Solid "okay" and "very good" you are invited to Hollywood! Getting ready for a dream factory style party. Movie-party: party in the style of Hollywood, Oscar or Mosfilm

Expensive, shocking and brilliant - the first thing that comes to mind when mentioning a Hollywood party. How else? World-class celebrities, film masterpieces, nominations and awards, hundreds of camera flashes and crowds of fans! But it’s also props and scenery, and therefore a Hollywood-style party does not have to cost like a suite at the Roosevelt Hotel.

The colors of the evening are deep red, shining gold and black. Instead of gold, silver can prevail, and bright blue is great for adding zest to the decor. If you're planning an Old Hollywood party, prepare black and white decorations. A few ideas for decorating the hall (room, private courtyard?):

  • No Hollywood party is complete without a glamorous red carpet. It can be made from painted and glued pieces of drawing paper, rented or bought three meters of exhibition carpet (the most cheap option real track).
  • Place posts with sagging ropes along the path. We cut out a “washer” from the foam, stick a piece into it plastic pipe, and on top we put a ball for a dry pool. Zilch from a can of gold, pull the "ropes" - you're done!

  • Set up an "advertising" banner for photos of guests at the entrance. Instead of advertising, write catchphrases from films, the motto of the evening or congratulations to the hero of the occasion. Designate a place for the stage (many competitions will be held here).
  • At a Hollywood-style party, you can’t do without posters, posters and photos of famous actors. If you have invited friends to Old Hollywood, black and white or sepia images are desirable.

  • At the entrance and along the walls, place cardboard silhouettes of cameramen, journalists, and fans. Ideally fit palm trees in large tubs or palm leaves as part of the compositions.
  • Cinematic attributes are useful for decoration. Film reels and crackers, cameras and large umbrellas, buckets of popcorn, tickets, etc. You will have to paint, draw and glue a lot, but no special expenses!

  • Make large HOLLYWOOD letters out of plywood or thick cardboard. Put on the floor or hang on the wall, use for photo shoots. Organize the Walk of Fame on the wall or floor - five pointed stars with the names of the guests of the party.

To add Hollywood shine, use in the design of the hall:

  • glass beads
  • serpentine, New Year's rain (not colorful)
  • electric garlands(miniature, round or star-shaped)
  • foil, glitter paper
  • satin or silk for draping walls, furniture
  • Balloons(glossy, sparkling, plain or star-shaped)
  • CDs (if you split them into uneven pieces and stick them with the “cover” inside on a shiny cord, you will get beautiful garlands).


There are no less options than Hollywood celebrities! Take any of the already mentioned movie symbols as a basis. For example, two photo reels glued together (printed, glued to cardboard) with a protruding label - pulled, and a “film” with text is pulled out from the inside. Or a black-and-white cracker with a laconic inscription “Hollywood party 12/12/17 at 16-00 Take one”, and details on the back. A star, an Oscar silhouette, a ticket, a miniature poster - lots of options!

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Play up the content like an invitation to a screen test, a premiere, a season-end, an awards ceremony. And funny, and a kind of beginning to win back the scenario.

The original invitation will be a short video recorded on CD or sent by e-mail. You can pack a can of Coca-Cola and a bucket of popcorn by attaching a card. Or send out golden paper postcards with ornate official text.


Don't forget to discuss the dress code, because wearing a “grandmother's” sweater to a pompous Hollywood party is definitely ruining the surroundings. Of course, if the sweater is not part of the image of a famous actor or movie character. Don't want Princess Leia and Lara Croft, Jack Sparrow and Mad Max to be in the same society? Designate the genre and / or era - New or Old Hollywood. And find out in advance who chose what image, so that five Bonds do not have to entertain seven Marilyns.

Trying on someone else's image is not your topic? Then the option "to himself a Star": girls in chic flowing dresses, men in suits with a needle and polished shoes to a shine. Festive clothing for a Hollywood-style party does not just hint, but directly says - in front of you, well, very rich and famous! Makeup, accessories, hairstyle must match.

Catchy jewelry and "expensive" sparkling accessories can be bought at a jewelry store, and butterflies, ties and hats can be made from improvised means.

