How about lying. Lies for good. Examples from the literature. Works in which there is a lie for the good. How often do we resort to good lies

Probably all parents tell their children that lying is not good. No man wants his beloved child to think that it is okay to lie. However, parents never tell their children that there is a lie for good, although many of them themselves often use this method. It is impossible to say for sure whether it is good to lie in certain situations, because very often you can hear the phrase: “Better the bitter truth than sweet lie».

Lies for good. Examples from the literature

Russian literature of the last century is simply replete with examples of lies for good. This topic is relevant at all times, so many famous writers also touched on and developed it.

Maxim Gorky wrote the play "At the bottom". It also touched on the topic of lying for good. Main character Luca believed that "sweet lies" can make life easier for everyone. He said that one should not stun a person with a “butt” of truth. Luke convinced all the people around him that a sweet lie can help a person believe in something better and thereby change his life. He believed that self-deception could help endure any difficulties much easier. But it is worth noting that Luke did not deny that even the bitter truth is sometimes worth telling. In the play "At the Bottom" you can often see the phrases that Luke utters to the overnight stays and other people who live the same way as they do: “Eheh ... Lord people! What will happen to you? Despite the fact that the elder always strived for the best, pure and good, he still spoke with sadness about the mournful life of a person.

Majority opinion about lying for good

The quote “lie for good” is associated with something different for everyone. Someone may think that lying for good is the only thing the right decision in difficult situations. However, the other half of humanity may disagree with this opinion and argue that it is better to always tell the truth, even when it is very “bitter” and unpleasant, than lying for good.

Examples from the literature open the eyes of readers to many things. Some people who have read Maxim Gorky's play "At the Bottom" may condemn Luka for giving the inhabitants of the rooming house false hopes for a bright and happy future. But this situation can be looked at from the other side. Many people in modern world they need the support of their loved ones, whether it be going to university, getting married, etc. Good words very often encourage people to do something, awaken in them faith in themselves and hope for a good future.

“Lying for good is good. But only to the one for whose benefit it was performed.

Many people ask the question: "Lying for good - good or bad?" There is no specific answer to this question, because it depends on the situation and on the motive. Each person in his own way evaluates a lie for the good. Examples from the literature can help readers take a different look at deception, understand its nature, and form an opinion that is different from what they previously had.

In "The Captain's Daughter" by A. S. Pushkin, there is also a theme relating to lies for good. In this work, one can recall many situations in which the main characters had to resort to deception in order to save themselves and other people. Examples of the expression "lie for good" in "The Captain's Daughter" occur several times, and the most striking of them is Grinev's deception. He wanted to save Masha Mironova, who was his lover, and introduced the girl to Pugachev as a poor orphan. Grinev deceived Pugachev in order to save his beloved, which is a vivid example of a lie for good. However, it is worth noting that Grinev never went against honor and lied when he found himself in difficult and dangerous situations for him. But if Pugachev found out that Masha was the captain's daughter, she could be mocked, beaten and even executed. Therefore, Peter decided to lie for the good of his beloved so that she would remain safe and sound.

Grinev and his lies for good

Examples from the literature often provide food for thought and help to understand the true origin and nature of certain emotions, deeds and actions.

The character who is the absolute opposite of Grinev is Alexei Ivanovich Shvabrin. For him, there were no such concepts as kindness and truth. He often slandered Masha Mironova, and also slandered Grinev. Shvabrin's lies cannot be called a lie for the good, because his deceit played a positive role only for himself, but not for other people.

Lies in the name of good and evil

There are several examples of lies in The Captain's Daughter. The first is Grinev's lie for the sake of saving his beloved. The second is Shvabrin's lies and slander on Masha Mironova, which brought only trouble to other people. Therefore, we can say that lies are different: with good and bad intentions.

Is it possible to lie for good? Most likely it is possible. Sometimes deception can become for someone like in the work "The Captain's Daughter". However, if we recall the play "At the Bottom", then a lie for the good did not bring anything good, but only aggravated an already difficult situation. Therefore, one thing can be said: a lie for the good exists only when it is committed with good intentions.

In today's world, being open and honest with others can be imprudent and even dangerous, so people very often resort to lies. For those who are forced to tell lies, it is important to know how to behave so that the deception goes unnoticed.

