Taurus compatibility in love relationships. Compatibility in sex: earthly passions. What does a perfect Taurus couple look like?

“Finally, I met a worthy person,” each of the Taurus will think, deciding to start a relationship with a partner of his sign. And this definition of "worthy" refers to everything that includes their union. There are few zodiac couples of the same name, doomed to harmony and happiness, since complementarity cannot be found in relationships between similar people. But each of the Taurus is such an integral person that he simply does not need the influence of a partner. Yes, and would not accept any influence, too independent and stubborn.

The union of two people who honor the same truths can avoid many conflicts. Why argue, why quarrel, if the partner’s opinion almost always coincides with yours? .. so rarely doubt that one can say almost never. They know everything for sure. They can make mistakes, no doubt - no one is perfect, but the chosen path will not be curtailed, even when faced with serious obstacles. Bulls are not afraid of difficulties - it’s better that difficulties are afraid of them: people of this sign have so much inner strength that they are literally able to bend the world under them if they wanted to. However, they do not need peace - a good house, stable prosperity and a quiet life are enough.

Tauruses are very economic and diligent. Even receiving a fairly high income and having accumulated considerable capital, they will not litter with banknotes, wasting their savings on entertainment and whims. Firstly, prosperity cost them great labor and diligence, and they. Secondly, they are not conceited at all, and in general they are not accustomed to reckon with other people's opinions. Tell me, if a representative of any other sign were in the place of the Taurus woman, would she not torture her husband with demands to buy her a lot of expensive toys demonstrating the status? Of course, the Ox will not get tired of telling his wife his firm “no” over and over again, but with what deepest respect he will imbue a woman who is able to say “We now need a new boiler more than I need new shoes.” And when the Taurus girl nevertheless gathers in a shoe store, she will acquire a pair of strong boots for any weather - because they are more practical than model pumps. She will not ask her husband for money for them, since from childhood she is used to being independent, and from adulthood she is to provide herself with everything that is needed.

The Taurus man is fascinated: here she is, his only one! Calm, serious and pragmatic, but at the same time so warm, homely and caring. She responds to his restrained delight with no less admiration - the Ox woman despises guys with a hole in her pocket and wind in her head, and therefore she deeply respects her chosen one, who can be called anything, but not windy. Together they will go through life, leaning on each other, to someday meet old age in a comfortable and tidy house by the lake, far from the noisy bustle of the cities. They did a good job and deserve rest. And let Taurus be completely unsentimental, one day the old Ox will take his old woman by the hand and say: “It's great that I once chose you.” To which she will probably answer: “Undoubtedly great ... but I chose you!”.

Yes, the struggle for the right to lead in a bull family is not uncommon. After all, we have two Taurus in front of us, and this is one of the most stubborn signs of the Zodiac. Their life position is “Not a step back!” helps to achieve success in any business ... but not in a dispute with his own kind. Have you ever argued with your reflection in the mirror? The verbal duel of two Bulls is about the same. Moreover, it can literally arise from scratch: one did not give in, the second was indignant, and as a result, the Taurus did not talk to each other for a whole week. It's amazing, but such a competition - who will over-stubborn whom - is sometimes the cause of serious quarrels and even the separation of a pair of Bulls. Never let this happen! Winning an argument won't bring you as much joy as it will make you feel proud of your partner. You know yourself that you are perfect for each other. So find the courage to be the first to say "I'm sorry" - in the name of future long years of joint happiness.

Taurus in love and marriage

According to the love horoscope of compatibility, Taurus can choose the object of his passion for a long time, but when the choice is nevertheless made, he will not even listen to the opinion of others on this matter. All the assurances of friends or relatives that this person does not suit him at all, he will calmly pass by his ears.

With compatibility in love and marriage, Taurus is full of tenderness, romance and perseverance. The Taurus man is able to give flowers every day and make gifts to his beloved. As a rule, such tactics turn out to be correct - a woman gives up, unable to resist.

Taurus is perhaps the most sensitive sign of the zodiac. People ruled by Venus love to caress, but they prefer to be caressed, they stretch out the time of caresses. On the positive side, Taurus is characterized by the fact that they are usually good spouses. Women of this sign are usually sincere and faithful wives, and they know how to create an atmosphere of peace and harmony in their home. Most Taureans work well when they have a cozy home and family where they can relax and re-energize.

Taurus is set for a serious, strong relationship, and ideally for a marriage that will last a lifetime. Having tied his life with marriage bonds, Taurus will be faithful, reliable and completely devoted to the family.

Taurus Sexual Compatibility

According to sexual compatibility, Taurus loves and appreciates all carnal pleasures, whether it is delicious food, sweet dreams or good sex. In bed, as in life, he is characterized by solidity: perhaps you cannot call him a too temperamental lover, but he knows exactly how to enjoy himself and deliver it to his partner. His caresses are not a stormy onslaught, but rather a long love marathon. He has nowhere to hurry, including in bed: attentive and stubborn, he knows how to kindle a fire of desires in his partner and is determined to enjoy it to the fullest.

How to make love with a Taurus

Straightforward Taurus does not like unnecessary chatter and long walking around the bush. If you want to get a real result from a conversation with him - talk about business, and immediately take the bull by the horns, that is, start right from the most important thing. Succinctly state the facts and conclusions, trying not to give vent to emotions - this will make a good impression on Taurus.

Remember that order and justice are very important points for relationships and love with Taurus. If the solution to your issue will help restore order or restore justice in something, know that in your soul Taurus is already on your side. However, from simple approval to agreeing to help Taurus, there is a whole abyss. Enlisting his support is very difficult, but if Taurus nevertheless told you “yes”, his word is more reliable than the signature under the contract.

Dating a Taurus

If you're dating a Taurus, then you'd better always have a big book with you, or at least a very rich imagination. Taurus love luxury, so aim for the same.

An expensive dinner, theater tickets, a dessert, or a foot massage could be on your Taurus list. If you don't have money, get creative, make your meeting sensual, earthy and charming.

