Fortune telling a boy or a girl will be born accuracy 99. Online fortune telling who will be a boy or a girl. Fortune telling on the gender of the child: a working method. Determination of the sex of the child by external signs. Medical methods for determining the sex of a child

Divination by the sex of the child is popular - pregnant women want to know who will be born. People do not always trust medicine when they ask the Higher Forces to answer a question.

In the article:

Fortune telling on the gender of the child

There are many known methods that will help determine who will be born: a boy, a girl, twins, triplets.

There is a theory that in women, blood is renewed every three years, and in men - every 4. To determine who will be born, they take the total number of years of a woman and divide by 3, and her husband's years by 4. If a woman's figure is larger, in the family a boy will be born, no - a girl.

Ring Ritual

To determine, fortune-telling helps. For the ritual, they take a wedding ring. The method of determining the sex of a baby was used in medieval Europe.

A blood relative of the pregnant woman takes her wedding ring, threads it, hangs it over her stomach. Watch how the pendulum swings. If the decoration is constantly moving back and forth, a son will appear. If the movement of the ring in a circle, there will be a girl.

Prediction with a needle

As a magical attribute, a needle is used that has not yet been used for sewing. Take untouched white threads. They thread a needle, hold it with a pendulum over the head of a pregnant woman. They stand so that the pendulum is above the top of the head.

Watch what movements he makes. Fortune telling is suitable for women who are pregnant for the first time and have not had an abortion. If the needle makes a circular motion, a girl will be born. If the pendulum moves in different directions, a boy will be born.

Ritual with fish

The method was popular in Siberia. The pregnant woman went into the river and tried to catch live fish with her hands. After completing the task, they looked at the catch. If the name of the fish is female (pike, trout), this is a daughter. If you caught a perch, a crucian, they predicted a son.

Today it is difficult to perform the ritual, but people believe that when a woman becomes pregnant, she has a dream in which she buys or catches fish. Remember the name of the fish in a dream.

How to determine the gender of the unborn child using letters

Early in the morning they go out into the street, approach the first person they meet and ask them to name any letter of the alphabet. The pronounced letter is even, they are waiting for the birth of a daughter, the odd - a son.

Additional ways

Divination was used in ancient Egypt. The priestesses filled two bowls: barley was poured into one, wheat into the other. The urine of the pregnant woman was sprinkled a little on the grains. If wheat sprouts first, a girl is expected to appear, barley - a boy.

Some are sure that you can find out the sex of the baby by asking the pregnant woman to show her hand. He holds out his hand palm up - a daughter-son will be born.

Sorcerers believe that girls draw beauty from their mother. When a pregnant woman's appearance worsens, there is a daughter in her stomach. The skin of the expectant mother becomes clean, smooth, the hair becomes shiny and thick, it becomes prettier before the eyes of the boy.

The sorcerers say that a woman has a son under her heart if there is severe toxicosis in the first trimester.

Fortune-telling to determine the sex of a child is simple, but does not give a guarantee. Often the information is hidden, and the Higher powers are reluctant to share it with people.

In contact with

Click the picture below to complete the divination. Think about the person you are rooting for. Hold down dice until it feels like it's time to throw.

Divination on the bones - Who will be born? From the name of the alignment, it is already clear for what purposes this fortune-telling is performed. Like most divination on the bones, this is not difficult, you just need to count the sum of the bones on the faces of two dice. This prediction is not carried out often, we can say that this is a one-time fortune-telling. We do not recommend this fortune-telling to overly impressionable persons, since not all answers are "good".

Dice roll technique

In order to perform this divination, you will need two dice and a special glass for mixing them. If there is no such glass, then you can simply use a new one from which you have not drunk yet. The bones should also not be used for anything other than divination. Place two cubes in a glass, cover it with the palm of your hand and shake vigorously to mix the cubes. Then make a throw on a flat surface, tearing your palm away from the glass. Next, you just need to count the number rolled on the faces of two dice and interpret this value. In order to make everything clear to you, you can perform fortune-telling with our help, for this, simply click on the game dice located just below on the page.

Undoubtedly, all parents in the early stages of pregnancy want to somehow predict the sex of the future baby, to find out whether a girl or a boy will be born.

