An offshoot of the Protestant Church. Features of Protestantism, main directions

What are we talking about? Protestantism is one of the three main trends in Christianity that arose in the 16th century. during the Reformation.

How many Protestants? Protestantism ranks second among the world's currents of Christianity in terms of the number of followers after Catholics (over 600 million people; according to some sources - about 800 million people). In 92 countries, Protestantism is the largest Christian denomination, in 49 of which Protestants make up the majority of the population. In Russia, Protestants make up about 1% of the population (1.5 million people).

Where did the term come from? The term "Protestants" originated in Germany at the Speyer Reichstag in 1529, at which it was proposed to cancel the decision of the previous Reichstag that the princes and so-called. Imperial cities have the right to choose their religion until the convening of an all-German council. Supporters of the Reformation did not agree with this and, having drawn up a protest document, left the meeting. Those who signed the protest became known as Protestants. Subsequently, the term came to be applied to all followers of the Reformation.

What do Protestants believe? Protestantism is based on five "only":

a person is saved only by faith (“only by faith”, sola fide)

one should believe in only one Mediator between God and man - Christ (“only Christ”, solus Christus);

a person gains faith in Him only through the grace of God (“only grace”, sola gratia);

a person does good deeds only by the grace of God and only for God, therefore all glory should belong to Him (“only glory to God”, soli Deo gloria);

Who are considered Protestants? Protestantism, having arisen as a combination of various currents, has never been united. Its largest movements include Lutheranism, Calvinism and Anglicanism, which are commonly referred to as "classical" Protestantism or the first wave of the Reformation. Other independent denominations that arose in the 17th-19th centuries are associated with them. (the second wave of the Reformation), which differ from each other in dogma, cult and organization: Baptists, Quakers, Mennonites, Methodists, Adventists, etc. Pentecostalism, which appeared in the twentieth century, is attributed to the third wave of the Reformation.

And who is not included? Jehovah's Witnesses, The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Days (Mormons), the Christian Science Society, the Church of Christ (Boston Movement), who are genetically related to Protestantism, but in their ideological development far went beyond it (as well as Christianity in general), are usually referred to as new religious movements.

How to deal with denominations, when did someone arise and what does he believe in? Let's take a closer look at the history of Protestantism. Speaking in 1517 in Wittenberg with 95 theses against indulgences, Luther initiated the process of the Reformation and a new confession - Lutheranism. Later, Luther's doctrine of justification by faith, which became the cornerstone of Protestantism as a whole, caused a wide resonance in society and condemnation from the papacy; in 1521 Luther was excommunicated by a papal bull. Luther's special attitude to Scripture (his translation of the Bible into German was a great contribution to culture), especially to the New Testament texts as the main authority, caused his followers to be called evangelical Christians (later this term became synonymous with the word "Lutherans").

The second major center of the Reformation arose in Switzerland among the followers of the Zurich priest Ulrich Zwingli. Zwingli's doctrine was common features with Lutheranism - reliance on Scripture, sharp criticism of scholastic theology, the principles of "justification by faith" and "universal priesthood" (denial of the ordained priesthood as a mediator for the salvation of man, the priesthood of all believers). The main difference was a more rationalistic interpretation of the Eucharist and a more consistent criticism of church rites. From the mid 1530s. the development of reform ideas and their implementation in Switzerland are associated with the name of John Calvin and his activities in Geneva. The followers of Calvin and Zwingli became known as Calvinists. The main provisions of the teachings of Calvin - the doctrine of predestination to salvation and the inseparable connection between the state and the church.

The third major direction of Protestantism, Anglicanism, appeared in the course of reformation in the Church of England, initiated by King Henry VIII. Parliament in 1529–1536 adopted a number of documents that formed a national church independent of Rome, from 1534 subordinate to the king. The main ideologue of the English Reformation was the Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Cranmer. The carrying out of the Reformation "from above", the compromise nature of the transformations (a combination of the provisions of the Catholic Church and Calvin), the preservation of the church hierarchy with the apostolic succession of ordinations allow us to consider Anglicanism the most moderate Protestant movement. Anglicanism is ideologically divided into so-called. the high church (which advocates the preservation of pre-Reformation worship), the low church (close to Calvinism), and the broad church (which advocates Christian unity and distances itself from doctrinal disputes). The Anglican Church is called Episcopal, as a rule, outside the UK.

From the second half of the XVI century. divergences in Protestant theory and practice caused the formation of various currents in reform movement. In Calvinism, there was a division according to the principle of organizing communities into Presbyterians (managed by an elected consistory headed by a presbyter) and Congregationalists (who proclaimed the complete autonomy of communities). Communities of continental European origin, predominantly French, Dutch and Swiss, began to be called Reformed. Reformed churches generally accept central government, and some of them, unlike Presbyterians and Congregationalists, have bishops. Puritans appeared in England, advocating the cleansing of the Anglican Church from the Catholic heritage in the spirit of Calvin's ideas. The Spanish theologian Miguel Servet, who had a polemic with Calvin, became one of the first preachers of Unitarianism, a doctrine that rejects the dogma of the Trinity and the God-manhood of Jesus Christ. In the second half of the XVI century. Unitarianism spread in Poland, Lithuania, Hungary, in the 17th century. in England in the 19th century. - in the USA.

