Measuring instrument: features of selection and use. Hydraulic level - principle of operation and rules of use Devices for hydraulic level

Repair and construction work is carried out by both professionals and novice specialists. This requires a considerable number of different devices, tools and devices. Special attention It is worth paying attention to measuring instruments, because the quality of work depends on them. And, today, we will talk about such a tool as a water level.

What is it for?

To begin with, we should define the concept of water level. It is a completely easy-to-use tool that determines the levels of surfaces that are located at a distance from one another in the horizontal plane. The principle of operation of the water level is the use of communicating vessels, so familiar to us from the school physics course.

When carrying out repairs and construction work it is often simply necessary. It is used when you need to install suspended ceiling, paste wallpaper, level the floor, fix various objects at the same level, such as sconces, paintings, etc. Moreover, even if it needs to be done around the corner or in different rooms. After all, the hydraulic level consists of flasks marked with centimeters, connected to each other by an elastic tube-hose. This simple system is filled with liquid. When the flasks are located strictly in the same plane relative to the floor or ground, then the water level in them is the same. Due to its ease of use, the hydraulic level is accessible not only to professionals, but also to beginners.

How to use a water level correctly?

It is easier and faster to work with the device, with good flow of liquid in the tube. To do this, the hose diameter should be approximately 10 or 12 mm. As for the length, it depends on the dimensions of the room and can be either 3 meters or about 30 meters. For beginners, it is better to purchase models of water levels with rubber sliders for flasks. This makes using the device convenient. The weight of the instrument is small - from 500 g to 1 kg, so even ladies can use it.

As described above, the device tube is filled with water, usually at room temperature. Next, you should carefully measure the level of this water in the containers. To make a mark at a given height, one tank remains in place, the second moves in the desired direction. It is necessary to strictly ensure that at this moment there are no even the slightest creases or bends on the tube. You should wait a few seconds until minor fluctuations in the water in the device disappear. Control marks must be made when the liquid level strictly matches in both flasks.

You should prepare in advance for working with a hydraulic level. After all, for this you will need not only the device itself, but also several other improvised tools, namely: a ladle, or better yet a small watering can, for filling the level with water; small funnel; tape measure and ruler; scotch; pencil. If desired, you can use dye to brighten the water. Well, of course, all work with the water level must be carried out with the assistance of an assistant. If you work alone, you will have to make a fixation for one of the flasks, for example, a hook or other fastening. This makes the level difficult to use. Still, the design of the tool is designed for two people to work with it.

To avoid errors in measurement, the water level should be thoroughly rinsed before use, as contamination may interfere with the accuracy of the marks.

It is not recommended to fill the hydraulic level with water directly from the tap, as this will enrich the liquid. a large number oxygen, which may affect the accuracy of the level and the easy flow of water inside the instrument. Therefore, professional craftsmen who set ideally even marks often use boiled water, which eliminates the air content.

Pros and cons

The construction hydraulic level is very easy to use and has a low cost. The flexibility of the tube allows you to move between rooms and wrap it around corners when there is no direct visibility between objects. You can make alignment at a fairly large distance, and also work outside the room itself. The water level will not break if dropped and is easy to store.

The disadvantages of the tool include connecting two people to work. It is used exclusively at positive temperatures, since otherwise the water simply freezes. The device requires systematic fluid changes and should not be used near hot or heating elements(no closer than 2 meters). The water level can only be used for leveling horizontal planes. Vertical surfaces are not for him.

DIY water level

Using available materials, it is not at all difficult to make a water level yourself. Especially if you need to make repairs in an apartment with small rooms. To do this you will need a transparent, elastic hose tube; a pair of medical disposable syringes; stationery knife; container for liquid; soap solution; high quality felt-tip pen.

A soap solution will be needed to remove contaminants and industrial lubricant residues from the tube. To do this, it is passed through it. Needles and pistons must be removed from the syringes. The cones for the needles must be cut with a stationery knife. Then you should expand the hole in the syringe to the size of the diameter of the hose tube. The side where the needle was previously should be inserted into the tube. The water level is ready. Moreover, the syringes are already marked with the divisions necessary to track the liquid level.

