How to open a dating club or a marriage agency. How to open a marriage agency: tips, tricks, business details

Organizing a marriage agency on your own is perhaps one of the most extraordinary ways to generate income. What could be better than making people happy?! It is you who will begin to look for their soul mates for people, and they will be grateful to you for this. You will not only receive material benefits from what you are doing, but you will also be morally satisfied, since the mission you have chosen - "to collide the fates of people" - is considered noble and in demand. In just a few months of work, you can achieve tremendous success in this field.

However, without competent organization own business, there is no way around it. The question of how to open a marriage agency can be confusing for some. Certainly he demands detailed analysis. The following recommendation will be primarily useful to those who intend to engage in acquaintances on a professional basis.

Where to begin?

Before you open a marriage agency, you should study in detail the situation in this type of activity, at least on the scale of your locality. Read the materials printed publications, announcements, promotional information regarding how to properly organize the business.

For example, analyze the price level in your city for the services of a "professional matchmaker". Chat with your friends or acquaintances - it is possible that one of them has some experience in the field of activity that interests you. It will not be superfluous to sign up for a consultation with specialists who help you find your destiny as a client and explore the material, so to speak, from the inside.

Prepare a business plan

Do you want to know how to open a marriage agency? Do not hurry. First you have to compose detailed business plan marriage agency. In this document, you should thoroughly work out all the details and prospects for your future enterprise.

For example, you must determine the specialization of your activity, namely: will you look for wives or husbands only among your compatriots or in your client base will appear and Foreign citizens. Perhaps you want to open an international marriage agency.

That is why the services of a “professional matchmaker” are in high demand today: Russian women dream of a foreign husband, and a certain part of our representatives of the stronger sex prefers to marry girls from Europe, Africa and the USA. Also in your business plan, you must detail the cost estimate (rental of premises, purchase of equipment, wage employees) and predict how long it will take you to recoup your investment.

How to open a marriage agency? There is nothing difficult in this. Remember that the main goal is to select the ideal candidate for the role of spouse or husband. The principle of the marriage agency is quite simple: the more you manage to "connect hearts", the better. The popularity rating of your company will depend on this.

So, the business plan is developed and the goal is defined.

The next step is to register your business with the tax authority. As a rule, this procedure is done fairly quickly (3-7 days).

As a result, in your hands you will have documents confirming the legality of your business. What's next? Let's move on to the practical side of the question of how to organize a marriage agency.

Choose a room

The choice of the location of your marriage agency should be approached responsibly and seriously. It is better to choose an area with developed infrastructure. The building you are renting from must be close to shopping centers, supermarkets, hotels, cafes and restaurants. The place must be respectable. One square meter of rent can cost you about 2,000 rubles a month. Think over the design of your office in advance.

Provide an area in the room in which the representative of the weaker sex over a cup of coffee could discuss with her friends the proposed candidates for the role of "life partner". The interior of the office should be made in a business style, which, at the same time, would encourage the client to a confidential dialogue. It is optimal if the area of ​​the office you rent will not exceed 50 square meters. To decorate inner space and you will need about 200,000 rubles to make repairs.

What will be required from the equipment?

You must be aware that each hired employee must be provided with a workplace and have necessary set office equipment: computer, scanner, printer, copier. Also indoors you will need cushioned furniture to make customers feel as comfortable as possible. As a result, your wallet will be empty for another 300,000 rubles.

Hiring staff

Paradoxical as it may sound, but in the organization of a marriage agency, the ability to understand the psychology of the individual is of paramount importance, while the financial side of the matter is secondary. And one of the main components of a successful business is the competent selection of personnel. You will need a couple of smart specialists who can thoroughly understand the features interpersonal relationships. With their help, you will be able to find out as accurately as possible what qualities the chosen one or chosen one of the client should have.

Many people ask the elementary question: “Why can long-term relationships between people be ultimately doomed to failure?” It's all about their psychological incompatibility. To minimize this risk, you need the help of experts.

With the help of consultations and tests, they will definitely select the client perfect couple. Do not forget that you will pay for the work of specialists: one employee will cost you approximately 30,000 rubles per month. At a minimum, you will need two psychologists.

If you want to connect single people and make money on it, then the only question arises - how to open a marriage agency from scratch? We will tell you where to start in this case and how to organize this type of business in the safest and most correct way.

Increasingly, men and women are turning to such services where they can find a life partner without wasting time. At the same time, he will be tested, reliable, have certain qualities and be as suitable as possible in terms of psychological parameters. It is quite convenient and does not require extra costs time. Therefore, a marriage agency is a profitable and successful investment.

Format of your business

Experienced entrepreneurs note the promise of this idea. To start, it is enough to have a small capital and a minimum staff, and profitability never falls below 20%.