Just remember how many times you yourself had to lie or keep back at work, at home, with friends. Sometimes we have to use a lie in order not to hurt the feelings of a person, to achieve this or that position, to protect a loved one from stress. The motives that prompted us to deceive others may be different, but the result is the same.

A lie, outright or evasive, spoken or not, is always a lie.
Charles Dickens

When do we lie for good?

When the teacher asks the child why he did not come to school, he answers in a serious tone that he had a fever. Around that time, each of us begins to tell lies so as not to be punished by the teacher.

Then this happens so that parents do not worry, a loved one does not make a scandal, a friend does not harbor a grudge against you. Sometimes it is very difficult to stop lying and start living according to your conscience.

How often do we resort to good lies?

Statistics show that only 6% of people tell the truth, 8% use lies all the time, 26% of people lie every day, 28% tell lies a couple of times a year, and 32% - several times a month.

There are many situations where it is impossible to do without lying. As a rule, people lie for the good:

  • At the moment when you need to cheer up a person during an illness. This is a necessary procedure for a person to continue to resist and fight for his health.
  • While interacting with children. In order not to injure the child's psyche, it is sometimes better to hide something.
  • You don't want your family to be upset or disappointed in you. Sometimes it's better not to talk about all the problems.
  • When you don’t want to unleash a conflict with loved ones, because the truth is not always pleasant and can lead to a quarrel.
  • When communicating via the Internet, do not tell the whole truth for your own safety.
  • If a person wants to cheer someone up. Such lies are harmless.
  • By supporting loved ones, you can show your solidarity so as not to spoil relations with them.

Lies for good remain evil.
But it happens that the truth brings more trouble than the worst lie.
Karina Pyankova (Rights and Duties. Ealius the Dragonslayer)

Lies for good: arguments FOR and AGAINST

Each of us communicates with the people around us: at work, at home, with friends, moms on the playground, in the store...

At the same time, we are constantly faced with questions of trust and deceit, lies and truth, friendship and mistrust. Often we see frank and undisguised lies, which are invented on purpose.

But even here it is not so simple. Sometimes they resort to lies in order to avoid trouble, so as not to injure their relatives and friends, and so on.

Distorting the truth, hiding certain events and actions, presenting yourself in the best light is the norm these days. Often adults scold children “for lying”, while they themselves often dissemble and embellish. So this is completely normal? This is confirmed by experts. In our age, it is unrealistic to fit into society without the ability to hide a lot, to “present” oneself in the best light.

Lies or, rather, the silence of some facts and the concealment of the truth are constantly present in our lives. There are no crystal-clear honest people, just as there are no "total liars".

Lies for good: reasons + examples

1. Fear

Many actions are the result of this all-consuming and practical uncontrollable feeling.

There is nothing wrong with fear itself. Fear helps us to exist in this world, it regulates the basic instinct - survival. With some kind of threat, we first of all save our lives, and we also do everything to provide ourselves with food, warmth and protection.

A person always strives to be comfortable and safe, and it is the fear of losing something good, necessary, necessary that often pushes one to deception.

Basically, a lie, to one degree or another, is associated with the fear of losing a loved one, friend, girlfriend, trust. As a result - the suppression of some "ugly" facts of his biography, fabulous theories, fables and the like.

As an example, consider next case. The husband was late at work due to the celebration of the birthday of a colleague. Arriving home, he told his wife that he had to solve urgent work problems after hours, and missed a glass to relieve tension.

And here is another case that is familiar firsthand to the parents of children studying at school: A boy gets a deuce and tears a page out of his diary and waits in horror - "he will carry it - he will not carry it."

2. Creating a certain opinion about yourself

And there is nothing supernatural in this. This is our nature. We value those who are nearby and put ourselves in the best light, but we don’t talk about negative aspects. We all want to be better, we all want to be loved and treated well.

For graduation, we take out the best dress and portray the boundless, we don’t talk about our problems, we only talk about our non-childish achievements, which naturally didn’t exist.

