The Magic of the Spring Equinox. Equinox day. Search for lost rites

On this day, astronomical spring begins and astrological spring begins. New Year. From ancient times to the present day spring equinox was revered and solemnly celebrated by many peoples of the world as a joyful holiday of the awakening of nature.

For a short time, all nature freezes and is in a certain balance of light and darkness, good and evil. From the point of view of natural, elemental magic, this is an important, solemn and magical moment. Not only the time of the awakening of the earthly forces, but also the inclusion of new energies, the exit to a different level. After a period of winter calm, the hour of accomplishments comes: after all, from that moment on, the sun “does not take its eyes off us” for half a year. And for the Slavs, the Sun was not the "luminary" of the middle gender, but the Father, the founder of the human race, the sun had a proper name - the god Yarilo. So it turns out that from the moment of the Spring Solstice we are under the watchful eye, under the supervision of the Forefather. On the one hand, we are under the Protection of the Sun, on the other hand, as usual in public, we are obliged to show our the best sides and deeds.

Among the ancient Egyptians, only the pharaoh was considered the son of Ra, only he had a divine nature: all other citizens of Egypt were mere mortals and descended from an earthly father and mother. Whereas the Slavs - from princes to the last tillers - considered themselves the children of the god Yarilo, and everyone could turn to him with a request. Therefore, everyone certainly took part in a joyful ritual on the days of the solstice.

Earlier, through the rites of the spring solstice, harmonization took place between the cycles of the Sun and the cycles of the Earth: Father-Yarilo, after all, could not help but respond to the requests of his children and harmonized life. Here is such a simple ancient principle of sacred harmony.

So it turns out that many rituals of the spring equinox holiday symbolize rebirth, activate vital energy.

Nowadays, in the countries of the Middle East, Central Asia, in Azerbaijan, as well as in Russia (Bashkortostan, Tatarstan), New Year is celebrated on this day - Novruz.
In Japan, this is the Higan holiday, associated with the veneration of nature and ancestors.
Among the Slavic and Western European peoples, the echoes of this holiday are Maslenitsa and a series of spring carnivals. Usually the holiday takes place a few days before and a few after the equinox itself. And on this day, the astrological New Year begins, which will be held under the auspices of the Sun. In the year of the Sun, many human talents are revealed, long-planned creative projects. This year we can expect more light, energy, strength, swiftness in everything.

What is the meaning of this holiday for people at all times?
First of all, the day of the vernal equinox meant the beginning of spring, the time of rebirth, the awakening of nature and all living things to a new life.

From time immemorial, people have perceived spring as the beginning of a new life, on this day they revered the Sun, which gives life and strength to all living things, and the Goddess of spring and dawn.

They welcomed her return from the underworld, associated with the complete revival of nature and the return of her vitality.
Ancient spring celebrations were held with fun and rituals that called for the fertility of the earth and the well-being of people. Before the celebration, they cleaned, collected and burned all the garbage accumulated in the house and yard. On the day of the equinox was given great importance what people say and do. They tried to avoid evil words and deeds, quarrels, insults and abuse.

OSTARA is another name for the Spring Equinox Day (19-21.03)
Ostara - the spring holiday of the Wheel of the Year, the middle of spring, the holiday of balance, when the day is equal in duration to the night, falls on the spring equinox on March 20-21

In the Wiccan tradition, the Goddess on this holiday becomes younger, restores her virginity, and before Beltane acts in the form of the Virgin, along with God, who by this time grows up and becomes a young man.

It is believed that her name has common roots with the names of Astrea, Astarte, Astghik (Armenia), Atargatis, Ishtar, Ashtoret and Eos, thus getting associations with the dawn, the eastern direction, the beginning and the "morning star" - the planet Venus. In addition, among the peoples of the Mediterranean region, on the spring equinox, there were celebrations associated with the resurrection and / or return to the world of living male companions of mother goddesses: Attis, Adonis, Astara, Tammuz-Dumuzi (in the latter case, a later cycle of myths) and etc., which also meant the spring revival of nature.

I suggest you conduct a cleansing ritual of the spring equinox.

