Bermuda Triangle interesting facts. Interesting facts about the unexplained in science

« Ph'nglui mglvnafh Cthulhu R'lyeh vgah'nagl fhtagn", which means: "Here, in this house, in the city of R'lyeh, the dead Cthulhu sleeps in anticipation of his hour».

Howard Phillips Lovecraft « Call of Cthulhu»

The Bermuda Triangle is a real phenomenon of the 20th century, over the secret of which scientists, as well as ufologists, psychics and representatives of a number of other dubious professions, have been struggling for more than a dozen years. About the sinister place in the Atlantic Ocean, where ships and planes disappear, only a person who spent his whole life in a bunker did not hear. The stories of sailors, residents of nearby areas and some representatives of alternative science, richly seasoned with fantasies, cause an unhealthy chill on the back and forever discourage anyone who had previously planned a holiday somewhere nearby.

There are many versions with the reasons for the loss of vehicles in these waters. Some believe that aliens are kidnapping people and equipment, especially since the version of their existence has been significantly warmed up. Others suggest a government conspiracy, the dominance of pirates, the influence of ghosts and poltergeists, divine intervention, and other conjectures. Scientists are more skeptical, and offer much more mundane versions.

The Bermuda Triangle is, of course, an imaginary line that runs through Florida, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico to form a triangle (some seriously suggest that the Bermuda Triangle can be seen). The ocean in these places is incredibly lively, there are a lot of resorts and remarkable places that attract tourists. Even superstitious captains have to grit their teeth to navigate their ships through the Bermuda Triangle (Devil's Triangle, as some religious people like to call it) to earn a living. However, rumors about the paranormal features of this part of the Atlantic are greatly exaggerated - the vast majority of ships and aircraft overcome this section without any incident. But there is always a chance to go to sea and not return.

It is human nature to exaggerate everything. Both for selfish purposes, and from a lack of understanding of the world around us. However, there is no smoke without fire. The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle really exists, albeit not on the scale that is served in literature and cinema.

What is the Bermuda Triangle

From unofficial sources, the mysterious disappearances of ships in the Bermuda Triangle area became known in 1840. According to rumors that have survived to this day, then the French ship Rosalie washed up on the shores near Nassau, on which there was no one from the crew, but the ship itself looked completely serviceable. The sails on the ship were raised and everything looked as if the crew of the ship had simply disappeared in an instant. In the 20th century, skeptics refuted this story, but the sediment remained.
The theme of the Bermuda Triangle began to return in the middle of the last century. This was influenced by a number of inexplicable events that occurred in these waters, as well as journalists who, for the sake of beautiful headlines and creativity, called an area of ​​​​about 4 million square kilometers the place where Atlantis disappeared.

A great influence on public attention to the phenomenon in Bermuda waters was Charles Berlitz, an American writer who published a book with facts about the Bermuda Triangle in 1974. In it, Berlitz collected known cases of mysterious disappearances of vehicles in the area, and also tried to analyze the events and come to their causes. The book became a bestseller not only among the American population, but throughout the world. It was from this moment that the public, which has always been greedy for all sorts of hoaxes, showed interest in the problem of the paranormal area in the Atlantic Ocean.

In fact, the Bermuda Triangle is not really a triangle, no matter how punning it may sound. If you analyze all the missing vehicles in the area using a map, and then connect the lines, you will get more like a rhombus or something similar, so the area does not have strictly defined boundaries. If there is something mystical in this place, then you should not feel safe when you go beyond the triangle.

Known cases of missing vehicles in the Bermuda Triangle

If the problem of the Bermuda Triangle is exaggerated, then not too much. Throughout the 20th century, mysterious events really take place in this area, some of which even scientists are not able to explain until now. At the bottom of the ocean in these places there are many sunken ships, more large quantity ships and planes were never found. We have tried to collect the most strange disappearances and wrecks of vehicles in sinister triangle Devil.

The disappearance of the Avengers. Link 19

Perhaps one of the most controversial and mystical events associated with the Bermuda Triangle occurred on December 5, 1945. Berlitz wrote about him in his book. On this day, a flight of five Avenger torpedo bombers took off from the naval aviation base in Fort Lauderdale, which were supposed to perform an ordinary training flight. The weather was excellent: calm, clear skies, excellent visibility. 14 experienced pilots (some of them with 2,500 hours of flight time) set out on a standard airbase route to drop bombs on a hypothetical target and return home. But they didn't return.

At 14.10 local time, the torpedo bombers left the base, after which the experts can only judge what happened from the records in the radio logs. An hour and a half after the start of the flight, radio communications were detected at the air base, in which the squadron pilots were anxiously talking about the fact that the navigation devices had failed, all the compasses had failed, and the link had gone astray.

