Projects of small houses in the English style. Houses like in England: design options in the English style. Substyles of English architecture

For more than one year it has attracted the attention of many people, both ordinary people and professional designers. This stylistic direction in architecture successfully combines rigor and functionality, while demonstrating to others the character of the owner of the house. The English style offers the best features of Georgian and Victorian period building. The finished buildings are well recognizable by the high roof with red tiles, large low windows and the external roughness of the facade, which remains unlined with bare brick.

Many construction companies today are ready to build interesting projects of English-style houses to order, based on any wallet, taste and preferences. Their database contains a huge number of photos with drawings of finished projects. A few ideas are presented below.

English houses

Liverpool Project

For example, the Liverpool project is a two-story luxury cottage made of aerated concrete blocks. The building has a beautiful brick cladding and a terrace in the backyard.

The area of ​​the house reaches an impressive 263 m2, which is more than enough for a large family to live in comfort. Narrow high windows are well balanced by a two-story roof with dark metal roofing. The use of the latter allows you to achieve proper stability and lightness in the appearance of the house.

The base of the building consists of a slab and grillage, which practically do not protrude above the ground. This gives the house the right earthy effect, thus compensating for a couple of floors with large narrow windows. By the way, through the latter, a sufficient amount of natural light penetrates inside at any time of the year, which is a big plus!

Entering from the street, you find yourself in the hallway. The front of the project offers a large hall, on the left - the entrance to the office. Located on the right side. There are also doors leading to the kitchen and bathroom. Going straight ahead, you can get into the spacious living room, behind which there is an exit to the terrace.

On the second floor, the English-style house offers four bedrooms at once, three of which have their own bathrooms. In addition, on the second floor there is access to a small but cozy balcony.

Project Grace

"Grace" in its appearance is somewhat reminiscent of medieval cathedrals. This similarity is achieved due to the narrowness and height of the structure. Despite this, the dwelling managed to retain the features characteristic of the classic English style.

And although outwardly the house looks small, the project offers its owners three floors at once, two of which are residential, and the third is an attic. The latter also has a considerable number of rooms. The total area of ​​​​the dwelling reaches 160 m 2. Construction takes place using foam concrete and aerated concrete blocks, which are then lined with brown and red ceramic bricks.

Below is the Canadian version of Grace.

A sharp high roof with a roof of similar dark metal tiles contributes to the impression of an elongated building.

After entering, guests go straight to the spacious hall. Opposite it is the living room, which combines the functionality of both the kitchen and the dining room. On the right side there is a staircase leading to the second floor and a storage room. On the left - the entrance to the furnace and toilet.

Climbing up to the second floor of "Grace" you can find three cozy bedrooms. According to the project, one of the bedrooms has doors to the bathroom and dressing room. In addition, there is also a small storage room on the floor.

As for the attic, here the doors of the bathroom and a couple of bedrooms look towards the hall, opposite the stairs there is a spacious dressing room.

Project Gustave

The house in the English style according to the Gustave project looks rather compact, but in fact its area reaches a considerable 254.5 m 2. This is one of the best options for a country house.

Similar to past projects, Gustave is being built using gas blocks. The roof is identically made of metal sheets of tiles. The noticeable severity of geometric shapes is partly softened by a large semicircular window located above the canopy above the front door on the second floor. On the left side of the entrance is a spacious garage equipped with automatic gates.

From the inside, the house is quite spacious, a large hall, kitchen, laundry room, hallway and living room combined with a dining room are located on the ground floor. On the reverse side is a large one. The exit from the garage makes it possible to enter the technical room inside the building.

Going to the second floor you can see another living room, three spacious bedrooms and a couple of bathrooms with toilets. Gustave has a smaller number of beds compared to past projects, but all other rooms in the house are more spacious and large.

Project Edinburgh

The Edinburgh project looks like a photograph of Foggy Albion, however, this classic English house will easily fit into modern reality.

The roof of the building pleases with its deep dark color, and the beautiful dark brown brick neatly veneers the surfaces of all walls. Large square windows provide a good level of light in any weather. Behind the house there is a spacious terrace that allows you to place wicker tables and chairs. In the future, it will be pleasant to be here on warm summer evenings, admiring the beauty of nature.

Having a couple of floors, the cottage remains quite spacious, offering its users 237 m2.

Once in the house, the first thing you find yourself in the hallway, and then in a large hall. On the right side of the entrance there is a bathroom and a dressing room, on the left - a study, which neatly adjoins the living room. Slightly in front is a cozy kitchen combined with a dining room.

Rising to the second floor, three large bedrooms, a dressing room and a couple of bathrooms fall into view.