Hollywood dress code for teenagers can go a little beyond the traditional classics. For example, sneakers + jeans + jacket. For girls - cocktail dresses and low-heeled shoes. Watch a recording from the Academy Awards or an interview from some high-profile premiere - Hollywood youth more often prefers convenience, but stylish and fashionable.


Everything is simple here - treats for one bite. Tartlets, kebabs, canapes, vegetable and fruit cuts. Tiny sandwiches, ham, caviar and seafood - big variety but small portions. The design of the menu should be such that the guest does not have to pick at the plate. Don't forget cocktails, the obligatory champagne and soft drinks. Arrange vases with beautifully arranged sweets and cups with desserts.

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Prepare the twigs herbs, beautiful sprinkles, candied flowers and figured ice to decorate dishes worthy of the Hollywood beau monde!

Serving - buffet, buffet or several tables for 3-4 persons. Long, flowing tablecloths and nameplates. Napkins in gold rings and miniature vases with fresh flowers. Chocolate fountains and ice figures. "Silver" and "crystal", laconic one-color or blatantly "expensive" dishes. In general, at the highest level!


Right from the door, friends should enter the role of a famous movie star - start the party script with a short Hollywood-style interview: “Mr. Alex, are you glad to be among the guests?”, “Miss Angela, what emotions do you expect from the premiere?” etc. To make the photos interesting, let the presenter and the next guest stand against the background of the "advertising" banner.

And then the premiere, screen tests or awards, there is not much difference. All competitions offered below will fit in. If the script is about awards, then name the games "Best actor, screenwriter, make-up artist." If this is a premiere, then "Scene one - the star is in shock", "Scene two - a childish surprise", etc.

Star in shock

And the Star is sad, fun, disgusting, scary. Prepare emotion cards. The guest pulls out one, reads it and silently shows it. The rest guess.

Movie nights can be held for any occasion and for any age group. Each team will find connoisseurs of old and new cinema, so participation in games and competitions on the film theme will be lively. We offer you one of the concepts of a movie-themed party. You can use the main ideas of our script or come up with your own, using just a few of our tips. We hope the script will inspire you.

Possible names for the party: Oscar Party, Hollywood Party, Movie Party, Movie Party, or Movie Party. Party invitations can be issued in the form of a ticket to the cinema, a mini-poster for various films, a cinematic cracker, a glass of popcorn, etc. In general, the field for creativity is huge. By signing invitations, you can simply invite people to a movie party or to a pretentious presentation of film awards. It is worth specifying the dress code: “Hollywood style”.

Movie Party: Creating the Entourage

How to decorate a movie party? Use everything related to the theme of the movie. Popcorn glasses, movie crackers, paper star garlands, electric garlands, including LEDs, old film reels, old video cassettes strung on string, star-shaped balloons. Posters and posters for films, as well as inscriptions Hollywood, Bollywood and Mosfilm will be appropriate. From the entrance to the tables, you can lay a red carpet, if possible. Red draperies and tablecloths will also help create the right atmosphere.

Movie Party: the course of the event

After gathering the guests, the host introduces them to the purpose of the event. The goal is to present film awards to the best of the best. Then various games and competitions are held. After each entertainment, the best participant or winner is awarded a film award in one category or another. The awards can be presented by a host or a specially appointed person.

Joke awards. The winners can be awarded figurines, bottles with special labels, a red ribbon a la graduate or a paper diploma. After the presentation of the award, the presenter asks to congratulate the winner with thunderous applause.

Nominations and awards

1. Nomination "Best Screenwriter"


The competition can be held in one of the convenient forms: 1. quotes are read to all participants at once - the answer is given by the one who first raised his hand; 2. several people are called to participate, quotes are voiced by them in random order in turn - if the participant could not recognize the film from the quote, the opportunity to answer passes to another.

After the competition, it is determined who gave the most correct answers. This participant (or participants) is awarded a film award in the nomination "Best Screenwriter". The host explains that a screenwriter can also be called one who writes scripts and one who knows them well.

The selection of quotes for this contest is not difficult: use the website.