In conclusion of the article, it would be fair to note that work on large construction sites It is better to carry out using an analogue of the hydraulic level -. Its beam has a length of up to 100 meters. Laser level can be used at any temperature. You can work with it in planes of any direction. But the price of this device is high, so it pays off in large construction and repair of large objects.

When carrying out construction work, there is a need to determine the horizontal position of various components of structures and buildings. For this, water is used. Externally, it is a piece of transparent vinyl tube, filled with water. Next, we will analyze the structure of the device. The article will also explain how to use a water level.

Components and design

You can purchase a water level at any hardware store at a very affordable price. However, there are times when there is no time to buy. At the same time, available tools allow you to make a water level with your own hands. To do this, you will need a transparent piece of hollow hose with the appropriate length, as well as a marker, felt-tip pen or other devices for applying control marks both on the tube itself and on objects. at opposite ends it is installed at the same level. It will correspond to the horizon line. To check this, the filled ends of the tube, connected together, are placed in a vertical position. At first, the water will move up and down. Then it will stop along the edges in one straight line. For this operation, length and diameter do not matter. If the test fails to achieve the final result, then it is necessary to find an obstacle that prevents the free movement of water inside the hose. This can be prevented by crowding of the tube or blockage of one of the ends, which creates an air lock.

Level or water level?

We’ll look at how to use the device further, now let’s talk about its advantages. Firstly, it should be noted the affordable cost and the ability to make it from available materials. In addition, the water level is tolerant to mechanical damage: with all kinds of falls and impacts it does not lose its qualities. It can be used in the most different conditions and premises. In places with no direct visibility, the device can be easily used in different sides corners of buildings, and near large obstacles. But, for example, the level will have to be installed several times. Difficulties that arise with focusing the level can be avoided by using a flexible water level. Therefore, it is convenient in small rooms. Even one person can operate such a device. And last, but one of the most important aspects is the measurement accuracy in which the level loses.

Budget option

The water level, as mentioned above, can be made from a single flexible and transparent vinyl tube. But there are more complex models, representing a hose with some of them with inside covered with a thin oily layer. Small bubbles may appear on it, negatively affecting the measuring qualities of the device. Enough to rinse inner part warm water with the addition detergent. This will remove plaque.

What size can I use?

The small diameter of the tube, despite its small and convenient dimensions, tends to accumulate bubbles when filled. The readings will be more difficult to write off due to the pronounced meniscus. It is called water. In tubes larger size such a defect is eliminated due to a smaller convexity.


To fill the tube, you need to place one end into a container with clean water, holding the other below the level of the container. The liquid is sucked in until it begins to flow out on its own from the free part. After this, the device is taken by both ends. They are held together. This allows you to make sure that the ends are the same and are close to each other. The device is now ready for use. If the water level varies, it is most likely caused by air bubbles collecting inside. To remove them, you can pass additional liquid through the tube. You can also lift the ends up and shake it several times. To make the water level, as well as the resulting bubbles, easier to see, a small amount of food coloring is added.


How to use a water level? It is more convenient to do the work together. If it is planned, for example, then along the entire perimeter it is necessary to draw a horizontal line at the level of its placement. To do this, the ends of the water level are placed in different corners of the room and held next to the wall. This task can be performed at any height, because at the first stage only reference marks are made. It will be difficult to cope with it alone. After the water in the tube has settled, marks are made on the walls opposite its level. If the surface is pasted over or painted, then it is best to make dots on stickers that have been previously attached to the required places.

If the diameter of the tube is small, as well as a pronounced meniscus, it is worth agreeing with your partner on the serifs: along its upper or lower border. To move a point to another corner, one end is installed in the already marked area, and the other in the intended marking location. When transferring the tube, the holes are closed with your finger - this prevents water from splashing. At the end of the work performed, points are marked at the designed ceiling height above one of the benchmarks. The vertical distance between them is measured. Then the same value is plotted from the marks in other corners. You can draw the appropriate height stretch ceiling a chalk line between the received marks for convenience.