The Fort Lauderdale leadership gave the order to establish contact with Group 19, and after half an hour the rescue unit was able to contact the lead link, Captain Taylor. The commander confirmed that he does not have navigation, and he does not see land under him. For several hours, the planes wandered around the Bermuda Triangle, after which they ran out of fuel and were forced to splash down on the surface of the ocean. After that, all communication with the crews disappeared.

The authorities of the air base immediately sent two Mariner rescue seaplanes to the area of ​​​​the proposed splashdown of Unit 19, but along different routes. One of them, board No. 49, after reporting that it was arriving in the bearing area of ​​the missing torpedo bombers, suddenly disappeared from the radio. It was not possible to establish contact with him.

At 21:20 local time, the captain of one of the oil tankers in the Bermuda Triangle sent a message to the coast guard that he had seen an explosion in the sky, which later left an oil slick on the water. Under the site of the explosion, the crew of the tanker did not find anything.

The air base headquarters at that moment grabbed their heads and ordered the second Mariner to fly to the coordinates of the oil slick indicated by the sailors from the tanker to try to find the wreckage of the rescue aircraft. When board number 32 "Mariner" arrived at the scene, neither the wreckage nor the oil stain itself on the water could be found. If there was anything there, it disappeared without a trace. Further searches for Link 19 also did not bring success, and the remaining Mariner had to return to the air base with nothing. To this day, none of the aircraft has ever been found.

Such mysticism was no longer within any framework, and the US authorities ordered one of the largest search and rescue operations in history. 300 army planes were lifted into the air to comb the area. 21 ships put to sea the latest equipment for bearing. Ground searches were also carried out with the help of volunteer detachments, who were supposed to search for the wreckage of aircraft washed ashore. To no avail. People could not find anything that would indicate the fate of Flight 19 and the rescue aircraft.

Missing US Air Force C-119 military transport aircraft

On June 6, 1965, a C-119 long-range military transport aircraft disappeared from radar screens in the Bahamas. He was supposed to deliver four mechanics to Grand Turk, but he never made it to his destination. The last radio message from C-119 on the ground was received when it was about 180 kilometers from Grand Turk, after which the connection was cut off.

In search of the missing plane, the entire local coast guard and military were raised, who combed 77,000 square miles a day for five days, but did not succeed. The plane disappeared without a trace.

This is one of the few missing vehicles in the Bermuda Triangle that has been linked to alien abduction.

The disappearance of the Cyclops

If the disappearance of aircraft in the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle can be associated with a banal crash, then the disappearance of huge ships without a trace is not so easy to explain.

In March 1918, the USS Cyclops, a US Navy transport ship, set off with a cargo of manganese ore from a port in Rio de Janeiro towards the North Atlantic states. On board this huge vessel were 306 passengers, not counting the crew. Throughout the voyage, no alarm messages were received from the crew. Last time the ship was seen near the island of Barbados, where he made a short stop. After that, no one saw him.

The search for the missing Cyclops has been going on for decades, but no wreckage, no ship hull, no bodies dead passengers could not be found. The ship disappeared without a trace.

The mystery of the ship "Rubicon"

One of the most mysterious events associated with the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle occurred on October 22, 1944. Then the US Navy discovered a Cuban cargo ship called the Rubicon, which was drifting on its own in the waters Atlantic Ocean. When the military boarded the ship, it turned out that only a dog was on the ship. The team disappeared without a trace.

The Rubicon was in excellent condition, had no visible storm damage or anything else, the crew's personal belongings were in their places, everything in the galley looked like the crew was about to take a meal. The only entry in the ship's log was made on September 26, when the Rubicon entered the port of Havana. There were no lifeboats on board.

The main version of the loss of the Rubicon team is an ordinary storm, which forced the crew to urgently escape from the ship, however, the order that prevailed on the deck and in the cabins indicated that the storm could hardly have caused people to disappear.

Douglas DC-3 passenger plane disappearance

The Bermuda Triangle continued to take lives. On December 28, 1948, a Douglas DC-3 passenger plane disappeared without a trace in the area, carrying 29 passengers and 3 crew members.

At first, the flight from Puerto Rico to Miami proceeded as normal, the crew kept in touch with the ground and there were no signs of trouble. At 04:31 local time, the captain of the aircraft told the dispatchers that he was about 50 miles from Miami and would soon arrive at his destination, but for some reason this message was not received in Miami, but it was intercepted by the dispatcher from New Orleans, who forwarded the information to Miami Airport. After that, a lot of attempts were made to call the Douglas DC-3 crew members, but they were unsuccessful. Communication was lost, as was the plane.