Go to a gourmet restaurant with him for a sweet and chocolate dessert, spend a romantic evening in a five-star hotel, take a walk in the park, go to the bathhouse, go to a musical, have a picnic on the beach or in the park with a bottle of wine and cheese, spend the evening in a cozy hut in the woods, take a walk to the botanical garden, take flower making lessons together, get acupressure or go to a sanatorium for treatment.

Where and how to find love Taurus

Since this is one of the most closed and conservative signs of the zodiac, getting to know him is a big challenge. Invite a noisy group of friends home, treat them to something tasty of your own preparation. And ask them to bring some nice friend with them. And then - the way to a man's heart, as you know, lies through the stomach! All in your hands.

Taurus - love failure or finding happiness

Family well-being of Taurus is facilitated by his cheerfulness, the ability to see the good in everything, career advancement, interest in creative projects and extraordinary people. Visiting cultural events, developing abilities, and a sense of humor will help Taurus get rid of loneliness.

Taurus - compatibility with other signs

Compatibility Taurus - Aries

Without a doubt, in this case, "Aries" for "Taurus" is the most determined, strong and reliable partner of the entire Zodiac. For the latter, it’s good that the “ram” can immediately moor wherever the “calf” wants and immediately “anchor”. With his “ram”, the “calf” will never disappear anywhere. “Aries”, of course, can be both faithful and devoted, very caring and fair, but he also has his “buts”, and there are many of them. Already the very fate of the "ram", especially in the first half of life, is very restless and changing. As already mentioned, this is an "active volcano" on which the "calf" will have to sit.

Despite the fact that they both love to work and study at home, at home, constantly redoing something in it, decorating and improving their home, which will always stand out for its individuality and originality, both partners are in eternal disputes due to some little things that sometimes prevent them from being together for a longer time. In the apartment, everyone should have their own separate room, although at night they should only be together.

Marriage with a "calf" can always be a hidden drama until they saw off and throw their horns in the trash, along with jealousy, of course. Only after this will the doubts and the problematic nature of this marriage union disappear.

"Taurus", without a doubt, creates for his "ram" the best home conditions and environment for both work and leisure. Moreover, the calmer it becomes, the calmer the “calf” behaves. And for the "ram" it is a vital elixir, the best medicine for both the body and the soul.

Compatibility Taurus - Taurus

Both of them are like "self-propelled savings banks" with one desire to provide for themselves in old age, because they can well afford both a prosperous life and its special style.

Both "calves" know well what a partner in love and marriage wants and wants. And their love comes and is also strengthened with the accumulation of material wealth and an increase in the money account in the bank.

Compatibility Taurus - Gemini

Despite the strong sensual attraction, and a lot in common, this marriage union is not viable, it is not suitable already due to the fact that, and the "calves" are tormented by fits of jealousy and suspicion. Disputes and quarrels are eternal - regular guests in this house. Although in this married life the "twins" initiate all the love and erotic-sexual fun, super-entertaining conversations and intimate conversations, but as partners, they are great as a knight for an hour. True, some ideas of the "twins" in the hands of the "calves" quickly take the form of money or other material values. But, as a rule, they remain with the same “calves” and “twins” are simply inaccessible. Of course, this situation does not suit the latter at all, especially if it is longer and more often repeated.

Frequent misunderstanding of each other eventually leads to discord and severance of relationships, which end in divorce and separation.

Compatibility Taurus - Cancer

Excellent relationships can form and exist between “calves” and “cancers”, full understanding is a reliable guarantee of a solid foundation, both for the marriage itself, and for marital relations and family life.

Most importantly, they have a lot in common. Both love the hearth, dream of their own home - cozy and comfortable, a garden with flower beds, a vegetable garden, etc. If they both take the negative traits of their character and disposition more strictly under control, impose a ban on stubbornness and obstinacy, then their marriage union, marital ties and family life can develop and flow in happiness and harmony.

Even in the event that you dominate together with him, then immediately the arrow of the spiritual barometer would quickly move towards the “storm”. Various strangers, former boyfriends or girlfriends of "cancer" are immediately and mercilessly expelled and eradicated, because the "calf" will not tolerate even the shadow of some kind of "love triangle".

It also happens, of course, that "cancer" becomes the home inventory of the "calf", but then it is already provided for the rest of its life. For everything good that “cancer” gives and does to him, “calf” repays him with his love, loyalty and devotion. In addition, the "Taurus" is the only one of the entire Zodiac who calmly endures all the spiritual crises of "cancer" without harming the state of his own soul.

The feeling of mutual sympathy between them, as a rule, arises quite quickly, although at first their relationship is built only on a friendly basis. The sober realism of the "calf" has a calming effect on the agitated imagination of the "cancer".

According to the law of nature, each person is attracted in his partner by what he himself lacks, what could complement him. We are well aware of how often “crayfish” become discouraged, give up and retreat from their goal due to the lack of perseverance and endurance, endurance and perseverance, especially at longer life distances. It is here that their only hope and savior can become a "calf", endowed in abundance with these qualities of character. And the feelings of duty and obligation of the “calf”, family and maternal feelings are always marked only with the “seal of reliability”, and this is exactly what is so necessary for “cancer” and life together with it.

Compatibility Taurus - Leo

Despite the strong physical attraction, there is little hope for a strong and lasting marriage union. And the main reason for this is that none of them is capable of submission. This gives rise to and causes constant disputes and quarrels, worsening both mutual understanding and relationships. Here, all underwater reefs must be lit day and night, so as not to bump into them and not break.

For a solid “calf”, his partner is property, personal inventory, and carefully weigh everything. The common thing in this marriage union is that both have a love for money, only the “calf” earns and saves it himself, and the “lion” prefers to spend it, and spend it widely, “godlessly”.

This union is often threatened by various family scenes and performances based on "lion" scenarios, for which he is a real master. "Taurus" these stories can bring to anger and rage, to "white tremens" with all the sad consequences. In addition, the "lioness" must always and constantly ensure that her partner does not extinguish the fire of love and passion. It must be supported by all means - both natural and artificial. We also note something else: since the “lions” are able to console “misunderstood souls” outside the home, this marriage union does not promise and does not bring any happiness to the jealous “calf”. This is confirmed by the data of both social and judicial statistics.

