Instructions for beginner skiers, or how to choose skis. How to choose ski poles

For maximum comfort when skiing, it is better to choose skis and sticks according to height and weight.

Selection table for skis and poles for classic skiing

Skier weight Ski length Skier Height Stick length
<45 170-175 150 125
45-49 175-180 155 130
50-54 180-184 160 135
55-59 185-189 165 140
60-69 190-195 170 145
70-79 195-200 175 150
79-89 200-205 180 155
90> 205 185 160
90> 205 190 165
90> 210 195 165

For beginner skiers, they are suitable with notches or skins. They are almost maintenance-free and wider for better stability.

For experienced skiers, models with skins, or with a flat sliding surface, are suitable. They are narrower, which allows you to develop high speed, but require care to maintain high-speed qualities.

Selection table for combined skis and poles

In terms of properties, these are something in between classic and skating, and allow you to ski in two ski styles. The sliding surface is even - it has no notches and camus.

Selection table for skis and poles for skating

Models are suitable for beginner skiers, as there is a high probability of breaking skis and poles while improving the technique of movement.

Models suitable for experienced skiers famous brands, which have low weight and high speed qualities.


The skating style of skiing was invented in the early 80s, before that they moved exclusively by the classic course. Skating is the fastest style of cross-country skiing. For skiing, you need a wide, prepared track. More suitable for active people, lovers of speed.

It will take at least one season to master the technique of skating.

It is necessary to prepare the body physically: when skating, all the muscles of the body are involved in the work - the neck, shoulders, arms, abs, back, legs. With every kilometer you walk, your body will get stronger. And most importantly - without strong muscles you can not learn correct technique skating, which can lead to injury. Special attention should be given to strengthening the knees and lumbar part of the back. And be sure to stretch all muscle groups before and after training.

Mastering the technique of skating is not an easy task. You need good coordination, a strong back, strong arms and legs. This will give you a good rolling and high speed when riding. For the development of legs, back and coordination, ride without poles. To develop your arms, abs, and back, go cross-country skiing (double poling).

To begin with, it is worth mastering the skating two-step course. Learn how to do a long roll on one ski and how to push with your hands correctly. Gradually move on to a skating, simultaneous one-step move.

Equipment for skating

To get started, buy inexpensive, but high-quality skis and poles. When shopping for boots, focus on comfort, not cost.

When you feel that you lack speed, switch to more expensive skis.

Classic move

The classic move is the very first move that was used for skiing. It is slower than skating and not as difficult to master. For skiing, you only need a ski track, which you can lay yourself in any convenient location next to the house. Suitable for calm people for family holidays who want to strengthen the body and immunity.

Recommendations for those who want to ride classic style

Mastering technology

The classic move is mastered almost immediately, it is similar to normal walking. At first, your speed and endurance will be noticeably lower than that of experienced skiers, but over time, if you learn the technique and strengthen your muscles, you can easily cover 10-20 km without stopping at high speed.

Particular attention should be paid to strengthening the legs and the lumbar part of the back, this will help riding the classic move without sticks. And it is imperative that there are no injuries, before and after skiing, stretch your muscles.


For maximum comfort when skiing, you need to choose the right classic skis, especially the version with notches. The difficulty is that the classic ski has 2 functions - to roll forward well, and not to roll back when climbing uphill. Each ski size has an individual stiffness that can be checked. Too soft skis will always bend - touching the snow with notches (this reduces speed), and too hard skis will always keep their bend - preventing the notches from catching on the snow (the skis will shoot through when climbing uphill).

If you are a beginner skier and ski rarely, buy inexpensive high-quality skis. If you are an experienced skier and like to ski often, buy more expensive and high-quality skis from well-known brands. It is better to buy boots in which you are comfortable, regardless of the price.

