What is fn kkt. How the Fiscal Data Operator (FDO) works

The term "fiscal accumulator" is fairly new. It appeared thanks to the amendments that were made to the legislation on cash registers. They came into force on July 1, 2017 and completely changed the requirements for cash registers. New devices began to be called online cash registers because of their ability to transfer data via the Internet. And they acquired this ability precisely thanks to fiscal accumulators.

Modern alternative to ECLZ

fiscal accumulator(FN) is an element of cash registers of a new sample. It can be called the brain of the CCP, since it is he who remembers all the fiscal information. This module has become a replacement for obsolete ECLZ, which are no longer used today. The drive not only took over the functions previously performed by an electronic tape, but also significantly expanded them. The main tasks of the storage are:

  • signing and encrypting checks;
  • transfer of information about them via the Internet;
  • receiving and checking response information;
  • storage of data on knocked out checks without the possibility of adjustment;
  • blocking receipt generation if the drive memory contains untransmitted data generated more than 30 days ago.

How FN works

In order for the fiscal accumulator to interact with the tax service, one more link is needed - the fiscal data operator (OFD). This is a company that will ensure the secure transfer of information from the drive to the FTS server. The data is transmitted according to the information exchange protocol approved by the tax service. The interaction between these links is arranged as follows:

  • the fiscal drive captures information about the knocked out check;
  • if there is an Internet connection, it instantly transfers data to the OFD;
  • the operator sends them to the server of the Federal Tax Service and to the email or phone number of the buyer (if the latter wished to receive an electronic check);
  • if there is no connection to the Internet, information about the knocked out check is stored in the memory of the drive.

Thus, thanks to the fiscal accumulator, the tax service receives information about the knocked out check almost at the time of its formation. In the event of a failure in the Internet, the information will be stored on the drive. As soon as the connection is restored, the data will be transferred to the OFD, and then to the Federal Tax Service. So sellers should not worry - if the Internet is gone, sales will not have to be stopped. But it is important that the connection is restored within 30 days, otherwise the FN will be blocked.

Modernization of CCP

Any model of modern cash register equipment is equipped with a fiscal data storage device. But in order to comply with the requirements of the law, it is not necessary to acquire a new apparatus. You can upgrade an existing cash register - it will cost a little cheaper. Manufacturers of fiscal drives have made sure that they have the same size and type of connection with the device as EKLZ. That is, the drive can be installed in the cash register case instead of the tape. In addition, you will need to change the firmware of the board. Such services are provided by service centers of CCM manufacturers.


The main criterion for selecting a financial statement is the validity period of the fiscal attribute key. This is the period during which the drive will function after its registration with the Federal Tax Service. By general rule it is 13 months. However, companies and entrepreneurs that apply special tax regimes, as well as sell services, must use devices with a fiscal drive that is valid for 36 months.

After the expiration of the specified period, the FN is subject to replacement. It was the same with ECLZ, but you had to contact service center. But FN can be replaced with your own hands. After that, it is necessary to ensure its storage for 5 years. Together with the drive, you should store reports on its closure and on changes in the CCP registration data.

Drive registry

The Tax Service maintains a register of fiscal drives, which lists the models allowed for sale, their parameters and manufacturers. You can find it on the FTS website. So far, there are only 4 drives in the registry. They are installed on the cash desks of a new model or are offered for sale to replace or upgrade old devices. Three drives from the registry have a validity period of 13 months, and one has a validity period of 36 months. Also on the website of the service, you can check the purchased copy of the fiscal drive by serial number.


If receipt data is not transferred to OFD for more than 30 days, the drive will be blocked. This means that the cash desk will not be able to knock out checks. Selling goods through such a device will not work. This can happen due to the lack of Internet, so it is important to always monitor the performance of the communication channel.

The most unpleasant consequence of this is the need to stop the sale of goods. However, you will not have to report to the Federal Tax Service or OFD, or re-register, and even more so change the drive. It is only necessary to eliminate the cause of the blocking, that is, to restore the connection of the cash desk with the Internet. After that, the FN will be unblocked on its own and will again begin to transmit data on knocked out checks.