If the “calf” is the very caution and thrift, a real hard worker with only one desire to have his own property and secure old age, then the “lion” is spiritual nobility, generosity and nobility, generosity and extravagance, life span and “flight into space.” Since male "lions" love to have a night of drinking in the company of "fun guys", their "calf" spouses often have to keep their loved ones "under house arrest" or even "behind bars" in order to protect them and protect them from various dangers.

And not only because they scatter money left and right, but “night butterflies” often interfere in these fun feasts - frivolous and windy, who also demand their share. This item, as a rule, is almost never removed "from the agenda".

And that is not all. If over the years all passions and blazes seem to have settled down and died out, all the same, the “war” between both partners will continue, although in a different direction. Now the “war of liberation”, “the war for freedom and independence” will begin, which means, as the Russian proverb says, “radish is not sweeter than horseradish”. And therefore, it is best to avoid this marriage union.

Compatibility Taurus - Virgo

This marriage union is successful and favorable for both the “calf” and the “virgin”. If there is no “crazy love” between them, the love of Romeo and Juliet, then, in extreme cases, deep sympathy and affection for each other can last until the end of life.

Basically, both are reconciled and united by realistic views on life and healthy practicality, which is and serves as a solid foundation for their harmonious marital and family life. In this union, inflation or bankruptcy is completely out of the question.

The "virgins" of their partners "calves" honor and appreciate, and the latter are very happy with such an attitude on the part of the "virgins" and, for their part, do their best to thank them with their love and feelings, their care and behavior. They have so much in common that they are kind of "understudy", in many ways unmistakably complementing each other. In this marriage, "Taurus" brings his warm heart and feelings, and, prudence. Both of them are accommodating and peaceful, both have a keen flair and taste for all economic and financial issues. Basically, all conversations and conversations between them are about money and earnings, plans for the future. This brings spiritual harmony and joy in life together, gives confidence in the future, raising their spirits and maintaining a good mood, enhances their hard work and efficiency. Just give the "calf" the will and freedom of action - and this will bring significant material success, material benefits.

Compatibility Taurus - Libra

No special comments are needed here. Despite the fact that the "calf" and have a lot in common, however, a long-term marriage union between them is impossible because of completely opposite life principles.

Compatibility Taurus - Scorpio

Between the "calf" and the "scorpion" there is either a great attraction, or a clear antagonism, but never indifference. This marriage union is a “volcano with two craters”, from which clubs of jealousy constantly and eternally flare. Moreover, jealousy is squared or even cubed. This is a meeting of a match with a strip of sulfur on the box, so be careful both of them. The slightest friction is already capable of causing instantaneous ignition. These zodiac signs are in opposition in horoscopes. If the attraction of opposites in the first phase of love hardly creates any obstacles, then the second phase - the phase of repulsion - will already require a sober assessment, self-control or even self-denial and self-sacrifice on the part of one of them.

Both have enough reserves of feelings and passions for ten lives of other people. For a long time for this couple, the main role is played by intimate life, the erotic-sexual side. they immediately ignite the hot blood of the “calf” in a fog of intoxication, giving rise to the well-known philosophical thought that “the earth under your feet and the sky above your head can be lost, but this love will live forever ...” This is partly true, because from great passion they are even ready for each other "eat". And outwardly, the apparent peace and composure is just a visual deception for the outside world. And they do it better than anyone else. And we also note that this union brings beautiful and talented children.

Both partners are similar to each other both in their temperament and label of the owner, and unbridled passions. A faithful companion of such a complex is a feeling of jealousy, the main scriptwriter and director of all domestic dramas or melodramas, comedies or tragedies. True, when everything goes well, when volitional impulses do not exceed the norm, then this couple will not disappear in life, it will succeed and develop perfectly, and together will stand up in the fight against any enemies, competitors.

But if, nevertheless, it does not stick together in life, then this union is turned to discord, rupture and death. In the latter case, if this threatens, in order to avoid unnecessary victims and losses, in the name of preserving your own nerve cells and health, we advise you - it is best to disperse calmly, peacefully and with dignity and look for your happiness in another harbor.

Compatibility Taurus - Sagittarius

Here, briefly - the marriage union between the "calf" and as not having the slightest solid ground under it. Physical attraction alone is a colorful soap bubble that bursts from the lightest breeze of life.

Compatibility Taurus - Capricorn

For, "calf" is already a real find. As with one, so with the other, feelings are permanent and lasting. Both in love and in marriage, this couple is faithful and devoted to each other, which guarantees a stable union with a high strength factor. Indeed, as the statistics of many countries of the world confirm, divorce is an exceptional rarity in this marriage. Between them, as a rule, love does not arise “at first sight” or in the form of a “forest fire”, but over the years, mutual understanding and harmony deepen, and a sense of affection grows stronger.

But there is still one "but". Here, both love itself and the marriage union must be supported by money or other material goods. If there is neither one nor the other, then it is better not to formalize this union officially, legally. This is also proven truth.

Both partners are permeated and saturated with life reality and practicality. In this marriage, perseverance and endurance, endurance and perseverance, reflection and planning, a normal attitude towards frugality, that is, all those properties and qualities of a person that contribute to the realization of a life goal, prevail. Immediately after the celebration of the wedding, they have common interests, and common plans, tasks, goals that move them forward and upward in the future. And if the “Capricorn” in this union brings its own home, then the “Taurus” decorates it in the full sense of the word, at the same time combining business with pleasure. And if any disagreements arise here (who doesn’t have them?!), then they are so insignificant that they do not interfere with this union and the common good at all.

Compatibility Taurus - Aquarius

We can immediately say that this marriage for the "calf" is one of the worst, because here he will have neither peace nor rest, since the sins of the partner - "Aquarius" will constantly excite him. "Taurus" will constantly have to cope with both the "Aquarius" himself and his friends or girlfriends. In general, there are so many differences here that a marriage union between them has long been considered imprudent and inexpedient. Recent observations also confirm this view.

