The name alicia is beautiful or not. The meaning of the female name Alice. What character can Alice have

The desire to look fashionable and stylish is one of your main priorities in life. Your clothes are always different non-standard and correspond to the "latest trends". However, one should not completely ignore the well-known truth that says: "It is better to be half a step behind fashion than one step ahead." Clothing should first of all correspond to the moment and emphasize your advantages, and not create them. Again, they see off all the same according to the mind, and the screaming appearance does not indicate its existence.

Alicia name compatibility, manifestation in love

Alicia, you often forget that family life is incompatible with maintaining the status of "friend for all." You can be sincerely in love and attached to the object of your sensual aspirations and at the same time try to "attach" your personal relationships to the public ones that already existed at that time. As a result, you can lose the second, without really creating the first. If you feel that love is really important to you, give yourself to it completely, without setting limits and boundaries. Then you will become a wonderful lover, while remaining a good friend.


Your idealist nature makes you indulge those movements of the soul and desires of the heart that are aimed at improving our imperfect world. You won't agree to anything less. We do not intend to scatter over trifles. If there is at least a completely fantastic opportunity to benefit humanity, you will choose it, abandoning what is literally under your feet.

It often seems to you that no one in the world is able to truly understand you, to appreciate your motives and grandiose plans. But if it upsets you, it is only for a short time. What will you not sacrifice for a great cause?

And you donate. Often - without looking. And, as a result, you lose "on the way" a lot of things that could make your life more "earthly".

Often your actions bring real results, sometimes they are simply stunning. But perhaps you should think about the fact that if you had stronger ties with the outside world, your ideas about its needs would also be more realistic. And the results of actions are more valuable.

Alice is a talented, inventive and noble girl. Such a name, given from birth, can tell a lot about its owner and in its own way influence his fate.

Any parent treats his child with trepidation and wishes for him happiness, success, health and material wealth. Therefore, giving your daughter a name, you need to understand well how this will affect her life path.

The exact origin of the name Alice is unknown, but there are several options. The first of these is based on the old French name Aalis, which was formed from the German name Adelaide.

Then, the name Alice was transferred by the Normans to the territory of England, where he was given an English sound - Alice. And already from the English version this name passed into the Russian language. But it was most popular in England and France in the 19th century.

The second option is associated with a greatly modified diminutive form of the name Elizabeth, which in the Jewish path acquired the form - Elisha.

The third hypothesis is related to the Latin word alis, translated as "wings". In theory, the parents of their daughter tried to give such a name so that she would achieve a lot in her life.

Another option is the Tatar origin, where the translation of the name is quite simple and banal - “beautiful”.

The name Alice became world famous and popular after the publication of Lewis Carroll's book Alice in Wonderland. And in Russia, the success of the name came at the end of the 90s of the last century.


Speaking about what the name Alice means, first of all, one has to rely on the variability of its origin. If we take into account the ancient Germanic roots, then Alice means "nobility" or "noble class", which is associated with the choice of this name for girls with a high social status.

A similar situation with English version, where the name means "noble" or "noble birth". In the case with Jewish roots name, its meaning changes to "God is salvation."


The meaning of the name Alice, the character and fate of the girl named so are closely intertwined. In childhood, the child will be obedient and economic, with special love to maintain order and help parents with this.

The girl is distinguished by extreme curiosity and a craving for discovering something new in her life, therefore she will need Special attention and assistance in solving pressing issues for Alice. Of particular interest to a girl can be a game of hide and seek, in which she will surprise parents and other children with her ingenuity in choosing shelters.

The baby will react negatively to the excessive attention of others, because public performance at matinees in the garden or school can be a problem. If you try to force her to such an event, a conflict may develop, which will remain a bitter sediment in Alice's soul.

But at the same time, the girl will be erudite, with good diction and able to easily support any conversation. She has a developed fantasy and a somewhat increased reverie.

Alice's health will be good, she grows mobile and has strong immunity. But a child may be allergic to some specific foods, so you need to be careful and careful with the choice of baby's diet.

