Sample letter of request for CEO leave. Director's leave application

The director is the same employee of the organization, like everyone else. It is fully covered by labor laws, even if it is the only participant. This, in turn, means that he, like other employees, has the right to annual paid leave (Article 114 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The leave of the head is issued according to generally accepted rules. At the same time, the director himself signs the order on granting leave (form N T-6, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of 01/05/2004 N 1). The procedure is the same as for all employees.

But if there are no particular difficulties with the registration of the director’s vacation, then the transfer of the powers of the head to another person may raise questions.

Transfer of powers of the director

By general rule the head is the legal representative of the organization. That is, it is he who has the right to represent her interests, including in court (clause 1 of article 27 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, part 2 of article 25.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, article 33 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, clause 1 of article 53 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, part 4 article 5.1 of the Law of July 24, 2009 N 212-FZ, part 1 of article 61 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, part 2 of article 48 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation). But with the departure of the director on vacation, work in the organization does not stop. Therefore, during his absence, another employee must perform the duties of the head.

It is necessary to issue an order about this and indicate in it the powers that are transferred to the replacement employee, as well as the period for which they are transferred. Including imposing on a substitute employee the duties of a director for signing cash documents, personnel documents(orders, acts, timesheets), primary documents, invoices, etc.

In addition, in order for a substitute employee to represent the interests of the company before third parties, for example, tax and customs authorities, contractors, etc., he must have a power of attorney (clauses 1, 3 of article 29 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, clause 1 of article 182 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, parts 7, 8 of article 5.1 of the Law of July 24, 2009 N 212-FZ, parts 4, 5 of article 61 of the APC of the Russian Federation, part 2 of article 48, part 1, 3 of article 53 of the Code of Civil Procedure RF). It also needs to be formalized, of course, before the director goes on vacation.

Combination of positions in the transfer of powers

Do not forget that for the period while the director is on vacation, the employee replacing him will also have to perform his direct duties. And here there are some nuances.

When concluding an employment contract with a direct deputy head or an employee who will have to take a similar position, it often includes a clause stating that during the absence of the director at work (including in connection with annual paid leave), the employee must perform his duties. In such a situation, the employee does not need to apply for any combination of positions and also pay an additional payment (Letter of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated March 12, 2012 N 22-2-897, Letter of Rostrud dated May 24, 2011 N 1412-6-1).

But if such a clause in the employment contract or job description there is no substitute employee, then an agreement must be concluded with him on combining positions during the director’s vacation, indicating the amount of additional payment for combining (Article 60.2, 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). An order should also be issued on the temporary combination of posts, again indicating the amount of the surcharge.

Any employee of the company has the full right to rest, because in terms of his rights he is no different from an ordinary person. Also, this item is spelled out in the Labor Code, so any company owner must follow it.

Everyone knows how to write an application so that it is correctly executed, but here's a vacation CEO- this is a completely different question, the answer to which may not be spelled out in the TC. The situation becomes especially difficult if the CEO is the founder of the company.

By statute

The first document where the entire path of obtaining a vacation for the CEO can be precisely spelled out is the main charter of the company. As a rule, a condition is written down under which the director can gather all the founders who decide the question posed.

Action algorithm:

  • the director must draw up and write an application addressed to the chairman of the meeting of founders;
  • after that, the meeting makes a decision;
  • according to decision, an order is issued;
  • for the period of vacation, the meeting appoints another person to the place of director.

Such an order will have to be signed by the director himself, which indicates the name of the person who will occupy the temporary place of the vacationer, as well as the period of vacation. After the director returns from vacation, the employee of the personnel department will have to enter all the information into.

Do I need to write a vacation application to the CEO

The director will have to write an application for leave, like any other employee. The form must contain the completed fields for the time of absence, the name of the originator. The document is sent to the shareholders, who will have to consider the application.

But there is also a way in which the procedure does not require an application. In this case, the document will not be sent to the shareholders, which means that it will be possible to go on vacation as soon as possible. All that is needed with this option is to draw up an order that will temporarily appoint an acting director.

In fact, most directors don't even need to take a vacation, as the company's charter simply doesn't specify how the whole operation should go. If the director takes advantage of this opportunity, then he writes down his vacation period in advance.

What should the director prepare if he wants to go on vacation:

  • Employment agreement on setting deadlines.
  • Order in the prescribed form. But only if he himself has the authority to sign a vacation order for himself. Since this document is a mere formality, even the chairman of the general meeting can sign and draw up an order.

