Tattoo pentagram (five-pointed star). The secret of symbols. Pentagram - what is it

The pentagram is a powerful and ambiguous symbol that has been known to mystics since time immemorial.

Years go by, and only a few know its true meaning. If you want to open the door to the world of the unknown, the pentagram amulet will help you. You need to know its history, opportunities, learn how to use it correctly.

The power of the amulet will give you unprecedented strength, you just have to want it. This symbol is a great opportunity for your magical development. Discover a new source of strength, try its energy.

It is very important to be on the same wavelength with this ancient symbol - it will give you everything you need for practical magic. You can purchase such an amulet or make it yourself - in any case, with the right handling, it will work. First of all, the pentagram will help you properly nourish the energy of the Cosmos, use its tiny part for work, development and learning.

The meaning of the pentagram

What is this sign? A five-pointed star placed in a circle, and even more often - a circle is enclosed in a pentagon. Such a symbol, with its apex on the north side, is a very ancient image. In Europe, if you look closely, you can find it almost everywhere - ancient ornaments, patterns, architectural elements. It is a symbol of unity with nature, wisdom, knowledge about the world.

Many mistakenly take it for another sign - an inverted five-pointed star, which refers to the occult dark teachings. But, in fact, these are different signs that carry exactly the opposite energy. If you want to use the powerful natural energy of the pentagram, be sure to buy or make an option when the star stands on two bases.

There is nothing evil or dark in this symbol, it will bring you a lot of benefits, especially in magical practices, as it will open the passage between the worlds, guide you along the path of knowledge, and give you strength for improvement. Also, the pentagram carries life, the forces of nature, the foundations of the foundations. The sign stands firmly on its foundation, enclosed in a circle - you can place it at home. But, of course, it is better to keep it out of sight.

Mystical teaching and pentagram symbol

Many mystical cults have used this symbol. Among them, the most common are:

In three out of four cases, the pentagram is literally a shield from evil forces. Its reverse, inverted side - just helps to master the forces of darkness. At correct use she will protect you, help during mystical practices.

How to use a talisman with a symbol

In order to properly reveal its potential, it is necessary to conduct rituals. To do this, be sure to draw a second pentagram in a circle on the floor or on the ground. Candles are placed at the ends of the rays of the star. You get a portal of power - you are in a fenced place where you can take in the energy of the Cosmos, receive the necessary strength for your rituals. The drawn pentagram should be large - you will fit in the middle along with everything you need for the ceremony, or just for meditation.

While the ritual is going on, do not leave the circle. As soon as you activate the energy of the pentagram (after lighting the candles) - you are in a place of power. Be sure to hang a metal symbol around your neck - it will protect you inside. This kind of power portal work is very useful if you are charging powerful protective talismans. Your own energy is not always enough to recharge, and in this way, you are fueled by the energy of the Cosmos.

Do not leave the circle until the candles burn out. Therefore, you should not put very long if your ceremony will not be long. In the case of prolonged meditation, choose the length and width of the candles yourself. The symbol is drawn in chalk. When the candles burn out and you are ready to leave the circle, carefully but carefully erase the symbol. Let the talisman be on you all this time - you should not conduct rituals or meditations without it. The portal of power is neither black nor white - its energy is neutral, but no one knows what can come with it. It is better to be protected from any influences and influences.

For meditation, use the words of power, they must be repeated three times measuredly, in a singsong voice:


Magic exercises for strength development

The meaning of the symbol implies a connection with the forces of nature, so you can use the pentagram to work with elemental magic. You can train to enhance the effect of a particular element - put a symbol under a candle so that the energy of fire increases.

Do the same with everyone else. Be sure to meditate on the symbol - looking at it, imagine pure white energy that comes from the sky. Meditation begins your path of knowledge, so do not neglect these practices, especially if you are into elemental magic. Take the sign of the pentagram in your hands, focus and feel the warmth that comes from it. This exercise will help you learn how to extract additional energy from the conductors of power. You must look for the inner warmth of the sign.

There is the energy of all four elements here - it is warm, alive, gives you the opportunity to warm up. Do not neglect such daily practices - let them take 5-10 minutes at first, and after - up to 1 hour. This is very useful, especially if you are preparing to create a strong talisman, ritual, or a strong conspiracy that requires you to make a huge investment of strength and energy. It's simple, but you will appreciate the effect of working with a symbol very soon. Many practitioners use the pentagram in their daily exercises even when their strength level has reached the desired level.

What to beware of when working with a pentagram

Working with the pentagram is of particular importance to those who develop magical abilities, but the correct handling of it must be learned. Some rules cannot be ignored.

Be sure to watch the position in which the pentagram is used - do not allow it to be reversed.

  • You should not wear it on the body for a very long time - only during preparation or the ritual itself.
  • You cannot make drawings or tattoos on your skin with this symbol - this is a powerful conductor of energy, you may simply not be able to withstand such a large volume constantly circulating through you.
  • The meaning of the symbol is natural magic, the elements. You must use it with respect, remembering the basics, and not just like that. Knowledge gives power.
  • You need to periodically clean the symbol, but you can’t do this with water - it will knock down its program. It is best to brush with dry rice. Leave the sign in rice for a day.
  • Do not give your pentagram talisman to other people.
  • If cracks appear on the symbol or it breaks, it is better to replace it with a new one. This means that the talisman has fulfilled its purpose, if you continue to use it, it will malfunction.

The pentagram is a powerful conductor of energy. Use it to help you in your magical practices. It is inextricably linked with the magic of the elements - the very meaning of the pentagram is the unity of nature and man, the energy balance. Tune in to its wave, feel how the energy fills you, coming from the symbol. Taking advantage simple advice you can create for yourself an excellent opportunity for development. Soon, the pentagram talisman will be yours the best assistant, a source of inspiration for work. Everyone appreciate its strength, creating for yourself powerful amulets, enhancing the effects of spells and incantations.

Drawings consisting of figures and signs have been used since time immemorial. Who first came up with a pentagram depicting an equilateral five-pointed star is unknown. This sign is found in the tombs of the pharaohs and on Sumerian clay tablets dating back to the 4th millennium BC. It is not easy to trace the path of the pentagram from those ancient years to the present day. She then went into the shadows, then again loudly declared herself. Now this sign is at the peak of popularity. The inverted pentagram of the devil is used by Satanists for their dark deeds, and the correct one is used by Christians to protect themselves from these same Satanists. What is the essence and attraction of this sign?

The word "pentagram" has Greek roots. "Pente" (πέντε) in Greek is five, and "gram" (γραμμή) is a line. This sign came to Hellas from Mesopotamia. There, the five-pointed star was powerful protective amulet. They believed in her strength so much that they even painted on the doors of houses and shops. The rulers of ancient Babylon associated the star with strength and power and depicted it on their seals. However, there is a version that the pentagram originally belonged not to the Sumerians, but to the goddess Kore. Its sacred fruit was an apple, which contained the Great secret of the universe, and which should not have become the property of man. It was this forbidden fruit that the cunning devil slipped into Eve. Cut the apple across - and you will see a small five-pointed star there. Who knows, perhaps this legend of the pentagram is the most reliable? After all, it is not for nothing that as long as humanity exists, it is looking for this “apple of knowledge” so much.

Pentagram and "divine section"

The pentagram conquered the famous Pythagoras with the ideality of its proportions, corresponding to the golden, or divine, section, which has a mass of mathematical and magical properties. According to him, the Egyptian pyramids, the tombs of the pharaohs, the figures of gods and goddesses were built. Pythagoras saw mathematical perfection in this sign. There is an opinion that it was he who called it a pentagram. The scientist and his brotherhood of Pythagoreans associated the corners of the pentagram with the five elements. Earth, physical strength and stability (bottom left corner), fire, courage and courage (lower right corner), air, mind, talents (top left corner), water, emotions, foresight (top right corner), ether, spirit and its higher destination (upper corner). In an inverted form, their star meant the universal chaos from which our world arose. Darkness then was in the five shelters (corners) and was considered the source of wisdom. This inverted image, now called nothing more than a "satanic pentagram", is considered the most ancient.