An amazing time of the year is summer. In summer, people want to relax after winter with its frosts, snows, long cold evenings and short daylight hours. With the onset of warm days, many head to the sea to soak up the warm rays of the gentle sun and feel the coolness. sea ​​water. But, summer passes, again giving way to autumn and winter, which they missed by this time. After all, winter is a wonderful time. Only in winter we are given the opportunity to go skating and skiing, which are chosen very carefully so as not to spoil the mood. To do this, you need to decide on the style of riding.

A beginner skier should know what styles are:

  • skating style - the skier advances like a skater along a prepared track of a sufficiently large width;
  • classic - skiing.

Each style requires “their” skis, which are not interchangeable, or rather, you can’t buy skating skis if you plan to ski them on the track. From such an undertaking, nothing good will come of it, and vice versa - skiing is unlikely to bring pleasure. the classic way if their purpose is skating style.

If you prefer skis for the classic course, remember that models are produced without a notch and with one. Notched skis are suitable for a beginner who does not want to figure out how to apply ski wax correctly, how its choice depends on temperature environment and snow.

Skis without a notch are not used without holding ointment, this should not be forgotten when going to the store for skis.

The middle part of the skis, while driving on the track, bends when repulsed, therefore it comes into contact with the surface. Notches serve to prevent the ski from slipping backwards, i.e. to hold her. Forward, the ski rides unhindered - the notch does not interfere with it. But, the speed of riding in comparison with a smooth ski will be somewhat less. Besides, in difficult conditions(when there is icy snow or there is a positive temperature), the skis will slip back, because the notches cannot cope with the recoil. This disadvantage does not allow the use of notched skis in skiing, but they are suitable for children and beginner skiers.

What you need to know about lubricants

There are two types of ointments for plastic skis.- holding and sliding. The first ointment is applied to the central part of smooth skis (block), which are designed for a classic course. This ointment is available in liquid and solid form. It is selected depending on the temperature of the snow. The functions of such a lubricant are similar to those that perform notches - to prevent the skis from slipping back when pushing away, therefore it is not necessary to apply it to skis with a notch, unlike slip lubricant, which is applied to any type of ski.

Ski wax glide provides, as the name implies, good glide. It is applied to the back and front of the classic ski, regardless of whether the option is selected with or without a notch. For skating skis, lubricant is applied to the entire surface.

The choice of skis by stiffness

First of all, when choosing skis, you need to decide on their rigidity, which is very important for driving performance. Skis have a deflection: the greater the force required to apply in order for this part of the sliding surface of the skis to touch the snowy track, the more rigid the skis are considered. If the sliding surface under the block does not touch the floor, then you need skis of less rigidity. For skating-style skis, which are shorter than classic ones by 15-20 centimeters, but twice as stiff as them, let's say the gap between the floor and the surface of the skis is up to 1-2 mm. On individual models, the weight range of a person for which skis are designed is indicated.

For non-professionals, skis of low and medium hardness are more suitable. If skiing is planned on virgin lands where there is no skiing, then you need to choose between touring (tourist) and walking skis, which are wider than classic ones, therefore, it is easier to lay your own ski track on them.

How to choose ski poles

First of all, their length is important, which means that it is important to get information on how to correctly determine it:

  • for classic skis, the length of the stick is determined by the height of the skier plus 25-30 cm;
  • when choosing sticks for skating only 10-15 cm is added to the height.

What is important to know when choosing ski boots

Socks for ski boots

In order not to be mistaken with the size of ski boots, you need to try them on special thermal socks. The boots for skating have a rigid sole and a rigid cuff that reliably protects the ankle. But you can’t use them for classics, because the sole does not bend when repulsed. It is better to choose low boots with soft soles for classics. But they are also not recommended for skating, because they do not provide proper ankle support.

An excellent solution would be to buy combined boots that are suitable for skating and classic skating: they have a medium hard sole and a removable cuff.

If possible, give preference to boots that, in addition to lacing, have a zipper. This will prevent snow from getting inside.

What you need to know when choosing fasteners

The industry produces the following types mounts: SNS; NNN ( a new version– NIS)4 Nordic 75 (USSR standard). The last mount is practically not used, and the first two differ slightly. Therefore, the main thing is to choose the right shoes, and fixing them is not difficult.

