The most popular decks of tarot cards. Choosing a Tarot deck - how to find cards that suit you personally. Golden Tarot Botticelli

Strangles brownie, which by nature is a peace-loving and kind being, is a very frequent occurrence. If he loves the owners of the house, then we will help them in everything, and protect the house. And if you live with a brownie in the same house for several decades, then he already becomes a member of your family. But there are times when the brownie at night begins to choke either the owner himself or his guests. Skeptical people attribute such attacks of suffocation to heart failure, bad dreams and hallucinations. These reasons also have a place to be, but in most cases, the brownie still strangles.

Why is the brownie strangling?

There is an opinion that such unusual method The brownie warns of the changes that will take place in this house. When you come to your senses, you need to quickly ask him: “For better or worse?” and wait for a response. The brownie can quietly answer in human language. It is not clear why the brownie chooses such an extravagant method. But most of those who received such confirmation, on their own personal experience were convinced of the correctness of the brownie's predictions. No need to be offended and afraid of the brownie because of this choice of warning method. The brownie will never harm a good owner. Moreover, people, waking up, often abruptly dump him on the floor - the brownie is never offended by this, he can only grunt displeasedly. But whatever he predicts, thank him.

But if you do not receive an answer to your question, and the brownie continues to come every night, then think about whether you have offended the brownie? It is simply necessary to maintain good relations with the brownie, treat him affectionately and respectfully. Periodically, the brownie should be treated to something tasty. For example, brownie loves milk very much. Pour the milk in a saucer and put it in a secluded place so that no one bothers to feast on it. He loves brownies and sweets. And to finally appease him and make him forgive the offense - bake a pie especially for him. Then the choking at night will stop.

Or maybe your brownie is just bored. And keeping you awake at night is nice fun for him. It would be nice to have a cat - she will become his partner in night games. If a cat is not included in your plans, then put in a secluded corner a box or basket with many small and bright objects- beads, coins, small toys. This will amuse the brownie and distract from you.

If the brownie strangles guests, then this is no accident, here you need to take a closer look at these people. Surely, the brownie warns you that communication with these people can harm you, that these people cannot be trusted. the main task brownie - to prevent energy pollution at home. Feeling the evil and dirt coming from your guests, he wants to scare them and force them to leave your house.

Do not offend the brownie

Brownie does not tolerate tobacco smoke. Cigarette smoke spoils the air, settles on furniture, dishes. It does not weather and makes the home dirty. Therefore, smoking is not allowed in the house.

If people come to you with a negative attitude towards you, with evil intentions, the brownie will try to survive them from the house in every possible way, for example, strangle them.

The brownie feels if someone wants to spoil. If this person came to visit you, the brownie will immediately begin to give you warnings. With this person, everything will fall out of his hands, dishes will break, food will fall, and tea will spill. In the same way, the brownie will warn the owner.

The belief claims that it is impossible to leave piercing and cutting objects on the table, for example, knives, forks, etc. They prevent the brownie from moving freely to the house, cleaning it and protecting it from evil forces.

Communicate with the brownie

In the old days, people believed that a conversation with a brownie would lead to numbness or stuttering, which would be impossible to cure. Therefore, it is not necessary to contact the brownie, but it is necessary to carefully listen to his signals and warnings.

For example, if dishes rattle - to a fire, if you "accidentally" doused yourself with water - to illness, if you hear sighs and crying - this brownie portends trouble, and he howls and slams doors - to someone's death.

If you need help, you can ask for it to the brownie. For example, from time immemorial, girls who were not sure of the desire to marry her lover turned to him for help, were worried about the possibility of deception. In order to attract the brownie to your side, you need to perform the following rite: on Thursday, just not on a holiday, you need to go to the middle of the room, cross yourself three times and say quietly, referring to the brownie: , sex and underground, people of domestic, livestock and poultry, intercessor of deceived girls, help me, help me, call out, cry out, lure me into husbands married servant of God (name), so that he would be drawn to my house, on my road, to my doorstep, to my door, help me, a servant of God (name), give me a narrowed, mummered servant of God (name). Send his matchmakers to my doorstep. Amen." Then live in the hem of a candy or a small piece of sugar.

