Drawing of a water spray booth. Thermal curtain with water heating. Serial Russian models "Teplomash"

How does a spray water spray with a water curtain work?

The task of any spray booth is to ensure that the air in the spray zone is cleaned from spray mist and solvent vapors.

Water spray booths have several levels of air purification from paint.

Level 1- frontal water curtain - this visible part of the spray booth with a water curtain. A stream of water flows down it in a continuous and continuous stream. It must be uniform and completely cover the entire front area (surface) of the curtain.

Level 2 -internal air purification - perhaps here the main filtration and purification of air from paint waste is carried out. Depending on the design of the spray booth and the manufacturer, there are various systems for internal air purification.

Level 3 - dry filtration - performs final air cleaning from the remaining paint particles and protects the fan blades from paint sticking. Depending on the manufacturer, dry filtration is carried out in Italian spray booths with a water curtain in Russian spray booths - in others, such as China, there is no filtration at all.

Below are the structure diagrams of Italian and Russian spray booths:

1) Scheme of water spray booth ZINCOVELO ZA Italy
2) Video of the work of the spray booth Italy

3) Scheme of a water spray booth made in Russia

4) Video of the operation of the painting chamber Russia (built into a clean room, an overpressure chamber)


The principle of operation of the spray booth with a water curtain is as follows.

When spraying the material, a paint mist is formed. The fan, which is installed on the roof of the spray booth, creates a vacuum and draws polluted air through the opening in the spray booth at the bottom of the front curtain.

Also, particles of paint and dust are deposited on the front front surface, which are captured and carried away in a continuous stream into the bath of the spray booth and settle in the water.

Polluted air, which got into the internal cavity of the spray water chamber with the air flow, is subjected to additional purification. In Italian paint booths there are several water cascades, in Russian paint booths it is filtered by an irrigation system. The air is cleaned from spray waste.

Final cleaning - dry filtration installed in front of the fans ( or )

Water spray booths can be of various modifications: with a floor, with side walls, without a floor and without walls. The choice of model depends on the technology of painting and the product, as well as the requirements for the quality of the coating.

Spray booths carry out the function of extracting and cleaning the air.

When creating a painting area, it is very important to ensure the correct microclimate in the spraying zone (the desired temperature regime), as well as the incoming air must be cleaned of dust and dirt, this will allow to achieve excellent conditions for obtaining a high quality coating.

Painting cars with your own hands is a responsible procedure that requires compliance with a number of conditions. A specialized camera for painting cars with your own hands - this option is chosen by many motorists today. The purchase of such an object will not be cheap, so some prefer to independently provide what a do-it-yourself spray booth requires - drawings, materials, assembly.

Painting a car in this way has a number of serious advantages over using an airbrush in your own garage. Due to the tightness, you can not worry about the ingress of foreign particles of dust and dirt onto the surface to be painted.

In addition, the design eliminates the occurrence of unwanted air turbulence, due to which the enamel will lie on the surface of insufficient quality, streaks, pimples and other defects are formed.

Do-it-yourself car painting

Do-it-yourself paint brushes are profitable, but you will have to work hard to build them. With a competent approach and a conscientious attitude to work, you will be able to independently build a car painting booth, which will help you avoid serious financial expenses and organize everything to your liking. Below we will look at how to make a paint booth with your own hands, and what steps are needed for this.\

First stage

Before you build a paint booth with your own hands, you need to imagine what it will look like and prepare everything you need. Draw a project on paper, where the future spray booth along with all the nodes will be shown on a scale:

  • room;
  • heat generator;
  • heat gun;
  • ventilation system.

These are the main points, each of which includes many smaller elements - doors, thermal insulation, lighting system, etc.

Spray booth room

Let's talk about the room

Before you make a spray booth with your own hands, you are looking for a suitable room. It can be a metal garage or a large workshop - the main thing is that you have the space and the ability to equip everything accordingly.

A car painting booth must have walls that will meet a number of requirements:

  • fire resistance;
  • tightness;
  • the ability to periodically wash;
  • the presence of thermal insulation.

The last point is especially important when it comes to a garage with steel walls - you will have to make them double and put a layer of basalt wool or other refractory heat-insulating material.

