What is the dream of the voice of the former. Why dream of a voice in a dream book. A deceased mother with the face of a person I love now in a dream

Dream Interpretation: Russian Dream Interpretation

  • Hear a friend - goodbye;
  • unfamiliar - you have to be careful and try to remember what he said - voices in a dream usually tell the truth

Dream Interpretation: Noble dream book N. Grishina

  • Listening to pleasant voices is joy, good news.
  • Hearing a loud voice is the joy of income.
  • Husky - damage.
  • Tired - a difficulty in the household.
  • Trubny - lead.
  • Sassy - losses.
  • Cock - gossip.
  • Goose - slander.
  • Cry to hear - to have an enemy.
  • Screeching to hear is a nuisance.

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

  • If you heard a pleasant calm voice in a dream, reconciliation and consent are ahead.
  • A rough voice with loud intonations promises trouble.
  • A crying voice in a dream will make you wonder if you are going to offend close person.
  • The voice of God will awaken you to spiritual enrichment, help you gain the respect and recognition of others.
  • Someone's warning voice means the approach of a series of failures.

Dream Interpretation: Old French dream book

  • If in a dream you hear a gentle voice, then in reality you are in danger of frivolous affection. Screeching voices - to trouble.

Dream Interpretation: Old English dream book (Zadkiel's dream book)

  • Cheerful voices sounding in a dream portend grief and tears. but to hear sorrowful moaning, weeping is a harbinger of joy. A lively conversation of many people in a dream means that some kind of joyful event will break into your life and change a lot for the better.

Dream Interpretation: Eastern Women's Dream Interpretation

  • Hearing someone's voice is a pleasant reconciliation if the voice is calm and pleasant. If the voice is high and breaking - expect disappointment and failure. A crying voice portends an undeserved insult. If you heard the voice of God - listen, the Almighty gives you a chance to do noble deeds and win the favor of wise people. For a mother, hearing the voice of her child is a sign that her child is in trouble. If you hear a voice that warns of something, clouds are gathering over you.

Dream Interpretation: Old Persian dream book Taflisi

  • When you dream of your own loud voice, then a fantastic future awaits you. In general, a loud male voice heard in a dream promises the dreamer glory and prosperity. Women similar dream indicates they forgot important people. A weak, quiet voice is an unfavorable dream, as it portends the decline of your career.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

  • Hearing pleasant calm voices in a dream is an omen of reconciliation and harmony; rough voices with loud intonations promise trouble. Someone's crying voice in a dream will make you wonder if you are going to offend a loved one.
  • The voice of God will awaken you to a noble effort to rise spiritually, to achieve your own respect and the recognition of others.
  • If a mother hears the voice of her child in a dream, she must be prepared for sad events.
  • Hearing someone's warning voice in a dream means that a number of failures are approaching, for which you must muster up the courage to meet. If you recognize this voice, the test can be serious.

Dream Interpretation: Modern dream book

  • Hearing someone's voice in a dream means that a pleasant reconciliation awaits you if the voice is calm and pleasant. If the voice is high and breaking, then expect disappointment and failure. Crying voices portend an undeserved insult. If in a dream you heard the voice of God, then you should listen to him, as he gives you a chance to do noble deeds and earn the respect of wise people. For a mother to hear the voice of her child in a dream means that her child is in danger. If in a dream you hear a voice that warns you about something, then clouds are gathering over you.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

  • Pleasant voice - good news; loud - profit; quiet - a date with a drunk person.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric dream book

  • A familiar voice wakes you up - further sleep could lead to serious consequences.
  • A clear-sounding voice - if you remember the content, then be sure to take note. If not, then in reality you will receive an important warning.
  • The voice of the deceased is a warning or a problem; if the voice is calling - be careful hanging deadly danger(do not eat with it and do not sleepwalk).

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Hasse

  • Don't lose hope.

Dream Interpretation: Erotic dream book Danilova

  • If you hear the voice of a loved one in a dream, you should listen to his intonation. A calm and friendly tone marks reconciliation and harmony. If the voice is rough, your partner harbors a grudge against you, which in the future will still pour out on you. If there are intonations of crying in the voice, this is a warning about possible misfortune and future troubles.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Health

  • Voice to hear - an explanation of the inner voice or voice from above about your state of health, behavior, fate. It is necessary to listen to such a sign from above with all seriousness.

In the dream book, the site itself big dream book Runet, contains 75 best dream books: Mayan dream book, Tsvetkov's dream book, self-instruction dream book (Vrublevskaya's dream book), female dream book, Russian dream book, children's dream book, Islamic dream book ibn Sirin, Deniz Linn's dream book (detailed), Longo's dream book, Veles' dream book, Yellow Emperor's dream book, Russian dream book, Jung's dream book, dream book catchphrases, male dream book, numerological dream book of Pythagoras, dream interpreter (1829), Italian dream book Meneghetti, old English dream book (Zedkiel's dream book), modern dream book, dream book happy omens, culinary dream book, Freud's dream book, Nostradamus' dream book, and others.