It is held either on the day of the equinox itself, or on the days closest to it.
This ritual is performed in order to cleanse oneself of negative energy and regrets, restore order in the emotional and spiritual spheres of life and let the wind of good changes into one's life. Take care of cleaning your home or workplace by yourself or with your family. While sweeping the garbage, wiping the dust, imagine that you are being cleansed of all negative emotions, illnesses and misfortunes.
Write down on paper what you want to get rid of and burn it.

After cleaning, be sure to ventilate the room, sprinkle water flavored with herbal infusions around, take a shower and do meditation to fulfill your desires.

This is a day of clean energy, a unique moment when you can correct mistakes, forgive and receive forgiveness, and create a sunny future for yourself.

During this period, you need to make a list of all the insults and injustices that you have caused to your friends and loved ones. These individual lists, compiled during the week, are aimed at restoring harmony in human relations through a sincere apology, returning old debts, etc. After that, during the week before the holiday, the person should try to fix something from this list or solve some problem, such as repaying a debt or asking for forgiveness. As a result, another list is compiled - of what has been corrected.

On the day of the holiday, a person brings his list to the circle indicating what he did to correct injustice and purify his karma. During the ritual, paper is burned, and this serves as a symbolic confirmation of spiritual purification.

The spring equinox favors those who seek to start new life, correct previous mistakes, rewrite something “from scratch”. The most delusional hopes get the opportunity to come true.

The vernal equinox is one of the four days of power associated with the solar cycle (which includes two equinoxes and two solstices).
What was laid down as an intention, a dream, a plan on the day of the winter solstice, is now ready to bloom, bloom, open up and manifest itself in all its glory.
On this day there is a special time - this is the time between the moment of the equinox and the sunrise of the next day.
Let me remind you that the equinox occurs in 2016 - March 20 at 6:30 am (Moscow time).
This is a magical time, a time of signs, symbols, signs.
Notice everything that happens at this time.
Through symbols you can understand yourself and your future.
At this time, you need to control your thoughts, directing your consciousness to what you want to realize.
Your thoughts, dreams, fantasies, dreams - everything conceived in these moments can come true within a year.

In conclusion, I want to offer you meditation for the fulfillment of desire.
Sit comfortably in a quiet place where no one will disturb you.
Light a candle and place it in front of you. Breathe calmly and deeply.
Try to relax. Close your eyes.
And now mentally imagine your desire realized.
This may be, for example, the image of a new house, you in a new position on new job, or you and your new life partner.
Do not try to imagine everything in detail, it is more important here to feel the positive energy of a fulfilled desire, so try to feel the feelings that you will experience when your desire is fulfilled.
Now place your image in the pink sphere.
Let this sphere gradually rise into the sky, decreasing in size, until it disappears altogether in the sky. You have released your desire into the wild, sent it to the ordering table of the universe.
Now breathe easy and joyfully.
Your order has been accepted, and the wish will come true in due time.
Lucky circle. (Anastasia Volkova)

To perform the following ritual, you will need several branches of trees or shrubs. Their number is not so important, and you can determine it yourself. The main thing is that there are enough branches to create a small circle around you. Or rather, so that you can stand in a circle made up of these branches. By the way, it is not necessary to cut fresh branches from trees. You can take broken or frozen in the snow. Believe me, even in such seemingly lost "wreckage" life is still glimmering, and natural force no less than their "growing brothers".
After you have the necessary “branch-toolkit” in your hands, you can begin ...
On the day of the spring equinox at any hour convenient for you, retire to an apartment or private room. Dress warmly and open the windows, turn on the lights everywhere, open the water taps.
If you cannot manage the whole apartment, then at least turn on and open everything that is possible in the room.
Thus, you activate the favorable energy of your home, which is a reflection of yourself. Lay the branches on the floor in the shape of a circle with the words: "Branch to branch, the circle of luck is strong."
Then stand in your circle, close your eyes and visualize yourself being successful and happy man, imagine performing the most cherished desires and say: “Good luck ahead. Luck behind. Good luck go by the hand with me!
This completes the ritual. Gather the branches and place them in a pretty vase of water.
From now on, your life will change for the better!
And when the first green leaf appears on the branches, your dream will come true!
Love to you and joy!

The most magical day of the year, which has incredible power!

The day of the spring equinox is a symbol of the arrival of warmth and the end of the winter cold. The ancient holiday has many traditions that are observed to this day.