The meaning of the pentagram among other peoples

The Jews associated the pentagram with the Pentateuch presented to Moses by God himself. Ancient philosophers, Orpheists, Egyptians - members of the "Keepers of the Secret" group, Templars, ancient Gnostics, who had a special idea of ​​​​the world, are also associated with a five-pointed star. Their common symbol is the pentagram. They painted it on their coats of arms, shields and seals. Since almost all of these organizations were shrouded in a veil of secrecy, their signs and symbols received a certain element of mysticism. For example, the pentagram "star in a circle." The meaning of this symbol was translated as the silence of the initiates. Not only protective forces were attributed to him, but also the ability to give power, invincibility, power. The pentagram was depicted on their seals by Alexander the Great and Constantine I, the Roman emperor, and on his shield by the nephew of the glorious King Arthur. For a knight, the star meant courage, nobility, piety, chastity and courtesy.

Pentagram and Christianity

For Christians in Europe, the five-pointed star has always been a symbol of goodness and health. They associated her with five human feelings, five fingers on the hand, five wounds of Christ, five joys of St. Mary, which her divine son delivered to her. It was also the most important symbol of the fact that Christ is the Son of God, but has a human nature.

And only Torquemada, who laid the foundation for the most terrible, unprecedented in scale and cruelty of the Inquisition, saw something satanic in the five-pointed star. The Church forbade this good sign. Now it was regarded as a pentagram of the devil.

Seal of the legendary King Solomon

According to the Bible, the great and mystical King Solomon lived a long time ago, who in an incomprehensible way managed to reconcile and unite two irreconcilable states - Israel and Judea - into one. It is believed that God himself appointed Solomon to reign, endowing him with a mass of talents. From his father David he received special sign- a six-pointed star, composed of two regular triangles superimposed on each other. Solomon placed this star on his seals and ring, which, according to legend, gave him power over spirits. Now some depict this seal with eight rays, and some with twelve. All these signs are called the "seal of Solomon" and are used in the occult. So, special symbols fit into the center of the twelve-ray star, whereby the pentacle enhances talents and opportunities. The medieval magicians were also very interested in the seal of Solomon, only they depicted a star not with six, but with five rays. Perhaps the use of the pentacle in magic prompted Torquemada to call it that way: “devil's pentagram”, or “witch's leg”.

Five-pointed star and the occult

Another symbolism of the pentagram was adopted by the occultists of the Renaissance. They connected her with the microcosm. This word also has Greek roots. μικρός in Greek means "small", and κόσμος means "people" or "Universe". They began to inscribe the figure of a man in the star, linking it with the Pythagorean five elements. Now the pentacle has acquired material significance as a result of the work of the spiritual principle. The occultists depicted the pentagram "star in a circle." The meaning of the circle was defined as the unity of all five elements, as well as a sacred mystical place where the spirit controls the other four elements. The beginning of the connection of the pentagram with the microcosm was laid by Cornelius Agrippa, the most famous magician of the 16th century. Therefore, some call this sign the "Pentacle of Agrippa." Often the name of IHShVH, the divine savior in occultism, and in particular in Kabbalah, is written above the tops of the rays.

When did the inverted pentagram first become a symbol of Satanism?

The five-pointed equilateral star has been used by many peoples, secret societies and movements for thousands of years. They called it so - "the devil's pentagram" - in the 18th century with the light hand of the Frenchman Eliphas Levi. At first he was a clergyman. Subsequently, he became interested in the occult, left his abbey and devoted himself entirely to mysticism. He published several books on magic and rituals. For one of them he even served time in prison. Answering the question of what the pentagram means, Levi stated that it contains the dominance of the spirit, helps to subdue angels, demons and phantoms, you just need to be able to handle it. Whoever masters this knowledge will be able to see infinity. In a book of practical magic called The Doctrine and Ritual of Higher Magic, he wrote that an inverted pentagram frames the head of the goat of Mendes. I don't want to disappoint the worshipers of Satan, but the unfortunate exiled goat Mendes existed only in the fantasies of the Roman Church. But there was a god of Mendes. This is the well-known Egyptian god Amon Ra with the head of a ram. Clever Levi, of course, knew this and, inventing the satanic symbol of the pentagram, most likely created a trap for the uninitiated.

Symbol of modern Satanists

Levy's idea was supported by the American Anton LaVey. For many years he was a priest in the Church of Satan he created and promoted Satanism in every possible way, in particular, he conducted satanic weddings, funerals, and even baptized his daughter Zina according to satanic rites. He created his own teaching, combining the ideas of magic and the occult, wrote the Satanic Bible and many articles. The pentagram of the devil became the symbol of his church. The photo clearly shows what this sign looks like, which Satanists call the seal of Baphomet. The satanic god Baphomet is depicted as a goat with big horns and wings on the back. For the first time, the troubadour Gavaudan wrote about him in the 12th century. The inquisitors believed that the Templars worshiped Baphomet, for which many of them were burned. LaVey made the sign world-famous by appearing on television and acting in films about the devil. In one of them he played the high priest, in the other - Satan himself.

Pentagram - protection from dark forces

Satanists use their symbol to subdue the forces of evil. All other pentagrams protect from these forces. For the sign to work, you need to draw it with one continuous line clockwise. It is believed that there should not be a single gap in the outline of the pentagram. Demons and evil spirits that have entered such a gap will be very difficult to neutralize. An example of this is Mephistopheles from Goethe's Faust. In addition to hard surfaces, pentagrams for protection are drawn in the air, visually imagining this image and mentally, as it were, enclosing themselves inside. Only those who have a powerful imagination can do it correctly. A lot of people wear a pentagram-amulet as a medallion, both with one beam up and with two. Such pentagrams became satanic only at the suggestion of Levi. Previously, they denoted the descent of Christ on our mortal earth. Confirmation of this is the icons of Andrei Rublev, stained-glass windows and frescoes in many cathedrals.

Currently, there are three types of pentagrams - personal, protective and with signs of the planets. Personal ones are compiled taking into account the date of birth, the names of the guardian angels and the sign of the planets under which they were lucky to be born. Such a pentagram helps to establish a close connection with the guardian angel and patron angel.

Pentagrams with the signs of the planets help to achieve the fulfillment of any desire, to achieve the goal. These pentacles are also composed individually.

Pentacles of protection are the most ancient. They were also made by our ancestors as amulets. The protective pentagram helps in a specific situation, for example, while traveling or for recovery.

For any pentagram to start working, it must be activated by performing special rituals. That's what white magicians say. True or not, everyone can check personally.

Pentagram - meaning

The pentagram is the most common and popular symbol of magic in European culture. The pentagram looks like a five-pointed star with equal angles, often enclosed in a pentagon. In this article, we will look at what pentagrams are and what varieties of them exist.

Initially, the pentagram meant a sacred geometric sign associated with the worship of nature. It symbolized health, human nature, was a talisman against evil forces. Subsequently, it also began to mean power over the world, strength and courage, was the source of wisdom and soul.

The pentagram in a circle is often used in magical practice, it is used as a protection, this allows magicians not to exceed the allowed safety gap in this work.

Inverted pentagram - meaning

An inverted pentagram has long been considered an occult image and is the main symbol of Satanism, it is a symbol of evil. An inverted pentagram has two ends turned up and one down, this sign symbolizes the rejection of spirituality, of faith in the light and is a symbol of destruction.