"Taurus" needs a settled way of life, a guaranteed, secure future. He is extremely attached to his home, he simply cannot imagine his life without it. The most brilliant and colorful castles in the air remain soap bubbles for him, without the slightest benefit, without the slightest sense. He perfectly understands and knows that our world is constantly changing, progressing, but love and money, money and love, as they were in the old days, will remain so forever.

A bright, lively imagination arises, sudden thoughts, ideas arise, very original, although often dubious, undertakings, both frivolity and windiness are often observed, and the poor "calf" constantly has to "ground" it and engage in more earthly and practical, more real and useful.

For a “Taurus” man, an “Aquarius” woman partner is a constant headache, one grief and a “puzzle”. She is a lover of thrills, fleeting adventures and adventures, real love adventures. At the same time, "Aquarius" is not able to cope with the stubbornness and obstinacy of the "calf", with his willfulness and willfulness, and this despite the fact that he is the most faithful and devoted partner. Yes, the "calf" is not subject to any re-education, any "alteration", any "perestroika".

As you can see, this marriage union is fraught with all sorts of surprises, surprises, a variety of "surprises". Most often, everything goes down the drain because of the painful desire of the Aquarius woman to misbehave, which happens not so rarely, as well as her craving for everything new, unknown. "Taurus", of course, cannot put up with this, does not want and will not. Therefore, discord and rupture, divorce and separation are guaranteed here.

Compatibility Taurus - Pisces

The marriage union between the “calf” and the “fish” is built on a very reliable foundation, since there is both physical attraction and love passions between them, they are held in high esteem and fidelity and devotion, they are attached to each other until old age.

The “fish”, linking its fate with the “calf”, no longer backs down from it a single step. And the “calf”, who caught his “golden fish”, does not let her go anymore, creating in his own “aquarium” the best conditions for her living.

This couple has a lot in common. Both love peace, especially peace of mind. Both love comfort and convenience, everything is beautiful and expensive. Both love the "sweet" life. The only difference is that those who live only for today, and the "calf" is an unsurpassed worker, organizing his own destiny, himself ensuring his future. But be that as it may, if only the “fish” has its own house, and even with a garden, then for the “calf” this is the best bait.

This marriage union will be magnificent under good material conditions. He demands abundance and a prosperous idle life, gaiety and pleasure and, of course, love, moreover, passionate. And so that this love on a down jacket is not very pampered, the "calf" always has its own realistic plan, and very reliable control over the savings bank account.

This union gives “Pisces” confidence in the future, loyalty and devotion - they cannot wish for anything better.

Women "calves" also do not have to be offended by their partners from the sign of Pisces - they conscientiously give them sincere feelings, warmth, warmth. Their passions, taken together, can instantly melt a whole iceberg.

Most of the "calves" work hard and, of course, get tired a lot. That's when they need supervision and peace, care and care, and no one will do this better than "fish" - they are innate mercy. The only thing to be wary of here is strong drinks, strong drugs or drugs, on which "fish" can sometimes come across. But, as a rule, the “calf” of this kind of pleasure crosses out in two counts, cross-for-cross, preferring only the sweetness of love.

The relationship of these two representatives of the Earth perfectly fits the description of the type of compatibility of the same signs "I and my mirror." At first, young Taurus, as if approaching a mirror and admiring the reflection, when they get to know each other, they see the best features inherent in themselves - this is a wide smile, friendliness, and a desire to please the person who is interested (each Taurus tries to sincerely please not everyone in a row, but only to those who are interested in him). Then similar qualities of personality and character will be assessed: poise, striving for stability and constancy, honesty, even if painted in rude tones, readiness to help on the verge of self-sacrifice.

It is easy to guess that the derivatives of the above are likely to be similar interests, hobbies and plans for life. As for strong friendship, these qualities should be enough for her in full. But the illusion that a copy partner can become an ideal for relationships and family will constantly be tested by reality. And in the end, reality will win. A developed and mature personality is much better suited to someone who is fundamentally similar to her in something, but different in something. And on the basis of these differences there will be a mutual exchange. And when you have a partner in front of you, from whom, by and large, there is nothing to take, and who, accordingly, has nothing to offer in return, then the relationship very quickly exhausts itself.

So is Taurus and Taurus at a young age, when the best friend is someone who looks like you, they get very close, and as they grow older they understand that everyone would like a partner more interesting than their boring reflection. And therefore, in maturity, such meetings practically do not occur. Unless the partners are of the same sex and it is not about friendship or cooperation.

Usually, two Taurus have mutual satisfaction with the physical side of the relationship. But not as long as we would like. Both are quite conservative and monotonous in habits, so they literally read each other in advance after the first meetings. But in terms of fidelity, both are reliable and mutual. And they are unlikely to consider someone from fleeting hobbies as an incentive to destroy the stability so dear to them.

What is worth working on in a relationship for two Taurus?

Representatives of this zodiac sign strive for a measured life, preferring to spend time with their family or with a loved one, rather than attend crowded and noisy events. And, being with each other all the time, they begin to frankly get tired. From the boring predictability of a partner, from his senseless obstinacy, from useless resentment, from material obsession - in a word, from everything that they themselves are familiar with from birth, but now “in the mirror” is reflected simply on a frightening scale.

Usually Taurus, not in a state of work or creative process, is a real lying stone. And when both in the family are like that, then who will stir them up? So they will lie and grumble at each other.

This couple is recommended to at least occasionally pull themselves out of the routine of life. Companies of friends are useful to them, where everyone can prove himself as a storyteller, and as a toastmaster, and as an artist - the main thing is that the genres do not intersect. Well, not to abandon a hobby in which everyone could retire, be creative, meditate and take a break from a partner.

Taurus Woman and Taurus Man

The relationship of a Taurus man and a Taurus woman at the development stage greatly simplifies openness in communication and straightforwardness. Partners are similar in many ways, which allows you to behave naturally. This helps both to decide on a serious step - to move beyond friendship and offer the partner the creation of a family, to which both are extremely responsible.

