations. Bright accents are welcome only in drawings and ornaments.

According to the opinion, children's furniture must certainly be original and like the kids.

Furnishings in the children's room must meet a number of necessary conditions.

Materials used for the manufacture of children's furniture

To do this, choose a tree or its derivatives, fabric (dense and with a short soft pile, depending on the purpose), hypoallergenic filler.

Children's furniture is made mainly with streamlined shapes so that the baby does not accidentally get hurt or hurt.

To make children's furniture with your own hands, you need fasteners:

  • corners;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • closers (if a transformation mechanism is planned).

Furniture must also meet aesthetic requirements.

Some materials can be found at home - for example, upholstery fabric. The rest is purchased in specialized stores or ordered online. Compared to the finished product, the costs will be 2-3 times less.

Bright accents are welcome only in drawings and ornaments.

The originality of this design depends on the hobby of the child.

Do-it-yourself children's furniture meets the needs of parents, it is durable and much cheaper than ready-made furniture.

Of the tools you may need:

  • screwdriver;
  • screwdriver;
  • construction stapler;
  • wood cutter.

The basis of products should be made from natural materials.

Furniture for the baby must be safe, so everything - from material to fixtures - is selected in accordance with this requirement.

Some materials can be found at home - for example, upholstery fabric.

Making a pouffe

To make frameless furniture, you will need fabric and filler. For the cover, use a dense fabric such as raincoat fabric. The color is better to choose not too bright, practical. As a filler, you need to use a "fractional" base - foam balls. The ease of use of the ottoman depends on the quality of the content.

Compared to the finished product, the costs will be 2-3 times less.

First, according to the pattern, you need to sew a cover - round, elongated, square. Through the open hole, place the filler inside the base. For ventilation, make several small holes at the top through which small contents will not pass. To make the ottoman even softer, sew a cape of velvety fabric.

In order for children's furniture to be durable, non-toxic adhesives, varnish (for surface coating) are used in its manufacture.

Bed making

A sleeping place for a child is easy to equip from improvised materials. Use chipboard or MDF boards, as well as solid wood. For supports, bars of the same length are processed. The bottom is better to make from lamellas, not plywood. This is a more laborious process, but this way the crib will be better ventilated.

To make surfaces even and smooth, use sandpaper.

Children's furniture can be varnished or painted. To do this, choose special non-toxic compounds.

The rest is purchased in specialized stores or ordered online.

Production of children's play furniture

Items designed to entertain a child can be made according to simplified sketches. For this, inexpensive materials are used - chipboard, plywood, thick cardboard. The originality of this design depends on the hobby of the child. Popular play furniture:

  • kitchens;
  • hospitals;
  • cars;
  • ships;
  • rockets;
  • aircraft.

Tones are used light, in natural combinations.

Some models can be combined to save room space. For example, make a crib in the form of a racing car.

The basis of products should be made from natural materials.

It is important to make the situation in the baby's room attractive, cheerful, because the child is here all the time.

Furniture for the baby must be safe, so everything - from material to fixtures - is selected in accordance with this requirement. It is better to cut off all protruding corners, make them streamlined.

In their opinion, children's furniture must certainly be original and appeal to kids.

Children's furniture will acquire an aesthetic appearance if you make some adjustments to its decoration.

Basics of decorating children's furniture

It is important to make the situation in the baby's room attractive, cheerful, because the child is here all the time. Children's furniture will acquire an aesthetic appearance if you make some adjustments to its decoration. The decor can be in the form of carved parts of the crib and other items, hand-drawn images or self-adhesive applications. For a girl’s room, choose calm plant motifs, while boys prefer dynamic scenes from games or cartoons.

To decorate furniture, use hypoallergenic compounds.

To make the drawing even, prepare a stencil - it can be cut from a thick file folder.

To decorate furniture, use hypoallergenic compounds. To make the drawing even, prepare a stencil - it can be cut from a thick file folder.

To make the drawing even, prepare a stencil - it can be cut from a thick file folder.

For a girl’s room, choose calm plant motifs, while boys prefer dynamic scenes from games or cartoons.

VIDEO: do-it-yourself children's furniture

We always approach the arrangement of a children's room with special care and think through every little thing. The range of children's furniture is great. Some parents buy ready-made furniture, others make it themselves, according to their own plan and design, taking into account the peculiarities of the children's room; the rest buy furniture boards and assemble it themselves.

Children's furniture is made from different materials: natural, MDF boards, chipboard boards, laminated chipboard boards, fiberboard, plastic, etc. Of course, it's not bad if the furniture is made of natural wood. However, many families with children do not have the opportunity to purchase or make to order such furniture. Then an alternative to natural wood comes to the rescue - MDF, chipboard, etc.

Consider MDF materials for the manufacture of children's furniture in the room.

MDF is a medium density board with a wood fiber structure. For its manufacture, small sawdust of wood is used. Bonds such sawdust lignin, paraffin. For the health of people, especially children, these boards are safe, so their price is higher than that of chipboard boards. Thus, MDF boards for children's furniture are an environmentally friendly and soft material. The backs of cribs, tables, highchairs and chairs for children from 3 years old, cabinets, shelves and various details are made from such plates.

The price of children's furniture made of MDF is high, but cheaper than furniture made of natural wood. But it happens that it is not easy for parents to find funds for MDF boards, so many of them choose chipboard boards. At a price they are much cheaper, but the quality and environmental performance are not as high as those of MDF boards.

The back walls of the cabinet and the bottom of the drawers are made from chipboard plates. In the children's room, a wardrobe is necessary, so it is better if it is made to order from reliable materials. The fact is that the bottom of chipboard plates is very flexible, bends under the heavy weight of children's things, so this furniture has to be repaired very often. Agree, the main argument of low price and durability is not easy to discard, but furniture made of chipboard boards also has a significant disadvantage: the presence of formaldehyde resins in the material. It is resins that impregnate and fasten sawdust and shavings. Resins make chipboard boards resistant to moisture.

For the production of children's furniture from chipboard, the emission level of formaldehyde resins is taken into account. The level of E1 resins in the boards is relatively safe, so it is allowed to make both children's furniture and components from them.

Furnishing a child's room is not easy and often very expensive. For a children's corner, MDF boards will be most preferable. They contain phenol and formaldehyde resins, however, their amount is small, that is, within the normal range. Therefore, in percentage terms (50-60%), MDF boards are equated to pure materials in terms of environmental performance. Children's furniture made of MDF boards does not have a toxic coating and does not harm the fragile children's body.

Making a choice between materials for the manufacture of children's furniture, you can stop at their combination. Some manufacturers make furniture with a combination of natural wood and MDF boards. Such furniture is cheaper than an analogy made from natural materials.

Thus, the use of MDF and chipboard furniture boards in a children's room is possible if they have an appropriate quality certificate.

There are not so many advantages to furniture boards using resins. If MDF boards still inspire confidence among buyers of carpentry products, then chipboard boards do not lend themselves to any criticism. First of all, chipboard boards are the end products of processing natural wood (sawdust, shavings). Such products cannot be 100% safe.

Furniture plates made of natural wood have a lot of advantages. They have one significant disadvantage - the high cost. It is worth considering that you need to buy furniture plates made of natural wood with a quality certificate. If the technologies for processing natural wood (alder, pine) are not followed, the quality of such boards leaves much to be desired, despite the natural origin. The most acceptable option is to make furniture boards yourself from wood (pine, beech, alder, birch, oak).