Why do you dream about a high water tower? The magic of numbers. Tower according to the Dream Book of the healer Fedorovskaya

Today we will prepare such a tasty and nutritious dish as homemade nougat. There is no need to overpay when you can easily achieve the coveted standard with your own hands.

This is a confectionery product; according to tradition, it is prepared from honey and sugar and various nuts. Nuts are an essential product in nougat.

Nougat has been loved in Europe since the 15th century and is still an attribute of all Christmas holidays. And nougat came to Europe from the Middle East.

How to make nougat with your own hands?

We won't need much.


  • 250 g whole almonds,
  • white of 1 egg,
  • 60 g sugar,
  • citric acid 1/4 tsp,
  • a thin glass of honey,
  • 0.3 kg sugar, 1/4 cup water,
  • vanilla extract 1 tsp,
  • unsalted butter 60 g.

On the one hand, it may seem that nougat is very difficult to cook. However, once you start preparing nougat at home, you will see that there is absolutely nothing complicated, you just need to remember a couple of basic points.

Nougat often contains nuts. You can use any nuts in our sweets that you can find. For us, these are almonds and need to be toasted first. Unroasted nuts will have a certain softness, which will negatively affect the quality of the product. Roasted nuts release their aroma very intensely under the influence of temperature.

Place on a sheet or frying pan and fry until golden color 10 minutes. Honey should never be candied or old. Pour the honey into a saucepan and bring to almost a boil. Honey helps the nougat to be completely soft and prevents the sugar from crystallizing. Plus, honey is also known to be very aromatic.

In addition, one more important pointLet's cook sugar syrup. When cooking syrup, you need to take into account that before the syrup begins to boil, the sugar must be completely dissolved. Stir the sweet solution and heat it.

To prevent sugar crystals from forming along the walls of the vessel, experienced confectioners take an ordinary kitchen brush, dip it in water and brush it along the walls of the pan, as if collecting sugar.

Also, to prevent the sugar from crystallizing, add a little lemon juice to the syrup.

As soon as the syrup boils, stop stirring and do not disturb it anymore. Let the syrup heat up up to a temperature of 148 degrees, this is the soft caramel stage. It’s very similar, isn’t it?

A special caramel thermometer is used to control the temperature. If you plan to cook nougat or caramel in the future, then such a device is a must.

Meanwhile, separate the yolk and white, add sugar to the white, citric acid, vanilla extract and beat. Then combine hot honey and sugar syrup. Continuing to beat the whites, slowly pour in the caramel(a mixture of honey and sugar). The caramel is very hot, beat for 5-7 minutes until it becomes fluffy. Next add butter.

You can replace the butter with any chocolate (dark, white), just take a little more than the volume of butter.

Mix. The nougat mixture is ready. Pour the prepared roasted nuts into it. You can chop the nuts coarsely, but they look great in nougat whole. Mix and transfer to a form to harden. Any shape will do, which one you like and which one you have on hand. Let cool for about an hour. Then we put the form with nougat in the refrigerator to completely harden, cut it into portions.

Our yummy is ready! Bon appetit!

A tower seen in a dream is a symbol of sublimity and overcoming. The Felomena dream book interprets this sign as the waking existence of the strongest to achieve something more. Do not restrain yourself and your aspirations. Improve your skills, move forward, only then will you achieve your plans.


What tower did you dream about?

I dreamed about the Eiffel Tower ▼

If you dream about the Eiffel Tower, you should expect quick news from some distant relatives. You have been inside it - in reality you have the opportunity to gain new knowledge and increase your own. These should not be neglected.

The Eiffel Tower and Paris appeared in a dream - you dream of being here with your person. It is necessary not only to live this dream, but also to take steps towards it, to perform some actions. Don't deviate from your goal - you will succeed.

High tower in a dream ▼

The dream book interprets a dream about a high tower as meaning that in reality you have high feelings and desires. You should not ruin your noble nature with groundless suspicions, and... Shine like one, illuminating the path for yourself and your loved ones.

Dreaming of a water tower ▼

In you are holding back, unable to express yourself as you would like, to show your essence, the nature given from birth, if you saw it in a dream water tower. In addition, water pressure indicates a false sense of security.

How are other dream books interpreted?


Did you dream about the Tower, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about the Tower in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    Hello! I dreamed that I was on the top of a hill, and there were many hills around. I was sitting in my car and looking to the left out the window, and there on the next hill I saw a tower made of stone!... I would like to know what this dream is for? .Thank you!