By not spending a lot of time studying each other's positive traits and shortcomings, both partners save themselves from unpleasant surprises in their married life. And all the disagreements and scandals, in fact, turn out to be very predictable. But this does not mean that every Taurus seeks to extinguish the problem in its infancy. Sometimes it's even the other way around: one or both partners may be specifically set up for a duel in the kitchen that evening. At the same time, even preliminarily mentally preparing for it.

I am glad that in most cases the couple is still able to realize the risks of aggravating the conflict and quickly conclude a truce. Being subjected to such tests and accumulating baggage of insults and nit-picking, the union, alas, does not become more stable. And in the end, only faith in stability, loyalty to a partner and commitment to the comfort of life become its foundations. A typical Taurus is an adherent of a bad world, rather than a good war, therefore, he will break only as a last resort.

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People born under the constellation Taurus (April 21 - May 20) are confident in themselves and in their choice. In search of the second half, they can spend a lot of time and effort. But, as soon as they find a life partner, someone else's opinion does not exist for them. No matter how you have to convince or dissuade Taurus, the result is usually lost.

As a rule, the representative of this sign is not looking for temporary relationships. He spends time searching only for his life partner, with whom he will live long and happily. Being in a relationship, Taurus can be the most gentle, beloved and caring person if he sees another person as a life partner. If this is a guy, then his chosen one is very lucky. As a result, he seeks her hand. She cannot resist his feelings and energy. Provided that there is reciprocity, the marriage promises to be long and happy.

Taurus - Taurus

The joint relationship of these two signs is rare, but such unions do exist. Even in different variations of the character of Taurus, this is not the most successful combination of partners. These signs go through the stages of relationships for a very long time. They do not immediately notice each other, they look closely for a long time.

Both of them do not like to leave the "comfort" zone, they are afraid of change, they get used to comfortable living conditions. It is for these reasons that they fit each other and stay together.

In the character of both there is perseverance and stubbornness. They rarely give in to each other. They do not give up and do not stop arguing, even if they both understand the whole pointlessness of the process.

    Taurus Woman + Taurus Man

    Most often - these are two very neat, economic people. They have a lot in common: goals, desires, views. I envy them a lot. They have kindred spirits. They attract the attention of outsiders, which is why they often deal with envy. A serious and secure Taurus can fall in love with their partner in the course of a relationship, even after marriage. Therefore, even after many years of living together, the spouses behave like newlyweds, have fun together, discuss problems, make decisions, etc. Taurus is constancy, perseverance, strength and positive energy. The union of a Taurus woman and a man is all these qualities multiplied by 2.

Taurus - Aries

This combination is real only when the man is Aries and the woman is Taurus. According to another, such unions rarely exist together for a long time. But in this case too representative the beautiful half of humanity needs to be especially patient. She must always recognize the advantage of Aries in a relationship, and never contradict this. A man, in turn, as a sign of love and respect, will always try to surprise his companion, to seek her love. If he openly shows sadness towards a woman, life automatically turns into continuous violence.

    Aries man + Taurus woman

    Real relationships are possible if a man treats Taurus well and with respect.

    The combination of these signs is quite difficult and a little conflicting. They can stick together only if they have common views and interests.
    If Aries' flame can quickly flare up and also quickly go out, then Taurus has a constant fire in his soul.

    Aries Woman + Taurus Man

    In the event that the Taurus man, along with Aries, most of all corresponds to the image of a real man in the imagination of an Aries woman. If he decides to create a family, he will provide for it from “A” to “Z”.

Taurus - Gemini

Such a connection is common even though the compatibility of these signs is very complex and ambiguous. Taurus and Gemini can rarely recognize each other completely. Most often, until the end of their lives, they still cannot learn and understand each other completely. Geminis are sociable, energetic, adventurous, smart, talented and interesting. These qualities are the most intriguing and captivating Taurus. The twins want to see home comfort, fidelity, thriftiness in their partner. The problematic issue in this couple is jealousy. Gemini is fickle, this is the most annoying companion. Therefore, they often live personally with their own interests and understanding, without crossing each other's boundaries.

    Taurus Woman + Gemini Man

    At first glance, the Taurus woman and the Gemini guy are not very suitable for each other. She is solid, he is too active a character. But this is exactly the case in which opposites attract. They have opposite types of character and views. When they start living together, there are a lot of disagreements, so don't expect any stability and constancy here. But according to statistics, such marriages do not last long. Taurus can not always put up with the active and fun lifestyle of Gemini.

    Taurus Man + Gemini Woman

    They are rare, but if they already converge, then the couple does not last long. Gemini is too active and energetic for the cautious Taurus. Compared to the Gemini woman, the Taurus man is more devoted to family relationships. He is the guardian of the family hearth. A woman is not going to devote all her time to her family and husband. That is why the union often breaks up.

Taurus - Cancer

A perfectly harmonious union. Such couples can often be found, and they live, as a rule, in love and harmony. These are two lovers and guardians of the hearth. The nature of Cancer often changes like the weather. Therefore, Taurus tries not to part with him for a long time. Children are happy to have such parents. Taurus can be jealous even for no reason, then Cancer knows the approach to him and knows how to quickly calm him down. Cancers like the attitude to life that Taurus prefers. Therefore, they greatly value their soul mate. Cancer is a bit of a material person. But Taurus is also famous for this, so they converge well in the union. They can save money together and enjoy shopping.

    Taurus Woman + Cancer Man

    Both love home comfort. Take care of the harmony of relationships. Household. Great lovers. But sometimes a woman can be pissed off by the excessive caution and prudence of a Cancer man. Here one of her qualities is manifested - straightforwardness. She can easily say everything to him in the eye. After that, Cancer can be offended by a companion for a long time. And if a woman crosses the line, the relationship can fail. But, nevertheless, there are more positive characteristics of these signs than negative ones. Therefore, the union has a chance to exist for a long time. Moreover, both in a couple will feel happy.