But with age, she will need to pay attention to maintaining her health. This will mainly be due to Alice's tendency to disrupt sleep patterns, eat poorly and not maintain a balance between work and rest. Especially common in adult Alice are problems with the reproductive system and the autonomic nervous system.

Already an adult, Alice will become an excellent hostess, able to properly manage the budget, showing culinary talents and creating a real atmosphere of comfort in the house. The girl has a well-developed taste and an innate balanced sense of proportion.

It is also important what time of year the girl was born:

  • Winter Alice grow bright and sensitive. A temperamental girl will in most cases be guided by emotions, and not by the voice of reason. It relies in life only on its own principles and is not interested in public opinion.
  • Spring-born Alice will become soft, tender and vulnerable. She will readily respond to the requests of others, which is why she herself can often suffer. Many may perceive the kindness and responsiveness of a girl as a manifestation of weakness or indecision.
  • Summer Alice will have a bright personality and temperament. The girl will form a cheerful and good-natured character with a subtle sense of humor, which will appeal to everyone in her environment. She will easily achieve her goals, regardless of whether they relate to her personal life or career.
  • Girl born in autumn will be kind and positive. Her distinctive features- generosity and responsiveness, especially towards close friends. At the same time, she will not demand a response to her kindness and help, which especially attracts people.

All adult Alices are easy-going and optimistic, but this is often accompanied by a lack of perseverance. This makes it difficult for them to climb up. career ladder but the ability to properly present yourself and help a large number friends smooths out this minus.

Often in choice future profession girls with this name stop at the following options:

  • philologist;
  • musician;
  • art critic;
  • painter;
  • singer;
  • journalist;
  • fashion designer.

It is these professions that can become the most successful for Alice. But sometimes girls reach heights in the careers of actresses, pianists, poetesses and even public figures of any direction.


FROM early years girl Alice will be a mobile and optimistic baby. This character trait will remain with her throughout her life. The kindness and optimism of the girl will deserve the admiration of others.

She will always be willing to help those around her, which will allow her to easily turn her enemies into friends. Alice will be sociable, talented in supporting any conversations and able to conduct a dialogue so as not to get bored or offend the interlocutor.

Alice's excessive daydreaming, in turn, will become a big problem for her, since avoiding reality and daydreaming, to which no effort will be made, can play a bad joke on her. This is especially true of romantic relationships, where a girl can wait for years for a prince from her fantasies and miss real happiness.

Due to her emotionality, Alice's problem can also be that she is easily angered or hurt by words and actions. Of course, she will quickly cool down and forgive the offender, but for her emotional state this will be a difficult moment.

name day

In accordance with Orthodox calendar Alice's name day does not occur at all, since there were no saints with that name. But in accordance with the Catholic calendar, the day of the angel for Alice is celebrated five times a year:

  • December 16;
  • December 19th;
  • January 9;
  • January 22;
  • June 15th.

Name color

For a girl whose name is Alice, there are several shades that positively affect her life:

  • yellow;
  • violet;
  • Orange.

name flower

Crocus, alpine rose, barberry.

Church name, saints

For many parents, the question arises under what name Alice, born in Orthodox faith, since there is no such name in the calendar. Instead, analogues from the church calendar are selected for baptism:

  • Alexandra.
  • Elizabeth.

Name translation in different languages

Translation of the name Alice is possible in many languages ​​​​of the world, the most popular of which are:

  • English - Alice.
  • Greek - Αλίκη.
  • Ukrainian - Alisa.
  • Belarusian - Alisa.
  • Latin - Alicia.
  • German - Alice.
  • Polish - Alicja.

Full name, abbreviated and affectionate

Alice - full name, which can be abbreviated or translated into a diminutive form.

The abbreviated name has the following options - Alya, Ali, Asya, Alka, Fox.

Diminutive derivatives on behalf of Alice sound like Alice, Alisonka, Little Fox, Alice.

With what patronymic is euphonious

When choosing a name for a girl - Alice - it is necessary to take into account that it is in harmony with the patronymic. Alice will sound most harmoniously with such patronymics:

  • Alexandrovna;
  • Konstantinovna;
  • Andreevna;
  • Anatolievna;
  • Vladimirovna;
  • Sergeevna;
  • Vladimirovna.