Someone wants to check their feelings. Someone, just out of curiosity, checks which folk methods for determining the sex of a baby will eventually turn out to be effective. Someone wants to quickly decide on the purchase of dowry or furniture for the nursery.

Previously, there was no exact way to know the sex of a child before birth. Now you can find out whether a girl or a boy will be born quite simply even before the middle of pregnancy using medical methods.

So there are no problems. But you want to know sooner!

All of us, to one degree or another, have heard or encountered signs or folk methods for determining the sex of a baby in the early stages of pregnancy.

For example, it is believed that a woman carrying a girl shares her beauty with her, so the skin and hair of the expectant mother “spoil”. There are other widely known folk omens.

Is it worth believing these signs? How accurate is the forecast made with their help?

In today's article, we will talk about folk methods to find out if a girl or a boy will be born. And also about what medicine gives us the opportunity to determine whether a boy or a girl will be born to a couple.

Medical Opportunities

Let's start with ultrasound, since it is with almost 100% accuracy that it helps to determine the sex of the baby.

The familiar ultrasound procedure is both accurate and affordable. The disadvantage is that it is impossible to determine the sex of the child in the early stages. Only at about 14-15 weeks of pregnancy can a specialist determine whether a boy or a girl is in the mother's belly.

I didn't use the word "almost" for nothing. Not always, that is, not at any time during the examination, with the help of ultrasound, it is possible to accurately determine the sex of the unborn child.

It depends on the position in which the child is. It happens that he simply hides (sitting in Turkish) or turns away. The accuracy of the determination depends on the gestational age, on the qualifications of the doctor, on the quality of the ultrasound machine itself.

Test for determining the sex of the unborn child

There are two types of tests for determining the sex of a baby, sold in a pharmacy. These are the GENDERmarker test strip and the TestPol test system.

The test can be used from the 9th week of pregnancy. The action of such tests is based on the reaction of fetal hormones contained in the mother's urine and the chemical reagents of the test.

When using "TestPol" it is necessary to add the urine of the expectant mother to the container with the reagent. As a result, the fetal hormone recognition reaction occurs. Urine at the same time is painted in a certain color. The orange spectrum indicates that the child being born is a girl, and the green spectrum indicates the development of a male fetus.

The GENDERmarker test strip has a slightly different principle for determining the sex of an unborn child. After contact with urine, the indicator part of the test strip also changes color. But the colors are different here. Pink indicates that a girl is developing, and blue indicates that a woman is expecting a boy.

The big advantage of such tests is that they can be carried out at home. It does not take much time to find out whether a boy or a girl will be born. The procedure takes 5-10 minutes.

The tests are not invasive. For definition need only urine (morning!). The determination accuracy is about 94%.


Amniocentesis is one of the methods of prenatal diagnosis of diseases of the unborn child. The method is used when genetic mutations are suspected in case of poor heredity of the child's parents.

During this procedure, a puncture of the abdominal wall of the abdomen, the wall of the uterus, and the membranes of the fetus is performed. That is, it is a puncture of the cavity of the fetal bladder.

Through the puncture, amniotic fluid is taken, which is then subjected to genetic testing. This method allows you to determine the sex of the child with an accuracy of 99%.

Amniocentesis is an invasive and unsafe procedure, performed in exceptional cases. Only to determine the sex it is not done.


Similar to amniocentesis, this procedure is performed under strict indications to detect possible infectious or genetic diseases of the fetus. For analysis, the umbilical cord blood of the fetus is taken through a puncture of the umbilical cord.

If this method is indicated and carried out for any reason, then parents can find out the sex of the child with 100% accuracy.

DNA research

The method can be used from the 6th week of pregnancy. Gives highly accurate results. A special DNA test allows you to detect fragments of fetal DNA in the mother's venous blood and evaluate the set of chromosomes.

Most often, such a study of the mother's blood is carried out according to indications. For example, if at the stage of prenatal diagnosis, the specialist found abnormalities during ultrasound screening.

The method is very costly. Only to determine the sex it is also not done.

The ovum is the female sex cell. It always carries only one sex chromosome (always one, and only the X chromosome).