There is an opinion that the inverted pentagram is a kind of image of a goat, and schematically depicts his beard, horns and hairy cheeks. This is a symbol of the underworld, the place where fallen angels live. It also represents the power of the human body, which reacts to carnal pleasures. The elements of the pentagram do not contain spiritual power, they characterize chaos.

Pentagram of Agrippa

This symbol is the main amulet in ceremonial magic. Agrippa's pentagram protects a person from impure forces, evil thoughts and otherworldly sources of evil. Such a pentagram gives its owner protection and ensures a return to the "living world". If you decide to wear such a sign as your talisman, then it will protect you from bad predictions, as well as from damage, curses and the evil eye.

Solomon's pentagram: meaning

The image of this sign is recommended to be made of silver or gold, and worn as a talisman on the chest. This will protect the owner from danger and from the influence of impure forces. The pentagram is not without reason called the seal of Solomon. It is often used in predictions and divination, it symbolizes the number five. The designation of the pentagram is as follows: this is the figure of a person with outstretched arms and legs, the head dominates, in this case implying power that controls the four elements. The five-pointed star is also a sign of infinity, which means good luck, strength and perfection of the circle. The pentagram in a circle means the silence of the person who knows the mysteries of magic. In addition, in Christianity, this symbol denotes the five wounds of Jesus Christ. The Celtic pentagram meant a symbol of protection, the Celts used it as an amulet against various diseases for collective and personal protection, calling it "The Druid's Trail".

Amulet - pentagram meaning

In the world, every thing has positive and negative sides, therefore, absolutely any symbol can be used both with benefit and to the detriment - it all depends on the person himself. There is an opinion that a person who wears an amulet in the form of a pentagram will always be accompanied by luck, happiness in the family and excellent health.

In order for your pentagram amulet to be active, it is recommended to make it from silver and gold, but the most important factor for the work of your amulet will be your mood and your energy that will accumulate in it, so be careful when choosing a pentagram as your amulet .

Six-pointed star: meaning. Symbols of Judaism

At all times, people paid special attention to symbolism. And it is not so important whether the conversation is about religion, the occult or ordinary hobbies. And always special place occupied by a six-pointed star. The meaning of this symbol cannot be determined unambiguously. AT great variety cultures interpret it differently.

In general, the star has been an important symbol since ancient times, since its image was prompted by nature itself. A person is inevitably drawn to the sky, so she was compared by people with superiority, strength, constancy and protection. Flickering and bright overflows indicated hope, dream and miracle, which also had a positive effect on the attitude towards the corresponding symbolism. The six-pointed star in different cultures has received its own special definition. But one thing is for sure: there were no civilizations that would not turn their attention to it.

Origin of the Star of David

There is no doubt that the Star of David belongs to the Jewish culture, since it was first discovered in the 7th century. BC e. in Sidon. The seal on which it was located belonged to a certain Jew, Joshua ben Yeshayahu. Then the symbol had no other definitions, its name sounded like this: a six-pointed star. A photograph of that seal has survived to this day. Later, the symbol received a different name - "Magendavid", as well as the well-known in modern times - "Star of David". It happened in the early Middle Ages, when the first sources with legends about King David appeared. It was believed that a shield with such a symbol protected the commander and his army in battles, so they all brought only victories.

Speaking about what the star of David means, one should not miss another version of the origin of the name. It describes how a certain David Alroy, who considered himself the messiah, led an army to Jerusalem to return the city conquered by the crusaders. It was believed that he was a mystic and a sorcerer, moreover, quite vain, and therefore named the star in his honor.

Since the thirteenth century, the star has become more popular, appearing on the walls of synagogues, on amulets or in books with Kabbalistic texts. Most historians and researchers believe that the symbol was then only a decoration; it acquired its specificity a little later, in 1354. At that time, the Roman emperor granted the Jews a special privilege, they became the owners of their own red flag, which was decorated with the Star of David. Since then, all references to this symbol are focused in most cases on Jewish and Jewish cultures.

Understanding the six-pointed star

The symbol "six-pointed star" is usually depicted in the form of equilateral triangles superimposed on each other so that their vertices look one up and the other down. Also, these figures have one center. In some cultures, the symbol is tweaked in accordance with the beliefs that are observed within society. However, most often this image is attributed to Judaism, since the star has the widest distribution only among Jews.

At one time, this symbol intersected in history with the Nazi swastika. You can give more than one example where this symbol is considered in a positive way, but this will not affect people's opinion, because for a long period of time the hexagram was in the same ranks with Nazism.

In fact, the most common understanding of the symbol is incorrect. Speaking about what the star of David means, they usually mention Judaism and its presence in this religion. Today Magendavid means freedom, and there is an explanation for this. There are several opinions about when exactly the hexagram began to personify the Jews, but they all have approximately the same ending.

In the 5th-6th century, King David lived, whose people were under oppression. On the fields in battles with enemies, the Jews often lost, because they could not resist the onslaught of the most powerful warrior - Goliath. But David, picking up a shield with the image of a hexagram, nevertheless defeated him. As a result, the Jews received freedom from enemy oppression.

Later (in the 13th century) Jews again intersect with the hexagram. Now, for services to the empire, the Roman emperor Charles favors the people with a flag with the image of Magendavid, only then it was scarlet (in modern times it is blue). And again, getting a star is associated with freedom.

And finally, in the 18th century, Europe, which at that time was a developed region and played an important role in the activities of mankind, accepts the six-pointed star as a symbol of the Jewish people. Thus, in this case, the understanding of Magendavid is invariably connected with the freedom of the Jews.

How did the Star of David appear on the flag of Israel?

If there is a conversation about which flag has a six-pointed star, then Israel is always mentioned. Some other countries throughout the history of mankind have also assigned this symbol to their family, but in fact it took root in this interpretation only in Judaism. There are several theories as to how the hexagram appeared on the flag of Israel.

According to one version, this symbol was borrowed in ancient Egypt. The Egyptian pharaohs had Jews for a long time in slavery, until the prophet Moses came and became their liberator. In the occult ancient civilization the six-pointed star occupied a special position; it was used in the inscription of signs associated with deities. Quite a true story, except for the fact that its most common name is the "star of David." And here the name, which the symbol was called, does not appear.

Another version is that a certain David was the liberator of the Jewish state, and he always advanced in his military campaigns for liberation, carrying a shield in the form of a six-pointed star in his hand (according to other sources, this symbol was painted on the shield). After the defeat of the stronger troops, outside observers got the impression that it was the shield of David that caused the liberation of the state.

It should be noted that the symbols of Judaism did not immediately begin to include a six-pointed star. It is likely that the Israelis are closer not to the philosophical or religious component of the hexagram, but to the decorative one.


The symbol in question is from the 7th century BC. e. excites the minds of historians, occultists and culturologists. And all because it appears in many written sources, on rock paintings, seals, coats of arms and other similar elements. This means that almost every civilization that has ever existed on the planet has consistently shown its interest in this symbol. What is his mystery?

Not a single culturologist has come close to this issue so far, all the new facts related to the six-pointed star reveal even more unsolved mysteries. On the one hand, there is a lot of historical data or information from mythology, where the Star of David plays only a positive role. For example, Solomon wore a ring with a seal of the corresponding image. With his help, he called on spirits that helped him in all good undertakings.

Or the story of David himself, in which he defeats Goliath not without the help of a shield with the image of a hexagram. Since then, this Jewish commander has become not only a hero of an entire nation, but also a liberator. Despite the fact that more than one hundred years have passed since that moment, all Jews still honor the symbol as a protector from demons, carry amulets and talismans with such an image.

But there are absolutely opposite stories connected with the hexagram. It often appears along with the fascist swastika, so many people have a negative attitude towards it. In fact, her participation in historical events that terrible time was very limited. Experiments were carried out on people in concentration camps, and after certain experiments, some were marked. This was done through the image of the hexagram yellow color on the subject's forehead. This state of affairs allowed the Nazis to distinguish those who had already been experimented on from "pure" people.