Photo gallery

All projects of houses in the English style are able to offer their residents cozy and spacious rooms, the dimensions of the premises make it possible to comfortably accommodate even large families with many children. As for the appearance of the buildings, they are distinguished by their sophisticated and beautiful design, which takes us many years back in history. Classic English houses can become a real find for people who like to spend their holidays outside the city. Check out the photos below and see for yourself!

English architecture is characterized by an unusual combination of rigor and sophistication. Houses decorated in the English style have always been valued not only for their appearance, but also for their reliability and durability. Usually a house of this style can be briefly described as a stone structure with a wide facade, decorated with stucco or brick. The design of such structures looks luxurious and elegant.

In the photo of houses in the English style, you can see their main features.

Front side of the house in the English style, as a rule, it is distinguished by the following elements:

  • walls are made of natural stone or brick
  • no carvings or patterns
  • the exterior is asymmetrical
  • there are columns
  • the range of colors used is quite narrow
  • the roof has a round slope
  • there is vegetation around the house

Types of English houses

In this type of architecture, there are three main areas applicable to suburban and urban buildings. Each of them has its own characteristics and distinctive features.

Tudor house

This building looks like fairy tale village house, although it has a rather rough appearance. The main features of such houses:

Georgian type of architecture

In modern England, Georgian style is the most popular urban trend. This style might look like pompous and solemn, but at the same time it is quite simple. Direction features:

  • symmetry and right angles
  • windows of the same size, evenly spaced
  • lack of jewelry
  • the presence of five windows on the main facade
  • low entrance position
  • steam pipes
  • a roof with a low slope is located almost on a par with the walls
  • pilasters and semi-columns are located on the side of the doors

Victorian type of architecture

Victorian style involves decorative cladding and contrasting color combinations in finishing. Style Features:

Features of projects of English houses

A house in true English style should be built of red brick. This material ensures a long service life. The advantage is also good sound insulation in the interior. In addition, brick structures are distinguished by resistance to temperature extremes and a humid environment.

The project of such a house involves having two floors, sometimes there may be an attic in it. It is customary to place a utility room under the roof, for example, it can be a closet. Mostly the creation of a garden in the surrounding area.

A typical English house project has an entrance in the middle of the building. The building, whose facade is made in the traditional English manner, looks massive.

An example of a house in the English style photo:

The building in the English style is characterized by a low foundation. The floor in it is almost on a par with the surface of the earth. Cellars are usually absent, but there may be a pantry or a shallow cellar. The facade of an English house looks strictly, only in rare cases decorations are allowed. His do not paint or veneer.

The first floor windows are low. Windows are usually rectangular or square in shape. The roof is high and pointed, covered with red tiles. Recently, one can often see roofs made of thatch or thatch.

The porch is rare in English houses. It is built only if the site with the house is on a slope. But there may be awnings over the entrance doors or windows. Ivy wrapping around the canopy will look luxurious.

Internal layout

The main room on the first floor is the living room. According to the rules, it should be combined with a dining room, a corridor, and a hall. The zone should be bright - the rooms should be a large number of windows. Also on the first floor there can be an office.

The second floor is the sleeping area. There can be three bedrooms here, and one of them must have a bathroom and a wardrobe. Such an English-style house project is ideal.

traditional interior

A comfortable and cozy atmosphere is an important condition for creating an interior atmosphere typical of an English-style house interior. The main room here is the living room. All conditions are created in it so that guests can settle down in it with convenience. At the same time, already at the stage of drafting the project, the design style is strictly maintained.

Used for decoration natural wood, the floor has parquet flooring. It is preferable that the living room is large enough. However, with the help of designers, you can get a project of a spectacularly decorated house and a small size.

The project of the interior decoration of the house in the English style implies the obligatory presence of a fireplace, which is the center of the composition in the interior of the living room. Its cladding can be made of different materials (marble, wood, limestone panel). On the mantelpiece, as a rule, a mantel clock, small bronze sculptures, porcelain figurines, vases with flowers, as well as snuff boxes and cigarette cases.


The choice of an architectural project in the English style will not only be a beautiful and elegant solution for a country house, but will also become a comfortable and cozy place to live in it. A small English-style house surrounded by greenery will remind you of centuries-old English traditions, which include a relaxing holiday away from civilization. Unusual for our places, the interior and exterior will delight its owner every day. Well, green spaces, as part of the house of English architecture, will allow the owners and guests to always be in a good mood.

We are often approached by clients who are interested in projects of English-style houses made of bricks and more modern materials - foam blocks or aerated concrete. When discussing, it turns out that they mean completely different buildings, and there is an objective reason for this. The architecture of England took shape over several centuries, and there are three periods: XV-XVI, XVII-XVIII, XVIII-XIX centuries.

Substyles of English architecture

  • acute-angled multi-pitched roofs covered with red tiles;
  • large brick pipes;
  • high gables with small dormers;
  • arched windows with frequent deglazing, stone lining of the basement.