The Reformation found wide support from all strata of European society, representatives of the lower classes got the opportunity to express social protest with an appeal to the biblical commandments. In Germany and Zurich, Switzerland, an active sermon on the establishment of social justice in society was started by the Anabaptists, whose doctrinal features were the requirement to baptize only adults and not to take up arms. Subjected to severe persecution from both Catholics and "classical" Protestants, the Anabaptists fled to Holland, England, the Czech Republic, Moravia (Hutterites), and later to North America. Part of the Anabaptists merged with the followers of the so-called. Moravian Church (followers of Jan Hus, a preacher who lived in the 15th century) and in the 18th century. formed a community of herrnguters. The most famous Anabaptist denomination is Mennonite (1530), named after its founder, the Dutch priest Menno Simons, whose followers emigrated as a sign of social protest. From the Mennonites in the second half of the 17th century. the Amish separated. Influenced by the ideas of the Anabaptists and Mennonites in the middle of the 17th century. In England, Quakerism appeared, distinguished by the doctrine of an "inner light", unusual for the 17th century. social ethics (denial of social hierarchy, slavery, torture, death penalty, uncompromising pacifism, religious tolerance).

For Protestant theology of the 17th-18th centuries. characteristic is the idea that the church should consist only of consciously converted people who have experienced a personal meeting with Christ and active repentance. In "classical" Protestantism, the pietists (from the word pietas - "piety") in Lutheranism and the Arminians (who proclaimed free will) in Calvinism became the spokesmen for this idea. At the end of the XVII century. in Germany, a closed community of Dunkers emerged from the Pietists into a separate denomination.

In 1609, in Holland, from a group of English Puritans, a community of followers of John Smith was formed - Baptists, who borrowed the Anabaptist doctrine of adult baptism. Subsequently, the Baptists were divided into "general" and "private". In 1639 Baptism appeared in North America and is now the largest Protestant denomination in the United States. Famous preachers and writers are Baptist followers: Charles Spurgeon (1834–1892), Martin Luther King, Billy Graham (b. 1918).

The main feature of Methodism, which emerged from Anglicanism in Great Britain at the beginning. XVIII century, is the doctrine of "sanctification": the free conversion of a person to Christ takes place in two stages: first, God sanctifies a person with the righteousness of Christ ("justifying grace"), then gives him the gift of holiness ("sanctifying grace"). Methodism spread rapidly, primarily in the United States and English speaking countries, thanks to the peculiar forms of preaching - mass worship services in the open air, the institute of itinerant preachers, home groups, as well as annual conferences of all ministers. In 1865, the Salvation Army, which is an international charitable organization, appeared in Great Britain on the basis of Methodism. The Church of the Nazarene (1895) and the Wesleyan Church (1968) also emerged from Methodism, reproaching Methodism for excessive doctrinal liberalism.

Reformation processes also affected Orthodox Russia. In the XVII-XVIII centuries. among the Russians appeared the so-called. Spiritual Christianity - Christophers (whips), Dukhobors, Molokans, whose doctrine was partly similar to the Protestant one (in particular, the rejection of icons, the veneration of saints, the rejection of rituals, etc.).

The denomination of the Plymouth Brethren (Darbists), which appeared in Great Britain in the 1820s. from Anglicanism, adheres to the doctrine according to which the history of mankind is divided into separate. periods, in each of which the characteristic law of God operates (dispensationalism). In the 1840s there was a split into "open" and "closed" Darbists.

Adventism appeared in the 1830s. in the USA based on the interpretation of biblical texts about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the possibility of its exact calculation. In 1863, the organization of the largest current in Adventism, the Seventh-day Adventist Church, was created. During World War I, Adventist reformists emerged, dissatisfied with the partial rejection of pacifism by Adventists. Seventh-day Adventists are distinguished by their denial of the immortality of the soul and eternal torment (sinners will simply be destroyed during the Last Judgment), the veneration of Saturday as the "seventh day" of serving God, the recognition of the restoration of the gift of prophecy and visions through the founder of the church, Ellen White, as well as a number of food prohibitions and prescriptions healthy lifestyle (“health reform”).

A distinctive feature of the New Apostolic Church, which arose in the second half of the XIX century. in the UK based on the communities of the so-called. Irvingian (a community that broke away from the Presbyterians), is the cult of "apostles" - the leaders of the church, whose word is the same doctrinal authority as the Bible.

In the 19th century there was a tendency to unite the Protestant churches. In the English-speaking world, this was facilitated by the so-called. revivalism is a movement that called Christians to repentance and personal conversion. The result was the emergence of the Disciples of Christ (Church of Christ), the so-called. Evangelicals and United Churches. The Disciples of Christ (Church of Christ) appeared in the early 1830s. in the United States from Presbyterianism. This denomination included Protestants who proclaimed a complete rejection of any dogmas, symbols and institutions not specified in the New Testament. The disciples of Christ allow differences of opinion even on such important issues as the Trinity, believing that this and many other dogmas are not clearly explained in Scripture. Evangelicals that appeared in the United States in the 19th century preach non-denominational personal conversion, "birth again" with a special act of God changing the believer's heart, faith in the sacrifice of Christ on the cross, and active missionary work. The conservative wing of the Evangelicals created dispensationalism, the liberal wing created social evangelism (changing social reality in order to bring it closer to the Kingdom of God). On the basis of evangelicalism, fundamentalism arose (named after a series of pamphlets "Fundamentals", published in 1910-1915). Fundamentalists insisted on the absolute authenticity of common Christian dogmas and a literalist reading of the Bible. so-called. neo-evangelicalism emerged in the 1940s, uniting those who criticized liberal evangelicals for moral relativism and fundamentalism for being closed, and advocated active preaching modern means. Neo-evangelicalism has given rise to the so-called in the United States. megachurches - church organizations in which there is a "center" (the main church, headed by a leader, which develops the style of worship and sermon, manuals for Sunday schools and social work etc.) and "branches" (numerous church communities that are in direct and rigid submission to the "center").

