Friday dreams. Sleeping from Thursday to Friday - what does it mean? Prophetic dream from Thursday to Friday

It is interesting that almost all the peoples inhabiting the planet are convinced that a dream from Thursday to Friday comes true. People, independently of each other, came up with (or noticed) that the images generated by the resting brain at this time are prophetic. Is it possible to explain this fact?

It is believed that the last working day is the day of Venus. That is, on this night a person is more inclined to live by feelings rather than by reason. Esotericists explain by this the reality of dreams that occurred from Thursday to Friday. The fact is that feelings reveal what may elude the mind for a long time. A person worries about a certain problem, experiences discomfort in the soul, but tends to divert his thoughts away from its solution, since he does not see the solution itself. IN magical night When feelings come to the fore and analysis plays a secondary role, all problems are turned “upside down”. A dream from Thursday to Friday comes true because it is dictated directly from the subconscious, which, as we know, knows best. We can say that this is the only night when the higher consciousness is allowed to enter the brain and create its prediction there “directly”, without hints.

How to solve a dream?

For the most part, dreams at this time are straight, that is, you see the event exactly in the form in which it should happen. But not always. Sometimes a dream from Thursday to Friday comes true the other way around. That is, visions have the opposite meaning. How to understand what exactly your dream means? It is better to consult the dream book. We recommend paying attention to general impression. Dark disturbing dreams the same events are predicted on this night. The joy of what you see (regardless of the image) suggests that your worries are in vain, everything will be fine! The time when the image came to you is of particular importance. Night visions foreshadow not so imminent events. But a dream on Friday morning speaks of what will happen literally next week.

Ritual for making a dream

For those who are not inclined to believe in night visions, we advise you to experience the effects of a night spell. When going to bed on Thursday, say: “From Thursday to Friday I want to see the truth!” When you wake up, you will find out for yourself whether dreams come true. On Friday morning, write down all the images that visited you at night (for the purity of the experiment). Then track events. The saying will help you see “straight” dreams. The wait for the predicted events will not be too long. In about a month, the experiment can be considered completed!

What to do if you had a bad dream?

Since a dream from Thursday to Friday necessarily comes true, you need to carefully monitor it. It is very undesirable if the night brings you a negative prediction. Of course, the one who is warned... and so on. But I don't want to ruin my life negative events. Grandmothers advise telling your bad dream flowing water until noon so that it washes away the negativity. Believe it if you want, check it if you want. But after such a “revelation”, the events predicted by the dream may follow a milder scenario. In addition to magical rituals, it would be good to take care of realities. Since the subconscious has considered it necessary to give you not very pleasant information, it means there is reason to think about whether you are behaving correctly and whether you are making worthy decisions. Take advantage of the hint, maybe all is not lost yet!

According to astrologers, dreams different days the weeks differ in their plots and main themes, each night has its own energy and meaning for a person. In this article we will try to figure out what a dream from Thursday to Friday means, how to interpret it correctly + consider the practical interpretation of a number of topics. As the dream book says, from Thursday to Friday there are dreams that are characterized by a focus on the love and romantic sphere of life. They can often provide information about your partner and your relationship...

Sleep from Thursday to Friday: what does it mean, how is it correctly interpreted and is it prophetic?

Do you want to know what dreams you have from Thursday to Friday? Let's take a closer look: according to them, they are almost entirely devoted to issues of love and relationships. This is due to the influence of the planet Venus on this night: which helps to understand what feelings a person has towards you.

Venus is considered a feminine planet, so during its period one has emotional dreams related to relationships and romantic feelings. Feelings and desires intensify, emotions are most clearly manifested. By being open to one's emotions, a person can easily get a prophetic dream. It is not uncommon for women to find out that they are pregnant or receive hints about a guy in love with them or an upcoming wedding.

Does a dream come true from Thursday to Friday? Yes, and very often: light positive dreams dreams of love almost always come true, especially if a person passionately desires their fulfillment and moves towards this goal himself.

Unpleasant and nightmare dreams this night indicate the vulnerability of your inner balance, they are not prophetic and the terrible events from the dream will not happen in life, but such a dream should make you more attentive to your emotional and psychological state. Alternatively, the person who saw the dream is experiencing stress or is in a state of depression.