    Taurus Man + Cancer Woman

    They are perfect for each other. Cancer woman is a lover of staying at home, creating comfort and harmony. This is exactly what Taurus needs. They are both interested in joint well-being. If both will try, the relationship can be perfect. The sexual side of the couple is also well characterized. They perfectly understand each other. They have common desires and goals that relate to the family and the home.

Taurus - Leo

There is enough love, passion and attraction in these relationships. According to Taurus, more magnificent than Leo can no longer be found. He is so comfortable that sometimes it even scares. Their difference is that Leo needs charm, delight. Taurus, in turn, does not share such morals of a partner and prefers a more mundane and calm lifestyle. People are sexually compatible with each other. Sometimes that's enough to keep them together forever. .

    Taurus Woman + Leo Man

    In these relations there are no barriers to the realization of each as a person. Leo leads a more active and public lifestyle. At home, a faithful companion is still waiting, which ensures the comfort and well-being of the hearth. But she concedes to him the main role in the family, which he values ​​\u200b\u200bvery much. Match each other in bed. This is close to the ideal union, which has everything necessary for a strong family and understanding.

    This is a rather complex and unexpected relationship for both. Such a connection is sometimes surprised even by the "participants" of the relationship. Their joint fate has a lot of incomprehensible situations, conflicts, misunderstandings and different outlooks on life. But they can't get out of this tangled maze. Already at the first stages, that a man, that a woman sees all the pitfalls. But sometimes such bets create strong families. This is possible only when both have the wisdom, strength and patience to change everything, understand and fix it. Then such couples live happily together.

    Taurus Man + Leo Woman

    From the very beginning, communication between people is difficult to establish. They are both strong and powerful personalities. Both understand it. But this does not prevent frequent quarrels and misunderstandings. A little time will pass and the Leo woman will see and appreciate her advantage and begin to lead the satellite. A Taurus man will not like this attitude and will not like it. Therefore, he will often be tormented by doubts about their relationship, especially marriage. He does not want anyone to subjugate him or adjust to himself. Prefers to live without these difficulties.

Taurus - Virgo

Such couples are not rare and, as statistics show, they manage to start a good, happy family. Both are economic. Really look at all things, embellishing nothing. Where Taurus can be stubborn, Virgo balances the relationship with their submissiveness. The main goal of Virgo is well-being in the house. For this, she is ready to do everything. Taurus appreciates such qualities of his companion. They always have a loving and harmonious atmosphere in the family.

    Taurus Woman + Virgo Man

    There are a lot of similarities in the combination of Taurus woman and Virgo man. But this quality plays an ambiguous role. It can both bring together and push away from each other. In this case, the couple needs to place the right accents. As a rule, the relationship of representatives of these signs is calm, comfortable and stable. The Taurus woman won the heart of the Virgo with her organization and discipline. The Virgo man is practical and knows how to control himself and the situation. This helps to avoid a lot of surprises. But the couple does not differ in special personality.

    Taurus Man + Virgo Woman

    These people have a lot in common. One starts the conversation, the other ends. The case of "they speak different languages" does not apply to them. They can make concessions. Avoid quarrels. People around often consider a couple of Taurus men and Virgo women exemplary, sometimes they try to imitate. Together they are well received in society. Being with each other, they are ready to endure any test of fate. The man is smart, confident and decent. The woman is kind and patient.

Taurus - Libra

At first, these signs get along with each other and understand each other. They have a mutual attraction of interests, opinions and views. But this is only at the beginning of the relationship. The more Taurus and Libra get to know each other, the faster they begin to be disappointed. Inconsistencies, quarrels, misunderstandings begin. Then the lovers begin to annoy each other. Libra begins to make claims to Taurus, which he really does not like. As a rule, they stay together only if they are united by a common cause or social activity.

    Taurus woman + Libra man

    For the people around, the couple may seem a little strange and incomprehensible. Few people understand them and share their behavior and attitude to life. But among themselves, the Taurus woman and the Libra man get along well, complement each other. There are similarities between them. Together they are omnipotent. But being in an inseparable union, no one violates each other's individuality. Libra men love to take care of a woman, make pleasant surprises. They are easy-going, they do not have to be persuaded for a long time. The Taurus woman does not like attachment and dependence, so she tries to avoid situations that can lead her to this. Compared to Libra, she is not so romantic. The fair sex is freedom-loving and independent. Likes specifics.

    Taurus man + Libra woman

    Male Taurus and Libra female shoot together for a good quality of life. Therefore, their union complements each other, they are interested in something new together, they learn and teach each other. Love and harmony reign in their relationship. The partner always sees a zest in his companion and tries in every possible way to unravel it. It becomes the purpose of all life. The Libra woman is very fond of romance, there is a mystery in her. The Taurus man is strong and calm. This is very like his half. Together with such a companion, she gets rid of worries and anxiety. If Taurus finally decides to take responsibility for themselves, then together they will withstand any stones of fate. But in order to maintain the union, both of them will have to try, especially making spiritual efforts. Also, a Libra woman and a Taurus man can be good partners in a common cause.

Taurus - Scorpio

Such a combination of constellations for living together is not common. Initial sexual attraction and craving become routine. People may even lose interest in each other. Taurus entails a representative of the constellation Scorpio. But these relationships sometimes resemble a dangerous love game. But their bond is more like lovers than family. He can’t get out of the constant circle in any way: first love and passion, then extremes, separation, resumption of relationships ... And so without interruption, until the relationship is completely exhausted.

    Taurus Woman + Scorpio Man

    The female Taurus and the male Scorpio have a lot in common, they are similar. Both prefer fighting and moving forward. They will always come to each other's aid. The Scorpio man is very careful in choosing a companion. He loves women who are steady, serious close to perfection. This is exactly what Taurus girls are. Trips to other women of the Scorpio man can destroy the relationship of this interesting couple. But if he shows a desire to get rid of a negative habit, then everything will work out in a couple. The worthy behavior of a woman will always compensate for the negative traits of a man.