Spring comes into its own, awakening nature and bringing people out of hibernation. The day of the equinox symbolizes the onset of the long-awaited warm period, when winter completely gives way to fine spring days. This day has a special energy, so many try to coincide with it all kinds of rituals for love, prosperity and getting rid of problems.

When is the equinox

For our ancestors, the spring equinox was a celebration of the arrival of the long-awaited spring. They celebrated this event with noisy festivities, praised the Sun and performed rituals aimed at gaining prosperity.

In fact, the day of the vernal equinox is associated with the transition of the Sun through the equator.

The equinox will come on March 20 at 19:15 Moscow time in 2018. This means that on March 20, the day will be equal in duration to the night, and then it will increase, bringing not only more light, but also positive mood people.

Spring equinox in astrology

March 20 marks the start of a new astrological year. The sun will move into the constellation of Aries, renewing the cycle. That is why all horoscopes begin with this Sign. On this day, astrologers celebrate their professional holiday, and in several countries they celebrate the New Year.

Not only astrologers, but also psychics consider the spring equinox to be a unique event. At this time, a powerful stream of energy falls on the Earth, which can be used to perform various rites and rituals.

On March 20, you will be able to use the energy of the Sun, attract well-being, prosperity and love into your life. Psychics claim that miracles are sure to happen on such a day, it is only important to believe. Attracting what you want with the power of thought is not difficult if you are confident in your abilities.

Customs, traditions, rituals on the day of the spring equinox

Our ancestors on this day also celebrated a holiday dedicated to the goddess of spring - Ostara, who ensured the balance between night and day. It was believed that during this period the goddess herself is renewed, restoring her virginity and energy. The figurine of the goddess is presented in the form of an immaculate maiden, which is held by the arm of a young man. In Russia, the holiday of the spring equinox was taken seriously. Mass festivities were organized, any person could go to a neighbor and treat himself to any delicacy from his table - this was considered good sign. People believed that what large quantity people enter the hut for treats, the happier the year will be for the owners of the home.

The hostesses baked rye cakes specially for the holiday, decorated them with sugar syrup and wheat grains. In addition to sweet hearty cakes, women dyed chicken eggs. For this we used natural materialsonion peel, carrot and beet juice. The housewives also baked unleavened cookies in the form of birds. They were treated to fellow villagers, part of the cookies were given to geese, chickens, turkeys to eat. Men made birdhouses and fastened them to tree trunks. Inside the birdhouses, a small amount of crushed unleavened cookies was necessarily placed.

In the evening, as a rule, songs and dances began, the iridescent sounds of the harp and accordion were heard from everywhere. At the end of the holiday, they made a large effigy of straw and burned it. The higher and wider the scarecrow turned out, the brighter and longer it burned, illuminating everything around. People believed that a high, bright and pure flame is the key to a well-fed and happy life in the coming year.

How the Spring Equinox is celebrated in different countries

The spring equinox in India coincides with the local festival of colors. Therefore, the holiday lasts for two days. On the first day, everyone has fun, sings, dances, enjoys traditional treats. In the morning next day the procession of representatives of all castes existing in India begins. People exchange greetings by showering each other with colorful powder made from turmeric, haldi, bilwa, etc. It is believed to bring wealth, love and happiness.

The Germans deify the Dawn and the East direction (part of the world). On this day, it is forbidden to eat any meat, except for a rabbit. A favorite male hobby is hunting for hares. One of the hare carcasses is necessarily sacrificed to the supreme goddess Freya - the patroness of love, marriages, family, children.

In Japan, they carefully prepare for the spring equinox. The day before the holiday, people clean all the premises of their homes. Special attention is given to the cleaning of household altars, which are decorated with flowers. Near photographs of deceased ancestors, several small rounded bowls are always placed. Previously, they are filled with illuminated cereals and water.

Do's and Don'ts on the Equinox

This holiday has long been considered magical. Traditions say that even his own thoughts can influence the fate of a person on this day. Therefore, you should think only about the good. Clarification of relationships, quarrels, manifestation of anger, aggression and anger can result in problems. It is not recommended to be sad on a holiday, otherwise the Gods will get angry and will not bestow all sorts of blessings. It is necessary to meet spring as hospitably and cheerfully as possible. The more luxurious the table and the more guests sitting at it, the happier the year will be for the hosts.