The director may transfer his place during the vacation to the following persons:

  • Deputy Director.
  • An employee who performs the instructions of the director.
  • Head of structural division.
  • An employee specially hired to fulfill temporary obligations. Such people are hired with the help of a “fixed-term” contract.

The law itself does not prescribe in any way what experience or level of qualification a person who can be appointed as a temporary executor of duties should have.

Drawing up and sample order

The procedure for issuing a leave order for personnel department will be drafted quite differently, depending on who is lobbying for the director's vacation.

If the decision is placed entirely on the shoulders of the society, then the person chosen by the society for this action should sign the order. All the powers of such representatives of the company are specified in the minutes of the general meeting. Then it is necessary to draw up a document of the T-6 form.

But this document will be slightly changed according to the rules that are spelled out in Resolution No. 20. In this case, the column "Authorized person of the company" will be changed. That is, the name of the person who was chosen by the society to sign the document will be written here.

In the event that the head is responsible for the preparation and agreement of the leave, the leave application will be written in the T-6 form and must be signed by the director himself.

The order must contain:

  • requisites;
  • room;
  • first name, last name, first name;
  • position;
  • structural subdivision;
  • working year;
  • the duration of the vacation, calculated in calendar days.

Delegation of powers

There are companies that prescribe in their charter that the name of the company can be represented by several persons at once. In this case, it makes no sense to transfer powers to someone, otherwise you have to appoint someone who will replace the director in his place as the head.

In order to appoint a certain person as a temporary director, an order is written indicating the powers that the employee receives, as well as the term of work. In addition, in order for the company to be reinsured, the company draws up a power of attorney, which allows a person to act on behalf of the LLC.

If the selected employee does not have a clause in his employment contract that allows him to perform the duties of the director in his absence, then an additional document has to be drawn up. The new contract will have to allow a person not only to work in his position, but at the same time to be a temporary executor of director's duties.

By and large, the transfer of powers and other important steps the company calculates in advance, since the departure of the CEO will come true sooner or later.

That is why many people try to show themselves with better side to get a temporary position and try to fulfill all obligations perfectly. In some cases, the council of the society notices the talent, zeal and desire to develop, thereby giving way to a promotion.

If the sole founder of the LLC

If the director is the sole founder of the LLC, then the whole algorithm becomes much simpler. Firstly, in order to draw up and sign a paper, other persons are not needed, the director writes out a vacation for himself, confirming it with a signature. After that, an order is issued indicating the person who will temporarily perform his position.

As a rule, many people work exactly according to this scheme, since they are directors of small companies that simply do not need additional founders. This method of sending on vacation is especially common in small towns, since it is in such an area that small and medium-sized businesses are most developed.

Review from vacation

There are situations when the director must be recalled from vacation. This opportunity is prescribed in the labor code in article 125, according to which early return can only be possible with the consent of the director himself.

Vacation review can be issued different ways, depending on the charter of the enterprise or in accordance with the conditions prescribed in the Labor Code.

Algorithm for recalling a director from vacation:

  • Another founder or the whole meeting has the right to decide that the director should return to his work activities in company. But for this document to be valid, the council must indicate an objective reason for the return, for example, the solution of a problem that requires its direct presence.
  • After a decision is made to return with a reason, an order is drawn up to recall the founder.
  • When the document is ready, it is sent to the founder for signature.

In the situation when the director is the founder or acts in accordance with the Labor Code, then the algorithm is seriously reduced, just an order for early return from vacation is enough.

Form of the order for the leave of the General Director:

Calculation of benefits

Since the CEO is the same employee of the company as the rest of the employees, the payments are calculated according to the standard principle. Twelve months before vacation are taken into account, provided that you have been working in the organization for more than one year. If the director holds his position for less than a year, then the actual time worked in the company is taken into account.

Vacation pay is calculated according to this formula:

SUM = ZPsr.d. x N

To determine what salary the director receives for one day of his work, use the formula:

ZPsr. = ZPyear. / 12 months / 29.3

ZPgod - salary for the year.

Vacation pay is calculated not only from the average salary, it also includes official salaries, allowances, bonuses and any other options for increasing the official income for director positions.

If the employee has not worked for the full period, then the daily salary will decrease, so the steps for calculating the average pay will also change.

To begin with, the accountant will determine how many days the director worked:

D_1 = Nmonth. x 29.3

After that, you need to understand how many days were missed:

D_2=29.3 / Dn.o. x D p.o

Now that the two variables are known, the total number of days can be determined:

The last stage is the calculation of the average wage:

ZPsr. = (Start) / (Total)

This whole formula consists of variables:

For clarity, it is necessary to give an example.