If sometimes strangles brownie, then you can turn to him if you need to find a loss in the house. Turning to the brownie, you need to say: "Owner-father, help, tell me where (the name of the thing) is?" Or another way: stand in the corner of the room and say: "Brownie, brownie, play and give back."

If the brownie is offended, he can become angry and harm the owner with all his might. Your task is to make amends and make friends with him. Feed him, caress him, show your love and respect. You can scold a little for intrigues and scold. If you can't find it at all mutual language, then the brownie can be expelled. But remember that without a brownie, your home is left without protection. You can drive out the brownie who is strangling in this way: sweep the floors throughout the apartment with a broom, and especially carefully in the corners. At the same time, say: "I'm sweeping you out, a stranger, a harmful brownie, I'm kicking you out." Revenge is necessary throughout the week, with the exception of Friday.

It is believed that the house spirit lives in every living space, although not everyone manages to see it. There are many mythological versions of the origin of these mysterious creatures.

Esotericists believe that a brownie is an energy formation, in most cases invisible, which is associated with someone working off a karmic debt in the form of protecting a home and its inhabitants.

Similar perfumes can be in any room, including production, as well as in an abandoned house. They love warmth, so they often settle in bakeries, boiler houses, forges, etc.

Brownie - who is he?

Folklore tradition depicts a house spirit in the form of a squat little man covered with thick hair, often with a long beard. Sometimes he looks like the head of the family, sometimes he appears in the form of a cat, but most often he flashes in the form of a shapeless spot.

It is believed that most often they are seen by children and cats, whom the owner of the house never offends. But for adult inhabitants, the brownie can cause a lot of trouble.

The presence of these creatures in the house can be detected by incomprehensible knocks and rustles, the slamming of doors and windows in the absence of air movement, the disappearance of things that are suddenly found elsewhere.

The brownie is very self-willed. He can become attached to a pet or family member, protect and love him. But those who he does not like, the brownie will "survive" from the house - and often he succeeds.

It can become an inconspicuous but valuable helper in household chores - or it can make family life unbearable. The same applies to spirits that live in non-residential premises - in almost any office or warehouse you can hear stories about it.

One of the purposes of the brownie is to warn the owners of upcoming changes, especially dangers. It is in this case that you can see it - however, literally for a second.

But the most serious kind of warning is a painful condition, which has long been called "the brownie is strangling."

How does the brownie suffocate?

This feeling comes on unexpectedly and can be very painful. In deep sleep, a person feels difficulty in breathing, and a feeling of heaviness does not allow him to take a breath. At the same time, the sleeping person wakes up, but can neither move nor say anything.

After some time, the person manages to turn around, the feeling of heaviness and tightness in the chest disappears, his breathing, voice and ability to move are restored. Physiologists associate this condition with, or temporary cessation of breathing in a dream, as well as with such a phenomenon as sleep paralysis when after the phase REM sleep muscle weakness continues, and various frightening images may arise in the brain.

Sometimes such sensations in a dream can be associated with diseases of the heart or lungs.

However folk tradition in this case agrees with the opinion of esotericists. The state of "strangles the brownie" is a harbinger of what will happen very soon in the house big changes, and not necessarily for the worse.

Very often, such a phenomenon is a harbinger of departure, although in the most severe cases it can even predict the death of the head of the family. It is believed that common sense such a prediction can be found out by asking the brownie the traditional question, for good or for worse, this happens.

However, even after receiving an answer from the brownie (which is not always easy to interpret), the details of the upcoming event may remain mysterious. However, there are several standard situations in which the brownie is so active. Therefore, having thoroughly analyzed your surroundings and ongoing events, you can quite accurately determine what to expect from such activity of the house spirit.

What can a brownie warn about?

Such contact with the brownie, which is unpleasant for the inhabitants of the house, speaks of his serious concern about what will happen soon, and his desire to convey this concern to one or another family member.