It happens that the company has a backup cash register, which is used only occasionally. For example, in the event of a breakdown of the main machine or as a portable cash desk during the delivery of goods. Will FN be blocked if more than 30 days pass between the generation of checks? You don't have to worry about this. Blocking occurs only when an unsent check remains in the drive. If the check is sent to the OFD, then there will be no blocking even if the cash register is used less than once a month. So every time after using the reserve cash desk, you can safely turn it off, after making sure that the sales data are transferred to the Federal Tax Service.

Is it possible to do without storage

The law provides for exemption from the need to use cash in the implementation certain types activities. In addition, until July 1, 2018, entities that pay UTII or provide services to the public, as well as individual entrepreneurs on a patent, can work without cash registers. However, some of these taxpayers use cash desks despite the absence of obligation. Can they use devices without a fiscal drive?

The presence of a cash register with a drive is a requirement of the law on cash registers. It was possible to register old-style equipment with the Federal Tax Service until February 1, and use it until July 1, 2017. From this date, the use of old devices in Russia is prohibited. Therefore, if the entities mentioned above work with cash registers, then they must use a cash register with a fiscal drive.

There is also an indulgence for trade enterprises located in settlements remote from communication networks. They are also required to use cash desks with FN, but may not transfer fiscal information to the FTS. In this case, the cash register will be used in offline- information will be stored in the memory of the drive. According to the current criterion, this benefit can count on locality, where less than 10 thousand people live. The list of such territories must be approved by the regional authorities and published on the website of the local administration.

So, the fiscal accumulator today is indispensable element KKT. It turns an ordinary cash register into a modern device that is able to store data in encrypted form and transfer them to the Federal Tax Service. This should simplify the work of the service, ensure transparency of reporting and reduce the burden on businesses in terms of tax control.

Fiscal data operators play the role of a collection point. They receive settlement data from various cash registers and transfer it to the tax office. The fiscal data operator has its own data center. OFD can only work if you have an FSB license to work with encryption tools.

The buyer pays for the goods. The seller punches the check at the online checkout, and the sales data is instantly recorded on the fiscal drive and transmitted over the Internet to the fiscal data operator. OFD transmits data from all cash desks to the tax office.

What does a store need to work with OFD?

  • Agreement with the OFD for the processing of fiscal data
  • Internet
  • Cash register with fiscal storage and internet connection

Cash register equipment will need to be registered in personal account on the FTS website. This requires a qualified electronic signature.

How does the OFD work? We analyze the change 54 of the Federal Law

Let's look at an example. The buyer comes to the store for a carton of milk. The cashier scans the barcode from the milk package or types the amount on the keyboard cash register.

Inside the CCP (cash register) there is a fiscal drive. He saves the check, signs it with a fiscal sign, generates and sends a data packet to the OFD server.

The fiscal data operator generates a response fiscal sign and sends a receipt signed with a fiscal sign, cash register. When the fiscal accumulator registers the receipt, the registration of the receipt under the new requirements will be completed.

Then the fiscal data operator transmits the settlement data to the tax office. The buyer receives two checks: paper and electronic (by e-mail or subscriber number).

The checks have a QR code and a link. The buyer can scan the code with a smartphone camera or follow the link. The buyer will be taken to the check check service website. There he will check that the check registered in the OFD corresponds to the paper one. If the amounts are different, the buyer can complain to the store.

Will an electronic check completely replace a paper one?

The electronic receipt contains the TIN of the store, the names of the goods, the amount of taxes paid and all other information. But at the request of the buyer, the seller is still obliged to issue a paper check.

What do the new checks look like?

How is a QR code and a link generated?

The fiscal data operator provides the CCP with the rules for generating a QR code and a link. The cash register generates a QR, a link and prints a receipt.

What if the Internet goes down during the sale?

The store owner has 72 hours to reconnect. Otherwise, the CCT will stop working.

What is a fiscal storage?

Relatively speaking, this is a new type of ECLZ. The fiscal accumulator receives receipt data, processes it and signs it with a fiscal sign. It then sends the check data and fiscal token to the fiscal data operator. From the OFD, the fiscal accumulator receives a receipt signed with a fiscal sign and saves the check data.

That is, ECLZ is no longer needed?

Yes, fiscal drives will replace ECLZ.

Where to buy a fiscal drive?