Choice of sticks

Sticks are made of the following types:

  • Made of fiberglass - the cheapest, but have low rigidity and strength. They are recommended for beginners and children.
  • From aluminium. Price available. Suitable for amateurs and beginners. Suitable for heavy skiers
  • From modern durable and light material- CFRP. They are characterized by high rigidity, but at a cost they are the most expensive.
  • Composite ski poles- made of carbon fiber and fiberglass. Strength and price can vary greatly depending on the proportion of carbon included in the composite.

Recommendations for choosing sticks: it is better to buy sticks with Velcro loops. And it is not recommended to opt for small support rings (legs) that fall into the snow. Their purpose is special routes. The length of the stick is determined based on the height of the skier, using the formulas: for skating - height minus 15-20 centimeters; for the classic - growth minus 25-30 centimeters. You can also choose ski poles using the tables below.

Table: choice of ski poles for adults

Height, cm Length of ski poles, cm
For the classic move For skating
150 120 130
155 125 135
160 130 140
165 135 145
170 140 150
175 145 155
180 150 160
185 155 165
190 160 170

Table: choosing the length of ski poles for children

Height, cm Stick length, cm Age, years
100 75 3
110 80 4
115 85 5
120 90 6
125 95 7
130 100 8
135 105 9
140 110 10
145 115 11

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Video: How to choose skis and equipment.

Choosing ski poles is easier than choosing skis or boots. But ski poles also have their own characteristics, which we will discuss in this article: what material, what length, which handles and lanyards are better to choose.

Selection of ski poles by material

Cross-country ski poles are made from several materials:

  • Aluminum. Aluminum ski poles are strong, cheap, but heavy. They have one big plus - they are almost impossible to break. Bent, straightened and moved on. Cons - weight and insufficient rigidity for sports riding. If you like to walk through the forest outside of prepared trails, then choose lightweight ones. aluminum sticks .
  • fiberglass(plastic and fiberglass) - light, cheap, but soft and fragile. Fiberglass is similar in softness and vibration to aluminum, but is much inferior in strength. fiberglass sticks will not withstand powerful repulsions, therefore they are only suitable for skiing on prepared tracks.
  • Carbon(carbon fiber) or a mixture thereof - carbon fiber(plastic and carbon). Carbon ski poles are rigid, light and strong. Carbon is easy to break only with a side impact on the stick. There are options in 100% carbon and a mixture of carbon with plastic or fiberglass. Buy poles with at least 60% carbon content. carbon sticks withstand powerful repulsions, so they are suitable for training and competition.

The price of carbon sticks starts from 2500 rubles. For example, carbon sticks Nordway Carbon or STC Avanti. These sticks have a good carbon shaft, but the handles and lanyards are of poor quality.

Better models of carbon sticks will cost from 6000 r, for example KV+ Viking or KV+ Tempesta– durable handles and lanyards, more than 70% carbon fiber, quick release system for straps.

The lightest and toughest racing carbon sticks cost from 10,000 rubles. For example, models KV+ Elite, Tornado, Bora or Swix Quantum, Team and Triac– 100% carbon High Quality, durable lanyards and handles, convenient system lanyard unfastening.

Handles, lanyards and paws for ski poles


Table of selection of ski poles by height

Ski poles by height: FIS table for classic skiing

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Choose a pair that will fully satisfy the skier - not an easy task. Many factors must be taken into account: the area where the skis will be used, the style of skiing, the level of training, the weight and height of the athlete, as well as many other nuances. This article discusses the main points of ski selection according to human anthropometric data.

Cross-country skiing - X COUNTRY- are intended for movement on relatively flat terrain and are divided according to their purpose into several categories:

  • Racing skis - ; walking skis - RECREATION; skis for tourism - BACK COUNTRY; skis for children and teenagers - JUNIOR/KID.