Name Compatibility

The name gives the child certain character traits that affect him life path. Therefore, some people are considered soulmates, and some are incompatible opposites. The girl Alice can find her happiness with young men whose names are:

  • Vladimir;
  • Oleg;
  • Anatoly;
  • Renat;
  • Ruslan;
  • Stepan;
  • Fedor;
  • Seen;
  • Arthur;

She is completely incompatible with guys named:

  • Boris;
  • Ruslan;
  • Maksim;
  • Denis;
  • Konstantin.

How to lean

The female name Alice is easily inclined in cases:

  • Nominative - Alice.
  • Genitive - Alice.
  • Dative - Alice.
  • Accusative - Alice.
  • Creative - Alice.
  • Prepositional - Alice.

Famous people with this name

There are celebrities named Alice and there are quite a few of them. Among the most famous are:

  • Alisa Tolkacheva, who was born in 1967 and became mayor of Tula in 2010. She was the first woman mayor in the history of this city.
  • Alisa Valitskaya, born in 1936. Became an art critic, culturologist, received the title of Doctor of Philosophy and worked as a corresponding member Russian Academy education.
  • Alisa Krylova, born in 1982. She became a model and business woman, leads the automotive column in the Rublyovka Magazine. In 2010 she became Miss Russia, in 2011 Miss World. Is the face french house Hayari Couture Paris and the Russian fur company Evromeh.

Alice's first name great option for a future positive and successful girl. She will have an easy character, thanks to which she will be able to quickly surround herself with friends and have the right people.

Useful video about the meaning of the name Alice


Many modern men and women who have become the parents of a charming girl begin to think - what can you name your daughter? - this is very important, because it should fully reflect the character and personality of a person. It carries a powerful semantic load, which has an extremely deep influence on the entire subsequent fate of a person. In the past few years, the name Alice has been very popular - gentle and sweet, ideal for both baby and adult woman. What is the meaning of the name Alice?

Alice is a beautiful, old female name that can be found in many peoples of the world. “Alice” is translated from German as “noble”, in Greek “true”, in English “from an aristocratic family”, and in Tatar “beautiful”. It is worth noting the extremely rich, centuries-old history of origin.

To date, there are several versions that reveal the origin of the name Alice. Many researchers are sure that it originates from the ancient German word. Other experts believe that the name Alice is a modified form from the English Elizabeth.

The word gained its popularity around the 12th century, when many British and French girls were called by the name Alice quite often. Throughout its history, the word has experienced several bursts of popularity - for example, in the 19th century in Europe it was one of the most common female names, and after the publication of Lewis Carroll's book Alice in Wonderland, worldwide fame awaited him. In Russia, it enjoyed a resounding success in the mid-90s. Today, a rare and consonant name also arouses the admiration of many parents who are thinking about how to name a girl. What does the name Alice mean?

Abbreviated names

The most common variations of the abbreviated name Alice are:

  • Alice.
  • Alice.
  • Alicia.
  • Alisonka.
  • Fox.

It is worth noting that some abbreviated word forms have become so popular that they have become independent female names. For example, today you can meet many girls named Alicia, Alami or Alice.

Alice character

The owners of the name Alice are cute and charming girls, endowed with mercy, kindness and responsiveness. In childhood, little girls named Alice try to learn almost everything possible about the world around them - they are very curious and addicted natures. At the same time, they are very scrupulous and scrupulous regarding any activity, whether it is creativity or cleaning toys.

In the room of such a baby there will never be mountains of scattered toys or candy wrappers - only perfect cleanliness. Alice is very sociable, they easily make friends with their peers and never suffer from loneliness. Girls named in this way will never lie for their own benefit - they categorically oppose any lie or injustice. The characteristic of the name Alice claims that the little ones have an excellent sense of humor - they are always happy to arrange funny pranks for their relatives and friends, and their mischievous jokes bring real joy.

As a teenager, the girl, whom her parents gave the name Alice, likes to constantly be in the center of everyone's attention, although communication with a few close and loyal friends is quite enough for her. At first glance at Alice, it seems that this girl has a soft, gentle and vulnerable character. But upon closer acquaintance, you can notice the incredible willpower and perseverance that help the Foxes overcome any life obstacles. They are very dreamy, and in relationships with members of the opposite sex, they are looking, first of all, for romance.