    Hello! I dreamed that I was riding a cable car with my friend, there was fog all around. Suddenly the fog dissipates very quickly, as if it moves back and I see in front of me, 50 meters away, Ostankino tower. and it seemed so huge to me... Tell me, what could this mean? Thanks in advance)

    Hello, please help me find out the meaning of the dream. In a dream I saw the Eiffel Tower, which was displaced, as if it had been overwhelmed. But there was a big one nearby construction crane from which ropes were stretched to the tower, thereby preventing it from falling. All together this structure did not fall.

    Hello, Tatyana. I already wrote to you, but you didn’t answer. I dreamed that I was standing on an autumn day near a birch tree, it’s near my yard, with a guy. I know him, but not personally, then I hugged him. The sun was shining a little .I felt some kind of joy, but not so much from love, as from the fact that I knew that his girlfriends were jealous of me. Even later, I dreamed that I was traveling on a bus with three people: I was some guy (it seemed like the same ) and a girl. he paid attention to me

    I am lucky - through an acquaintance we are flying to Paris! (me, my sister and an unknown older woman). I fly away from home quickly, without properly packing my things. This trip is for one day. The flight goes quickly. When we are already there, we head to the hotel. Having taken our rooms, we are offered tea, supposedly according to tradition. It’s strange that before tea you need to drink a couple of sips of an incomprehensible liquid. I drink it, I feel the taste. I think it's a vanilla shake. It's hot. Now after that we laugh and talk. It turns out that this woman who offered us a trip to France had been there herself more than once. And I have suspicions. that our guide is a native, influential French woman. Walking around Paris, we came to the legendary Ephel Tower. At first we admired her from the side. They were amazed at her grace, slimness, and beauty. Approaching it, we see that it is strong, impenetrable and... really great. We walk underneath it. From the women’s stories we learn a lot of new, useful and surprising things. It really smells different. We spent only one day in Paris. I was happy that day. Upon arrival home, my parents could not believe what I told them. But my grandmother, listening to me, sat and smiled. Having felt new feelings in another country, I feel happy. And, despite the fact that it was a dream, I’m glad. Very happy. I definitely have to visit this land of love

    as if I was living in some kind of hostel, such a good one, my room number was two hundred and something, and different families lived next door to me, just young and old drunks, so it was as if the neighbor’s girl was left alone unattended, and I was everywhere I walked around watching her, but she didn’t seem to be afraid of anything, she was running around like crazy, I somehow caught her under the bridge, she was jumping from the stones under the bridge, then her parents came, she went home, then my other neighbors were shown on TV, and they were talking about her, I came to them and said that I had been looking after her for two days, Ilya was supposed to come to me, he came, and didn’t really want to take her, but he simply agreed because it was right, then I went to my house, it looked like a tower, and I ran across the bridge to this tower, there were cars driving there, I don’t remember further

    vchera nochuy mne snilsya eifelevaya bashnya s raznotsvetnami lampami, very beautiful bashnya. Ya stoyala i smotrela a vnutri restoran tam kak budto ludi sidyat or uzhinaut. K chemu by eto? Thank you

    as if he approached a hole in the floor (it seemed like from the ground, but in the end it turned out as if from the upper floors), and climbed onto a tower made of a metal frame, like a radio-television tower, began to descend, and it began to collapse and bend, but not quickly, I seemed to get down safely myself, without any special consequences... then there seemed to be some kind of mechanism on the tower that swung like a pendulum and could shoot discs from circular saw, I was afraid that someone wouldn’t aim at me, wouldn’t hit me... and my friends stayed upstairs and said something, but I was hiding from the saw, and in the end, seeing that it was unlikely to hit me, I went on with my business

    Hello! I dreamed that in the morning I got out of bed, the curtains were drawn (everything is as in reality, my apartment, bedroom, curtains, that’s how it was) I open the curtains and then an unprecedented picture appears before my eyes... a completely different reality is unfolding outside the window... I see a high tower made of dark brick, a UFO flying around, a sandstorm, all this is very mesmerizing. I’m trying to understand that I’m in a dream, but no, then I’m overcome by a massive feeling that this is actual reality, that I just got out of bed, that’s where it ends.