Projects of houses in the English Tudor style: No. 33-03 (one-story townhouse), No. 51-34 (classic cottage with an attic).

  • rectangular shape, symmetry;
  • walls without decoration;
  • simple roofs of medium height;
  • doors framed by a portal.

Typical examples in the catalogue: No. 58-66 or a more modern interpretation of No. 32-11.

  • decoration with facing stone, fachwerk technique or siding;
  • roofs acquire a complex shape, complemented by towers;
  • distribution of bay windows, verandas, terraces;
  • high pediment above the main entrance.

An example is a photo of a 2-story house in the English Victorian style No. 34-67, or a project with a terrace (No. 40-56).

The composition of the project documentation

The Cottage Projects company has been developing ready-made solutions for 15 years. Each finished project contains a complete package of documentation necessary for the construction.

  1. Detailed description of all structures: foundation, walls, ceilings.
  2. Floor plans with decoding for each room: area, purpose.
  3. Specification of building materials, options for their replacement are indicated.

The project includes a set of working drawings: sections, masonry plans, floor explication, scheme for filling window openings. Separate standard solutions include engineering communications projects. In most cases, water supply systems, electrification are developed individually. For example, when a customer needs a house with a second light (No. 35-12, 375 m2). Additionally, an architectural passport of the object is produced.

The architecture of country houses in the English style is distinguished by conservatism and rigor. Brick-built buildings with a recognizable façade decor and convenient layout are well suited for permanent residence or seasonal recreation.

Three types of English houses

There are three architectural directions that are characteristic of residential buildings in the UK - in their historical and modern form. The features of each type are easy to trace in appearance.

Tudor style

Formed in 1500-1600. The buildings built of stone look brutal and impressive. Medieval decoration evokes associations with housing from European fairy tales:

  • the building has an asymmetric layout
  • roof - acute-angled multi-pitched, covered with tiles
  • the facade of the house in the English Tudor style is decorated with high gables and small dormer windows
  • the building is completely or partially lined with rough stone
  • the main entrance is decorated with an arched passage
  • in the modern variation there are large bay windows with glazing

Established in England in 1700-1800. influenced by Italian classicism (Palladianism). Pompous, but at the same time modest buildings form the basis of the suburban development of London, it is with this design that our compatriots associate the concept of a house in the classic British style.

Main features:

  • rectangular plan
  • symmetrical proportions accentuated by twin chimneys
  • uniform distribution of window openings of the same size
  • walls - brick or stone, with minimal decor
  • projects of houses and cottages in this English style usually have a roof of medium height, with a slight extension above the walls
  • the entrance group is decorated with pilasters or semi-columns, the door itself is paneled

Victorian home design

It took shape in 1800-1900, when the Italian order canons were replaced by a free composition, the convenience of planning with the rejection of strict symmetry, and the increased decorativeness of English facades. Industrial production has made affordable the beautiful decoration of even modest dwellings.

Hence the key features:

  • external forms are most often asymmetrical
  • the layout includes a veranda on one or two sides, terraces, bay windows
  • roof - steep, with round or square towers
  • to decorate a house in the style of Queen Anne, they use stone cladding, siding, stucco, decorative consoles, half-timbered construction
  • colored walls: blue, brown, white, terracotta, green

Foundation Features

The construction of cottages in the English style is characterized by a very low base. This was historically the case: good drainage made it possible to equip a low foundation, and the floors were located almost flush with the ground. Basements and the basement in such housing have to be abandoned; the pantry in the kitchen will cope with the storage function.

In Russian climatic conditions, a low foundation will require enhanced waterproofing and insulation.

Gabled roof - visiting card of the exterior

Private houses built in the English style have a distinctive feature: a high pitched roof with a complex relief. It successfully combines utilitarian and aesthetic function: a large angle of inclination helps rainwater drain faster, and an intricate composition of turrets, gables and canopies is very attractive in terms of design. The overhang, protruding around the entire perimeter, reliably protects the walls and foundation from excess moisture.

Classical roofing material - ceramic tiles, in traditional design - red. The English style of modern houses allows the use of a soft roof of the widest range of colors. The dormer windows, characteristic of the external design, are involved in the ventilation of the attic space.

Brick houses - a classic of English architecture

Today, different materials are used to build cottages with historical architecture, but British-style brick house projects are a traditional solution with important advantages: the buildings are strong, warm, with good sound insulation and resistance to temperature fluctuations. Perfect for our climate.

The most common in the English style is a red brick house, which looks natural, strict and elegant. The contrasting combination of brick walls with white stone trim, bas-reliefs, and columns makes it extremely elegant. In white, you can also paint the edging that goes along the perimeter of the building. Stucco decor - rustic stones, cornices, balustrades - emphasize the classical heritage of architecture.