Spermatozoa are male sex cells. Each of them also carries one sex chromosome. But it can be either an X chromosome or a Y chromosome. That is, spermatozoa can be of two types: carrying the X chromosome and carrying the Y chromosome.

If, when a spermatozoon connects with an egg, a set of sex chromosomes XX is obtained, this is a girl. If, after the fusion of the sperm with the egg, a set of XY sex chromosomes is obtained, this is a boy.

There is a MicroSort technique that allows you to selectively screen out sperm that carry, for example, X chromosomes (if parents want a girl) using proton laser sorting.

The material obtained in this way is introduced into the uterus with the help of artificial insemination, where the egg is fertilized. There is a planned conception of a child of a certain gender.

It has been proven that sperm with the X chromosome live longer than those with the Y chromosome. This is probably why the technique works in 90% of cases for girls and only in 70% of cases for boys.

Given that the probability of conceiving a boy or girl without outside intervention is 50%, the question arises: is the use of such complex expensive methods justified if a 100% result is not ensured.

Calculation by date of conception

It is possible to calculate the sex of the unborn child by the date of conception. This method works when a woman has a regular cycle and it is possible to calculate the exact day of ovulation. The method is based on differences in the properties and lifespan of spermatozoa carrying the X or Y chromosome.

Sperm with the X chromosome (female) is less mobile. But it is able to exist for a longer period of time (up to 4 days) compared to the more mobile Y-sperm.

If the intimacy occurred before ovulation, then the egg is likely to wait for the sperm with the X chromosome. Then the couple will have an heiress.

If the contact was directly on the day of ovulation, then the more “nimble” sperm with the Y chromosome will most likely take part in fertilization. Then an heir will be born.

Calculations, tables, folk signs, fortune-telling to determine the sex of the child ...

In preparation for writing this article, I "dug" a lot of information, including in paper books and on the Internet. I came to the conclusion that in order to evaluate the accuracy of predictions, it is necessary to conduct a mini-survey of acquaintances about the effectiveness of calculations, formulas, calendars and signs.

I give below the most effective and efficient non-scientific methods that will help determine whether a boy or a girl will be born.

In the comments, you can give your examples of a match or a mismatch. So it will be doubly interesting.

A very popular method for determining the sex of an unborn child is the calculation according to the Chinese calendar. The calculation is carried out according to a special table.

There is no scientific basis for this method. It is based on the observations and centuries-old practical experience of the Chinese people.

How to use the table?

It is necessary to know the month of birth of a pregnant woman, as well as the month of conception of the baby. In the table, you need to find the corresponding cells, at the intersection of the age column and the line of the month of conception, you will see the estimated sex of the fetus.

Many couples talk about the high efficiency of the Chinese table. Data are given in many sources about 90% accuracy.

The first association that occurs to me when using this table is what to do with the mother's birth month if she was born prematurely. Which month to take: when was she supposed to be born according to the term of conception or when was she actually born? The difference can be quite large.

It causes misunderstanding how the date of birth of the mother can determine the sex of the child with great accuracy. After all, in fact, nothing depends on the mother here at all. The sex of the child is determined solely by the sperm of the father. Which sperm containing the X or Y chromosome will be more active, we will get such a result.

Do not forget about the difference in the biological and psychological characteristics of the Mongoloid and Caucasoid races.

By the way, this table did not help me predict the gender of my children.

However, many couples who want to plan the gender of the baby resort to this table. And for God's sake. There is nothing wrong with that. As they say, if it doesn't help, it won't hurt.

To increase the likelihood of the desired result, choose exactly the period from this table (preferably several months in a row) during which, at a certain age, it is most likely to conceive, for example, a boy. That is, if a woman is 23 years old and she wants to give birth to a boy, it is better to choose not July, but September-November.


There are many formulas by which parents try to calculate and predict the sex of the child.

A gynecologist once suggested this formula to me: the month of the last menstruation (number) + the mother's age at the time of conception. If the number is even, then wait for the girl. If it's an odd number, it's a boy.

Another proven formula, this time taking into account the age of the father. 49 - A + 1 + B + 3, where A is the age of the father at the time of conception, and B is the month of conception. If after the calculations you get an even number, you should expect a boy, an odd number - a girl.