    I dreamed that I was climbing the Eiffel Tower, I was afraid to go down because the stairs were steep, I had to go to the end, although my head was spinning from the height. I went to the observation deck and started looking through telescopes... visibility was not very good... but I clearly saw the water, the underwater and a lot of sharks...I was glad that they were far away and I was high...I was not alone with some men...

    Hello, Tatyana.
    I saw myself and my colleague (Natalia) in a dream where she and I were riding an elevator inside the Eiffel Tower... except the elevator was inside an aquarium, where live fish were swimming around)) It was something... The elevator looked like American bitters, as if 100 floors))

    I dreamed about how I climbed up the stairs into the tower from the inside. It was covered in rocks that were slimy due to the humidity. While climbing there were some suspicious men with frightening looks, when I saw them I went back to the exit, but I really wanted to get up there, because I knew that a beautiful view awaited me at the top. Then several more people, tourists, headed to that tower, and together with them I went back into the tower.

    I dreamed that I was sitting in a tower above the forest, which is not far from my house. When I looked out the window, I saw friends walking along the path we often visited, which led to the clearing where we were building a tree house. And this clearing has a vague history. There, in the 90s, as we were told, they buried corpses; there, on a small pond, a girl drowned and was not found. Once upon a time there was a landfill on this site that was filled up. And in the dream I just looked at them, tried to shout to them.

    I was climbing the stairs very difficult, someone was in the way, when I got up I saw a man behind the glass and realized that he was in the way, I broke some of his bottles and swung on a swing, then in the cinema hall the same man put a pocket watch with an emerald on my son’s collar

    I’ve been having the same dream for a long time, but not every night, but intermittently. It’s like I’m in Paris, I really like it, I’m happy, but I can’t find the Eiffel Tower. Every time in my dream I do the same thing along the way I pass some kind of tower, like the Eiffel Tower, but it’s not it and it will be smaller...then I walk through some alley lined with tiles...I pass a tree on which sweets hang and I walk to a river with a bridge and the bridge is suspended wooden on ropes and every time this is where the dream ends, and it also ends interestingly. It’s as if the game is running out of time that I was given to search for the tower and it returns me to the first level.. but at the end of the time I have a feeling that someone will attack me and I wake up...

    Hello, I dreamed that I was in some old village, riding on a bed on wheels, the bed was white, and then I jumped off it, and some bushes beckoned me, and behind the bushes, behind the trees, there was a tower fortress, so old, and there was a wild cold blowing from there that I was afraid to come close to her, fear enveloped me, and some terrible howls were heard...

    I very quickly climbed to the second level of the Epheal Tower. but to the top even higher I have to go differently, but in the dream I don’t have time to get a ticket to the top from the entrance shown and not and I wake up

    I had this dream for a long time and many times, now I don’t dream about it anymore, I just want to know what it was about. let's get started: night, a huge tower, and at the very end of the tower there is some girl standing high, her hair is flying, I climb after her and just got up and she jumps, I jump after her without hesitation, we fly and only when we fly up to the ground do we not crash and I I wake up, here.

    I work for an Internet provider company. I dreamed of a metal tower (tower), it seemed very high to me, but suddenly next to it I saw a second structure that was much taller and larger. I remember so much later that I was on this very tower, it was very high.

    I stood about a meter from the tower (the tower was ancient), there was a square surrounded by hieroglyphs, the hand (right) was directed at them, then, as if from 1st person, I saw yellow circles, they gradually moved from one hieroglyph to another, then they stopped at one Kerpech there were drawings like Egyptians, I somehow clicked on it and the secret door opened and I ended up in the hospital...

    I have had the same dream several times about climbing a ladder up a very high tower. It is so high that you cannot see the houses below. At the top I am afraid and afraid to go down, but then I go down and the fear goes away.

    I was in Paris, on vacation with my parents. Then I dreamed that I was watching from a hotel room Eiffel Tower, she was all holy, beautiful. I dream about Paris more than once. In fact, I was there for a long time.

    My parents and I arrived in Vitebsk (Belarus). We were sitting in our red car and then I saw the Eiffel Tower at an angle. I thought it was a joke, but then the tower fell. I was in shock; our car miraculously passed through. The next day the same thing happened again, almost hitting the car. The car was a few centimeters from the iron pins. At night we decided to freshen up and went for a walk, but our parents ran away somewhere. I saw strange personalities and blocked all the car doors except mine. When they took me away, I saw a HUGE Santa Claus (the size of the Eiffel Tower). He was carrying the tower. I was even more surprised when Santa Claus fell along with the tower. Then I woke up.