In the middle of the XIX - early. XX centuries appeared so-called. united churches as a result of the merger of different Protestant denominations - Lutherans, Anglicans, Reformed, Presbyterians, Methodists, Baptists, Quakers, etc. In most cases, the merger was voluntary, sometimes imposed by the state. The unifying basis of these churches is their historical involvement in the Reformation and doctrinal affinity. AT late XIX in. appeared so-called. free churches are Protestant communities that exist independently of state Protestant churches.

The development of the theology of Protestantism in the XX century. characterized by the ideas that the mystical gifts of the ancient church should return to the church and that Christianity should be adapted to non-European cultures. So, at the beginning of the XX century. from the Methodist group "Movement of holiness" Pentecostalism was formed, which is characterized by an exclusive role in the church of the Holy Spirit, the gift of glossolalia (pronouncing specific sounds reminiscent of unknown languages ​​during prayer), etc. In the 1960s and 70s Pentecostalism received a new impetus for development due to representatives of Christian denominations using Pentecostal practices. Under the influence of the so-called. Pentecost in the 20th century original Asian and African churches arose, characterized by a combination of Christian and pagan practices.


The main, one of the three main directions of Protestantism (Lutheranism and Calvinism)

Anglicanism is one of the main directions of Protestantism, in the dogmatics of which the provisions of Protestantism about salvation by personal faith and Catholicism about the saving power of the church are combined. According to the cult and organizational principles, the Anglican Church is close to the Catholic one, it is the state church in Great Britain. The head of the Church of England is the king, who appoints the bishops. The Primate of the Anglican Church is the Archbishop of Canterbury. A significant proportion of bishops are members of the House of Lords. About a hundred churches around the world.

Adventists are a Protestant church that originated in the 1930s. 19th century They preach the nearness of the second coming of Christ and the approach of the "thousand-year kingdom of God" on Earth. The most numerous are Seventh-day Adventists.

The Salvation Army is one of the major church formations within Protestantism. The Methodist Church arose in the 18th century, splitting from the Anglican Church, demanding a consistent, methodical observance of religious precepts. Methodists preach religious humility, patience. (USA, India, Indonesia, Republic of Korea and many other countries)

The Amish are a Protestant sect of Mennonite origin. The founder is Jacob Amman, a priest from Switzerland.

Baptism is one of the branches of Protestantism. The Baptists simplified cult and church organization. Not recognizing the sacraments, they consider baptism and communion as church rites that do not have a mystical meaning. Baptism is performed on adults.

Huttertsy, or Hutterites, or the Hutter Brotherhood, sometimes combined with the Mennonites. The Hutterites, like the Mennonites, trace their origins to the Anabaptists (followers of a radical Protestant movement that arose in the 1520s in Switzerland and Germany). The Jehovists, or the Society of Jehovah's Witnesses, is a Protestant sect founded in 1872 in the United States. The Jehovists recognize Jehovah as the only God, and Jesus Christ is the offspring of Jehovah and the executor of his will; reject the main Christian dogmas (the trinity of God, the immortality of the soul, etc.). According to the views of the Jehovists, the earthly world is the kingdom of Satan, in a close battle (Armageddon) between him and Jehovah, humanity will perish, with the exception of the Jehovists themselves, the kingdom of God will be established on Earth.


One of the three main areas of Protestantism (along with Lutheranism and Anglicanism), which adopted the ideas of John Calvin. From Geneva, Calvinism spread to France (Huguenots), the Netherlands, Scotland and England (Puritans). Under the influence of Calvinism, the Dutch (XVI century) and English (XVII century) revolutions took place.

Calvinism is especially characterized by: the recognition of only the Holy Scriptures, the exceptional significance of the doctrine of predestination (coming from God's will of the predestination of a person's life, his salvation or condemnation; success in professional activity confirms his chosenness), the denial of the need for the help of the clergy in saving people, the simplification of church rituals . Modern adherents of Calvinism - Calvinists, Reformed, Presbyterians, Congregationalists.

Quakers are a Protestant sect that originated in England in the 17th century. They deny the institution of priests, church sacraments, external rituals. They believe in the constant improvement and development of the spiritual nature of man. They demand unconditional honesty in relations with each other, compulsory labor, strict observance of marital relations, respect for elders, etc. Pacifism is preached, charity is widely practiced.

Congregationalism is one of the three main forms of Calvinism. The emergence of Congregationalism has been variously dated from the mid-16th century to the early 17th century.


One of the three main directions of Protestantism (Anglicanism and Calvinism) Lutheranism is the largest branch of Protestantism. Founded by Martin Luther in the 16th century. Lutheranism first formulated the main provisions of Protestantism, but Lutheranism brought them to life (especially in church organization) less consistently than Calvinism. Includes over a hundred different churches.

Mennonism - Mennonites are a Christian sect. They preach humility, non-violence, believe in the second coming of Christ. Characteristic of the Mennonites is the baptism of people in adulthood. The church hierarchy is denied, communities have independent management.

Methodism is one of the most significant Protestant movements in terms of the number of followers. As a trend within Anglicanism, Methodism arose in the 1720s in Oxford, but it did not immediately separate into a separate denomination. The founder of Methodism was John Wesley (1703-91). one of the largest church formations within the framework of Protestantism. The Methodist Church arose in the 18th century, splitting from the Church of England, demanding a consistent, methodical observance of religious precepts. Methodists preach religious humility, patience.