3. Desire to hide the truth for humanitarian reasons

In this case, we are talking about "lie for good." Everyone can decide for himself what is preferable for him: "bitter truth" or "sweet lie".
  • If a relative is seriously ill, then perhaps in some cases it is worth hiding the truth from him and showing optimism and confidence in his speedy recovery.
  • If a loved one has died in a child or an elderly person, then sometimes the truth is not immediately told so as not to injure and worsen the condition.
  • If the little man died home pet, then better for the child report that the cat or dog was taken to the doctor. Then, in the course of events, you can discuss the situation in which the sick little animal should live in a clinic under the supervision of veterinarians.
Sometimes people hide some shameful or unreasonable facts from the biography. Everyone has at least one skeleton in the closet, we all try to hide something, especially if this “something” can shock our relatives. And this is often the right decision.

Well, why does a husband need to know that eight years ago his wife had a lover with whom she had a passionate affair? And she did not go to a sanatorium at all, but to rest with this very man? Everything has ended long ago, time has passed, and hurting a person is simply not reasonable.

If we consider the many causes of lies, concealment of facts, distortion of the truth and double interpretation of the truth, we can often come to very interesting conclusions. It turns out that lying is not only not bad, but sometimes even useful. You just need to do it wisely, with full responsibility for this “lie” of yours and with an understanding of the reasons that prompted us to take such a step.

Rules for Successful Lies for Good

How to make people believe in a lie for the good ("white" lie)?

  1. The main principle is not to overdo it with lies. Give out information in portions so that the lie has a truthful character. It will be difficult to believe that you have seen flying elephants.
  2. Lies should be thought out in advance, then it will look more natural than when you stutter and your eyes frantically run around.
  3. Watch the person you want to deceive. There is different people: some are ready to believe in almost everything, even in what defies logic, while others question everything. Study the person and find your own approach to him.
  4. Be mindful of the little things you mention. Lies can be exposed because of the little things you missed. If you tell your husband that on Friday you were with a friend at the cinema, then a week later, do not forget which movie you were at. It will be very suspicious if after a while you invite your loved one to go to the same movie, forgetting that you have already seen it.
  5. Sincerely believe in what you say. It often happens that you need to tell a lie where you did not intend to. Don't tense up when you lie. This immediately leads to some suspicion. Relax and tell what you were going to, now is not the time to feel guilty for your lies, because this is what almost everyone does.

Video: Can a lie be good?

Sometimes they want to use lies for good. I don't believe that lies can do good.
The pure truth sometimes causes sharp pain, but the pain passes, while the wound caused by a lie fester and does not heal.
John Steinbeck. East of Eden


Lying is not a way out of the situation, but if you lie for the benefit of your interlocutor, then so that he does not have any suspicions about this.

    lies were never good

    If you tell a lie to someone, you lose trust. To tell the truth, you lose a man. Believes the one who wants. The one who loves wants. He who does not love does not believe, regardless of the measure of truth. What is truth? Today she is alone. Tomorrow is completely different. And the day after tomorrow it turns out that everything was a lie ... Conclusion: a lie for the good - always for the sake of your loved one.

  • Fucking does not justify, the truth and only the truth!

    to save a man

    A dying person is not told the whole truth about his health.
    The child is not told the whole truth about his dysfunctional parents.
    And in general, they don’t say a lot, so as not to upset, it won’t hurt the psyche.
    The mentally ill are not told that they are ill.
    Many more examples could be given.

    Well, this is an interesting question - someone is closer to the bitter truth than a sweet lie, and to someone the other way around.
    A partial truth is more of an accusation than a lie.

    A lie is always a lie. And all these definitions "for the good", etc., they are secondary.
    What seems like a good lie to one person may be a simple ploy to hide something for another.

    Yes, if it’s really for the good, of course, all this will come up, but if I lied knowing that at that time it would be better (but I would “hurt” it with truth), naturally, this is the best option for me.

    For example, a person dies incurable disease), and someone close to him should tell him about it, as it were. Not everyone will be able to withstand such a test and live realizing that you will soon die, so some hide the truth about the illnesses of loved ones.

There is a category of people who are sure that there is no place for lies in life. That's not at all. Another part of people believes that survival in the modern world, among other things, depends on how successfully you master the art of lying. Well, another part does not approve of lies, but it fully allows it, as they say "for good"!

And how do you feel about LIE from the modern world in a purely practical and applied sense of this issue?

And here are some details about FALSE under the cut:

  1. Let's start with a definition. A lie is a statement that is obviously not true.

  2. Lies appear in legends, myths and fairy tales. In the Western tradition, lying is a vice that is punished or corrected. AT oriental tales more often there are lies and cheating for the sake of salvation.