1 Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Voice - It is a dream that you hear someone's pleasant and calm voice - if by this time you were in a quarrel with someone, then expect reconciliation in the coming days; discord in the family, misunderstanding between friends, disagreement between lovers - all this will go away. You dream of a rough or noisy voice, piercing, shrill - expect trouble. The voice that you hear in a dream is crying - you will undeservedly offend a person dear to you. The voice seemed to warn - everything was fine and calm with you, as if you were going with the flow great river but now you have to step on thorny path. A woman hears the voice of her child in a dream - a sad event is expected in the family.

2 Lunar dream book

3 Dream interpreter 1829

4 Persian dream book Tiflisi

When you dream of your own loud voice, a fantastic future awaits you.
In general, a loud male voice heard in a dream promises the dreamer glory and prosperity.
Women have a similar dream - indicates that they have forgotten important people.
A weak, quiet voice is an unfavorable dream, as it portends the decline of your career.

5 Dream interpretation for a bitch

Hearing your voice - you need to gather strength and focus, only this way you can overcome the obstacles that have arisen.
Hearing someone's voices is a joyful and cheerful communication with close friends.
Hear your mother calling you - a warning about possible problems.
Crying, complaining voice - beware of directly expressing your opinion, you can offend a loved one.

6 Intimate dream book

  • When you hear the voice of a loved one, you need to listen to his intonation. She can tell a lot not only about the present of your relationship, but also about their future.
  • If you dreamed of a calm and benevolent voice, this good sign, especially if this moment you are in a quarrel. A calm voice testifies to his readiness to go for reconciliation and consent.
  • When frank rudeness is heard in the voice of the chosen one, it says that he harbors a grudge against you. And even if now he seems calm, in the future it will certainly pour out on you.
  • A pitiful voice with intonations of crying warns of impending misfortunes, troubles, a possible separation.

7 The latest dream book G. Ivanova

Human voice - to the disease of the larynx. Possible damage, evil eye.
Hear a voice: if you enter into a dialogue with him - to decisive success with the opposite sex; hear a monologue - it is necessary to critically reconsider the attitude of friends and girlfriends towards you, apparently, one of them is acting against you.

8 Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Hearing a nasal voice in a dream - to a denunciation of you, to betrayal.
Hearing a voice in a dream is a warning.
Hearing the imperious - to the publication of a new law.
Hear insinuating - to accidental intimacy in bed.
Hearing a quiet voice in a dream - to uncertainty about the correctness of the decision.
To speak in an undertone in a dream means to be humiliated. You won't be able to tell your enemy what you really think.
Hearing a hoarse voice in a dream - you will be misled.
Hear pleasant in a dream - to a cunning, insidious person who will win your favor and will certainly put his cunning plan into practice.
Hearing a command in a dream - to self-doubt.
You can neither say nor shout, because there is no voice - you will be shocked by the bad news.
Vote - to grief.
Hearing the mother's voice in a dream - separation from her forever.

9 Online dream book

Voices that you do not know are heard in a dream - it is your conscience that wants to attract your attention to itself.
If you dream that he is crying, it is more likely that you will not be offended for anything.
If you dreamed of God's voice, you should listen carefully, the Heavenly Father himself gives you the opportunity to do some kind of generous deed and earn sympathy from the sages.
A dream in which voices warn you about something - be careful, you can get into some kind of danger.
If it is heard almost in a whisper - a bad sign, the career of the author of the dream is coming to an end.
If in a dream you hear the voice of a dead man - according to the interpretation of the dream book, the dream warns you of some upcoming serious illness or serious problems at work.
The dream in which your mother is calling you means that you are moving in the wrong direction.
A dream in which the voice disappeared - a breakdown, loss of vitality, chronic overwork.
Male voice - a dream promises prosperity in business, fame and significance in public circles.

Unintelligible, flattering, inflammatory voices - to provocation, slander, failure, gossip, deceit.
Distinct, warning, parting words - to danger; big changes. Special attention- to the voices of our loved ones (father, mother, nanny). Depending on their content, they warn about a critical period in the dreamer's life, or refer to the trouble of the one whose voices were.

11 Wanderer's Dream Interpretation - Terenty Smirnov

Hearing someone's voice is a pleasant reconciliation if the voice is calm and pleasant. If the voice is high and breaking - expect disappointment and failure. A crying voice portends an undeserved insult. If you heard the voice of God - listen, the Almighty gives you a chance to do noble deeds and win the favor of wise people. For a mother, hearing the voice of her child is a sign that her child is in trouble. If you hear a voice that warns of something, clouds are gathering over you.

12 Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

13 Ukrainian dream book

14 Dream Interpretation Hasse

15 Italian psychoanalytic dream book A.Roberti

Often in dreams we can use our voices in more or less appropriate cases. Sometimes in dreams they speak to us so that we better remember the information offered. 2. The voice that speaks or is spoken to has a double meaning. If a person believes in the spiritual realm, then this is communication with a disembodied spirit. With psychological point vision, when we suppress something in ourselves, in a dream it can emerge in a disembodied voice. 3. The Voice of God is a term used to describe the energy of spiritual challenges.