Therefore, wherever the six-pointed star appears, its value is always either positive or negative. It occupies the golden mean only as a symbol in some cultures, and then only because it is not the hexagram as a whole that is considered, but its individual images (for example, the lines of triangles).


In magic and the occult, as far as modern history knows, a six-pointed star has always been present. Its value is great not only for rituals, but also for the creation of amulets, talismans, amulets, spell books, and so on. In magic, the three sides of the triangles personified matter, spirit and the middle nature (the same as in science - space). Thus, the value can be divided into three components:

  1. Mind or consciousness, the element that is responsible for the creation of energy.
  2. Matter (middle nature, space). Occultists considered matter as a kind of cosmic substance, which is harmoniously distributed throughout the universe. Therefore, this element was responsible for the safety of everything that ever existed.
  3. physical matter. Since it is quite dense, it ceases to transmit the light of the sun, gradually becoming darkness. Therefore, the element in question is responsible for the destruction of energy.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the six-pointed star occupied a special place not only in some religions, but also in magical teachings, which have not lost popularity until today. Thanks to this symbol, any event could be explained. Magical amulets depicting a hexagram revealed the future, past and present to occultists.


The six-pointed star at all times personified powerful protection, virtually impenetrable. Therefore, until today, it is often used to create amulets and amulets. Since the Middle Ages, hexagram talismans have been considered powerful defenders against bladed weapons, since David defeated Goliath using a shield with her image.

Later, the amulets acquired additional meanings. It was believed that they protected from fire and sudden attacks from the enemy. Over time, this property has lost its significance, but another has appeared. Closer to the 16th century, the six-pointed Star of David on talismans was used to protect against evil spirits.

One way or another, any material object has its own energy, which can serve both for evil and for good. However, there are also signs and symbols that have not only been tested by time, but have also gained the generally accepted status of helpers. This is exactly what Magendavid is, because for thousands of years all nationalities and cultures have been interested in him.

Why is the six-pointed star in Christianity perceived as a symbol of evil spirits?

The symbol "star of David" in Orthodoxy does not have a very good reputation. The fact is that the hexagram since ancient times was considered a symbol of Judaism - a religion that Christians perceive negatively.

But there is another explanation for the bad attitude towards her. The fact is that in Judaism the specific meaning of the star is that only 6 days have passed (6 ends of the figure), and the messiah comes on the seventh. In the Christian faith, Jesus has already visited the earth, so the seventh day has arrived. In Judaism, it is only expected. Consequently, Christians perceive the symbol as irrelevant.

Six-pointed star - evil or good?

Many cultures have never had a negative attitude towards such a symbol as the Star of David. Photos depicting this figure, described in a negative way, are found only in eschatological interpretations. This religious doctrine compares the symbol to the number of the beast. It has 6 corners, 6 small triangles and 6 sides inside a hexagon.

Indians, namely yoga and tantra, compare the symbol with the human chakra, located at the level of the heart. She is responsible for love, compassion and devotion. The direction of the triangle down means the sky, up - the earth. Accordingly, the six-pointed star is oriented precisely towards the universe in this case. The meaning of the symbol expresses the essence of a person who constantly rushes between spirituality and carnal components.

When the first alchemists appeared, they also became interested in the hexagram, and depicted with its help the philosopher's stone, which gives eternal life. Freemasons compared the symbol with great wisdom, which, in fact, they aspired to. One way or another, each current compared the six-pointed star with something of its own.

Meaning across cultures

The six-pointed star has not only esoteric or religious significance. Many civilizations have used it in various fields just because it looks beautiful. So, for example, from the fourteenth century it was used as a reward for special merits. Moreover, some modern military units still present the Star of David as a sign of special honor.

But, of course, one cannot exclude the religious or occult component that the six-pointed star possesses. Its significance in the Christian faith cannot be called unambiguous. On the one hand, the Orthodox do not like her, since by the number of angles, sides and triangles the figure is the number 666. On the other hand, it was the six-pointed star that indicated the path to the house where he was Jesus is born. But the generally accepted Orthodox opinion is focused on the fact that the Lord spent 6 days creating the world for people, and on the seventh he should come. Therefore, in early Christianity, this symbol was more significant than today, because the messiah was already descending to earth.

Oriental cultures also did not abandon this symbol. In Tibet, for example, it means the 6 syllables of the most important Buddhist prayer. Hindu culture does not consider the star as a whole, but only its triangles. They represent Kali and Shiva, or the destruction and creation of the world. Thus, Eastern traditions perceive the hexagram as a symbol of balance, the inevitable and constant struggle between good and evil on the planet and/or in one particular person.

Magendavid is also found in Freemasonry, but members of this society prefer the pentagram - the seal of Solomon. It is believed that Solomon was the son of David, and if you remove any small triangle from the image of the hexagram, you get a five-pointed star. Therefore, Masons are still connected with Magendavid, but indirectly, revering him as the father of Solomon, the holder of the ring with a five-pointed star, whom he commanded spirits and ghosts.

Theosophical interpretation is focused solely on the perfection of the universe, as well as in the occult. Two triangles (2 is the number of a woman), three faces and angles in each (3 is the number of a man) make it possible to idealize not only the universe, but also the symbol itself, which explains its high value.

A six-pointed star in a circle appeared almost immediately after the usual Magendavid. However, it has received its greatest distribution only in astrology. This is how all the signs of the zodiac were depicted within the framework of one specific symbol.

In general, it is impossible to say exactly where and when the Star of David was found in history, since each culture necessarily used it in scriptures, on amulets, or in engraving on buildings.

Image of a symbol in different cultures

Quite often, the various symbols of a religion are essentially the same, but are depicted differently. So, for example, Kabbalists draw a hexagram in the form of two black and white triangles. They represent spirit and matter. And the meaning of individual lines or a hexagon formed in the center is missing.

Even in the culture of Kabbalists, a similar symbol is found - a six-pointed star is drawn in the form of a snake that swallows its tail. The image is inside the circle. In this case, the symbol represents the three deities and the eternity of their reign. Kabbalists in the West cut off the tops of the triangle, and they look like the Egyptian pyramids.

In Jewish culture, the image of the hexagram is ideal, here the triangles look up and down, with one center uniting them. There are no additional shades or intersections, together they represent a complete picture. There are also no definite interpretations of individual lines, except that the star of David is a symbol of the Jews. A photo with an image of the Jewish hexagram can be seen on the flag of Israel. By the way, despite the fact that the star originally accompanied the Jewish culture, it became a generally accepted sign of the Jews only in the eighteenth century, before Europe did not consider it as a symbol of one particular state.

Let us summarize the ways of depicting a six-pointed star and its meaning in different cultures in the table below.

Use of the hexagram in different cultures
Culture/religion How the symbol was depicted Meaning
Judaism Standard Image Symbol of freedom
Kabbalah A snake that bites its own tail. The image was placed in a circle A symbol of the eternal struggle within a person between light and darkness, spiritual and material values.
Eschatology The beast inside the star Symbol of Lucifer, number 666
Occultism Two intertwined triangles The symbol of the perfect universe
Alchemy Here, first of all, the pentagon formed in the center was considered. He became a symbol of the philosopher's stone Symbol of immortality
Astrology Hexagram in a circle Zodiac symbol
Early Christianity Standard Image Symbol of the Nativity
freemasonry Standard Image Symbol of Wisdom

Thus, it is impossible to say exactly what the six-pointed star means. In most cultures, she is a good symbol, personifying deities, feminine or masculine, matter and spirit. But there are also negative interpretations of the hexagram, such as the number of the beast. If we give the most common definition, then the star of David has always been a symbol of freedom, since once upon a time the Roman emperor laid the foundation for the liberation of the Jewish people, giving her her own flag with Magendavid.