No debris or evidence of a crash was found in the area of ​​the aircraft's intended route. Most are inclined to believe that the disappearance of the plane is connected with a UFO.

Reasons for the disappearance of ships and planes in the Bermuda Triangle

Both scientists and mystics and conspiracy theorists put forward a lot of different reasons crashes and disappearances of vehicles in the Bermuda Triangle. Among the dozens of crazy theories, those that intersect with other conjectures and facts that are characteristic of human culture stand out.

There are whole groups of people who claim that the responsibility for the disappearance of ships in the Bermuda Triangle lies with the inhabitants of the missing mainland - Atlantis. Others believe that in this area there is increased activity of UFOs and aliens who are secretly studying life on our planet. Skeptics put forward their theories, which look quite scientific, against the backdrop of the words of conspiracy theorists.

However, the Coast Guard and Insurance companies unanimously argue that the Bermuda Triangle is no different from other areas of the ocean, and the percentage of disappearance of ships and aircraft in it is the same as in other parts of our planet.

Magnetic distortions and anomalies

Regular reports of a failure of navigation equipment in the Bermuda Triangle indicate that a magnetic anomaly of incredible strength may occur in this area. Some believe it happens when moving tectonic plates, which causes the appearance of electric and magnetic fields that affect both devices and humans. This theory has many opponents both among scientists and physicians, despite the fact that it looks very scientific against the backdrop of fiction from other conspiracy theorists.

killer waves

Another theory of the death of ships in the Bermuda Triangle was the version of killer waves that occur in these places with enviable regularity.

Killer waves (rogue waves) arise spontaneously and are loners in the waters of the ocean. Their height can reach 20-30 meters, and such a colossus represents for any modern ship mortal danger. The pressure of the water, which the wave will bring down on the ship at high speed, can not withstand even the most durable skin of the ship, which makes the chances of survival almost zero.

Such waves can occur even in complete calm and are not related to weather conditions. However, this theory does not explain the death of aircraft in the area.

The release of huge bubbles of methane

There are versions of scientists that in the area of ​​​​the Bermuda Triangle there is a possibility of the formation of giant bubbles of methane from cracks on the ocean floor.

Experimental studies have shown that a huge and solid bubble of gas, like methane, when it appears under the ship, can create a condition where the ship simply falls into the void under its bottom, after which the ocean waters instantly close over its mast, not giving a single chance to emerge.

Such a theory could also explain the dead crews on ships that could be found several times in these latitudes. Methane could easily poison people whose bodies show no visible damage.

Also, the release of methane in large quantities can cause aircraft crashes. Flammable gas, getting into the engines of aircraft, explodes, leading to a disaster.

And again, this theory does not explain why researchers often fail to find a single piece of debris from a missing ship or aircraft.

The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle is still alive. Despite the fact that many consider the problem of this area far-fetched and exaggerated, the presence of more than 200 incidents with the collapse or disappearance of vehicles in these waters in the 20th century alone suggests that legends do not arise from scratch. The mystery will live on until the Devil's Triangle stops taking unsuspecting people with it.

“... A lot of ships and planes disappeared here without a trace. More than a thousand people have died here over the past 26 years. However, during the search, it was not possible to find a single corpse or debris ... "A terrible place, isn't it?

The Bermuda Triangle is a relatively recent sensation. Back at the turn of the 1940s and 1950s, it would never have occurred to anyone to pronounce these two now magical words, let alone write anything on this topic. The first to use this phrase was the American E. Jones, who published a small pamphlet entitled "Bermuda Triangle". It was published in 1950 in Tampa, Florida and contained only 17 pages, illustrated with six photographs. Nobody, however, paid any attention to her. special attention and she was forgotten. Revival came only in 1964, when another American, Vincent Gaddis, wrote about the Bermuda Triangle. A multi-page article titled "The Deadly Bermuda Triangle" was published in the well-known spiritualist magazine Argos. Later, having collected additional information, Gaddis devoted an entire chapter, thirteen, to the Bermuda Triangle in the highly popular book Invisible Horizons. Since then, the Bermuda Triangle has been constantly in the spotlight. In the late 60s - early 70s, publications about the forgotten and newest secrets of the Bermuda Triangle rained down from a cornucopia. All of them came out in the US or the UK. John Spencer started with two editions of a book that tells about numerous mysteries, secrets and supernatural phenomena - "Purgatory of the Damned" (Limbo of the Lost). Then came the turn of A. Jeffrey, E. Nichols and R. Wiener. The concept of the "Bermuda Triangle" is firmly rooted in the minds of people. But the real explosion was heard in 1974 after the publication of the book The Bermuda Triangle by the uncrowned king of Bermuda Triangle experts Charles Berlitz (Doubleday Publishing House).