Many people still honor the traditions of the holiday and bake gingerbread in the form of birds on the day of the spring equinox. They must be distributed to relatives, friends and acquaintances. To check what kind of health awaits in the coming year, people went out into the street, and each tossed his gingerbread into the sky. Whose treat soared higher, he could not worry about his own health throughout the year. Thanks to this sign, gingerbread is called "lark".

Suppose you decide to follow the tradition described above and bake gingerbread in the form of larks. When you eat pastries, do not eat the head of the bird, eat only the body. It is believed that by doing this you protect yourself and your family from accidents and illnesses. The heads must be given to the cattle. Even fierce enemies and offenders on the Day of the vernal equinox cannot be wished for evil. Experts assure that seditious thoughts and bad words spoken about a person can cause him serious trouble. Moreover, all the bad things sent to others will definitely return in double quantity.

Divination and magic on the day of the vernal equinox

Some girls and guys on this day, after sunset, started fortune telling. Someone wanted to know about marriage (marriage), someone wanted to improve their external attractiveness, and some just wanted to find out what awaits them in the near future.

So, when baking gingerbread-larks, the girls put small objects into the raw dough. Each of them had their own prediction. For example:

♦ ring - get ready for the wedding;
♦ carnation - there will be a reason for sadness;
♦ coin - you will live in abundance;
♦ key - inheritance, profit, you will become the owner of a new home;
♦ bead - long-awaited pregnancy will come soon;
♦ button - numerous updates are coming;
♦ earring - to meet with the narrowed (narrowed).

In the evening, each in turn took one gingerbread and broke it. According to the found subject, they judged the future.

At sunrise or sunset on the Day of the vernal equinox, you can perform a ritual for well-being. To do this, you need to prepare two candles - white and black. They will symbolize light and darkness. Also prepare a pot of earth and seeds, pre-soaked in water. Light candles, place a pot and seeds next to you. Concentrate and begin to mentally tell the seeds what kind of life you want to have, what you want to change in your destiny. Visualize your happy existence as clearly as possible. Then plant the seeds in the ground and water. As the seeds germinate, your life will begin to change in the direction you want.

A unique meditation practice will help to make dreams come true. The lesson should be carried out in complete solitude, creating for yourself cozy atmosphere in room. Light a candle. Sit in a chair or lie down on a sofa. Close your eyes. For deep relaxation, use breathing exercises. Start playing situations in your imagination, taking into account the fact that your dream has already come true. For example, imagine how you live, what kind of car you have, what you wear, who you communicate with, what you eat, what places you visit, etc. You need to dive deep into inner world and indulge in your desire.

Now imagine that a large translucent ball of golden color materialized in front of you in the air. Come into it and by force of will rush up. Next, try to mentally dissolve in the universe. After some time, you should feel a surge of strength. This means that the positive cosmic energy has had a powerful effect on your subconscious. From that moment on, changes will begin to take place in your life.

The spring equinox is one of the most amazing natural phenomena. It is good that those bits of information about what traditions were honored and how the spring festival was celebrated in antiquity have survived to this day. On this day, everyone can drink from the inexhaustible source of cosmic energy, improve health, improve their financial situation and, getting up in the morning, say: “Hello, Sun!”

Ritual for the Spring Equinox

On the day of the spring equinox- The arrival of Spring and the return of life is a special holiday. This is the time to leave the past behind and prepare for the future. Remember all the failures that have been, all your conflicts, all the problems - to extract the maximum experience from all the troubles and leave them behind you. Let go of this burden and move on lightly.

The time when it is worth embodying your most daring ideas. This is the time of miracles and the time of magic.
A lot can be changed and redirected, the very wheel of fate can be turned in the other direction.

Feast of the Spring Equinox is a celebration of balance and balance, first of all, within oneself. This is the moment when the length of night and darkness, which in many traditions represent evil or death, begins to give way to the length of day and light associated with goodness and rebirth.

In this regard, I would like to offer you:

Ritual for the Astronomical New Year

During this ritual, nature itself favors you when the length of the day (Sunshine time) begins to increase. When celebrating this holiday, everything old, unused and outdated should be thrown away, and new things can be acquired, not only things, but also habits, feelings, thoughts. Of course, we are talking only about plans, desires and intentions that concern yourself and do not harm others.
Preparatory stage: Clearly write three wishes for what you would like to get rid of on one piece of paper, and then three wishes for what you would like to acquire on another piece of paper.