On a note! My little research showed that these formulas gave more matches for my acquaintances of married couples than the Chinese table.

Blood renewal calculations

I will give another option for determining the sex of a child by updating the blood of the parents, which is calculated from the date of birth.

In women, blood is renewed more often than in men - once every three years. It has to do with menstruation.

In men, a complete blood renewal takes place every four years.

When calculating, it must be taken into account that blood loss due to trauma, surgery or blood transfusion leads to an extraordinary blood renewal.

After counting, the result is interpreted as follows - whose blood is "newer" at the time of conception, that gender will be the child.

Let me give you an example: dad is 28 years old, and mom is 25 years old, it turns out 28/4=7 and 25/3=8.3. Therefore, the father's blood was renewed 7 times, and the last renewal has just ended. The mother's blood was renewed 8 times, and a year ago (at the age of 24) a new process of renewal began. This means that the father's blood is "newer" at the time of conception. The parents are more likely to conceive a boy.

The method is also probabilistic, not guaranteeing accuracy.

Calculations according to this formula assume the alternation of conceptions of different sexes. But each of us has examples in our memory when a couple conceives almost every year for several years, and at the same time, children of the same sex are born.

There are also folk signs that can conditionally allow you to calculate the sex of the unborn child. As a rule, they are based on assumptions, certain observations and coincidences. They also do not guarantee accuracy. But it's still interesting to get to know them.

I will give these signs in the form of a table.

A neat, slightly pointed belly, which is not visible from the back (it does not spread out to the sides, but protrudes forward, the waist is preserved).With the growth of the abdomen, the waist disappears, unattractive sides appear, the tummy has the correct rounded shape.
Dry skin of a pregnant woman, prone to peeling.There are rashes on the face, pigmentation on the skin.
The hair on the head grows quickly, becoming thick and shiny.The hair on the head has become dull and falls out a lot.
A lot of unwanted vegetation appeared on the body (associated with the production of male sex hormones).Hair growth has slowed down, the former density of hair disappears.
The tip of the nose and cheekbones were pointed.Facial features became less clear.
Clumsy, heavy gait (pregnant often stumbles).Easy gait and graceful movements.
The abdomen protrudes more on the right, the child is more on the right side.The child is more time in the left side of the abdomen.
I want salty, spicy, sour, more protein foods.I want sweets, fruits, more carbohydrate foods.
A good, calm mood prevails.Mood swings, whims, nerves.

Test these signs on yourself or analyze the experience of friends, evaluate for yourself how much they should be trusted.

Divination and superstition

  1. Try hanging a wedding ring on a string over a pregnant woman's belly. Swinging from side to side, like a pendulum, says that a boy is growing in the stomach. If the ring spins in a circle - wait for the girl.
  2. If unfamiliar little boys are interested in the belly of a future mother, then most likely a little princess is growing there.
  3. Ask the pregnant woman to stretch her arms forward without warning. If the future mother stretches out her hands with her palms down - a boy, up - a girl.
  4. Offer the pregnant woman bread. If a pregnant woman prefers a pink salmon - wait for the hero, but if she prefers the crumb of bread - to the girl.
  5. Invite the pregnant woman to take a long key without a ring from the table. If a woman takes hold of the wide round part - to the heir, if the long part or the jagged crown - to the heiress.

Women's intuition is even more important. So it was with me. Both times I kind of felt the gender of my babies. Despite the fact that many around the tables and signs tried to prove the opposite.

By the way, now, having calculated by all the methods, I know that none of these methods (except for formulas) would have helped me to determine the sex of my eldest child (girl) at that time. But from the first days of my first pregnancy, I was sure that I would have a girl.

Of course, all these calculations do not have a 100th guarantee, and they should not be taken seriously. After all, parents will not love a child of any particular gender more or less. For all of us, the main thing is the very fact of the birth of a child, a dear little man, a “blood”. And I really want the baby to be born healthy.

But for fun or, in a sense, for family bonding - why not look for matches.

Elena Borisova-Tsarenok, a practicing pediatrician and twice mother, told you about how to find out before birth whether a boy or a girl will be born.