Mormons, or "Saints last day”, - a religious sect founded in the USA in the 1st half of the 19th century. The main source of doctrine - "The Book of Mormon" (allegedly a record of the mysterious writings of the Israeli prophet Mormon, who moved to America) - includes the provisions of Judaism, Christianity and other religions. According to the Mormons, their teaching is designed to give a person happiness, both on earth and in the afterlife. The world, development is subject to the "law of progress", and life strives for greater perfection. This also applies to God. Man is "God in the bud". The Fall was programmed by God. The essence of evil, sin is not disobedience to God, but "rebellion against the law of progress." Mormons expect the imminent end of the world, the final battle with Satan. See themselves as the chosen people of Israel. They carry out missionary activity all over the world, but they are hostile to other churches and the ecumenical movement.


One of the three forms of Calvinism. The emergence of Presbyterianism can be dated to 1560, when the Scottish Parliament adopted the Scottish Confession, prepared by the famous Reformation figure John Knox (1505 or about 1514-72) and five other priests, consisting of 25 articles and bearing a typically Calvinist character.

Perfectionism - arose from a series of mergers of smaller Presbyterian churches. Independent churches in America, Ireland, Canada, Korea, USA, etc.

Pentecostals are a Protestant movement, the basis of whose doctrine is the belief in the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles on the 50th day after the ascension of Christ, as a result of which they received the “gift to prophesy” - “to speak in tongues”. In the doctrine of Pentecostalism, a greater place is occupied by the preaching of the nearness of the second coming, the end of the world and the thousand-year reign of Christ. Pentecostals observe the rites of baptism and communion. Great importance give a mystical communion with God. The Pentecostals are characterized by a mystical atmosphere of prayers, belief in "apparitions" and "visions", the cult of prophets and prophetesses.

The Free Methodist Church is one of the perfectionist Protestant denominations. Founded in 1860 in New York by priests and laity expelled for breach of discipline from the Methodist Episcopal Church. The new church was headed by the priest Benjamin Tites Roberts.

Old Catholicism - a trend that broke away from Catholicism after the Vatican Council of 1869-1870; originated in Germany on the basis of the denial of the dogma of papal infallibility. The dogma of the Old Catholics occupies an intermediate position between Catholicism and Protestantism. Preserving a number of moments from the Catholic cult, the Old Catholics do not recognize the primacy of the Pope, reject the veneration of icons, church relics, mandatory celibacy for the clergy, etc. In this, the Old Catholics are especially close to the Anglicans.

The Church of God is one of the Protestant denominations that adheres to the principles of perfectionism. Created in Indiana (USA) in 1880 by Daniel Warner.

The Swedish Salvation Army is an independent organization splintered from the Salvation Army.

Christian Science is a religious organization with a Protestant orientation. Its main principles are that curing people from all kinds of diseases is possible only with the help of religious faith. medical methods treatments are categorically rejected, since they supposedly interfere with the correct understanding of nature! people's illnesses, their suffering and even death. The cause of all evil is the widespread misconception about the existence of matter as an objective reality. It is enough to give up this delusion, resort to prayer and faith in order to be cured of any ailment.

Arose as a result of a broad religious and political movement that began in Germany, spread throughout Western Europe and aimed at transforming the Christian church.

The term "Protestantism" comes from the protest declared by the German princes and a number of imperial cities against the abolition of the early decision on the right of local rulers to choose a faith for themselves and their subjects. However, in a broader sense, Protestantism is associated with the socio-political and moral protest of the rising, but still powerless, third estate against the obsolete medieval order and standing guard over them.

See also: , .

Doctrine of Protestantism

The difference between Protestantism and Orthodoxy and Catholicism

Protestants share the common Christian ideas about the existence of God as the Creator of the world, about his trinity, about the sinfulness of man, about the immortality of the soul and salvation, about heaven and hell, rejecting the Catholic teaching about purgatory, about Divine revelation and some others. At the same time, Protestantism has a number of significant dogmatic, organizational and cult differences from Orthodoxy and Catholicism. First of all, it is the recognition of the priesthood of all believers. Protestants believe that every person is directly connected with God. This leads to the rejection of the division of people into clergy and laity and the affirmation of the equality of all believers in matters of faith. Every believer, with a good knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, can be a priest for himself and for other people. Thus, the clergy should not have any advantages, and its very existence becomes superfluous. In connection with these ideas, the religious cult in Protestantism was significantly reduced and simplified. The number of sacraments has been reduced to two: baptism and communion; the entire worship service is reduced to the reading of sermons, joint prayers and the singing of hymns and psalms. At the same time, worship takes place in the native language of believers.

Almost all external attributes of the cult: temples, icons, statues, bells, candles - were discarded, as well as the hierarchical structure of the church. Monasticism and celibacy were abolished, and the office of priest became elective. Ministry in Protestantism usually takes place in modest prayer houses. The right of church ministers to the remission of sins was abolished, since this was considered the prerogative of God, the veneration of saints, icons, relics, and the reading of prayers for the dead were abolished, since these actions were recognized as pagan prejudices. The number of church holidays is reduced to a minimum.

The second basic principle Protestantism is salvation by personal faith. This principle was opposed to the Catholic principle of justification by works, according to which everyone who desires salvation should do everything that the church needs, and above all contribute to its material enrichment.

Protestantism does not deny that there is no faith without good works. Good deeds are useful and necessary, but it is impossible to justify them before God, only faith makes it possible to hope for salvation. All areas of Protestantism, in one form or another, adhered to the doctrine of predestination: each person, even before his birth, is predestined for his fate; it does not depend on prayers or activities, a person is deprived of the opportunity to change fate by his behavior. However, on the other hand, a person could by his behavior prove to himself and others that he was destined by the Providence of God for a good fate. This could apply not only to moral conduct, but also on luck in life situations, on the opportunity to get rich. It is not surprising that Protestantism becomes the ideology of the most enterprising part of the bourgeoisie of the era of the primitive accumulation of capital. The doctrine of predestination justified the inequality of fortunes and the class division of society. As the German sociologist showed Max Weber, it was the attitudes of Protestantism that contributed to the rise of the entrepreneurial spirit and its final victory over feudalism.

