How to get rid of the "ears" on the sides. How to remove ears, riding breeches on the hips and inside the thigh at home: effective exercises, nutrition, massage. How to hide the ears on the hips with clothes? How to get rid of ears in the gym, liposuction? How much real

Good day to all athletes and sportswomen, Alexander Bely is with you. One of the most common women's issues are the ears on the hips. At the same time, in addition to girls with a lot of weight, thin people also have ears, is it unpleasant? Therefore, we will talk about how to remove the ears on the hips and put your body in order in the shortest possible time.

Let's break down the basics

Ears on the hips are exclusively female. The likelihood that you will meet a man with this problem is very small. Despite the fact that he grew big belly, his hip condition is better than that of women. Therefore, this article is suitable for ladies. Let's start.
Basically, the ears appear due to some kind of violations, according to biological indicators. Subcutaneous fat accumulates very quickly and is the hardest to get rid of. That is why workouts and diets are designed in such a way as to get rid of subcutaneous fat.

However, ears appear in the second type of adipose tissue - reserve. During girl puberty, the body is constantly under stress and tries to accumulate strategic reserves of fat, which are necessary for the production of estrogen, the female sex hormone. After formation female body the work of hormones is getting better, but fat reserves remain. It is these fat reserves that are called ears.

After we have covered the basics and learned where the ears come from, let's talk about whether it is really possible to quickly and effectively remove this problem?

Difficulty getting rid of ears

As with any other weight loss program or diet, be aware that it is impossible to get rid of fat quickly! Fat cells accumulate for a long time, so in order to get rid of them you need to be patient. Those who think that in a week you can achieve something are mistaken.

The only solution in this situation is to convert adipose tissue into muscle. This will happen through hard training. Also, do not forget about the importance of proper nutrition, because it is 60% of success.

An effective cardio workout would be going up and down stairs, running through a forest or a stadium. If you are in gym perfect for a cycle track or Treadmill. At home, you can jump rope.
Let's now consider effective exercises For example.

Workout to help

At the present time, there are a huge number of exercises for any muscle group, just take it and do it. However, people are so lazy that they do not want to put their body in order in own house! Okay, let's not talk about the bad, consider which exercises will give the maximum effect.

1. The introductory exercise is swinging your legs. Starting position lying on your side, you should raise your straight leg, you can take it back a little. The highest point is 45 degrees from the floor. After a few weeks of training, this exercise can be easy for you, so I recommend putting extra weight on your leg.

2. The second exercise will help not only remove the riding breeches, but also help the ass. this will help us. For the exercise to give sense, you need the right technique. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, keep your back straight. Ideally, a neck that is located in the trapezoid area is suitable. With weight, your legs and butt are under a lot of stress. If you squat without weight, then 35 squats in one approach will be enough. For those who work with the neck, you can perform 10-15 repetitions. If you have been practicing correctly for the next two days, you should experience discomfort and pain in the legs and - krepatura.

3. The third thing that helps to get rid of the ears from the inside of the thigh is an exercise. A great thing also helps to tighten the ass and make it more rounded. There are two types of lunges - stepping forward and standing still. It's more convenient for someone here. Ideally, take 3-4kg dumbbells in each hand and lunge down a long corridor. If this is not available, you can stand in front of the mirror and do lunges on the spot.

Proper technique says that when you do a lunge, your knee should not touch the floor - this way you get the maximum load. For more experienced athletes, I recommend doing Romanian lunges. Throw one leg on a hill - it does not matter if it is a chair or a bench. And lunge with the other leg.

4. The fourth exercise you can often meet in the gym. Standing on all fours, you need to raise your leg parallel to the floor. For a better load, you can wear a weighting agent. Do 20 reps on one leg and the same on the other.

Now you do not need to wonder which simulator is better and which exercises are more effective?
To achieve maximum result All these exercises should be combined with proper nutrition, creating a whole concept.

Proper nutrition

A beautiful body is created in the kitchen. This proverb has been around for decades. To achieve a beautiful figure and forget about the ears forever, you must exclude sweets, flour, pasta, fast food, carbonated drinks from your diet. Eat instead natural food- cereals, meat, vegetables and fruits.

Try to eat right for at least 2 weeks, and you will be shocked. At the same time, I advise you to drink 2-3 liters of water daily and do not eat high-calorie foods in the afternoon.

How much can the breeches be removed? Everything depends on you. The more carefully you treat training and nutrition, the better and faster the result will be. I recommend to see interesting video, in which you will find a lot of interesting information in practice. See you later.

An article on the topic: "how to remove ears from the sides on the hips. how to get rid of buttock fat?" from professionals.

Ears on the hips, or in a scientific riding breeches, are not the best decoration for a female figure. In men, they are not observed, so the ears are a purely female problem and associated with the functioning of the female body.

A bit of theory

Adipose tissue in our body has two types. The fat layer, located directly under the skin, serves to accumulate nutrients.

It accumulates quickly and is quickly consumed, especially with diets for weight loss and increased physical activity.

Another type of fat is called reserve and appears in women, or rather, in teenage girls about 13 years old. The body at this age begins to form reserves of fat inside the tissues, which are of great strategic importance - they contribute to the production of estrogen, the female sex hormone.

By the age of 20, the process of puberty ends, and the need for reserve fat disappears. However, our thrifty body is in no hurry to get rid of it, as evidenced by the ears on the hips.

Related article: "What exercises to do at home to remove the stomach and sides"

Ears on the hips: how to get rid of them

Well, now that everything is clear, you can ask the question: how to remove the ears on the hips as quickly as possible, it would be nice in a week?

You can’t do it for a week, because the ears are adipose tissue, overgrown with a protective film, and diets will not help here. The only way to get rid of ears is to convert adipose tissue into muscle.

The mechanism here is this: pumping up the muscles located next to the ears, you increase their need for nutrients and energy. And since the ears will be their closest source, the muscles will gradually “eat” them.

Thus, the only way to get rid of the ears is special exercises which can be performed both in the gym and at home.

Related article: "Workouts at home for gaining muscle mass"

In the fight against ears, there is such positive moment: you not only get rid of this dubious decoration, but also effectively pump up muscles on the outer and inside thighs, buttocks, abs, so that the result will exceed your expectations.

The most impatient, who are most interested in how much you can get rid of the ears, should remember that nothing is done quickly in such matters.

But, most likely, after 2-5 weeks you will notice the result: the hips and buttocks will become more elastic and toned, and in place of the ears there will be barely noticeable protrusions or even a flat place.

Related article: "Cardio training at home"

The best ways weight loss

A set of exercises to get rid of the ears

The complex is small, but the exercises have a clear target orientation and give good effect subject to strict adherence to the technique of their implementation.

To understand all the nuances, look at the photos and videos on the Internet, and if you are engaged in the gym, then ask the instructor to check whether you are doing them correctly.

Before starting classes, be sure to do at least a 5-minute warm-up: swinging your legs, jumping rope, squats, etc., then the muscles will warm up properly, and the lesson will be more effective.

Related article: "How to pump up a trapezoid at home"

Here are the basic basic exercises:

  • Lying leg swing. Lie on the floor with your right side, slightly bend your right leg, and make sharp swings with your left, taking it back a little and lifting it 45 ° above the floor.

After doing 30 swings with one leg without a break, roll over to the other side and repeat the exercise with the other leg.

  • Squats. Feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, arms extended forward parallel to the floor. Do 30 squats, then bring your legs together and do 30 more.
  • Lunges. Standing straight, make a big lunge forward with one foot, while the foot of the second leg is firmly pressed to the floor.

Perform 30 squats, keeping your back straight and not touching the floor with the knee of the leg that is behind. Switch legs and do 30 more squats.

  • Leg lift. Get on all fours, stretch one leg in weight parallel to the floor, lower it and raise it again, and so on 30 times. Then switch legs and do 30 more lifts.

Now you know how to remove the ears on the hips, the exercises described above, subject to daily training, will save you from this dubious decoration.

Perhaps not everything will turn out right away - for an untrained body, the load may be too great. Then reduce the number of repetitions of each exercise by half and gradually increase them to normal.

How to remove ears on the hips with the help of additional means

  • Spin the hula hoop daily for at least 10 minutes.
  • Jog, preferably on an incline.
  • Refuse the elevator, go up the stairs only on foot.
  • Sitting, lying or standing alternately strain and relax the buttocks. This can be done in the office and in the kitchen.
  • Follow the principles of a healthy balanced diet, sleep at least 7-8 hours - this helps to normalize metabolism and get rid of ears on the hips.