2. Nomination "Best make-up artist"

For this entertainment, you need to prepare the props in advance. You need to take photos of the faces of famous film actors and cut out the fragments. It is desirable that these are iconic parts of the face by which you can recognize a person: for example, Angelina Jolie's lips, Gerard Depardieu's nose, Johnny Depp's beard, Kristen Stewart's chin, Marilyn Monroe's arched eyebrows, smile Julia Roberts etc. To confuse the players, it is worth adding fragments of faces from photos of the party participants themselves.


There is a saying (by the way, also from the movie): “I don’t recognize you in makeup.” Indeed, make-up artists sometimes try so hard that Hollywood children do not recognize their parents and cry bitterly.

Fortunately, many stars have raisins, prunes and other dried fruits in their faces, by which any observant person can easily identify these stars. How observant are you?

A competition is held in one of the convenient forms (individual in turn or group according to the “who raised his hand first” scheme): the host shows the participants a fragment of the face, and they must name the star. The most interesting will begin when the presenter begins to show fragments of the faces of the party participants.

Whoever eventually gives more correct answers in this competition, the presenter will present the Best Make-up Artist film award to him, justifying the award like this:

“The best make-up artist is not only the one who does the best makeup, but also the one who recognizes anyone in makeup.”

3. Nomination "Best Costume Design"

We offer two options for entertainment, which will determine the winner in this nomination. Choose the one that best suits your company.

First option. Representatives of the fair sex participate - one by one or in pairs. Participants are given a piece of fabric with a set of pins and are invited to make a costume without thread and needle. You need to beautifully wind, drape or tie the fabric on yourself or on your partner.

When the costumes are ready, a fashion show is held to the applause of the audience. All participants, of course, need to distribute prizes, but there can be only one winner in the nomination (or two, if they participate in pairs).

You can choose the winner according to any criterion, which is reported only after the show. Possible criteria: "more nudity", "the shortest outfit", "the most unusual outfit", etc. According to this criterion, together with the audience, the winner is determined, who receives a film award in the nomination "Best Costume Design".

Instead of cloth and pins, participants can be given newspapers, scissors and tape - paper outfits are very funny.

Second option. Couples male + female participate in the competition. A woman holds a spool of long ribbon or a roll in her hand toilet paper. The man takes the tip of the ribbon with his lips and begins to “dress” his lady, that is, wrap her with this ribbon without touching her hands. Award for best design costumes can be given to the man who can do it faster, or to the one who has a better outfit.

4. Nomination "Best Trick"

The nomination is announced and everyone is invited to participate. Let everyone who wants to demonstrate their talent. Tricks can be very different: maybe someone will show masterful juggling, someone will do somersaults, someone will fill the ball with his head for a long time, and someone will eat 20 sausages in a minute. In general, who is in what much. Each trickster should be given a prize, and the prize for the best trick can be given to the one chosen by the majority.

5. Nomination "Best Film Musician"

Volunteers-music lovers who love and know music well are invited. Any number of people can participate. In turn, they turn on different soundtracks in random order. The participant needs to remember the name of the film from the soundtrack.

If he could not recognize the melody sounding for him or did not remember the name of the film, the right to answer passes along the chain to the next one. One point is given for each correctly named film. Whoever scores the most points will be awarded the "Best Film Musician" award.

6. Nomination "Best Actors"

Couples male + female participate. There can be as many couples as you like. The task of each pair is to choose some famous film, and then come up with and show "live poster" for this movie. This competition is similar to the good old entertainment "Live Picture". Each couple can use any three items found at the party venue or borrowed from other party guests.

The couple gives the name of their film to the host or writes it down on a card with their names and gives it to the host. Next, the couples take turns going to the impromptu stage and silently show the "live poster". The rest of the participants guess which movie this live picture belongs to. If you guessed it quickly, then the couple made a successful poster.

At the end of the game, two awards "Best Actor" and "Best Actress" are awarded. You can choose the best actors by audience voting or give awards to the couple whose film was guessed the fastest.

7. Nomination "Best Visual Effects"

This is a joke nomination. The name of the nomination is kept silent until the very presentation of the awards. Girls and young women from those who are more daring are invited. The facilitator explains that the participants need to demonstrate the ability to repeat dance moves, which is important for any actress. The girls line up in front of the audience.