Advice: If this night you dream of a woman who gives some advice or provides some information, know that this is very important information that you need to remember. This is how his own intuition talks to a person: this advice will definitely come in handy in some important matter, especially if we are talking about love affairs.

Some specific examples

Thursday carries the energy of Jupiter, which is responsible for professional sphere and the sphere of money, Friday belongs entirely to Venus, with its prophecies about love. Therefore, a prophetic dream from Thursday to Friday is 100% focused on love, relationships and feelings.

  • Dreams in which the dreamer observes his significant other in a positive way foreshadow a long, happy life. life together. A dream with negative traits about a loved one can indicate problems in the relationship, foreshadowing a quarrel or even a breakup.
  • If a person wants to break up with his partner, and that night he has a dream in which he suffers from loneliness, this clearly indicates that he needs to postpone ending the relationship and give it another chance, because otherwise, he may greatly regret it. what happened.
  • If you dream of a wedding, in reality it will also happen soon, and the dream will reflect how correct this decision was: a positive, joyful dream promises a happy and harmonious family life.

To summarize: You should carefully analyze the information obtained from the dream, it indicates important events. However, you need to have a good understanding of the details and understand what they mean in your particular case.

Do dreams come true from Thursday to Friday?

It has long been believed that dreams that appear on this day are prophetic and come true more often than on other days. This is directly related to the influence of Venus, which is responsible for feelings and emotions: it helps intuition to manifest itself most strongly in the dreams of this night.

Special cases include dreams on the days following major religious holidays, such as Easter, Christmas, Epiphany, etc. Traditionally, these days are considered especially open for receiving information for a person.

The most dangerous dreams are those that fall under the influence of the number thirteen. These dreams are characterized by the prediction of bad events that are difficult to avoid in real life.

How to make a dream come true or not come true?

To avoid the fulfillment of a negative dream or nightmare, you need to:

  • Forget and let go of the information you saw as soon as possible, then, without getting out of bed, immediately after waking up, say the words three times “Wherever there is night, there comes sleep”.
  • Another option: after you wake up, you need to wash your face, ice water giving away all the negativity of the dream, which will take away unpleasant emotions. You should not tell a bad dream and concentrate on it.

In order, on the contrary, to stimulate the implementation of a prophetic dream, you need to:

What does it mean to dream from Thursday to Friday late at night? It is believed that it carries strong energy and has every chance of coming true. Such dreams are often related to relationships at work, colleagues, and partners. Since Thursday is ruled by Jupiter and is responsible for business sphere, and Friday is Venus, which, accordingly, is responsible for feelings and love, the fusion of two energies gives rise to dreams about relationships at work, both purely business and personal:

  • For example, you may dream of an affair with a colleague, which can easily come true in life;
  • If you have a dream about relationships with colleagues or superiors, you should listen to the information received;
  • Often sleep can help resolve or avoid conflict situation at work, understand your strengths and weaknesses in communicating with people;

The meaning of a dream I had in the morning

Sleep from Thursday to Friday in the morning is completely devoted to issues of relationships and love. In it a person can recognize interesting information about your partner, get a prediction about fate, better understand your own feelings. Let's look at some popular stories:

  • If you dream of a declaration of love from a stranger, soon a person will appear in your life who will show love or a feeling of admiration for you;
  • Meeting a single man is a sign of a quick meeting that can make an excellent match for life.
  • For a lonely girl to see someone propose to her - good sign, foreshadowing a similar situation in life. A worthy person will pay attention and have serious intentions towards her.
  • If you yourself confess your love to the object of your dreams, in reality you need to take this step without fear of being rejected. Intuition gives a hint that the choice is correct, and you need to step over indecision and not miss your chance while all the cards are in your hands.

Thus, on Friday morning, most people dream about romantic dreams that are based on deep experiences, emotions, and sensuality. They not only reflect the real state of affairs, but also predict the development of certain relationships between people.

Features of dream interpretation

A dream on Friday is interpreted not only based on general values, but also necessarily taking into account the person’s personal perception. For example, even the worst sign loses all harm for a person if he personally perceives what he sees exclusively in a positive direction. However, the opposite statement is also true.