First you need to decide in what format you will work:

  • only within your state;
  • cooperate with foreign agencies and select suitors abroad;
  • combine the two options.

AT major cities the level of competition is quite high. But in addition to serious projects, there are various scammers. To reach a solid level, you will need to create a good reputation for yourself and do quality organizational work.

Also, consider in advance who will pay for the services - both parties or only men. The most popular format for the work of marriage agencies today is the combination of the search for partners within the state and beyond, as well as payment from only the man.

The nuances of work

The most promising for business is the opportunity to introduce women to foreigners. For this, it will be necessary to preliminary work:

  1. Conclude an agreement with marriage agencies in certain countries (Europe, Africa, America, Asia). In this case, you will cooperate with them and provide a database of brides, while you yourself use a ready-made list of grooms, or vice versa.
  2. Find suitable and proven clients for your part. To conclude such cooperation, it will be necessary to find at least 100 potential brides.
  3. Prepare quality portfolios to show off your applicants with better side. At the same time, it will be useful to draw up competent questionnaires, conduct psychological tests and take beautiful photos.

Where to start looking for applicants? Create a website on the Internet, advertise in the media and inform your friends about new opportunities. Offer additional services to attract more customers, such as courses foreign language, consultations of a psychologist, teaching the rules of communication, conducting trainings for personal growth, etc.

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To open a marriage agency you will need:

  • application for the establishment of a company or individual entrepreneur;
  • a copy of the entrepreneur's passport;
  • certificate issued by the tax service on registration;
  • receipt of payment of license fees;
  • founding documents companies and their copies;
  • a lease agreement for premises or proof of ownership;
  • conclusion from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire inspection on the compliance of the cabinet with the standards.

In order to provide marriage services, you need a special permit to carry out this type of work. When applying for an IP, it is enough to choose a simplified taxation system in order to pay a certain percentage of income monthly (6% of the total turnover or 15% of net profit).


You can create your own marriage agency at home. This will significantly save start-up costs, but in this case it will be difficult to gain the trust of customers by meeting them only in different cafes. To give solidity and raise the reputation of the company, it is better to acquire small office.

Try to find a building in the city center with a separate entrance. The size of the office can be within 20 square meters. m. Special attention devote to the interior. Soft lighting, pleasant pastel shades, comfortable furniture, relaxing confidential atmosphere, the opportunity to talk in private - all this contributes to the disclosure of a person and a pleasant impression of your activities.

Clients should be able to sit on sofas with a cup of coffee and review the profiles of potential brides or grooms in a relaxed atmosphere. For conversations with a psychologist, it is desirable to organize a separate small room.

Each employee should have their own workplace. To do this, they purchase tables and chairs, spend good lighting. It is very important these days to acquire equipment - a PC or laptop with Internet access. Copying and scanning equipment will help to easily collect the necessary documentation.

Pay special attention to the presence of a safe. In it, you will store not only money, but also company documents, as well as all the personal files of your clients, so that their data remains confidential in any case.


It is very important who exactly will work with visitors. It is recommended to hire at least one psychologist who will compile tests and be able to assess the compatibility of certain couples, advise on exciting topics and help overcome shyness if necessary.

For correspondence with foreign partners, you need a philologist or a competent translator who will compose letters and help clients communicate with each other. In order to create a portfolio for each bride and groom, a professional photographer and makeup artist will be required. They do not have to be hired on a permanent basis, you can simply conclude an agreement on the provision paid services of necessity.

News financial statements and both the owner of the company and a hired accountant can submit the required documentation to the tax service. To work with the Internet, create and promote a site, organize video chats, you need an appropriate specialist. When providing additional services you should also hire experienced employees for each individual area of ​​work.


When opening your agency from scratch, you will need to draw up a competent business plan and calculate all the estimated costs. Here are the averages.

In addition to the initial capital, it is required to pay various bills every month.


In order to fully assess the payback of a business and understand whether it is profitable to engage in it, you should also calculate the expected profit from your activities. Exact numbers will depend on fixed prices for services, as well as the number of customers.

What are you paid for

Cost, in rubles
1 Registration in the database and on the site 6 000
2 Providing complete information about brides and grooms 300 000
3 Organization of tours, trips and meetings 60 000
4 Sending letters 200
5 Video chat 200
6 Contact details of the selected person 900
Total: 367 300

And that's just the amount one person can pay. The total profit will be calculated from the number of customers and their wishes. The profitability of such a business is estimated at 20-40%. You can reach full payback in 8-9 months. But other factors will also influence this moment - Small town gives less opportunities in filling the database, and in a large one there will be too many competitors.

If you want to create successful business and without going into details of how to organize everything correctly, you can find foreign franchise offers. Such a project involves a ready-made program of action, you will only need to pay an entrance fee and pay monthly or annual deductions to the owner.