Related article: "How to build thighs at home"

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"Ears" on the hips give many women a lot of trouble. We try different workouts, different diets. But, despite our efforts, the unloved riding breeches remain. It even happens that everything is losing weight, but not the outer part of the thigh! Why is this happening? Let's figure it out!

Usually fat "loves" most of all that part of the body, the muscles of which load less. In this part of the body, blood flow and lymph flow are disturbed, and excessive fat deposits appear.

In this regard, the back and front surfaces of the frogs are easier to put in order. But the riding breeches zone is as lazy as the inner thigh. But do not despair, specially selected effective exercises from the ears on the hips will help to transform the problem area, make it slim, embossed and toned. They will strengthen muscles and activate the process of burning calories.

Exercises from riding breeches on the hips must be performed along with any cardio load. Running, aerobics, swimming - this is just what you need in order to start the fat burning process.

Top 5 Proven Hip Ear Exercises

What training regimen will be the most effective? For beginners, it is necessary to four to five sessions per week. You can start with twenty minutes and work your way up to one hour.

To begin with, you need to do 15-20 exercises in one approach. Gradually, the number of approaches should be increased. If you have already adapted to the loads, you can do five sets of 20 reps.

It is better to first consult with a doctor and a trainer: you need to know about the health of your body in order to properly distribute the load. And after that, you can safely start training! If you are over thirty, the load needs to be increased gradually so as not to harm your health.

So, let's look at the most effective exercises for the riding breeches zone at home.

1. Lying leg abduction

In this movement, the gluteus maximus muscle is worked out, it is also effective for losing weight on breeches and the inner thigh.


  1. Starting position - lying on your side. The leg below bent at the knee.
  2. Leaning on the lower leg, we swing with the upper leg.
  3. We turn to the other side and do swings with the other leg.

See the video for more details:

2. Lunge forward classic type

Lunges are very effective for the buttocks, quadriceps, and calf muscles.


  1. Stand straight, feet hip-width apart. We do not tilt our heads, our shoulders are turned.
  2. We make a lunge with the foot forward, slightly bending the knees. We push one leg forward, stretch the other leg and lean on the toe. The load is transferred to the leg in front.
  3. We sit down on it smoothly, without jerks. The leg that we push forward forms a right angle at the knee. The leg located behind is straightened.
  4. Leaning on the foot of the leg, which is put forward, we rise.
  5. Change legs and repeat the exercise.

We perform two to three sets of ten exercises.

For more information on how to remove the ears on the hips with this exercise, see the video:

3. Plie squats

Squats by themselves are very effective lower body movements. A variety of plie squats effectively removes the "ears" on the hips and tightens the ass.

We do squats with legs spread shoulder-width apart, we turn our socks a little apart. The back is straight, the head is not tilted. Important rule of thumb- the buttocks should not fall below the level of the knees, since in this case the main load will fall on the knee. In this case, you have involved the gluteal muscle and the quadriceps femoris, which forms the relief of the hips.

See also:
30 day squat work program

Learn more from the video:

Note! Squats can be done with dumbbells or bottles filled with water.

4. Lunges to the side

The movement engages the gluteus maximus and the inner and side of the thighs. The lunge forms a beautiful relief of the legs, removes the "breeches".


  1. We put the legs wider than the shoulders, hands on the belt.
  2. We take a step to the side with one leg and bend it at the knee, slightly bending in the lower back. We load the leg bent at the knee, and use the other straightened leg as a support.
  3. We perform the exercise in the same way, changing legs.

We perform two to three sets of fifteen exercises.

For detailed technique, see the video:

5. Lunge walking

With such walking, the lateral and inner surfaces of the thigh and the gluteal muscles are very effectively loaded.

The back is straight, the thigh of the leg with which we take a step is parallel to the floor. The knee of the leg behind is almost touching the floor. To do the exercise need a lot of space, since walking is carried out in a circle. Therefore, not everyone can find the opportunity to perform it at home.

We perform two to three sets of ten exercises.

More on video:

Note! Lunges can be performed with dumbbells or 1.5 liter bottles filled with water.

"Ears" are formed by adipose tissue, as well as weak muscles of the hips and priests. Raising the buttocks with your hands, you notice how the "breeches" are significantly reduced. Therefore, our efforts should be aimed at strengthening the muscles of the buttocks, as well as the front and side of the thigh. It is important to start burning body fat in the "riding breeches" area.

In the first case special exercises will help us to remove the ears on the hips and make the muscles elastic. BUT in the second- Diet with calorie restriction. Try to avoid sugary sodas, pastries, fatty and fried foods. Give preference to dairy products, cottage cheese, vegetable dishes.

  • Clothing for training should be loose and not restrict movement;
  • Start your workout with a warm-up and warm-up - this way you will protect yourself from injuries and sprains;
  • Trainers recommend walking in place and jumping for one to two minutes as a warm-up. These simple exercises will prepare and warm up the muscles;
  • When starting to perform a direct set of exercises, remember that the maximum tension should be on exhalation, relaxation - on inspiration;
  • After doing the exercises, for a more lasting effect, massage the lateral surfaces of the thighs. You can use a special mitt and vegetable oil (peach, linseed, etc.) Works well cold and hot shower: It speeds up the fat burning process. Dousing should begin with the feet and end with the hips;
  • Don't try to complete each exercise faster. Feel the muscles in your thighs and buttocks tighten. Hold for twenty seconds in a position where the muscles are most tense, note a slight burning sensation in the muscles. This suggests that you are doing everything right;

two months classes will be enough for you to see the first results. In the future, you need to continue to perform a set of exercises constantly. If you do not exercise regularly, there will be no effect. For you to have slender legs and tightened hips, you need to do the exercises with pleasure! Good luck and perseverance in achieving your goal!

The topic of today's article will be very interesting to the female representatives. It is they who “get hit” by the appearance of “ears” on the hips.

Hey! Today we will talk about how to remove the ears on the hips at home and in the gym. But first, let me start with a little introduction...

What nonsense...

What kind of nonsense can be found on the Internet, and in glossy magazines about this ...

This topic is one of the most desirable for sellers of various kinds of useless crap.

Why tell people the truth, if you can make good money on deceit and selling various crazy products?

I found on the Internet and decided to show you some of the MOST CRAZY arguments about getting rid of the "breeches" or "ears" on the hips.

Ready to laugh? Let's go.

Hmm… Transformation of adipose tissue into muscle tissue? SERIOUSLY?

Friends, there is no such mechanism in nature that can magically turn a FAT CELL into a MUSCLE CELL! This is extreme nonsense.

What does isolated from the outside world mean?

The fact is that there is fat:

  1. Functional (subcutaneous).
  2. Spare.
  3. Visceral.
  4. Structural.
  5. Brown (brown).

We will talk about them a little lower.

“Isolated from the outside world” - this, as I understand it, is the most difficult to spend, but this does not mean that the body stores it in a separate bag, but that there are much more ALFA-2-adrenergic receptors in these places!

This type of receptors contributes to the accumulation of fat in "convenient" places for storage. These places are different for men and women.

For men:

  • Stomach.
  • Waist.

Among women:

  • Waist.
  • Hips.
  • Buttocks.

Therefore, the "ears" on the hips are found mainly in women.

In men, this phenomenon is extremely rare and is associated mainly with a violation of the hormonal background.

The following nonsense, which I saw on the Internet:

Shock wave therapy, huh? Melt the reserves of fat cells?

"What did I just read?" - the first thought that came to my mind.

You can believe that the waves somehow affect the mechanism for the release of fatty acids and glycerol from fat cells, but believe that fat melts directly under the skin ...

This, of course, is a very strange nonsense, given that we know that everything in nature is balanced and fat and any other cell cannot simply be evaporated under the action of a "magic" wave.

The weight of the cage has to go somewhere, right?

Fat cells can be used as energy, a protective shell for fragile human organs or thermal insulation (fat cells do not remove heat well, therefore they can protect the body from hypothermia).

In general, I see no reason to dwell on this. Any adequate person will understand that this is a common marketing scam.

Although, perhaps in the future, incredible discoveries await us, and who knows where science will lead us.


Nature, right? Weight loss procedure. Right?

It's not about right order weight loss, but the ability of a certain type of tissue to interact with hormones through RECEPTORS.

