How to throw away an old mattress. Not just trash: rules for disposing of an old mattress. Who is engaged in the removal of mattresses?

Want to get rid of your old mattress?

If you've decided to buy a new mattress, but getting rid of the old one is clouding the joy of the purchase, we are ready to make it easier for you. “Junk removal” will rid your apartment of old furniture within an hour without leaving a trace!

When buying/renting or renovating an apartment/office/garage/cottage, many try to cope on their own, but taking the furniture outside is not all, although this process is not easy. It is fraught with injury, contamination and damage to other interior items, and noise and dirt in the entrance will displease your neighbors. Bulky waste requires proper disposal in specially designated places, otherwise the violator faces a fine of 30 thousand rubles and problems with utilities. In addition, some mattresses, due to their dilapidation, leave behind a lot of troubles in the room - smell, garbage, and in some cases insects.

Leave these chores to the professionals. In our company, removing mattresses from an apartment is a daily experience. We will do everything in the best possible way!

Conditions and cost of mattress removal:

What will you get when you order mattress removal from your apartment from us?

  1. After removing the mattress, you will immediately forget about it, because after our work it is always clean!
  2. Transport for pickup will arrive at your location within an hour after placing your order.
  3. Payment is made upon completion of work.
  4. Our movers have many years of experience in removing and disposing of bulky waste. You can trust us
  5. We have more than 10,000 grateful clients.
  6. After removal, disposal falls entirely on our shoulders. We transport the waste to the landfill and you do not have to worry about facing fines if it is disposed of incorrectly.

Mattress removal cost.

By deciding to cope on your own, you are taking a risk, because... at first glance simple procedure for export, quite labor-intensive. Do not forget that if you leave a mattress near a garbage container, you risk receiving a fine of 30,000 rubles. And you are unlikely to want to take the mattress to the recycling site yourself. Contact the professionals!

On our website there is a special calculator to calculate the cost of removing mattresses and other furniture. Use it and find out the correct price for the service for you.

How to place an order?

Call the phone number listed on the website or simply click on “Order junk removal.” The operator will accept the order and within an hour there will be no trace left of the old mattress.

Environmentally friendly disposal of the purchased mattress is an issue that concerns most modern buyers. How to quickly and safely get rid of an outdated mattress? Why can't you just take the mattress to the nearest trash container or try to burn it at the dacha? What types of structures are suitable for recycling? HYPNOZ talks about the rules and methods for recycling mattresses of any design.

An inevitable difficulty that everyone who faces is the disposal of an outdated model. It is difficult not only to remove the bulky structure from the apartment yourself, but also to throw it away without harming the environment. Ending up in a landfill in unrecycled form, massive stuffed mattresses without metal parts can decompose within 10-50 years (spring models with metal frame and will remain in a landfill for centuries). Trying to burn an unnecessary mattress yourself can cause even greater harm to nature and the people around you: for example, when foam rubber, often used as a filler for mattresses, burns, extremely toxic volatile fumes are released.

If you're serious about replacing your mattress, remember to follow environmentally friendly recycling guidelines.

Mattress disposal rules

1. Do not leave your old mattress near household waste containers.

As tempting as it may be to simply leave an unwanted mattress next to the nearest household waste container, doing so is not only unsafe, but also illegal. Like most pieces of furniture, beds and mattresses are considered bulky solid waste and require special storage and disposal conditions. Along with construction waste and large household appliances, they can only be thrown into an oversized metal container - a “bunker”, which cannot be found in every yard.

For throwing out bulky waste at a “standard” site equipped plastic containers for household waste, a fine of 1 to 2 thousand rubles is imposed (clause 3.7.15 of the Resolution of September 27, 2003 N 170 “On approval of the Rules and Norms technical operation housing stock"). If your yard does not have containers suitable for collecting bulky waste, you must order them by contacting the management company.

Of course, if the mattress is in good condition and has no visible damage, it can be quickly picked up by neighbors in need. However, a worn-out mattress left near plastic trash containers risks remaining in that place for at least several days: household waste removal specialists are not required to pick up the discarded product and load it into the garbage truck themselves. In this case, the removal of “illegal” bulky waste must be ordered and paid for separately by the management company.