What does the sign in the form of a 5-pointed star in a circle mean?

Yesterday I was driving by car and near the Palace of Culture. Gogol saw a tower, a spire on the tower, an iron flag on the spire with the image of a five-pointed star in a circle. For some reason, he attracted my attention, and I feel it not just like that, but as a sign in life. Shed light on this sign, who knows.

I do not agree that there are two semantic concepts.

For example, among Muslims, this sign denotes a combination of the main directions of religion.

In Soviet times, it was just a symbolism that unites the countries included in the Vorshav Treaty.

This sign is distributed throughout the planet Earth. And for each nation has its own semantic load.

In your case, I think this is a legacy left over from the USSR. At that time, all the spiers were decorated with stars.

And the best interpretation of this sign (in my opinion) was given by Pythagoras golden ratio, mathematical perfection.

You can't argue with that at all.


The sign is interesting, and very old. There are two semantic concepts for this sign. The pentagram, as a protection against otherworldly forces, and often used by esotericists to summon spirits, like a portal. And the second person, the latter is associated with Da Vinci. He was the first to give it to those who were not initiated into the mysteries. wheel of samsara and so on. In magic, it is used as a protection against any encroachment of unclean spirits. for home. More details can be found in the symbolism of Kabbalah.

Images of the first pentagrams were found in Sumerian cities in historical layers dating back to 3500 BC. Scientists correlate with this symbol during this period only one meaning - the trajectory of Venus.

In subsequent centuries, this sign appears in almost all nations. Its meaning has been transformed, different peoples have put their own meaning into it.

In ancient Egypt, the cosmic component (the stars) is complemented by the divine (the star of Anubis).

In Babylon, the pentagram was considered the strongest amulet, it was painted over the entrance to the house, shop. She was also present on the seals of the rulers. There is another interpretation relating to the same period - a symbol of the underworld.

The ancient Jews called the sign Pentalph and associated it with the Pentateuch of Moses.

The Pythagoreans chose the pentagram as their sign and associated it with the five elements.

From about this time, people and communities begin to choose the pentagram as their "logo". The most famous were: the seal of King Solomon, the symbol of the Templars.

Five rays were assigned different values ​​depending on common sense symbol, including the five wounds of Christ, and the inverted pentagram was His sign. On the icon of Rublev we see such an image.

The pentagram took on a negative meaning during the time of the Inquisition, when it began to be called the "witch's leg", but all previous interpretations were relevant.

French occultist Eliphas Levi in ​​the 19th century. took the pentagram as a basis and transformed it into a symbol of Satan.

Since then, she has been walking around the world in such a multi-valued form.

The star was the main symbol of the USSR, stars in a circle and without are found on awards from the USA, USSR


The five-pointed star is a pentagram. The sign of the pentagram was found on ancient Egyptian buildings. He was called the star of Anubis, the guide of the dead to the afterlife. Many ancient peoples believed that this sign protects from any evil and evil spirits. Later, the symbol was often depicted on the premises of barns and warehouses, to preserve the contents. The Jews associated this symbol with the Pentateuch (the first books of the canonical Jewish Bible), and Christians with the five wounds of the crucified Jesus Christ. In many teachings, such as Kabbalah, Gnostics, the symbol is associated with intellectual omnipotence. The pentagram was also one of the symbols of the Templars. The Chinese peoples endow this symbol with the power of the five elements - water, earth, fire, air and soul (man). During the Renaissance, the symbol was identified with the ideal proportions of the human body.

In other words, the symbol has always been associated with special power, was idealized and presented not only as a talisman, but also as a sign that gives a person special power.


This is nothing but a pentagram (a penta is five, a gram is a dash, a line). This symbol is used in many religions of the world, but it became widely known thanks to the Kabbalists. The history of the pentagram, meanwhile, has millennia.

It is believed that the pentagram is used exclusively for witchcraft, although earlier this symbol was more likely to protect against any adversity. So, in Babylon on the doors outlets they drew a pentagram so that the business was profitable and the merchant did not know unprofitable days.

There are a lot of myths and superstitions around the pentagram, although some of them can be safely debunked. For example, here is a video that reveals such a concept as "pentogram" wider:

U m a

Such a symbol bears the inherent special and unique name "pentagram".

In Greece, the meaning of this sign comes down to protection from evil spirits and various spirits.

Among other peoples, a similar symbol personified immense power and belonging to a secret society that has special knowledge.

For some, this sign refers to evil spirits.


As for the most common version about this sign, it means exactly the sign of a kind of protection from all sorts of evil spirits. That is, in other words, this sign has a mystical meaning. And also this sign acts as a symbol of the other world.


This sign has many interesting meanings, but the most basic is that it is a "pentagram" and it is associated with mystical forces. This symbol appeared before our era and many ancient peoples considered this sign to be a protection from evil spirits. There are also a lot of films and TV shows now, where this sign is very popular and means protection or just a symbol of the other world.


It is a pentagram in a circle, occult and mystical sign. The first use was recorded in Mesopotamia. Used by kabbalists, witches and sorcerers.

Accompanied by more dots, interpreted as the Seal of King Solomon.


This star is mainly considered and named pentagram. Its main focus boils down to the fact that, according to people's beliefs, it is able to protect them from evil spirits and any other, otherworldly evil spirits.

Please tell me what does the five-pointed star in the circle mean?

Desislava Ivanova

A five-pointed, inverted star in a circle is a distinctive sign of the adherents of the Antichrist. And yet - One of the most important symbols of the followers of the Wicca cult is a cult that originated< в >Europe. He took< в >many pre-Christian practices


The five-pointed star is one of the traditional symbols of the ancient god of war, Mars.
The five-pointed star - a pentagram, a pantacle - symbolizes the figure of a man with outstretched arms and legs, a holistic personality, a human microcosm. Being infinite, the five-pointed star perceives the meaning, power and perfection of the circle. Its five peaks mean spirit, air, fire, water and earth. With the letters S, A, L, V, S at the top, it means health and the five senses. Like a circle, the pentagram is able to bind evil forces and elementals, therefore it also symbolizes good luck.

An inscribed or drawn five-pointed star is called a pentagram. In witchcraft and magic, the pentacle is a round disc made of clay, wax or fossil ore (in some traditions, copper or silver), on which the pentagram and other magical

Azamat Devyatov

The five-pointed star - a pentagram, a pantacle - symbolizes the figure of a man with outstretched arms and legs, a holistic personality, a human microcosm. Being infinite, the five-pointed star perceives the meaning, power and perfection of the circle. Its five peaks mean spirit, air, fire, water and earth. With the letters S, A, L, V, S at the top, it means health and the five senses. Like a circle, the pentagram is able to bind evil forces and elementals, therefore it also symbolizes good luck.
Christianity - corresponds to the five wounds of Christ. Sir Gawain's emblem as depicted on his shield.
In black magic, the inverted pentacle symbolizes the Goat-Satan and the "witch's leg". In addition, inverted, it is a symbol of the perversion of the true nature of man.
Five-pointed star, according to philosophers ancient China, shows the interaction of the five basic elements of the world.
Fire, earth, metal, water and wood are in the interaction of agreement and opposition.
The five-pointed star, facing up, symbolizes inspiration, light, spiritual education; a five-pointed star facing down - evil, witchcraft, black magic. The pentagram is also a symbol of protection, security. Used as a military emblem.

Lucifer of the fallen light oblivion is not subject

Looking at how to provide it
inverted is the symbolism of the star of Baphomet
also denoting the superiority of the flesh over the spirit
denotes the elements of water, fire, earth, air, and spirit.