The main reasons for such concern are most often the reasons listed below:

  • Brownies do not tolerate the mess and neglect of the home very well. And most of all, they are not stressed by scattered (they themselves are not averse to doing something like this) and not even floors swept in a timely manner, but by energy “garbage” - a conflict situation, a depressed mood of the household, a state of depression in one of them. Therefore, having experienced the state of suffocation in a dream, think - is it not time to do general cleaning? By the way, this is a good way to escape from gloomy thoughts and tune in a positive way. Or should a compromise solution be found urgently? conflict situation? Stop being annoyed with others?
  • A possible reason for the brownie's dissatisfaction is bad energy sleeping. This may be due to both extraneous influence on him (evil eye, damage, love spell), and with his performance of certain magical rites. In the first case, you need to put up protection or turn to a healer, in the second - to abandon the rituals that can harm someone.
  • The home spirit may not like a radical change in the home environment. If you are preparing to move, strangulation in your sleep can be a way to remind you of yourself and that you need to take the brownie with you. A similar reminder of yourself can be received from the brownie and before the wedding, the appearance of new tenants in the house.
  • Very often, the cause of strangulation in a dream may be the hostility of a brownie to a certain family member. It does not occur spontaneously, but may be associated with negative emotions, problematic character, inappropriate behavior. In this case, you need to help this person deal with their problems.
  • Often people who come to stay experience a feeling of suffocation. The reason for this may be as negative energy in general, not too much good relationship to the owner of the house and to the household (envy, selfish intentions or something else). It is possible that this guest is trying to provide energy impact to someone in the family.

In any case, you need to remember that after such a “suffocation”, whatever its cause, you need to thank the brownie and leave him a treat.

Tarot is an effective tool for self-knowledge, a guide to unusual world internal transformation. Various decks allow you to reveal the secret messages of the Universe and expand a person's vision of himself and the world around him. These cards can be used as a plan drawn on the Arcana with the help of symbols, a kind of road signs on the path of the individual. If you read their meaning correctly, you can get an in-depth look and open up new perspectives in any incomprehensible situation.

Rider-Waite Tarot

The Rider-Waite deck is one of the most popular types Tarot. It is formed from the Major and Minor Arcana. The latter are divided into the following types of suits: Swords, Cups, Pentacles and Wands.

This deck was created in 1910 by Arthur Waite, who was fond of Freemasonry, Kabbalah and other types of magical knowledge. The illustrations for the cards were drawn by an English artist named Pamela Colman-Smith. For the first time this deck was published by William Rider, as a result of which the Tarot received a double name: Rider-Waite.

Distinctive features

The main feature of this type of Tarot is the change of places of the 11th and 8th Arcana. The card "Justice" took 11th position, and "Strength" - 8th. Waite himself did not explain this reformation in any way. There has also been some renewal of the symbolism of the 6th Arcanum, known as "The Lovers". In the deck and in the vast majority of old decks, this Arcana depicted a young man making a choice between two ladies. In some decks, this card was called “Choice”. But in Waite's deck young man replaced by a biblical picture depicting naked progenitors - Adam and Eve. Another important point lies in the fact that it was in the Waite deck that, for the first time in the history of the Tarot, illustrations began to be used, endowed with a certain semantic load. Prior to this, images were characteristic only of the Major Arcana. On the Juniors it was only schematic representation suit sign.

This type Tarot cards, like other typical decks, consists of two main groups of cards. These are the Minor and Major Arcana. Tarot is named after Thoth, the Egyptian patron of wisdom.

The Juniors in this deck include Wands, Swords, Cups and Disks. Each suit starts with an Ace, followed by a Two, a Three, and so on. Next come curly Minor Arcana- Princess, Prince, Queen and Knight.

Distinctive feature Thoth Tarot decks are her three-dimensional drawings. The images are drawn with sharp lines, they do not have penumbra. It is not always possible to understand the meaning of the images on the Arcana the first time. They are full of rich symbolism, including those taken from Egyptian mythology. The color scheme makes this set one of the most unique types of tarot decks. The cards make the questioner think about many things - no one has yet surpassed Aleister Crowley's deck in terms of semantic load.

Crowley renamed some of the Major Arcana:

  • Arcana "World" became "Universe";
  • "Strength" - "Lust";
  • "Wheel of Fortune" - simply "Fortune";
  • Arcana "Justice" became "Regulation";
  • "Moderation" - "Art";
  • "Judgment" - "Aeon".

