How much does it cost to open a computer repair service. How to open a computer service: a computer, laptop, smartphone repair company

Smartsourcing often discusses various aspects of the computer repair and maintenance business. I have tried to summarize the pros and cons of this type of IT business. On the one hand, computer problems seem to be familiar to everyone and usually happen when you least expect it: difficulties installing software, hardware problems, problems with applications, etc. Users need help with computer repair and maintenance. But on the other hand, in our community, the topic constantly arises that users are not ready to pay for such services, i.e. quality maintenance of computers, networks and office equipment is not a priority for them.


  • Can be dispensed with minimal cost to start a business.
  • You can start alone, without employees.
  • A large target market is available (private users, small and medium businesses).
  • Can be used " word of mouth» for rapid business development.
  • Can be offered to clients service maintenance on an ongoing basis.
  • You can work both full-time and part-time, at a convenient time.
  • Can be offered to clients emergency assistance at extra charge.
  • There are many additional services and products that can be offered in conjunction with the core business.
  • In most cases, you do not need to obtain any certificates, licenses and work permits.
  • Several good customers on subscription service allow you to confidently maintain a "positive balance" of the business.
  • No office required.
  • There are good prospects for growth.


  • Low profitability when working with small businesses and private users.
  • When working with medium and large businesses, the requirements for the company (and the entry threshold) rise sharply.
  • High legal risks when working with clients using unlicensed software.
  • The need to purchase tools, test equipment, licensed software.
  • You need to have a good knowledge of hardware, software and peripherals.
  • You need to be able to explain technical processes in simple human language.
  • You need to constantly learn something new in order to keep up with technological progress. At the same time, you constantly have to work with old and very old technologies.
  • Good employees are scarce and expensive. High competition in the labor market.

And what can you add to the pros and cons of the service IT business?

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Comments (10)

    Demchenko Alexander , February 25, 2013, 12:35 pm

    "Low profitability when working with small businesses and private users"

    Well, here's how lucky. A friend of mine just agreed with a couple of stores that sell office equipment, and they send everyone to him who has an "extortionist" jumped out or Windows has died ... there is simply no end to customers, I used to visit him, and saw stacks of 20-30 laptops. Most laptops in the store are sold either with a trial antivirus or with some kind of terrible one that Viri does not see at close range, so people usually quickly pick up malware on the Internet.

    Or, for example, a shop is attached to the house where I live, and there the guy rents a small boutique, and so he also always has people with a laptop, someone with a system unit, and who in general with an unlocked iPhone. In general, in our microdistrict, he is the only one, and everyone drags him to him.

    Started like this:

    1. First, I collected a customer base. First, business cards, recommendations, then a website, a city forum, slando

    2. I repaired the equipment myself at home.

    3. Then I rented a room in the center.

    4. After that, I already hired a master, because didn't manage on my own

    5. Then the manager calls and orders spare parts

    The most important thing is to do well and be adequate with clients. If the client is wrong, tell him so, if he himself is wrong, apologize, correct, or return the money. Ultimately, your job is to make the client's technique work.

    There I tell how I started my electronics and computer repair business from scratch, what to do, stage by stage, how to control, scale, earn.

    Good luck! For any questions please email.

The computer literacy of people is constantly increasing, so PC users are able to fix a number of computer-related problems on their own. Although not everyone is able to perform serious repairs on their own. In the article, we will consider a business plan for repairing computers with calculations.

Therefore, there is a demand for computer repair services and the creation of a business that provides these services looks like a promising business. This requires some knowledge and organization. This process is complicated by a lot of complexities and specific moments, which are problematic to overcome.

There are two ways to build a business based on computer repair. Both options differ from each other in some nuances.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a computer repair service

In the table below, we consider the advantages and disadvantages of opening a service center that deals with the repair of computer equipment. It can be distinguished that the main target audience is people who need to repair computers and laptops, as well as diagnose and treat viruses.

How to open a service center from scratch: documents for registration with the tax

There are two options for opening a computer repair center: with tax registration and without official registration.

Freelance Company opening
If you know how it works computer systems and are able in practice to carry out their repair, then provide these services without registering a company. So, advertising your services will provide you with regular customers. Also involve a few of your friends or acquaintances in this process to increase productivity.