    Taurus Man + Scorpio Woman

    They have many points of contact. Sometimes it seems that there is an invisible magnet between them, which involuntarily attracts them to each other. They have many common qualities: hardness, hardening, constancy and stubbornness. Although in life partners absolutely diverge and rarely find common ground. Together, they will be able to spend a long time in harmony and happiness only if both manage to achieve the necessary balance in the relationship. The union is rather unusual, but interesting. The Taurus man and the Scorpio woman together will be able to feel happy if they do not violate each other's boundaries, will contribute to the development of the partner as a person, and will not deprive of freedom. A Scorpio woman is very difficult to rebuild, she is incorrigible. Therefore, Taurus will have to get rid of the habit of finding fault in some cases. She, in turn, should not cause a feeling of jealousy in her husband. The main thing is to have love. Then this couple will be able to overcome everything together.

Taurus - Sagittarius

In most cases, a couple cannot serve as an example of well-being. The rigid qualities of Sagittarius character cause indignation in Taurus. Sagittarius likes to command, criticize, obsessive, categorical. Taurus has a negative attitude towards such behavior. The only thing that unconditionally strengthens this relationship is an intimate life. In this area, they have no equal, they are one hundred percent suitable for each other. But if it comes to parting, then even the first-born is not an incentive to build relationships. The material side plays an important role in this union.

    Taurus Woman + Sagittarius Man

    A Taurus woman is too pragmatic for a Sagittarius man. He is unruly and restless. They are different. They have opposite views, goals, desires. But that doesn't stop them from being together. Despite all the opposites, they look very harmonious together. Often these signs at the first meeting do not feel much attraction. Then they are unlikely to get a long and strong union. But if the spark flared up already on the first date, this couple has great chances to start a good relationship for a long time. Then, even with all the differences in characters, they will be able to create a decent family. The phrase "opposites attract" is great for the Taurus woman and Sagittarius man.

    Taurus Man + Sagittarius Woman

    Usually a couple of Taurus man and Sagittarius woman is not famous for loyalty and reliability. Most often, such unions do not exist together for a long time. But there are also many positive qualities here, especially at first. The Taurus man sees attractiveness, wit, courage and recklessness in his beloved Sagittarius. These qualities attract him. The woman, in turn, likes the seriousness and pragmatism of Taurus. But she does not want to lose her love of freedom even in marriage. In family matters, these signs diverge a little. The Sagittarius woman believes that marriage is a union of two independent, free people. The Taurus man thinks differently. His views are more traditional. In this relationship, there are many reasons to be together, but no less reasons to disperse. Therefore, the union of the well-being of these signs depends on the joint need for each other.

Taurus - Capricorn

This is one of the most prosperous combinations of zodiac signs. They suit each other not only in bed, but also in terms of their views on life, personal interests, hobbies. Conflicts happen. But, as a rule, they arise on the basis of the instructiveness and desire of Capricorn to constantly teach Taurus, starting with how to cut bread and ending with principles and concepts. Taurus does not share such an attitude, which can lead him to feelings of rage. For a while, Capricorn calms down, but soon he takes up the old again. But still, Taurus admires the diligence and patience of a partner. Often takes an example from him.

    Taurus Woman + Capricorn Man

    It is quite possible to speak of this union as an ideal one. The Taurus woman and Capricorn man have many common interests, views and goals. They are both inspired and harmonious. They have good sexual compatibility. But this is not the basic principle that impoverishes these signs. The mind of Capricorn, the homeliness and gentleness of his companion make the relationship harmonious. While doing work, Capricorn may not worry about household chores and children. With the Taurus woman, they are in perfect order. A woman prefers peace and comfort, so she tries to avoid conflicts and softens corners. She knows how to give her man the opportunity to feel that he is the head of the family. This is very important to him. Both strive for a serious relationship, so relationships tend to last forever.

    Taurus Man + Capricorn Woman

    This is one of the strongest alliances. The Taurus man and the Capricorn woman are great for each other, as they have many qualities in common. Both of them are characterized by pragmatism, perseverance, purposefulness, both are nature-loving. That for a Capricorn woman, that for a Taurus man, home comfort and family values ​​mean a lot. Together they dream of constancy, comfort and coziness. Together, most often they manage to find it. It cannot be said that the union is too bright sexually, but, nevertheless, it is very harmonious. The family relationship of this couple can be considered ideal if together they strive for this and not neglect each other.

Taurus - Aquarius

People are different in principles and in relation to life. Taurus and Aquarius are hard to get along. Taurus loves home comfort, economic, faithful morally and physically. Aquarius wants to have a home in order to have somewhere to return. Freedom-loving. Taurus believes that Aquarius has too much freedom, and this upsets him. Such relationships are unstable. Strong feelings quickly turn into conflicts, heat into cold and vice versa.

    Taurus Woman + Aquarius Man

    Good union. Especially, this applies to the Aquarius man. He really likes the affectionate, penetrating and hardworking Taurus woman. His creative and freedom-loving nature requires such a life partner. He often has mood swings, the Taurus woman endures such changes in the "weather" with a smile, while doing household chores. A Taurus woman will always support her man, appreciate his creative qualities, his hobbies and hobbies. But if all this does not bring sufficient material income, she will tell her husband everything she thinks. The material side is not the last place for the Taurus woman. But such a couple breaks up, most often, at the initiative of Aquarius. Because it's more profitable. If he becomes uncomfortable in this relationship, he immediately closes the door behind them and looks for another.

    Taurus Man + Aquarius Woman

    Feelings in this pair are in the first place. Both have a well-developed sexuality. Intimately, they fit each other 100%. But, unfortunately, only this is considered the main component. Other common ground needs to be looked for. Taurus is a pragmatic man. The Aquarius woman is extravagant, unusual, a little strange. The Aquarius woman loves to learn new things, she is diverse, she does not sit still. The Taurus man is often annoyed by this, as he prefers a relationship in which the companion will be more involved in household chores, having no interests outside the home. If they can find a compromise, the union will turn out to be quite good. But the statistics do not promise good prospects. But they are wonderful friends or lovers.