The third basic principle Protestantism is recognition of the exclusive authority of the Bible. Any Christian denomination recognizes the Bible as the main source of Revelation. However, the contradictions contained in the Holy Scriptures led to the fact that in Catholicism the right to interpret the Bible belonged only to priests. For this purpose it was written a large number of works by the fathers of the church, a large number of decisions of church councils were adopted, in the aggregate all this is called Sacred Tradition. Protestantism deprived the Church of the monopoly on the interpretation of the Bible, completely abandoning the interpretation of Holy Tradition as a source of Revelation. The Bible does not receive its authenticity from the church, but any church organization, group of believers, or individual believer can claim the truth of the ideas they preach if they find their confirmation in the Bible.

However, the very fact of the existence of a contradiction in the Holy Scriptures was not refuted by such an attitude. Criteria were required for understanding the various provisions of the Bible. In Protestantism, the point of view of the founder of this or that direction was considered the criterion, and all those who did not agree with it were declared heretics. The persecution of heretics in Protestantism was no less than in Catholicism.

The possibility of its own interpretation of the Bible led Protestantism to the fact that it does not represent a single doctrine. There are a large number of congenial, but somewhat different directions and currents.

The theoretical constructions of Protestantism led to changes in cult practice, which led to a reduction in the cost of the church and church ritual. The veneration of the biblical righteous remained unshakable, but was devoid of the elements of fetishism characteristic of the cult of saints in Catholicism. The refusal to worship visible images was based on the Old Testament Pentateuch, which considers such worship as idolatry.

Among different directions Protestantism did not have unity in matters related to the cult, with the external environment of the churches. The Lutherans kept the crucifix, the altar, candles, organ music; The Calvinists abandoned all this. The Mass was rejected by all branches of Protestantism. Worship is always conducted in the native language. It consists of a sermon, singing prayer hymns, reading certain chapters of the Bible.

In the biblical canon, Protestantism made some changes. He recognized as apocryphal those Old Testament works that were preserved not in the Hebrew or Aramaic original, but only in the Greek translation of the Septuagint. The Catholic Church regards them as deuterocanonical.

The sacraments have also been revised. Lutheranism left only two of the seven sacraments - baptism and communion, and Calvinism - only baptism. At the same time, the interpretation of the sacrament as a rite, during the performance of which a miracle occurs, is muted in Protestantism. Lutheranism retained a certain element of the miraculous in the interpretation of communion, believing that during the performance of the rite, the Body and Blood of Christ are actually present in the bread and wine. Calvinism, on the other hand, considers such a presence to be symbolic. Some areas of Protestantism carry out baptism only in adulthood, believing that a person should consciously approach the choice of faith; others, without refusing to baptize infants, conduct an additional rite of confirmation of adolescents, as if a second baptism.

The current state of Protestantism

Currently, there are up to 600 million followers of Protestantism living on all continents and in almost all countries of the world. Modern Protestantism is a vast collection (up to 2 thousand) of independent, practically unrelated churches, sects and denominations. From the very beginning of its inception, Protestantism was not a single organization, its division continues to the present day. In addition to the main directions of Protestantism already considered, others that arose later also enjoy great influence.

The main directions of Protestantism:

  • Quakers
  • Methodists
  • Mennonites


The direction arose in the 17th century. in England. Founder - artisan Dmurj fox proclaimed that the truth of faith is manifested in the act of illumination by the "inner light". For ecstatic methods of achieving communion with God, or because they emphasized the need to be in constant awe of God, the followers of this direction got their name (from the English. quake- "shake"). Quakers have completely abandoned external ritualism, the clergy. Their worship consists of an inner conversation with God and preaching. Ascetic motives can be traced in the moral teachings of the Quakers, they widely practice charity. Quaker communities exist in the USA, England, Canada, and East African countries.


The movement arose in the 18th century. as an attempt to increase the interest of the masses in religion. Its founders were brothers Wesley - John and Charles. In 1729 they founded in Oxford University a small circle, whose members were distinguished by special religious perseverance and methodicalness in the study of the Bible and the fulfillment of Christian prescriptions. Hence the name of the direction. The Methodists paid special attention to preaching and its new forms: preaching in the open air, in workhouses, in prisons, and so on. They created the institution of the so-called itinerant preachers. As a result of these measures, the trend spread widely in England and its colonies. Separating from the Anglican Church, they simplified the doctrine, reducing the 39 articles of the creed to 25. They supplemented the principle of salvation by personal faith with the doctrine of good deeds. In 18V1 was created World Methodist Council. Methodism is especially widespread in the USA, as well as Great Britain, Australia, South Korea and other countries.


A trend in Protestantism that arose on the basis of Anabaptism in the 16th century. in the Netherlands. Founder-Dutch Preacher Menno Simone. The principles of doctrine are set forth in "Declaration of the Main Articles of Our Common Christian Faith". The peculiarities of this direction are that it preaches the baptism of people in adulthood, denies the church hierarchy, proclaims the equality of all members of the community, non-resistance to evil by violence, up to the prohibition to serve with weapons in their hands; communities are self-governing. An international body has been created - Mennonite World Conference located in the USA. The largest number of them live in the USA, Canada, Holland and Germany.