  1. Those places, roughly speaking, where we have more alpha-2-adrenergic receptors gain fat more easily.
  2. Those places where there are fewer alpha-2-adrenergic receptors and more BETA-2-adrenergic receptors are more difficult to swim with fat.

Indeed, there are so-called. "convenient" places for the accumulation of fat in our body, which were identified as a result of anthropogenesis. Which did not interfere with further life.

But in order for nature to determine the order of losing weight of the body, yes. It is something.

This is where I am always surprised. How can a person not want to work on himself, monitor nutrition, engage in the RIGHT type of physical activity in terms of losing weight, but he wants to lie on the bed, rub himself with any kind of body, use a “super mitt” to get rid of problem areas.



The hormone cannot circulate only in one place (for example, in the abdomen or buttocks), it will rush throughout the bloodstream, in both circles of blood circulation, penetrating wherever it can get (through capillaries, vessels, veins, arteries).

You can briefly increase the concentration of hormones in a certain place using pumping, for example, but all this is ineffective, especially with natural training.

And I don’t see the point of burning fat in just one place. In my opinion, this, in most cases, is simply a manifestation of human laziness, and not a necessity.

"Why then in different places fat burns at different rates?

In some places, fat burns more slowly, and in some places faster, because. our body has CONVENIENT PLACES for storing fat reserves (buttocks, hips, waist, etc.).

Previously, it was very convenient for our ancestors to store fat in these places, because. this did not prevent them from continuing their further life activities (hunting, fighting for females, mating, running away from predators, etc.) and allowed them to accumulate PRO RESERVE energy.

In these places, there are fewer capillaries and the sensitivity of receptors to hormones is LOWER (so that reserve energy reserves burn more slowly)!


Where there will be more capillaries (where it is easier for blood to reach) and the susceptibility of receptors to hormones is higher, fat will “burn” easier there (because it is easier for hormones to penetrate fat cells and “bind” to the right receptors).

Fat burns in different places at different speeds, because. different:

  • Those places where there are more ALPHA adrenoreceptors are more prone to the accumulation of excess fat (hips, abdomen, buttocks, etc.).
  • Those places where there are more BETA adrenoreceptors (of the second type, especially) are less prone to the accumulation of fat reserves (calves, hands, etc.).

That is why many people confuse and believe that you need to lose weight only in one part of the body (for example, in the abdomen or in the hips), although the process of lipolysis and fat burning will occur throughout the body, in conditions of a lack of calories.

Another important caveat.

LIPOLYSIS or SPLITTING FAT is not a guarantee of getting rid of it!

After lipolysis, fat enters the bloodstream in the form of fatty acids. After that, fatty acids can be used as energy. If they are not used (as a result of dietary stress or physical, mental activity), then fat will return to the cell, because. the body understands that "energy is not needed."

Well, I came across another comical moment:

Sauna effect, huh? Hm. Interesting. I've heard that this roughly correlates with the "lazy ass effect" in terms of efficiency.

But seriously.

One simple thing to remember: The process of fat burning is chemical reaction ! No "BURNING" occurs.

LIPOLYSIS is the process of splitting triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol.

FAT BURNING- this is the use of fatty acids and glycerol released into the blood, as a result of lipolysis, as an energy source.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to lose weight if the fat is compressed, heated, shaken, etc.

Once again, just a little more.

Fat in our body is stored in fat cells in the form of TRIGLYCERIDE!

Fat is a stored energy (reserve) that nature has provided so that we do not die in times of famine. When there is a need for fat consumption, the triglyceride must first be broken down into: FATTY ACIDS AND GLYCEROL!

This process of converting triglycerides to fatty acids and glycerol is called LIPOLYSIS (fat breakdown)!

For example, the liver processes part of the fatty acids into ketone bodies to feed the brain, with a complete absence of carbohydrates during KETO diets.

For the heart, muscles, kidneys, fatty acids also become an important source of energy during fasting or low-carbohydrate, cyclical, no-carbohydrate diets.

LIPOLYSIS IN OUR BODY IS STARTED BY HORMONES! More specifically, the BRAIN. The brain gives signals for the release of a particular hormone, depending on the external and internal environment.

The BRAIN is the "command center" of our body. All decisions are made there, and all the most important information for survival, interaction with the outside world and not only is collected!

Every substance or hormone that is produced in our body does so with a purpose.

Through the signals that the brain gives to the organs for the production of certain hormones, it controls the entire vital activity of the body.

All this is very exaggerated, I think you understand this, but the mechanism of action is clear!

External influence –> Brain signal –> Hormone production –> Triggering the desired reactions.

One of these reactions is LIPOLYSIS (fat burning)! Lipolysis begins with hormonal stimulation (through the action of certain hormones).

Here are the main ones:

  • ADRENALINE and NORADRENALINE (when you are in danger or when you are very angry);
  • CORTISOL (with severe physical, psychological stress or strong feeling hunger);
  • GLUCAGON (with a strong feeling of hunger and low sugar levels);
  • SOMATOTROPIN (at night to restore the system, ensure construction and energy processes);

These are just some of the hormones that can trigger LIPOLYSIS (there is also thyroxine, insulin) in our body, but they are the main ones !!!

The most important hormone in terms of fat burning is ADRENALINE!

  1. With a high concentration of adrenaline in the blood (physical work and activity, fear, extreme situations, etc.), there is an effect on BETA-adrenergic receptors of types 1, 2 and 3, and LIPOLYSIS starts!
  2. With a low concentration of adrenaline in the blood (low physical activity, relaxation, laziness, etc.), the effect on ALPHA-2-adrenergic receptors occurs and the ANTILIPOLITIC ACTION starts (lipolysis stops)!

SPLITTING FAT (lipolysis) IS A CHEMICAL REACTION (breaking down triglycerides into fatty acids), so it’s a mistake to buy all sorts of slimming belts, fat burning ointments, various vibratory massagers, etc. EVERYTHING DOES NOT WORK!!!

“Why then does a person lose weight after a massage, bath or sauna?”

Because during the passage of these procedures, BLOOD SUPPLY IS IMPROVED and the supply of the necessary hormones to fat cells is simplified!

Vessels and capillaries expand, blood runs faster and the delivery of certain hormones that cause lipolysis becomes easier.

But this is only a SIMPLIFICATION OF THE WAY to your fat cells (“expansion of roads” for hormones). HORMONES that cause lipolysis will not be produced if favorable conditions for their production are not created (stress, workload, anger, rage, etc.)

The fact is that fat cells, like all other cells in the body, contain a lot of water.

When the skin is exposed to heat, fat and other cells of the body LOSE WATER! They become smaller. But the most important thing is that the NUCLEAR FAT CELLS DOES NOT GET LESS! The cells just shrunk.

What do you think will happen after you drink one or two glasses of water after a bath or sauna? YOUR FAT CELLS WILL REPLACE THE DEFICIT OF MOISTURE and return to its previous state.

This information is very unprofitable for massage and SPA salons, but why tell people the truth if it cannot be sold at a high price?

It is better to say that "the magical effect of a steam phyto-barrel magically relieves you of extra pounds without any extra effort."

How to remove the ears on the hips

I think you understand how much different kinds of crazy information exists everywhere on this issue.

In glossy magazines, I generally keep quiet. There, women are so brainwashed that they are happy to run and buy another “miracle cream” or “miracle machine” for zero great fat burning in the right places.

I will try to give you the most efficient and shortest way.

Types of body fat and how they are related to the "ears" on the hips

Like I said, there are Various types adipose tissue in our body.

I will list it again, explaining in parallel where and how these fat deposits are stored.

  1. Functional(subcutaneous) - this is the so-called "quick response fat". When glycogen is used up, subcutaneous fat comes into play. This is not entirely beneficial for the body, but it is subcutaneous fat that acts as the first “pillow” during hunger.
  2. Spare- this is exactly the same fat that is of interest to us, because. it is this type of fat that is the DENSE and is deposited precisely in those places where alpha-2-adrenergic receptors are the MOST! These places include the hips of women. We will talk about it in more detail below.
  3. Visceral(abdominal) - one of the most dangerous species fat, which is located mainly around the internal organs. The number of visceral adipose tissue cells should not exceed the conditional bar of 10-15% of the total number of other body cells. Otherwise, problems with varicose veins, hormones, the cardiovascular system and oncology may begin.
  4. Structural- this fat is stored in the body even in conditions of COMPLETE EXHAUSTATION. This type of fat is involved in many vital functions, for example, it is involved in the construction of cell membranes, myelin sheaths of nerve fibers. But one of the most important properties of structural fat is its combination with proteins, and the formation of lipoprotein complexes.
  5. Brown(brown) - this type of fat is able to burn with the release of energy almost instantly. Other types of fats in the body are deprived of this possibility. Fat really has a slightly brown color, which is given to it by foci of hematopoiesis. There is a lot of this type of fat in babies, because. they require a lot of energy for heating and cell growth.