    This connection is considered more profitable for the Pisces man. He needs support, understanding. All this he finds in the Taurus woman. In addition, the companion can take on all the responsibility: for the house, family, work, financial situation. Pisces men are not very willing to do this. A woman does not like it, she can express her indignation. But he stays with Pisces, because he appreciates their sensitivity, ability, peace and tranquility. Also, they have a good sexual relationship. Both are not conflicting, they like to relax in nature together. They have a lot in common. Therefore, this relationship can be happy and strong.

    Taurus Man + Pisces Woman

    Often such relationships are doomed to success. Pisces woman is very gentle, defenseless and affectionate. Since the Taurus man is looking for a soul mate that he wants to take care of and take care of, this option is the most suitable for him. Love attraction in this pair is present. But the Taurus man often suffers from the secrecy and obscurity of Pisces. But she also sees in Taurus a good spouse and faithful companion in life. Taurus can provide a good family. In life, he will always do more things than a woman. But that doesn't make them any less happy.

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People born under the constellation Taurus have a high level of earthiness. They are driven by pragmatism and a thorough approach to any business. Even the madly in love Taurus does not lose his head. They purposefully get to know a partner from different angles before deciding to tie the knot with him.

The slowness of Taurus, their desire to weigh all the "pro-et-contra", often becomes a stumbling block at the initial stage of the formation of a relationship. However, a Taurus man and a Taurus woman will perfectly understand each other. The incredible patience that Taurus possesses allows you to calmly accept even too long a courtship process. But, if two Taurus decide to be together, then it will be a strong family in which love and mutual respect will reign.

Taurus man and Taurus woman: character compatibility

Taurus are always confident in their abilities. However, they are in no hurry to demonstrate their mental abilities in public. Both the male and female Taurus, born under this zodiac sign, have a balanced character, it is difficult to piss them off. But absolute calmness, regardless of the current situation, is often misinterpreted: Taurus is considered callous and unemotional. But despite the surrounding opinion, their inner world is always in harmony, since only true values ​​\u200b\u200bare of particular importance for the calves.

One of the main advantages of this zodiac sign is that they accept a person as he really is, in combination with the positive and negative aspects of character. Accordingly, Taurus try to avoid companies that are not inherent in sincerity. Perhaps that is why the Taurus man and the Taurus woman feel quite comfortable and calm alone with each other. Choosing friends and lovers, they ignore external gloss and success, focusing on the inner component of a person. They are attracted primarily by extraordinary personalities.

Compatibility of Taurus Man and Taurus Woman in Communication

The restraint of Taurus is reflected in their type of communication with other people. They are not verbose and do not tolerate transfusions from empty to empty. Taurus do not seek to talk about anything, they speak exclusively on the merits, even among themselves.

Their relationship is built solely on honesty and objectivity. Taurus go out of their way to help and support their Taurus spouse, regardless of the opinions of others. They prefer to act together striving for the triumph of justice. However, when you decide to spoil relations with one of the Taurus, then express unconstructive, or moreover, tactless criticism against him. This is exactly what people of this sign do not tolerate the most.

Relationship Compatibility Between Taurus

  • The incredulity of Taurus is clearly manifested at the stage of the formation of relationships. They do not trust their partner for a long time and seek to arrange a test of loyalty.
  • Taurus do not look for easy ways. Because of their natural restraint and some secrecy, they are in no hurry to reveal themselves to their partner. But they have a long way to go in order to fully know their soul mate.
  • Having taken up the matter, Taurus will not back down from it until they bring it to its logical conclusion. This is facilitated by the solidity of the sign.
  • In some situations, Taurus embellish current events and tell lies in order to present themselves in a more favorable light. They may lie to those to whom they are not disposed to avoid unnecessary explanations and questions.
  • Taste, smells, sounds - Taurus likes everything that allows them to "caress" the senses. In order to impress Taurus, you can go to a concert with him or visit a museum.
  • In general, Taurus is not jealous. But if they convict their partner of treason, they will completely break off relations with him. You can't bring back the old feelings. Taurus do not forgive betrayal, which for them is treason.

Taurus Man and Taurus Woman Love Compatibility

Two calves are a beautiful, strong couple. Taurus man and Taurus woman are 100% compatible. Basically, when two Taurus get married, the family is strong and reliable. Taurus will do everything possible to protect their loved ones. For this, they are ready to do anything.

Cozy warmth and complete harmony are associated with Taurus. People born under this constellation appreciate everything beautiful, strive to create beauty and enjoy it. They are talented and love different kinds of arts. Taurus in marriage can be firm in their convictions, but the "iron will" in most cases is combined with tenderness, warmth, care and faith in the best.

Taurus Man and Taurus Woman Marriage Compatibility

Such a pair has a double potential in perseverance. Two opposite-sex Taurus have similar interests, goals and hobbies. They understand each other almost from a glance. Therefore, the couple is truly harmonious.

Taurus man and Taurus woman will never be bored together. They have something to talk about: these are general plans, and a discussion of the film they like. With double energy and thoroughness, they take up business together, necessarily putting their plans into practice and achieving heights and success.

The Taurus woman is very patient, so there are no big scandals in the family. They do not break down over trifles, do not reproach their beloved man, and most importantly, they know how to hear and hear a partner. By nature, women born under the constellation Taurus are quite soft and good-natured. They soothe with their smile, kind look and wise advice. Taurus women know how to manage money wisely. Their house is always cozy and calm.

Taurus is not characterized by fleeting relationships. They choose a partner for a long time. However, Taurus Man is ready to court his companion passionately and romantically. They give flowers, arrange surprises - they do everything to achieve the location of their beloved.

Bonding their relationship with the bonds of a bark, Taurus will be happy all their lives. Their family will be strong and reliable. And most importantly, trust and love will reign between spouses throughout life. Even having been married for many years, the Taurus man will not seek adventure on the side. Family for them is the main life value. The marriage union of Taurus is reliable. It will rightfully be considered ideal.