What is Protestantism? This is one of the three branches of Christianity, a collection of independent churches and denominations. The history of Protestantism dates back to the 16th century, in the era of a broad religious and socio-political movement, called the "Reformation", which is translated from Latin means "correction", "transformation", "transformation".


In the Middle Ages in Western Europe, the church ruled everything. And it's Catholic. What is Protestantism? This is a religious social phenomenon that arose in the first half of the 16th century as an opposition to the Roman Catholic Church.

In October 1517, Martin Luther posted on the door of the Wittenberg Castle Church the provisions he formulated, which were based on a protest against the abuses of the church. This document in history was called "95 theses", and its appearance marked the beginning of an important religious movement. Protestantism developed within the framework of the Reformation. In 1648, the Peace of Westphalia was signed, according to which religion finally ceased to play an important role in European politics.

The reformers believed that Catholic Church has long and far departed from the original Christian principles. Certainly they were right. Suffice it to recall the sale of indulgences. In order to understand what Protestantism is, you should familiarize yourself with the biography and activities of Martin Luther. This man was the leader of the religious revolution that took place in Western Europe in the 16th century.

Martin Luther

This man was the first to translate the Bible from Latin into German. He is considered one of the founders of Hochdeutsch, the literary German language. Martin Luther was born into a family of a former peasant who once went to Big city, where he worked in the copper mines, and then became a wealthy burgher. The future public and religious figure had a good inheritance, in addition, he received a good education for those times.

Martin Luther had a master's degree in liberal arts and studied law. However, in 1505, against the will of his father, he took a monastic vow. After receiving a doctorate in theology, Luther launched a wide opposition activity. Every year he felt more and more acutely his weakness in relation to God. Having visited Rome in 1511, he was stunned by the depravity of the Roman Catholic clergy. Luther soon became the main opponent of the established church. He formulated the "95 theses", which were directed primarily against the sale of indulgences.

Luther was immediately condemned and, according to the traditions of the time, called a heretic. But he, as far as possible, did not pay attention to the attacks and continued his work. In the early twenties, Luther began to translate the Bible. He actively preached, called for the renewal of the church.

Martin Luther believed that the church is not an obligatory mediator between God and man. The only way to save the soul, in his opinion, is faith. He rejected all decrees and messages. The main source of Christian truths considered the Bible. One of the directions of Protestantism is named after Martin Luther, the essence of which is the rejection of the dominant role of the church in human life.

Term meaning

The essence of Protestantism was originally the rejection of Catholic dogmas. This term itself is translated from Latin as "disagreement", "objection". After Luther formulated his theses, the persecution of his supporters began. Speyer protest - a document that was filed in defense of the adherents of the Reformation. Hence the name of the new trend in Christianity.

Fundamentals of Protestantism

The history of this Christian direction begins precisely with Martin Luther, who believed that a person is able to find a way to God even without a church. Basic truths are found in the Bible. This, perhaps, is the philosophy of Protestantism. At one time, of course, its foundations were stated quite extensively, and in Latin. The Reformers formulated the principles of Protestant theology as follows:

  • Sola Scriptura.
  • Sola fide.
  • Sola gratia.
  • Solus Christus.
  • Sοli Deο glοria.

Translated into Russian, these words sound something like this: "only Scripture, faith, grace, Christ." The Protestants formulated five theses in Latin. The proclamation of these postulates was the result of the struggle against Catholic dogmas. In the Lutheran version, there are only three theses. Let us consider in more detail the classical ideas of Protestantism.

Only Scripture

The only source of God's word for a believer is the Bible. In it, and in it alone, are the basic Christian doctrines. The Bible does not require interpretation. Calvinists, Lutherans, Anglicans, to varying degrees, did not accept the old traditions. However, they all denied the authority of the Pope, indulgences, salvation for good deeds, and the veneration of relics.

What is the difference between Protestantism and Orthodoxy? There are many differences between these Christian denominations. One of them is in relation to the saints. Protestants, with the exception of Lutherans, do not recognize them. The veneration of saints plays an important role in the life of Orthodox Christians.

Only by faith

According to Protestant teaching, a person can be saved from sin only with the help of faith. Catholics believed that it was enough just to obtain an indulgence. However, that was a long time ago, in the Middle Ages. Today, many Christians believe that salvation from sin comes after doing good deeds, which, according to Protestants, are the inevitable fruits of faith, evidence of forgiveness.

So, one of the five doctrines is Sola fide. Translated into Russian, it means "only by faith." Catholics believe that forgiveness comes from good deeds. Protestants do not devalue good deeds. However, the main thing for them is still faith.

Only by grace

One of the key concepts of Christian theology is grace. It comes, according to Protestant doctrine, as an unmerited favor. The only subject of grace is God. It is always valid, even if the person does not take any action. People cannot earn grace by their actions.

Only Christ

The Church is not a link between man and God. The only mediator is Christ. However, Lutherans honor the memory of the Virgin Mary and other saints. Protestantism abolished the church hierarchy. A baptized person has the right to preach, to perform worship without the clergy.

Confession is not as important in Protestantism as it is in Catholicism and Orthodoxy. The absolution of sins by the clergy is completely absent. However, repentance directly before God plays an essential role in the life of Protestants. As for the monasteries, they completely reject them.

Glory to God only

One of the commandments says "Do not make yourself an idol." Protestants rely on it, arguing that a person should only bow before God. Salvation is granted exclusively through his will. Reformists believe that any human being, including a saint, canonized by the church, is unworthy of glory and reverence.

There are several branches of Protestantism. The main ones are Lutheranism, Anglicanism, Calvinism. It is worth talking about the founder of the latter.

