The best manuals on oge physics. Demonstration options for the OGE in physics (Grade 9)

This page contains demonstration versions of the OGE in physics for grade 9 for 2009 - 2019.

Demonstration options for the OGE in physics contain tasks of two types: tasks where you need to give a short answer, and tasks where you need to give a detailed answer.

To all the tasks of all demonstration options for the OGE in physics answers are given, and tasks with a detailed answer are provided with detailed solutions and instructions for grading.

To perform some tasks, it is required to assemble an experimental setup based on standard sets for frontal work in physics. We also provide a list of required laboratory equipment.

AT demo version of the OGE 2019 in physics compared to 2018 demo no changes.

Demonstration options for the OGE in physics

Note that demonstration versions of the OGE in physics are presented in pdf format, and to view them you need to have installed, for example, the freely distributed software package Adobe Reader on your computer.

Demonstration version of the OGE in physics for 2009
Demonstration version of the OGE in physics for 2010
Demonstration version of the OGE in physics for 2011
Demonstration version of the OGE in physics for 2012
Demonstration version of the OGE in physics for 2013
Demonstration version of the OGE in physics for 2014
Demonstration version of the OGE in physics for 2015
Demonstration version of the OGE in physics for 2016
Demonstration version of the OGE in physics for 2017
Demonstration version of the OGE in physics for 2018
Demo version of the OGE in physics for 2019
List of laboratory equipment

The scale for recalculating the primary score for the performance of the examination paper
on a five-point scale

  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for the completion of the examination paper in 2018 into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for the performance of the examination paper in 2017 into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the examination paper in 2016 into a mark on a five-point scale.
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for the performance of the examination paper in 2015 into a mark on a five-point scale.
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for the performance of the examination paper in 2014 into a mark on a five-point scale.
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for the performance of the examination paper in 2013 into a mark on a five-point scale.

Physics demo changes

Demonstration versions of the OGE in physics 2009 - 2014 consisted of 3 parts: tasks with a choice of answers, tasks with a short answer, tasks with a detailed answer.

In 2013 in demo version of the OGE in physics the following changes:

  • It was added task 8 with a choice of answers- on thermal phenomena,
  • It was added task 23 with a short answer– understanding and analysis of experimental data presented in the form of a table, graph or figure (scheme),
  • It was the number of tasks with a detailed answer has been increased to five: task 19 of part 1 was added to four tasks with a detailed answer of part 3 - on the use of information from the text of the physical content.

In 2014 demo version of the OGE in physics 2014 in relation to the previous year in terms of structure and content did not change, however, were criteria changed evaluation of tasks with a detailed answer.

In 2015, there was variant structure changed:

  • Option became be in two parts.
  • Numbering assignments has become through throughout the variant without letter designations A, B, C.
  • The form of recording the answer in tasks with a choice of answers has been changed: the answer has become necessary to write digit with the number of the correct answer(not circled).

In 2016 in demo version of the OGE in physics happened significant changes:

  • Total Jobs reduced to 26.
  • Number of short answer items increased to 8
  • Maximum score for all work did not change(still - 40 points).

AT demo versions of the OGE 2017 - 2019 in physics compared to 2016 demo there were no changes.

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We also have organized for schoolchildren

In the development, experience is collected and generalized in solving problems proposed at the OGE in physics in grade 9, within the framework of the section "kinematics. rectilinear motion". The author tried to develop a short course in which, using the example of analyzing basic simple tasks, an understanding of the general principle of solving tasks on this topic is formed. Development contains 19 unique tasks with a detailed analysis of each, and for some tasks several ways of solving are indicated, which, according to the author, should contribute to a deep and complete assimilation of methods for solving such tasks. Almost all tasks are author's, but each of them reflects the features of the tasks of the OGE form. The vast majority of tasks are focused on graphical representation, which contributes to the formation of meta-subject skills. In addition, the development contains the minimum necessary theoretical material, which is a "concentration" of the general theory for this section. It can be used by a teacher in preparation for a regular lesson, during additional classes, and is also designed for a student who independently prepares for passing the OGE in physics.

Methodological guide (presentation) “Electromagnetic oscillations and waves. Preparation for the State Academic Examination” was compiled in accordance with the requirements for the State Final Attestation (SFA) in physics in 2013 and is intended to prepare graduates of the basic school for the exam.
The development contains brief information on the topic (in accordance with the GIA codifier) ​​and the Plan of the demonstration version of the examination paper (Electromagnetic oscillations and waves), accompanied by animation and video clips.