An excellent sense of humor and unique charm allow the girl to easily make friends with both guys and girls. Also, girls named Alice are distinguished by sincerity, determination and the presence of a heightened sense of justice. She makes high demands not only on others, but also on herself, trying to constantly improve herself as a person. That is why Alice always achieve their life goals, easily overcoming any difficulties on the way to conquering the set peaks. The secret of the name Alice reveals all the subtleties and features of character and temperament.


Young Alices approach the choice of a career seriously and carefully - for a long time they weigh the positive and negative sides various professions, choosing for themselves best option. Such a girl is usually not guided by the material factor - she will not be able to work in an unloved position solely for the sake of material gain. But if she likes the profession, she can devote herself completely to her career.

Girls named Alice are extremely principled and in most cases have a heightened sense of justice, which can lead to various conflicts with management. Colleagues love and respect Alice for her kindness, responsiveness and great sense of humor. They make excellent, honest and fair leaders who enjoy authority among the team.

Relationships with men

The name Alice leaves its mark on relationships with the opposite sex - such girls are always very popular with men, because they have an unusually femininity and attractiveness. But girls approach the choice of a future life partner demandingly and scrupulously, therefore, most often they leave at a fairly mature age. Girls named Alice dream of pure and true love, they like to be in the center of male attention and do not forget to flirt with the opposite sex on a regular basis. But Alisochki do not consider flirting to be something serious, but only a way to have a good time and chat with new people.

In men, Alice appreciates strength, masculinity, self-confidence and, of course, loyalty. Only next to such a man can a woman feel like a real Woman - fragile, weak and defenseless.

The interpretation of the name Alice claims that Alice can build strong and reliable marriages with men named Eugene, Sergey, and. You should be careful with Romans, Olegs, Mikhails, as relationships can be quite complex and problematic.

The nature of the name depending on the time of year

The meaning of the name Alice also depends on the time of year when little Alice was born.

  • Winter - Alice, born in the winter months, bright and sensual. They are very emotional and temperamental, for them the most important thing is the voice of the heart, not the mind. At the same time, they live exclusively on their own. own principles and categorically do not tolerate public opinion.
  • Spring - spring Alice is soft, tender and vulnerable. They do not like to refuse requests to others, which is why they sometimes suffer. The kindness and responsiveness of girls can be regarded by others as indecision and weakness of character.
  • Summer - girls born in the summer and named after this name have a bright personality and temperament. They are cheerful and good-natured, and their impeccable sense of humor leads to a real delight of others. Summer Foxes are stubborn and purposeful, they always try to achieve their goals both in their careers and in their personal lives.
  • Autumn - Alice, who were born in autumn, are extremely kind and positive. They are very generous and sympathetic, always trying to help relatives and friends, if it is in their power. At the same time, they never ask for anything in return - that is why autumn girls have many friends and acquaintances who know that Alice will help them in Hard time. it Full description named after Alice, depending on the season.

Orthodox meaning of the name Alice

It is worth noting that Orthodox meaning this name is missing - in the history of Orthodoxy there was not a single saint named Alice. But the mention of such saints is recorded in Catholic scripture. According to the Catholic calendar, the name Alice celebrates name days several times a year:

  • December - 16th and 19th.
  • January - 9th and 22nd.
  • June - 15th.

If the parents decided to baptize little Alice in Orthodox Church, then they can choose any orthodox name to your taste.

When choosing a name for a girl, one should definitely build on not only his symbolic meaning, but also from consonance with the patronymic. Combining Alice with many middle names is considered unfavorable - for example, Grigorievna, Stepanovna, Petrovna, Fedorovna. Be sure to pay close attention to consonance with the patronymic, because the child will have to live his whole life with such a combination.

Each name contains the secrets of success and prosperity. The name Alice keeps a special energy in itself and is able to make its owner happy.