As it became clear, it is RESERVE fat in our body that fills such hard-to-reach places like thighs, buttocks and belly.

It has a very dense structure and is used by the body as energy very reluctantly. It is on its reduction that we need to focus.

But not everything is so simple.

Since the body has other, cheaper sources of energy (glycogen, subcutaneous fat, etc.), they will be the first to burn (used as an energy source), and only then - reserve fat.

Problem area fat (reserve fat) is primarily associated with carbohydrate GLYCEMIC INDEX and insulin levels.

Let's look at the basic rules that must be followed in order to get rid of the ears on the hips.

Basic rules on how to remove the ears on the hips

So what do I suggest?

  1. First of all, exclude foods from the diet with a high glycemic index.

I believe that this is the BASIS that will lead you to get rid of the "breeches" in the hip area in the shortest way.

Let's go over the main points I mentioned above.

Exclusion of high GI foods

Glycemic index(GI) - is a kind of QUANTITATIVE INDICATOR of the absorption of carbohydrates.

This is a QUANTITATIVE indicator, not a FAST! The speed will be the same for everyone (the peak will be in about 30 minutes for both sugar and buckwheat), and the Amount of glucose will be different !!!

Simply put, different foods have a DIFFERENT ability to raise sugar levels (the ability to hyperglycemia), so they have a different glycemic index.

  • THE HARDER the carb, the LESS it raises blood sugar levels (less GI).

Foods with a high glycemic index should be eliminated first of all if you are struggling with body fat in problem areas (zones with large quantity alpha-adrenergic receptors of the second type).

A high amount of glucose in the blood causes our pancreas to produce a large amount of INSULIN in order to lower the sugar level.

Insulin- transport hormone, which is an antagonist of somatotropin (growth hormone, which is one of the main fat-burning hormones).

In other words, if you eat large quantities of high GI foods (candy, marmalade, marshmallows, any sweet, chocolate, cookies, ice cream, White rice etc.), then you STOP fat burning.

You can see high GI products on my blog in the table at this link: //

Regulating nutrition and calculating the "balance point"

Every organism on planet Earth requires a certain amount of energy every day to carry out its vital activity.

Energy is spent in two directions:

  1. The basic pool of energy (metabolism, brain activity, warming the body, in general, everything that happens INSIDE the body).
  2. Expendable energy pool (all our physical activity per day, including how much we walked, at work, etc.).

In order to start losing weight, we need to follow only one most important rule:

We need to spend MORE energy every day than we get from food.

But, how do we know that we have spent more than we have eaten?

For this, a BALANCE POINT is needed, i.e. the number of calories at which our body does not get fat and does not lose weight.

It is calculated very simply.

  1. Distribute your meals 6-7 times a day (all your daily calories are divided into these 6-7 meals).
  2. Eat, every day, at every meal the same food (not in the sense of constantly eating breakfast, lunch and dinner, for example, one egg, but at every meal, every day the same, the menu will be below). It is important not to feel hungry. Eat without forced restrictions. This does not mean that you have to gorge yourself at every meal. No. The amount of food you eat will not change, you will just eat more often and the right food, in small portions. The more often you eat, the faster your metabolism. The less often you eat and in large portions, the slower it is.
  3. Every day you weigh and count the total number of calories per day (we learned this with you).
  4. After a week, add up the calories for all days and divide by the number of days (by 7, if for a week). This will be your starting point. The number of calories from which we will "push" on the way to your weight loss.

Important: every week we do control weighings. If, with a given number of calories, you do not gain weight in a week and do not lose weight, then this is your balance point.


  • Buckwheat.
  • Brown rice.
  • Hen.
  • Fish.
  • Chicken eggs.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Whey Protein(optional, if you want something tasty).
  • Fish fat.
  • Olive and linseed oil.
  • Small amount of saturated fat.

Also, you can use my readers' favorite BEACH diet and keto diet.

It is VERY IMPORTANT to do this, because nutrition is all 70-80% of success!

The next thing I focus on.

Physical activity in the gym, contributing to the production of anabolic and stress hormones

You can say as much as you like that “It's boring to lift weights!”, “We are doing very cool in group classes”, “Swimming is much more beneficial for the body”, “Glands - they will make a man out of a girl!”, But I will say this :

There are effective types of physical activity in terms of fat burning, but there are practically useless ones!

In most cases, group classes, cycling, stepping, body sculpting and other nonsense does not give almost ANY result.

The stress received in the gym as a result of overcoming a high-volume load contributes to the production of anabolic hormones that trigger lipolysis of fat cells.

Fat cells are broken down into fatty acids and glycerol, which enter the bloodstream.

Other types of physical activity carry the wrong orientation of the load. The production of anabolic and stress hormones is out of the question if you jump like crazy in group classes.

This is the reason for their low efficiency in terms of fat burning.

The purpose of a high-volume load with iron (in the gym) is precisely the creation of a FAVORABLE hormonal background to start processes that contribute to the reduction of body fat.

I have a very cool article about training for girls, so I see no point in considering the same in detail.

Look for sure.

Or you can download my "System for choosing an individual training program". For beginners, it is the best.

But, if you are wondering what exercises are best to use at the beginning of training, then these are:

  1. Deep squats (classic).
  2. Deadlift on straight legs.
  3. Pull-ups (traction of the vertical block).
  4. Seated dumbbell press.
  5. Pull bar to the chin.
  6. Barbell press (or in Smith) with a narrow grip.
  7. Barbell curl for biceps.

At the initial stage, this is more than enough.

And do not forget about reducing the load on the lower body after ovulation and until the end of menstruation.

Are there secret, special exercises that get rid of the ears on the hips?

If someone claims yes to you, then he is lying, or does not know the correct answer.

If you load the outer part of the thighs until you are blue in the face, then the fat on the thighs still WILL NOT TURN INTO MUSCLE, making the thighs more beautiful.

Fat burning in our body, as we remember, is triggered by hormones! That is why the most important thing is to promote the secretion of anabolic and stress hormones!

Just for their development, one should try to use BASIC MULTI-JOINT exercises, and not isolating, but “hollowing” into the outer part of the hips.

To the basic exercises that will allow you to form beautiful hips and ass, I include the following:

  1. Deep Squats.
  2. Deadlift with narrow stance.
  3. Bulgarian squats (like lunges, only hind leg stands on a bench or any other stand). Very cool loads the gluteal muscles.
  4. Farm walk (when you walk in a straight line with a barbell on your shoulders, lunging forward with each step).

There is another row good exercise, but for most this will be more than enough to start with.

Cardio load, accelerating the use of a drop of fat by mitochondria of cells

Now there is a lot of interesting information about the use of cardio loads.

The most basic rules if you want to quickly get rid of body fat (including in the thigh area) are as follows:

  • If it is important for you to keep as much muscle as possible while losing weight, then WALK FAST in the heart rate range of 110-150 beats per minute. This heart rate range will maximize the use of fat drops, with minimal loss of muscle mass.
  • If you don't care about the muscles, just to lose weight as soon as possible, then RUN at an average pace. So you can lose weight faster, but also lose more muscle.
  • Interval cardio works great. The fact is that when the droplets of fat in our muscles are over, then for a short period of time fat burning becomes problematic. You have to wait before the fat breaks down again into fatty acids and glycerol and enters the muscles for further use as energy. That is why, after walking or running for 40-60 minutes, rest the same amount of time. Either walk for 40-60 minutes, then do strength training, then walk again for 40-60 minutes. This way you will lose more fat.
  • Doing cardio is NOT MANDATORY right after your workout. Fatty acids are in our muscles for another 2-4 days after strength training. So you can safely do cardio in the coming days.
  • Cardio in the morning tends to be slightly more effective. If you had a strength training the other day, and in the morning you decided to do cardio, then this will be very effective, because. overnight, the glycogen in our liver and muscles is practically used up. The body is ready to use fat as energy. Although, I am not a supporter of such harsh methods (I hate getting up too early).

I wrote a separate, very cool article on how to build an effective fat burning cardio workout. Be sure to read! There's a lot of cool, actionable advice out there.

