Beautiful interiors of children's rooms (28 photos). Nursery Design: Best Kids Room Ideas

Many parents are concerned that their children grow up properly and do not need anything. So they choose carefully interior of a children's room for a teenager. After all, it is very important to correctly approach the choice of a room, since it is necessary to take into account correctly all zones. Namely, it is necessary to take into account the study area, the recreation area, the sleep area and the entertainment area.

After all, if you mix all these zones, then sitting at the table, the child will be distracted by toys that can lie nearby. And in general, if the zones are not separated, then the parents will never see order. You also need to make the right choice. It is necessary to think over everything so that the color of a certain zone is conducive to the purpose of this zone.

For example, the play area can be made bright and, for example, wallpaper with a pattern can be glued. And so that the study area is conducive to reading books and preparing lessons. The seating area should be in soothing colors, not flashy-bright.

The interior of the children's room. Photo in pastel colors

You also need to consider the arrangement of furniture so that it does not interfere with the child's free movement. And don't forget about lighting. After all, vision is very important for a child, and not only for a child. I don't think parents want their child to wear hefty glasses in elementary school. I think you understand why you need to seriously consider furniture, lighting and color in the interior of the children's room.

Children are different, in most cases they are capricious, noisy, they grab everything all the time, throw it, and so on. But of course, not everyone is like that, and noisy children are mostly just small ones. And accordingly, for each child you need to adjust the interior. And a different interior needs to be done not only because of the character of the child, but simply by gender.

interior of a children's room for a girl

Let's talk about it first interior of a children's room for a girl. The most common myth is that a girl's room should be all pink, fluffy, with an abundance of toys, more Barbie dolls, with a lot of bright decorations and rhinestones. All this will only make your daughter more capricious and nervous. It is better to do it in pastel colors with multi-colored inserts. Or you can make a multi-colored room, but in light colors.

Another good way to introduce a girl to classical music, literature and art is to make her room in a classic style. Making such a room is not difficult, you will need to make muted tones with a predominance of brown shades, choose wooden furniture and make sure it is of the correct shape. Try to use only natural fabrics in the interior, such as silk, cotton, satin and wool.

Of the accessories, you can use paintings in massive frames. The chandelier should be large and regular in shape. You can also make curly legs by the bed and armchair. In such an interior, your girl will grow up quiet and calm.

The interior of the nursery for a girl in pink colors. A photo

interior of a small children's room

If you need interior of a small children's room for a girl, don’t worry, minimalism in the interior also looks good. Perhaps it is in such a room that the child will feel more comfortable, since the room is not large, which means there will be less unnecessary rubbish in it. After all, when you try to use every centimeter in the room to good use, which means there will be less unnecessary furniture and everything will be only the most necessary. For a small room, bright wallpaper with a simple pattern is perfect.

If possible, then you need to make a large window, then the room will be visually larger. If the window is small, then make more spotlights throughout the room. Be sure to have light curtains and light furniture. As a rule, a light color visually enlarges the room. Put only the necessary furniture, this is a bed, a desk, a wardrobe and a chest of drawers. If the room is not quite small, then hang a couple of shelves. And hang a large mirror in the room, and preferably more than one, this will also allow you to enlarge the room a little. How exactly to make a room beautiful, it is best to look children's room interior photo, then you can not only think over, but also already see the finished result.

If you still want to pamper your little princess, but not completely spoil, then you can make a romantic interior. To do this, use not bright colors, such as beige, white, coral, pale pink. And try to make sure that one color prevails in the room, and the second, as it were, sets it off. Choose natural fabrics such as cotton, silk and wool. Furniture should be elegant with curly legs and a high headboard. A large closet or maybe even a chest of drawers is well suited to such a bed.

If the room is large, then you can put a bedside table and a table with a large mirror for cosmetics and other small things. Accessories are also very important, for example, pillows of different shapes and colors, small lamps, soft fabrics, frames on the wall with photographs. If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room allows, then you can put soft ottomans. But all furniture and accessories should be beautifully combined. Such an interior is suitable for a dreamy girl who wants to become a princess.

interior of a children's room for a boy

Now let's talk about interior of a children's room for a boy. A room for a boy should also be cozy, but it is better to make it more strict than a room for a girl. Thus, the boy will grow up faster and will not be capricious. For a boy's room, almost any color is suitable, except for those that are feminine, namely pink and purple. Choose the color of the room according to the age of the child. If he is a newborn or preschool age, then it is better to make a room in pastel colors. You can also make the room multi-colored, yellow, blue or green, but the colors should be pale.