The meaning and origin of the name

The origin of the name Alice is not related to Russian culture: the name Alice is Christian, but not Orthodox. It appeared in Germany, and then took root in other countries. This name was popular in France and in England, where it acquired its modern pronunciation. Among the Germans, it was and remains the abbreviated form of the name Adelaide, which means "noble."

There is also a version that this name has a different origin. In Latin, it is written "Alis", which translates as "wings". According to this version, girls from noble families were called so, on whom their parents had high hopes. Then the meaning of the name Alice is "winged"

In Russia, they began to call their children Alice relatively recently - only from the middle of the 20th century. Today in Russia, Alice is an independent name, which is the full form.

Fate and character

The bearers of this name usually do not give out their true capabilities. They don't flaunt their talents. These are strong representatives of the weaker sex who prefer to restrain their emotions. Sometimes it seems that Alice is one huge secret. Alice's character can be contradictory: despite the inner core, even she herself does not always know what she needs from life. That is why it is difficult for Alice to find themselves, although in terms of work and interests they are usually quite diversified.

Alice is characterized by isolation. It opens only to the closest people with whom it can be a talker, free from prejudices. In terms of her energy, Alice is more like men - she is very strong spiritually and is able to lead followers. She always finishes what she started, keeps her word and knows how to keep secrets. She becomes a leader because she feels the energy and mood of the people around her well.

Alice usually marries quite late. But her mother-in-law loves her, which can be considered a rarity. She is able to please the groom's relatives, because she seems quiet. She carefully hides her feelings and depressions, not making them public. She does not reproach anyone but herself, although she does it very objectively, as she knows how to look at herself from the outside.

With regard to finances, Alice is also lucky, although she does not make money her main priority. Alice loves her family and does everything she can to make her loved ones the most happy people in the world. The fate of Alice is quite tightly connected with her family, so Alice gives all her best in this area quite strongly. Often her financial position above average income and is formed at the expense of the family budget.

The meaning of the name Alice for a child: we select a name for children

By naming a girl by the name of Alice, you make her life filled with special meaning. If you do not restrain the child and show him the right path, Alice will become very successful in life. You don’t need to turn away from her and force her to solve problems on her own, because she needs to feel that she is supported and understood. Of course, every child needs it, but Alice needs it like air.

Alice will have enough friends, so you don't have to worry about her personal life. Alice usually has few fans, but she is able to distinguish the bad from the good. Girls with this name have an innate talent to "read" people. So the name Alice for the child will become a real talisman. Nature endows them with wisdom from birth, which greatly facilitates the life of her parents. A rich imagination, directed in the right direction, will also be useful to your child on the path of life.

When choosing an abbreviated name for a girl, it is better to stop at Ala. This option is more neutral than, for example, Fox or Lola. But for such strong man, in principle, the abbreviated form is optional. The impact on the fate of the girl will be almost imperceptible, so in terms of energy, you can use any abbreviation of this name.

name energy

The name Alice has a stable and balanced energy. Leaders by nature, Alice are quite strong as individuals. This means the presence of a strong energy aura. With Alice, it is directed in the most productive direction - in self-realization. Therefore, Alice is attentive to trifles and can control herself, even when experiencing severe stress.

Alice's birthday

This is primordial Christian name so Alice will always have her own guardian angel. Name days are celebrated on January 9, June 15 and December 16. The patron is the Catholic Holy Great Martyr Alice of Scharbek, who protects all blind and infirm people.

What patronymic is the name Alice suitable for?

Andreevna, Alexandrovna, Anatolyevna, Evgenievna, Gennadievna, Yurievna, Alekseevna.

Characteristics of the name Alice

Each name has its own element, as well as talisman stones that will protect a person from different problems. Many things in our world can help Alice and strengthen best performance her name.

Patron Animal: cat.

Lucky number: 8, filled with intelligence and perseverance.

Zodiac signs: Most of all, the name Alice suits those born under the sign of Libra, Gemini, as well as Aquarius, Virgo and Taurus.

Guardian planet: Saturn, heavy and dark, wise and thoughtful.

Metal: aluminum and platinum, as they are also stable and self-sufficient.

Element: air. Some experts identify the name Alice with the earth, but most agree that given name- this is typical representative air element, free and independent.