Use of fat burning accelerators and alpha-2 blockers

Various supplements can speed up your fat loss progress.

I have already written about them on the pages of my blog, so I will only briefly mention them and give the necessary links.

Let's go over the supplements.

caffeine and guarana stimulate the central nervous system to the production of ADRENALIN (hormone of fear), which triggers fat burning in our body.

The advantage of these fat burners is that you not only burn fat faster, but also do not feel sluggish during training! Vice versa! In a calorie deficit, this is VERY IMPORTANT, because you turn from a “sleepy fly” into a normal person.

By the way, I have a cool article about caffeine for weight loss. Be sure to read.

What is GUARANA? It's the same, but only POWERFUL COFFEE! Guarana fruit has TWICE THE CAFFEINE OF CAFFEINE than the coffee tree (Arabian and Congolese, to be exact).

This explains the enhanced invigorating effect of guarana.

Caffeine and guarana are the two components that are almost mandatory in most pre-workout and fat burning complexes.

For example:

  • No-Xplode by BSN (link LOWEST price!).
  • Very inexpensive caffeine from Allmax Nutrition.

You can buy an expensive supplement at a sports nutrition store, you can buy pills at a pharmacy, or you can just buy a can of coffee beans and brew it at home.

In whatever form you consume caffeine, it has proven benefits.

It is for these reasons that if an increased concentration of caffeine is found in the blood of an athlete at the Olympics, then he is disqualified for doping.

Next addition.

L-carnitine - a substance that is absolutely natural for our body, which performs a number of important functions, and, what is important for us, helps to lose weight a little more efficiently.

By itself, levocarnitine is not a fat burner, but is a TRANSPORTER of adipose tissue (long-chain fatty acids) into mitochondria ( power stations our cells) through the inner membrane.

In other words, L-carnitine helps our bodies deliver fatty acids to their places of use.

Here is a detailed article on my blog about how to take l-carnitine for weight loss.

Yohimbine - This active substance and the name of the drug alpha-blocker for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, produced in different forms (the most common is 5 mg tablets).

This drug is used by bodybuilders for drying, losing weight and increasing libido (especially important after a course of steroids).

By the way, the study of this group of alkaloids began due to the fact that scientists wanted to find out the mechanism of action of the well-known veterinary drug"Horse Exciter".

By the way, I just mentioned it in the title. This drug BLOCKS ALFA-2-ADRENORECEPTORS and complicates the accumulation of fat in the body (including on the hips).

I have a very cool article about how I used yohimbine hydrochloride.

For example, yohimbine, which I now drink myself:

It works noticeably, it helps not to lose heart during drying)) I always buy it at the lowest price that is on the market right here. Use on health)

I see no reason to talk about other drugs, because. they are too dangerous!

The above drugs and supplements are practically harmless (if taken without fanaticism).

In general, remember that there are ACCELERATORS of fat burning, but there are no SUBSTITUTES.

by the most the right way is to develop eating habits! Then you yourself will be able to control the process of losing weight and feel great.

Additional procedures (optional)

Here we will talk about the bath, sauna, various creams for weight loss and more.

I won't focus too much on this. Why? Due to the LOW effectiveness of these procedures for fat burning.

Bath and sauna, as well as various "fat-burning" creams, cannot start the processes of lipolysis and fat burning in your body, but they can slightly simplify the path of stress and anabolic hormones through capillaries and blood vessels that have expanded as a result of heating.

Those. you seem to simplify the “roads” for the penetration of the necessary hormones into adipose tissue.

All this has an extremely low efficiency, but I had to tell you this so that you do not have overly optimistic hopes about these types of procedures.

How to remove the ears on the hips at home

The above basic rules work IN ANY CONDITIONS, friends.

The body does not care where you load it!

The main thing is to ensure the progression of loads at home.

What you will need:

  1. Collapsible dumbbells (up to 20-25 kg each).
  2. Incline bench with adjustable angle.

With this equipment, you can perform a huge number of different exercises, for example:

  1. Squats with dumbbells.
  2. Deadlift on straight legs with dumbbells.
  3. Lunges with dumbbells.
  4. Bulgarian squats (when the back leg is on the bench, to increase the range of motion).
  5. Incline dumbbell row.
  6. Incline dumbbell bench press.
  7. French press with dumbbells.
  8. Extension of the arms behind the head with dumbbells sitting.
  9. Lifting dumbbells for biceps.

These are the first exercises that came to my mind, although you can think of many more!

Everything else: nutrition, supplements can be easily taken and eaten at home. There are no problems here.

You can not do cardio at first, and later start walking at a fast pace, smoothly moving to a very slow run.

There would be a desire, friends. Let your imagination work!


I was not surprised about the total misinformation in this thread all around, tk. those who lie and sell useless goods to get rid of the ears on the hips - this is FAVORABLE. They make money by deceiving other people.

I, on the other hand, make money by giving people results.

Therefore, I hope that many interested girls will read this article.

Main theses of the article.

Fat happens:

  1. Functional (subcutaneous).
  2. Spare.
  3. Visceral.
  4. Structural.
  5. Brown (brown).

On the thighs, mainly RESERVE FAT is deposited, because. there are many alpha-2 adrenoreceptors in these places.

Basic rules to get rid of the ears on the hips:

  1. Eliminate high GI foods from your diet.
  2. Regulation of the diet and the calculation of the "balance point".
  3. Physical activity in the gym, contributing to the production of anabolic and stress hormones.
  4. Cardio load, accelerating the use of a drop of fat by the mitochondria of cells.
  5. Use of fat burning accelerators and alpha-2 blockers.
  6. Additional procedures (optional).

Ears can be removed at home, if you can provide yourself with a PROGRESSION OF LOADS.

That's all, dear friends.

I hope you understand how to remove the ears on the hips. There is nothing difficult in this.

Do not fall for the tricks of various sellers of dubious products for weight loss and other unfortunate experts. Listen to your body and keep improving.

All the best.

P.S. Subscribe to blog updates. It will only get worse from there.

With respect and best wishes, Nikita Volkov!

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"Ears on the hips" - an attractive nickname for completely unattractive body fat in women was given by the representatives of the better half of humanity themselves. Why? It's all about the shape - the characteristic accumulations of fat cells on the thighs are similar to the ears of an elephant. Seems blasphemous? However, this is true.

But their appearance is not so important, because no matter what the ears are, the main question is always how to remove them? After all, most women experience huge problems with the elimination of such fat deposits - neither diet nor exercise helps. Nutritionists, on the other hand, say that it is not difficult to remove the bulges on the side of the thighs - the main thing is to follow the recommendations of experts and use all possible methods, according to the rules.

What are thigh ears?

The ears have a second name - riding breeches, because they are presented in this form. As a rule, such a nuisance occurs only in women - you will not meet men with the presented problem, even if he already has an impressive belly. Why? It's all about the hormonal "structure" of the body. But all this is of little interest to the “happy” owners of riding breeches - it is much more important to find out why such accumulations of fat cells appear, given the general thinness of a woman. Indeed, with a height of 175 cm and a weight of 60 kg, a girl may complain about the problem presented. Nutritionists talk about the following reason for the appearance of ears on the hips.

Fat cells are divided into two types - storage and reserve. Accumulative are formed in the first place - they are the main component of the entire human fat layer. These fat cells contain all the nutrients that are consumed by a person during his life. The second type of fat cells are reserve accumulations that are stored in a person in case of an emergency. The ears on the hips are reserve fat cells, which are extremely difficult to get rid of on your own without emergency situations.

Reserve fat reserves are formed in women during puberty - an average of 13 to 20 years. Reserve fat cells accumulate in the inner part of the tissues, their purpose is to produce estrogen (the hormone responsible for the sexual structure of the female body). When puberty ends, the body is in no hurry to part with reserve fat cells, but on the contrary, “buries” them even further for preservation, because a woman will not experience a second puberty - it simply will not happen. And hormonal changes can significantly reduce the production of estrogen by the ovaries - this is what the body needs reserve reserves for.

From the above, it becomes clear that getting rid of the ears on the hips is extremely difficult. But it is possible - for this you will have to try, using several methods in a complex to remove fat reserves.

How to get rid of the problem

Experts say that you can only remove the ears on the hips by converting fat cells into muscle tissue. Muscle tissue is much smaller in volume, it turns out that their visual manifestation will not occur. It is impossible to get rid of the ears in other ways - the cells cannot be removed with the help of a diet or by removing fluid from the body, as is often the case with cumulative representatives.