Racing skis are designed for athletes participating in competitions in cross-country skiing and other similar sports: biathlon, winter biathlon, ski orienteering. They are lightweight, special dynamic characteristics(stiffness, weight distribution of the skier along the length of the ski), as well as a special type of sliding surface that provides best quality sliding in certain weather conditions.

Racing skis are divided into skis for skating and classic skiing, and the differences between these types of skis are so significant that they can only be used for their intended purpose. Cross-country skiing is allowed only on specially prepared tracks; they are not intended for movement on loose snow or soft ski tracks. In this category of skis, elite series skis stand out - expensive skis for professional racers and sports series skis - relatively inexpensive skis for amateur racers.

Pleasure skis (category RECREATION) are intended for lovers active rest and ski trips. This is the most massive category of consumers, so these skis are relatively inexpensive and quite versatile. They can be used both by skating and classic skiing, on a prepared track and on a walking track, and even on virgin snow. These skis are slightly wider and heavier than racing skis, but they are more stable and the beginner skier feels more confident on them.

AT separate category category skis should be highlighted, designed for those who do not seek to participate in competitions, but want to keep themselves in good physical shape through active exercises on fresh air. These skis are made using advanced technologies and high-quality materials, so their price level is close to racing models.

Skis for extreme tourism ( BACK COUNTRY) are designed for lovers of skiing in conditions where there are no ski slopes or recreational ski tracks. They are wide enough to be able to move on virgin snow, and are particularly durable. These are relatively expensive skis that have gone through a number of special tests on reliability, since the success of a hike or expedition, and sometimes the life of a person who has challenged the wild, depends on their quality.

Among the category skis JUNIOR / KID designed for children and teenagers under the age of 15, you can find sports models that approach the quality of elite racing models, as well as inexpensive recreational skis, including skis for children aged 3 to 8 years old, making the first in life steps on the ski track.

Before you start choosing skis, define your tasks, evaluate your needs and abilities. Depending on how well you choose a pair of skis, each walk on them can be both an incomparable pleasure and a real curse.

How to choose skis according to the height and weight of the skier?

If you have chosen one or another model of skis, you need to come to our store and pick up a pair of skis that suits you in terms of height and weight. Experienced sales assistants who have completed a special training course will help you with this. The length of the skis should correspond to the height, and their rigidity to the weight of the skier.

Selection of skis in accordance with the height of the skier.

The rules for selecting skis by length are different for skating and classic skis. Skis for skating should be 10-15 cm longer than the height of the skier. Recommended ski length for classic skiing - 25-30 cm more growth skier. Pleasure skis are selected in the range of 15-25 cm more than their own height. When selecting walking skis, skiers with a relatively large body weight are advised to adhere to the upper limit of the range, and with a relatively small one, the lower limit. In addition, beginner skiers should remember that short skis are easier to handle, so it is easier to learn how to ride them at the first stage of training. Confident skiers may opt for longer skis, as longer skis provide better glide.

If you want to skate as well as classic style, while using the same pair, stop your choice on combined models(Combi). In the absence of a suitable combined pair, it is better to purchase shorter classic skis than skating ones. This is due to the fact that the design features of skating skis make it almost impossible to move on them in a classic style, while on short classic skis it is quite possible to move in skating.

For convenience, we provide a table for selecting skis by length:

Skier Height racing skis Walking skis
cm skating classical
190 195 210 210
185 195 210 210
180 195 - 190 205 - 210 200 - 210
175 185 - 190 200 - 205 190 - 200
170 180 - 185 195 - 200 190 - 200
165 175 - 180 190 - 195 180 - 190
160 170 - 175 185 - 190 180 - 190
155 165 - 170 180 - 185 170 - 180
150 160 - 165 175 - 180 170 - 180
145 155 - 160 165 - 170 160 - 170
140 150 - 155 160 - 165 150 - 160
130 140 150 140 - 150
120 - - 130 - 140
110 - - 110 - 120
100 - - 100 - 110
90 - - 90

Selection of skis according to the weight of the skier

The stiffness of skis can be selected using a special stiffness meter - a flex tester, on a flat surface or a special board for measuring the stiffness of skis, and with sufficient experience, you can preliminarily evaluate the stiffness simply by squeezing a pair of skis with your hands.