Start with words: "I ... (my name) make the decision and obligation to get rid of ..." , moreover, realize that first you need to “throw away” the unnecessary in order to make room for the new.

Start writing on the second sheet with the words: "I ... (my name) make decisions to acquire ...". Before writing, meditate on whether you are ready to accept the changes that the implementation of your own decisions will bring about.
Put the sheets of notes in the most holy place in your house, on the altar, near the icon before the ritual itself is performed.
Choose the color of the three candles depending on your wishes written on paper about what you would like to purchase. If you can not decide on a color for some desire, then take a white candle.

I want to write a few words about the white candle. White color candles serve for any type of protection and cleanse from any kind negative energy. It helps in every area of ​​life. White candles are used especially when it is not known exactly what is threatening, or which area of ​​life is negatively affected.

For the ritual you need to prepare:

- a white candle to enhance the desire to get rid of the unnecessary and three more candles of the selected color (you can also white) to enhance the wishes of acquiring something;

- essential oil of juniper, myrrh or frankincense or incense from juniper, myrrh or frankincense;

- leaflets with desires and intentions written on them, what would you like to acquire and what would you like to get rid of.

Performing the ritual:

Take a shower and put on clean clothes. Warn everyone in your family not to be disturbed during the ritual. Take a place where you will perform the ritual, relax, try to free your head from thoughts and proceed with the ritual.
Lubricate all four candles with the available essential oil and rub the oil over the surface.

If not essential oil, then light the chosen incense. Place a white candle to reinforce the desires for deliverance first, and then three candles for the desires for the acquisition of the desired in a row from left to right in the order that you have the desires for acquisition in your sheet.

First, light a white candle to enhance the wishes of deliverance. When the fire burns with a clear flame, say with maximum awareness over the candle the words from your paper about what you want to get rid of. Finish with the phrase:

Then burn the leaf by lighting it with a candle flame. You can take a refractory vessel for burning a leaf. After the ritual, spread the ashes through the air or trust the water (river, pond, etc.).
Then light the remaining three candles in the order corresponding to the order of desires for acquisition on your sheet, and when the fire burns with a clear flame, say with maximum awareness over the candle the words from your sheet about what you would like to acquire, concentrating on the flame of the corresponding candle . End with the same phrase:

“I take the spirits of nature as witnesses of my decisions and promise not to deviate from the chosen path. May it be so."
It is better not to burn this sheet, but to work on written desires, for example, on the first Lunar Day of the next Lunar cycle.

Sit down and meditate for 15-20 minutes, imagining yourself already getting rid of the unnecessary, and already having what you want. Imagine yourself, your behavior and thinking in accordance with each desire.

After meditation, do not blow out the candles. Candles should burn out to the end.

Intensive Temple of the Sun. Fortune Hike

This is not just about the phenomenon of astronomy and the stage of the cycle of development of nature. Since the beginning of time, people of various nationalities have spent spring equinox divination omens rites rituals.

The spring equinox is the day when the astronomical year begins, when the sun crosses the equator and moves towards the southern hemisphere, when day and night on planet Earth last almost the same time - 12 hours each.

The day of the spring equinox - March 20 - marks the beginning of the astronomical spring and the beginning of the flowering of everything in nature. From that day on, the night will begin to decrease until the autumn equinox - September 22, when day and night will meet again in their equality ...

This is a sacred day, filled with the forces of the elements and luminaries. You can and should respect him and use his power to improve your own life.

What you will learn from the article:

Spring equinox traditions and signs

  • In Russia, it was believed that on this day birds return to their native lands from warm countries, and at least forty species. For this reason, the holiday was called "the day of forty."

And so that spring would soon come into its own and drive away the cold and bad weather, they called her a lark - they molded them from dough, clung to rods from a vine and gave them to children. Saying special tongue twisters, the children ran around the neighborhood with larks in their hands and called the birds, and with them the spring home.

One of these stoneflies sounds like this and is probably familiar to many of us since childhood:

"Larks, come on! Take away the cold winter, and bring the warm spring-red! Winter is tired, we ate all our bread! Come, spring, fill the bins!