But in addition to exercises, it is recommended to use other methods to eliminate the riding breeches zone. Nutritionists say that the ears on the hips are removed only in a complex way, consisting of proper nutrition, sports and other auxiliary procedures - body wraps, massage and other methods.

About nutrition

Nutrition to eliminate ears does not require significant exceptions from the diet. It is enough to give up sweets and preferably fried foods. During the day, you should eat according to the rules of proper nutrition - observe three meals a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and include two snacks, but not with buns and sweet bars, but with fruits, vegetables, and dairy products.

There is no need to give up sweets and fried foods - it is enough to drink tea with a sweetener, consume no more than 4 slices of dark chocolate per day, fry food in a pan without adding oil. Such actions in nutrition are necessary to prevent the recruitment of new storage fat cells, which can significantly slow down the elimination of reserve reserves.


The main solution to the question of how to remove the ears on the hips are exercises. There is no point in doing regular cardio workouts, since the main task of eliminating the ears on the hips is to pump up the muscles located in problem areas. It is the workouts presented below that will help solve the problem and significantly reduce the volume of the hips.

With the exercises presented, you can get rid of the ears on the hips in a month. If there is no effect with regular gymnastics, you should reconsider your diet and the foods included in the diet. Perhaps the girl just consumes more calories, so the proper result does not occur.

Helper Methods

Supportive methods must be added to proper nutrition and exercise in order to quickly get rid of the problem. So, regular walks on the street, massages and body wraps are recommended.


As mentioned above, regular and even exhausting cardio workouts can be useless in eliminating the fat layer on the side of the thighs. But walks in the fresh air are only welcome. True, there are some nuances here.

First, you should only walk uphill. Choose an area where there is a slope - you can pick up a lakeside place in the park, which often has a "deepening" relative to the general plain. Go up and down again - walk for at least 40 minutes. This is an excellent exercise for most muscles, which allows you to get rid of the fat layer not only in the riding breeches. You can just walk uphill through the city - this exercise is less effective, but allows you to maintain normal breathing and enjoy the walk.

Secondly, while walking, you should strain the muscles of the buttocks - this interesting activity is recommended for young mothers who are concerned about their own appearance. You can most effectively and quickly get rid of extra pounds and ears on the hips while walking with a stroller, since this is an additional load, similar to strength exercises in gym.


To quickly remove the fat layer, massage is excellent, which you can do yourself at home. Here it is enough to independently warm up the problem areas by rubbing the palms, and then clap on the sides of the thighs with both the palms and the edge of the hand. The presented manipulations, carried out daily, will lead to a positive result in two weeks. It is better if you start the massage after a shower - in this case, the muscles and fat cells are already warmed up, which is why they will be burned faster after the strokes.

In addition, massage normalizes the outflow of lymph, which also has a positive effect on the burning of fat cells. For the presented purposes, you should contact specialists who can offer the following types massages:

  1. Anti-cellulite - involves the treatment of the back side, but also affects the sides of the thighs. With the help of the manipulations used, you can get rid of excess accumulation of fat, cellulite and reserve fat cells on the thighs.
  2. Lymphatic drainage - designed to normalize the outflow of lymph, which prevents the formation of edema and accumulation of fat under the epidermis layer.
  3. Hydromassage - only Charcot's shower is effective. To eliminate the fat layer, turn on the maximum pressure and apply the bell to the hips. Carry out circular movements in the problem area in order to “break” fat cells as much as possible, as well as improve lymph outflow.
  4. Vacuum massage with cups - it is recommended to perform to improve the outflow of lymph, as well as to eliminate the fat layer. To solve the problem, there is no need to contact specialists in beauty salons, it is enough to exclude the presence of contraindications for massage and start sessions at home. Banks are simply purchased at the pharmacy.
  5. Honey massage - it is recommended to use heated honey. It is better to perform massage with specialists, since it is inconvenient to perform it in the exact technique on your own.

Preference should be given to a more suitable type - if there is a need to get rid of cumulative fat cells, choose better lymphatic drainage or anti-cellulite massage. Charcot's shower, which is carried out independently in special pools, is effective and pleasant - this type of massage is chosen by lovers of water procedures.


It has already been stipulated above that you can remove the ears on the hips with wraps. This is true, however, their use without basic methods will not lead to the desired effect - it is impossible to get rid of the problem area in 2-3 weeks only with the help of wraps.

In order for wraps to lead to a positive result, it is necessary to follow the rules for their implementation. To do this, study the advice of experts:

  • do wraps only after a shower - here it is important to use hot, but body-tolerant water to warm up the muscles and “melt” the fat;
  • immediately after a shower, it is necessary to use massage circular movements in problem areas - rub the ears with your palms for 5-10 minutes;
  • now proceed to a full-fledged independent massage - after rubbing with your palms, start hitting the problem areas with the edge of your palm for 10 minutes.

After all the above actions proceed to wrapping. To do this, use a pre-prepared composition and ordinary cling film (you can purchase a special one for wraps). Effective formulations for eliminating ears include:

  1. Essential oils are the most effective compositions that allow not only to burn fat, but also to get rid of excess fluid in the fatty layer. Essential oils help to restore metabolism and improve the skin. For wraps against the ears on the hips, citrus oils are suitable - orange, lemon. You can use juniper or cypress oil.
  2. Cosmetic clay - used in combination with citrus fruits essential oils, since the properties of clay are aimed at normalizing the metabolism in cells, and this does not always help to eliminate the fat layer. Clay is purchased in pharmacies and bred warm water to the state of slurry.
  3. Honey - performs a vitaminizing role of the skin. Among other things, it provides positive result in cell regeneration - the skin becomes elastic and at the same time elastic, its significant rejuvenation is noted. Honey acts as an excellent drainage as it gets rid of cellulite.
  4. Chocolate - which is part of the caffeine, can not only eliminate the problem in the form of riding breeches, but also improve emotional condition girl in bad mood or prone to depression.

The selected wrapping component is applied to dry skin, covered with cling film and placed under the covers - it is important to create a greenhouse effect. Alternatively, you can wear brushed tights, which are designed specifically for sports with a greenhouse effect to remove fluid from the body. Lying under a blanket or wearing special tights should be at least 40 minutes, it is better to wait an hour. At the end of the time, you should take a shower again, and to achieve a quick result, additionally conduct a self-massage session for 20 minutes.

Often, girls resort to more effective and dangerous procedures, using dried peppers, apple cider vinegar, freshly squeezed lemon juice and even alcohol for body wraps. Such actions, of course, are good, but their effectiveness is achieved in the presence of a problem of cumulative fats. Such extreme exposure in the absence of excess weight use is prohibited because it is ineffective in eliminating reserve fat cells and can burn skin covering with improper mixing of the components used.

Surgical methods

You can remove the ears on the hips surgically, which is used by girls who are lazy in achieving their own beauty and harmony. There are several types of surgical procedures that allow you to eliminate all the accumulated fat in just one operation. There are also minimally invasive methods that impress with their results from photos before and after exposure to reserve accumulations.

So, the most common methods of surgical plastics include:

Surgical and minimally invasive procedures should be resorted to only after unsuccessful use. safe methods- proper nutrition, sports and auxiliary methods. Should be carefully studied possible contraindications and complications, so as not to resort to them immediately. Moreover, an important factor should be taken into account - surgical operations and minimally invasive procedures require large financial investments that not everyone can pull.

You can remove the ears on the hips safely and completely budgetary ways. It is useless to use surgical procedures if in the future you do not adhere to proper nutrition, take off from sports and other auxiliary procedures. Only your review of the current situation will help to quickly and effectively eliminate the problem forever.

Friends, my respect! I don’t know if you noticed, but spring is already in full swing in the yard, which means it’s time to change shapeless winter clothes for something brighter and more presentable. But that's not the problem, having taken out your spring wardrobe, you understand that “zhenya” has become a little stout, the notorious popin ears have appeared, and you no longer look so impressive in your jeans. However, this is not so bad, and if it happens that you cannot pull them on at all, because the notorious bottleneck interferes, what then to do? That's about it, namely how to remove the sides, we'll talk today.

Please take your seats according to the purchased tickets :) auditorium, we begin.