Interior of children's small rooms it will be necessary to make it light, due to the lightness, the room will look larger. When the boy is already going to school, you can make the room bright. bright blue or bright green is good. But do not limit yourself to one color, use several colors. It is best to use one bright color, for example, blue, green, yellow, red, and choose a neutral color for the second, for example, milky, white, light gray, beige.

You can also use a third color, but then it is advisable to choose a color that is not bright and that it goes well with the previous two. If you don’t know how to combine colors beautifully, then make a plain room and over time fill it with other colors that the child likes. See photo for main color. kids room interior design for boy.

for boy. A photo

If you have a newborn boy, you can make the room in light shades, or stick light wallpaper, but with a bright pattern. You can also stick a few medium-sized posters and paintings on the walls. If you have a boy under 10 years old, then make the room in bright colors. At this age, the boy already knows what he likes, and therefore parents should listen to the child and take into account his wishes.

At least at this age, the child knows what color he likes. But you should not do absolutely everything that the child wants, otherwise it will not turn out to be a room, but a collection of cars, cubes, Lego constructor, and so on. Don't you know boys? They just want to play and run all day long. It is better to choose with drawings in the form of cars and animals. But a room made in a plain style will be more attractive and will not get bored after a couple of months, unlike wallpaper with a pattern.

interior of a teenage children's room

And if you already have an adult boy aged 15-16, then let him come up with interior of a teenage children's room for himself. He will know better what he needs. He will choose the color of the room, choose furniture and accessories. You just have to buy everything.

It's good to have a child in the family. You can make your daughter a beautiful bedroom for a princess with a lot of dolls. For a boy, you can make a room with cars and a designer. But what kind of room to make when there are two children? Okay, if they have a small age difference and they are the same sex. And it’s good, of course, if there are enough rooms so that each child has his own room. Unfortunately, not always parents can provide a child with a separate room. But how to arrange children's room interior for two children, for a boy and a girl? Parents should sweat a lot over such a room and think through everything to take into account the needs of each child.

You should start with the age category. If one child is very small, and the second is already an adult and goes to school, then the room should actually be divided into two parts. For the older one, it is necessary to make a working area, and for the younger one, a play area, and preferably so that they do not interfere with each other. If the children are of different sexes, then take care of the screens, curtains and so on. So that their zones are as private as possible. Another problem that many parents face when making a room for two children at once is the lack of space.

But this problem is easily solved, since transforming furniture is now very common. Also, a lot of furniture can now be found with a lot of shelves, drawers and compartments. Regardless of whether children are same-sex or not, everyone needs to have their own closet, or at least their own shelves. You can immediately buy modular furniture, but it is enough to buy one cabinet, but, for example, make shelves of different colors. Make different colors do-it-yourself children's room interior not difficult, just glue the shelves with colored film.

The problem that parents still face is this. Even one bed will take up a lot of space, but here you need to put two at all. Of course, the simplest solution is a bunk bed. This option will come in handy if you have same-sex children with a small age difference, and if someone agrees to sleep upstairs.

The next problem is to choose a color for the room. If you have girls, then pink will be a win-win option, and if you have boys, then blue. But then again, maybe the kids don't like those colors at all. What if children are different? Doing a pink and blue room is not worth it. If the children are small, then stop at light milky shades.

And when the children grow up, then give them the opportunity to decide what color their room will be. If they prefer different colors, then try to combine these two colors. For example, a girl likes pink and a boy likes green, then you can use these two colors in the design, but so that the room does not look too colorful, you can dilute it with white or beige. And if your children are funny and creative and their tastes converge, then you can use wallpaper in the interior of the children's room. Let the children pick up a picture that they both like, and feel free to stick it on the walls.

I hope you manage to make a good room for your child and then the child will be happy and you. And everyone will live in harmony and understanding.