The room must be airtight

Be sure to pay attention to the floor - it must allow air to circulate freely. For this purpose, make a coating in the form of a multilayer lattice - in this way, normal air removal and inflow will be ensured from below.

Two doors are a mandatory requirement for fire safety. They should be easy to open to allow for emergency evacuation in the event of a fire, and sealed to prevent dust and debris from entering the room.

The dimensions of the chamber must be sufficient so that the master does not have obstacles for free movement during the work. A concrete or metal frame can be chosen as the basis. An exhaust mechanism with filters and valves is arranged under the floor surface. Think about the need for walkways to move.

Spray booth with water curtain on the doors

Lighting is important

In the process of painting cars with your own hands, one of the very important roles is played by the lighting of the room. It is necessary that it be bright enough, comfortable for the eyes, and not give shadows and highlights.

Practice shows that the most convenient option will be fluorescent fluorescent lamps - they are placed on the ceiling. To ensure that the overview of the lower part of the machine is sufficient, several oblong light sources are hung along the walls.

Daylight fluorescent lamps

An equally effective solution to the problem of lighting will be LED lamps. Lighting of this type is becoming increasingly popular due to a number of advantages that LEDs have over other options:

  • bright high-quality lighting;
  • minimal energy consumption;
  • low operating temperature;
  • reliability;
  • durability

Today, you can easily install LED lighting in the room - it will cost a little more, but the result is worth it.

Without providing high-quality lighting, you will not be able to fully control the painting process, which will negatively affect the final result of the work.

Proper lighting in the spray booth

Room ventilation, air purification and drying

Do-it-yourself paint brushes are built taking into account all the requirements of painting technology and safety. A key position here is occupied by competently arranged air ventilation. She is responsible for purifying the air, as well as ensuring that the mist of paint is properly deposited and removed.

Depending on which principle is used in the ventilation system of the room, two types of chambers are distinguished:

  • with one motor
  • with two motors.

In the first case, air is supplied into the room from above, and the fog settles down - the necessary pressure is applied to it. In the end, it is output through an individual channel arranged for this purpose. In the second case, one of the motors pumps air, the second sucks it out, taking it out of the chamber.

Paint booth ventilation

The design will require high-performance ceiling air filters in order to exclude the possibility of foreign particles entering the painting area. For this purpose, it is recommended to choose air filters operating in a two-phase mode - in the first phase, large types of pollution are removed, in the second - small ones. At the same time, it is important to take into account that cleaning of both incoming and outgoing air flows is necessary. Bottom-mounted filters clog faster and need to be replaced much more frequently.

The installation of filters should provide for the possibility of turbulence in the air flow with enamel particles - for this you need to correctly position them around the perimeter of the room and take into account the air pressure.

After painting, the car will need to be dried - for this a special device is arranged. As drying, a heat generator is used, which operates on an advantageous type of fuel. Some use infrared heaters for this purpose. The main requirement for drying is a uniform heat supply to avoid overheating.

Supply and exhaust ventilation in the spray booth

Some more useful information

In order to complete the interior decoration, use non-combustible materials - for example, metal. You should not choose an option such as lining, as the risk of fire increases. Depending on how correctly the finishing work is done, it will be possible to assess the degree of tightness, which is important in order to avoid the ingress of dust and foreign particles. Prefer smooth, easy-to-clean surfaces - this will simplify the cleaning process.

Think about the premises where inventory, paints, professional equipment, safety equipment, workwear will be stored.

The work of painting a car is facilitated by the presence of automatic process control. This, of course, will affect the cost of the entire project, but, on the other hand, you will receive a number of invaluable advantages. The automatic control panel must have a panel made of durable, reliable material. It should be easy to use, ergonomic and comfortable. Think about the possibility of a quick transition between manual and automatic modes.


The construction of a specialized paint booth for a car is a laborious process that will require a lot of effort and energy. You will have to monitor information about existing options and come up with your own project based on them - you can take any ready-made solution as a basis.

The process of working on the implementation of the project is difficult, but interesting - here you can apply your creativity, imagination and ability to cope with difficulties.

Education: secondary special. Specialty: car mechanic. Professional diagnostics, repair, maintenance of passenger cars of foreign production 2000-2015. Extensive experience with Japanese and German cars.