    I'm walking through a cemetery with someone, but I can't understand who I'm walking with, I don't see faces, with mom it seems, and we climb onto a tower to escape from some people or someone else, there are supposedly pieces of iron hanging there, and my mother tells me to go up first, and she will follow me, and so I got up, and she started to climb and fell, and I was left alone, on some tower, and some 4 people were already following me
    This is where the dream ends
    In a dream It happened in the summer
    I’ve been dreaming for 5 years now
    In October from 7th to 10th
    The cemetery is all overgrown as if no one has gone there for a long time

    We walked up the stairs, looking at beautiful porcelain objects, everything around was glass, in general we found ourselves very, very high in a glass tower, I was very scared, I was choking with fear, I saw cars and houses below, they were tiny. My husband calms me down. And I think that I will die by falling down, because... go down only by external stairs

    I ran around the tower, it was round and very high, every now and then I climbed up and down the round stairs. I was looking for some artists .. After some kind of inspiration, I went down into a cave, where I first came across a troll, I had a sword in a sheath, I entered into a battle with the troll and he was defeated, then I again found myself in the tower and again looked for artists . in the end I couldn’t find them and went into the cave in the hope of finding them there. but after some time wandering around the cave I came across a cyclops... and again a battle, again a victory... I never found the artists, but I found my relatives (parents, sister) they lived in a cave, but at the same time there was a house, a vegetable garden, light and everything...

    The woman placed a jack under the high iron tower and it began to fall and collapse. It happened at my dacha. The tower stood on the site of everyone's favorite apple tree. I fell into a furrow and pieces of iron and huge iron balls flew at me, but not one fell on me!

    Hello Tatyana! My dream: I’m climbing the stairs, I’m afraid to fall, and when I’m already very high, I see tall buildings and on one of them there is a clock tower (the architecture reminded me of England). White fluffy clouds enveloped the houses. It seemed like it was dawn. It was sunny, the rays pierced the clouds and illuminated everything around. I wanted the dream not to end, it was so pleasant and It’s comfortable to be in it. When I woke up, it seemed to me that I was in heaven))) Yes, I dreamed prophetic dreams, and precisely from Thursday to Friday, but they were not always positive. I want to say that I have never had such pleasant dreams, and I would like to know what this could mean. I would be very grateful to you!

    Hello. I dreamed that I was inside a high tower. From there there is an internal staircase leading down. I'm wearing a hoodie dress gray. I go down and the light becomes less and less until darkness sets in at the very bottom and I feel my way. I open the door and walk out of the tower into the field. It is covered with water and grass.

    Dream: I am on a high tower that stands in the middle of the ocean/sea. The water is clean, but the action itself takes place at night. or it’s just dark there, so you can’t even see the water, you can only hear the water beating against the walls of this stone (as if ancient) castle, where there are no walls, I’ll clarify. Next to me is an old man and a girl. In this dream, after some conversations, we fell asleep. I woke up to the fact that the girl was lying on the very edge of the cliff of the fortress. I barely have time to grab her sleeve when she falls. and the old man, waking up, seemed to blame me for the fact that she was lying on the very edge, and literally: “this is what you did.” and I wake up without knowing whether the girl survived or not, whether I held her or not.

    I'm on the bus. I feel like I’m going to a loved one. But all the time I arrive and get off at the same stop in his city, where I have never been before. I can’t find his house, but when I get off the bus I see two tall towers across the road to my right. They are brick and narrow towards the top and widen towards the bottom. The weather in this dream is cloudy. Either spring or summer. It’s not clear, but I’m not dressed warmly. I don’t remember if there were people on the bus. But in the end, I never met my beloved. It felt like I was arriving at the wrong stop and it was like I was in Bermuda triangle from which I couldn’t get out. Since I didn’t get on any bus, no matter which direction I went, I always ended up at this stop. Please explain this dream to me. Thank you very much in advance.

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of a tower, it means that you want to achieve a lot in life. If you climb a tower during your dream, you will achieve success. But if the tower collapses as soon as you descend from it, you will be disappointed.