16 Psychotherapeutic dream book

17 Dream interpretation of catchphrases

18 Dream interpretation of catchphrases

19 Dream Interpretation of Krada Veles

20 Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

To be without a voice - this dream occurs very often.
You want to shout something and ask for help when you are scared, but your voice disappears - this is how your body signals the depletion of all forces.
Hearing a commanding voice in a dream is a mockery.
Hearing in a dream someone's very pleasant voice, but not seeing a person and not knowing to whom this voice belongs - to tenderness from the side unknown man.
Hearing a hoarse voice in a dream is an understatement.
To speak in an undertone in a dream is to hide something.
Hear a quiet voice - get a warning in the service.
Hearing an insinuating voice in a dream - to a cunning enemy, confident that he will circle you around his finger.
Hearing a nasal voice in a dream means that you will be disgusted by someone's society.
Hearing a pleasant voice in a dream - to calmness in family relationships.
Hear in a dream how he has been talking to you for a long time dead mother- to a warning; expect trouble.

21 Esoteric dream book

Voice - a familiar voice wakes you up; further sleep could lead to serious consequences. A clear-sounding voice if you remember the content, then be sure to take note. If not, then in reality you will receive an important warning.
The voice of the deceased is a warning or a problem; if the voice calls, be careful, mortal danger looms (do not eat with it and do not walk in your sleep).

22 Dream Interpretation 2012

23 Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

In a dream, you heard someone's loud voice - you will be invited to visit.
We heard a quiet voice - it means that tomorrow you will have Bad mood.
You heard the voice of a dead man - the next day you have to quickly finish several important things.
You dreamed that you heard the voice of an official holding an important government post - you might lose your job.

24 Modern dream book

Hearing someone's voice in a dream - predicts that a pleasant reconciliation awaits you if the voice is calm and pleasant.
A high and angry voice means disappointment and failure.
Hearing crying voices is a harbinger that unexpected anger will make you hurt your friend.
If in a dream you heard the voice of God - do noble deeds and you will be appreciated wise people.
If a mother hears the voice of her child in a dream, this is a sign of impending trouble and painful doubts.
Hearing a warning voice addressed to you in a dream is a harbinger that you or your loved ones are in danger.
If you recognize the voice, this may mean illness or an accident.
Hearing in a dream how strange voices pronounce your name is a sign that the state of your affairs will be threatening, but strangers will help you. In addition, you may not be able to fulfill your obligations.
Hearing the voice of a friend or relative portends a serious illness or death of one of them.
The voice of a loved one heard in a dream - lovers should be taken as a warning. They should carefully monitor their behavior and control their feelings, otherwise, due to mutual misunderstanding, they may move away from each other.
The voice of a deceased person - may be a warning of an impending serious illness or major trouble in business.

25 Women's dream book

Voice - Hearing pleasant calm voices in a dream is an omen of reconciliation and harmony; rough voices with noisy notes promise trouble. Someone's crying voice in a dream makes you wonder if you are going to offend a loved one. The voice of God prompts the dreamer to make a noble effort to spiritual growth. If a mother hears the voice of her child in a dream, she should be prepared for sad events. Hearing someone's warning voice in a dream means that a series of failures are approaching, for which you must muster up the courage to meet. If you recognize this voice, the test can be serious.

26 Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

If you hear the voice of a loved one in a dream, you should listen to his intonation. A calm and friendly tone marks reconciliation and harmony.
If the voice is rough, your partner harbors a grudge against you, which in the future will still pour out on you.
If there are intonations of crying in the voice, this is a warning about possible misfortune and future troubles.

27 Dream Interpretation of Azar

28 Idiomatic dream book

29 Dream Interpretation of Health

30 Dream interpretation of Artemidor

You dreamed of a Voice - Hear a loud female voice. For a woman - to gossip and empty talk. For a man - to scandals and quarrels. Hear a soft female voice. For a woman - to loneliness and longing. For a man - to a quiet life. Hear a loud male voice:. For a woman - to luck; For a man - to vanity and useless chores. Hear a quiet male voice. For a woman - to uncertainty and anxiety. For a man - to hesitation and doubt. Break the voice. For a woman - A dream that occurred on Monday night portends disappointment in a loved one; dreamed on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to despair, for which there are no sufficient grounds; seen on the night of Saturday or Sunday - to a strange, inexplicable incident. For a man - A dream that occurred on Monday night - to participate in meaningless disputes and discussions; a dream seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday means that you need to have a good rest; a dream that occurred on the night of Saturday or Sunday reveals a desire to change life and find another occupation.

31 Dream Interpretation of Lovers

If lovers have a dream in which they hear the voice of a loved one, this means that in real life they pay too little attention to their beloved, which is why quarrels and separation are possible.
If you dream that you hear a pleasant calm voice, it means that you will make peace with your loved one if you were in a quarrel with him before. However, rude voices, on the contrary, promise trouble and a break in relations. Crying voice - warns: perhaps with your actions you will offend your loved one.
If you dream that God is talking to you, this means that you will strive for spiritual development to impress a lover (sweetheart).