To carry out the procedure for painting a car, it is necessary to have not only suitable paint and varnish products, but also equipment. For this purpose, cameras are used for painting cars or their individual parts. Today, this equipment is produced by many industrial enterprises. Also, a do-it-yourself spray booth can be made directly in the garage.

The painting chamber is a small room in which all conditions are created for the high-quality application of any paintwork. During the staining procedure, a certain air temperature is maintained in it. The chamber is equipped with modern ventilation and filtration systems. In many auto repair shops, this camera is used quite often. It is thanks to her that it is possible to carry out all paint and varnish work at a high level.

The most optimal air circulation is created in the room. Due to this, polluted air, which is inherent in all rooms where paint and varnish work is carried out, is brought out. Before that, it goes through a filtering procedure through filters, which are usually located on the floor of such a chamber.

The advantage of using a booth for painting cars and other items is that the air filled with volatile substances, which are present in almost every type of paint and varnish product, is cleaned and only then enters the atmosphere.

The chamber is always perfectly clean. Thanks to this, at the moment of drying paint or varnish on the surface of the car, a layer of dust is not formed, which will make the appearance sloppy.

Modern spray booths have an improved look and performance. They are equipped with additional security systems. Thanks to this, they always maintain the optimum temperature for work. The automated system is able to control the level of air heating itself. When the temperature rises to the heating level required by the standard, the camera turns off the heating function by itself.

The chambers have built-in timers that, at regular intervals, remove the air with toxins from the paint outside. Thanks to this option, cases of fire hazardous situations are excluded.

In the spray booth, the process of applying paint products to the surface of cars is complex. It has several stages. The camera uses several operating modes that allow you to apply paint and varnish evenly and accurately.

Spray booth price depends on its technical characteristics and on the manufacturer. On average, a high-tech camera for painting cars can be purchased from 400 thousand rubles. In the secondary market, spray booth models are cheaper.

Today there are a large number of companies that specialize in the production of spray booths. They offer consumers various kinds of them. However, not everyone can afford to buy a camera for 400-500 thousand rubles and try to make such a device in their garage. Not many people know how to make a spray booth. The procedure for its manufacture does not belong to the category of simple.

First you need to choose the right room. It must be well ventilated and the following requirements:

  • ceiling height should not be less than 2.8 meters.
  • length and width should be 6 and 4 respectively.
  • the room must have insulation that is resistant to the formation of fire.
  • To cover the walls, it is best to use a matte white film. It must have a magnetizing effect.
  • All coatings for individual areas of the room should have a matte texture.
  • The space must be sealed.

Knowing these features, you can easily create a camera in your garage. This will save you a lot. After all, the purchase of the necessary materials will require small costs.

To create a camera, you will have to redo your garage completely.

Important: Care must be taken to ensure that the ventilation system is established in the room. If there is an inspection hole under the garage, then ventilation can also be done. For this, metal gratings can be used.

If there is none, then first you need to dig a small trench in the floor. Its depth must be at least a meter.

The garage, which is being converted into a car painting booth, needs to be insulated. For this, it is recommended to use mineral wool.

Lighting is important to make it as comfortable as possible. For this purpose it is necessary to use fluorescent lamps. They give an excellent level of glow.

DIY spray booth video

Do-it-yourself drawings of a spray booth

Spray booth plans.


In the modern world, there are many models of cameras for painting cars. They are representatives of only two types:

  • spray booths with a water curtain for air filtration,
  • spray booths with dry air filtration.

Paint box - a room equipped for car painting. One of the key factors affecting the usability of a spray booth is the ventilation system.
The size of the hood, directly depends on the size of the paint

In the process of painting a car, fumes toxic to the human body are released from the paint and the solvent added to it, a paint fog is formed that worsens visibility and settles on the vehicle body. The supply and exhaust system replaces the exhaust air with fresh air, providing optimal conditions for painting the car.

From this article you will learn what a hood for a spray booth is, what filters it comes with and how to calculate the ventilation yourself. We will also give instructions, following which you can equip the hood in the paint box with your own hands.

Types of ventilation systems and their comparison

Painting a car is a work accompanied by the use of toxic substances, the application technology of which requires compliance with the temperature regime and maintaining the purity of the air at a given level. The hood is not only for the safety of the painter, but also for the quality of the painting process and the polymerization of the applied coating.