Tower in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The tower is a symbol of power and authority. Seeing a pointed tower, strongly stretched upward, means that the dreamer has power, but uses it imprudently; means that the dreamer overestimated his strength and underestimated his rivals; means a decrease in influence, a loss of majority support. Seeing a tower that is impossible to approach means a meeting with a very significant person, a politician or a financial tycoon. Seeing a thoroughly fortified tower is a symbol of strength and great influence. Seeing a collapsing tower is a symbol big changes political and other courses. Seeing a tower besieged by armed men is a symbol of conflict different camps, with great influence, a struggle between opponents, opponents, which will have significant consequences. Seeing a tower with loopholes is a symbol of power, which is based on fear, resigned submission, a symbol of aggression.

Why do you have a dream about a tower?

according to Vanga's dream book

In a dream, a tower symbolizes the sublimity of feelings, overcoming obstacles or an unattainable dream. If in a dream you climb the steps to the top of the tower with great difficulty, this is a sign that in reality you will have to overcome many obstacles before achieving your goal. A dream in which you see a high beautiful tower, symbolizes the sublimity of feelings and desires that overwhelm your heart. If in a dream a tower fell and collapsed, and you are standing among the rubble, this means that you will destroy your happiness with your rash decisions and actions. On the river bank you build a tower of sand, which is washed away by the wave - this symbolizes deep disappointment that all your efforts will be in vain and will only come true in your fantasies. A dream in which you jumped from a high tower and did not crash is a sign that you will have to make a very important and responsible decision, the result of which depends only on you. If in a dream you are inside a tower that is about to collapse, and wandering along the stairs in search of a way out, in reality you will become a witness or participant in social upheaval. In a dream, you are building a high tower and stacking huge and heavy stones yourself - this means that in reality you will be able to overcome all the hardships of life in order to achieve what you want.

Why do you dream about a tower?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

let; many towers in the city - an unusual enterprise; being in the tower is a betrayal.

I dreamed about a fortress

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are imprisoned in a fortress means that your opponents will succeed in their desire to embarrass you. Putting others under arrest in a fortress means that you will gradually settle your upset affairs and make peace with women.

Why do you dream about a castle?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to see - fulfillment of desires; to enter - unexpected happiness, a wedding with a recently acquaintance; living in a castle means wealth, (for a woman) an unwanted patron; leaving the castle (leave) - breaking promises, breaking personal or business relationships; flaming - good consequences; closed gate - interference, obstacles independent of the sleeper, rock; loss of place (in the old service).

I dreamed about a castle

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing yourself in a castle means that you will be the owner of a significant fortune, enough to live the way you want. This dream will tell you that you have intentions to become a great traveler, there is a thirst for communication with people of many nationalities. Seeing an old castle overgrown with ivy means a penchant for romantic tastes. You must be careful to conclude suitable marriage or training. After such a dream, your commercial affairs may decline. To dream that you are leaving the castle means that you will be robbed or you will lose someone close to you.

I dreamed about a castle

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a castle in a dream means confusion. If you open or close a lock, it means that you will soon discover that someone is harming you. If you are in love, you will find a way to defeat your opponent. In addition, you will have a successful trip. If you see that the lock does not work, you will be ridiculed and humiliated in love, and the risky journey will not bring you benefits. Fastening the clasp on your bride's necklace and bracelet foretells that you will have doubts about her fidelity, but subsequent events will completely destroy them.

Castle in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

A castle is a symbol of indecision, isolation, barrier, obstacles. A dream in which you lock the door means spiritual emptiness and an attempt to escape from solving problems. Seeing a broken lock in a dream is a betrayal of friends. Seeing a castle without a well in a dream means you are too arrogant, so you may not count on a quick solution to the problem in the near future. If in a dream you saw a castle of an unusual shape, you will witness interesting events. Seeing a fallen castle in a dream means that in reality you will be able to unravel some secret or prophecy.

In a dream, a tower symbolizes the sublimity of feelings, overcoming obstacles or an unattainable dream.

If in a dream you climb the steps to the top of the tower with great difficulty, this is a sign that in reality you will have to overcome many obstacles before achieving your goal.

A dream in which you see a tall, beautiful tower in front of you symbolizes the sublimity of feelings and desires that overwhelm your heart.

If in a dream a tower fell and collapsed, and you are standing among the rubble, this means that you will destroy your happiness with your rash decisions and actions.

On the river bank you build a tower of sand, which is washed away by the wave - this symbolizes deep disappointment that all your efforts will be in vain and will only come true in your fantasies.

A dream in which you jumped from a high tower and did not crash is a sign that you will have to make a very important and responsible decision, the result of which depends only on you.