Pre-selection of skis with a flex tester

A flex tester is a special device for selecting skis according to stiffness in accordance with the weight of the skier. With the help of a flex tester, you will be helped by sales assistants of specialized ski shops and specialists of service centers.

Selection procedure:

Selection of racing skis.

Skis for classic skiing

When choosing racing skis for a classic course, special care is required, since it depends on how comfortable you can ride on the selected pair. When choosing skis for a classic run, one must take into account one's own weight, the force of the push with the foot, the weather conditions under which the skis are supposed to be used, and of course personal preferences.

Cold weather skis tend to be softer and more elastic than plus weather skis. In cold weather, as a rule, it is not necessary to apply thick layers of ointment and this allows you to take a softer pair, and at positive temperatures or at a slight minus, the thickness of the applied ointment layer is much larger and the stiffness of the ski should be greater so that the deflection can compensate for the difference in the thickness of the ointment layer, especially when using liquid and ground lubricants.

Athletes high level, which has a powerful push, it is recommended to choose skis somewhat stiffer. On such a pair, an athlete can do a long ride without contact of the holding area with snow. For people less trained, it is recommended to choose softer skis, on which it is easier to get a reliable "hold" of the ointment. In addition, on a soft elastic pair, it is easier to maintain balance during the rental.

The procedure for selecting classic skis consists in assessing how they suit you in terms of stiffness, as well as determining the area for applying holding waxes.

After choosing a suitable pair of skis using a flex tester, find the center of gravity (line
balance) of each ski, mark it with a marker, put the skis on flat surface
and stand on them so that the toes of your shoes are on the line of balance.

Distribute body weight evenly on both legs and ask an assistant to pass a thin sheet of paper or a 0.2 mm thick probe under the ski. At correct selection In terms of stiffness of skis, the probe or paper should move freely under the ski at a distance of up to 25-40 cm (depending on the length of the ski) forward from the balance line, and also back from the balance line to the end of the boot (here deviations of 1-2 cm are allowed in that or the other side).

If the probe moves less forward, use a stiffer pair of skis. If the probe moves back further than the heel of the boot by 3-5 cm or more, take a softer pair of skis.

Transfer your body weight to one ski as a whole and ask an assistant to pass a thin sheet of paper or a 0.2 mm thick probe under the ski. The probe or paper should move freely forward from the balance line by 10 - 15 cm (depending on the length of the skis), as well as back from the balance line to about the middle of the foot.

Shifting your body weight onto one ski, lift yourself up on your toe, simulating repulsion. Have an assistant check that the probe or paper is fully clamped and cannot move freely.

If the skis meet all the requirements listed above, then they are suitable for you in terms of stiffness. Depending on the individual characteristics Your classic skiing technique, the skis may be slightly less stiff than recommended, especially if you don't have a hard drive or you don't aim for top performance in cross country skiing, but prefer comfortable skiing with a secure "hold" of the skis.

Marking the area for applying holding ointments

Repeat the procedure described in point 1 of the previous section.

Make a mark with a blue marker in front of the balance line at the point where the probe stopped moving.

Repeat the same operation on the other ski (marked with blue marker) and then on both skis with a 0.8 mm feeler gauge (marked with red marker).

Thus, you will mark the front boundaries of the holding zone for solid (blue line) and liquid (red line) ointments.

In the future, when preparing the skis, apply a solid ointment from the blue mark to the heel of the boot.

A layer of liquid ointment should not be applied wider than between the red line and the middle

Skating skis

When choosing skating skis, such careful measurements are not required as when choosing classic ones. When choosing a skating pair of skis greater value have the personal preferences of the athlete. Skating skis should be stiffer than classic ones. But keep in mind that hard skis are more demanding in terms of control and balance when rolling, so when choosing skis designed for walking or light training, it is better to consider more elastic and soft skis. When checking the stiffness of skating skis, use the thinnest feelers (0.1 or 0.2 mm) or a thin sheet of paper.