The advantages of this method are obvious, but it does not apply to a full-fledged business that brings a constant and tangible income. This is just one option for additional income. The desire to become a professional must be correlated with a different way of building a business.

Another option for starting a computer repair business involves opening your own small service center. In this case, you are assigned the role of a director who hires work force for the operation of the firm. Therefore, your tasks will move into the area of ​​strategic development.

For example, you will have to control the work of masters, develop new services, promote the company on the market, etc. That is, hired workers will be engaged in the direct repair of computers. Often a person who decides to go into a business in the field of computer repair starts working for himself, and later, having accumulated initial capital, proceeds to create more big business. This transition is associated with some risks and problems.

To register with a tax company for computer repair, you can submit documents to create an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Below in the table we analyze the main advantages, as well as required list documents for each legal form. When registering for OKVED, choose the main activity: 95.11 — Repair of computers and peripheral computer equipment, you can additionally specify the OKVED code 95.12 — Repair of communication equipment.

Form of business organization Benefits of using Documents for registration
IP ( individual entrepreneur) Used to open a small pet business (50-80m²). Number of staff from 1 to 3
  • receipt of payment of the state duty (800 rubles);
  • certified application by a notary in the form No. P21001;
  • application for the transition to UTII or USN (otherwise it will be OSNO by default);
  • copy of all pages of the passport.
OOO ( limited liability company) Used to open large network pet stores, borrowing Money, as well as scaling.
  • application in the form No. Р11001;
  • charter of LLC;
  • a decision to open an LLC or a protocol if there are several founders (partners);
  • receipt of payment of the state duty (4000 rubles);
  • copies of the founders' passports certified by a notary;
  • application for the transition to UTII or USN.

In law authorized capital LLC cannot be less than 10,000 rubles!

AT tax reporting service center for the repair of computer equipment, you can use BSO (strict reporting form) instead of KKM ( cash register) / article 2, paragraph 2 of Federal Law No. 54-FZ of 05/22/2003. A strict reporting form can be used when we provide services to the public (as in our example). BSO is not used when selling goods.

Implementation in practice

To provide computer repair services, it is not necessary to have a large start-up capital. The success factors in this case are:

  • low prices;
  • high quality of services;
  • prompt execution of the order;
  • a wide range of services;
  • responsibility to clients.

Pay attention to the level of services provided. If, after repairing the computer, the client again encounters the same problem, then he is unlikely to contact you again.

The competition in the computer repair market segment is high. Many young people are trying to restore and maintain computer equipment to earn extra money. Therefore, the installation high prices on the initial stage means deprivation of the opportunity to create a customer base.

The next factor is the speed of response to the order. Modern users are accustomed to playing their favorite games or spending time in in social networks. Therefore, the client will give preference to the type of service that will help to quickly return to his usual rhythm of life. Your customer base will increase if you arrive at the address as soon as possible and fix the problem.

To computer help includes a wide range of services, including:

  • repair and maintenance of computers;
  • antiviral treatment;
  • recovery of lost data;
  • network setup and more.

The amount of your profit in this case depends on the degree of expansion of the range of services you provide.

In any work, a certain number of errors are expected. For example, the address was not saved when setting up the network, or the connector popped out of the port. Approach work responsibly and eliminate errors and shortcomings in your work in a timely manner.

Business advertising

Possibly one of the most effective ways to enter the business, there will be local (in the nearest areas) posting ads on the entrances of houses, which indicate short list services and contact details. Your first task is to create a base of loyal visitors who can recommend you to their friends.

Computer repair is serious business. Criminal liability

The bulk of the orders associated with the configuration of software (SW). But remember that there is a risk of falling under the action article 146 part 2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which penalizes the installation or configuration of unlicensed software. If the master is caught doing this, he faces a fine or imprisonment.

This problem is very important, since 90% of potential customers use pirated copies of software. There is a high probability of becoming the object of a scheduled inspection by the Economic Crime Control Department or a victim of competitors, so it is better to refuse to work with unlicensed programs. In this case, difficulties are inevitable - after all, the population of small towns in Russia is not eager to pay a considerable amount for access to licensed software.