It is now known that EKLZ can be bought from the manufacturer - Atlas-Kart. The company Proxima is also selling ECLZ. The list of organizations that sell fiscal drives has not yet been approved.

Fiscal drive one forever?

No, it needs to be changed.

Organizations on common system taxation - once a year. Organizations on a patent, UTII and USN - once every 3 years.

Who will change the fiscal drive?

How to get an electronic signature?

Electronic signatures are issued by certification centers accredited by the Ministry of Communications and Communications of the Russian Federation. To get a signature, take the documents to the certification center.

For individuals:

  • the passport

Legal entities:

  • founding documents
  • document on entering a legal entity into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
  • tax registration certificate

The electronic signature will be written to a physical medium, such as a USB flash drive. Find out the cost of the service in the certification center.

What should a store owner do to connect to the OFD?

  • Get a qualified electronic signature
  • Conclude an agreement or contract with a fiscal data operator
  • Take to the store online
  • Install a fiscal drive in the cash register
  • Register a cash register on the tax website and get a registration number on the website of the Federal Tax Service

How to register a cash register and get a number?

Go to the taxpayer's personal account on the website of the Federal Tax Service. Get the CCP registration number in your personal account. Fiscalize the checkout. The KKT will send the data to the tax service through the OFD. You will receive a registration card in your personal account on the website of the Federal Tax Service. Registration is over.

We remind you that an electronic signature is required for registration.

When will the registration of cash registers for the transmission of OFD data begin?

Voluntary registration of cash registers - from April 1, 2016. Mandatory registration KKT - from February 1, 2017. By July 1, 2017, all cash registers should start sending settlement data to OFD. The law has not been signed, the terms may change.

Do I need to buy a new cash register?

No, if your cash register connects to the Internet and you can put a fiscal drive in the case, and the internal software works with FN and OFD. If these features are not available and the manufacturer will not release a revision kit, then you will have to replace cash register equipment.

What cash registers are suitable for working with OFD?

OFD has both hardware and software requirements.

Device requirements:

  • Internet connection
  • place for a fiscal drive inside the case
  • printing QR codes and links

Program requirements:

  • work with fiscal storage
  • work with OFD

The developers of the Dreamcas company have provided a compartment for the fiscal drive in all models of Viki cash registers and fiscal registrars VikiPrint.

The software works according to exchange protocols both between CRE and OFD, and between CRE and fiscal drive. Viki checkouts are connected to the Internet via a network cable or WiFi.

I work on UTII, I do not use the cash register. What to do?

Now to wait. The government is preparing a draft resolution, which will clearly indicate the types of activities for the application of the CCP.

What will happen to the CTO?

Service in the central heating center will no longer be mandatory. But the cash register equipment will still have to be repaired. It is worth assuming that reasonable store owners will not refuse technical support.

Is it necessary to conclude a service agreement with the CTO after the introduction of the OFD?

AT without fail- No. But an agreement with the OFD must be concluded in any case.

Can CTO become a fiscal data operator?

Yes. Any organization can become a fiscal data operator. For this you need to have:

  • Permission to process fiscal data from the Federal Tax Service
  • FSTEC license for technical protection information
  • FSB license for the development and production of cryptoprotection tools
  • FSB license for data protection activities
  • Technical means for processing fiscal data (on the right of ownership)
  • Technical means for protecting fiscal data
  • Non-residential premises owned or rented

More detailed requirements for OFD will appear after the signing of the law.

New materials about 54-FZ

Fiscal accumulator (FN) is a cryptographic means of protection in online cash registers. This is an analogue of ECLZ in old devices. His job is to sign checks so they can't be forged.

Tasks of the fiscal drive

  • Form a fiscal sign and sign a check.
  • Encrypt data before sending OFD.
  • Decrypt messages from OFD.
  • Store information about cashiers, opening and closing shifts.
  • Store information about the cash desk, TIN, fiscal data operator.

The owner of the cash desk can change the FN on his own or contact the service center.

Requirements for a fiscal drive for online cash registers

  • The storage box must be sealed.
  • It is blocked after 30 days if the cash desk with an open shift has stopped transmitting OFD data.
  • After replacement, it must be stored for 5 years.