What does this sign mean? Five-pointed star in a circle.

I found today in the bath, whose it is I don’t know, not my mother’s and not my father’s.
Tell me what that even means. .

Satanic icon. "Take a broom with you, fly to the Sabbath, take with you our Apocalypse-symbol, Walpurgis Night is coming today!". So this thing is the very "Apocalypse", because the millet Apocalypse is just an abstract concept of chaos.

mila saliy

The magical figure of a five-pointed star with one upper dot is the most important symbol in witchcraft. It is also a religious symbol, like a cross in Christianity or a six-pointed star in Judaism, and at the same time a symbol of magical art in witchcraft. An inscribed or drawn five-pointed star is called a pentagram. In witchcraft and magic, the pentacle is a round disc made of clay, wax or fossil ore (in some traditions, copper or silver), on which the pentagram and other magical
signs and symbols. It is used to concentrate magic circles, draw in the energy of the earth, and serve food on it. In rituals such as the bringing down of the moon, the high priestess herself can take the form of a pentacle - legs apart and stretched out in different sides hands, symbolizing birth and rebirth with such a pose.
Many sorcerers wear a five-pointed star pendant or ring as a sign of their religion or as amulets and talismans; they are mostly made of silver, the metal of the moon and soul force, but are sometimes made of gold, the metal of strength and energy. Some communities use pentacles as an occult sign for initiated sorcerers of the second degree. Pentagrams are drawn in the air, with a sword or spear. The methods of drawing pentagrams are very precise and differ depending on the purpose of the rite. Pentagrams that call spirits are drawn differently than those intended to expel them. In witchcraft, the pentagram is a symbol of protection and positive power, they are used to control elemental forces. Pentagrams are also used in meditation exercises in which each point of a star is associated with a special quality, definition, concept, emotion, or name of a pagan deity. The magic pentacle is a round disk or an inscribed circle with a five-pointed star. It is also called the Star of Solomon. The star is an important and powerful magical symbol of divine power. In accordance with various interpretations, it represents God or man, as well as the four primary elements of nature, five senses, five wounds inflicted on Christ on the cross, as well as five points of the human body with limbs scattered in different directions: head, arms, legs. Magicians embroider five-pointed stars on their robes and draw them inside and outside the magic circle used during ceremonies and rituals. Stars are engraved on the rings. As an amulet, the star protects wizards from attacks by demons and spirits, and as a talisman, it allows them to communicate with demons and command them. Some figures are also symbols, although they do not have the shape of a five-pointed star: these are circles, semicircles, squares and crosses on which the names of angels or demons are inscribed,
magical names of God. These symbols act as talismans to achieve specific goals: wealth, love or revenge. The sacred symbol of witchcraft, which is often misunderstood due to associations of an inverted five-pointed star, with one point down and the other two up, with hell. If in the normal position the five-pointed star represents God or a deity, then the inverted one usually represents Satan.

Greetings, dear readers. Do you know what a pentagram is?

Yes, that's right, this is one of the most recognizable protective occult symbols, it is a five-pointed star pointing upwards. This is a straight pentagram. Or, to make it more clear, five isosceles triangles located on the sides of a regular pentagon.

A star inscribed in a circle is called a pentacle. But today we will also discuss the meaning of the inverted pentagram.

Various interpretations of the symbol

The first mention of the sign dates back to about 3500 BC. It is believed that this symbol arose in Mesopotamia due to the observation of the movement of Venus. AT different times and different religious classes the sign of the pentagram was interpreted differently. For example, you can trace its following meanings (now we are talking about a straight, not inverted pentagram):

The common thing is that this sign is characterized by special protective properties. Remember how Mephistopheles managed to get into the house of Faust? The scientist did not complete the pentagram (designed to protect from evil spirits), leaving a small gap in the corner.

Sign of the devil or the strongest defense?

With the straight pentagram, everything is now clear. And what does the inverted sign symbolize? We are all used to the fact that the antipode always carries the opposite qualities. Day and night, sun and moon, light and darkness, God and devil... the pentagram is upright and inverted. Let's try to figure it out. To do this, we again turn to history.

With the "light" hand of the French occultist Alphonse-Louis Constant (known under the literary pseudonym Eliphas Levi), the inverted pentagram became a symbol of Satanism. Levy in his work "Teaching and Ritual" higher magic"claimed that the star with one end up is the sign of the Savior, with two ends up - this is the sign of Satan (or the devilish goat of Baphomet on the Sabbath). The upper ends of the star are the horns, the sides are the ears, and the lower end is the muzzle of a goat. However, on the forehead of the goat Baphomet (with the body of a woman) depicted by Levi, a straight pentagram flaunts, while words translated from Latin as “disintegrate” and “freeze” are written on his hands. Where is the logic? Unclear.

The founder of the organization "Church of Satan" Anton Szandor LaVey registered a trademark in the form of "seal of Baphomet". It is believed that Eliphas Levi, with his assertion that the sign of the inverted pentagram belongs to Satanism, created a kind of trap for the uninitiated.
As we can see, in our time, Satanists have absolutely “taken possession” of the symbol of the inverted pentagram. However, this is not its original purpose. This symbol is widely used by various sorcerers and occultists. It marks physical and mental omnipotence, is able to multiply the energy-information flow. It symbolizes the power of matter over the spirit, the triumph of the magician over the elements, and his power.

This symbol is widely used in horror films and in modern mystical and magical books, attributing to it the denial of the holy trinity (three angles pointing down).

In magic, there are even special ways to draw an inverted pentagram. Those who are familiar with them are able, by drawing it in a certain way on a photograph of a person, to strengthen or, on the contrary, weaken his strength.
This is with regard to the diabolical interpretations of the symbol of the inverted pentagram. However, not everything is so mundane and unambiguous, friends, because how can you turn anything upside down, but will there be truth in this?

The Pythagoreans associated this symbol with the chaos from which everything arose, with the darkness that hid in five different corners, this darkness was the source of wisdom. It was the inverted image that was the first.
In early Christianity, the inverted five-pointed star symbolized the Star of Bethlehem. And the explanation for this is simple: when the Magi went to the light of a star, she pointed out to them with a beam directed downwards where the birthplace of Jesus was. Gradually, this symbol began to characterize the transfiguration of Christ, as well as his descent into the world (indicating his coming with his beam). Thus, in Christianity, the symbol of an inverted star has been widely used and is being used, although recently it has become less and less due to a common misconception about its involvement in Satanism and the occult.

Constantine the Great - the Roman emperor, who elevated Christianity to the rank of state religion, had the symbol of an inverted pentagram on his seal.

In the works of Andrei Rublev, in particular, on the icon “The Transfiguration of the Lord”, Christ is depicted against the background of an inverted pentagram. Such signs can be seen on stained glass drawings and frescoes in some Catholic and Christian cathedrals and churches.

Currently the highest military award in the USA (Medal of Honor) is a figure of an inverted five-pointed star.

If the direct pentagram is a symbol of the exaltation of the spirit over matter, then in the inverted pentagram the spirit descends from above as grace. Aleister Crowley adhered to a similar interpretation, he believed that this is a symbol of the rays of the sun, which, falling to the ground, spiritualize matter.

If it becomes necessary to communicate with evil spirits (entities that carry negative energy), or confront them, but in such a way that they cannot harm you, you should use the symbol of an inverted pentagram. With the help of it, black magicians subdue the forces of evil, this symbol is able to protect everyone else from the same forces.

Magicians and sorcerers charge amulets with the image of both a direct and reverse pentagram in a special way. Of course, if you believe in it and if there is such an opportunity, then it can be done. But for us, ordinary people, to use protective equipment such a talisman is enough to use your imagination. The five-pointed star is a very multifaceted sign, so it is able to bring to its owner what the owner himself puts into the concept of this symbol.