So, the cost of working with pirated copies will be approximately 700 rubles. Of these, 500 rubles. accounts for the installation of software, and 200 rubles. - for debugging. If you work with a license, then the situation changes significantly. You will either have to refuse the client's order, since he has a pirated copy of the operating system installed, or offer to install a licensed OS for 3,500 rubles. with payment for specialist services from 500 to 1000 rubles. Such a situation is unlikely to contribute to an increase in the number of those who are willing to pay such an amount.

Thus, it turns out that the market sector for computer repair is determined by high demand for such services, but customers do not want to pay honestly. Therefore, look for ways to solve this problem. Most experienced businessmen recommend refusing to use unlicensed software. Their advice boils down to one thing - the need to convince customers to pay for legal software, since this is primarily beneficial for them. licensed software guarantees its stable operation and quality service.

Webinar on how to open a computer and electronics repair business (entrepreneur Evgeny Kutsenko)

  1. Accompany the receipt of an order by obtaining information about the software installed on the client's computer. When using unlicensed software, the customer is informed about the impossibility of providing services or the installation of official software is offered.
  2. Regularly expand the list of services provided.
  3. Look for clients among entrepreneurs and legal entities– these categories of customers usually use licensed programs.
  4. Properly promote your services, focusing on quality and work only with licensed products.
  5. Retain regular customers by offering them discounts or all sorts of bonuses.

It cannot be argued that such tips will help you easily and quickly establish your business. At the initial stage, it will not be possible to earn tangible profits, since following the rule “We work only with licensed software” will lead to the abandonment of an extensive customer base. But a long and hard struggle for each customer will allow you to achieve the desired result.

Computer repair franchise

On the market, you can buy a ready-made business solution for organizing a computer repair center. The franchise ( has the following parameters:

Evaluation of the attractiveness of a business by a magazine site

Business Profitability

(4.0 out of 5)

Business Attractiveness


Project payback

(4.0 out of 5)
Ease of starting a business

(3.5 out of 5)
Opening a computer repair service has an undeniable advantage - high marginality and the absence of any high costs except for rent and wages to a specialist. A key success factor is advertising, which should be done locally for the area.

Before you start working on the creation of a computer service, you must officially register with the tax office and coordinate your activities with regulatory authorities.

If you plan to open only one computer repair shop, the best thing. LLC should be registered only if more than 2-3 customer service offices are planned.

Advice: You should not work without registering an IP. If you don't pay your taxes, you could get into serious trouble with government agencies, resulting in huge fines.

Drawing up a business plan

Before you start working on any project, be sure to . It is very important to write down all the points that are related to your future business:

  • expenses;
  • income;
  • risks;
  • planning.

If your qualifications are not enough to draw up such a plan, be sure to contact a specialist. The future of the entire business project will depend on this business plan.


The most important point in the work of any service center for the repair of computers and related equipment is the professionalism of employees. The best option there will be hiring a few familiar professionals who you know personally.

They will be able to supervise newcomers and check the quality of their work, at first. If this is not possible, all employees must be tested who you will be hiring.

The peculiarities of such a business are that from time to time, employees will have to go on orders (repair with a visit to the house, to the office). In this case, the employee must be tidy, polite and treat with special patience those who do not understand certain points or ask several times.

The knowledge of workers is also important, they must quickly navigate all models of numerous computer devices and be able to quickly repair them. If the work is of poor quality, the client will no longer contact your service.

Advice: to get qualified employees short term, you need to contact a special recruitment agency.

Computer service room

Renting a place for the work of the service is one of the easiest points in building such a business. You do not need to look for a particularly attractive office, even semi-basements will do. The main thing is to place an attractive sign above the entrance so that customers can easily find you.

For the office, choose a place that will be easy to reach from anywhere in the city. The ideal option is a place near the subway, closer to the city center.

Finding Clients

Building a client base from scratch takes a significant amount of time. There are several options:

  1. Advertising on billboards and flyers. One of the most popular types modern advertising, not the most effective, but bearing fruit.
  2. Website from detailed information about services. Creating a website, promoting it online will help you attract a large number of customers, the better the site and better price the more clients you will have.
  3. Contextual advertising on the Internet. Today it is a very popular way of advertising.
  4. Cooperation with electronics companies. If you manage to sign an agreement with such a company, you will receive a constant influx of customers, as you will be serving people who buy equipment of this brand. In this case, the work is paid by the company.