32 Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

33 ABC of dream interpretation

34 Miller's dream book

Hearing pleasant calm voices in a dream is an omen of reconciliation and harmony; rough voices with loud intonations promise trouble.
Someone's crying voice in a dream will make you wonder if you are going to offend a loved one.
The voice of God will awaken you to a noble effort to rise spiritually, to achieve your own respect and the recognition of others.
If a mother hears the voice of her child in a dream, she must be prepared for sad events.
Hearing someone's warning voice in a dream means that a number of failures are approaching, for which you must muster up the courage to meet. If you recognize this voice, the test can be serious.

35 English dream book

Cheerful voices sounding in a dream portend grief and tears. But to hear sorrowful moaning, crying is a harbinger of joy. A lively conversation of many people in a dream means that some kind of joyful event will break into your life and change a lot for the better.

36 Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

To work out a command voice in a dream is to swagger over someone.
Hearing a pleasant voice in a dream - to a flattering person.
Hearing a hoarse voice in a dream - to a cold.
Hearing quiet in a dream is a scandal.
Hearing an insinuating voice in a dream - unkind people will flatter you.
Hearing a very unpleasant nasal voice in a dream - to unpleasant guests.
Hearing the voice of a child in a dream is a warning from above: take care of your children.
To sing in an undertone in a dream is to suck up to someone.
If you dream that you, for example, need to give a lecture, and you are standing in front of the audience and cannot utter a word, because your voice has disappeared, you will perfectly defend your dissertation or speak well at a meeting.
Hearing the mother's voice in a dream is a warning from above: beware of evil people.

37 Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

38 dream interpretation modern woman

Hearing pleasant calm voices in a dream is an omen of reconciliation and harmony; rough voices with noisy notes promise trouble.
Someone's crying voice in a dream makes you wonder if you are going to offend a loved one.
The voice of God - encourages the dreamer to make a noble effort for spiritual growth.
If a mother hears the voice of her child in a dream, she must be prepared for sad events.
Hearing someone's warning voice in a dream means that a series of failures are approaching, for which you must muster up the courage to meet.
If you recognize this voice, the test can be serious.

39 French dream book

40 Family dream book

If you heard a pleasant calm voice in a dream, reconciliation and consent are ahead. A rough voice with loud intonations promises trouble.
A crying voice in a dream will make you wonder if you are going to offend a loved one.
The voice of God will awaken you to spiritual enrichment, help you gain respect and recognition from others.
Someone's warning voice - means the approach of a series of failures.

41 Dream Interpretation of Nina Grishina

Listening to pleasant voices is joy, good news.
Hearing a loud voice is the joy of income.
Husky - damage.
Tired - a difficulty in the household.
Trubny - lead.
Sassy - losses.
Cock - gossip.
Goose - slander.
Cry to hear - to have an enemy.
Screeching to hear is a nuisance. The voice of God is a noble effort to rise spiritually, to achieve one's own respect and the recognition of others;
for a mother - to hear the voice of her child - sad events;
to hear someone's warning voice - the approach of a series of failures, to a meeting;
recognizing the voice is a serious test.
See also God, Dove, Call, Lament.

48 Small dream book

Hearing someone's voice in a dream means that a pleasant reconciliation awaits you if the voice is calm and pleasant. If the voice is high and breaking, then expect disappointment and failure. Crying voices portend an undeserved insult. If in a dream you heard the voice of God, then you should listen to him, as he gives you a chance to do noble deeds and earn the respect of wise people.

49 Dream interpretation alphabetically

If the voice is loud - to profit, nasal - to slander, pleasant - to news, cock - to gossip, hoarse - to losses, whispering - to a clear enemy, noisy - to trouble, calm - to reconciliation and harmony.

Hearing your name spoken in a dream by unfamiliar voices means that your affairs will be in a risky state, but strangers will help you.

A cry for help, in which you recognize a familiar voice, means the illness of the one who called you.

50 Dream interpretation of the 20th century

The information that you receive from such "voices": sometimes it can lead you to some thoughts, but most often it is an ordinary self-deception.

If in a dream you hear snatches of some phrases, but do not understand common sense: such a dream may suggest that in reality you missed important information or misinterpreted some facts. Such a dream encourages you to be more careful.

51 Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Unintelligible voices - gossip, deceit in dealing with documents;
a clear voice - unusual news;
for good or bad, depending on the tone;
words - indications of the future;
encouraging voices - to dishonor.