The "dance instructor" (better if it's a guy) will show them the moves, and the girls should try to repeat them. The music turns on, and the instructor begins to show the girls various awkward movements - the more stupid and funnier, the better. After a couple of minutes of bullying, the music subsides, and the host announces that all the participants deserve to be winners in the Best Visual Effects category.

Party continues

By handing out awards, you can continue the entertainment. For example, to hold an impromptu theater and shoot it on camera, because this is still a “cinema” party in the style of Hollywood (or Mosfilm). Let the memory of this party remain a real little movie. You will find impromptu theater texts in our scripts: in (Japanese impromptu theater) and in (impromptu "An Evening in the Life of a Macho").

It is also possible to carry out entertainment-auction . It is necessary to purchase not very expensive presents at about the same price, each of which will be associated with a famous film. An analogy can be drawn with the plot of a film or with its title. For example, a pack of salted nuts can be associated with the movie "Die Hard" by title, and a compass - with "Titanic" by theme.

After collecting the presents, you need to attach a card with the name of the film with which it is associated with each of them. The auction is held as follows: the presenter takes out a present, shows it (but does not show the card with the name) and asks to guess the movie. Whoever raises his hand first is the one who answers. If you didn’t guess right and called the wrong movie, the presenter offers to answer others and looks who raised his hand first this time. The prize goes to the person who answers correctly in the end.

Sample items for auction:
1 Bandana (Pirates of the Caribbean)
2. A deck of cards with a joker ("The Dark Knight")
3. Nutcracker ("Die Hard")
4. Digital Thermometer("Dr. House")
5. Desktop digital clock ("Time" with Justin Timberlake)
6. A jar of Japanese mustard ("Wasabi")
7. Japanese fan ("Memoirs of a Geisha")
8. Electronic cigarette ("Tourist" with Depp and Jolie)
9. The book "Kama Sutra" ("Dandies")
10. Punching bag (“Million dollar baby”)

According to Soviet films:
Figurine with two doves ("Love and doves")
Children's umbrella ("Mary Poppins, goodbye")
Stole or scarf with tiger print ("Striped flight")
Keychain for car keys ("Beware of the car")
Dish for aspic with the image of a fish ("Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!")
The book "Guide to Moscow" ("I'm walking around Moscow")
Several valid lottery tickets ("Diamond Arm")
Gift book with potato recipes ("Girls")

The guests can exchange the received presents with each other, if they wish, so that everyone is satisfied.

Guests are likely to be interested and comic fortune-telling by movie title .

It is simple but original and highly interesting way predict the fate of next year or next month. The prophecy is directly the name of the film, series or cartoon. Not a plot, but only a phrase. Let the guests excel in interpretations.

Fortune-telling can be done in the form of a lottery (papers with names are drawn from a common “cauldron”) or by distributing fortune cookies. Before reading the name that has been given to him, the guest must say: “In the next year / month, I am expecting ...”.

For example: "Next year I'm expecting ... a game of thrones." This can be interpreted in any way - for example, as a struggle for a position or as a dispute over the role of the head of the family.

Appropriate movie titles

Foreign films

  • Armageddon
  • big jackpot
  • The scent of a woman
  • chicken coop escape
  • The Taming of the Shrew
  • groundhog day
  • Monsters corporation
  • Deal with the devil
  • Midnight in Paris
  • A Nightmare on Elm Street
  • Sky over Berlin
  • money train
  • Sex in the city
  • Key to all doors
  • Third wheel
  • Getting to know the parents
  • fatal attraction
  • best friend wedding
  • obscene proposal
  • Forty year old virgin
  • 12 angry men
  • The Wedding Planner
  • Friends with Benefits
  • Blonde in law

Soviet and Russian films

  • Love affair at work
  • Love and pigeons
  • good luck zigzag
  • 8 first dates
  • Long road in the dunes
  • Girl with no address
  • love-carrot
  • White sun of desert
  • Big change

We wish you great fun!