How to remove the sides: theoretical foundations

This article is my rehabilitation to the readers of the project, about whom recent times I forgot a little. I apologize, ladies, that I did not pay attention to you and did not cover the women's direction, we will slowly correct ourselves and pull up this article artillery. Well, I would like to start with the fact that a great deal of information on the network is devoted to the topic - how to remove the sides. This is one of the most popular queries, which has more than 4,5 million results pages in the search engine. Analyzing all this tonnage of answers, I came across the fact that there is no complete, detailed and systematic answer to such a burning question. I even felt somehow offended that out of all this waste paper, there were no really worthwhile pages, well, or one or two, and I miscalculated.

Those. if the young lady set herself such a goal, then it will be very problematic to get a complete picture of how to do this, and all because of the scattered and copy-pasted information that has bred already on 4,5 million pages. Of course, this situation began to strain me unillusoryly and I decided to form the most complete, systematic and understandable note in the direction of harvesting potatoes of the notorious pop ears. What came out of it, now we will find out.

Theory is our everything, so I would like to start with it.

How to remove the sides: the theory of fat accumulation

So, first, let's understand why and where does fat accumulation occur? According to statistics, the most problematic, buffer zones of fat on the human body include:

  • abdominal area;
  • breast;
  • shoulders;
  • hips.

Small fat deposits (lipomas) can also be deposited under the skin and in other parts of the body, however, the ones indicated above are the most common places to occur. If we turn to the issues of plastic surgery, then most often women are asked to remove fat from the following problem areas.

In total, there are two types of fat in the human body: visceral - envelops the internal organs (inconspicuous and most dangerous) and subcutaneous - located between the muscles and the skin.

It is with this type of fat that a person has to fight when adjusting his figure and, in particular, when reducing the lifeline around the abdomen and getting rid of the notorious ears.

In general, if any of the men do not know what wings or popin ears are, let me remind you - these are lateral fat deposits in the waist area. Most often, they resemble a situation, as if your dough has risen, and it crawls out of the mold. (in this case, jeans, trousers) and it turns out that the priests grew ears. Visually it looks like this.

How to remove the sides: the reasons for their appearance

Now let's see why there is an accumulation of unnecessary fat ballast of the body. These factors primarily include:

  • an unbalanced diet for essential nutrients;
  • lack of eating habits, i.e. timetables;
  • frequent stress (high cortisol levels) and short (less 7 hours) dream;
  • hormonal disruptions (including in the production of insulin);
  • circadian rhythm disorder (daily fluctuations in physiological and biochemical parameters of the body);
  • office and sedentary work;
  • smoking;
  • birth of a child.

All this leaves an imprint, or rather, contributes to the formation of unnecessary fat reserves. And depending on your gender, it is reflected in the form of a transformation of the figure not in better side. The question arises: how to remove fat deposits in the waist and how to remove the sides?

I must say right away that magic pills do not exist, and it will also not work to remove the sides that have arisen in shock terms. This is a painstaking complex work of more than one day. However, if you have a head on your shoulders (and I have no doubt about this, because I am confident in my readers on 100% ) , then you are quite capable of solving this problem. Which is exactly what we're going to do next.

Practical guide: how to remove the sides

The main process of cleaning the sides is based on three pillars: nutrition + training + recovery. Let's take a closer look at the first two (with rest everything is more or less clear).

I. Nutrition

The first thing you need to pay attention to before going to the gym or training at home is setting up your nutrition process. In particular, here is what needs to be done.

No. 1. Drink more water

Most people are dehydrated without even realizing it. So start eating more clean water- near 2-2,5 liters per day. Always keep the following reminder in mind.

Start every morning with 2 glasses of water, and only then switch to caffeine.


In the spring, it is very useful to drink birch sap on an empty stomach.

Also, drink 1 a glass of liquid before each meal.

No. 2. Eat according to the schedule

Eating regularly at the same time helps prevent blood sugar spikes. Which, in turn, has a positive effect on the removal of subcutaneous fat from problem areas.

No. 3. More in the morning, less in the evening

Your daily diet should consist of at least 4-5 meals. Moreover, the first two of them should be the most dense (especially). Gradually reduce portion sizes throughout the day by cutting calories.

No. 4. Be in moderation with alcohol

I deliberately did not write categorically - remove alcohol from your life, because many of you would not have done it anyway. Therefore, drink alcohol in smaller quantities. It is very difficult for the body to cope with the fluctuations in sugar levels in the system caused by alcohol. Keep an eye on the sugar level in your drink, the lower it is, the relatively better for you. Therefore, if the wine is only dry or semi-dry.

No. 5. More fruits, vegetables and fiber

Add vegetables and fiber to every meal, and sharpen fruit between meals. All this will provide the body with the necessary vitamins / minerals, structured water and low calories. As dietary fiber, you can use packaged fiber or bran from a pharmacy. Fortunately, they are sold and are inexpensive. From fruits, include in your diet: green apples, grapefruit, pamelo, bananas. From vegetables - asparagus, green beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts.

No. 6. Load up on healthy proteins and fats

Should prevail in your diet. Healthy omega-3/6/9 fats should also be included in your grocery basket. The latter can be obtained from linseed oil, fish/bear oil capsules, nuts (almond, walnuts) . Every meal should include lean protein, be it chicken, fish, or meat. Reduce the consumption of various sausages, bacons, canned food and frozen convenience foods a la “5 minutes in the microwave and you're done!”.

No. 7. Replace your sweets

Not every person is able (even partially) to refuse sweets, especially if you are a girl. However, there is a way out - use the right sweets. Replace various waffles, cakes, sweets and, especially, white sugar with natural bitter ( 70% cocoa) chocolate, honey, dried apricots and dates.

No. 8. Say no to processed foods

Due to the total lack of time, people buy fast food in supermarkets, like - just add water. All such vacuum products contain additional sugars, hydrogenated oils, sweeteners, thickeners and other unhealthy things that adversely affect the figure. Therefore, you will have to spend time on self-cooking.

No. 9. Proper Carbohydrates

If you still do not know what the glycemic index is, then read the following note. In a nutshell, you need to eat foods with a low and medium glycemic index. (e.g. buckwheat, brown rice).


A recent Israeli study found that people who were on a restricted diet during 1500 kcal, eating carbohydrates in the evening, lost on 27% more fat than those who ate them for lunch.

No. 10. Reduce your calorie intake

In fact, it often turns out that the main cause of excess weight is a violation of the balance equation, which says - if you want to lose weight, eat fewer calories than you spend. Therefore, if your lifestyle is not characterized by increased movement :), then you should not load your stomach with the digestion of excess amounts of food. Try to gradually, every week, reduce your calorie intake by 10-15% .


Cornell University research has found that by pairing low-light indoors with slow music, a person consumes 18% food, less. This amounts to 170 calories per week.

Well, actually, these are all nutritional tips that are designed to correct the figure and, among other things, remove the hated sides.

Now let's move on to the highlight of the program, namely the exercises that will accentuate the lateral areas and help burn fat in them. In general, all types of activity for “cleaning the sides” can be divided into cardio (development of the cardiovascular system) and specialized exercises.

Let's start with…

II. How to remove the sides: cardio

One of the most important factors in burning fat, which, coupled with proper nutrition, gives visible results very soon. Here are the principles to follow.

No. 1. Cardio classes (running) 5 days a week

Incorporate cardiovascular activity into your daily routine like running. Every errand must last from 30 before 40 minutes. Not every person can force himself to run so many times, so the process must be approached smoothly, gradually increasing the running time. Best to start with 2 once a week for 10-15 minutes and eventually reach 5 days to 30-40 minutes.

№2. Interval workout high intensity

Long runs must be alternated with fast running in the form of a sprint. (from 1 before 3 minutes). This will burn the most fat. Those. Build interval running into your long runs. (medium intensity) jogging.

No. 3. Other types of cardiac activity

Alternate running with fat burning activities such as cycling, swimming, rowing, treadmill, walking on elliptical trainers.


A study published in the Journal of Physiology (USA) shows that cycling at least 30-35 km per week, led to a drop in 7% visceral and total fat (around the waist) after eight months.

Now let's take a look...

III. Specialized exercises that help to remove the sides

No. 1. plank

Get into a push-up position - your body forms a straight line from your ankles to your shoulders. Hold this position, leaning on straight arms or elbows, for 1-3 minutes.

No. 2. side plank

A similar exercise, only performed in a lateral projection, i.e. body weight is shifted to one of the hands when the body is turned sideways. Hold the position for 1-2 minutes and then change hands.

No. 3. Side plank + dip

Get into a side plank position. Then lower your right thigh down a little and lift it up. Complete 10 dips, and then change position.