54 ABC of dream interpretation

55 Dream Interpretation of Symbols

Voices - illegible, encouraging, nasal, hoarse, swearing, flattering or screaming - to gossip, slander, trouble, deceit.
Call by name - to the big ones life changes, danger warning.
Screams - to troubles, strong feelings (sometimes far-fetched).
A voice that meaningfully comments, communicates some reasonable consistent information - is a projection of the demonic consciousness.
Submission to him or entering into contact with him - can eventually lead to tragic consequences.
There is another voice (manifested in the intermediate stages of sleep) “creating a dream” - in accordance with its dictation, an easily suggestible body translates the meaning of what was said into dynamic images. This voice is the inner speech, the mental reflection of the sleeper himself.
And one more sound transmission - refers to the voice of a reasonable structure of a person's fate - for a man it manifests itself, more often, in a female voice; for a woman - a man's voice or a father's.

according to Miller's dream book

Hearing pleasant calm voices in a dream is an omen of reconciliation and harmony; rough voices with loud intonations promise trouble. Someone's crying voice in a dream will make you wonder if you are going to offend a loved one. The voice of God will awaken you to a noble effort to rise spiritually, to earn your own respect and the recognition of others. If a mother hears the voice of her child in a dream, she must be prepared for sad events. Hearing someone's warning voice in a dream means that a series of failures are approaching, for which you must muster up the courage to meet. If you recognize this voice, the test can be serious.

Why dream of screaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

hard times, the harder the louder and longer the cry; to ridicule; fear.

Why dream of a conversation

according to Tsvetkov's dream book


Had a conversation

according to Miller's dream book

If in a dream you are talking to someone, it means that soon you will hear about the illness of your loved ones. In addition, troubles await you in business. If you dream of people talking loudly, it means that you will be accused of interfering in other people's affairs. If in a dream it seems to you that they are talking about you, the dream portends that you will encounter the hostility of others.

Why do voices dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

illegible - gossip, deceit in dealing with documents; a clear voice - unusual news; for good or bad, depending on the tone; words - indications of the future; encouraging voices - to dishonor; conversation is an invitation.

I dreamed of crying

according to Miller's dream book

Crying in a dream is a harbinger of bad news and frustration in the family circle. Seeing others crying promises a pleasant reunion after a period of sad misunderstandings. For a young woman, this dream portends quarrels with her lover, after which reconciliation can only be achieved through self-sacrifice. For a merchant, this dream portends a temporary decline in business and minor setbacks.

Why dream bass

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

sing in bass - for a trip to the water; trouble at work.

The meaning of sleep about the choir

according to Freud's dream book

In a dream, to see the performance of the choir - you consider your sex life good, wonderful, harmonious. However, are you sure that your partner shares your confidence? Try to get his opinion, because the dream suggests that not everything is as good as it seems. To sing in the choir yourself - you are so much preoccupied public opinion that you forget about that person who should be much more important to you than everyone else. We are talking about your sexual partner, whose proposals you so often reject, citing their refusal as "indecent". Aren't you afraid that your partner will simply leave for someone who will be able to see in his sexual fantasies more than strangeness? A woman to conduct a choir in a dream - in real life, you seek to escape from the brute force that has been haunting you for a long time. A certain person is trying to subdue your will, but you have not yet found a worthy way to protect yourself from this brute onslaught. Meanwhile, everything is not so difficult - just do something that the person in question would obviously not like. If a man conducted a choir in a dream, it means that he suppresses the sexual desires of his partner, believing that he himself is able to understand everything that a woman may want. In fact, this is far from being the case, and for a long time she has been forced to "eat" only what is offered in your "menu", hiding her own desires.

Dreamed of a choir

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a choir in a dream means that you can expect joyful events that will replace the feeling of sadness and constant dissatisfaction. For a young woman, singing in a choir means experiencing that her admirer pays too much attention to others.

Why dream of yelling

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

loudly - a difficult victory; someone yells - family squabbles.

I dreamed of a call

according to Miller's dream book

Hearing your name spoken in a dream by unfamiliar voices means that your affairs will be in a risky state, but strangers will help you. Hearing the voice of a friend or relative means the illness of one of them. Lovers who have heard the voice of their beloved should pay attention to this warning: perhaps they were not attentive enough to each other. Otherwise, they are threatened with separation due to a quarrel. Hearing the voice of the deceased is a warning about your own illness or some kind of trouble. This voice is an echo returning from the future to your mind, which perceives the voice of its ancestor through that part of itself where the memory of it remains. In every person, some part of the mind remains unchanged, being passed down in the family from generation to generation.

Dreamed of a whisper

according to Miller's dream book

To see whispering people in a dream means that you will be disturbed and excited by the evil gossip around you. Hearing advice or a warning in a dream made to you in a whisper is evidence that in real life you need the support of friends and their wise advice.

I dreamed of a cry

according to Miller's dream book

Hearing screams of suffering in a dream means that you will have great worries, but your prudence and sober mind will help you put things in order, which will have a healing effect on your state of mind. If you dream of a screaming person, such a dream portends dubious pleasures that are likely to plunge you into a depressed state of mind, which will affect your business and heart life. Hearing a cry of surprise in a dream means that you will receive unexpected help. If you hear the cries of wild animals, then a serious accident with someone you know is possible ahead. A cry for help when you recognize a familiar voice means the illness of the one who called you.