Many parents want to know in advance the sex of the child, even before the moment of conception. This is interesting and curious, but no modern medical methods can give an exact answer who will be - a boy or a girl.

The answer to the question can only be given by proven fortune-telling, which will allow you to lift the veil of secrecy. Even in ancient Russia, divination by the sex of a child was popular, and many girls found out in this way who they would have. Many ancient divinations have survived to this day. There are several ways of divination, thanks to which the gender of the unborn child is known.

Women - this is a very honest and open book about them - not a saint. He is strong enough to fight for what he believes in. He does not accept bad behavior from anyone, but can be very gentle, considerate, vulnerable, ultra-sensual, extremely passionate, determined, and persistent. He is one of those rare specimens of people who are in touch with their natural instincts and are able to express their feelings. She can be picky about her choice of woman, but when she loves, she makes it so deep, so obvious and so disarming that she betrays the UNDEFINED WOMAN to the woman of her heart.

Divination with a needle

You can use a needle

Divination by a needle can be called very effective and accurate. You need to thread a white or red thread into the needle, then grab the tip of the thread with your right hand, and substitute your left hand, palm up, under the tip of the needle. The needle should not touch the palm, it should hang a couple of centimeters from it. At this time, you need to start thinking about the gender of the child, you really want to know him.

In some African tribes, this type of people is called "Warrior with a wild soul who dances in his veins." His PRIMARY AND NON-PET TEMPERAMENT craves female hormones, and his EMOTIONAL DEFICIENCY makes ladies want it like no other. They keep coming back to him more and more - God, he won't be a new person every day.

Well, after everything that has been said so far, for you men who are asking, "Why do women always leave a good boy?", I have bad news and good news. The dear or "good" boys just didn't boil over. The reason is that women have a way of smelling fear, insecurity and helplessness from miles away.

The needle will begin to sway and by these swaying you can find out what gender the child will be born. If the needle swings in a circular motion, then the birth of a girl should be expected, and if the movement of the needle is of a pendulum type, then a boy is likely to be born.

How to find out the gender of the child

How to find out the number of children using fortune telling

Please don't kill the messenger! Now good news for the good guys. Believe it or not, this "good" approach to women that everyone tells you to be your duty can actually be a mega-advantage. But that's the only thing this flamboyant ego-manic has in mind. You can only expect a little arrogance, a little charm that comes from the fact that he is a player and a little passion that he gets from his desire to be the center of the universe.

He also has no idea what it's like to have a heart that a woman can love because his idea of ​​love is to get drunk every night and mark the dot with an empty head. On the other hand, a real kind person is a characteristic person and sensitive to women's emotions and experiences. And when he gets the chance, he is capable of being a good boy with good relationships. Unfortunately, however, in many cases, all the good guy has to offer is too much sensitivity and "political correctness".

Believe it or not

Now some sites provide such an interesting service as divination by the gender of the child online. Right on the site you can find out in a couple of minutes what gender the child will be born.

But this is already a more modern and untested type of fortune-telling, so you need to trust it with caution, and rely more on old methods.

Heart, a lot of mind, and not so much courage. Women don't give the "good boy" a chance because they're so easily overwhelmed by trying to enjoy themselves, showing a lot of interest too early in a relationship, and being willing to walk on all fours just to validate it. As partners, you good guys, you drive us women to death and suck your passion, love and life from us.

This is why being a good boy can actually be BLIND. This gives the good boy an edge over the bad guys because most of you already have a lot of heart and hardcore and you just need to add PRIMARY AND NON-NUD TEMPERAMENT - the thing that gains hearts and affects female hormones.

Divination with a wedding ring

The wedding ring will help determine the gender

Any divination on the gender of the unborn child is an interesting activity, but divination with the help of a ring is especially interesting and truthful. Such divination by the sex of a child by a wedding ring has been known for a long time, it is used when a woman already has a tummy. The wedding ring is hung by a thread and brought to the belly of the pregnant woman.

And then you don't have to sacrifice your values ​​and compromise with your personality as it is. You don't need tattoos, races, cigars, a toothpick in the corner of your mouth, an open shirt, a leather jacket, ripped jeans, a motorcycle, and shiny rims to be a real bad boy.