So, the Bermuda Triangle is a widely known anomalous zone. It is located in the borders between Bermuda, Miami in Florida and Puerto Rico. The area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle is over one million square kilometers. The bottom relief in this water area is well studied. On the shelf, which makes up a significant part of this bottom, many drillings have been carried out in order to find oil and other minerals. The flow, water temperature at different times of the year, its salinity and the movement of air masses over the ocean - all these natural data are included in all special catalogs. This area is not particularly different from other similar geographic locations. And yet it was in the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle that ships mysteriously disappeared, and then planes.

... On March 4, 1918, the American cargo ship Cyclops departed from the island of Barbados, with a displacement of nineteen thousand tons with 309 crew members. On board was a valuable cargo - manganese ore. It was one of the largest ships, it was 180 meters long and had excellent seaworthiness. The Cyclops was bound for Baltimore, but never arrived at her destination port. Nobody recorded any distress signals from him. He also disappeared, but where? Initially, it was suggested that it was attacked by a German submarine. It was the first World War, and German submarines roamed the waters of the Atlantic. But the study of military archives, including German ones, did not confirm this assumption. If the Germans attacked, torpedoed and sank such a large ship as the Cyclops, they would certainly notify the whole world about it. And the Cyclops just disappeared. Many versions appeared, among them were both noteworthy and purely fantastic, but not one of them gave an answer to the one and only, but the most important question: where did the Cyclops go?

... A few years later, the command navy The United States issued the following statement: “The disappearance of the Cyclops is one of the largest and most intractable cases in the annals of the Navy. Even the place of its disaster has not been precisely established, the causes of the misfortune are not known, not the slightest trace of death has been found. None of the proposed versions of the disaster does not give a satisfactory explanation, it is not clear under what circumstances it disappeared."
... Military people, committed to strict logic, signed in their utter helplessness. So what could be the reason for the disappearance of the ship? The then US President Thomas Woodrow Wilson stated that only God and the sea knew what happened to the ship.

Suddenly, in the Bermuda Triangle, aircraft began to disappear. With their disappearance, interest in the mysterious Triangle increased significantly and began to be warmed up in every possible way by the omnivorous "yellow press". It is no coincidence that not only sailors and pilots showed attention to the Bermuda Triangle, but also geographers, scientists - researchers of the sea depths, governments different countries.
The most mysterious so far is the story of the disappearance of 6 aircraft, which occurred on the evening of December 5, 1945.

... December 5, 1945 was an ordinary day for the US Air Force based in Florida. At that time in the service there consisted a large number of pilots who received rich combat flight experience, so accidents in the air were relatively rare. An experienced commander with over 2,500 flight hours was Lieutenant Charles K. Taylor, it was quite possible to rely on the rest of the pilots of his 19th flight, many of whom were higher in rank than Taylor. Yes, and this time they received a task that was not too difficult: to go straight to Chicken Shoal, located north of Bimini Island. (V. Voitov "Science refutes fiction" Moscow, 1988) Before the usual training exercises, combat pilots joked and had fun, only one of them felt something was wrong in his soul and remained on the ground at his own peril and risk. This saved his life ... The weather was great, five triple Avenger (Avengers) torpedo bombers took off and headed east, having on board (remember this figure!) Fuel for 5.5 hours ... No one else saw them what happened to them afterwards - only God knows. Various hypotheses (most often far-fetched) and versions about this have been put forward abound. All of them remained unsaid for only one reason - the missing planes were not found. But just recently ... However, let's not get ahead of ourselves. First, we must try to reconstruct the picture of the tragedy. We warn you in advance that the details are taken from investigation materials and publications of the official chronicle in Florida, so many details are very different from what you may have read ...
At 14.10, the planes with 14 pilots (instead of 15) took off, reached the target, and around 15.30-15.40 lay down on the return course to the southwest. And a few minutes later at 15.45 at the command post of the airbase Fort Lauderdale received the first strange message:
-We're in an emergency. Obviously off course. We do not see the earth, I repeat, we do not see the earth. The dispatcher made a request for their coordinates. The answer greatly puzzled all the officers present: - We can not determine our location. We don't know where we are now. We seem to be lost. It was as if it was not a former pilot who spoke into the microphone, but a bewildered novice who had no idea about navigation over the sea! In this situation, the representatives of the airbase took the only correct solution: "Keep heading west!"
Airplanes will not slip past the long coast of Florida. But... -We don't know where the west is. Nothing works... Strange... We can't determine the direction. Even the ocean does not look the same as usual!.. From the ground, they are trying to give target designation squadrons, but due to the sharply increased atmospheric interference, these advices, apparently, were not heard. The controllers themselves had difficulty picking up fragments of the radio conversations between the pilots: -We don't know where we are. Must be 225 miles northeast of the base... Looks like we... At 4:45 pm, a strange message comes from Taylor: "We are over the Gulf of Mexico." Ground controller Don Pool decided that the pilots were either embarrassed or crazy, the indicated place was in perfect opposite side horizon! At 17.00 it became clear that the pilots were on the verge of a nervous breakdown, one of them was shouting on the air: “Damn it, if we flew west, we would get home!” Then Taylor's voice: "Our home is in the northeast ..." The first fright soon passed somewhat, some islands were noticed from the planes. “Under me is the earth, the terrain is rugged. I'm sure it's Kees…"