Had a speech

according to Miller's dream book

Hearing a speech of some government person in a dream means that you will quarrel with a friend. If you dream that you are discussing someone's speech, it means that you are in for a sad adventure. If in a dream you are trying to remember someone's speech, it means that unexpected complications await you. Repeating, analyzing someone's speech in a dream portends that before you achieve what you want, you have to overcome very serious obstacles.

Often our visions are like silent movies: we see bright pictures that follow each other, but we do not hear sounds. It happens that we understand what the characters want to tell us in a dream, but we understand them without words, as if telepathically.

And therefore, any dream book will tell you, the voice in night dreams is a very important sign that you must definitely listen to. If you don’t remember whose speech sounds you heard in a dream, then hearing voices in this case means meeting new people, building communications, and also reconciling with those with whom you were in a quarrel. You need to try to build a constructive dialogue with others - this will only benefit your business.

  • You heard someone else's pleasant voice.
  • The voice in the dream made an unpleasant impression on you.
  • Or there were several sources of sound.
  • Perhaps these were the sounds of the speech of a person close to you.
  • Particular attention should be paid to visions where the voice of the deceased is heard.
  • You heard your own voice.
  • Or you feel like you can't say a word.

someone else's speech

Miller's dream book interprets the voice heard in a dream depending on whether he was pleasant to the sleeping person or not. Hearing the sounds of human speech that did not cause you discomfort means that in the near future your relationship with others will develop smoothly. But to hear voices, the sound of which is unpleasant to your ear, means that they will try to provoke you into a conflict, but you should not be led by a provocateur.

The modern dream book considers the voice that calls you by name in a dream to be a warning: circumstances will not be on your side, but your friends will provide you with timely support. In dreams, someone calls you by name, and you enter into a dialogue with him - such a vision means that you are provided with the attention of the opposite sex. If your ear was pleased with the intonation of someone who calls you by name, most likely, very good news awaits you.

Hearing not one person, but several, but not being able to understand which of them is saying what, means that you should be very careful and check all the documents that you sign, more than once. In order not to lose what you have, do not be shy to seem like a “letterman”, to find out all the nuances of the transaction is your inalienable right.

Hearing in a dream a voice on the telephone that calls you by name - in reality you will be able to fulfill what you have long dreamed of. If you dreamed that a woman was calling you by name, you will be able to find such a non-standard way out of a difficult situation that you will even surprise yourself.

Losing the ability to speak because you have someone in your throat is good news in reality. And to lose your voice with delight - you will have a chance to commit a noble deed and thereby win universal respect. If in a dream you dreamed of losing the opportunity to speak out of resentment - doubts about the honesty of a loved one are unfounded, you can completely trust him, because he is completely frank with you.

Why is the voice dreaming already, that is, the dead man? If you heard a dead person calling you by name, most likely he wanted to warn you about something important. Therefore, try to remember exactly his words and interpret them.

A dream in which the voice of the deceased turns out to be the voice of your deceased mother is auspicious. If the deceased mother speaks calmly and kindly to you in her dreams, the situation will develop in your favor, and those around you will be supportive.

The sound of the speech of the deceased father warns that there may be difficulties in professional field, but if you listen to his advice, you can overcome all obstacles with honor. Hear the voice of the deceased whom you once loved, and then understand that he disappeared, calmed down - you should “let go” of this person, life goes on, and ahead of you new love and new joys of life.

According to statistics, one person in a thousand hears a voice in his sleep at least once in his life. That is, he does not dream that someone is talking to him, but he really and clearly hears the words of someone invisible. Sometimes it is a clear voice that is very familiar, such as mom, dad, grandma, neighbor, or someone who has died. In other cases, an obsessive whisper is heard. This page explains who is talking to the sleeper and how to get rid of the voices if they are constantly annoying.

I read it. I don't know if I will get an answer from you. But I just need it! I hear a voice in my sleep. It's not constant, but intermittent. As if someone sees my dreams and comments on them in a vile whisper in my ear. This is why I wake up. And sometimes they wake me up different sounds, which are not really there: claps, blows, explosions, falling of some objects, etc. And tactile sensations. For example, I dream that a rat is biting my finger, and I really wake up, feeling tingling in my finger. If you can, please answer me, otherwise, I'm already thinking about visiting a psychiatrist.

Who says when people sleep?

Many have heard a voice in a dream. Invisible entities speak next to all living people. Creatures that cannot be seen ordinary people, the gods are called ephemera. Personalities who are brought up in the spirit of faith in God call them demons, angels, demons and other names that are also mentioned in mythology. These invisible entities do not need to sleep, eat and do any business like people do. So they amuse themselves with talk. Ephemera exist for about a year and a half, and then die.

But while they are, their main occupation is reflection. Their consciousnesses are severely limited, and they do not see the physical world in the same way that people do not see ephemera and their habitat. In order to perceive the physical world, beings intrude into the thoughts and dreams of the living. Such introductions give them a lot of emotions and even quite real experiences for them. It's like watching a 3D movie in a cinema. Being under impressions, the being speaks about what he experiences. In this case, the clairaudient can hear the voice of the ephemeral in the dream.