Fortune telling on the gender of the child using cards

You don't even have to be a woman of beauty to be a man that women can't get out of their head. You don't need to talk to cynics, scandal or drive on the highway to inspire strong feelings, aspiration and desire in women. And you don't need judo cradle acne pimples, so you can almost instantly make the libido of a confident, calm, gentle, charming, graceful, entertaining, irresistibly attractive and emotionally mature woman jump on her hind legs and turn - with her whole throat.

If the ring begins to describe circles, there will be a girl, and if the ring moves back and forth, then you need to expect an heir.

Determination of the sex of the child by the date of birth of the parents

There is fortune-telling on the sex of the child by the date of birth of the parents, which is offered by many sites. There are special tables where the dates of birth of both parents are entered and then the result appears.

Determining the sex of a child is a complicated matter, but fortune-telling can help here and very often it turns out that the results of such fortune-telling are correct.

Two even clear stripes on the test. What happiness: you will have a small ..!! And the first question that arises in the expectant mother: who is he - a boy or a girl?

The husband wants his son to become the heir to all his fishing rods and bicycles. Grandmother dreams of a second granddaughter in order to save money on children's clothes. The five-year-old daughter wants a kitten, because toys are, of course, great, but they are not alive. “You can’t please everyone,” the expectant mother thinks and dreams that toxicosis will end soon and stop craving salty watermelon so painfully. After all, before pregnancy, I thought that salting a sweet watermelon was a real perversion, and now I’m ready to give everything for a piece of this muck. Although, of course, it would be nice to know who is sitting in the tummy, maybe even choose a name to refer to the baby. It's good that now there is an ultrasound that will tell who is there - a little tomboy or a future princess. But, firstly, this is only possible starting from the second trimester, and secondly, sometimes there are such secretive children who strive to turn their booty to the all-seeing ultrasonic eye. And so I want to know ... Do not worry: there are thousands of ways! Shape-Mama magazine has collected for you all the most popular folk methods for recognizing the sex of an unborn child.

Your body is like a sign
To believe or not to believe in signs is a personal matter for everyone. Practice shows that they come true. Sometimes. And sometimes they also come true, but with a diametrically opposite result.
FOR THE SHAPE OF THE BODY. If the mother’s waist “blurred”, then there will be a girl, and if the stomach “does not look” from behind the back, then it’s definitely a boy.
HAIR. It's not about your great hairdo. If the hair began to grow on the stomach or stabbed more than usual on the legs, this is definitely the birth of a son.
BY THE TEMPERATURE OF THE LEGS. It is not necessary to put a thermometer between the thumb and “index” toe of the left foot. But if you notice that your legs get colder than usual during pregnancy, there will be a boy.
FOR PIGMENTATION ON THE FACE. If in the middle of winter the skin has acquired a shade of marvelous tan or malicious pigment spots appear on the forehead and cheeks, wait for the appearance of a daughter.
BY THE PRESENCE OR ABSENCE OF EARLY TOXICOSIS. If in the morning you feel sick not only from the sight of your favorite breakfast, but also from the sight of your beloved husband, it’s definitely a boy.
BY EMOTIONAL STATE. If you feel like crying even when looking at the Shape-Mama magazine, then you are carrying a daughter, and if the dominant emotions during pregnancy are discontent and aggressiveness, wait for your son.
BY APPEARANCE. Do not be sad that the reflection in the mirror is not happy, but the daughter will be beautiful. And if the number of compliments has crossed reasonable limits, a son will be born.
ON THE BREAST. Look closely: if the right breast is larger, then it will be a boy, and if the left breast is a girl.
ON TASTE PREFERENCES. Deadly you want oranges and kiwi or just any fruit and sweets - for a girl, and if you are ready to eat a whole ram or other meat animals at dinner, buy blue vests.