OSNO companies and entrepreneurs who switched to online cash registers in 2017 change their fiscal drive every 13 months. This also applies to sellers of excisable goods, seasonal trade, payment agents and sellers who use automatic means calculation. Simplification, UTII and services change FN every 3 years.

In December 2017, the register contains 8 models of fiscal drives with a period of operation of 13, 15 and 36 months. See the FTS website for a complete list of registered devices.

Models of fiscal drives in the registry

Can a sole proprietor use the drive for 13 months?

No. In the spring of 2017, manufacturers did not release fiscal drives for 36 months. Therefore, the Federal Tax Service allowed the IP on the simplified tax system to use the device for 13 months. In a letter dated May 23, 2017 No. ED-4-20/ [email protected] The tax office wrote that if the entrepreneur is not guilty, then he will not be fined.

Now the registry has models with a lifespan of 3 years, and if special modes or services buy a drive for 13 months, they will be fined 2000 ₽. But if in 2018 there will be a shortage of devices, as in 2017, then the tax office should not fine. In this case, the entrepreneur must prove that he is not guilty. For example, drive manufacturers will say that they do not have time to release devices.

Fiscal drives for the cash register
for 13, 15 and 36 months
We will advise which one to choose

Leave a request and get a consultation

Where to buy a fiscal drive for online cash registers

You can purchase a cryptographic tool in several ways:

  • together with new cash desk or upgrade kit;
  • separately from a regional partner of CCP manufacturers;
  • from the fiscal data operator.

In the summer of 2017, FNs were in short supply. Entrepreneurs could not buy a fiscal accumulator in time and stood in line for months. The tax authorities did not penalize companies that signed an agreement and waited for the equipment to be in stock. In 2018 and 2019, they switch to online cash registers 3 times more people than in 2017. And although there are more manufacturers, it is better in advance.

Average price of a fiscal drive for 13 months: 6000–7000 ₽. For 36 months: 12,000–13,000 ₽.

(FN) - the brain of a modern cash register. This small module ensures the safety and transfer of data from the cash register to the Federal Tax Service, allowing the owner of the equipment to comply with the requirements of the law. When choosing a FN, there are certain nuances, which we will discuss in this article.

fiscal memory

As it was before

Before maintaining online cash registers, KCP recorded all data on ECLZ- electronic tape. For each sale, only the amount was recorded. Once a year, the tape should be submitted for verification to the Federal Tax Service.

EKLZ contained little information - the amount of its memory was 4 MB. When it overflowed or expired, it was necessary to contact the service center for a replacement. Big stores had to change the tape quite often.

How did it become

Now instead of ECLZ inside the cash register is placed FN. Its functions are wider - it not only captures information about sales, but encrypts and transfers it to the server of the fiscal data operator. The duties of the latter include sending fiscal information to the Federal Tax Service.

Sales data are usually transmitted immediately when a check is generated or a little later if the connection is not working at that moment. Thus, the tax authority monitors all sales via the Internet, therefore it is not necessary to carry a fiscal drive for verification to the IFTS.

The fiscal drive also has a certain validity period and memory resource. When analyzing one of the first drives that appeared on the market, a memory module was found on 256 MB. It turns out that the fiscal drive can hold 64 times more information than its ECLZ.

This does not mean that exactly 64 times more checks will “fit” into the FN, because now there are a lot of new details on the fiscal document. However, it is estimated that the drive holds approximately 230 thousand checks and even more. It turns out that it should definitely be enough for a year if you print less than 700 checks a day.

The cash register with FN saves the entrepreneur's time and reduces maintenance costs. After all, you can replace the drive yourself.

Drive selection

The drive has 2 options: model and validity fiscal key. When choosing, the last of them is decisive.


Accumulators are issued for a period of 13, 13/15 and 36 months. This is the maximum possible life of the drive. How long it will last in reality depends on the characteristics of the business. All details are in the following table.