The Tarot of Thoth was published after the death of Crowley himself and their artist, Lady Harris.

Madame Lenormand has become famous throughout the world since the 17th century thanks to her gift as a soothsayer. Lenormand made predictions to Napoleon himself. Two types of decks were named after her - astromythological and gypsy. The latter includes 36 Arcana, which allows you to replace it with simple playing cards to make guessing easier. The interpretation of the cards is quite simple thanks to the clear images of the Arcana.

Tarot Age of Aquarius

It is considered one of the most attractive and responsive types of Tarot cards (a photo of the deck is presented below). The cards were created by an artist named Marina Bolgarchuk, and they were printed in one of the oldest printing houses in St. Petersburg, which issued cards even for the royal court.

The name of this deck is due to the fact that human civilization in the third millennium should enter the so-called Age of Aquarius. In the deck, the Major and Minor Arcana are depicted in a very original way. They have differences from the traditional tarot plots proposed by Waite. The motives of Russian and French classicism can be traced in the Major Arcana divination cards, which are complemented by the imagination of the artist. At first glance, the Arcana may seem simple, but upon closer examination, they become more and more bewitching.

One of the most famous and popular types of tarot. Tarot researchers consider François Chausson to be the author of the deck. Modern version was created on the basis of maps that appeared in Marseille as early as 1672.

For this reason, the deck got its name. Currently, several more decks have arisen based on this type of Tarot, but there are no significant differences between them. The main features relate to the Minor Arcana.

Mysteries of Avalon deck

Some researchers believe that once it was England that bore the name "Avalon", or the island where mysterious people lived - Hyperborea. They were carriers of a visionary gift, they were magicians. One of the druid priests named Merlin became Prince Arthur's teacher.

The Mystery of Avalon cards introduce us to the reign of King Arthur, the world of mystical legends that connect the secrets of the island of Avalon, the courage of the knights round table and symbolism of the Holy Grail. The Mysteries of Avalon Tarot consists of 78 cards. Each of them refers to a specific mythical element.

Types of layouts of Tarot cards

The listed decks can be used for various layouts. Let's consider some of them.

  • "Three Cards". The classic layout, in which three Arcana are taken out of the deck. The first of them means the past, lying in the middle - the present, the extreme right - the future.
  • "One card". Used when you need a clear answer to a specific question. The deck is shuffled, while the questioner should focus on things that interest him. Then one card is drawn, which will be the answer to the Tarot deck.
  • "Pyramid of Lovers" It is used to clarify the situation of the relationship between a man and a woman. For the layout, you need to get four cards. The first three cards are laid out in one row, the fourth is placed on top. The resulting figure looks like a pyramid with a wide base. In the first row, a card is placed in the center, it symbolizes the querent and his state in terms of existing relationships. The second card is placed on the left, it symbolizes the partner. The third is on the right, she speaks of the prevailing this moment relationships. The fourth Arcana, which is the "top" of this pyramid, will tell about the possible future, due to today's actions of the participants in the love affair.

If a flipped card is dealt

When performing the alignment, you must remember: the meaning of the Tarot inverted often has an independent meaning. Many authors are convinced that the Arcana in their reverse position carry negative meaning. If in general the layout is full of inverted cards, this may indicate difficulties, problems, obstacles, emotional stress. Each of the cards, one way or another, must be considered in the context of the entire layout. And therefore, the meaning of the Arcana in an inverted position can be softened by other cards that fell out in divination.

At the same time, not every time the inverted cards carry a negative meaning. Each of them carries an archetypal meaning, and often the Arcanum, which fell out in the opposite position, only changes its perception.

All decks of cards have this feature - they become strong over time. Therefore, when buying cards, take this seriously. There are a lot of tarot cards right now. Women's, to clarify dreams and even black tarot. It all happens because interest makes some people "mow the loot." They draw something unimaginable.

Yes, we do not argue, you can guess on them. But this is only if you “see” everything well enough and without them. That is why we decided to tell you that there are well-established Tarot cards, and what types of decks you can choose from so as not to get confused even more.