Ground services also located the missing, and there was hope that Taylor would restore orientation ... But everything turned out to be in vain. Darkness has come. The planes that took off in search of the link returned with nothing (another plane disappeared during the search) ... There is still a dispute about the very last words of Taylor. Radio amateurs were able to hear: “It seems that we are sort of ... we are sinking into white waters ... we are completely lost ...” According to reporter and writer A. Ford, in 1974, after 29 years, one radio amateur shared this information: Allegedly, the last words of the were "Don't follow me... They look like they came from the universe..."

So, the first and indisputable conclusion that follows from listening to radio recordings is that the pilots encountered something unusual and strange in the air. This fateful meeting was the first not only for them, but they probably did not hear about such a thing from their colleagues and friends. Only this can explain the strange disorientation and panic in a normal regular situation. The ocean has a strange look, “white water” has appeared, the arrows of the instruments are dancing - you must admit that this list can frighten anyone, but not experienced naval pilots, who must have already found in extreme conditions desired course over the sea. Moreover, they had a great opportunity to return to the coast: it was enough to turn to the west, and then the planes would never have flown past the huge peninsula.

This is where we come to the root cause of the panic. The bomber link, in full accordance with common sense and on recommendations from the ground, searched for land only in the west for about an hour and a half, then for about an hour - alternately in the west and east. And didn't find it. The fact that an entire American state has disappeared without a trace can drive even the most persistent of minds.

But where were they really? On the ground, the crew's report of Kees' sighting was taken as the ravings of panicked pilots. The direction finders could be wrong by exactly 180 degrees and this property was taken into account, but at that moment the operators knew that the planes were somewhere in the Atlantic (30 degrees N, 79 degrees W) north of the Bahamas and they were just in it could not occur to me that the missing link was in fact already much to the west, in the Gulf of Mexico. If so, then Taylor may have been seeing the actual Florida Keys, and not "like the Florida Keys."
In 1987, it was there, on the shelf bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, that one of the Avengers built in the forties was found! It is possible that the other 4 are also somewhere nearby. It remains to ask the question: how could the planes move seven hundred kilometers to the west unnoticed by everyone?

... A few years after this truly amazing disappearance, on February 2, 1953, a British military transport aircraft with 39 crew members and military personnel on board flew a little north of the Bermuda Triangle. Suddenly, radio contact with him was interrupted, and at the appointed time the plane did not return to base. The cargo ship "Woodward" sent to search for the alleged crash site could not find anything: it blew strong wind there was a small wave on the sea. But neither the oil stains accompanying the disaster, nor the wreckage was found ...

... Exactly one year later, almost at the same place, a US Navy aircraft with 42 passengers on board disappeared. Hundreds of ships plowed the ocean in the hope of finding at least the remains of the aircraft. But again, all their searches were unsuccessful: nothing could be found. American experts could not give any explanation of the cause of the disaster.

... This list, which already consists of fifty truly capital ships and aircraft, can be supplemented by the death of the large cargo ship "Anita". In March 1973, it left the port of Norfolk with coal for the Atlantic and headed for Hamburg. In the area of ​​​​the Bermuda Triangle, it fell into a storm and, without giving a distress signal "SOS", is believed to have sunk. A few days later, a single one was found at sea. Lifebuoy with the inscription - "Anita".