2. If you don’t want to deal with transporting the old mattress yourself, hire a professional

Have you already chosen a new mattress and want to get rid of your old one as quickly as possible? Ordering a bin container for bulky waste may take several days, which buyers do not always have in stock. In this case, you can contact private company company engaged in waste removal - for a reasonable price, the movers will independently pick up the mattress and take it to the landfill or incineration plant.

Don’t hesitate to inquire about the fate of the discarded items - check in advance how the company plans to dispose of them. Often, unscrupulous hired workers simply throw away the removed furniture at the nearest waste collection site. Carefully study the information on the organization’s website or ask the operator about the waste collection points with which the company cooperates when ordering a service.

3. Don't let children use an unnecessary mattress to play with.

An unclaimed mattress thrown out near plastic trash containers can become a “prey” for children playing in the yard. Often, parents themselves allow their younger schoolchildren to use old mattresses as “trampolines.”

Jumping on worn-out structures (especially on spring mattresses with bent internal coils) can result in serious injury - a broken limb or severe bruise. It is also important to remember that most mattresses are made of flammable materials, so children's games with a product intended for disposal may result in its fire. In the case of mattresses made of artificial latex and foam rubber, the suffocating chemical smell of burning can spread several meters around.

4. Do not try to burn a foam or synthetic fiber mattress yourself.

For the same reason, you should not try to burn the mattress yourself: modern models made of polyurethane foam will not burn completely (the temperature required for the ignition of substances formed on the surface of the foam during strong heating is from 370 to 420 C), and models stuffed with foam rubber or synthetic fiber When burning, they will release dangerous toxic substances - carbon monoxide(carbon monoxide) and hydrocyanic acid.

Burning can be a good solution only if you are completely confident in the naturalness of the mattress filling - this way you can dispose of feather or cotton mattresses or models with a filling made from coconut fiber. When you burn old Bonnell spring mattresses (make sure there is no unnatural foam layer inside them!) a metal frame will remain, which can be recycled at a scrap metal collection point.

If you decide to burn old mattress, do this away from residential and technical premises. Watch the flame until the product burns completely. If a strong unpleasant odor appears, extinguish it immediately.

The best way to dispose of an outdated design is to disassemble the mattress into its component parts and then recycle them.

According to Caitlin De Roy, head of customer service for mattress manufacturer Tuft & Needle, the lifespan of most mattresses presented at modern market furniture is only 10-12 years old. After the expiration date recommended by the manufacturer, the structure loses its orthopedic properties and elasticity, begins to press through and, in the case of spring models, creak. Sleeping on a mattress that has lost its shape is unsafe for the health of the spine and joints, so an outdated product must be replaced with a new one.

External deformation, however, does not mean that the mattress filling has completely lost its properties - it can not only be recycled for the manufacture of cheaper household products, but even reused in the production of furniture.

Thus, according to the American bedding manufacturer EarlyBird, about 85% of the raw materials used in production modern models mattresses can be sent for recycling after the product's service life has expired. For example, the frame of a spring mattress can be taken to a scrap metal collection point for subsequent melting. Old polyurethane foam will become elastic again after repeated foaming: the foam will be cut into small pieces and “glued” together with a composition based on a similar material.

Unfortunately, not all discarded mattresses in Russia are sent for recycling. Most often, only the manufacturer himself deals with it. Thus, HYPNOZ sends polyurethane foam from mattresses that were returned during the trial period for re-foaming. From crushed foam and latex mixed with an adhesive bi-component, the material “BiFoam” is made - a non-toxic and quickly hardening foam concrete used in construction to insulate residential premises. Thermal felt is produced from crushed knitted fabric of the cover - a material consisting of compressed natural and synthetic fibers, which can serve as a filler for cheaper non-orthopedic mattresses or upholstered furniture.

Today in Russia there are no official collection points for latex or foam mattresses that have lost their condition, however, manufacturers of polyurethane foam products are increasingly interested in purchasing outdated models to obtain raw materials. A few recycling plants disassemble composite mattresses layer by layer and send them for further processing.

The majority of outdated mattresses are still disposed of in household waste by incineration, but a significant percentage remains “landfilled” in landfills.