They say that the Tarot came to us from Egypt. These are drawings from the Book of the Dead (a book for magic formulas and various kinds of religious texts). No less popular is the theory that these are predictive tables of the Maya themselves. But some believed that this was the legacy of Atlantis.

Nowadays, there are several types of decks. They are named after the people who made them. Their drawings are also different due to the different views of occultists on the origin of the cards.

  • Papus deck. He connected them with astrology. One of the features of this deck is that the occultist completely neglected the minor arcana. They look like regular cards. But not one of them attached importance to the "youngest". Some modern occultists also do not take them into account, because these are very small events. Well, another feature of his deck is too vague and philosophical predictions. It is quite difficult to decipher. He was of Egyptian origin. This is reflected in the drawings on the maps.
  • Tarot White is quite popular. Probably due to the fact that the minor arcana here are "not offended." This time. And two. The predictor worked hard and compiled a weighty treatise-guide of all cards and layouts.
  • Aleister Crowley, who created his version of the cards, was an adherent of Egyptian origin. He did a great job, synthesizing the knowledge of his predecessors. He developed not only a deck, but also a book of interpretations. If a person can work with this deck, then he has achieved mastery. For beginners are completely incomprehensible to the deep symbolism inherent in it. By the way, the deck does not solve everyday issues. It is used only in solving vital issues.
  • Known to all Madame Lenormand and her deck is a "deceptive zilch". The fortune teller never designed a tarot deck. She didn't need it at all. She could even read the shape of a person's head. And she guessed the usual playing deck. What is now presented as her cards are actually creations created by her followers.

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All Tarot decks can be conditionally divided into the following groups:
- traditional;
- universal;
- copyright;
- specialized.

The traditional (classic) decks include the Egyptian Tarot, Marseille Tarot, Madame Lenormand Tarot and others. Most of these maps were created back in the 15th-17th centuries and were in use in monasteries and among the nobility. At that time, almost every wealthy person knew how to lay out cards “for fate”. Artists considered it an honor to create a unique deck for a particular family. Most of the designs on traditional decks have hardly changed over time.

Tarot decks of Aleister Crowley, Tarot Osho, Tarot of the Golden Dawn, Tarot of Rider-White (Rider-Waite) are considered universal. All of them were created under similar circumstances, but in different time and in different countries. The Golden Dawn Tarot is considered the third most popular in the world. Designed by Samuel MacGregor Mathers and drawn by his wife Moina. They were both members of the British Order of the Golden Dawn. In second place in popularity is the Crowley deck. The English mystic and magician Aleister Crowley, together with the artist Frieda Harris, created a Tarot deck for 5 years, but it was released only after the authors' testament was made public. Crowley's tarot is often used not only for everyday divination, but also for magical rituals. The most popular deck in the world is Arthur Edward White's tarot deck. The wide distribution of the deck is due to its intuitiveness, ease of interpretation, as well as "safety" - you can expect truthful answers to any questions from such cards. It is on the Rider-White deck that it is best to comprehend the basics for beginner tarologists.

Author's Tarot decks reveal the personality of their creators, their worldview system, and therefore the interpretation of the alignment is often difficult. However, it is the author's decks that will allow you to look at this or that situation from a completely unexpected angle.

Specialized Tarot decks “work” well only with a certain range of questions (unlike universal ones). An experienced tarot reader knows well in which cases one can turn to such a deck, and in which one should look for another way of divination or meditation. The Dwarf Tarot deck will perfectly tell about the solution of a domestic conflict, answer questions related to material wealth. Tarot Manara and Tarot of Lovers are cards that answer questions about the relationship between the sexes.

The nuances of choosing "your" deck

If you are just going to discover the world of Tarot, then you should opt for one of the universal decks, for example, the Rider-White Tarot. There are illustrations here on each card, which will facilitate memorization, and they themselves will help interpret the layout. It is worth noting that in the Rider-White deck, the Major Arcana of Strength and Justice have serial numbers 8 and 11, and not vice versa, as in most other Tarot decks.