The paint garage hood must meet the following requirements:

  • Air supply temperature during painting - 20-30 degrees, air temperature during coating drying - 50-85 degrees;
  • The speed of the air flow is 1.3-1.5 m / s (at excessive speed, the paint sprayed by the spray gun is carried away by the air flow, which interferes with the work);
  • The rate of air renewal in the box is 5-150 volumes / hour (to accurately determine the required rate, the ventilation of the production room is calculated);
  • The air pressure in the box is 20-30 kPa higher than the natural atmospheric pressure of the environment;
  • The flow injected into the chamber is clean, without dust and mechanical impurities (an air filter is used for cleaning);
  • The movement of the air flow - from top to bottom, or with a minimum vertical deviation.

Based on the type of ventilation, paint boxes are classified into two groups:

  1. single-engine;
  2. Twin-engine.

Single-engine ventilation chamber, which performs the forced injection of fresh air into the box, while the exhaust air is pumped out naturally due to the pressure difference inside and outside the chamber. The supply holes are located in the upper part of the room, the air flow entering the box precipitates the paint mist down, then the vapors enter the exhaust nozzle and are discharged outside.

In twin-engine boxes, ventilation provides forced air supply and intake from the chamber, which provides efficient circulation and a large air exchange rate.

It is rational to choose a specific type of ventilation based on the size of the box and the amount of work carried out in it. If the chamber is operated during the whole working day, and dozens of cars pass through it, it makes sense to install two-motor ventilation. In small boxes, it is advisable to use single-motor systems - productivity will be sufficient, in addition, you will save on the initial cost of equipment and subsequent maintenance.

Supply and exhaust ventilation

A type of dual-engine systems is a supply and exhaust hood, which operates in 3 operating modes:

  1. Circulation inside the chamber - air is pumped out of the box, passes through a layer of filters and is forced back into the room. It is used when cleaning the camera before starting painting work;
  2. Supply from the outside - the supply compressor takes air from outside the box, filters it and passes it through the heat generator, where the air is given the required temperature. The flow is fed into the chamber, after which the exhaust compressor pumps the exhaust air out. It is used in the process of painting a car to eliminate paint fog;
  3. Recirculation with heating - the air taken from the chamber is filtered, passed through the heat generator with heating to a predetermined temperature and fed back into the box. It is used to maintain the temperature regime when drying the surface of the body after painting.

Supply and exhaust ventilation requires accurate positioning of the inlet and outlet air ducts, since if the channels are not positioned correctly in the box, "blind zones" are formed in which air does not circulate. Suspended paint particles remain in them - a paint mist, which subsequently settles on the surface of the body, which negatively affects the quality of the final coating.

The calculation of supply and exhaust ventilation consists in determining the volume of air supply that provides the air exchange rate necessary to reduce the concentration of toxic paint fumes (MAC) in the room to the standard level.

Industrial spray booth

The amount of paint evaporation depends on the type of solvent added:

The calculation of supply ventilation according to the air exchange rate is carried out according to the formula K = d*S*H, wherein:

  • d is the required air exchange rate of the room;
  • S - box area (m2);
  • H - box height (m).

The current regulatory documents do not contain standards for the frequency of air exchange in spray booths, however, experts recommend calculating the supply ventilation of the room based on the multiplicity of 5 (with partial painting) and 150 (with full repainting of the body).

An example of calculating air exchange in a spray booth with an area of ​​4 * 7 m and a height of 4 m using the multiplicity formula (taking into account the maximum value - 100) is as follows:

  • K \u003d 150 * 28 * 4 \u003d 16800 m 3 / hour;

Spray booth manufacturers allow for 25-30% air supply. Factory chambers of similar sizes have an air exchange of 20-25 thousand m 3 / hour (800 m 3 / hour for each m 2 of the box area).

The calculation of air exchange, which ensures the reduction of MPC to the norm, is carried out according to the formula: , wherein :

  • W - the amount of harmful fumes from the paint for 1 hour of work (mg / h);
  • Kv - MPC of vapors in the air inside the box (mg/m3);
  • Kp - MPC of evaporation in the supply stream (when air is taken from outside the chamber = 0).