The use of the pentagram comes down not only to wearing protective amulets, but also to meditative practices, to imaginary and real outlines of figures in certain ways.

You have the right to form your own opinion about the meaning of the pentagram inverted.

Don't forget to share useful information with friends, good luck and prosperity to you.

The Pentacle of Lucifer is an ancient and powerful symbol that has long settled in many esoteric practices. It is used as the basis for many spells and not only negative ones. Everyone, beginner or specialist, needs to know its meaning.

In the article:

Pentacle of Lucifer - magical symbol

Lucifer's name modern realities associated exclusively with the negative. rebelled against the All-Father. Many evil deeds are attributed to him, so you are not surprised when you hear about such a gloomy reputation for a sign. But in fact, everything is not so simple. The glory of the one in whose honor the sign is named does not say anything about what the magic formula can be used for. It is like iron, from which both a sword and a plow can be forged. The direction of thought, motives are important. The meaning of power depends on what exactly they use it for.

An interesting fact is that a pentagram in a circle is often used when practice needs to gain knowledge. Initially, Lucifer was credited not only with betrayal, but also with curiosity. Thirst for knowledge. And modern magicians have learned to use it when you need to gain understanding. Great knowledge can be obtained by using this power. Moreover, such practices do not force any sale of the soul. You don't call Satan.

In general, initially the pentagram of a star in a circle had a completely different meaning. More precisely - it was perceived differently. In an era that was even before Christianity, even before Ancient Greece, this sign had an exclusively positive meaning. She was painted when protection was needed, or advice.

Pentagram - a star with five rays and its meaning

What was the meaning of this symbol many centuries ago: it was often depicted on doors, walls, windows. And even household items - such as dishes, or clothes. It was believed that he would help protect himself from evil forces. were afraid of this image and tried to stay away. Like evil people, however.

Where did the negative value come from? ancient symbol: it began to be perceived as a threat already in the days of Christianity. Then many theologians noted magical power Images. But in those days, magic was considered something disgusting, contrary to God. So they decided to demonize the symbol, completely erase the positive memory of the star pentagram. But people related to magical practice with a certain share seriousness, they remembered the original meaning of the symbol.

Moreover, even now, it is the inverted pentagram that is most often used as a symbol of evil forces. And they protect themselves from it directly, that is, the usual one. Apparently, these are echoes of old knowledge that have not yet been completely erased from the memory of some cultures. What does the star pentagram mean: there can be many interpretations. One of them is a symbol of power and might. This is how she was described in ancient Babylon and often depicted on all kinds of rings, sceptres. On those things that were held in the hands of noble people.

In Mesopotamia, this sign was protective, which protected a person from the influence of evil spirits and people. A universal symbol that helped and brought good luck. In ancient Greece, it was used as a symbol of knowledge. Not as wide as the images of the owl - the symbol of Athena, but still. Sometimes he was depicted on altars. And only in the Christian era did it finally take shape in the minds of the population, as one of the signs of evil.

Why this was done: well, in addition to what has already been said, namely the reprehensible attitude towards magic, another goal was pursued. Namely - the discrediting of pagan beliefs. In the eyes of Christians, the Greeks, Mesopotamians, Babylonians, all those who widely used this symbolism were heretics, non-Christians. And in order to strengthen their positions, to show that any religion other than theirs is harmful, they began to demonize.

Inverted pentagram - contradictory meaning of the sign

The inverted pentagram is one of the varieties of pentagrams and it is she who is most widely known ordinary person. She is most often depicted on satanic altars. And it's all about what fits into it goat head- an animal that is considered dedicated to Satan. But it was not always so. Originally an inverted pentagram, its meaning was dedicated to the forces that govern human life. The four "lower" beams were responsible for fire, air, earth and water. Those elements from which all life, the entire Universe was created. And the fifth ray, the “upper”, was responsible for what breathed life into all living things. For the spiritual aspect of being. But what does the pentagram mean, a star in a circle, if it is turned upside down?

Here the opinions of practitioners are divided. Some say that this position means the following - in an inverted pentagram, the "lower" rays dominate the spiritual. That is, for a person who stands at its center, the material is higher than the spiritual. And, standing in the center, he only emphasizes this. His soul lusts only for the material and no matter what you have to do for this.

Another opinion will tell us that turning over the pentagram does not carry any functional development. After all, we already know what the pentagram in a circle means - this is protection, knowledge. Protection, as on the material plane, which symbolize the first four rays. So it is on the spiritual - the fifth ray. This means that a person, referring to such an image, and one that uses a classic symbol - both of them ask for protection. Whichever opinion they choose, the choice is yours.

Moreover, as in any other practice, a lot depends on what kind of protection you are applying for. It can be a simple request for help when your strength is running out and you need to lean on something. But maybe it's an aggressive defense when someone is threatening and you want to take them out. It could be protecting your case, and therefore - or bringing his business to naught. The pentagram will bring evil, or good - it depends only on who is going to use it.

The pentagram is a very controversial symbol, the opinion of which has varied from century to century. But still, no matter how much time has passed, we can say for sure. This image can be used for both good and bad purposes.

In contact with

Almost everyone has heard of such a symbol as a pentagram, the significance of which in the art of magic cannot be exaggerated. In films and TV shows on the occult theme, comics, books and other indispensable companions of the life of a modern person, this symbol is ubiquitous. Learn more about what a pentagram is, where it came from and what it is used for.

In the article:

Pentagram - the meaning of the sacred symbol

Initially, and up to the present day, the five-pointed star had the meaning of a talisman and a symbol designed not to let evil into the house, to protect residents from bad thoughts and other people's negative energy. Or, on the contrary, do not let the evil out. To protect the dwelling in ancient times, the pentagram was applied to the doors, thresholds and bearing supports of the house to give them strength and durability.

The Occult Philosophy of Agrippa

The pentagram should be created very carefully - from left to right, in no case allowing interrupted or trembling lines. The slightest gap destroyed the entire protective power of the symbol and allowed the evil that found a loophole to fall upon the one who made a mistake with a vengeance. So, it happened to the infamous Faust in the poem of the same name by the famous classic writer Goethe.

In addition, in his titanic work "Secret Philosophy" or "Occult Philosophy", Agrippa Nettesheim described the pentagram as the embodiment of the personality of a whole and holistic person. According to this medieval scholar, the four rays of the star symbolized the four elements and corresponded to human limbs - legs and arms. The fifth limb, the head, coincided with the fifth ray, which is a symbol of the spirit that controls all the elements. This interpretation later brought Agrippa the glory of a warlock and sorcerer.

The modern dual view - with a beam (top) up or a beam (top) down, the pentagram began to have only closer to the twentieth century. The well-known mystic and occultist Eliphas Levi, who was extremely fond of Agrippa's Occult Philosophy, made a lot of efforts so that the pentagram began to have a clear division into a tool of white magic and a means of black magic. The symbol with the top up is the purity of the spirit that rules over the world, and the top down is a sign of perverted human nature and freedom of the darkest passions.

Of course, for the layman, this symbol remains a symbol of Satanism and rockers. But the pentagram, whose meaning has changed over the centuries, is more than just a sign of the devil-worshipping church. AT different eras, under different rulers, religions and states, its meaning was either positive or negative. However, magicians and witches, as well as other occult practices, astrologers and esotericists have always been closely associated with a five-pointed star inscribed in a circle.

What does the pentagram mean now and what did it mean for our ancestors

As mentioned above, in modern times this symbol has spread everywhere and is mainly tied to Satanism, summoning demons, occult practices and all the other negative things associated with magic. The history of the pentagram is tightly intertwined with the history of Christianity - Catholic priests declared the pentagram to be a diabolical symbol necessary for.