General Director of Dolphin LLC I.I. Nikolaev decided to take a vacation from 15.06. to 15.07. It is known that his salary for the last twelve months is 1,000,000 rubles.

Then, following the formula, we get the following calculations:

ZPsr. = 1000,000 / 12 months / 29.3 \u003d 2844.1 rubles, SUM \u003d 2844.1 x 28 days \u003d 79634.8 rubles.

Vacation pay will be equal to 79634.8 rubles.

He must sign. This document can be drawn up by the head of personnel or another responsible person.

After that, an order is drawn up to grant leave (form No. T-6). If the decision is made by the meeting, then this document must be signed by the chairman of the meeting. If the second method was used, the order is signed by the head. In both cases, he must also put a signature indicating consent.

Before the general director leaves, it is necessary to select and approve his replacement by order. If he has a deputy, then there are no special problems. In the first case, a responsible person is selected, appointed, and wages are raised. All this should be written in the order. An approximate order is as follows: “I order the general director (full name) for a period (specify the period). Establish for this period an additional payment (position and full name of the deputy) for the temporary performance of the duties of the head of the organization in the amount of (amount in figures)”.


CEO goes on vacation. Use the search on the forum! The head of the organization decides the main personnel matters, including signing orders for the provision of vacations to employees. But what if the CEO himself is going to take a break? In whose name is he writing a statement, and who is authorized to “let him go on vacation”?

Helpful advice

CEO goes to maternity leave. Please tell us how to proceed. If the term of office of your director has not ended, it seems to me that an order to appoint an interim director "In connection with the departure of the director on maternity leave, I order to appoint an interim director for the period from" .. to ... an interim director, full name On specified period he is given the right to sign for the head of all financial documents, as well as accounting and tax reporting."


  • director goes on vacation

The CEO, like any other employee, must be included in the schedule vacation ov. When leaving for the prescribed rest, it is advisable to appoint a deputy. Well, if the organization has a person replacing him, but if not?

In this case, by order of the General directors a responsible person is appointed. Remember that the choice of such a person must be approached responsibly, because going to vacation, you trust your business to a person.

If the decision to vacation If the meeting accepts, then the participants choose the deputy. All this is documented in a protocol (decision), where everyone puts their signatures.

Do not avoid drawing up an order (instruction) for the provision vacation a (form No. T-6). The order may be signed by the assembly. In another case, no matter how absurd it may sound, the head himself must sign, and put a second signature in the line "".

All documents are transferred to personnel workers, and there already in the accounting department, where the accruals are. Like any other employee, vacation cash payments to the general director must be issued three days before leaving for statutory rest.


  • CEO leave order

An appeal to the manager on issues requiring a formal decision must be drawn up in accordance with the rules in writing. And every working citizen of our country was faced with the need to draw up such a document, since it was statement is the basis for many decisions. This may be hiring, transfer, dismissal or the provision of another vacation.

You will need

  • - Sheet of A4 paper;
  • - pen.


AT legislative acts The Russian Federation does not have a regulated form for the name of the director of the enterprise, but there are generally accepted norms and rules for the design of business papers. This document only has one required condition- it must be handwritten. So get a piece of A4 paper and a pen ready, and the printed text of the standard statements will serve as a model for you. Some of the templates you can see by clicking on the link at the end of the article. Stick to writing a statement business style communication, be as brief and specific as possible, avoiding descriptions of unnecessary details and circumstances.

Start processing your application by filling in the details. They should be on the right upper corner sheet. Here, indicate the position, last name, first name and patronymic of the head in the "to" format. Immediately below it, write your position, the name of the structural unit of the enterprise in which you work, your full name in the "from whom" format.

In the center of the sheet, write the name of the document "Statement" and below it briefly the essence of the appeal. Next, state your request and indicate the dates, if necessary. Sign the document and decipher the signature in brackets, indicating the surname and initials.

Helpful advice

Remember to register your application with the secretary. This will allow you to confirm the fact of your written appeal, in case the document is suddenly lost and you need proof of your appeal to the manager. For example, upon dismissal own will. Here, according to Article 80 of the Labor Code, the countdown (two weeks) set aside by law for warning the employer begins with next day upon receipt of the employee's application. After this period, the employee has the right to stop working and demand the issuance of a work book with a record of dismissal and full payment.