A little about the geography of the Bermuda Triangle
The vertices of the triangle (see map) are Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Miami in Florida (or Florida's South Cape). However, these boundaries are not considered too punctually. Proponents of the existence of the mysterious Bermuda Triangle are well aware that in this case, a very important water area north of Cuba and Haiti is excluded from its limits. Therefore, the triangle is the most different ways corrected: some attach to it part of the Gulf of Mexico or even the entire Gulf, others - the northern part of the Caribbean Sea.
Many continue the Bermuda Triangle east into the Atlantic Ocean as far as the Azores, some overzealous heads would gladly push its border even further north. Therefore, the Bermuda Triangle is not a strictly limited geographical area, as, say. Bay of Bengal or Bering Sea. It is not a legal geographical name either. Therefore, it is written with a lowercase letter. If we insist on a classical triangle bounded by the three indicated vertices, then in the end we will be convinced that almost half of all the mysterious disappearances for which the triangle is so famous will not enter into it. Some of these cases occurred far to the east in the Atlantic, others, on the contrary, in the strip of water between the triangle and the coast of the United States of America, others in the Gulf of Mexico or in the Caribbean Sea.

The area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle in its classical boundaries between Bermuda, Miami in Florida and Puerto Rico is just over 1 million km2. This is a solid part of the ocean and, accordingly, the seabed and atmosphere above the ocean.

And here are a couple of Bermuda Triangle theories:
Supporters of the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle put forward several dozen various theories to explain those mysterious phenomena that, in their opinion, occur there. These theories include space aliens or Atlanteans hijacking ships, travel through holes in time or rifts in space, and other paranormal causes. Other authors try to give scientific explanation these phenomena.

Their opponents argue that reports of mysterious events in the Bermuda Triangle are greatly exaggerated. Ships and aircraft are also dying in other parts of the world, sometimes without leaving a trace. A radio malfunction or the suddenness of a disaster can prevent the crew from transmitting a distress call. Searching for wreckage at sea - not an easy task, especially in a storm or when the exact location of the crash is unknown. Given the very heavy traffic in the Bermuda Triangle, frequent cyclones and storms, a large number of shallows, the number of disasters that have happened here that have not been explained is not unusually large.
Methane emissions. Several theories have been proposed to explain sudden death ships and aircraft with gas emissions - for example, as a result of the decay of methane hydrate on the seabed. According to one such theory, large bubbles saturated with methane form in the water, in which the density is reduced so much that ships cannot swim and sink instantly. Some speculate that once airborne, methane could also cause plane crashes, for example, by lowering air density, which reduces lift and distorts altimeter readings. In addition, methane in the air can cause engines to stop.
Experimentally, the possibility of a fairly quick (within tens of seconds) flooding of a vessel that was on the border of such a gas release was indeed confirmed. Wandering waves. It has been suggested that the cause of the death of some ships, including those in the Bermuda Triangle, may be the so-called. wandering waves, which are believed to reach a height of 30 m.
infrasound. It is assumed that under certain conditions, infrasound can be generated in the sea, which affects the crew members, causing panic, as a result of which they leave the ship.

…So, the riddle of the Bermuda Triangle still exists. What is behind all these disappearances? Only time can give an answer to this question.

Numerous secrets that envelop one of the most mysterious places on the planet, this is the Bermuda Triangle, where the so-called anomalous zone passes, the facts were considered in the book by Vadim Chernobrov. The book is dedicated to the most mysterious places in the world.

Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle

Bermuda, which is part of that area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean, which is located between Florida and Puerto Rico, according to many researchers, is associated with many unexplained phenomena. Indeed, there are a fairly large number of examples of drifting ships encountered on the way of sailors, both with dead crew members and without them at all (see Mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle, glass pyramids).

Also noted:

  • Disappearance of aircraft and ships.
  • Failure of navigational instruments, radio, clock.
  • Impossibility to take photos or film a video report.
  • The loss of aircraft or ships from radar, and then their return.
  • Loss of time, or vice versa, its slowdown, and sometimes its complete stop.

The British researcher Lawrence J. Kusche collected and analyzed dozens of cases related to the disappearance of aircraft and ships in this part of the ocean. All of this data was arranged in chronological order, which led to the conclusion that the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle is nothing but beautifully framed stories that have fallen into the hands of journalists and freelancers.

The Soviet academician L. M. Brekhovskikh, together with many other researchers, came to exactly the same conclusion. In support of this official point of view, it can be added that, in fact, disasters did not occur only through this area of ​​the Atlantic, which, by the way, constantly receives a huge amount of air and sea transport. But for lovers of mysterious stories and situations, such a course of affairs was not enough, and it was as a result of this that all kinds of insinuations and simple deception were used (see What is the secret of the Bermuda Triangle).

Note. Instead of the Japanese ship Raifuku Maru, around which the legend arose, in 1924, another steamer crashed due to a severe storm. It was a three-masted schooner "Star of the World". In the blink of an eye, a diesel engine exploded on the lower deck.