Therefore, it is important to analyze your own feelings and emotions about each specific vision.

Practical Advice: you shouldn’t even begin to interpret a dream, the plot of which is based on a movie you watched the day before or an experience you experienced. bright emotion past days. This is just a reflection of the work of the subconscious!

What does it mean if a person dreams from Thursday to Friday?

Why does a person dream from Thursday to Friday?

Why does a person dream from Thursday to Friday:

  • Seeing a wife or husband in a positive way in a dream means family happiness, prosperity, a joyful family event;
  • If you dreamed of a person with whom you had a quarrel, reconciliation is possible between you in reality. Even if people continue to conflict in a dream, such a dream foreshadows the speedy settlement of all controversial issues.
  • If you dreamed of a stranger or a stranger, in reality you will have a pleasant acquaintance with a guy or girl. For free people, such a dream foreshadows the beginning of a long, strong relationship, with the possibility of marriage;
  • If you dream about work colleagues or bosses, there is some kind of understatement in reality with these people. Bad dream about colleagues means that they are weaving.
  • Patronage from superiors promises good relationship and in reality.
  • For a young man to see a stranger in a dream - to a pleasant acquaintance in reality. If she said something in a dream, then you need to remember the words and adapt them to your life, they probably carry very important information.
  • Any woman who says something is of great importance to a person (both men and women). She can give important advice or tell information that will have an impact on the rest of your life.

About deceased relatives

What does it mean if you dreamed of a person who died, but is very dear to you:

  • Seeing in a dream deceased mother or - to a quarrel with your partner, a disagreement;
  • If in a dream from Thursday to Friday you dream of a grandmother or - in reality a patron will appear who will mean a lot to you;
  • If you dreamed that a deceased person was alive, in reality there would be an unpleasant situation that could put you in an uncomfortable and extremely disadvantageous position: slander, deception from someone close to you;
  • Seeing the death of a living relative in a dream means a big quarrel with this person in reality.

Other dream plots

About love and relationships

Dreams about love on the night from Thursday to Friday, as we wrote earlier, are the most informative and worthy:

  • If you dream of spending time together with your loved one, this is good sign, promising some joyful event concerning both of you;
  • Cheating on a partner - portends serious disagreements in relationships, deception, betrayal;
  • Your own betrayal means that in reality there is not enough emotion, attention from your partner, it would not be superfluous to spend time together, discuss problems and come to a solution together;
  • If you are lucky enough to see your wedding or its elements, for example or - in reality this solemn event will happen in the very near future;
  • Also prophetic are dreams about the weddings of acquaintances and friends;
  • For a girl to see herself in a dream on such a night, it means that in reality she is either already pregnant or will be so in the near future, but it is worth paying attention to her personal attitude towards pregnancy, for example, if a girl is afraid and in a dream experiences unpleasant sensations from such a dream, he may foreshadow some problem, or an imminent duty oppressing her.

About money and career

Dreams about career and money have strong energy until midnight; the closer to the morning the dream is, the less informative it is in terms of work and affairs.

  • Seeing a promotion at work in a dream means success in business, promotion in real life;
  • If you dream of winning the lottery and receiving an unexpected receipt, in reality you will also have a lucky chance, thanks to which you can get rich financially;
  • Troubles at work, quarrels with colleagues in a dream - in reality, the job may not be suitable for the person who has such a dream; perhaps it makes sense for you to think about changing your occupation.

About travel and entertainment

  • Will go in a dream to honeymoon- This happy event will happen to you in reality;
  • Celebrating a holiday in the company of friends - receiving good news and news;
  • See the road - to good changes in life, for example, it is possible to move to;
  • If you dream that everyone around you is moving out and celebrating, but the person who is dreaming does not take part in this, in reality some joyful event will pass by.


Dreams from Thursday to Friday carry strong energy in matters of love, feelings, emotions, interpersonal relationships and romance. They are often prophetic, foreshadowing significant events. Any positive, vivid dream has every chance of coming true. But the realization of negative dreams can be prevented by not perceiving and not focusing on the bad.

Video “Do dreams come true from Thursday to Friday”

People have always treated dreams with interest. At one time it was believed that in a dream a person travels to another world and lives another life there. Today, many people believe that many dreams are prophetic and in order to learn about the future it is enough to simply interpret them correctly.