If in a dream you are inside a tower that is about to collapse and wandering along the stairs in search of a way out, in reality you will become a witness or participant in social upheaval.

In a dream, you are building a high tower and stacking huge and heavy stones yourself - this means that in reality you will be able to overcome all life’s hardships in order to achieve what you want.

Interpretation of dreams from Vanga's Dream Book

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Seeing the Tower in a dream

Reflects the pressure on the dreamer of social norms and rules that are imposed on him from the outside and symbolizes a tradition or idea that is a barrier to his further development.

Interpretation of dreams from the Free Dream Book

What does the dream Tower mean?

A tower decorated with flags and banners - your life will be filled with laughter and joy. Everything will work out, and you will be on time everywhere. You will feel a surge of strength. Remove from windows heavy curtains for 5 days, leave only the tulle. Hang as many ribbons as possible near the bed.

Watchtower - get ready for troubles both at work and in your personal life. You have to hold the defense everywhere. It is possible that people close to you will get sick. Wear as much jewelry as possible for 10 days, giving preference to jewelry with large stones. Before going to bed, completely burn the candle (it doesn’t matter which one - it could be a church candle or a souvenir one, the role here is not the candle, but a living fire, which should be lit and allowed to burn out naturally).

Interpretation of dreams from the Mayan Dream Book

See the Tower in a dream

You are trying to achieve a lot in life: wealth, high position and the like, but it is not yet in your power.

Interpretation of dreams from the Big Dream Book

What do Tower dreams mean?

A tower or derrick seen in a dream speaks of your ambition, which does not allow your energy to fade, forcing you to look for ways to rise in life, make a career, and surprise everyone with unexpected success. If you dream that you are climbing up the numerous steps of a structure that goes far into the sky, your efforts will bring the expected result and your aspirations will come true - a promotion at work, an improvement in your financial situation, generous gifts from fans await you. However, if you go down, exit the tower and suddenly see it begin to collapse, you will be disappointed.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream about the Tower

if a person sees in a dream that he is on a tower or inside it, then he will not be saved from the one who is pursuing him, and if he is sick, he may die. The Koran says: “Death will still overtake you, even if you are in towers erected high.” (Sura Nisa, 78).

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

What does Tower mean in a dream?

Achieving success will require significant effort, but the results are worth it.

Imagine that the tower is not at all as high as it seemed. Ideally, it turns out that the tower is a toy.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

The meaning of dreams Tower

A difficult climb up a tower in a dream is a sign that in reality you will have to overcome many obstacles to achieve your goal.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

What does Tower mean in a dream?

A tower in your dreams is a symbol of obstacles, anxiety and high aspirations. If in a dream you suddenly see a tall tower standing in your way, then difficulties and problems await you, overcoming which you will be able to achieve good results. A collapsed tower portends a lot of good news for you and means that all obstacles to success have disappeared.

Such a dream is very favorable. If in a dream you enter a tower or are in it, then beware of a long and painful illness. However, if in a dream you managed to get out of it, then a quick recovery and success in your undertakings await you. Climbing a tower in a dream and successfully reaching the very top is a sign of big and happy changes in your destiny and affairs. Seeing a falling tower in a dream is a sign of imprisonment. A watchtower in your dreams means that you have many grandiose plans, but you will have to work hard to implement them, because your ill-wishers will make every effort to stop you. A dream in which you see many small towers over a city predicts that you have conceived many unusual enterprises that will be difficult for you to implement. Climbing a tower is a harbinger of success. However, if you dreamed that you climbed a tower and then descended from it, then disappointment and loss await you. If the tower collapsed immediately after you descended from it, then your grief is in vain. Either you will succeed, or the matter is not worth being upset about. Unusual shape towers in a dream means that you like to dream and sometimes your imagination takes you so far that you stop really assessing what is happening. See interpretation: stairs, road.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Interpretation of the dream Tower

If you dream of a tower, this indicates your desire to achieve great success in love and completely capture the attention of your loved one. If in your dream you climbed a tower, you will achieve the attention of many enviable persons. But if the tower suddenly collapses as soon as you descend from it, you will be disappointed in love.

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate Dream Book

What does it mean to see a Tower in a dream?

Tower - good news - see - expected road - climb the tower - illness - falling tower - you will be deprived of freedom - beautiful, high - overcoming difficulties, obstacles - many towers - unusual obstacle - watchdog - good views for the future.