Have you always dreamed of walking along the red, solemn path, gracefully fluttering out of a snow-white limousine? Walk, sparkling with a white-toothed Hollywood smile and diamonds, in the light of spotlights, cameras, and accompanied by an equally elegant gentleman?

Nothing is impossible! Organize a Hollywood style party for a birthday, graduation, professional holiday, corporate event.

The main task of the organizers of the Hollywood-style party is to recreate the believable atmosphere of the cinema town, worthy of the presence of Marilyn Monroe or Clark Gable.

1. The color scheme for decorating the holiday is white, black, red, gold, silver, sepia, chocolate, light blue, pink.

2. The Red carpet - main element chic and honor, with which the American film event is associated. The red carpet is always laid at the feet of the guests and nominees who arrived at the ceremony. Install the traditional movie ceremonies fencing ropes and dark figures of paparazzi with cameras on the sides. Let your guests feel at the center of everyone's attention from the very first moment of the party.

3. Use black and white photos your favorite actors in character. Let their presence at your holiday make your guests believe in the reality of what is happening. Audrey Hepburn, Humphrey Bogart, Clark Gable and many others are constant invisible guests of Hollywood VIP ceremonies.

4. Hang a banner with the inscription or cardboard volumetric letters "HOLLYWOOD" above the entrance to the room.

5. A Hollywood-style party needs a stage. After all, it is there that the main events of the festive evening will take place. If you do not have the opportunity to rent a real theater hall - try, at least, to separate part of the room with backstage and direct spotlights to this place.

6. Use the paraphernalia of the set - film reels, crackers, a horn and director's chair, posters, cameras - in order to recreate the realities of Hollywood.

7. Continuing the theme of underlined Hollywood glamor and chic, we offer as a decor to surprise guests with pearls floating in crystal vases. For such an installation, you will need a minimum of materials: hydrogel balls, floating candles, light pearls. Such decoration will give you the opportunity to hold a contest among the guests, let everyone guess why the pearls are floating in the air.

8. There are a lot of palm trees everywhere in Hollywood, in the cinema town this tree is especially revered. To decorate a Hollywood party, feel free to use a palm tree - live in a pot, artificial or even made from balloons.

9. Balloons aged in color scheme holiday, create the right atmosphere of a movie party. It would be nice to put helium-filled balloons in the shape of golden stars up to the ceiling.

10. tablecloth for holiday table must certainly be plain, black, gold, red or white color. Material - shiny satin, silk. The original "trick" of the Hollywood feast will be the seating of guests in the hall using holders with the names of the guests.

11. Jazz is best for background and dancing. Create a playlist consisting of the musical material of meters of this genre.

12. A beautiful truly Hollywood holiday must be completed spectacularly! final chord may be the creation of its own "Walk of Fame". Distribute the previously prepared big stars to the guests, have them sign them and “lay” them on the floor.

In this article, we tried to tell you about all the nuances, noticeable details and characteristic things of Hollywood. We hope that thanks to our advice, a star-style party will be organized at the highest level.

Prepared by Maryana Chornovil

The Hollywood themed party features exclusive decorations, flower garlands, balloon arches, an exciting program, the best soundtracks, movie posters and a tiered cake. Such a party can be organized on your own. Immerse yourself with friends and colleagues in the atmosphere of magnificent Hollywood!

Holiday invitations can be made in the form of a mini movie poster, cinema ticket, movie cracker, etc. When signing invitations, refer to the movie party and film awards. Indicate the dress code: "Hollywood style."

Christmas decorations in the style of "Hollywood"

So, how to decorate a party venue? Use everything related to Hollywood movies. cinematic crackers, led garlands, strung on a rope old reels with film and video cassettes, balloons in the form of stars. Posters for films, posters of stars, as well as the inscription Hollywood, near which guests will want to take a picture, are appropriate. Be sure to run the red carpet. Red tablecloths will also help create the right atmosphere. You can't do without the stage where the awards will be presented!

Hollywood Style Party Script

After the gathering of guests, the host conducts various games and competitions. The best participant receives a film award in any category. Prizes can be comic - figurines, paper diplomas, red ribbons, as well as champagne with special labels. You can hold competitions with the following nominations:

It would be nice to make a real little film as a memento of the theme party. You can also hold an auction. It is necessary to buy inexpensive souvenirs that are somehow connected with Hollywood films. The analogy may be related to the plot or the title. The presenter takes out a souvenir and asks to guess the film, whoever answered correctly - he has a gift.