There are others contentious issues, which nevertheless mislead the researchers themselves, and, to a greater extent, ordinary people following the events in the world. So, for example, the German ship Freya, also declared missing in 1902 in the Bermuda region, actually sank in Pacific Ocean. At the end of the 19th century, many lines of various media were filled with announcements and disappearances of ships.

Note. The Teignmouth Electron trimaran was also attributed to the number of these incidents, although in reality it was abandoned by the crew, as much as 1800 nautical miles from the place where the Bermuda Triangle is located .

In addition, sometimes even submerged buoys, which were installed in the ocean by “Academician I.V. Kurchatov" in 1978. The registered actual disappearances of ships can hardly be accounted for about 10-15% of all announced by the media (see Bermuda Triangle under water, stories of missing ships).

Bermuda Triangle under water and in the air, unexplained facts

However, even in these studies there are some flaws. So, for example, some books of the same English researcher Kushe were declared distorting reality and ignoring most of the mysterious incidents. A number of researchers who do not agree with this position have not received a clear explanation for just such a conclusion made by the researcher. Moreover, some accused him of the unscientific methods and approaches used.

Among these phenomena, we can highlight:

  • Sudden disappearance and then reappearance 10 minutes later on aircraft radar screens in the Miami area.
  • Glowing "white water" in the Sargasso Sea.
  • Sudden failure of the most reliable equipment of ships in good condition.
  • The disappearance of entire crews along with the ships.

Of course, among different groups scientists do not have a single view on the options for substantiating all the questions that arise.

Note. For example, Academician Shuleikin explains the fact that some ships are abandoned by the crew by the generated infrasonic vibrations in the water. Due to the impact of these infrasonic waves on crew members, the latter may fall into a state of panic and, as a result, they begin to leave the ship.

In addition to the scientific approach to explaining these facts, there are those that are quite difficult to believe in:

  • Versions of abduction by foreign intelligence groups.
  • UFO abductions.
  • And even assumptions about involvement in the disappearance of the mafia.

A significant misconception is also the result of the fact that there is no reliable evidence that the anomalous zone is located exactly where the Bermuda Triangle is located - there is no photo or video confirming, for example, the words of pilots or captains, and has never existed before (see Abnormal phenomena, what they are related to). The only thing the researchers' assumptions are based on is the radar readings and audio recordings of conversations with the crew.

Disappearance of the Avengers off the coast of Florida

The most mysterious case is connected with the disappearance of 5 Avengers military aircraft, which took off for exercises on December 5, 1945. Having reached the training base, and having destroyed the target, the planes turned around and moved in the opposite direction - to the southwest. Approximately 1 - 1.5 hours after the turn, the captain received a signal that an unforeseen situation had arisen. Controllers were informed that, most likely, the planes had gone astray and could not find the ground. When asked for coordinates, the pilots replied that they could not determine exactly where they were (see the Bermuda Triangle, why planes disappear).

Having given the command to keep heading west, the controllers were discouraged by the response of an experienced pilot: “We don’t know where the west is. Nothing works.” According to the pilots, the terrain below was unfamiliar to them, the ocean seemed completely different, and the land was nowhere to be seen. Landmarks and commands coming from the ground do not reach the pilots due to a sharp increase in atmospheric interference.

A little later, the controllers picked up the radio wave again and heard snippets of the pilots' words: "We must be 225 miles northeast of the base ... We are over the Gulf of Mexico." While the Bermuda Triangle is located about 1000 km from this mark. A few minutes later, the crew reported that they see the ground. Last words Taylor, recorded by the controllers transmitted the following: “Under me is the land of rough terrain. I'm sure it's Kees..."

Note. As a result, there was a perception that the controllers simply could not imagine that the planes actually passed in style west of the Gulf of Mexico, where the Florida Keys really are,

And it was in the Gulf of Mexico that several decades later the wreckage of one and 5 of the above-mentioned aircraft was found. It is possible that the other 4 are also somewhere nearby. Only one question remains unanswered - how could the planes be imperceptible to all sensors and radars to be 700 kilometers west of the intended route?

Watch the video "Secrets of the missing planes".

Greetings to the readers of the site "I and the World"! Today we will talk about what is the Bermuda Triangle and what is the secret in it? You will find out where and exactly in what ocean this dangerous territory is located, why everything disappears there, the location on the world map and why it is dangerous.

Every day, planes and ships cross the boundaries of this anomalous zone. Every pilot and captain is in danger of not arriving at their destination, but it is impossible to exclude this place from the life of the whole world, since thousands of tourists travel through it every year. Many people simply don't talk about the Bermuda Triangle for fear of incurring "wrath" from the depths of the ocean.