It has long been noticed that women see prophetic dreams much more often than men. This is most likely due to the fact that the fair sex is more sensual, emotional, and they also tend to believe in something mystical. In addition, women are well developed.

What do dreams from Thursday to Friday mean?

According to existing information, the dreams that a person saw on the night from Thursday to Friday are the most truthful. It is important to correctly interpret visions so as not to make mistakes in predictions. To do this, you should use existing dream books. To understand exactly when what you see will become reality, you should remember the time of sleep:

  1. If you had a dream from Thursday to Friday until 12 at night, then the desired will come true, but this will happen after a long period of time.
  2. A prophetic dream seen from 12 to 3 am will become a reality in the next 3 months.
  3. Night visions seen after 3 am will come true in the coming days.

If a dream is often repeated, then its symbolism increases. The most significant are the visions that cause a person to suddenly wake up. To interpret and obtain the most accurate information, you should take into account as many details of the plot and the emotions experienced as possible.

To understand what dreams from Thursday to Friday mean, it is worth understanding the influence of the planets. Thursday is ruled by Jupiter, which symbolizes stability, success and good fortune. The influence of this planet allows a person to see a dream that concerns professional activities person, material sphere, and he can also tell what outcome is possible in existing cases and issues. In such dreams you can get bright and meaningful clues that will help you cope with the problems that have arisen.

Since Friday is ruled by Venus, dreams seen at night may be a reflection emotional state person. Planet with female name is the patroness of beauty, harmony and love. Taking this into account, we can say that if a dream occurs from Thursday to Friday, then most likely it is connected with personal life, and when deciphered, you can find out predictions about the development of existing relationships or about a future union.

How to see prophetic dreams from Thursday to Friday?

As already mentioned, during this period the probability of seeing true dream increases significantly, so to increase your chances, you should prepare. The main thing is the belief that everything will certainly work out. In addition, it is important to go to bed without any extraneous thoughts or experiences, since you need to relax so that cosmic energy penetrates the subconscious. It is recommended to drink before going to bed mint tea, take a relaxing bath, light an aroma lamp and think about something good.

Prophetic dreams from Thursday to Friday are of great importance for single girls who, since ancient times during this period, asked to show their betrothed. To do this you need to do a very simple one. Go to bed early and, closing your eyes, say the following spell three times:

“From Thursday to Friday the sun will roll, tell me your dream about who is in love with me!”

Immediately after this, try to fall asleep, and then at night the image of your chosen one will certainly appear in your dream.

There is another conspiracy that will help you order a prophetic dream. In the evening before going to bed, place the ring under your pillow and whisper these words:

“Ring, roll the ring, dream everything you wish.”

Perhaps many would like to be able to interpret their dreams. After all, finding out what awaits you, especially if you see certain situations in a dream, arouses great interest and desire. In this article we will talk about prophetic dreams and about dreams that occurred from Thursday to Friday.

History of prophetic dreams

The concept of a “prophetic dream” carries a magical and secret omen of something inevitable, and no matter how skeptical people are about dreams, an explicit depiction of a situation gives impetus to think about its solution.

This concept arose a very long time ago. With the help of prophetic dreams, people could learn about the harvest or the weather. Kings always had people at their court who helped them decipher messages from dreams about upcoming sorrows or joys. Many people saw in their dreams significant events not only in their lives, but also in the lives of all humanity.

  • For example, Joseph saw a dream that spoke of the birth of the Son of the Lord.
  • The woman Hecuba saw the fall of Troy in her dream; she gave birth to a son, through whose vein a war broke out, and as a result of this war, the city of Troy was completely burned.
  • Many politicians saw predictions of the future in their dreams; Abraham Lincoln saw his own funeral ten days before his death.
  • Many people know that the famous scientist Mendeleev saw his brilliant discovery - the periodic table - in a dream.
  • The great artist Raphael saw his masterpieces in his dreams, after which he embodied his dreams on canvas.

There are still many examples in history that what was seen in a dream came true.

How to understand that a dream is prophetic?