Harmful fumes for 1 hour of work are determined by the formula: W = 1*Kv*V, where:

  • 1 - constant;
  • Kv - normative MPC of the material (mg/m3 per hour);
  • V - box volume.

Ventilation is carried out according to the formula: U=d*V, where d is the air exchange rate, V is the volume of the box. The amount of air pumped out and injected into the chamber is always the same.

After determining the air exchange, an aerodynamic calculation of the ventilation system is carried out, during which the required cross-section of the air ducts and the air flow rate are calculated, taking into account the resistance of the filter materials.

Paint Booth Filters

The absence of dust and mechanical particles in the air supplied to the box is a factor that determines the suitability of the camera for operation, since the dirt that gets on the car body during the painting process crosses out all the efforts of the painter.

Depending on the filtering method, boxes are classified into two groups:

  1. Dry spray booths, equipped with roll or panel filters for coarse and fine cleaning;
  2. Spray booth with a water curtain - when supplied, the air flow passes through a water cascade or reservoir with an irrigation system. Water filtration in them replaces the primary coarse filter.

Filters for spray booths according to their functional purpose are classified into:

  • Coarse cleaning - mounted on the external air duct of the supply ventilation, cleans the flow from large mechanical particles;
  • Fine cleaning - installed on the ceiling of the box or on the internal supply air duct, cleans the air from dust;
  • Floor filter for spray booth - installed on the exhaust fan, cleans the pumped air from toxic paint fumes.

Filters for painting chambers are consumables that become contaminated during operation, as a result of which their throughput and cleaning quality are reduced. During maintenance of the box, consumables are replaced, the frequency depends on the filter material:

  • Cardboard chamber filters are changed every 2 weeks;
  • Fiberglass - once every 40 days;
  • Ceiling EU5 standard - every 1000 hours;
  • Outdoor - every 150 hours.

Do-it-yourself supply and exhaust ventilation

The possibility of extraction is selected separately, depending on the size of the spray booth

The hood in the spray booth is equipped with your own hands upon completion of the installation of the box box. The first stage of installation is the creation of a raised subfloor and the placement of an air intake duct in it, through which air is discharged outside the chamber.

The raised floor is constructed by pouring concrete into the formwork, in which grooves are provided for laying air ducts, or formed on an existing ceiling. With this approach, a grating floor 20-40 cm high is welded from reinforcing bars, an air intake is laid inside the grating and connected to an exhaust compressor.

The supply air duct box is placed on the ceiling of the chamber, a compressor is connected to it, coupled with a heat generator or electric heating elements, due to which the flow entering the chamber is heated to the required temperature.

To prevent "blind spots" along the side contours of the chamber, 8 air ducts (2 for each wall) are separated from the supply duct along the perimeter of the walls of the box, providing a horizontal air supply.

Hood safety

Spray booth - a room with a high level of fire danger. For its equipment, the use of exclusively explosion-proof ventilation units is permissible.


The safe operation of the box is achieved due to the following factors:

  • The heat exchanger that heats the supply air is equipped with a safety thermostat;
  • Thermal insulation of the chamber is made of fire-resistant materials - mineral or basalt wool;
  • The box is completed with an autonomous fire extinguishing system;
  • Heating heating elements of ventilation are grounded according to
  • The air ducts are equipped with explosion-proof valves for shutting off the air supply and check valves;
  • In places of accumulation of flammable paint fumes (particles settle in the lower part of the box), if necessary, additional air intakes are installed.

Or furniture is a rather complicated and responsible process, which is most often trusted by specialists who have equipped cameras. However, it is quite possible to make such a device on your own, while you will be able not only to save money, but also to organize your own business. Before starting work, you need to familiarize yourself with the requirements that are important to comply with in order to achieve the best effect.

Preparatory work

Spray booths are made using a list of specific tools as well as materials. Among other things, it is important to find a room in which the equipment will be located. It can be a garage. Stock up on a heat fan, ventilation system and heat gun. This list is mandatory. When expanding the list, you can add doors, fans, gates, lamps, a control panel, and more. Everything will depend on the desire and financial capabilities. The camera must be automated and have the ability to perform not only painting a car or other products, but also drying them. The functional components are supply ventilation, which is equipped with multi-level filters for cleaning. This should include a chamber for dyeing and further drying, a heat pump, a ventilation unit and automation. Ventilation equipment must operate on the exhaust principle and have an air filter.