Jean Calvin

The French theologian, a follower of the Reformation, took tonsure as a child. He studied at universities where many Lutherans studied. After the conflict between Protestants and Catholics in France escalated significantly, he left for Switzerland. Here the teachings of Calvin gained wide popularity. He also promoted Protestantism in his homeland, France, where the number of Huguenots was growing rapidly. The center of the Reformation was the city of La Rochelle.


So, John Calvin became the founder of Protestantism in the French-speaking area. However, he promoted Reformed theories more in Switzerland. The attempt of the Huguenots, the same Calvinists, to gain a foothold in his homeland, did not have much success. In 1560, they made up about 10% of the total population of France. But in the second half of the 16th century, the Huguenot wars broke out. During the St. Bartholomew's night, about three thousand Calvinists were destroyed. Nevertheless, the Huguenots achieved some concessions, which they succeeded thanks to the Edict of Nantes, a law that granted religious rights to French Protestants.

Calvinism also penetrated the countries of Eastern Europe, but did not take a leading position here. The influence of Protestantism was quite strong in Holland. In 1571, the Calvinists firmly entrenched themselves in this state and formed the Netherlands Reformed Church.


The religious base of the followers of this Protestant movement was approved in the sixteenth century. main feature Anglican Church - absolute loyalty to the throne. According to one of the founders of the doctrine, an atheist is a threat to morality. Catholic - for the state. Today Anglicanism is professed by about seventy million people, of whom more than a third live in England.

Protestantism in Russia

The first adherents of the Reformation appeared on the territory of Russia in the sixteenth century. At first, these were Protestant communities founded by craftsmen from Western Europe. In 1524, a peace treaty was concluded between Sweden and the Grand Duchy of Moscow, after which the followers of Martin Luther poured into the country. These were not only merchants, but also artists, pharmacists, artisans.

Already, in the reign of Ivan IV, physicians and jewelers also appeared in Moscow. Many arrived from European countries by invitation, as representatives of social professions. Even more foreigners appeared during the time of Peter the Great, who actively invited highly qualified specialists from Protestant countries. Many of them later became part of the Russian nobility.

According to the Treaty of Nishtad, concluded in 1721, Sweden ceded to Russia the territories of Estonia, Livonia, and Ingermanland. The inhabitants of the annexed lands were guaranteed freedom of religion. This was stated in one of the clauses of the contract.

Foreigners appeared on the territory of Russia in another way, less peaceful. Especially many Protestants were among the prisoners of war, in particular, after the Livonian War, which ended in 1582. At the end of the 17th century, two Lutheran churches appeared in Moscow. Churches were also built in Arkhangelsk, Astrakhan. During the 18th century, several Protestant communities formed in St. Petersburg. Among them are three German or Italian, one Dutch Reformed. In 1832, the charter of Protestant churches on the territory of the Russian Empire was approved.

Large Protestant communities also appeared in Ukraine during the 19th century. Their representatives were, as a rule, descendants of German colonists. In the middle of the 19th century, a community of Stundists was formed in one of the Ukrainian villages, which at the end of the sixties consisted of more than thirty families. The Stundists first visited the Orthodox Church, turned to the shepherd for marriage in order to have children. However, persecution soon began, which was accompanied by the confiscation of literature. Then there was a break with Orthodoxy.


What are the main features of Protestantism? But there are still external differences between this Christian trend and Catholicism, Orthodoxy. What is Protestantism? This is the doctrine that the main source of truth in the life of a believer is the Holy Scriptures. Protestants do not practice prayer for the dead. Saints are treated differently. Some people revere them. Others reject it completely. Protestant churches are free from lavish decoration. They don't have icons. Any building can serve as a church building. Protestant worship consists of prayer, sermon, psalm singing and communion.

The organizational and religious-doctrinal picture of the Protestant camp of Christianity remained in the 20th century. about the same as it was in the previous century: there were the same endless processes of crushing and merging, dividing and joining, the same folders of the only true dogma.

The organizational forms of modern Protestantism are very diverse - from the church as public institution(in Sweden, for example) and to the almost complete absence of any unifying organization (for example, among the Quakers); from large confessional (for example, the World Union of Baptists) and even interfaith associations (ecumenical movement) to small isolated sects.


The most common offshoot of Protestantism is Lutheranism. Evangelical Lutheran churches exist in many countries - Iceland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Germany. There are many Lutheran churches in North America. The largest is the Lutheran Church of Brazil. There are few Lutherans in Asian countries, their influence is felt more strongly in such countries as Ethiopia, Sudan, Cameroon and others.

Martin Luther (1483 - 1546) - a prominent figure in the Reformation, the founder of Protestantism. Rendered big influence on all spheres of the spiritual life of Germany in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The Lutheran translation of the Bible played an important role in the formation of a national German language. Luther was a supporter of the moderate burgher reformation. He denied the role of the church and the clergy as mediators between man and God. The "salvation" of a person, he argued, does not depend on the performance of "good deeds", sacraments, rituals, but on the sincerity of his faith. The source of religious truth is not "holy tradition" (decisions of church councils, judgments of popes, etc.), but the Gospel itself. These demands expressed the conflict of the early bourgeois worldview with feudal ideology and the church. At the same time, Luther opposed the doctrines that expressed the material interests of the German burghers, criticized the theory of natural law, the ideas of early bourgeois humanism, and the principles of free trade. In the Great Peasants' War (1525), Martin Luther took the side of the ruling class.