  1. Firstly, the sensations that a person experiences when he wakes up is as if he had left the cinema hall and what he saw simply does not leave him alone.
  2. Secondly, a realistic picture, the absence of extraneous thoughts. After all, dreams are usually a set of some unrelated pictures, but here nothing prevents you from looking at them the smallest details, just like in real life.
  3. Thirdly, a person who sees a prophetic dream will not be able to forget it.

Prophetic dream dreams extremely rarely, and not for everyone, so quite often it is confused with ordinary vivid dreams that do not carry of great importance. Why does this happen, and for one reason, people are in constant mental captivity of some kind specific situation, which worries them in life, they constantly think about it and, seeing glimpses of it in a dream, consider the dream to be prophetic, but it is not so.

This is an artificially created dream by our everyday experiences and hopes. Therefore, you should not confuse these dreams, much less try to find clues or solutions to problems in them.

Dreams from Thursday to Friday

Dreams that occurred from Thursday to Friday were always treated with special attention. After all, these dreams are influenced by the sensual and strong planet Venus, therefore it is believed that dreams dreamed on this day of the week reveal the spiritual emotional side of a person.

In general, dreams that occurred on “Women’s Day” - Friday, have highest probability come true. These dreams reflect the most significant and desired dreams and hopes of the sleeper. They personify spiritual experiences, emotions, creative ideas, hope for the implementation of any plans into reality, as well as some material troubles.

There are also a number of beliefs related to Friday dreams, which, most likely, will definitely come true, these are:

  1. First Friday of Lent
  2. Friday before Annunciation
  3. Palm Week – Friday
  4. Friday before Ascension of the Lord
  5. Friday the fifth before Trinity
  6. Friday before the feast of the birth of John the Baptist
  7. Friday on Elijah
  8. Friday before the Assumption of the Lord
  9. Friday before the feast of St. Michael
  10. Friday before Demyan's Day
  11. Friday before Christmas
  12. Friday before Epiphany or Epiphany

These twelve Fridays have special meaning. Dreams seen these days are among the most truthful and can come true within a short time.

Remember and make dreams

Prophetic dreams are often indirect and literal. The first ones, as a rule, are those that are of a hidden informational nature. These dreams are much more difficult to interpret, because their influence on prediction includes an in-depth analysis of all the details from the dream. But literal prophetic dreams are those that directly talk about the future, for example, you dreamed that your favorite plate broke and after a short time it happened.

It often happens that when we wake up, we know for sure that the dream carries very important information, but we can’t remember it, what to do in this case? There are several techniques to remember a dream.

  1. Set yourself up correctly. Before going to bed, you need to free your mind from all extraneous thoughts and focus on a specific situation that makes you want to see clues in your dreams.
  2. Keep a diary. Before you go to bed, put a diary near your bed so that when you wake up in the morning, you can immediately write down your dream on paper.
  3. Unconventional methods. Many psychics claim that an open window or window will help the soul in a dream to go on a journey through dreams more easily and will bring a prophetic dream.
  4. Handkerchief or headscarf. Among psychics there is a ritual for remembering dreams with a headscarf. It must be placed under the pillow and tied in a knot every morning. So the dream will not disappear anywhere, but will remain in the bundle.

Whatever method you choose to remember your dreams, the main thing is to have a free mind and focus on a specific case that requires help.

It is also important to understand that all the clues seen in a dream provide an opportunity to change the course of events and redirect your decision in a different direction, thereby improving the situation of a difficult situation into pleasant and joyful events. After all, all our dreams only give impetus to choice. the right decision in any situation.

Video: Psychic Alena Kurilova about prophetic dreams

Our ancestors took dreams very seriously, especially when they were seen on the night from Thursday to Friday.

Such pictures of the subconscious often became prophetic. Astrologers explain this phenomenon by the fact that these days humanity is under the power of Venus, the patroness of love, feelings and emotions.

It is believed that dreams open a small crack in the door leading into our consciousness. If you correctly decipher the signs in the plot of your dreams, you can even clearly identify problems and goals in real life. You begin to understand what you really want and what pitfalls are expected along the way.

Dreams from Thursday to Friday in which deceased relatives are present are especially important. The otherworldly reality, through them, warns of danger, warns against mistakes or approves of your actions. You cannot brush aside such dreams, because next time the spirits may not descend and not give you a chance to avoid trouble.