Charm stone: tourmaline, crystal, lapis lazuli.

Most auspicious day of the week: Saturday, combining rest and work.

name color: blue, green, yellow;

Known Alice: actresses Alice Freindlich and Alice Bogart, Alice of Hesse-Darmstadt (wife of Nicholas II).

All names in alphabetical order:

The end of April and the beginning of May will be a breakthrough time for many Zodiac Signs, which means it's worth ...

The meaning of the name Alice: this name for a girl means “baby”, “truth”, “winged”, “from a noble family”.

Origin of the name Alice: ancient Greek.

Diminutive form of the name: Alice, Alya, Liska.

What does the name Alice mean? The name has analogues in ancient German, Greek and Latin. The meaning of the name Alice is a good heart and cheerful disposition. She is a dreamer and a true connoisseur of beauty, in intimate relationships she prefers refined romance.

Angel Day and patron saints of the name: the name does not mark the name day, since it is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox saints.


  • Zodiac - Capricorn
  • Planet - Saturn
  • Color - dark brown, pink
  • Auspicious tree - elm
  • Treasured plant - crocus
  • Patron - cat
  • Talisman stone - lapis lazuli

Characteristics of the name Alice

Positive features: Since childhood, Alice has been distinguished by mobility and optimism, which accompany her until her advanced years. A woman named Alice is distinguished by kindness and responsiveness. A girl with this name is always ready to provide support; hypersensitivity makes her rather touchy, but grievances do not linger and pass quickly. The girl with this name is very sociable and has a good sense of humor.

Negative Traits: Daydreaming helps her quickly regain her peace of mind, but in order to realize her dreams in real life she lacks perseverance.

The nature of the name Alice: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Alice? She is persistent to the point of stubbornness, principled, fair. A woman is very determined and never regrets what she has done: she goes through life without looking back. At the same time, Alya is very romantic, likes to imagine some other, more spectacular life ... but still knows how to come to terms with reality.

A girl with this name is associated simultaneously with the romantic and dreamy Alice of Lewis Carroll, the treacherous fox and the resourceful A. Selezneva, a guest from the future.

It can be assumed that each of these images to a greater or lesser extent will be reflected in the character of the girl. She is a very neat and pedantic nature, purposeful, whole, fair, tolerant and romantic.

We can say that Ali has practically no flaws. All doors are open for these women, they are loved, they have many devoted and loyal friends.

The girl with this name is beautiful, economical hostess loves to cook and create home comfort. It has a well-developed taste and an innate sense of proportion.

She is prone to wit, which makes Alice a cheerful and sociable person, and at the same time helps to protect herself from someone's barbs.

A child with this name is attracted by everything unusual, she loves to attend various opening days and concerts, you will certainly meet her at the theatrical premiere.

Alice and her personal life

Compatible with male names: The union of Alice with Adam, Artamon, Arthur, Vilen, Vladislav, Zenon is favorable. Difficult relationships are likely with Demid, Eugene, Ippolit, Luchezar.

Probably, the owner of this name will find her happiness with Andrei, Alexei, Vladimir, Oleg, Stepan. The name is also combined with Fedor or Philip.

Marriage with Gennady, Valentin, Igor, Vitaly, Konstantin, Maxim, Denis, Sergei, Boris or Ruslan is likely to be unsuccessful for the name Alice.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Alice promise happiness in love? AT family life Ali is not expected to have any particular difficulties. True, ambitious dreams of a career can distract her from her personal life, and then it will be quite difficult for her to get married.

In her married life, Alya attaches great importance to trust and honesty. She always finds a way to resolve any conflict. And if a husband is able to appreciate this treasure that he got as a wife, more happy marriage you will not meet.

The situation is much worse if a girl with this name is faced with distrust, jealousy or betrayal. For her, this could mean a divorce.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: The meaning of the name Alice, oddly enough, interferes with career and achievement financial independence. It's all about Ala's inherent optimism and lightness. She needs to show more perseverance and determination, then the success and fame of an actress, pianist, poetess is guaranteed. The name gives success in the field of a public figure.