Security questions

It must also be remembered that this species business is associated with certain risks. There are many clients, both men and women, who enjoy the gullibility of others. Therefore, it is so important to check every person entered into the database.

Experienced businessmen are advised to organize their work as follows:

  1. Keep a clear document flow, where there are murals of clients, do not throw away checks and receipts.
  2. Make photocopies of passport data and keep them in safe place.
  3. Respect confidentiality.
  4. Require personal completion of all questionnaires and forms manually.
  5. Warn your customers about possible risks and swindlers to be vigilant and careful.
  6. Keep a list of unreliable persons, and also exchange "black" lists with other colleagues both abroad and within our state.

Video: how to open a marriage agency, where to start?

At first glance, the creation of a marriage agency seems like an "empty idea", "an absolutely unprofitable enterprise." And yet, if you analyze the statistics of divorce proceedings and compare the total number of single people looking for love online or through acquaintances, you get a good base of potential customers.

Business project summary table


AT recent times all large quantity young people are concerned about creating strong family. Independent searches may not always give the desired result. That is why the dating business is becoming so popular.

Marriage agencies are able to offer their clients:

  • proven database of potential partners;
  • services of a photographer, make-up artist, stylist, hairdresser, manicure and pedicure master, astrologer;
  • maintaining a questionnaire database and compiling a profile in the most favorable light.

These points in no way mean that the matchmakers are lying and trying to splurge. It's just that sometimes, in order to find the right person, it's not enough to be rich. inner world. And representatives of marriage agencies know this firsthand.

Registration and organization of business

It can be very difficult to register a company of this kind of activity. There are a number of subtleties and nuances that will need to be taken into account before submitting an application to the Federal Tax Service.

  1. Range of services. If there are make-up artists, photographers, content managers and other specialists on staff, arrange a simplified system for tax rate will not work. And this is a serious problem, since not every novice entrepreneur can afford to pay personal income tax at 13% of annual income.
  2. Collection of documents and registration of business. Since "marriage agency" is not really standard view business, collection of all necessary documentation It is better to provide a qualified lawyer.
  3. Creation of a logo, corporate identity of the salon. This is one of the most important points at the time of business registration. Since all data related to office work will be reflected in the statutory documents of the salon and in the Unified State Database (USB).

The room and its decoration

Validity (that is, reliability) determines a key role in choosing a location. Most often, it is wealthy men and women who turn to such institutions, wanting to find for themselves an educated, wealthy and mannered life partner. Therefore, it is better to rent a room in prestigious (elite) areas of the city or not far from cottage settlements. It is also possible to have a loud start in the central part of the city, not far from busy pedestrian streets.

  • high quality and expensive furniture;
  • tables and chairs made of natural wood;
  • ultramodern computers and office equipment;
  • hall for photo shoots with a high-precision camera and ramps, reflectors;
  • an astrologer's office, with printouts of star charts;
  • richly decorated director's office;
  • photographs of happy married couples on the walls of the hall;
  • all kinds of attributes reminiscent of the solemn part of the marriage procedure (flowers decorated as a bride's bouquet; lace curtains that look like a veil, etc.).

To summarize all of the above, the salon should look as respectable and successful as possible.

Choosing an agency format

The most difficult part of the whole process is the choice of the format of work. Some salons prefer to cooperate exclusively with foreigners, others form a mixed client base, and still others join the association of "marriage agencies" and work only with proven candidates from the business community.

How these systems work.

  1. In the first case, the owner of the dating service is looking for trusted foreign agencies or organizations that agree to cooperate on an ongoing basis. A mutually beneficial contract is signed and a plan is drawn up for meetings, dates for potential newlyweds.
  2. In the second case, a contract is also signed, but in addition, it works internal system registration. Anyone can become a client of such an agency.
  3. The third case is the most advantageous. This is explained by the fact that the owner of the company can provide not only reliable data about each of his clients, but also vouch for them. Working through an association is prestigious and profitable in every respect.


In order to put the workflow must be included in the list staffing the following professions:

  • astrologer;
  • votograph;
  • make-up artist;
  • manicure and pedicure masters;
  • psychologist;
  • family ethicist;
  • consulting marketer.

It should be noted that most of these specialists may be in the status of "invited". Thus, the employer can remain in the USNO system by issuing a temporary employment contract.


PR promotions and commercials on TV are the most effective tool promotion. It is a well-written script and the ability to highlight all the advantages of a dating service that will create a basic client flow. This is primarily due to the fact that a large number of people want to find a worthy person, but do not know how to do it on their own.

In addition, you can design a large and bright sign so that passers-by see your establishment and turn to it.