When simulating repulsion with the toe of the boot, a gap of a total length of 30 to 40 cm should be maintained, while the area directly under the boot should remain not clamped.

When choosing skate skis for competitions, it is desirable to take into account the weather conditions under which the skis will be used.

For soft tracks with fresh snow, soft skis with elastic socks are better suited.

For hard and icy skiing, it is advisable to use hard skis in which stiffness starts from the very socks.

If skis are chosen for use in cold or dry weather, attention should be paid to the fact that the toes of the skis do not diverge to the sides when the pair is compressed. This will ensure even distribution of pressure over the entire sliding surface of the ski.

And vice versa - for skis intended for use "on the water" and on soft snow, the toes of the compressed skis should diverge slightly.

Selection of walking skis.

When choosing walking skis, you should follow the same recommendations as when choosing skis for classic skiing. Note that it will be difficult for skiers with relatively heavy weight to find a pair of skis that fully meet the above requirements, since pleasure skis (especially inexpensive models) do not have the same rigidity as racing skis. Therefore, such skiers are advised to choose the stiffest pair of skis available. It is important that when transferring body weight to one ski, at least a small gap remains under the block (at least 10-15 cm). It has special meaning if you purchase skis with anti-kickback notches. The notch under the ski block should come into contact with the snow only when pushing off with the foot, and when sliding freely, there should be free space between the notch and the snow surface. If you can't find a pair of skis that are stiff enough, try choosing a slightly longer pair. First, due to larger area contact of the ski with the snow surface, the loading of the ski under the block is reduced, and secondly, it is easier to find a stiffer pair among long skis.

Shops "Sports Line" are equipped with equipment that will help you choose the right skis that meet your needs. And trained specialists, many of whom are active athletes, will answer your questions and help you.

Nowadays more and more more people begin to get involved in skiing, and this sport is gaining its popularity. Good skiing depends not only on the professional qualities of the skier, but also on the right equipment, where the main place is occupied by skis and ski poles.

1. Depending on the style of skiing, there are different requirements for the length of skis and poles. When choosing skis for skating, do the following: put the skis next to you - they should be 15 cm longer than your height. For example, if your height is 175 cm, then the optimal ski length will be 190 cm.

2. Sticks are selected in a similar way. But only they should be 15-20 cm smaller in comparison with your height. You can choose sticks and higher ones, but only if you have good enough physical preparation of your hands. Just remember that the sticks should not be higher than your ears ( maximum length) and do not fall below the shoulders (minimum length of ski poles).

3. If you choose skis for classic skiing, then their length should be 25-30 cm longer than your height. The amount that will turn out is the optimal length of this type skis for you. The sticks here should be 25-30 cm less than your height. And skis for walking should not be more than 15-25 cm more than the height of the skier.

4. When choosing skis, you should look not only at height, but also at weight and fitness level. So athletes who are well prepared physically will endure more weight sports equipment. If you are a beginner, then subtract 10 cm from your height, and if you already ski often and consider yourself an experienced skier, then subtract 20 cm.

5. To select the size of skis and poles depending on the type ski run(classic or skate) and height, depending on weight or fitness, you can use some tables.

6. Also, to calculate the length of skis and poles for children, you can use a special table, because the choice of length here takes into account not only the height, but also the age of the child. For children, do not buy equipment "for growth" in any case. Firstly, the child will not be able to ride normally in it, and secondly, this can lead to injuries.

7. When choosing equipment, pay attention to such characteristics as rigidity and heaviness. It should be both light and as rigid as possible.

8. Buy skis and poles only in specialized sports stores. Such a store will be like a guarantee, which indicates that you are buying quality items.

Now you know how to choose skis and poles according to your height! Good luck choosing!