Business and career: AT financial affairs Alice can have ups and downs, but thanks to the help of friends or a lucky coincidence, she will be lucky. However, she should not take a lot of risks, but it is better to think more often about the possibility of "rainy days", since her mature years may turn out to be unfavorable.

She will most often choose the specialty of a philologist, musician, art critic, artist, singer, journalist or fashion designer and, most likely, will achieve great success in her chosen profession.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Alice: The girl has a big Vital energy; if Alya chooses an optimal diet for herself, then the owner of this name will surprise people with her health, energy, and longevity.

Alice's fate in history

What does the name Alice mean for female fate?

  1. Alice was the second daughter of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert of England. In 1862 she married Prince Ludwig of Hesse, and from 1877, the Grand Duke of Hesse. The Duchess devoted herself entirely to charity. On her initiative, a branch of the Red Cross was established under the name "Alice-Verein", "Alice's Union". This society has developed a vigorous activity in the construction of hospitals, the training of sisters of mercy, the promotion of women's education, and so on. The Grand Duchess is the mother of Alice of Hesse, Orthodox baptism Alexandra Feodorovna, Russian Empress, wife of Tsar Nicholas II, who shared all the joys and hardships of his reign - and his martyrdom.
  2. Alisa Freindlikh - People's Artist of the USSR, theater and film actress, known for the films Office Romance, Stalker, Cruel Romance, etc. She was awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation.
  3. Princess A. Battenberg, also known by the English version of the surname - Alice Mountbatten - (1885 - 1969) after marriage - Princess of Greece and Denmark, mother of Prince Philip and mother-in-law of the English Queen Elizabeth II. Alice stayed in Athens during the Second World War, gave shelter to Jewish families, for which her name is engraved on the wall of the "Righteous of the World" in the Yad Vashem memorial. After the war, the princess founded an Orthodox sisterly convent for Martha and Mary.
  4. Alisa Yoffe (born 1987) is a Russian artist.
  5. Alice Guy-Blaché or Alice Guy (1873 - 1968) - French director.
  6. Alisa Khazanova (born 1974), married - Bauman; former ballet dancer, choreographer, Russian theater and film actress. Daughter of Gennady Khazanov.
  7. Alice Robert, also A. Roberts and Alice Roberts - (1906 - 1985) Belgian film actress.
  8. Alice Ozi (1820 - 1893), real name - Julie-Justine Piyuat - French actress and courtesan.
  9. Alisa Mon (born 1964), real name - Svetlana Bezuh - Soviet and Russian pop singer.
  10. Alisa Kolosova (born 1987) is a Russian opera singer, mezzo-soprano. Soloist of the opera troupe of the Vienna State Opera (Wiener Staatsoper).
  11. Alisa Agafonova (born 1991) is an ice dancing figure skater representing Turkey in the international arena paired with Alper Ucar. With him, the girl is the silver medalist of the 2011 Winter Universiade. Previously, representing Ukraine in a pair with Dmitry Dun, she won the junior championship of the country and twice qualified for the finals of the junior Grand Prix series.
  12. Alice Drey (born 1978) is a Finnish figure skater who competed in singles and is currently a coach.
  13. Alisa Krylova (born 1982) - Russian model, businesswoman, author of the automotive column in the Rublyovka Magazine, winner of the Mrs.Globe 2011, Mrs. Russia 2010 contests. The face of the French fashion house Hayari Couture Paris and the Russian fur company Evromeh.
  14. Alice Ehlers (1887 - 1981) - German harpsichordist.
  15. Alisa Kleybanova (born 1989) is a Russian tennis player. Winner of 7 WTA tournaments (2 of them in singles), semi-finalist of 1 Grand Slam tournament in doubles (US Open-2009), winner of 2 junior Grand Slam tournaments in doubles. She is also the ex-3rd racket of the world in the junior ranking.
  16. Alisa Valitskaya (born 1936) is a Russian art critic, culturologist, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education.
  17. Alisa Tolkacheva (born 1967) - mayor of Tula from March 31, 2010 to March 2, 2011. The first woman mayor in the history of the city.

Alice in different languages ​​of the world

Translation of the name into different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. In English