  3. Mythomania, or the Munchausen complex, is a disease due to which a person feels a constant craving to distort the truth. With the help of lies, he creates an alternative reality and, often, sincerely believes in his words.

  4. A lie detector or a polygraph does not give a full guarantee of lie detection. The readings of the device are based on measuring the pressure and pulse of a person, but among the liars there are many people who are able to deceive the detector. However, a study by the Federal Homeland Security System showed that modern polygraphs are 96% true.

  5. When a person lies, his blood levels of cortisol and testosterone rise.

  6. The most "deceitful" country is China. In an experiment conducted by the University East Anglia, it turned out that 70% of those surveyed lied in order to receive the promised monetary reward.

  7. Lies can be divided into spontaneous and planned.

  8. A spontaneous liar can give himself away with a pose, gesture or look, which cannot be said about a professional liar.

  9. Spontaneous lie is a defensive lie, it usually arises under the influence of circumstances and is poorly remembered. The speech of a spontaneous liar is characterized large quantity pauses, reservations and speech errors.

  10. The abundance of pauses in a conversation is not yet a sign of a lie. Perhaps the person is just trying to pick up expressions.

  11. Lies planned are distinguished by thoughtfulness. A person's speech becomes confident, collected, calm.

  12. Researchers at the University of Hertfordshire found that men lie more than women. According to evolutionary psychology professor Karen Payne, the average man lies 1,092 times a year, and the average woman lies 728 times.

  13. Women most often lie about their own condition. Perhaps because they can not always understand their feelings.

  14. According to the website HeadHunter, most of the liars work in the field of trade - more than 67%.

  15. Research conducted by the University of Amsterdam has shown that more often than not, lies arise due to lack of time. People who think it over and make a decision lie less.

  16. Compulsive liars have a better and faster brain than people who lie spontaneously. Yaling Yang, leader psychological research University of Southern California, claims that their brains contain 22-26% more white matter and a more developed prefrontal cortex.

  17. Truth serum, or sodium pentathol, is not really capable of making a person tell only the truth. It only removes the psychological filters of a person.

  18. One of the famous liars of the 20th century is Victor Lustig. He went down in history as the man who sold the Eiffel Tower twice.

  19. It is almost impossible to determine a liar by the eyes if he consciously lies.

  20. Most religions consider lying a great sin. For example, in the Four Noble Truths in Buddhism it is said that a person should follow the path of self-discipline, avoiding, among other things, lies - unrighteous speech.

  21. The Christian faith teaches that lying is a great sin, for it is said, “The one who acts treacherously will not live in my house; He who speaks lies will not remain before my eyes” (Psalm 100:7).

  22. Islam is one of the few religions that, in some cases, approves of lies. Thus, the prominent Muslim historian and theologian Al-Tabari said: "Lying is a sin, but not when it serves the good of a Muslim." Lying in the name of Islam is called taqiyya, and hiding part of the truth is kitman.

  23. Children begin to lie around the same time that they learn to speak. Most often, these lies are not conscious. Children often use the same template to answer all the same types of questions, and fantasy makes them believe what is said.

  24. Even animals can lie, says Stephen Nowitzki, a biologist at Duke University. Research results have shown that almost all representatives of the fauna can lie to each other. For example, shrike birds can warn relatives of danger by voice, or they can deliberately use the signal to scare them away from eating.

  25. Psychologist Robert Wright argues in his book The Moral Animal that lying is the engine of human evolution. According to the author, the more developed the communication system, the higher the level of lies in society.

  26. Women regret the told lie in 82% of cases, men - only in 70%.

  27. American scientists Mariam Kuchaki and Isaac H. Smith proved that a person is most honest before noon. After 12 noon, the percentage of lies in the speech of the subjects began to grow, reaching a maximum in the evening.

  28. There are six types of lies - manipulation of quality, manipulation of quantity of information, transfer of ambiguous information, irrelevant information, silence and distortion.

  29. When a person lies, he experiences a whole range of emotions, the most striking of which are fear, delight, guilt and shame.

  30. The concept of "lie for good" appeared in ancient times. Plato advocated for the policy of noble lies in The Republic.