Nursery design for newborns

The interior of the nursery for two children. A photo

The basics of a beautiful and practical interior

In the photo, the beautiful design of children's rooms is presented in the form of radiant and colorful rooms, where children will have plenty of frolic. In fact, this rarely happens, and the use of bright shades finds its place for a very short time. Children get bored with the chosen bright color, so they have to redo the repair and now think over the color scheme.

When creating an interior on your own, think in advance how the chosen design can be beaten in the future. Many experienced parents know that a small number of decorative elements can completely change the style of the interior, as in the photo. So, by changing the curtains on the windows, removing a huge pile of teddy bears and adding a few stickers to the walls, you can turn a teenage haven for gatherings with companies from a room for a small child.

Design tips for creating a practical and beautiful design

Experienced professionals draw the attention of parents to some features:

1.Use in wall decoration only soft pastel colors. The same principle should be resorted to in the case of the selection of furniture. Bright spots should be textiles and additional paraphernalia, which will later be easy to remove.

2. You can’t make a beautiful interior of a children’s room, the photos of which speak of a play of colors, different from the general interior in the apartment.

3. Try to fill the room as little as possible. remember, that the smaller the baby, the more space And he needs space.

4. Try to recreate the interior using some theme, Which is the baby's favorite at the moment?. This should also be done with the help of additional decorative elements and textiles.

Consult with your child when drawing up a design project. The baby should be comfortable in his room.

The simplest solution is to use stickers with illustrations of children's cartoon characters. Arrange them compactly on one wall or use one large template. When the child grows up, this wall can easily be turned into an adult design by choosing the right large size photo wallpaper.

"It was a lovely house, with all the modern conveniences" - Mark Twain. Remember, no matter how beautiful the interior of the room is, the main thing is convenience and comfort.


A beautiful interior cannot do without proper lighting. First, to create an attractive design, you will need a large amount of natural light. Do not block the windows with heavy curtains. Secondly, use more modern lighting fixtures. Halogen ceiling tapes, floor lights (safe for the child), light garlands - all these additional artificial light sources will give that excitement and delight that numerous photos of beautiful interiors of children's rooms radiate.

Repair or even a small alteration in the children's room is always a list of dilemmas for parents. We all understand perfectly well that a room for a small owner is a whole world in which he does not grow easily, but gains new knowledge and skills, learns the world, develops his abilities and opens up new, previously unknown boundaries. The task of parents is not only to create a convenient, safe and comfortable interior of the children's room, but to encourage the child to be creative, support his aspirations and hobbies, create an atmosphere in which he wants to develop comprehensively. But how to create an effective and at the same time attractive room design, if psychologists advise one thing, color therapists another, and pediatricians insist on their own? How to choose the appropriate option from a variety of design ideas and at the same time not ruin the family budget? After all, any parent understands that it is impossible one day to create the interior of a children's room and not change it until your chick flutters out of the family nest. Each parent will have to solve the problem of choice, based on the age, character, hobbies and preferences of their own child. And we, in turn, can provide you with options for decorating a children's room, which used the ideas of modern designers, specialists in children's ergonomics, psychologists and pediatricians. The advantage of our large-scale selection of design projects is that you can bring many ideas to life with your own hands.

Bed organization

On the one hand, all experts vying with each other say that in the children's room it is necessary to leave the maximum possible space free so that the child can not play easily, but also jump, run in circles and in other ways be active, dump accumulated energy. On the other hand, in addition to the play area, the room should have a comfortable, full-fledged sleeping place, a segment for study and creative work, as well as storage systems that can accommodate a wardrobe, toys, sports equipment and a child’s books. The issue of saving space is often very acute.

A loft bed will not only help save precious square meters of a small children's room, but will also become an interesting way to organize a place to sleep and relax. Most children enjoy sleeping on some elevation from the floor, imagining that they are in a tree, a tower, a spaceship, or any other fantasy place. In the vacated space under the bed, you can organize storage systems of various plans (for clothes, books, toys), install a small sofa that will serve as a seating area in case guests come to the child. You can also leave the area under the bed exclusively for games - by hanging curtains, you can organize something like a hut.

Beds in a room for two children

If two children live in the same room, then the task of parents in distributing areas for sleeping, relaxing, practicing and playing becomes more complicated. The first and often the most important idea that most parents have is to use a bunk bed. The obvious savings in usable space override the children's disputes (if their age difference is small) about who will sleep on the upper tier. But even in such a familiar furniture structure as a bunk bed, there are options for a comfortable and original design.