Target audience: for grade 9

Methodological guide (presentation) “Air humidity. Preparation for the State Academic Examination” was compiled in accordance with the requirements for the State Final Attestation (SFA) in physics in 2010 and is intended to prepare graduates of the basic school for the exam.
The development contains brief information on the topic (in accordance with the GIA codifier) ​​and the Plan for the demonstration version of the examination paper (Air humidity), accompanied by animation and video clips.

Methodological guide (presentation) “Evaporation and condensation. Boiling liquid. Preparation for the State Academic Examination” was compiled in accordance with the requirements for the State Final Attestation (SFA) in physics in 2010 and is intended to prepare graduates of the basic school for the exam.
The development contains brief information on the topic (in accordance with the GIA codifier) ​​and the Plan of the demonstration version of the examination paper (Evaporation and condensation. Liquid boiling), accompanied by animation and video clips.
The brevity and clarity of presentation allows you to quickly and accurately repeat the material covered when repeating the course of physics in grade 9, as well as using the examples of demo versions of the GIA in physics in 2008-2010 to show the application of the basic laws and formulas in the variants of examination tasks of level A and B.
The manual can also be used for grades 10-11 when repeating the relevant topics, which will help orient students to the exam of choice in the final years.

The development contains brief information on the topic (in accordance with the GIA codifier) ​​and the Plan of the demonstration version of the examination paper (Mechanical vibrations and waves. Sound), accompanied by animation and video clips.
The brevity and clarity of presentation allows you to quickly and accurately repeat the material covered when repeating the course of physics in grade 9, as well as using the examples of demo versions of the GIA in physics in 2008-2010 to show the application of the basic laws and formulas in the variants of examination tasks of level A and B.

The methodological guide has been compiled to help teachers and students who take the GIA in physics based on FIPI materials to prepare for the exam in a new form; contains examples of designing experimental tasks from part 3. The manual can also be used in physics lessons in grades 7-9 in laboratory work, because description of some laboratory work is not given in the textbook.

Methodological guide (presentation) “Law of Archimedes. Preparation for the State Academic Examination” was compiled in accordance with the requirements for the State Final Attestation (SFA) in physics in 2010 and is intended to prepare graduates of the basic school for the exam.
The development contains brief information on the topic (in accordance with the GIA codifier) ​​and the Plan of the demonstration version of the examination paper (Archimedes' Law), accompanied by animation and video clips.
The brevity and clarity of presentation allows you to quickly and accurately repeat the material covered when repeating the course of physics in grade 9, as well as using the examples of demo versions of the GIA in physics in 2008-2010 to show the application of the basic laws and formulas in the variants of examination tasks of level A and B.

The manual can also be used for grades 10-11 when repeating the relevant topics, which will help orient students to the exam of choice in the final years.

Methodological guide (presentation) “Pascal's law. Preparation for the State Academic Examination” was compiled in accordance with the requirements for the State Final Attestation (SFA) in physics in 2010 and is intended to prepare graduates of the basic school for the exam.
The development provides brief information on the topic (in accordance with the GIA codifier) ​​and the Plan of the demonstration version of the examination paper (Pascal's Law), accompanied by animation and video clips.

The brevity and clarity of presentation allows you to quickly and accurately repeat the material covered when repeating the course of physics in grade 9, as well as using the examples of demo versions of the GIA in physics in 2008-2010 to show the application of the basic laws and formulas in the variants of examination tasks of level A and B.

Methodological guide (presentation) “Pressure. Atmosphere pressure. Preparation for the State Academic Examination” was compiled in accordance with the requirements for the State Final Attestation (SFA) in physics in 2010 and is intended to prepare graduates of the basic school for the exam.
The development contains brief information on the topic (in accordance with the GIA codifier) ​​and the Plan of the demonstration version of the examination paper (Pressure. Atmospheric pressure), accompanied by animation and video clips.
The brevity and clarity of presentation allows you to quickly and accurately repeat the material covered when repeating the course of physics in grade 9, as well as using the examples of demo versions of the GIA in physics in 2008-2010 to show the application of the basic laws and formulas in the variants of examination tasks of level A and B.
The manual can also be used for grades 10-11 when repeating the relevant topics, which will help orient students to the exam of choice in the final years.