Equipment for work

For successful work you will need specialized equipment. It can be purchased at electronics stores or ordered abroad. Find out the list from your employees, they know better what exactly they need to repair equipment. Roughly the list is:

  • multimeter;
  • soldering iron;
  • oscilloscope;
  • current clamps;
  • a vacuum cleaner;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • tweezers;
  • sets of parts for equipment (video cards, keyboards, wiring, motherboards, etc.).

Have ready set details in the workshop is very important. Some computer repair companies neglect this point and order parts only when the client has already paid for the work and sent his device in for repair. If the delivery is delayed, and the parts arrive later than the scheduled date, you may lose the client forever, as the repair will be delayed for at least 2-3 weeks.

Decide on a list of services

Before opening, decide on which you will provide. A detailed list can be peeped at competitors. They can also find out the prices that you can ask for such work. It is important not to forget that during a crisis, all people are looking for cheaper options, so they will turn to you if you make the price average or below average by 5-10%.

To attract customers, at first, some service can be made free.

Advice: make a detailed price list in which you list the prices for all services and post it on your website on the Internet, this will seriously reduce the flow of calls to the company on this issue.


The profitability of a business is very important in order to calculate it, it is necessary to take into account the following costs:

  1. Purchase of equipment for repair. About 2 thousand dollars. The cost depends on the quantity and quality of the purchased equipment. Remember that some parts will have to be purchased constantly. Equipment of this type can be purchased on lease, which is profitable and convenient, especially.
  2. Room rental. Depending on the location, it's about $400. The closer to the city center, the more expensive. Try to choose optimal location, closer to the subway or public transport stops.
  3. Advertising company. About 350 dollars. You need to pay for advertising all the time, focus on creating a site and contextual advertising.
  4. Utilities, internet, cleaning, etc. About $150-160 per month.
  5. Other expenses. This paragraph refers to unforeseen expenses in the office. Usually, it is no more than 200 dollars.

An entrepreneur's initial outlay will be $4,500-$5,000, including employee salaries. It is not difficult to calculate that such an amount will pay off in 5-6 months, net profit service center is about 400-500 dollars per month. It is very important that you can bring customers to you.

The computer repair business is very profitable today and will be profitable for decades to come. Each person has a phone, computer, tablet, which periodically breaks down, which means that it becomes yours. potential client. and already, in a few years, you will have not one office, but a whole network.

When thinking over a computer repair business plan, it is worth considering many little things, including the location of the repair point, the type of services provided, and the cost of equipment and software. If you have never worked in this area, it will be unrealistically difficult to open an enterprise and get a big income from it in the first month of work, but for this you have us. We will tell you about all the intricacies of working in the field of computer repair, explain how you can cheat and spend less money for repair equipment and software. When you have some problems, and they will, you need to keep moving on, try to develop. This is very good business With constant influx new customers, because computers break down very often, and if you get on your feet, you can safely call yourself a successful businessman.

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We need to immediately decide what services your repair shop will provide. It will be unrealistically difficult and expensive to cover the entire range of services, so we will select the main tasks and work only on them. We will choose services where you do not need to use expensive equipment - installing an operating system, installing additional software, diagnosing a computer, replacing damaged parts, assembling a computer from scratch. To perform these services, we need to spend a little on operating system and find a parts supplier.

Where to look for a computer repair shop

We need small room to install multiple tables, cabinet and diagnostic computers. Suitable room for 15-20 square meters, preferably with cosmetic repairs- so as not to spend more on this. Rent of such premises will cost us 20 thousand rubles. This is the first expense of a computer repair business. Try to find a room near some well-known building, so that it would be easier to describe on the business card and on the website how to get to your office. At the same time, you do not need to try to rent a room closer to the city center, since the closer you are to the center, the more expensive rent. A novice businessman can not afford rent for 200 thousand a month.

Many entrepreneurs in this field, when compiling a computer repair business plan, are looking for a room for two rooms - one for receiving orders and the second for the repair itself. We do not have such a budget to rent the floor of the house, so we will solve this problem in a simple way- we will fence off part of the room with a showcase made of opaque back wall, where anything can be sold, and thus we get two rooms. So you kill two birds with one stone, because you don’t have to spend money on expensive rent and at the same time get the opportunity to sell mice or keyboards for your computer.