You can use each child's bed to create an area for privacy. To do this, it is enough to hang curtains in the lower tier or even build doors, windows, making a real house, princess castle, rocket or ship out of a bed.

If there is enough space in the nursery, then you can equip the bunk bed with a slide, along which you can go down from the top bed. Of course, the structure must also be equipped with a ladder for climbing up.

Both bunk beds can be equipped with storage drawers, saving precious square meters of room for two children.

Creating an accent wall in the children's room

Experts recommend not to decorate all the walls of the children's room in bright colors, choosing a light, neutral tone, but to accentuate one of the vertical surfaces (bright, colorful, with drawings or paintings). There are many options when it comes to creating an accent wall. In addition to the standard approaches to wallpapering, using wall tiles, laminate, decorative plaster or liquid wallpaper, there are many methods that are used mainly for children's rooms. Artistic painting, the use of stencil drawing, stickers - all these design examples will help to create a thematic picture for an accent surface - based on your favorite cartoon, fairy tale, comics or a certain type of activity, creativity, sports.

If the child is very active, it is not easy for him to calm down before going to bed and tune in to rest, it is best to place an accent wall behind the head of the bed. Thus, the room will have a variety of decorations and the child will not see the colorful or bright pattern of photo wallpapers, paintings or acrylic stickers before going to bed.

A black (or steel) magnetic board is not only a contrasting accent surface (or part of it) in the interior of a children's room, but also a field for creativity. On the surface, you can draw with crayons, use magnets to hang drawings, photos and crafts. You no longer need to worry about what the child will draw on the walls - he has a whole safe area for this.

Tepee, tent or retreat

Even if only one child is the owner in the room, he may still need a place for privacy - a small corner, closed from everyone, inside which the most cherished toys lie and the most interesting games take place. On the modern market for children's goods, it was not without reason that various options for wigwams, tents of small tents appeared - psychologists have long proved that every child needs such places for solitude to one degree or another. Here you can calm down, isolate yourself from the outside world for a while, even hide or just play.

One of the options for creating places for solitude, popular among Russian parents, is a wigwam. This is a simple structure in execution and subsequent installation, consisting of wooden racks with fabric sheets stretched over them. The construction is safe from the point of view of impact on humans and the environment - wood and natural fabric are used. Even if the wigwam falls on a child, it will not cause any serious damage - light wood is used for the racks, the racks themselves weigh a little. You can decorate a wigwam in any color option, use partially or completely the fabric that was used to drape windows or decorate a bed (to create a harmonious environment), textiles with a thematic pattern - favorite characters of fairy tales, cartoons, comics.

Another option for creating partial privacy is a small tent that is suspended from the ceiling. Of course, this design option is not available in rooms with stretch ceilings. The products are almost entirely made of fabric (only the vault itself has a tubular or wire frame), it is easy to remove it if necessary (if you need more space for several children to play, for example). Most often, mini-tents are used in the interiors of girls' rooms; they organically fit into the stories of oriental princesses. Ready-made solutions are most often made in pastel colors and are able to fit into any style of design and color scheme of the interior.

Often, these fabric mini-tents are hung over the head of the bed, creating a kind of canopy. At the base of the tent, you can hang a mobile made by yourself and even together with a child. Retiring in the folds of such a canopy and falling asleep is not scary.

Textile design for a nursery

It is difficult to imagine a cozy children's room without drapery on the windows, a bright design of a bed, a colorful or fluffy rug on the floor. It is these details that bear the brunt of decorating and creating a special atmosphere in the baby's room. Textiles very often act as an accent when creating a universal interior. Designers recommend using light, neutral tones for decorating the room, so that you can simulate the situation with the help of bright details, adjusting to the changing age of the child, the change of his passions and hobbies. After all, replacing curtains or a bedspread is much easier than re-gluing wallpaper or constructing panoramas under the ceiling.