Do you want to celebrate your birthday in an original way? New Year Or did you get the role of the organizer of a working corporate party, but you don’t know at all what is so special to come up with? A Hollywood-style party is chic decorations, garlands and balloon arches, a breathtaking show program, soundtracks of famous films, posters, a multi-tiered birthday cake and much more, which will undoubtedly impress your friends and colleagues. It sounds great, and, believe me, it is quite possible to organize all this extravaganza of Hollywood on your own.

Ideas for interior design

Creating a chic Hollywood vibe at your party venue is a lot easier than it looks. Hang posters and celebrity posters on the walls, use movie crackers, video cassettes, star-shaped balloons to decorate the space. Be sure to build a three-dimensional inscription Hollywood, near which your guests will be photographed. Red tablecloths on the tables and snow-white dishes are another indispensable attribute of a Hollywood party. And do not forget about the red carpet, along which visitors importantly march to the venue of the celebration.

Celebration invitations can be made in the form of a movie ticket or a mini-bill inviting you to an Oscar or other movie award event. Invitations indicate the dress code: "Hollywood Party".

Scenario for a party

The best plot suitable for a Hollywood-themed party is, of course, the presentation of the prestigious Oscar. After all the guests have gathered, the host entertains them with contests and fun games. Then the presentation of comic awards begins in the form of self-made figurines, certificates, medals and any other pleasant souvenirs. Competitions can be held in the following categories:

  • "The best connoisseur of cinema" - the host recites quotes from various films, and the guests guess the name of the movie.
  • "Best costume" - of course, the most beautiful and original suit. The choice can be made by the guests by applause or by secret ballot.
  • "Best Actor" and "Best Actress" - guests choose any famous movie and depict a scene from it or its poster, and the rest of the participants try to guess which movie was shown.

If possible, you can make a real little film to remember the amazing Hollywood-style party. Besides, interesting idea will be an auction. To do this, you need to buy inexpensive trinkets and souvenirs in advance, but give them to guests not for money, but for example, for correct answers in a cinematic quiz party.


A costume for a themed party in a Hollywood look is a huge scope for creativity and imagination. If there is not enough time to think over and make a costume in detail, you can wear an elegant evening dress for women or a suit with a tailcoat for men. This formal wear is perfect for an Oscars party. But it’s better to show originality and extraordinary imagination, because bright, unique costumes are the most important component of any theme party.

So, you can dress up for a celebration in the style of your favorite movie characters. Those who adore retro Hollywood will definitely prefer floor-length black, white or red dresses paired with long gloves, an angular hat and a mouthpiece. We must not forget about the styling characteristic of that time, and make-up, the obligatory attribute of which was scarlet sensual lips and black arrows drawn with eyeliner or pencil. Speaking of retro Hollywood, one cannot fail to mention the symbol of that era - Marilyn Monroe. Her image can be the basis for your themed costume: blond curls, scarlet lipstick and, of course, a seductive mole on her left cheek. The men of that time solemn events dressed in classic suits in black and white with an obligatory bow tie. An elegant tailcoat would also be quite appropriate.

Modern cinema also offers many role models. For example, devoted fans of films like Moulin Rouge may well dress up in burlesque dresses. Such revealing outfits will not allow the lady to go unnoticed. Fans of spy action movies will look chic in the image of a Bond girl. Men, on the other hand, can dress in the style of the most secret agent 007, whose hallmark has always been an impeccable suit and dark glasses.

Real thrill-seekers with an extraordinary sense of humor can dress up as supernatural or cosmic characters, such as the heroes of the films "Avatar" or " star Wars". To wear this costume, you need certain share courage, but attention and admiration will be provided to you throughout the festive evening.

No matter what costume you choose for a Hollywood style party, the main thing to remember is that the main characteristics of such outfits are luxury, brilliance, gloss and outrageousness. And of course, take care good mood. After all, this is exactly what will make any holiday unforgettable.