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Computer repair business plan: personnel search

Not all businessmen understand computers and know how to repair them, so you won’t be able to do this work yourself. You need to find a specialist who can perform a wide range of work, order parts from a supplier for installation on a non-working computer. You may be a little disappointed that a specialist in this field will require a salary of about 60 thousand a month, which is simply an unbearable amount for us. We will go the other way and find a specialist who does not require such a large wages.

AT big cities there are always technical universities teaching computer engineering, network engineering or programming. The students of these universities can do everything we need - reinstall the operating system, clean the computer, recover deleted files, replace computer parts. Go to these universities and leave leaflets about the search for a worker, describe the requirements and wages. For 20 thousand rubles a month, you will have a line of people who want to work, you just need to weed out non-professionals. In the future, when income rises to a certain level, you can hire a professional, but for now we will manage with students.

How to start a computer repair business

We decided to deal with the repair of computers and laptops, and not the restoration of video cards and motherboards, so we do not need any expensive equipment. The maximum that we need is a soldering iron - to solder the fuses on the motherboard. Let's add here a screwdriver with different nozzles - to unscrew the cover of a computer or laptop, and a dust cleaning kit. That's it, the equipment costs will end there.

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Another thing is the purchase of software. Aspiring entrepreneurs are eager to immediately buy several licensed Windows discs, not realizing that this disc can be used to install the operating system on 4 computers. It will probably be a discovery for you that in service centers install pirated copies with the installation of a cracked key. Installing an OS in a service center can cost you 800 rubles, while the license itself costs 4,000. It is worth asking your customers if they want a license for 4 thousand or a pirated copy for 800 rubles. All other software, such as codecs, drivers, is available on the manufacturer's official websites in the public domain.

We equip our premises with two tables, a showcase and a wardrobe for Supplies. One table will be used in the reception area where you will receive a computer or laptop, write down the type of breakdown and all contact information, the second will be used by an engineer to repair computers. Two tables will cost us 2.4 thousand rubles. The showcase will cost 2 thousand rubles, it will perform two functions at once. A cabinet for storing equipment and consumables will cost 1.5 thousand rubles. Let's add here another 8 thousand rubles for the purchase of two computers.

Advertising is the backbone of any business

When creating a computer repair business plan, you need to clearly understand how you will advertise your product. We will have three ways of advertising: advertising on the Internet, distribution of leaflets and word of mouth.

Let's start with advertising on the Internet - this is the cheapest and at the same time the most effective method advertising. Choose a couple of the most visited Vkontakte groups in your city and buy advertising posts from them with the address and phone number of your service. You can also create a page in this social network with a description of all the services of the company. It is better, of course, to have your own website, but if you cannot create it yourself, then you should not do it at the initial stage, because web building professionals will ask for a considerable amount for creating a website. Advertise your company on all social networks, do not stop doing this, even when you have a constant flow of customers.

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The second way to promote your company is to distribute leaflets. Surely, many people have some kind of problems with computers, but they do not know what to do with it and where to carry their "pet". Distribute flyers in public places shopping centers, offices. Even if one person out of a hundred who received the leaflets comes to you, this will already pay off the advertising campaign. In addition, you can distribute leaflets with a coupon for free cleaning of your computer from viruses. For example: "Repair your computer and get free virus cleaning for free."

Think about how many of your friends have computer problems? Probably many. Advise them to visit your service, promise a discount and serve them at the highest level. These customers will recommend the service to their friends, those to theirs. Word of mouth creates client base many times faster than any other advertising. In addition, customers who liked your service will come back for more.

Costs and potential income of this business

As we promised, the costs of a computer repair business will not be high. We need to buy computers for taking orders and diagnosing breakdowns for 8,000 rubles, two tables for 2,400 rubles, a cabinet for 1,500 rubles, and a showcase for 2,000 rubles. All one-time expenses will amount to 13,900 rubles. The expenses for the operation of the enterprise will be a little more - 20 thousand for renting premises and 20 thousand for staff salaries. As a result, 40 thousand per month for the work of the company.

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The potential income of a computer repair business is difficult to calculate due to the fact that it directly depends on the number of customers. But, we will try to calculate how much the most popular service in service centers - cleaning the computer from dirt, reinstalling Windows and installing basic programs. All together it will cost the client 1800 rubles, while we do not spend a penny on consumables.