When decorating a room for a newborn, pastel colors are used for a reason. At first, the child will be interested not so much in the overall design of the room as in the details that are in close proximity to it. From the atmosphere of the nursery, only a relaxing, calm mood is required. But accent elements are also necessary - to focus the vision, look at the picture, pattern, small details. It is with this task that textiles most easily cope - as a design for a bed, curtains on the windows, small bedside rugs, canopies, tents.

Storage systems - a variety of forms

Things are not easy with the organization of effective storage in children's rooms. At first, there are few toys and books, a small rack or even a container can fit them, but over time, the number of items necessary for the development of the baby grows exponentially. It is not always possible to adapt to this irrepressible growth - there simply may not be free space for new storage systems. Therefore, a clear control of the growth of new toys and the choice of universal storage systems are necessary. Experts recommend using open shelving, which can accommodate both large items and containers with small items, put books or install sports equipment. Over time, when changing interests and hobbies of the child, you can simply change the contents of the containers.

If we talk about hinged storage systems, then open shelves are most common. The fewer facades there are in the nursery, the less chance of injury. The contents are clearly visible on the open shelves, the desired item can be found quickly. It is desirable that they have fun at a level accessible to the child.

The advantage of open shelves is that they are easy to make with your own hands. From old pallets or just boards, you can create exclusive storage systems for books, stationery and toys. Bright paint, colored wallpaper or fabric for pasting the back wall, themed stickers - all means are good for getting not only a spacious storage system, but also an original decorative element of the interior.

Lighting system – versatility and aesthetics

In the children's room, one central chandelier under the ceiling is not enough. It is necessary to create a backlight for the workplace (or area for creativity). But for many children, not only the functionality of the lighting system is important - a garland with dim lights will help create a festive mood in the room, and before going to bed it will illuminate the room with a weak light so that the baby does not have to fall asleep in the dark.

Decorative elements in the children's room

Only at first glance, one can decide that the decorative elements in the children's room do not carry any semantic load, except for decorating the interior. Toys suspended from the ceiling can be examined before going to bed, and those located near the bed can be touched with hands, develop motor skills, and expand the horizons of tactile sensations. Drawings, embroidery, paper and wooden models not only decorate the room, but also develop spatial thinking, attention to detail, contribute to the training of vision, not to mention the development of a craving for beauty, the expansion of aesthetic knowledge.

Ideas for decorating a children's room

Decorating a child's room is an activity that is as pleasant as it is responsible. Before proceeding to the most favorite point for decorating a room for most mothers and fathers, it is necessary to go through a series of difficult dilemmas in choosing finishing materials, design and furniture arrangement, to find the optimal combination of safety, practicality, environmental friendliness and cost of each piece of furniture. With all this, it is important to take into account the preferences and interests of the child himself, not to succumb to the stereotypes of decorating rooms for division into boys and girls and take into account the nuances of a particular space - its size, shape, number of windows and location relative to the cardinal points. In this publication, we would like to deal with the design options for a room for a girl. An impressive selection of modern design projects created by specialists in different parts of our planet. We hope that more than a hundred original, practical and cozy images of a children's room for a girl will help you draw up a plan for decorating a room for your princess.

Criteria for choosing a design for a girl's room

Children grow up, their passions, interests and needs change at such a speed that parents can only keep track of the metamorphoses that occur with their child. Of course, age will be the main criterion for choosing a design for a nursery, because each age group of girls has its own passions, abilities and skills, and a level of independence. But there are many other aspects that will have a direct impact on drawing up a plan for repairing or renovating a room for a little lady:

  • the size and shape of the room;
  • the number of window and door openings;
  • the location of the room relative to the cardinal points;
  • the number of girls who will live in the nursery;
  • interests of the child, his hobbies, hobbies;
  • the nature of the child (calm or active, in need of reassurance or maintenance in good shape);
  • financial capabilities of parents and planning repairs for a certain period (not everyone will be able to change the interior of a nursery every 3-4 years, as experts recommend);
  • style of decoration of an apartment or a private house.

Making a nursery depending on the age of the girl

In the room of a baby up to 1 year old, the design is connected to a greater extent with the preferences of the parents. The baby still does not care about the pattern on the wallpaper or the design of the furniture, the main thing is a pleasant microclimate in a bright room, not overloaded with details (less decor - less dust). Experts recommend creating a basic repair, which will later be easy to decorate for a girl who has already learned to walk and seeks to know the world around her in every possible way. Light, pastel shades for wall decoration are ideal for creating a background on which you can later apply art painting, stencil drawings or stick stickers with characters from your favorite fairy tales and cartoons.