The main doctrinal documents of Lutheranism are the "Augsburg Confession" and "Apology", written by Luther and another Protestant preacher - Melanchthon. The central point of the Lutheran doctrine is the doctrine of justification by faith. The relationship of the church to the world is characterized by Luther's doctrine of two kingdoms. Luther clearly distinguished two spheres: religious and social life. The content of the first is faith, Christian preaching, the activities of the church; the second is worldly activity, civil morality, the state and reason. Lutheranism denies the estate of the clergy as a mediator endowed with grace between God and man. Only personal faith in God saves, and not the overdue deeds of the saints and good deeds in favor of the church. Lutheranism abolishes monasticism, the worship of saints and their relics. The cult in the Lutheran church corresponds to the bourgeois demand for a "cheap church."

After the First World War and up to the present time, the most influential trend in evangelical theology is the "dialectical theory", whose representatives are K. Barth, E. Brunner, R. Bultman. The main idea of ​​"dialectical theology" is that the Christian faith cannot be justified from the outside, by the arguments of reason. It arises from an "inner face-to-face encounter" with God. True religion is the religion of Revelation. Supporters of "dialectical theology" appeal to the gospel as the only source of the Christian faith. The vagueness and uncertainty of the Protestant ideology, with its subjective interpretation and perception of the gospel, make it possible for a wide delimitation of political positions within Protestantism and, in particular, within the Lutheran-Evangelical direction.

Now there are about 75 million Lutherans in the world, 192 million Lutheran churches. About 50 million believers are united in the World Lutheran Union.

The main focus of the preaching work is now on the interpretation of questions. public life and especially on moral - ethical issues. Lutheran churches take part in the ecumenical movement. Lutheranism is widespread in Estonia, Latvia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, etc.


Calvinism , or reformism, arose in the 16th century. His teaching was developed by the theologian and preacher John Calvin, who put it into practice in the city-state of Geneva. Calvinism adopted the basic Lutheran principles of doctrine and made them much more rigid. Calvin, more emphatically than Luther, rejected Christian "tradition," the institution of the papacy.

Of all the Christian sacraments, Calvinism left only baptism and communion, which are regarded as symbolic rites. Unlike Lutheranism, Calvinism denies the notion of the "presence" of the body and blood of Christ during communion. Calvinism radically simplified the cult, rejecting priestly vestments, the altar, candles, icons, and the cross.

Of great importance in Calvinism is the doctrine of predestination, according to which God chose some people to eternal bliss, others to perdition. A person is saved because he is chosen for salvation and receives the gift of faith, is born "from above". The saving grace of election makes the individual an organ for the fulfillment of God's purposes. From this teaching flow the principles of "worldly vocation" and "worldly asceticism" characteristic of Calvinism.

Calvin taught that a person at any time and in any place is in the service of the living God and bears the strictest responsibility for the gifts God gives him - time, health, property. Life should be understood not as pleasure, but as the fulfillment of duty and movement towards the goal set by God. The sign of justification in Calvinism is the energy and results of efforts that can testify to the action in the believing person of God who has chosen him. The Calvinist must believe that success in entrepreneurship can be seen as evidence of eventual chosenness.

Calvinism, in turn, breaks down into three branches: Reformed, Presbyterian, Congregationalism. Taken together, they cover about 50 million people. The World Presbyterian Union includes 125 independent Calvinist churches from different countries. There is a small number of followers of reformism in the regions of Western Ukraine.

Anglican Church

Anglicanism is the third major trend in early Protestantism. In England, the royal power, stronger than in continental Europe, sought to limit the intervention of Rome in its affairs. In the middle of the XIV century. the English ecclesiastical court was forbidden to appeal to a foreign, i.e. papal court. With the beginning of the Reformation in Germany, news of Luther's activities and Protestant writings quickly reached England and found fertile ground there. By an act of parliament in 1534, King Henry VIII was declared head of the church. Since that time, monasteries began to close, secularization of church possessions began, and the cult of saints and relics ceased. An updated version of the Bible, approved by the Archbishop of Canterbury, has been published English language("Big Bible"). In 1571, the Creed was approved, consisting of 39 points. He gave Anglicanism the appearance of a "middle way" between Catholicism and Lutheranism. This document recognizes Holy Scripture as the main source of Revelation, but does not reject Holy Tradition either. The Catholic dogma of salvation with the help of the church was preserved, at the same time the Lutheran postulate of salvation by personal faith was adopted. A characteristic feature of the Anglican Church is its episcopal structure, reminiscent of the Catholic. Such a compromise was the reason for the reorientation of part of the followers of the Anglican Church to unite with Calvinism as a more radical and consistent direction breaking with Catholicism (Puritanism).

At present, there are about 70 million Anglicans in the world, united in 25 autonomous churches and 6 church-national entities. From the middle of the XIX century. there is the Anglican Union of Churches, which unites churches in England, Scotland, the USA, Canada, New Zealand, has its own advisory body - the Lambeth Conferences, convened by the Archbishop of Canterbury.

The Anglican Episcopal Church is currently the state church of England. Anglican churches also exist in the USA, India, etc., in 16 countries in total. Since 1867 Anglican churches, while maintaining their independence, are united by the Anglican Union of Churches. The head of the church is the English king. A hierarchy reminiscent of the Catholic one has been preserved. Bishops are appointed by the King through the Prime Minister. At the head of the clergy of the two counties - Canterbury and York - are the archbishops.

The external ritual side of Catholicism in the Anglican Church was hardly reformed. The main place in worship was preserved for the liturgy, which is distinguished by complex rituals and solemnity.

In the United States, Anglicanism is represented by the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States. It is headed by a life-elected head from among the bishops, the leading simodal body includes representatives of the clergy and parishioners. The Episcopal Church of the USA conducts a large missionary activity in the countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America.