But everything gets bored sometime, including ephemeral beings, so many of them begin to get used to the thrill that they received at a time when a person dreamed about something or watched a dream. And so they entertain themselves in other ways. These may be attempts to inspire something to a person or to weaker ephemera than they are. They also try to pronounce what they perceive, and give comments about what a person saw in a dream. Being in a borderline state between reality and navy, one can hear that a strange voice in a dream is talking about a dream.

How to get rid of dream commentators?

Some people are disturbed by a female voice in a dream, others by a male, others by one whose gender is very difficult to determine, and the fourth, as the author of the letter cited at the beginning of the publication, is disturbed by a nasty whisper. There are much more underdeveloped beings in the ephemeral world than in the physical. Many of those beings who whisper believe that if they speak out loud, they will be heard. But when you say to this ephemeral that you can already hear him, then in theory, he should have shut up. However, he does not understand this and continues to whisper. In this case, it should be concluded that a telepathic connection arose with the stupidest creature with a limited consciousness.

Other whisperers became like this because they could not get a voice from space. Most of the voices that can be heard in a dream, and even to a clairvoyant in reality, arise against the background of some sounds. This may be a noisy fan, the sounds of running motors and electrical appliances, a strong rumble in the street, and so on. If a whisperer speaks, then his voice comes from a completely muffled source. A person may not even catch the latter. Therefore, at night you should try to spend a couple of hours in a cheerful state, listening to the noise. When the source of hissing sounds is discovered and eliminated, it will be possible to take away the “voice” from the ephemeral creature - the ability to voice what she thinks.

The second reason for the emergence of clairaudience, due to which you can hear a voice in a dream, is a strong overheating of energy. Usually the result is something like a fiery circle around the head. In the beyond world, the energies of fire and wood allow the ephemera to communicate with each other. If a person has a lot of these energies in energy, then he will hear ephemerals, but not all, but only those that are not far from him for some time.

In order to no longer hear voices in reality, it is necessary to weaken the fire and wood in your energy. To do this, you need to switch to eating rice, exclude products of fire and wood from the diet. You need to stop smoking, drinking, drinking tea and coffee, using drugs. You should take zinc tablets without vitamin C.

Why do strange sounds occur in a dream, and how to get rid of them?

From previous parts This article makes it clear what a voice in a dream means and how to get rid of it. Now we need to figure out why a woman who hears whispers at night wakes up from strange sounds. There are 2 reasons for their occurrence:
- a channel has been created through which she perceives what is happening somewhere far from her;
- an ephemeral creature that whispers near her, mentally repeats the sounds that she hears, and the sleeping woman perceives them as if they actually sounded.

The problem of this woman is as follows - when falling asleep, she is in a borderline state between a complete blackout of consciousness and a state of wakefulness. While in it, many astral travelers; people who are fond of lucid dreams; sorcerers and magicians can go beyond their consciousnesses, limited by the physical world. You can use this feature to travel in the delirium of your subconscious, considering what you see as unusual, existing worlds.

So do many who think that they have stepped beyond the boundaries of the usual reality. You can listen to the chatter of ephemerals, trying to hear the voice of a rational being. But it is better to try to get rid of the borderline state and then the sounds will no longer bother you.

In order for neither the sound nor the voice in a dream to interfere with sleep and wake up, it is necessary to achieve a state when the consciousness is very tired and turns off. This is achieved by doing physical work. When a person is tired, a night's rest passes without dreams, and he does not find himself in a borderline state between reality and navi.

Another way to get tired is to constantly think. For example, solve some problems, answer a lot of questions different people etc. Thus, the consciousness is very tired, and therefore will try to switch off in order to get rest. The third way to sleep deeply is to take a sedative. However, clairaudients should not take herbal infusions or herbal tablets. After all, they only enhance the ability to hear voices.

Why is something felt in a dream and after waking up? Is it possible to get rid of these feelings?

In addition to being awakened by a voice more than once, a woman who seeks advice is awakened by sensations that she perceives as real. At this point, I would like to recommend studying feng shui, so as not to invent nonsense and not consider yourself an abnormal person. Feng Shui, in its essence, is a method of studying energies, their qualities, properties and mechanisms that affect the living and the dead, the physical and the subtle.

Understanding how energy flows affect everything, a person ceases to consider himself mentally ill. He is aware of his own characteristics and understands how the subconscious perceives the world and how the consciousness captures it. This knowledge leads him away from the inexplicable theories of esotericists and allows him to soberly perceive what is happening.

There are only five energies: fire, earth, metal, water and wood. If fire is strongly manifested in a person’s energy, he may dream of something erotic or aggression. If a person has a more or less balanced energy, then sleep may be different. For example, in it a rat bites a finger.

But in fact, in this case, streams of water and metal energies rush into the energy overflowing with the fiery element, which suppress the fire and create, in this case, balance. But the subconscious interprets this process in its own way, as it remembers how a person reacts to the world and what is happening in it. It selects the most relevant information and shows it in a dream.