By creating the design of a room for a baby, you are laying the foundation for the next 3-4 years. The choice of materials that are safe for humans and the environment for decoration and as a raw material for the production of furniture and other interior items is obvious. In order to carry out as few alterations as possible in the future, please note at the initial stage that the crib will need to be changed to a larger one, you will need a place to install a table (for games, creativity, activities), and a small chest of drawers (aka a changing table) will replace or add to it a wardrobe. A shelving unit or any other toy storage system can be installed from the outset, with plans for a steady increase in play items, sports equipment, and books.

In a room for a girl from one year old to about 4 years old, most of the room space should be given over to a play area. In addition to sleeping space and storage systems, you need a small corner for creative work - it can be a compact table installed by the window or a small console that can be moved later. Each functional segment must be optimally lit - even in the smallest rooms it will not work to be limited to one light source.

In the nursery, which is a small world for a girl 5-6 years old and older, most of the room space is still devoted to games. But in parallel with the segment for games and creativity, a zone with a workplace appears. Preparing for school is best done at a full-fledged desk (preferably with height adjustment of the tabletop - so the furniture will “grow” with the child) with a comfortable chair or armchair (with adjustable seat height, backrest tilt).

In the room of a preschooler, interior design is a joint action of parents and a child. The age of the baby already allows her to consciously talk about her favorite colors, design themes (heroes of fairy tales, books, comics), hobbies and passions. If it is not interesting for a child to go to the base of finishing materials with his parents, then the baby will be able to choose furniture models on the Internet or in a store, most likely she will want to participate in the process of choosing the textile design of the room - bed linen and bedspreads, draperies for windows, carpeting.

In the room of a teenage girl, designing becomes not just a joint activity of parents and a child, but often goes completely under the responsibility of a growing designer. In adolescence, girls need to show their independence, personally engage in arranging a secluded corner for the opportunity to be alone. Therefore, parents need to be patient and listen to all suggestions for decorating a children's room. After all, only the girl herself knows how she wants to see her little world, her universe, enclosed in a few square meters. It will be possible to find a compromise, because modern stores offer us the widest range of finishing materials, ready-made furniture solutions, lighting fixtures and textiles for decorating a bed and draping windows.

In a teenager's room, it is necessary to make a special bias towards expanding the bed and “strengthening” the atmosphere of the working segment. During puberty, adolescents often experience growth spurts - furniture should have a margin for such cases, it is better to purchase a bed "for growth", and a chair (armchair) for a writing and computer desk with the ability to adjust the height of the seat and back. There are usually no toys left in a teenager’s room (if only collectibles), so all storage systems in the form of racks and ordinary shelves are reserved for books and stationery.

The color palette in the little lady's room

The 50 shades of pink that have set the teeth on the teeth of most parents, which often have to be put up with in the children's wardrobe, are planning to move into the design of the child's room. And it's not about the stereotypes of dividing everything that swings girls to pink, and boys to blue. Most girls really like pink very much and they ask their parents to use it in the design of their secluded place - a room where they relax, play, explore the world, do art and sports. In addition, pink has many shades, among which you will surely be able to find “your own”, suitable for the role of the main background tone.

What colors are best combined with pink and its shades? There is no universal advice, a lot depends on the size of the room, its shape, layout, intensity of natural light and the result that the little mistress of the room and her parents would like to get. The combination of pink and white hi to create a gentle and light image of the room. You can add to this alliance a gray tone or light-colored wood surfaces. Experts do not recommend using more than three colors (or their shades).

And a little more about the gray tone, as one of the main color schemes for the children's room. Only at first glance it may seem that any shade of gray in a girl's room is melancholy and boredom. This neutral color in all respects is perfectly combined with white and another more saturated tone. Three primary colors, two of which contribute to the visual expansion of space (white and light gray) and create a calm, peaceful atmosphere - an excellent choice for a nursery. As a third color, in this case, you can use your favorite pink or more saturated tone - raspberry, blue or turquoise, purple, lilac and even orange. The main thing is a reasonable dosage of a bright tone.