Often, Friday's dream is associated with love side the dreamer's life. The plot carries knowledge about future or current married life and romantic events.

But the night picture in the head does not always fall under the concept - good sleep. Nightmarish events only indicate that you are tense and overly worried in love. Try to calm down and start moving in the right direction on the path to happiness.

The meaning of sleep from Thursday to Friday

Our aspirations and anxieties are transferred to dreams. Everything that is experienced in reality is transformed into blurred or, conversely, clear contours in the subconscious.

To understand expected events in life (love, career, friendship), it is important to understand what a dream from Thursday to Friday means.

Naturally, storyline such dreams are recognized in individually depending on the small ones, but important details. But, nevertheless, astrology describes the most important strokes and their general interpretations.

Love dream

It happens that along the path of life you meet a person who immediately or a little later arouses your sympathy. Communication with him occurs on a superficial level, but the glances we meet seem to be something more.

If you saw this acquaintance on Friday night and in a dream you united in a fever of love, then, most likely, after some time, the union of two hearts will happen in real life.

But there is no need to rush - space communications may not be set up instantly.

Dream about a wedding

Seeing your own wedding means that in the near future you will really go down the aisle with your loved one.

If you are already married, then Venus makes it clear that the union is fixed in heaven and your feelings are strong.

The opposite situation awaits the dreamer when they did not go down the aisle with him. In this case, you will face separation and a break in the relationship.

You may try to improve the situation, but it is better to understand your mistakes and not transfer them into life with another person. Otherwise, the relationship will be repeated regardless of the name of the lover/beloved. The result is the same - a love drama.

Dream about work

A successful career and financial stability follows after a dream in which the dreamer is given a high position and an excellent salary.

But a dream about dismissal, a quarrel with colleagues or superiors indicates that the working atmosphere is tense and unpleasant changes are expected.

In this case, it is better to fulfill your duties conscientiously and avoid confrontation with superior colleagues.

Death of loved ones

The meaning of sleep about dead people and their funeral does not bode well.

Death is a sign that you will soon have to part with a loved one. He will leave for another world due to a serious illness, a tragic accident, or by violence.

But you shouldn’t treat sleep as a death sentence. Fate, through him, gives a chance to correct life path and exclude a tragic event.

Gender of the dreamer

The interpretation of sleep from Thursday to Friday depends on the gender of the person. This is due to the fact that Venus favors women to a greater extent.

Events in their dreams are given a loving characteristic. Higher powers, through a dream, warn the girl about upcoming difficulties in her personal life or indicate very good changes.

Dreams also send news about wedding troubles and imminent pregnancy that occur during this period of life.

The love patroness does not miss the opportunity to warn the male sex. Intrigues, deception and difficult life situations await them.

If in life you have met the wrong woman, then a dream will give you the opportunity to consider her dark sides. And, on the contrary, in a girl who is invisible to your attention, there are a lot of pleasant qualities.

In addition, by Friday a man’s subconscious can give the right decision complex issues. The main thing is to remember the details of the dream and act decisively and without regard to difficulties.

Do dreams come true from Thursday to Friday?

We remember our grandmother's stories that dreams from Thursday to Friday are prophetic. After waking up, we try to remember all the details of the night vision and decipher the message. And we do it right.

After all, the mysterious cosmos, precisely on this night, directs the flow of its energy so that a person will at least have a little contact with otherworldly realities.

But you should not expect that absolutely all Friday dreams will come true, and even in the smallest detail. We simply cannot fully understand all the intricacies of ghostly vision. And the events that have taken place in life may simply not be connected by us with the dream.

There is an opinion among predictors that on special days the chance of events happening in a dream increases:

  • 3rd day of any month;
  • Yuletide week;
  • Nativity of Christ;
  • Epiphany - January 19;
  • Day of Elijah the Prophet - August 1-2.

If these dates fall on Friday, then dreams come true. But the deadline for its implementation may come in a year or decades. Therefore, it is worth remembering your night visions that happened a month ago and later.

We decide for ourselves how to treat dreams from Thursday to Friday. Many simply ignore Venus’s prompts and continue their lives in the chosen direction.

But if there is a chance to change something in better side, then it’s stupid to brush it off.