  • 2019 job application template

Surcharge to the basic salary can be issued in connection with the combination of two positions or with an increase in the volume of work performed. According to the instructions of the labor law, any additional payment must be documented.

You will need

  • - supplementary agreement;
  • - order.


Internal regulations your business must contain detailed instructions on the tariff increase in wages associated with the combination of positions or an increase in the volume of work performed. The surcharge can be indicated in a fixed amount of money or as a percentage of the salary or hourly tariff rate, it depends on the form of remuneration at your enterprise.

You can entrust an additional amount of work or combine professions only by mutual agreement with a working employee. Document the agreement in the form additional agreement to the current employment contract. Bilateral signing of the agreement means that the employee agrees to perform an additional amount of work or combine professions for an additional payment. Specify the amount of the surcharge as a separate item in the executed and signed document.

Based on the newly created additional agreement, issue the order. Give in it a link to regulations, to the agreement drawn up, indicate the amount of the surcharge, the timing for the implementation of an additional amount of work or combining professions.

Familiarize the employee with the order against receipt. Submit a written notice to the accounting department about the accrual of an additional payment to the basic salary or hourly tariff rate. Based on the notification, the employee will be charged in accordance with the new wage conditions.

You can entrust an additional amount of work or a combination of professions for 1 month, during which you must find a job seeker for vacancies.

Make tax deductions from the entire amount of earnings. Deductions do not need to be made from social benefits, financial assistance and lump sum payments. Accruals on social benefits should be carried out taking into account all the amounts of the employee's earnings, which include the completed one.

Advice 6: How to arrange a vacation for the general director of an enterprise

Like any ordinary employee of the organization, the general director of the enterprise is entitled to an annual basic paid vacation. Its design has a number of features, because the head of the company is responsible for the entire company. An acting officer should be appointed in his place.

You will need

  • - enterprise documents;
  • - forms of relevant documents;
  • - director's documents;
  • - pen;
  • - seal of the organization;
  • - Labor Code RF.


The decision to grant leave to ordinary employees of the organization is made by the director of the enterprise. If he himself needs to take a vacation, the right to make this decision should be written in the constituent documents of the company. If this is not enshrined in the charter of the enterprise, the general director must write an application addressed to the chairman of the constituent assembly about the possibility of granting him leave, if there are several participants in the company, or addressed to sole founder if the enterprise has one member. The head of the organization must submit this application for leave for consideration to the chairman of the board of founders or the sole participant no later than one month before the expected date of leave.

When in statute or otherwise founding document Since the organization states that the director himself has the right to decide on the granting of vacation, then his vacation should be included in the vacation schedule in parallel with other employees. Two weeks before the actual date, a notice must be served, which he should sign, thereby agreeing to the start date of the vacation.

The director should draw up an order in the unified form T-6. The subject of the document corresponds to the provision of the employee's leave. Give the order a number and date of publication. In the administrative part of the document, enter the last name, first name, patronymic of the head of the enterprise, the name of his position, structural unit. Indicate the start and end dates of the vacation, write the number of calendar days of vacation provided. The right to sign is held by the director of the enterprise, if he himself made this decision, by the chairman of the board of founders, if the issue of his leave was considered at a meeting of participants.

In parallel with the order to grant leave, it is necessary to draw up an order to appoint an acting general director during his absence. This person may be the head of one of the structural divisions if the staff list does not provide for the position of deputy director.

The head of the organization is an official with his duties and powers that are of decisive importance for the financial and economic activities of the company. But, like any other employee, he can get sick, go on vacation or go on a business trip on business.

The daily turnover of the company's documentation needs the signature of the head. The right to this, according to the current legislation, has only the executive sole body - the director. But the head can delegate his powers to a trusted person during his absence.

Who signs the documents, if the director is on vacation, he decides. Basically, this person is his deputy, but duties can be transferred to another person. Here speech already underway about combining, therefore, the consent of the employee of the company to this, drawn up with the help of an additional agreement to the employment contract, will be required.

Can the CEO transfer his rights

Director - the sole executive body of an enterprise (institution), acting on behalf of the organization without a power of attorney. If he goes on vacation, then you need to document the transfer of all duties. If the general manager has a full-time deputy, then his powers will most likely be vested in him.

The main function of the deputy is to replace the first person of the company during his absence, but to fulfill his official duties he can start only on condition of vacation, illness or business trip of the director.

If there is no such position in the staff list, then the powers of the executive body may be assigned to another employee of the combination enterprise. To delegate the duties of the director, an order is issued on the appointment of an interim director.