All reference marks can be immediately made on required height. However, as practice shows, working on the floor is more convenient and stable. After completing the marking, it is transferred to the required level using a stepladder. But if it is not possible to work with someone in pairs, then a wire loop is attached to each end of the level. It is fixed with adhesive tape. In this case opposite side hangs itself on a nail. When not in use, the tool can be attached to the loops in convenient location. The flexible water level, which requires little effort in operation, will become an indispensable assistant, with which you can work independently.

A water level is a simple measuring device with a unique functionality that allows you to level surfaces and place various objects on the same level. Hydraulic levels are used at all stages of construction, finishing and landscaping work in cases where it is necessary to obtain a horizontal line connecting distant or opposing points.

Design and operating principle

To use the hydraulic level correctly, you need to know how it works. This measuring device consists of two identical flasks with a centimeter scale and flexible hose or pipes of any configuration. In operating condition, the system is filled with water, the height of which, according to the principle of Pascal’s communicating vessels, is located in both flasks at the same level.

Carrying out alignment and marking

The hydraulic level can be used both to create beacons for horizontal lines and to set the relative height of various objects. Using this measuring instrument made much easier by the presence of an assistant.

When making markings alone, you will have to secure the flasks with tape or hooks, which can affect the accuracy of the measurement.

Filling is done with a small and smooth stream using a funnel, or by lowering one of the ends into a reservoir of water. When connected directly to a faucet, unwanted bubbles may form in the hose cavity, so it is better to use additional containers and let the water settle before pouring or boil it in advance.

To improve clarity, a dye, such as potassium permanganate, is added. If the filled device must be used for several days, in order to avoid water blooms and plaque formation, you can fill it with an alcohol solution.

The zero level is set on both flasks, then the flasks are closed and one end of the system is moved to the marking point. During work, it is necessary to prevent the formation of loops on the hose; install the flasks strictly vertically.

Features of using a hydraulic level

The main advantage of the hydraulic level is the ability to connect into a single horizontal line indefinitely large quantity points that may be out of sight, for example, around a corner, or in another room.

The flexibility of the hose allows you to make markings in hard to reach places. Measurements are not limited in distance and can be carried out on an uneven, embossed surface.

To check the accuracy of the hydraulic level, it is enough to connect both ends of it, as shown in the photo, and make sure that the water level on the scales is the same. If there is an error, it means that there is air left in the system cavity, which can be removed by eliminating the kinks. Bubbles visible to the eye can be eliminated by simple pressure.

Hydraulic level storage rules

After using the parting, you need to drain the water and leave the system open to dry completely. To avoid clouding and deformation, store the hose out of direct access sun rays, in a room with positive temperatures. Before reuse, you need to make sure that the containers are clean, to prevent the ingress of soil, sand and the formation of deposits on the walls of the hose or tube.

The hydraulic level does not require precision adjustment or power supplies; the only condition for its long service life is good care.

The simplest design would seem to eliminate the question of which model’s hydraulic level is best to choose. But there are some nuances that can make it easier to use and give ready-made products a clear advantage over homemade analogues. A clear scale will allow you to take measurements with millimeter precision, and a rubber slider will help you fix the desired indicator. Convenient taps seal the system hermetically.

The most important advantage of the developed models is the choice of the ratio of the diameter, length and wall thickness of the hose, which will ensure easy movement of liquid, with optimal performance flexibility and transparency. Construction hydraulic levels are usually sold in modular version, with a choice of hoses various lengths. The minimum length for correct operation of the device is 3 meters, the maximum is 30 meters. Diameter from 6 to 12 mm.

The length of the hydraulic level must be selected adequately for the area of ​​measurement work in order to eliminate errors that arise from multiple transitional markings.

All specialists involved in construction (literally from masons to electricians) often use a water level (spirit level) in their work. It is not at all necessary to go to the store to purchase it, since necessary tool You can make it yourself, the main thing is to understand the principle of its operation. The manufacture of a water level is based on the law of communicating vessels, well known to us from school, which is recommended to be used during construction work. Otherwise, you simply will not be able to take measurements correctly.