The woman who asked for advice probably saw rats, even in the picture, and, probably, someone bit her finger, maybe even in early childhood. That is why she dreamed it. It could also be that the voice she hears told her the plot, although this is unlikely. If she did not experience animal bites and did not encounter rats, then probably the information was presented to her as it manifests itself in the visible world.

In Feng Shui, a rat is considered to be water, and a bite with sharp teeth is metal. Therefore, I had such a dream. After waking up, a young woman had sensations of pricks, because the metallic energy was concentrated in her finger. If the sleeping woman had vivid experiences from drowning in water or after being cut with a razor, then the dream would be about it. That is, images that arise at the energy level are dreaming. You should not be afraid of this, you just need to understand what is happening with the energy of the body and draw the appropriate conclusions.

When waking up occurs because you happened to hear a male voice, female or whisper in a dream, and also because you have vivid dreams that excite the mind with strong sensations, this again means that the sleeper does not fall asleep completely. This is an example of that very borderline state between the perception of the world by a reasonable consciousness and a not entirely logical subconscious.

In this case, you need to try to get tired, or you can use relaxing agents. The simplest ones are better, for example, the same St. John's wort. Among other things, you need to train your mind so that it does not show dreams. This is done by a clear setting - a thought that is kept in the mind all the time falling asleep. If you carry out such concentration on a certain thought every evening, then dreams will remain in the past and will no longer disturb you.

Is it worth going to a psychiatrist if you hear voices and really feel what you dreamed about?

To answer this question, you should first think about who psychiatrists are. These are people who graduated from some institutions that are considered to give higher education in the physical world. They are interested in the development of the direction in which they work. Their income and the development of psychiatry directly depends on the number of patients.

If people seek salvation from a psychiatrist - someone who does not even know what it means to hear a familiar voice in a dream or an unfamiliar one and has no idea about the subtle world and its population, then they doom themselves to suffering. For a psychiatrist, the stories of patients are sheer nonsense. He does not see in these people special personalities who have extraordinary abilities. Or rather, mentally handicapped.

A psychiatrist can do nothing to help a person who actually hears voices in a dream, and does not invent them. The doctor will prescribe medications that will change the state of the psyche. After taking these medicines a person usually hears even more clearly the voice of the ephemeral bothering him. And in a psychiatrist, this condition is called progressive schizophrenia. Therefore visit this specialist It will only be useful for people suffering from schizophrenia.

If you do not want to be listed as mentally ill, you should understand what is really happening. You need to try to get rid of your abilities on your own. Feng shui and the methods listed in this article and help with this. A serious approach to this problem helps to get rid of clairaudience. But if you have to hear a voice in a dream every night, and you don’t have the strength to endure it, you can turn to a psychiatrist. Approximately 2% of 100% of all clairaudients say that they are helped by drugs prescribed by a doctor.

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Articles are published on this site, information in which is given by a person who perceives the beyond not at the subconscious level, but clearly, like the physical world. If the content of the texts seems strange, incomprehensible, repulsive or wrong, it is worth treating it as fiction - fiction. Well, whoever has looked into the beyond at least once will immediately understand whether the truth or fiction is conveyed in these articles.

  1. Anna

    Hello! I had a similar case in the morning, I woke up in the morning and decided to sleep more, and at that time a male voice (very pleasant) called me, which I had to answer. very real, I think there is a lot of fire in me. and a few years ago a little boy, (the son of friends) he is 6 years old, somehow, when talking with him, I saw not his face, but as if some kind of gnome appeared (as if this boy was wearing a rubber mask, it was very time consuming quickly., who was nearby did not notice anything, and in general the feeling from this child, as from an adult (I was even sometimes embarrassed in his presence).

  2. Core

    Good afternoon!

  3. Natalia

    Hello! I woke up early in the morning from the voice of my mother (thank God she is alive). I heard in a dream, very clearly her words, "God is merciful." I fell asleep again, but after a while I woke up again from her same words, but it seemed to me that I didn’t even sleep anymore, but there was some kind of semi-dream. She repeated this several times to me. All day in my head is the memory of the voice.
    What is it for?
    Thank you.

  4. Core

    @ Natalia:

    Good afternoon!

    You have heard the ephemeral essence. Usually around each person there is a sound or noise background. It occurs because of the sounds that are heard indoors and outdoors, as well as because of your own heartbeat. Therefore, each individual person hears in his own way the voices of relatives or strangers.

    There is a certain noise background around you, through which the thought of the ephemera penetrates and is voiced by noise. Since these sounds are very similar to those your mother makes, you identify the voice of the ephemeral as the voice of the mother. For this very reason, most clairaudients believe that ephemera can counterfeit voices. , You will understand a lot.

    An ephemeral being is able to read thoughts and hear the words of other people. So it repeats what it hears. The words it uttered mean nothing. And in general, the case itself does not mean anything, except that it indicates that you have the gift of clairaudience.