The legislation does not prohibit inviting an outside person for the period of absence of the first person of the enterprise. In this case, he will be able to start fulfilling his duties on the basis of a fixed-term employment contract (Labor Code, Art. 23). It is also possible to temporarily transfer an employee to the position of manager, but this is a rather complicated procedure, so it is rarely used in practice.

Mandatory formalities

During his absence, the general director issues an appropriate order, on the basis of which the official will perform his duties during his vacation, business trips.

What papers should be prepared

During the vacation of the head, his powers are assigned to another official by means of an order.

There is no standard form, but the document in without fail should contain the main details:

  • place and date of compilation;
  • name of company;
  • "text" of the document;
  • position, initials of the person signing the order;
  • signature.

A separate line stands out at the bottom of the document - "I was acquainted with the order." If agreed, the employee puts his signature and indicates the date.

According to the Labor Code and Art. 33 transfer of an employee to another position for a time not stipulated by the contract is allowed only with his permission.

The employee replacing the head is released from the performance of his immediate duties for this period of time. If necessary, the order must also indicate who will be entrusted with his powers. As well as the amount of the additional payment due to the deputy for the temporary replacement of the head.

The order and report card for the employee to go to work are the basis for calculating wages to the deputy. Can the amount of material compensation be set independently by the director - no, since it is provided for by the internal regulations of the enterprise. For full-time deputies, no additional payment is provided, unless otherwise specified in the charter of the company.

What other documents to prepare so that the financial and economic activities of the company are not suspended? Of course, a power of attorney to delegate all or part of the powers of the director. It will be required if the charter does not provide for the transfer of duties of the first person of the enterprise in his absence.

Power of Attorney Form

The document must be drawn up on the letterhead of the organization with its details.

The power of attorney must include:

  • its duration;
  • the date of recieving;
  • to whom the power of attorney was issued;
  • list of prescribed powers;
  • leader's signature.

If the document does not have an expiration date, then it is valid only for a year from the date of issue.

The sample filling must necessarily contain the date of compilation, the signature of the director and the seal, if any.

Without a power of attorney in the absence of the general manager, the enterprise will not be able to fully conduct financial and economic activities:

  • the payment of wages, sick leave and vacation pay will be suspended;
  • the temporary deputy will not be able to dispose of the material resources of the organization;
  • make sales or purchases;
  • enter into important contracts;
  • sign documents.

The director of the company may revoke the power of attorney at any time. The employee himself has the right to refuse it, but only if it is not irrevocable (Civil Code of the Russian Federation p. 188.1). It can only be suspended in certain situations.

Cases of absence due to maternity leave

The general manager is the legal representative of the enterprise, acting on its behalf in tax office and other regulatory bodies. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation does not provide that during the period of temporary disability, vacation, the duties of the director of the company, as a sole body, are removed from him. That is, maternity leave is not a reason for the termination of the powers of the first person of the organization.

This means that the manager can certify the company's tax returns even if he is on parental leave. On the other hand, the actual performance of duties involves the calculation of salaries. Refusal to provide material compensation to a person exercising his direct official functions- violation of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Based on the Federal Law No. 225 of 2006, social benefits for pregnancy and further childbirth are provided to an individual in case of loss of a permanent income. In this regard, there is no basis for calculating social benefits. But the law provides for job duties on a part-time basis, while retaining the right to receive monthly allowance per child (Labor Code of the Russian Federation 256 Article 3).

But, for pregnancy and childbirth, such an opportunity is not provided for by law. Therefore, the period of time when the employee should rest, he nevertheless performed his duties, can be attributed to the period of actual work.

Who is required to sign documents if the director is on vacation

So that during the absence of the general manager, the enterprise could continue to work, make sales and purchases of goods, pay wages, sick leave and vacation pay, he must transfer to his deputy the right to dispose of the company's funds.

The delegation process is formalized by a power of attorney or an order. If there is no sample signature of the acting director in the bank form, then you will need to issue a temporary card. This procedure is provided for by Instruction No. 28-I of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of 2006 “On the Closing and Opening of Accounts, Deposits”.

Remote business management

Who signs the documents if the director is on vacation, you can answer this question in a slightly different way. Perhaps, during his rest, the head will not want to transfer his duties to another official. The law does not prohibit the exercise of their powers on vacation, so the head of the enterprise has every right to do so.

The fact that the first person of the company is on vacation does not release him from the performance of the duties assigned to him in the absence of a temporary deputy. And this fact won't count extenuating circumstance, for example, in case of non-payment of wages to employees of the organization.