Room preparation

Spray booths are manufactured taking into account the requirements that apply to the room. The walls must be fireproof, washable and as airtight as possible. With the above points, there should not be any particular difficulties. Walls are most often made of steel and are well insulated. Two layers that will form the basis of the system must be filled with heat-saving safe materials. The floor also needs to be done taking into account some rules, among them it is necessary to highlight the design of this part of the room using several layers of grating, which will ensure air removal. should form the basis of spare and entrance doors, which protect the car from dust and other pollution coming from the street. That is why tightness is so important. The door should open easily, which will ensure the safety of the master.

Arrangement of the lighting system

The spray booths are manufactured with a suitable arrangement in mind. The use of fluorescent lamps can ensure the best visibility and the absence of glare, as well as unnecessary shadows. According to technological rules, the illumination should be from 600 to 1000 lux. The most successful and effective option is to use fluorescent lamps, which are located on the side walls and under the ceiling. However, this approach involves some disadvantages; during painting, the master will not have visibility of the lower part of the car or product. In order to eliminate unnecessary glare and insufficient light, you need to place large oblong lamps along the wall. Spray booths are manufactured based on the requirements of free space, which will guarantee the convenience of work. You should not choose a room whose area is less than 4 x 6 meters. It is recommended to install the camera on a concrete base, however, it is worth considering that this approach is very expensive. You can resort to an alternative solution, which involves using a metal frame as the basis. It is necessary to place a valve, an exhaust system and a filter under the floor.

Ventilation system device

The spray booth must have a high-quality ventilation system, as it is one of the key factors. The system must be equipped with a filter, which will ensure air purification, excluding the deposition of paint mist. There are single-engine and twin-engine units for sale. The first type pumps air from above, as a result, the fog settles down and is discharged through a special hole. Two motors provide air supply and exhaust. When a spray booth is made, it can also be equipped with an air filter. It is best to choose a two-phase variety, this model will be able to capture large contaminants, and will also get rid of small particles. It is important to choose ventilation systems whose air flow velocity is equal to the limit of 20 to 25 cm per second.

The choice of drying for the spray booth

If the drawings of which are presented in the article will be made, then it is important to provide it with drying. Heat generators that can be found on the modern market run on waste oil, gas and fuel. Depending on the needs of the camera, you can choose a generator of different power, it can be equipped with an automatic timer and other functionality. For drying painted cars and products, they are most often used. They are easy to operate and provide the desired effect at significant financial costs.

The device of the internal space of the chamber

It is necessary to completely exclude the presence of all kinds of materials inside, on which dust can collect. This includes furniture, carpets, fabric materials and soft corners. At the same time, the owner will be able to simply clean it, ensuring the normal state of the internal space.

Choosing a color for the camera

When furniture spray booths are made, walls and ceilings are most commonly painted white. Experts recommend using powder paint for this. This approach will ensure the correct color reproduction, and also facilitates the staining process. It is advisable to provide the camera with a utility room in which all kinds of items, equipment and inventory will be stored.

Dyeing equipment

If a spray booth will be manufactured, the instructions presented in the article can be used by you to carry out these works. It is important to prepare equipment for staining. Suitable spray guns that can operate at high and low pressure. The first variety involves the need to use a compressor that pumps air, creating pressure for staining.

As for low-pressure pneumatic devices, they operate on compressed air. On sale you can find and which can be pneumatic and electric. Expensive equipment is combined machines that combine the first and second types of devices. Such systems combine the best characteristics of airless and air methods. The spray booth, the photo of which is presented in the article, can be equipped with one or several of the above devices at once. Experts recommend using airless equipment, as it is the most optimal and efficient. In this case, particles of varnish and paint will be sprayed from the gun under impressive pressure.


If you will create a spray booth with a water curtain, then you can use airless equipment, which saves materials consumed during the work. If we are talking about a powder chamber, then with the help of it it will be possible to save solvents. This equipment allows you to work with the functioning of single-engine ventilation, guaranteeing high-quality coverage of the surface of the car body or any other product.