Grandma knows for sure
In such an important issue as determining the sex of a child, the people are not silent. Against! He composes signs and transmits them through the centuries. Many have come down to our time.
ON THE PILLOW. Remember high school geography? Can you tell in your own bedroom which is north? If your pillow is found there, be sure - a boy! And if you sleep with your head to the south - a girl. About the west with the east, popular beliefs are silent.
BY Humpback. If you like bread crusts and crusts, give birth to a boy, and if you like the soft center of bread, give birth to a girl.
ON THE NEEDLE. Thread the needle, then lie down on the bed. Have a family member hold the needle and thread over your belly. Take a closer look: if she describes a circle, then there is a boy in her stomach, and if she sways from side to side, then a girl.
ON THE RING. If the experiment with the needle seems too extreme to you, or if it doesn't give a clear enough picture, do the same with your wedding ring.
DEAL. Show me your hand... How did you do it? If the palm is up - to the girl, and the back - to the boy.
BY BUGS. And, finally, one of the most accurate methods for determining the sex of the unborn child. To do this, you will need a wild burdock bush. Walk up to him and pluck the weed. If you managed to pluck with a stem - wait for a son, and if only leaves - a daughter.

Sometimes doctors guess
Despite the fact that doctors are called upon to determine the sex of the unborn baby by scientific methods, they also have their own signs.
BY HEART BEAT. A boy's heart beats at about 140 beats per minute, and a girl's at 126.
ON "TALKING". If the baby turned sideways to the device during the ultrasound session and there is no way to determine the gender, take a closer look if he opens his mouth? Old midwives say that girls start chatting already in their mother's stomach.
ON OVULATION. There are statistics according to which the chances of having a boy are greater if the conception occurred closer to or immediately after ovulation. If it happened 2-4 days before her, then the birth of a girl is more likely. "Boy" spermatozoa are more mobile, but less tenacious.

You still need to drive...
During pregnancy, there is nothing more entertaining than all sorts of mathematical "counters" with which you can calculate the sex of the unborn baby. Their range is quite wide. We give the most popular and, as it is considered "by the people", accurate.

It is believed that the blood of a woman is renewed every three years, and men - every four. Moreover, please note that childbirth, operations and donation of blood donations begin a new starting point. How to count. We take the dates of the birth of the mother and father, add three to the “female” year of birth, and four to the “male” year. And we continue to add on until the numbers of the year are as close as possible to the “number” of the year when the conception occurred. How to understand. Whose blood - female or male - turned out to be "fresh" at the time of conception, the child will be of this gender.
Example. Mom was born on 03/20/1979, and dad on 06/04/1975. Conception occurred presumably on 10/15/2005. We take the year of the mother and add triples to it: 79+3=82, 82+3=85, 85+3=88, 88+3=91, 91+3=94, 94+3=97, 97+3=00 , 00+3=03. Next, add fours to the year of dad's birth: 75+4=79, 79+4=83, 83+4=87, 87+4=91, 91+4=95, 95+4=99, 99+4=03. Mom had the last blood renewal in 2003 in March, and dad also had it in 2003, but in June, it means that dad's blood on October 15, 2005 will be “fresh”. Answer: The couple is having a boy.

The gender of the baby depends on the age of the mother and the date of conception.
Method number 1
How to count. Two important figures should be determined: the full age of the woman at the time of conception and the serial number in the year of the month when this significant event occurred.
How to understand. For mothers of “even” age, the baby will turn out to be a boy if he is conceived in an “odd” month (January, March, May, etc.). In women of "odd" age, heirs "are obtained", on the contrary, in "even".
Example. You are 24 years old, and conception occurred in September. 24 is an even number and 9 is an odd number. So you have a boy.

Method number 2
How to count. We take the mother's age at the time of conception, add to it the serial number of the month when the conception occurred, and then one. How to understand. If you get an even number, then you have a girl, if an odd number - a boy.
Example. You are 27 years old, conception occurred in August. So: 27+8+1=36. You will have a girl.

The sex of the child determines the set of chromosomes. The mother's egg, kind and calm, is the carrier of the X chromosome, while nimble sperm carry anything - some X chromosome (female), some Y (male). Those who are "responsible" for the production of boys are usually faster, but less hardy. And those who are "responsible" for girls are slow, but tenacious. Science has not yet been able to explain why it was at this second and under these conditions that the spermatozoon with just such a “baggage” turned out to be the most successful. The most effective method for determining sex before childbirth, apart from the aforementioned mugs, is ultrasound today. So, if you want to be aware of the case in advance, go to the clinic.