Table. The choice of financial tax depending on the activity and / or taxation regime

Tax regime / activities FN validity period (months) How long will it work
BASIC* 13, 13/15 All term
USN, UTII, PSN, ESHN 36 All term
Provision of services (any tax regime) 36 All term
Trade in excisable goods 13, 13/15, 36 410 days
Work of CCP offline 13, 13/15, 36
  • 13, 13/15 - 13 months;
  • 36 - 560 days

* Note . Strictly speaking, subjects on the OSNO must apply FN for a period of " at least 13 months". This means that theoretically they can purchase a drive for 36 months. However, in the passport of such a tax, it is not indicated that it can be applied to the main taxation system. Therefore, it is better for OSNO not to buy it.

Should I choose a drive designed for more long term if there is such a possibility? In other words, if the law does not oblige to use the FN for 13 months, wouldn't it be more logical to take the FN for 36 months? Unfortunately, it is unlikely to save money for two reasons:

  1. Fiscal attribute key validity period does not always match storage life in real. So, if you work offline and buy a drive for 36 months, it will still last no more than 18.
  2. Memory size drive for 13 and 36 months is the same. This means that if you're hitting a lot of checks every day, a 36 month drive won't last you 3 years anyway.


FN-1 can transmit data in 1.0 and 1.05 formats (the choice depends on the CCP firmware). The first one exists until the end of 2018. From the beginning of 2019, you need to switch to FFD 1.05 or 1.1.

The FN-1.1 drive supports any of the existing formats. Thus, if you want to transfer data to FFD 1.1 need hard drive

For now, when switching between formats, you need to:

  • replace the fiscal drive;
  • update the firmware of the KKT.

Amendments to the legislation are currently being considered that will abolish the mandatory replacement of the fiscal drive when changing the format for transmitting fiscal data. If the amendments are accepted, then when switching to FFD 1.05, it will be possible not to buy a new drive.

Why are formats 1.05 and 1.1 better than FFD 1.0? They pass more props. In particular, it is convenient when designing

If you use the wrong FN

If the law obliges the subject to apply FN for 36 months, then theoretically, a cash register with a 13-month drive should be subject to liability for part 4 of article 14.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. However, in practice, this is not yet punished. The Federal Tax Service explains the details in a letter dated May 23, 2017 No. ED-4-20 / [email protected]

FN allowed for sale are included in Register of the Federal Tax Service. At the time of writing this letter, there was not a single drive model in the Register for 36 months. Thus, the special regimes, with all their desire, could not acquire them. Therefore, the Federal Tax Service promised not to impose fines.

And so that there are no more grounds for fines, the officials themselves pointed to a legislative loophole. Law 54-FZ says that special regime officers can apply FN for 13 months seasonal nature of work. However, this concept is not disclosed in the legislation of the Russian Federation. The taxpayer can independently determine that the activity is seasonal in nature by fixing this in a local act.

Summing up

  1. If you purchase FN separately, determine from the table above which term will suit you. Otherwise, the drive is a universal device - you can take any.
  2. If you are transmitting data in FFD 1.0 format, do not forget until the end of the year switch to format 1.05. Although for now we recommend not to rush - it is quite possible that the amendments will be adopted, and you will not have to change the FN during the transition.
  3. If you plan to switch to data transfer immediately in FFD 1.1, buy FN-1.1. For FFD 1.05 Any storage device will work. Format 1.0 should no longer be guided by - it will soon be canceled.
  4. If the drive comes with a cash register, be sure to ask what is its validity period.
  5. If, being in a special regime, you apply FN for 13 months, we recommend that you accept an internal document on the seasonal nature of the work. So you can definitely avoid a fine for using a drive with the wrong deadline. And when it expires get FN for 36 months.

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3. Responsibility of the Parties

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4.Other provisions

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4.3. The law of the Russian Federation shall apply to this Agreement and the relationship between the User and Insales arising in connection with the application of the Agreement.

4.3. The User has the right to send all suggestions or questions regarding this Agreement to the Insales User Support Service or to the postal address: 107078, Moscow, st. Novoryazanskaya, 18, pp. 11-12 BC "Stendhal" LLC "Insales Rus".

Publication date: 01.12.2016

Full name in Russian:

Limited Liability Company "Insales Rus"

Abbreviated name in Russian:

Insales Rus LLC

Name in English:

InSales Rus Limited Liability Company (InSales Rus LLC)

Legal address:

125319, Moscow, st. Academician Ilyushin, 4, building 1, office 11

Mailing address:

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