  • Adults, on the other hand, gathered on a mountain or hill and held special festivities in honor of the upcoming harvest growing season. If there are no natural hills in that area, then people went to look for places where the snow had already melted completely and even the grass had begun to peep through. And called spring there.
  • We counted forty thawed patches - the coming spring will bring a lot of joy and happy events. If the frost struck - wait forty more frosts ...
  • It was customary not to sleep at night. And sit or lie in complete silence and listen. If you listen carefully and do not take a nap for a moment, you can hear how the year itself cracked in half!
  • The spring equinox is rightfully considered the day of the sun. For those who need additional protection from this planet,
  1. who does not or did not have a dad,
  2. or you did not receive enough love and care from him;
  3. who has a failed or stuck husband;
  4. who does not have a husband and who wants to meet a man who is wonderful in all respects, who would be treated well.

Day of the spring equinox divination, rituals

This temporary point is really powerful energetically and filled with the forces of primordial nature. On this day, light and darkness equalized their strengths, so that white and black magicians are equally strong on this day.

  • The line between the worlds becomes thin and fragile, so that on the night after the equinox, especially sensitive people (however, not very sensitive either) can see prophetic dreams.

If you remember a dream, be sure to analyze it and take note.

  • Also, fortune-telling becomes more accurate, as, for example, on the holy days of winter holidays.
  1. Traditionally, our ancestors baked lenten pancakes on this day (in pre-Christian times - and not lenten ones, this is mostly among Christians great post falls on the equinox). If the very first pancake, which comes out lumpy in all sayings, easily turned over without any lump, then this year the girl who baked it will meet her betrothed.
  2. To find out the sex of the unborn child, the pregnant hostess watched who would be the first to treat herself to a pancake. If the representative of the stronger sex - wait for the boy, and the weak - the girl.
  3. If you want to tell fortunes on the spring equinox, you can write a couple of dozen men's names on separate pieces of paper before going to bed under the pillow and put one empty one. In the morning, without uttering a word, get one piece of paper - and find out the name of the betrothed. They got an empty one - to be alone until the next meeting of light and darkness, the next equinox.
  4. You can also use any other divination system. What are, described in the article.

Spring equinox: what practices to do

Practice 1. Sun Salutation

It is useful to meet the dawn, with words of gratitude and hopeful thoughts and feelings.

#bow down to the dawn, greet it

#give sincere thanks for what you have in the light of day

#do at least three rounds of practice

#in the evening at sunset, bow down to the sunset and thank you sincerely for what you have at night

Practice 2. Sowing happiness

Plant a seed of any plant in fresh soil. The main thing is that you plant it in the ground. Together with the seed, put three Chinese coins tied with a red thread into the ground.

Speak as you land: “I am planting today my future happiness, joy, well-being, my prosperity, my health and ... (whatever you need). Everything that I sow today gives generous shoots and brings me numerous fruits from this day until the next day of the vernal equinox.

Friends, share your fortune-telling stories in the comments. Did something happen? How do you welcome spring?

Many traditional cultures and civilizations of modern history had an agrarian character, that is, they were agricultural. Indeed, over a huge period of history, people, thanks to agriculture, were first able to transform into a civilized society and then existed precisely as consumers of various agricultural products in a fixed territory.

Almost every civilization had a calendar and often the new year period began in the spring. This fact was associated with the awakening of nature in the spring. Therefore, our ancestors performed many rituals on the Day of the vernal equinox and celebrated this one with great fun.

The magic of this day from the point of view of esotericism

In fact, only the astronomical context makes this day quite magical. Just imagine the day and night are equal in duration, they are 12 hours from the day, and the heavenly body is exactly to the surface of the Earth and illuminates half, this happens only twice a year.

The fire element is considered especially powerful during this period.. Therefore, esotericists consider it relevant to use for all sorts of cleansing rituals. Of course, the best thing is to make a fire and jump over it, a fun activity, and according to ancient beliefs, it can bring a lot of new positive qualities and also make the kids stronger and more skillful.

If you have nowhere to make fires, you should not be sad, use fire accessible ways. For example, to cleanse the apartment, use candles, walk around the entire space, clean all the nooks and crannies with fire. In addition, you can clean the aura with a candle, just move it near the body, where the candle crackles, clean it especially carefully.