If you are worried about the future fate of a discarded product and don’t want to send it to decompose in a landfill for years, donate an old mattress new life. For example…

1. Sell for a reasonable price

If your mattress is less than 10 years old and you decide to replace it with a new one because you found a more comfortable option, the product can be put up for sale for a symbolic price. Place an advertisement for sale in a local newspaper or use the Yula and Avito applications.

2. Donate it to those in need

Non-governmental centers for helping socially vulnerable groups of citizens, shelters for the homeless, shelters and nurseries for animals will gladly accept donations of unnecessary bedding decent quality.

3. Disassemble the mattress into its component parts

Foam rubber or cotton wool can be useful for stuffing pillows, soft toys and even for insulating windows and walls.

4. Take me to the dacha

A method of dealing with unclaimed items, proven by generations of Russians. At the dacha, an outdated model can find a second life in the form of an additional sleeping place or a lounger for relaxing outside.

  • Around the world, many millions of mattresses of varying complexity and degree of wear serve people for comfortable leisure and sleep. All of them can be or are islands of vigorous microbial activity;
  • Among the bacteria and microscopic fungi that inhabit mattresses, there are E. Coli and a relative of the invincible MRSA, a frequent guest of purulent wounds, Staphylococcus Aureus.

The above Staphylococcus aureus can deprive the owner of the mattress of a sweet night's sleep, causing nasty-looking infectious skin ailments. And fungi that live in comfort items can be the culprits of coughing or even exacerbation of diseases such as eczema.

Having tested various samples of sleeping mattresses that had been in use for about 8 years, a sanitary doctor from the UK and TV screen heroine Lisa Ackerley came to the conclusion that for most mattress users, especially old ones, their biological contents would be an unpleasant surprise.

Mold and bacteria are invisible to the human eye, but over months and years of use of the mattress, they accumulate in it, so sleepers can begin to inhale pathogenic spores of bed microorganisms.

Staphylococcus Aureus bacteria can cause infectious skin diseases; In addition, there are strains of staphylococcus that. For example, such a “superhero” of the microcosm as MRSA, which can live in secret for years in the bodies of apparently healthy citizens.

Ordinary people who are not experts in matters of hygiene focus on those contaminants that are visible to the eye without a microscope and biological formation - gray sheets, stains on pillows. Moreover, the most unsanitary object in the bed is often the mattress. For example, if one is in use for ten years, then it can accumulate up to five kilograms of dead particles of human skin. These kilograms can feed up to 10 million mites that can cause allergic reactions and chronic illnesses, including asthma.

Lastly, old springs and worn-out plastic foam can cause back and neck pain, as well as disrupt precious sleep.

The study also found that many people don't change their sleeping mattresses for decades. For example, Dr. Ackerley encountered breeding grounds for bacteria, mites and fungi, which he bought back in 1975 - when the film “Jaws” was released and in the weightlessness of space, the Russians first met the Americans.

Previously, microbiologists from medical center Langone at New York University found that carpets hanging on walls are no less harmful than old mattresses and breeding grounds for pathogens. Their “wilds” contain up to 200 thousand bacteria per square inch, which is 4 thousand times nastier than the environment in a home toilet (which is washed and disinfected from time to time).

Today, many countries are actively fighting against a wide variety of constantly generated waste, so recycling mattresses is also of no small importance in the field of environmental protection. These products can sit in landfills for decades. At the same time, they aggravate the already deplorable state of the environment, adversely affecting all living things.

Each product sooner or later exhausts its resource and becomes unsuitable for further use. Mattresses are also not “immortal”: over time, they lose their properties, shape, become dirty, and become bad smell, become the reason bad sleep owners. Also, the mattress contents absorb moisture (human sweat, etc.), which leads to the appearance and active reproduction of mold fungi and bacteria. Damaged mattress springs can cause injury. This is why you need to dispose of your old mattress on time!

Why can't you just throw it in a landfill?

Of course, most people in our country still throw old mattresses into bulky waste containers or simply leave these bulky items near the trash cans. However, today there is more rational ways disposal of unnecessary mattresses, so throwing them into landfills is an extremely undesirable and already outdated measure.

The process of decomposition of mattresses in landfills with waste is very slow; it can take a dozen or even more years. In addition, bed bedding that ends up in landfills is flammable, leading to the risk of fires. A burning mass of various waste is a source of toxic substances released into the atmosphere, smog and simply an unpleasant odor wafting into populated areas.