White color and its shades as the main tone of the finish is a great opportunity to create a light and clean look. If we are talking about small rooms, and even with complex geometry, sins in planning or architecture, then white often becomes the only winning option for decorating walls and ceilings. Moreover, any furniture and decor will look great on a white background. It will be possible not to think about combinatorics of colors, the white tone is combined with any color solutions.

Beige color is another of the universal options, which can become not only an excellent option for the main color scheme, but also visually “warm up” the interior, bring softness and comfort, lightness and freshness into the atmosphere. Beige has many shades, but pastel, warm shades are most often used to decorate the walls in the children's bowl. In combination with white and pale pink, beige can create surprisingly light and incredibly “homely” looks. A similar effect can be achieved when using peach color as the main palette solution for a child's room for a girl.

If you and your child like different shades of blue, then feel free to discard stereotypes and use them as the main or additional (to a light tone) color scheme for decorating a room. Pale blue shades look great both as the main tone of the decoration of all walls, and to create an accent surface (if the rest are decorated in white, for example). Sky blue, light turquoise, menthol or ultramarine with a touch of white - all these shades can be a great solution for a girl's room. But it is important to understand that all shades of blue belong to the cold color palette and are suitable for rooms located on the south side of the building with good natural light. Otherwise, the color temperature of the interior will need to be “raised” with warm tones, using the natural wood pattern to bring warmth.

Another palette created as if specially for girls is shades of lilac, purple. Delicate violet walls can be an excellent backdrop for creating a light and fresh look for a girl's room. You can dilute pastel purple with white, dark purple and even gray.

Colorists say that most shades of green can be used as the main color for decorating a child's room. Color sets up positive, awakens creativity and is able to calm hyperactive children. Only with a shade it is necessary to decide correctly. The more blue impurities in the green color, the cooler the shade will be, the more yellow - the warmer. Choose olive, light pistachio tones for rooms located on the north side of the building.

Contrasting combinations in the children's room? Why not! If you want to emphasize the geometry of the room, highlight one or another functional segment and bring dynamism to the image of the nursery, then the alternation of light and dark surfaces is ideal for this. Often dark spots in the interior of a children's room are black magnetic boards, on which you can draw with crayons, attach drawings, photos and other results of creativity. To “support” a contrasting theme, you can use a contrasting print on decorative pillows, drapery of a bed or windows, carpeting (it is better to purchase small bedside rugs that can be easily pulled out of the room for cleaning)

Design for a room for two girls

In the room where the sisters live, the main problem of choice is not the color palette or furniture models, but the correct, rational and ergonomic distribution of space. It is not easy for two princesses to create an environment in which it would be convenient to relax, play, study, be creative and do what they love at once. The task becomes more complicated if the room is small, and the girls have a big age difference and, as a result, different interests, preferences, and even lifestyles. But you can always find a compromise, the only question is that you will have to spend more time and, possibly, the budget on remodeling the room or a complete renovation.

A bunk bed is a great space-saving solution in a small space shared by two girls. This approach to organizing sleeping places is perfect for little princesses with a small difference in age (and hence height). As a result of the installation of a bed with two tiers of beds, space is freed up for active games, installation of workplaces with storage systems.

But not all sisters are suitable for using bunk structures. If the area of ​​​​the room allows, then installing the beds parallel to each other so that the approach to the sleeping places is from all sides can be considered ideal. In such a situation, it will be possible to install a bedside table or a table-stand at each bed. If the quadrature of the room is modest, then the beds are set against the walls, and a cabinet or a small chest of drawers is placed between them. But, at least, it is necessary to organize a light source at each head of the bed.

Some ideas for decorating a girl's room

A decoration that grown-up boys often choose to neglect is simply a must for a girl's room. After all, it is the details that are dear to the heart that make the interior not just modern, stylish, beautiful, but cute and cozy. Ruffles on curtains, lace on bedding, paintings and photos on the walls, drawings, images of your favorite characters on all possible surfaces. We offer you several ideas for decorating a girl's room, many of which carry not only an aesthetic load, but are also functional interior items.

946 1427 Dix https://www.pngDix 2016-12-29 16:30:36 2018-11-30 11:16:03 Children's room for a girl: 100 modern design ideas