If you are confused about the 8 definition of the priest, take a sheet of paper, draw a vertical strip, dividing the sheet in half .. Above the first column, write “girl”, above the second - “boy”. When determining the sex of the child in all the ways we have proposed, check the boxes in different columns depending on the result of each test. By the majority of the "votes" in one column or another, you will surely determine the sex of the child.

Fortune telling on the gender of the child - will you have a boy or a girl?

If you don’t know if your son or daughter will be born, fortune telling on the gender of the child will help you. Surely you have already read with which the ancestors tried to find out the sex of the child. This article describes more complex calculations.

Fortune telling on the sex of a child by weight

As you know, in women, blood renewal occurs every three years. For the representatives of the stronger sex, this happens once every 4 years.

If you want to know who will be born to you, you should divide the full age (number) of the expectant mother by 3.

If the female figure is greater, then the couple will have a son. If, on the contrary, the figure of a man is larger, then a daughter will be born.

To get an answer to many questions (and, of course, in order to find out who you will have), it is often used divination with a pendulum. In this ritual, your wedding ring will act as such a pendulum. The ritual is performed not by the pregnant woman herself, but by her blood relative. It can be either a man or a woman.

The wedding ring is suspended by a chain or thread and is located above the stomach. The assistant must hold the rope with the ring so that the attribute does not sway. Now, for a couple of minutes, follow how the pendulum will behave.

  • If the ring began to move from side to side, this indicates the birth of a boy.
  • If the ring moves in a circle, then most likely a daughter will be born.

Fortune telling with a needle is similar to the previous one, but there are some nuances. So, it is very important that the needle is brand new.

You will also need light threads that have not been previously used for needlework. Thread a needle and place a homemade pendulum over the expectant mother. Position it so that the needle hangs clearly over your head.

As before, in this ritual, do not swing the needle yourself, evaluate its movements. Fluctuations from side to side indicate the birth of a boy, rotation in a circle - the birth of a girl.

Important: this method is suitable only for those girls who have this pregnancy for the first time and have not had abortions before.

Fortune telling with the help of fish was previously the most popular and popular in Siberia. The expectant mother should have entered the pond and tried to catch the fish with her bare hands.

  • If you can’t do this for a long time, then this indicates that higher powers do not want to reveal the secret to you.
  • If the fortuneteller almost immediately caught a fish with a female name (trout, pike), then this warns that she should have a daughter.
  • If the name of the fish was masculine (carp, perch), then people were sure that a boy would be born.

In our time, it is very difficult to carry out such a rite. However, there is a simpler option that if a girl dreamed of a fish, then she will definitely become pregnant soon. Try to remember what name the dreaming fish had. This will help you find out the gender of your baby.

There is also a belief that if a woman dreams that she buys two fish or three, then she will have twins or triplets.

This method of divination is probably the simplest of all existing ones. A woman should go to the yard at dawn and ask the first person to meet on her way to name the letter of the alphabet.

  • If she turns out even then a daughter will be born.
  • If the letter odd, then the appearance of a boy is likely.

There are several other ways to find out the gender of your baby. For example, in ancient Egypt there was a special ritual. When a woman was in an interesting position, the priests prepared 2 bowls for her. Barley was collected in one, wheat in the other.

The urine of the expectant mother was watered over the grains. The priests believed that if after this the wheat germinated first, then the woman should have had a daughter. If barley sprouted, then a boy should have been born.

In order to find out the gender of your baby, you can suddenly ask a pregnant girl to stretch out her palm. If she showed her hand with her palm up, this testified to the birth of her daughter. If a woman showed her hand upside down, this warned of the birth of a boy.

People say that it is the daughters who draw all the attractiveness from their mother. See what the expectant mother looks like. If she began to look worse, then this is a sign - she will have a daughter. If, on the contrary, the woman has become prettier, the skin has become soft and tender, and the curls are silky and smooth, then most likely she will have a son.

There is also an opinion that if the expectant mother feels very bad for the first three months, and her toxicosis is very strong, then she will definitely have a boy.

Although fortune-telling to determine the sex of a child is very simple and often gives the correct answer, but like ultrasound, it cannot be considered 100% reliable.