Many people wonder: do rituals work on the Day of the vernal equinox? The answer is obvious. For example, germinated wheat is now valued for the energy potential of this particular stage of the plant. Just imagine the potential the planet has when all nature begins to sprout. A new period of the year begins, power and fertility awaken.

Rites and traditions

Although we are talking about rituals that are known in different cultures, the main emphasis, of course, is on Slavic culture. Here some rites, which are partially preserved to this day:

    Purification of the house and space. Each calendar and astronomical transition to a new period is associated with the traditional form of preparation - the purification of the entire space that is associated with your everyday life. The spring equinox was associated with the new year, the transition to a new bright stage of the year, and given the arrival of spring and the flowering of everything, this holiday was considered precisely the renewal of the world.

    Therefore, here it was necessary to prepare in order to enter the new year clean and clear. In fact, a similar tradition has remained with many and is used when they clean and wash the apartment. Before the spring equinox, you can do the same and clean your house, clean your work, and generally anywhere you often go.

  • Burning the old This tradition, by the way, is still in Chinese culture for the New Year. On the spring equinox, people used to (and some still) burned old objects, clothes, and everything unnecessary. In many ways, the tradition is connected with the previous one and also symbolizes a kind of renewal, liberation from the obsolete.
  • Finding new and updating. During this period, it is considered appropriate to acquire something new and not only objects, although new clothes acquired on the equinox can also become a talisman. You can acquire new habits and goals.

This day in Celtic culture was associated with the awakening and joy of a new existence. There are also holidays dedicated to the awakening of the bear and the fumigation of apiaries from the unclean and even protective ones, since all sorts of reptiles (snakes, toads) awakened and also became active. That's why, the vernal equinox was an essential calendar day, a day of rite and magical practice.

As our predecessors noted, and how in vain many ordinary people now do not notice, the planet on this day is in a special stage of the cycle. Equally, nature is in special states.

The vernal equinox was also celebrated in Japan, and to this day unnecessary objects are burned there and other rituals are performed there. And in Germany, where the day is now associated with the goddess Freya, and in India, where the spring festival of colors is still held. In Russia, on this day, they always created a feast with a mountain, treated guests and dyed eggs.


A conspiracy to cleanse the house, which is best done with a special tincture, but you can simply wash the house by saying such a conspiracy. So, take or make a decoction of:

  • peppermint
  • lemon
  • pines

& One for fun, one for joy,

Third and fourth drive away sadness,

Fifth, sixth to drive away useless anger,

Seven, eight, nine don't last long.

Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one

The dark days are now gone."


The best version of the ritual are those that help eliminate the unnecessary and gain what is needed, because the spring equinox is a day of renewal and purification. As the simplest example, let us point to getting rid of three unnecessary phenomena and gaining three necessary ones. In order to gain something, you need to clear the space, so here they start with getting rid of the unnecessary.

On the equinox, sit in front of a candle and write down three unnecessary habits or situations on paper. Now burn this paper in a candle flame. When you freed yourself from unnecessary, from negative emotions, from something littering your existence, you can add something useful, think about what you want to gain. Write three points on paper and hide the paper in a box or other secluded space and keep the year.

For love

In order to find a soul mate, on the spring equinox, get up early in the morning and read three times in front of the Sun:

& As the red sun rises in the morning, stretches with rays, the light of God opens to people, so would my gaze be opened and not clouded. As the clear moon shines in the evening, showing the way alone in the darkness, so the ray of God would show me hope and truth, and how my heart would calm down. May the Forces of Heaven be with me. Amen, amen, amen."

love spell

This day has a special power, so choose someone to bewitch wisely. Use a simple love spell in the morning on the day of the equinox, just before that, take a shower. Then speak in front of a photo or some object that refers to the one you want to bewitch:

& With pure thoughts and bright thoughts, kind words, with clean hands With loving eyes, I ask you, angel Gopoloya, you know everything, you see everything, look at what is in the soul of my beloved, look into his clear eyes, read his thoughts. Help me, Gopoloya, as you help all lovers, let the beloved love me, let him worry about me, let him be jealous of me, let him love me alone and desire me alone. Help me Gopoloya, for you alone know how hard it is for me without him.