It is also believed that discarded mattresses are capable of absorbing and accumulating dangerous compounds, which negatively affects the natural environment.

Simply throwing the bed frame into a landfill is not recommended, not only for environmental reasons, but also for economic reasons. Sleeping mats contain valuable components that, after proper processing, can be reused.

Where to recycle

Currently, there are special companies involved in the recycling of mattresses and complying with the regulations. environmental safety. Often these same companies are liquidated and old furniture. Typically, such organizations operate according to the following scheme:

  1. The company’s specialists come to the customer at a time convenient for him.
  2. They take the mattress out of the apartment/house/institution.
  3. They load him into a special transport.
  4. Transported to the disposal site.
  5. They are disposed of in accordance with environmental standards, and certain components are sent for further processing.

Hotels, sanatoriums, hospitals, etc. can also use the services of these companies.

You can also recycle your bed mattress with the help of specialized stores. IN in this case You can return the mattress for recycling if you purchased a new product. Depending on the store’s policy, the service for removal and further disposal (recycling) of worn-out mattresses can be provided for a fee or free of charge. Moreover, prices for recycling an old mattress may vary depending on the manufacturer of the purchased product.

For example, one of the Moscow stores exports used mattresses at the following prices: when purchasing Materlux - free, Ascona - 150 rubles, Lonax, Ormatek - 300 rubles, Virtuoso - 350 rubles, Comfort Line - 500 rubles, Beautyson – 1000 rub. In some stores, the cost of removing a mattress for disposal is fixed and amounts to approximately 300-350 rubles.

Sometimes you can hand over your old bed frame to mobile or stationary collection points. For example, in St. Petersburg the company Peremolka is engaged in this, which also accepts old clothes and waste for recycling clothing production etc.

Who is engaged in the removal of mattresses?

In addition to employees of recycling companies and specialized stores, employees of organizations exclusively engaged in removing the large product and transporting it to the disposal site can remove the old mattress. Contacts of these companies can be found on the Internet. As an example, let’s take the Moscow company “Fast Loaders”. When determining the cost of the service, the specialists of this organization take into account the weight of the product, its size and the number of floors of the house.

Mattress disposal

The most popular mattresses can be combined into two large groups:

  • spring: the design uses springs made of steel;
  • springless: have polyurethane foam, latex filler, and are also stuffed with coconut coir, cotton wool, etc.

Depending on the type of product and the materials used in it, when disposing of mattresses, they may be used. different technologies. The simplest method from a technical point of view is manual recycling, when old mattresses are disassembled into their component components manually. After completion of the disassembly process, all received and sorted materials are transferred (sold) for further processing.

What products can be obtained from the components used in old mattresses? Here are some examples:

  1. Foam rubber, cotton, and felt can be used to produce lining fabric for carpets.
  2. Steel springs are melted down at factories into various new products.
  3. Wood elements are crushed and converted in this way, for example, into decorative mulch.

Recycle spring mattress, like other types of bed liners, can be done using one of the previously described methods. Recycling companies and stores that specialize in selling sleep products usually accept all types of mattresses for recycling.

How mattresses are dismantled and recycled abroad is shown and explained in the following video:

Ascona recycling program

The largest enterprise producing anatomical mattresses, V Eastern Europe is a factory of goods for good sleep Askona. At certain periods of time, the company holds recycling promotions. The essence of the program is as follows: a person hands over his old mattress to the company for free recycling and receives a discount on the purchase of a new product.

The promotion is being implemented both through the online store and through Ascona branded showrooms. In the first case, the discount is calculated from the cost indicated on the company’s website. After moving the item to the “basket”, you need to select the “disposal” service, and the new cost of the mattress will be recalculated automatically.

When participating in the program through branded salons, you need to approach the specialists and tell them that you want to return your used mattress to receive a bonus for the purchase of a new one.

The program allows you to receive a 10-15% discount on recycling.

Pay attention! Not the entire range of Ascona products takes part in this promotion. Detailed conditions programs must be clarified with consultants.

Summing up

Disposal of an old mattress today can be carried out with the help of specialized companies. A worn-out sleep product is not a waste, but a source of valuable materials. Therefore, you need to dispose of the mattress correctly and in a timely manner. By recycling it (for little money!), you are doing your part to protect the environment.