Interpretation of dreams from Kananita's Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Tower

If you dream of a tower, it means that you want to achieve a lot in life.

If during a dream you climb a tower, you will achieve success. But if the tower collapses as soon as you descend from it, you will be disappointed.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

The meaning of the dream Tower

Tower - you have very high goals in life.

Climbing up means you will achieve these goals, going down means difficulties and a low probability of fulfillment of desires.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for a bitch

See the Tower in a dream

A big and serious problem associated with competitors (rivals, fans) - if you climb the tower, if you watch - to unrealistic hopes.

Interpretation of dreams from the Newest Dream Book

Dream prediction Tower

This sign can symbolize isolation.

Do you feel as if you are locked in an ivory tower and cut off from various aspects of your own personality? Declare to yourself: “I fully communicate with other people and enjoy interactions.”

This sign also indicates reaching a point of spiritual clarity.

IN ancient egypt the tower served as a symbol of elevation above the vanity of life.

This is a sign of ascent to a new, higher level of spiritual awakening.

This is probably why falling from a tower symbolizes emotional turmoil in tarot cards.

Psychotherapists who follow Freud claim that the tower is a phallic symbol.

Interpretation of dreams from the American Dream Book

Why do you dream about the Tower?

Tower - Seeing a tower brings rich possibilities. Being on top is a danger from vanity, don’t worry. Climbing up is a difficult part life path With disabilities. Jumping, falling from a tower - fear of responsibility associated with social position.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

What do Tower dreams mean?

A harbinger of quick and great success or a symbol of your desire for solitude.

The tower falls - the expected success will pass very close, but past you.

The tower is far on the horizon - irritation and melancholy.

The watchtower is a dubious journey or adventure ahead of you.

Climbing a tower means success; falling.

There are many towers in the city - an unusual thing awaits you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

Dream about the Tower

Wearing an official headdress, you climb the tower - there will be a promotion.

You go up to the high mansion, to the tower - happiness in everything.

Climbing the tower is happiness in everything.

Interpretation of dreams from the Chinese dream book

The meaning of dreams Tower

climbing the tower is a disease
leaning tower - you will be deprived of freedom
beautiful high tower - overcome difficulties
watchdog - good prospects for the future
seeing the tower at all is the expected path

Interpretation of dreams from Hasse's Dream Interpretation

What does Tower mean in a dream?

“collapse the tower” threat, aggression, collapse. The tower indicates the difficulty of achieving something. “Imprisonment in a tower” is a severe punishment with the impossibility of escape.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Idioms

Tower dream meaning

A dream in which a tower is present means that you want to achieve a lot in life.

Climb the tower - you will succeed. But if you barely get down and the tower collapses, expect disappointment.

Nostradamus considered the tower a symbol of power and authority. A strongly elongated, pointed tower is dreamed of by a person who carelessly uses the power given to him. Perhaps he overestimates his own strength and underestimates the strength of his opponents. This could significantly reduce his influence, and he would lose majority support.

If you dream that you cannot approach the tower, then you are about to meet with a very significant person, a politician or a financial tycoon.

According to Nostradamus, a thoroughly fortified tower seen in a dream is a symbol of strength and great influence.

A collapsing tower dreams of big changes.

A tower under siege by armed people symbolizes a clash between different influential camps, a struggle between opponents, which will entail significant consequences.

A tower with loopholes is a symbol of aggression and power based on fear and resigned submission.

According to the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga, the tower symbolizes the sublimity of feelings, overcoming obstacles or an unattainable dream.

If you have great difficulty climbing the steps to the top of the tower, then real life On the way to your goal you will have to overcome many obstacles.

A tall, beautiful tower symbolizes the sublimity of feelings and desires.

If in a dream you are standing among the rubble of a destroyed tower, then in reality you can destroy your happiness with your rash decisions and actions.

A tower of sand on a river bank, which is subsequently washed away by a wave, means that you will be deeply disappointed due to your futile efforts.

If you jumped from a high tower and did not crash, you will have to make a very important and responsible decision. Remember that the result depends only on you! If you were looking for a way out of a tower that is in danger of destruction, you will become a witness or participant in social upheaval.

If you built a high tower from huge, heavy stones, you will be able to overcome all the hardships of life and achieve what you want.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

Interpretation of the dream Tower

Seeing a tower that is impossible to approach means a meeting with a very significant person, a politician or a financial tycoon.