We suggest you try to make a water level with your own hands, but before you start making it, you will have to familiarize yourself a little with the theory.

Manufacturing process

The main part of the water level is the hose. In this case, it is absolutely not necessary to additionally use transparent flasks, which you have seen more than once in the past. ready-made models levels sold in building materials stores, since at low temperatures the hose from these flasks, as a rule, flies off, and it is quite inconvenient to draw water into the flasks (extra bubbles appear).

Selecting the hose diameter

So, what is still needed to make a water level? You only need a regular tap water and a clear, thick-walled polyethylene hose that will not break when bent. It is in such a hose that water moves freely and quickly along its entire length, but in a small-diameter hose water flows slowly, and you have to wait quite a long time for the level to be established and you can put a mark (besides, the water level in such a tube is difficult to see ). The main problem with a thin hose is the tiny air bubbles that form when it is filled with water.

It is best to use a hose with a diameter of 1.2 to 1.5 cm to make a hydraulic level.

Over time, the hose begins to become cloudy, and as a result, visibility of the water level inside will deteriorate. Ultraviolet radiation is harmful to polyethylene.

Determining the length of the hose

The length of the hose must be selected based on the size of the room. Typically, the length of the rooms is equal to the length of the floor slabs, that is, approximately six meters. That's why maximum length the hose used to make a water level can be no more than ten meters. If the hose is short, you will have to make transitions, and this increases the likelihood of errors.

Slowly fill the resulting homemade level tap water. Be careful not to create any air bubbles. If you notice their appearance, then wait a while until the air comes out. This rule must be followed so that the results of measuring the water level made by your own hands are accurate.

Application in practice

It is difficult to work with a hydraulic level alone; it is better for builders to carry out measurements together. The technology is approximately as follows. The first worker applies the end of the level to the pre-marked initial mark (let’s say, at a distance from the floor - one meter), and at the same time the second one combines opposite end tubes with a new mark.

The water is at the second end of the tube and should show the exact level, which will need to be marked with a pencil. Such marks are applied in each corner of the room. Then, using a tape measure, you can refine the measurements obtained and make further calculations.

As you can see, making a water level yourself is not difficult, it’s even interesting, plus you’ll also reduce spending money to purchase the required tool.


The following video shows an example of using a homemade water level without flasks:

No rack is complete without construction tools, especially on a large scale. Finds its application here hydraulic level. The device, which was invented on the basis of Pascal's law, can be called the simplest, but effective device. To make it, two flasks with marks and long hose.

The dimensions of the intestine can vary from 200 cm to 3000, the radius from 0.5 cm to 20. In order for the device to work, it is enough to pour in any liquid. And based on the law of communicating vessels, obtain accurate data on a horizontal surface.

The device is quite ancient, but has not lost its relevance to this day. Whatever construction equipment we take, be it a laser level or a bubble level. None of them can cope when it comes to large, and especially invisible objects.

The hydraulic level has found its application:

— blocks;

— installation of foundation corners;

- ceilings.

A simple tool is available to every beginning builder. You can easily make it yourself. To do this, take a silicone hose with a diameter of 0.8 cm and connect it to 20 cc syringes. A do-it-yourself device is relevant when a short length is needed. And knowing how does a hydraulic level work? there will always be a use for it.

Advantages and disadvantages of a construction hydraulic level

Among the advantages of the construction hydraulic level are:

affordable price;

- the work can be done by a non-professional;

- ease of operation;

— the sleeve is flexible and long, which makes it possible to make marks in different places, in a non-visible area;

— captures large sections;

— the instrument is not picky in storage; it is enough to wrap it around a drum and keep it anywhere climatic conditions;

— continues to show accurate data after it could have been stepped on.