During the revelry of the Inquisition, they began to call her the "foot of the witch" and the gift of the devil. Since then and to this day, there is an opinion among the inhabitants that only servants of the forces of darkness wear clothes and jewelry with similar signs. After the sixties of the last century, the sex revolution, the birth of rock culture, the pentagram is no longer such a stigmatized symbol, but in the mass consciousness it is still an attribute of informals and renegades.

Reproduction of the first metropolis of Uruk, which existed in the 3rd millennium BC. e. in the Southern Mesopotamia in Iraq

The first images of a five-pointed star date back to three thousand five hundred BC. Tablets with symbols carved into clay were discovered by archaeologists in the ruins ancient city Uruk. It is believed that the pentagram was a symbol of Venus and meant its movement along the celestial trajectory. In addition, the sign was associated with two stars - Phosphorus and Eosphorus, Morning and Evening. It is worth noting that Lucifer, also known as Dennitsa, was originally called the Morning Star - probably for such a connection with Satan, the pentagram was declared by the churchmen to be the devil's seal. What the pentagram of light forces means is no longer quite important.

In ancient Egypt, this symbol was associated with the dog-headed Anubis, the god of the dead. For the Egyptian dead, the pentagram means the stars that do not shine in the underworld. Sometimes she was depicted on statues of pharaohs and on the ceiling of the tomb.

In Babylonia, the five-pointed star was the symbol of the sun god Shamash.

The pentagram was most widely known in Babylon as an amulet and talisman, protection from evil. She was drawn not only on residential buildings, as we have said, but also in stores and warehouses to protect goods from pests and thieves. In addition, the pentagram was used as a symbol of royal power, which extended to all corners of the world. Therefore, the pentagram was often used in seals. According to a slightly different interpretation, the early Sumerian pentagrams are tied to the goddess of fertility and love Ishtar, as well as the Sumerian afterlife called Duat.

The Greek followers of the scientist Pythagoras, the so-called Pythagoreans, believed that the world consists of five elements - fire, water, air, earth and ether as a connecting element. We have already spoken of Agrippa, the medieval author who laid the foundation for the modern understanding of the occult and its symbols. So, according to him, the Pythagorean pentagram served as an ideal reflection of their doctrine, was the hallmark of this closed society that grew up on the basis of the Pythagorean school.

The Jews, on the other hand, associated the pentagram with sacred texts, the so-called Pentateuch. It was received by the prophet Moses as a gift from God. Alexander the Great, who conquered half the world, followed the example of the ancient kings. He used it as his seal. This occult sign and the famous Order of the Knights Templar did not ignore this. Emperor of Rome Constantine the Great who made Christianity state religion. And even one of the knights round table from the legend of King Arthur used this sign. Arthur's nephew, Sir Gawain, wore a golden pentagram on his shield, painted red, as a display of the knight's chief virtues, at the end of each pinnacle. These virtues are nobility, courtesy, chastity, courage and their crown - piety.

Emblem of the five wounds of the crucified Christ

The pentagram in Christianity, before acquiring the meaning of a witch attribute, was a symbol of the Suffering of Christ, since Jesus was crucified with a crown of thorns on his head, as well as with nails in his hands and feet. Ironically, some apostates from church dogmas and followers of Greek teachings considered it a symbol of the omnipotent intellect. In addition, in the early Christian teachings, what the pentagram means was the previously mentioned torment of Christ, and unity with God as a perfect being.

According to some assumptions, Arab magicians used a pentagram called the "seal of Solomon." Under this guise, European occult practices medieval Europe and learned about its existence from Arabic grimoires brought by travelers from the East. It should be noted that the seal of Solomon is understood simultaneously as a pentagram and a similar symbol - a hexagram, most often associated with the Chinese tradition of magic.

The five-pointed star acquires modern features in the Renaissance with the help of the works of various mystical researchers. So, for example, the Prague alchemist and astrologer Tycho Brahe in his book "Calendarium Naturale Magicum Perpetuum" created an image of a five-pointed star, on the tops of which he depicted the letters of the Divine name from another popular mystical teaching - Kabbalah. Thus, combining two occult traditions, he replenished the types of pentagrams with the so-called "Pentagrammaton".

Calendarium Naturale Magicum Perpetuum

Eliphas Levi, mentioned in the first subtitle, had a hand not only in the division of symbols into white and black. With his submission, the inverted pentagram became the sign of Stana and Baphomet, who appeared in the form of a black goat. He also used an ordinary star pointing upwards in the image of Baphomet, successfully contradicting himself.

At the end of the nineteenth century, the author of The Key to Black Magic, Stanislav de Guaita, published an image of a pentagram, around the circumference of which he wrote the name of the biblical monster Leviathan in Hebrew, placing Samael Lilith between the rays. Later, the founder of modern Satanism, the enterprising American LaVey, made this image (without the last inscription about Samael and Lilith) his trademark, all rights of which are protected by copyright law.

It is believed that the pentagram is a symbol of redemption, embodied in something carnal, some kind of living and thinking being. This idea lies at the root of all Abrahamic, that is, Christian religions - the atoning sacrifice serves with its death to continue the life of the next generations. Suffice it to recall the replacement of human sacrifices with large and small cattle, which symbolized people who give their lives to a deity.

Pentagram - a symbol of magic and its types

The most famous types of pentagrams can be. The figure of Solomon is undoubtedly extremely important for religious, mythological and magical history. The creation of these symbols, precisely what Solomon himself is called into question by skeptics, however, they bear his name. It is believed that from David, his father, Solomon at the beginning of his reign received a special sign - a star with six ends, which was composed of two regular-shaped triangles superimposed on each other.

Great Key of Solomon

Solomon placed this gift in his ring and seals, which gave him power over the spirits. It is believed that it was on the basis of the six-pointed Solomon star that medieval European magicians drew their five-pointed pentagrams, slightly modifying them. Perhaps this prompted the Grand Inquisitor Thomas de Torquemada to call this light symbol the "devil's pentagram" or the "witch's foot."

The nickname of the positively charged white pentagram, a five-pointed star with the top up, is "Druid's Foot". This pentagram is a symbol of white magic and is used in rituals to limit any forces influencing the outside world. Most pentagrams, which are sold as jewelry in all sorts of shops, are symbols of white magic and protection. However, when purchasing any amulet and talisman, one should be extremely careful. Magic pentagrams are not without reason divided into light and dark. And the designation of the pentagram as a symbol with many interpretations can be very different from the one for which you first took it. Before you buy a charm, you should find out what the pentagram that you like means.

In our time, the types of pentagrams are represented by three branches of magic. That is, these signs are protective, personal and with the symbols of the nine planets applied to them. Personal are closely related to . They are compiled individually, taking into account many factors. First of all - the date of birth of a person, the date of the name day and the name of the guardian angel, the sign of the horoscope, the planet and the elements, under the auspices of which the child was born.

This is perhaps the most powerful of the pentagrams, since it establishes a close energy connection between the human aura, guardian angel and heavenly patron. Pentagrams with symbols of the planets are aimed primarily at the fulfillment of any desire, its realization. They are compiled purely individually, taking into account all the characteristics that rarely coincide even with the most similar people. Such signs become tools of white magic.

The most ancient of all may be the pentagrams of protection, which are rooted in the very creation of amulets. They were made by our distant ancestors from bone, iron and other materials. A protective pentagram is an assistant in a specific situation, during a long journey or good luck in business, or recovery from a serious illness. White magicians claim that special rituals are necessary to awaken the protective properties of the amulet.

The symbol of evil and destruction - the five-pointed inverted star, on the contrary, does not need additional motives, conspiracies and energizing. Negative events and negative emotions charge it with power, if the owner does not have special knowledge to use or cancel such energy. In any case, the use of black magic one way or another leads to bad consequences, which then become extremely difficult to correct.