No. 4. Side turns (Russian twists)

Sit on a mat with your knees slightly bent. Pick up light dumbbells or a bottle of water, lean back. Perform a twist-twist to the right, practically touching the mat at the corresponding thigh. Return to the center and twist to the left. Do 2 approach to 20 repetitions.

No. 5. Opposite twists

Lie on your back, legs at an angle 90 degrees. Place your hands behind your head and lift your chest off the mat. As you exhale, you should twist, trying to reach your left knee with your right elbow. Do 20 reps on one side, then 20 - with another.

No. 6. A bike

A similar exercise, except that you are cycling with your feet in the air. Complete 15-20 repetitions.

No. 7. Exercise "swimming"

Lie on your stomach, arms and legs in a position as if you were about to swim from a breaststroke position. Raise your left leg and right hand on the 3-5 seconds, then lower to the mat, repeat the same thing only with right foot and left hand. Execute by 10 repetitions on each side.

No. 8. Hoop twist

An excellent exercise for “cutting the waist” and strengthening the oblique abdominal muscles. All about how to twist the hula hoop correctly, read here. Spin no less 15 minutes to one side or the other.

No. 9. Lateral cable pull

Grasp the handle of the Lower Cable Block Trainer, bend upper part body to the side. By contracting the oblique abdominal muscles, swing the weight to the side like a pendulum.

Well, in fact, all the exercises that are designed to strengthen and tone your abdominal muscles.

What I would like to say in conclusion. Many believe that you can remove the sides by performing only one exercise. Others think that cardio can be neglected if you go to the gym, but in fact, to solve this pressing issue, you need a complex of all three components: nutrition, training and cardio activity. Moreover, it must always be remembered that 80% a person's ability to burn fat is determined by what he eats, the remaining 20% come from specialized exercises and healthy habits. Do not forget and do not score on any of the pillars alone, otherwise your jeans will remain hanging and gathering dust in the wardrobe.


Another note has been written, today it was devoted to the topic - how to remove the sides. I am sure that now for you, dear young ladies, it will not be difficult to deal with this curly injustice. Finally, I wish that no one could ever pinch you by the barrel :). It was a pleasure to write for you, see you soon!

PS. Every comment is negative. 1 centimeter in waist, so unsubscribe!

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network - plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed :) .

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Fat rounded appearances with outside the hips, which are on the same level with the buttocks, are called "ears". They look rather unattractive and spoil the female silhouette, do not allow you to feel comfortable in tight-fitting outfits and on the beach. It is difficult for naturally slender people involved in sports to maintain excellent shape to understand this problem. Most of those who have to constantly struggle with being overweight know about “pop ears” firsthand.

Women's physiology is different from men's, since the fat accumulated under the skin, which the body accumulates in case of starvation, is most often deposited precisely on the hips, or rather, in the upper lateral region. The result of such thrift is that, instead of a smooth line of the hips, ugly protrusions similar to ears are formed. It is possible to get rid of them, but only by taking a set of appropriate measures, involving massage procedures, normalization of nutrition and, of course, properly selected exercises aimed at burning subcutaneous fat in the problem area.

Small formations of fat under the skin, if not dealt with, can grow over time, becoming like "riding breeches". There are several reasons for this:

  • Overweight. In some women, excess fat is distributed evenly throughout the body, while in others it is formed into prominent ears on the hips, buttocks, and abdomen.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. The almost complete absence of any activity involving the muscles of the outer thigh leads to the fact that the subcutaneous fat in this area is not exposed to any effect.
  • Heredity. Some even slender girls, due to a genetic predisposition, may have rounded protrusions on the sides of the thighs.

It is possible to get rid of unwanted fatty formations under the skin, called "butt ears", but only with integrated approach including the following important points:

  • Changing eating habits. The diet must consist exclusively of wholesome and healthy foods, and the total daily calorie intake is reduced.
  • You need to move more. You can't sit in one place. You need to jump, run, walk, engage in energetic dancing.
  • Make exercise a part of your life. You need to perform not just the first complex that comes across, but a special one, aimed at working out the problem area. Active influence on this zone gives the body a clear indication that it is not suitable for building up fat folds.
  • Massages and body wraps. These procedures allow you to act on the outer part of the thighs, “stir up” subcutaneous fat, which gives impetus to its use, that is, it is involved in the splitting process.

The use of the entire arsenal allows you to overcome even those ears that were inherited and make the thigh line perfect.

How to eat right so that the "ears" on the hips are gone?

The accumulation of fat is facilitated by excess calorie intake, when the incoming amount prevails over the expended, and the rest is deposited in the fat depot. And in order not to feed the "popin ears", the diet must not only be radically changed in favor of choosing healthy and wholesome food, but also reduce the total daily calorie intake. The diet must necessarily include all useful and nutritious substances, as well as a sufficient amount of fluid that supports metabolism and cleanses the body.

Proper nutrition that promotes the burning of "pop ears" is based on the following principles:

  • Drinking regime. It is necessary to drink from 1.5 to 2 liters of exceptionally pure and high-quality water per day.
  • Small portions. You need to forget about three meals a day. The daily ration is divided into five or six doses, and portions are made extremely moderate.
  • Fresh and cooked vegetables with fruits. They are a low-calorie source of minerals and vitamins. They are rich in fiber, which helps cleanse the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Porridge from dark types of cereals. They are rich in carbohydrates that are slowly digested in the body, which give a long feeling of satiety, which helps to cope with a calorie deficit for those who are used to eating more.
  • Low-fat dairy products, meat and fish. The latter are recommended to be steamed, boiled, baked.
  • Exclusion of harmful products. No pastries, sweets, muffins and fast food.

    The diet, compiled according to the above rules, helps not only in the fight against the "ears" on the hips, but also allows you to improve the body, become slimmer.

    Massage and wraps against protruding “ears” on the hips

    They allow you to intensively work on the fat deposited on the outer part of the thighs. Mechanical study of the problem area breaks the formation. Helps to cope with the ears perfectly:

    • Vacuum or manual massage using the rubbing technique. The oil mixture helps to enhance the effect. It is prepared from 10-15 ml of olive or other vegetable oil to which a couple of drops of essential oil are added. It can be juniper oil, lemon or orange.
    • Wrapping with cling film. Ginger, coffee, grated chocolate, ground green tea are used as a warming mixture that makes the fat “melt”.

    Both procedures should be included in the complex of measures to combat "golf" on the hips.

    Regular training, which includes exercises with movements aimed at working out the outer part of the legs, ensures a smooth and perfectly even line of the hips. Physical activity plays an important role in the breakdown of body fat, which are converted into energy needed for exercise. Simultaneously with getting rid of the formations, the muscles are strengthened and the hips acquire a beautiful shape.

    It is recommended to practice at least twice or thrice a week. It is best to train during the daytime between 11.00 and 14.00 or in the evening between 18.00 and 20.00. Exercise is required no earlier than two hours after eating and no later than 120 minutes before going to bed. Workout at home begins with a preparatory warm-up and ends with a stretching workout.

    The complex includes the following exercises:


    • With feet shoulder width apart. The stance throughout the squats must be stable. The arms are extended in front of you, and the back is straightened. The squat is not made full, and the hips at the bottom point are parallel to the floor. The number of repetitions is at least 20.
    • With feet wide apart. The legs are wider than the shoulders, and the socks are divorced. When squatting, you need to orient your knees to the feet, making sure that the outer part of the thighs works.

    Deep lunges

    Ten times on each leg, lunging forward.


    • Leg from a standing position back. Lean against a wall or back of a chair. You need to do at least 20 swings on each leg.
    • Legs from a prone position. First they lie on their side, the emphasis is on bent arms, with the upper straightened leg, swing up. The minimum number of times is 20.

    Leg abduction

    It is done in a standing position. Hands rest on the lumbar region. The leg is retracted, turning the heel outward, straining the abdominal muscles. For each leg do 25-50 repetitions.


    Lying, they bend their knees, feet at shoulder level and lean on the floor, hands are freely placed along the body, the pelvis is raised so that the body with the hips is on the same level, but the hands with the upper back are on the floor. Make a slide at least 30 times.

    For beginners in sports, it is quite difficult for girls to master a set of exercises on their own. In order to technically correctly perform all movements and breathe correctly, they will come to help various videos videos.


    Only a change in the rhythm of life allows you to defeat the hated fatty formations on the lateral parts of the thighs. You need not only to move a lot, do special exercises, but also eat right, do not neglect body wraps and massages using mixtures that warm up fat deposits.