The financial component of the business

Cost of opening and maintaining

The main items of expenditure include:

  1. Rent and repair of premises - 200,000 rubles.
  2. Rent of furniture and office equipment - 100,000 rubles.
  3. Remuneration for invited specialists - 100,000 rubles.
  4. Advertising - 50,000 rubles.
  5. Creating your own website and logo - 30,000 rubles.
  6. Taxes - 20,000 rubles.

Total: 500,000 rubles.

Size of future income

The amount of future income will directly depend on the flow of customers. In the event that at least 10 people apply to the agency for a full set of services within a month, then the profit will be at least 65,000 rubles.

This price will be made up of:

  • compiling natal chart- 1,000 rubles;
  • services of a photographer, make-up artist and manicure and pedicure master - 5,000 - 10,000 rubles;
  • compiling psychological portrait personality (in particular, revealing hidden motives and predisposition to mental disorders) - 500 rubles;
  • maintaining personal data and filling out a profile is free of charge.

Payback period

Quite often, marketers and economists on business websites publish average values ​​​​for the payback of a business project (in the event that, of course, it has income, and does not pay for itself).

For the service sector, it is at least 1 year. However, you should not blindly trust the statistics, you should always rely on the specifics of doing business and the level of client flow within the market segment.

Marriage and dating agencies are not a new business in Russia. It proved to be the most successful in the late 90s of the 20th century. But right now, when the number of divorce proceedings in the country has reached its climax, it has become in demand and relevant among different segments of the population.

Looking for interesting and profitable idea for business? Pay attention to marriage agencies. Unfortunately, not all citizens of our country have found their true love, soul mate. However, many of them find it difficult to solve their problem on their own. There can be many reasons: lack of time, difficulties in communication, etc. The issue is more relevant for older people who do not accept visiting nightclubs, parties, casual acquaintances on the street. But for help in finding a future wife or husband, these people are ready to pay a good financial reward. Therefore, among many businessmen, the question is relevant: how to open a marriage agency.

What are marriage agencies?

First of all, you should decide what kind of services you will offer to your clients: searching for a suitable couple within our country or searching for rich foreign suitors for the beautiful half of our compatriots.

In the case of work only in our country, it is necessary to create bases of brides and grooms. At the same time, working in this format, you can make a huge range of services offered. After all, in addition to marriage, many people are looking for fellow travelers, partners for a pleasant pastime.

To search for brides for foreigners, you need to create a database of girls. Make sure that your clients do not have a dark criminal past, be sure to check their documents. The questionnaire should indicate age, presence or absence of children, marital status, height, weight, education, etc. For an additional fee, you can help the girls with the services of a professional photographer.

After you have formed a decent database of single girls, you should proceed to the next step - the search for foreign partners. Foreign agencies often prefer to work with several partners, so they rarely turn down newcomers with a decent database. When providing it, refrain from indicating any contacts.

status and place

Now let's move on to organizational issues: where to start opening a marriage agency. As for the license, it is currently not yet required, so it will be enough to register as a private entrepreneur with the payment of taxes under the simplified taxation system.

Client selection

No matter what kind of business you are in, the current market relations involve the promotion of goods and services for successful business. As you know, the engine of commerce is advertising.

In order for you to invite clients to the agency, they need to be interested. With an initial customer base, you can begin to deploy advertising company. Advertising can be placed in printed materials in the relevant sections. Remember that you should not advertise the company itself, but the best customers in your database. For example: "Martin, an Englishman, 40 years old, the owner of a confectionery factory, is looking for a girl under 35 years old to start a family."

Interested in such ads, customers will come to your office themselves.

Customer service

The ability to communicate with people is the main answer to the question: what is needed to open a marriage agency. A conversation with clients is like a conversation between a psychologist and patients. Treat them with understanding and empathy, while trying to learn as many details as possible. At the same time, you should watch your facial expression and words.

Next, you should evaluate the chances of customers. As a rule, they are looking for attractive people without children or with one child without bad habits. Therefore, it is better to be honest with visitors and immediately tell about the chances of success. It is better to lose an unpromising visitor immediately than to have trouble from him later.

If the visitor/visitor is promising, you should introduce her/him to the database of questionnaires, while trying not to display contact information. There should be a lot of questionnaires to arouse interest among visitors.

After that, offer to fill out a questionnaire and familiarize the visitor with your price list.


How to open a marriage agency on the Internet? It does not matter whether you open a company offline or online, no agency today can do without its own website.

It is important to think about design and not be stingy with paying a web designer. Customers evaluate the site with their eyes. This is especially true for women. Websites must be original and load quickly.

Questionnaires should be posted on the site. Some take money from clients for this, others sell contacts to interested parties.


As you can see, it is not difficult to open a marriage agency. The main thing is to properly organize the work and create a decent database. Work with all your heart and really help your customers, don't just try to "make money" and your grateful customers will always recommend you to friends and acquaintances, and you will not lack visitors.