But, if the general manager went on vacation and appointed by order a deputy temporarily acting in his capacity, but signs some documents on his own, some problems may arise. Since he delegated his powers, counterparties can challenge the contract he concluded.

Courts very often satisfy such claims and recognize such a transaction as invalid, explaining that if the first person of the enterprise transferred duties to a deputy, he lost his rights for a while. This is logically understandable. But the judicial authorities may act differently, according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 183 and not recognize such a transaction as unlawful if the organization has fulfilled the contract.

Therefore, before you go on vacation, you need to think through everything thoroughly and delegate only part of your powers, which the deputy director has the right to perform during his absence. But, if the manager plans to go on a long trip, The best decision– Completely withdraw from business in order to avoid further problems. And start your duties after the holidays.

What is the difference between VRIO and IO

Before deciding on the difference between these two concepts, it is necessary to give them a detailed definition:

VRIO A form of temporary replacement for an employee, when an employee is entrusted with specific powers, for which he is charged the difference between salaries, according to staffing actual and main position. But he performs the duties assigned to him only during the holidays, illness or business trip of the main employee and, upon his return, proceeds to his immediate duties.
AND ABOUT The form in which positions are combined, and the employee of the enterprise performs the duties assigned to him until the appointment of another person to the vacant position. The employee is not released from performing his immediate functions, but about combining the mark in work book not affixed. When the main employee returns, he again goes to the main place of work.

What is the difference between VRIO and IO

The legal definition is laid down in Art. 151 and 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and their provisions have been repeatedly tested in practice. That is, the acting director is appointed to a certain position with release from previous duties. The position that the official occupies is not vacant, therefore, the employee will work until the end of the vacation, the hospital's main employee.

An IO is a part-time worker who is not relieved of his main functions and the place he occupies is vacant.

In practice, very often these two definitions are not distinguished from each other. Material remuneration is provided if the interim is not a full-time deputy who cannot function as a head without a corresponding order.

The main difference between IO and VRIO is as follows:

And most importantly, responsibilities. The ARIO is directly transferred to another job, and the other person works in combination.

The general head of the organization is the sole authority acting on behalf of the company without a power of attorney. During his absence, he has the right to delegate his rights to another official. If there is a deputy in the staff, the duties of the director are transferred mainly to him, to which he can proceed only if the first person of the enterprise is absent.

The head has the right, on the basis of an order, to delegate his powers to another official, but only with his consent, since this is a combination by law. To avoid possible problems all actions for the transfer of rights must be executed in accordance with the law.

If the head is the owner of the company, he independently decides when and where to rest. He does not write any statements in this case.

General manager - employee

In this case, two options are possible.

Option 1

If the Charter states that the decision on the rest of the first person of the organization is made on general meeting members of the company, the general director writes a statement addressed to the chairman of the meeting of the owners of the organization.

At the meeting of owners, this application is considered, and one of the following decisions is made:

  • approve;
  • postpone;
  • refuse.

The decision of the owners is motivated by specific production reasons. There is a director in the schedule.

If the rest is approved, an order is issued in free form. Who signs the order for the director's vacation is the chairman of the meeting of owners.

In other cases, the vacation of the first person is either simply delayed in time, or the person will have to write a new application.

If the request is approved, it is necessary to transfer for some time his powers to a person capable of managing the enterprise. The order for the acting director for the period of vacation is signed by the chairman of the meeting of founders.

Option 2

If the Charter does not contain information on the procedure for granting annual paid days off to the boss, the rules should be followed.

Required documents

Upon departure of the chief, it is necessary to prepare:

  1. The decision of the owners of the company, if the director is hired; if the owner - go straight to the second point.
  2. Leave order.
  3. Regulatory document on the temporary assignment of the duties of the first person to another employee, for example, to the first deputy.
  4. A power of attorney to represent interests, which may be needed, for example, in a court or a bank (for a court, an order on temporary performance of duties will not be enough, see Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated September 25, 2012 No. 03-02-07 / 1-227).

It is also necessary to take care of the manager's vacation pay in advance, which must be transferred to him three days before leaving on vacation.

Interrupted rest

AT special occasions the CEO can be asked to interrupt the rest, according to the rules specified in. Such a decision can be made at a meeting of the company's owners and formalized by an appropriate order. However, in this case, the general may not agree to interrupt his weekend. Recall is possible only at the request of the head himself, which is drawn up in the form of an application for a premature return to his duties.