Who was the first to discover the Bermuda Triangle? In the middle of the 20th century, the American E. Jones published a pamphlet called "Bermuda Triangle", but no one just noticed it. The facts of its existence were discussed only a few years later, when in one of the books of Charles Berlitz the stories of the mysteriously disappeared ships were described in all colors.

The name of the mysterious place

What does the mysterious zone look like and why is it called that? The coordinates of this unusual place: part of the Atlantic, between Puerto Rico, Miami and Bermuda. If you conditionally draw a line between these points, you get a triangle with an area of ​​​​4 million square meters. km. But missing objects are also spoken about outside the boundaries of the "terrible figure", numbering more than a hundred sudden disappearances.

Why is everything disappearing here?

True, the death of ships can be explained not by mysticism: there are many shoals, a huge number of fast water and air currents, and cyclones and hurricanes are born too often. Another mystery of this place is the warm current of the Gulf Stream. What happens when warm and cold air, collide? They form fog, and too impressionable tourists tend to see something terrible, dangerous and mystical in this.

It is also impossible to explain the mystery of this place due to the peculiarities of the relief under water, which does not allow finding parts of sunken objects. Science is also trying to explain the secrets of the death of ships and aircraft by the formation of huge methane bubbles on the surface of the ocean, which emerge from oceanic cracks under water. The density in the bubble is too low and when an object enters it, it immediately goes to the bottom.

The photo from space shows air masses forming whirlwinds rushing in a circle at speeds up to 50 km/h. They raise up columns of water, up to 30 meters high, which fly at incredible speed and collapse with high altitude to the ships. There is no chance for a small object to survive.

There is also information about the infrasonic signals that the ocean emits, warning of the imminent occurrence of a storm. What happens if you get into the zone of such signals? They begin to psychologically put pressure on the brain, causing the most terrible visions in the minds of people. After this, the person flees by jumping overboard. An empty ship can drift for decades before being accidentally discovered.

The legend about the Mysterious Atlantis, which was just in this triangle, also plays a significant role here. As if it is she who sends signals from the depths, causing interruptions in the systems of ships and aircraft.

Another interesting fact is the opinion that space is bent in this area and objects fall into the 4th dimension. Whether such gaps in time exist is not exactly known, but there are cases when aircraft disappear from radar for several minutes, and then reappear. Some people notice it and some don't.

And recently, American meteorologists, having examined photos from satellites, came to the conclusion that hexagonal clouds hang over the anomalous zone, which “exploding” form air currents rushing down at speeds up to 270 km / h. Such a wind, hitting the surface of the water, is capable of raising waves up to 40 meters in height. They turn ships over and disrupt the navigation of liners.

Unsolved Mystery

For many decades, scientists around the world have been trying to solve the puzzle of the Bermuda Triangle, but to no avail. It’s sad to look at the photos of sunken ships - it’s so scary to suddenly die for no reason. But if you do not believe in all these secrets, feel free to go here for a share of adrenaline.

See also video:

And we say goodbye to you until the next mysterious articles. Please share information with your friends. Goodbye!

Bermuda Triangle. There is still no exact answer to the question: "What is the Bermuda Triangle?"

Here are some interesting facts about the Bermuda Triangle.

The Bermuda Triangle is considered a small area located in the Atlantic Ocean - namely from Bermuda to Florida, Puerto Rico and the Bahamas, in which constantly ships and planes disappear.

View from space:

1. One of the versions of the solution to the Bermuda Triangle sounds like this: about 11 thousand years ago in this part of the ocean celestial body fell, which has special electromagnetic properties, under the influence of which modern equipment and engines can fail.

2. Deep under the mysterious triangle, scientists have discovered strange bubbles, inside which is methane hydrate. As soon as such a bubble fully “ripens” and rises to the surface of the water, thereby forming a kind of hill, it becomes a real danger to ships, as ships simply slide off them.

After a while the bubble bursts, in its place a funnel is formed, which sucks the ships. During the explosion, all the gas from the bubble rises into the air, and therefore planes explode- there is a contact between a hot engine and gas.

3. According to the third theory, there are Flying saucer, which performs an important mission on Earth - it studies the people of the planet, as well as our technical achievements. Another version of this theory is Bermuda Triangle is a kind of gate to another dimension, which from time to time open and absorb aircraft and ships.

4. A more mundane explanation of this territory is connected with a completely scientific fact - here the compass does not point to magnetic north, but to geographical. As a rule, sailors try to take this feature into account, but getting lost in places where the compass shows differently is elementary, which means you can easily hit the reef and crash.

Other interesting facts about the Bermuda Triangle you can find on the Web pages of the Internet.