Seeing a thoroughly fortified tower is a symbol of strength and great influence.

Seeing a collapsing tower is a symbol of big changes (political and other courses).

Seeing a tower besieged by armed men is a symbol of a clash between different camps that have great influence, a struggle between opponents, opponents, which will have significant consequences.

Seeing a tower with loopholes is a symbol of power, which is based on fear, resigned submission, a symbol of aggression.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Nostradamus

Interpretation of sleep Tower

To see a beautiful tower surrounded by a beautiful garden in a dream means a pleasure walk that will take place with great pleasure and benefit for you.

Firstly, you will get to know interesting people, and secondly, you will learn a lot of new things about those with whom you have known for a long time.

An old, destroyed tower: a bad sign.

An event will soon occur during which you will show all your stubbornness.

A spirit of contradiction will appear in you, which will prevent you from following good advice.

Because of your persistence, only you will suffer.

But that’s not all; as a result, the person who gave the advice will be offended by you and will not want to deal with you further.

If the situation predicted by the dream actually happens, you better forget about stubbornness and follow the advice that you will be given to see the tower from afar: expect unpleasant news.

Most likely, the matter is in some event, the outcome of which you are waiting for.

Your dream is unfavorable. Be prepared for this.

Interpretation of dreams from Longo's Dream Interpretation

The meaning of the dream Tower

A dream in which you see a tall, beautiful tower in front of you means that feelings and desires overwhelm your heart.

If in a dream you are climbing spiral staircase to the very top of a tower or lighthouse, in a dream you build a high tower and carry large stones yourself - in reality you will be able to overcome all the hardships of life to achieve what you want.

A dream in which you jumped from a high tower and did not crash is a sign that you will have to make a very important and responsible decision, the result of which depends only on you.

If in a dream a tower falls and collapses, and you stand among its rubble, this means that you yourself will destroy your happiness.

If on the shore of the sea or river you build a tower of sand, which is then washed away by a wave, most likely all your efforts will be in vain and will only come true in your fantasies.

You will be deeply disappointed.

If in a dream you are inside a tower that is about to collapse, and wandering along the stairs in search of a way out, in reality you will become a witness or participant in some significant event.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Shereminskaya

See the Tower in a dream

Symbol of the ascension and formation of the self.

Human body.

Emblem of the Virgin Mary.

In the 16th lasso of the tarot, a tower struck by lightning - destruction of projects, disaster of plans, overthrow of idols, destruction of self.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why do you dream about a tower? How do dream books interpret such a dream? Such a dream means that you should expect a decrease in your income. A tower in a dream, despite the fact that the dream book interprets that such a dream is associated with finances, should not at all mean economic losses, but almost always serves as a warning before various evil or unfortunate events, mainly relying on the loss of something important.

Why do you dream of a high tower in a dream - Freud's dream book

Why dream of seeing a High Tower, or even a small one, this portends serious financial losses for you.
If you see the tower but cannot get close, this portends a deterioration in the current economic situation, and it is possible that as a result of fraud, which, unfortunately, you may soon become a victim of.

I dreamed about the Eiffel Bath - Miller's dream book

If you dream about the Eiffel Tower, this means for you a significant and rather unexpected influx of money, and if you receive it from someone, that your efforts in any particular case will not bring any results except wasted time.
Also, such a dream means an increase in your income, which means that it is possible that you will receive an increase, and if you go out for a walk, it means that you will no longer be dependent on one of your close people.

Seeing a tower fall in a dream - Vanga’s dream book

Why do you dream about a falling tower? According to the dream book, this is a warning so that you do not get involved in the enterprise that is currently being discussed over your head, because you cannot have any advantages with it. It can also be an expression of a person's low self-confidence, mainly that her every action must end in disaster because she is too bad to finally succeed.

Why do you dream of a falling tower in a dream - Nostradamus’ dream book

If you dreamed that a tower was falling and possibly caused great damage to your friends, it is more likely good sign, because it means that after some time you will be able to unexpectedly find the best way out of some unpleasant situation in which you find yourself, however, this does not mean that you will take advantage of this opportunity.

Why do you dream of a high tower - Hasse's dream book

Why do you dream of a high tower? When in a dream you look at a high tower, this is a signal that in the near future you should be more vigilant, especially, of course, at work, but not only. You must check everything even more diligently than usual and monitor your affairs more carefully.