You can buy tarot on your own, but it’s better if you choose a deck, and a person close to you will pay for it. Counts a good sign receive Tarot cards as a gift, however, it will not always be possible for other people to guess on such cards. To the one to whom they were presented, this deck will answer any question and become an assistant in spiritual search.

It is better not to buy tarot cards online. You need to feel "your" deck. In the store, ask the seller to show you the decks you like closer. If possible, take the cards out of the box and look at each sheet. If you feel cold from certain cards, this is normal, but if you feel cold from the whole deck, it indicates that it is not suitable for you. “Your” deck should be pleasant to the touch, comfortable to lie in your hands, and evoke positive emotions. Don't try to find rational explanation why this or that deck should be yours. Choosing a Tarot deck is always intuitive.

A well-chosen Tarot deck will be a guarantee High Quality work, will become your assistant and adviser, a reliable guide to the world of the mysterious and unknown. It is necessary to approach the choice of cards with all responsibility and consciousness, since the deck that suits you will increase its magical and energy potential over time.


When you buy a deck, you may find that it is missing a few cards. Moreover, with a second purchase, the situation may repeat itself. Print the purchased deck and count the cards in the presence of the seller. It should contain 78 cards and two blank cards that can be discarded immediately.
You should not buy an unsealed deck: people who touched it before you left an imprint of their energy on it. Your hand must touch the cards first.

A deck that is too large or too small will be inconvenient to use. The most used will be cards made of hard paper. Laminated cards will slip when shuffled and store energy poorly.

When buying, focus solely on your own feelings and intuition, and not on the seller, the main thing for which is as many goods as possible at the highest possible price. The deck should appeal to you visually. If the seller does not have demo version, first check out the various modifications of Tarot in catalogs or on the Internet.

So that the energy of the deck is not disturbed, it is recommended to store it in a special leather bag away from prying eyes. Make sure that the deck ends up in the wrong hands as rarely as possible - otherwise you will have to regularly clean it from extraneous energy.

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Helpful advice

The Tarot of Marseille, Tarot according to Papus, according to Crowley and according to White are considered to be classical schools of Tarot. The belonging of the deck to a certain system is revealed by the letters of the Kabbalah and the numbering of the Major Arcana. In addition to the traditional ones, there are many non-standard Tarot decks, each of which is interesting in its own way.

The most common and affordable is the Rider-Waite deck. It has a high-quality execution: the drawings on the cards are beautiful, displaying all the little things in detail, the neutral "shirt" does not distract attention.

To the choice of cards tarot should be taken seriously, because they have to work for a long time. There are many factors that go into choosing cards. If you take into account all of them, you can choose exactly the deck that is most convenient to use.


To get started, choose a place to buy. You need a quality product, so newsstands will not work for your purpose. Go to a specialized bookstore or a large one. In such a place, the risk of buying a low-quality or defective deck is less.

Pay attention to online stores. They are convenient in that the assortment of goods in them is wider, and images of maps can be viewed on sites without leaving home. The only negative is that there is no way to look into the deck. And this should be done if possible, and in some stores there are already opened packages.

Carefully inspect the drawing, whether the paint leaves marks on the fingers, whether the images are well drawn. Count the cards, in a standard deck tarot there are 78 of them - 22 Major Arcana and 56 Minor Arcana. Make sure that all cards are different, sometimes several of the same are placed by mistake.

Do not be afraid to buy an already opened deck, you can inspect it, and the closed package may contain defects. Some believe that the cards from the opened package are saturated with the energy of the people who examined them, and this tarot needs to be magically cleansed. This must be done in any case, even if the box has been sealed.

Now look at the images themselves. It will be better if you pre-study on special sites existing varieties kart tarot. In this case, you will only have to purposefully look for the deck you like. But you can also choose cards from the assortment offered in the store.

Images of cards should be pleasing to you, and the symbolism should be understandable. look around tarot, you should be comfortable on them . Listen to yourself, if you want to buy a particular deck, just do it. Pay attention to the Minor Arcana. They exist in two types - with full-fledged images and only with drawings of suits.


  • How to choose a deck of tarot cards

Tarot cards are an ancient symbol system, a seventy-eight-card deck of cards that appeared between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries. AT modern world Tarot cards are most often used for divination.