Brickwork is usually left without cladding, in rare cases it is finished with stone-like panels, facade bricks, and decorative plaster. Our project of a brick mansion, made in the English style, demonstrates the balanced beauty of snow-white columns, gables, rustication and friezes against the backdrop of red brick facades.

Projects of houses in the English style: two-story layout

The classic British cottage is designed on two levels.

  • The main room of the first floor is a living room, a place for socializing and traditional tea drinking.

The room is often combined with a dining room (but not with a kitchen) and a spacious hall. The interior must have a fireplace lined with stone or finished with an antique portal. Before the invention of steam heating, the fireplace warmed the house, so all living quarters were located around it.

The living room is filled with natural light due to the large number of windows; modern projects of two-story English houses provide for panoramic glazing of bay windows in the recreation area.

  • The kitchen can be located separately or adjacent to the dining room - but in this case, the cooking area should not be visible from the living room.

Following the traditions, a back door is made from the kitchen - to the backyard. On the first floor, space is allocated for an office and a library, sometimes they are combined.

  • The master and guest bedrooms are located on the second level of the two-storey house in the English style.

In cottages, these rooms are used only for sleeping, their area is usually small, but one of the master bedrooms is necessarily combined with a bathroom and dressing room.

Sometimes the layout of a small house, decorated in English, includes an attic. Under the roof, a compact non-residential premises (a closet or a room for drying clothes) are equipped. In the mansards, the attic is a full-fledged living room.

Modern project options

Our portfolio features beautiful British-style cottages that combine architectural tradition with the demands of today's comfort levels.

The project of an English house with a terrace demonstrates classical symmetry and strict facade decoration. To the left of the main entrance there is a covered area - here you can place a bench or chairs for tea drinking, an open balcony of the second floor is equipped on top. Forged openwork railings emphasize the thematic connection of the terrace with the main facade.

The house with an attic, created in the English style, successfully combines glazing with French windows on the main floors with richly decorated arched openings on the upper level. A balanced color scheme is created by red brick, beige smooth stone and dark blue copper tiles.

An English-style house with a garage is a convenient solution for a family with two or three cars. If the garage is adjacent to the main residential complex, the task of the project authors is to make the neighborhood as organic as possible. Compositional unity is achieved through the same type of decorative solutions.

Landscaping: all in the garden!

Building a house in the English style does not mean just building a cottage with a given geometry and decor. True Britons cannot imagine life without a courtyard with flowering front gardens, green hedges, and mowed lawns. Let it be small, but the garden must be mandatory. Vertical gardening looks beautiful - facades braided with ivy and lianas.

The company "TopDom" designs and builds private houses and cottages in the British style, mansards with mansards, palace-type residences.

You can order from us an architectural, interior and landscape project with all the necessary documentation. During turnkey construction, you will receive a house that is absolutely ready for occupancy - with furniture, connected communications and a complete finish.

The geology of the site includes checking and studying the soil, this allows you to optimize the cost of the foundation.

What happens if you don't do geology?

If you ignore this stage, then you can choose the wrong foundation and lose from 1,000,000 rubles on alterations.

10 year warranty on foundation, walls, ceilings and roofing.

Ask an engineer a question

What is included in the Engineering Solution?

Documentation on the location and equipment of all technical premises, electrical outlets, water supply, ventilation, gas and sewerage.

What is included in the design solution?

A detailed plan and instructions for the foreman, which display all the necessary stages and technologies in the construction of the foundation, walls and roof.

What is included in the architectural solution?

Creation of a sketch and its 3D image, which displays the location and size of rooms, walls, roofs, furniture, windows and doors.

What will you get after this stage?

All technical and visual documentation. Author's supervision over the course of construction. Our architect and designer will visit the site weekly.

Do you have any questions? Ask them to the engineer.

Ask an engineer a question

What do deadlines depend on?

The terms add up depending on the chosen project and material, (houses made of logs and timber take time to shrink).

What is "house shrinkage"?

This is a natural process of changing the volume of wooden walls and other details due to the drying of the tree.

Who will build my house?

We have our own staff of certified workers and foremen with at least 5 years of specialized work experience. Since 2015, a construction equipment fleet has been put into operation. We do not engage contractors.

Do you have any questions? Ask them to the engineer.

Ask an engineer a question

I want it like this picture. You can?

Yes! You can send us any image and we will design and build what you want.

Do you have a designer on staff?

Now the state employs 5 interior designers with a total profile experience of 74 years.

What is included in an interior design project?

Drawing up a 3D project by a designer, as well as support and implementation of all finishing works.
We will also produce and supply furniture that suits your lifestyle and taste.