— it’s difficult to work in small rooms due to the enormous length;

- cannot tolerate overheating;

— the presence of bubbles delays the start of work;

— not applicable in all planes, only in horizontal ones;

- you need to work on invisible objects only with an assistant;

- at temperatures below 0 degrees C, not used with water - freezes;

— a 30 m intestine presents difficulties when refueling;

- at every new job, the liquid injection procedure will be repeated;

— it is not possible to work close to heating or hot appliances.

How to use a hydraulic level correctly

As soon as purchased at the construction center auxiliary tool in the form of a hydraulic level, some procedures should be carried out. Heat the water and dilute a small amount of soap solution in it.

Fill the hoses with the contents and rinse again under the tap with clean water. Before filling, the flasks must be removed. This is done to ensure that all particles that could have entered during manufacturing are removed from the walls and will certainly interfere with the work in terms of measurement accuracy.

Prepare additional tools that you cannot do without when working:

- a small bucket or jar. It all depends on the length of the hoses;

- any dye. It visually helps when working;

- marker;

- construction tape;

- wooden plank.

Unwind the hose and pull it along its entire length until it becomes elastic. Remove the flasks and fill the device with water. To reduce filling time, it is better to use distilled, boiled water.

They have lower oxygen content. If work is carried out in winter time on the street, professional builders advise filling the gut with used brake fluid.

When using distilled or boiled water or brake fluid, one end is lowered into the container where they are poured and raised to a height. There must be an assistant in the work who will keep the second part of the intestine at a much lower level at a distance.

Moreover, you should make several suction movements, as in the case of filling gasoline from a tank into a bucket. The liquid consistency will immediately flow along the entire intestine. As soon as it reaches the finish line, drain it a little more and only then lift and close the plug.

Some novice builders think that they will gain time and try to pour the liquid mixture from the tap. Yes, filling will be faster, but it will take a very long time to remove bubbles. After all, the length of the hoses can be up to 30 meters. You can fill the hose using a watering can. This technique can be used when large diameters.

After filling the intestine, it is carefully examined. If air spaces are visible, you need to press down the sleeve at the bottom and, with a gradual rise, drive them up. Once the clean filling has been ensured, the plugs are put in place.

Work algorithm how to use a hydraulic level:

— let’s say you need to set the level in all rooms to fill the floor;

- choose comfortable height on the wall and install a flask with marks, let it be 2;

— it can be fixed or held motionless by one builder;

— mark the first mark with a marker;

- the assistant goes to the end of the first wall and applies the flask;

— the mark is made only when both have the same rizka 2;

- a cord is pulled between two points and a strip is struck. You can use a wooden plank;

- so the first room will be marked step by step;

- now you should move to the next room;

- the builder remains with the stationary flask in the previous room, and the assistant goes to the next one;

- the vessels are again aligned to mark 2 and a mark is made;

- take additional measurements at each interval bubble level, since communicating vessels give an error of several mm;

— when the level is set in all rooms, the tape measure comes into play;

- the lowest point to the floor is selected and marks are made;

- a strip is beaten off with a cord and you can start pouring the floor.

If you need to do leveling with hydraulic level ceiling, work is carried out in reverse order. Use a tape measure to find the lowest point from the ceiling and use it to mark the level.

If masonry is being done, you can always check the height of one level. In this case, the builder places one flask motionless on one side of the masonry, and the assistant adjusts the second end of the sleeve next side. Here you can visually see how horizontal the brickwork is.

Work with communicating vessels can be done by one person. Then you should use the mount for the first flask, and adjust the height with the second. There is one drawback here. It will not be possible to set the level in another room. It is important to do this in small rooms, for example, in the bathroom, kitchen, etc.

Price and reviews

Buy a hydraulic level It’s not difficult; any construction center will offer you products from any manufacturer.

Hydraulic level price in rubles from the manufacturer:

— TOPEX length 15 m, diameter 10 mm. – 481, 93;

— Sibrteh 10 m x 8 mm – 127, 5 m – 84, 25 m – 360;

— Russia LAKRA 10 m x 8 mm – 223;

— BISON 15m x 8 mm – 273, 20 m – 400;

— BARS 25 m – 395, 10 m – 220;

— Kalita 15 m – 235.