For money

On this magical day, money rituals are especially effective. Take a glass of water, fill it, put it on the windowsill at 12 noon, whisper a plot:

&Water-water, back and forth, bring it to me, don't be in trouble. Water-water, here again, bring me to me, save me. Water-water, go there, and return to me what you find there.

After that, cross the glass four times and say to yourself: &Money to me, shadow from me". Now drink half the water. Put the glass back and repeat again: &Money to me, shadow from me.

It remains only to drink the remaining water. The result comes in 2-4 weeks after the performance.

Slavic rites

Previously, the Slavs considered the Sun not just an astronomical body, but also a deity. Yarilo was the progenitor of all people, therefore he was revered in every possible way as giving the opportunity to exist in this world. Therefore, on the Day of the vernal equinox, the Slavs tried in every possible way to improve relations with Yarila, get enough of the energy of the Sun and receive some encouragement.

The Slavs had certain rituals on the Day of the vernal equinox:

    Kindle fires. On this day, they did a ritual of kindling fires, and the brushwood was lit from sunlight through a magnifying glass. Thus, the fire became a symbol of the heavenly body and had a special energy.

    They certainly jumped over these fires, and water was insisted on the remaining coals, which then became healing. In addition, they arranged a feast, had fun at the arrival of the new year. Traditionally, apple pies and biscuits in the form of migratory birds and soma drink were prepared.

    Paint eggs. In fact, eggs were dyed even before Easter, this tradition was associated with the veneration of the renewal of nature by the veneration of heavenly deities. Therefore, you can also paint eggs for the spring equinox, at least practice before Easter.

    Besides painted eggs were exchanged and gave each other various souvenirs in the shape of an egg. These eggs were eaten and the shells left in the ground as a kind of offering. Some buried their eggs completely in the ground.

Prayers on this day

We will not bring christian prayers, since the analogue of the spring equinox in Christianity is Easter, and you can pray for Easter. It is better to make a special one on the equinox.

Prepare in the evening white clothes, a crystal and a couple of candles. In the morning, put on white, light candles in the eastern part of the house and put a crystal between them. Read:

&Creator of Worlds, who created Heaven and Earth, Sun and Moon, Day and Night, be blessed forever and ever. Grant me a share of a new and bright. Keep Your blessing and presence in me. Amen and Amen."

After that, you can pray in your own words, turn to the Creator with some request or question.. Next, listen and then take the crystal, pass it over the candles and say:

& the day is greater than the night,

Light is greater than darkness

You are with us, we are with you."


This day refers to the four days of power, which are associated with the astronomical relationship of the Sun and the Earth. On this day, energy increases and there are many opportunities to take advantage of this fact. In particular, meditation can be especially productive, and meditation on intention can bring great results.

Therefore, the opportunity to meditate on March 20-21 should not be neglected and, if possible, you should give yourself some free time.

For the fulfillment of the plan

This meditation is a work with intention and it is best to choose a calm and quiet environment.. The best option is somewhere in nature, where no one will bother you. Take a candle with you and before you start meditating, focus on the flame of the candle to focus and clear your mind.

Now close your eyes and imagine what you want, for example, new house or new friends. When focusing on your intention, don't go into details, use images that are close to you, try to feel your intention emotionally, feel how you will benefit from acquiring something new.

After you have formed your own intention into some kind of thought-emotional structure, imagine how it is located in the space of the pink sphere and remains there.

When your intention is in this pink sphere, point the sphere up into the sky. Follow with your inner eye as it rises higher and higher and eventually dissolves into height.. Thus, you have sent your intention into the space of the universe and you can expect to receive this new and useful for yourself.

How to make a fertility talisman?

Probably the most common one made on the day of the vernal equinox is a fertility talisman, which is made from a raw egg. The peculiarity of this talisman is the ability to do it only on this day.

So, you will need a raw egg at the two ends of which is made through the hole. From the hole you pour the contents into a hole made in the ground or in the snow, so you bring a gift to the goddess. Then it remains only to color the egg with natural dyes and wake up the talisman.

For coloring, you can take the colors that you like, and choose the symbols of fertility according to your own taste. After that, inhale your energy through one of the holes, so you wake up the talisman. Now you have a fertility talisman that will help you throughout the year.