Methodological guide (presentation) “Simple mechanisms. efficiency of simple machines. Preparation for the State Academic Examination” was compiled in accordance with the requirements for the State Final Attestation (SFA) in physics in 2010 and is intended to prepare graduates of the basic school for the exam.
The development provides brief information on the topic (in accordance with the GIA codifier) ​​and the Plan of the demonstration version of the examination paper (Simple mechanisms. Efficiency of simple mechanisms), accompanied by animation and video clips.

The brevity and clarity of presentation allows you to quickly and accurately repeat the material covered when repeating the course of physics in grade 9, as well as using the examples of demo versions of the GIA in physics in 2008-2010 to show the application of the basic laws and formulas in the variants of examination tasks of level A and B.
The manual can also be used for grades 10-11 when repeating the relevant topics, which will help orient students to the exam of choice in the final years.

The most popular guide for preparing for the exam. The new handbook contains all the theoretical material on the course of physics required to pass the main state exam in the 9th grade. It includes all elements of the content, checked by control and measuring materials, and helps to generalize and systematize knowledge and skills for the basic school course. The theoretical material is presented in a concise and accessible form. Each section is accompanied by examples of test tasks. Practical tasks correspond to the OGE format. Answers to the tests are given at the end of the manual. The manual is addressed to schoolchildren, applicants and teachers.

mechanical movement. Trajectory. Path. Move.
Mechanical motion is a change in the position of a body in space relative to other bodies over time. There are various types of mechanical movement.

If all points of the body move in the same way and any straight line drawn in the body remains parallel to itself during its movement, then such a movement is called translational.
The points of a rotating wheel describe circles about the axis of this wheel. The wheel as a whole and all its points make a rotational movement.
If a body, for example, a ball suspended on a thread, deviates from the vertical position either in one direction or the other, then its movement is oscillatory.

The definition of the concept of mechanical motion includes the words "relative to other bodies". They mean that a given body can be at rest relative to some bodies and move relative to other bodies. Thus, a passenger sitting in a bus moving relative to buildings also moves relative to them, but is at rest relative to the bus. A raft floating downstream is stationary relative to the water, but moving relative to the shore. Thus, speaking of the mechanical motion of a body, it is necessary to indicate the body relative to which the given body is moving or at rest. Such a body is called a reference body. In the above example with a moving bus, a house, or a tree, or a pole near the bus stop can be chosen as the reference body.

mechanical movement. Trajectory. Path. moving
Uniform rectilinear motion
Speed. Acceleration. Uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion
Free fall
Uniform motion of a body in a circle
Weight. Matter density
Strength. Addition of forces
Newton's laws
Friction force
Elastic force. Body weight
The law of universal gravitation. Gravity
body momentum. Law of conservation of momentum
Mechanical work. Power
Potential and kinetic energy. Law of conservation of mechanical energy
simple mechanisms. Efficiency of simple mechanisms
Pressure. Atmosphere pressure. Pascal's law. Law of Archimedes
Mechanical vibrations and waves
The structure of matter. Models of the structure of gas, liquid and solid body
Thermal motion of atoms and molecules. Relationship between the temperature of a substance and the speed of the chaotic motion of particles. Brownian motion. Diffusion. Thermal equilibrium
Internal energy. Work and heat transfer as ways to change internal energy
Types of heat transfer: conduction, convection, radiation
Quantity of heat. Specific heat
The law of conservation of energy in thermal processes. Energy conversion in heat engines
Evaporation and condensation. boiling liquid
Melting and crystallization
Electrification of tel. Two types of electric charges. Interaction of electric charges. The law of conservation of electric charge
Electric field. The action of an electric field on electric charges. Conductors and dielectrics
Constant electric current. Current strength. Voltage. Electrical resistance. Ohm's law for a section of an electrical circuit
Series and Parallel Connections of Conductors
Work and power of electric current. Joule-Lenz law
Oersted's experience. The magnetic field of the current. Interaction of magnets. The action of a magnetic field on a current-carrying conductor
Electromagnetic induction. Faraday's experiments. Electromagnetic oscillations and waves
The law of rectilinear propagation of light. The law of reflection of light. Flat mirror. Light refraction
Light dispersion Lens. Focal length of the lens. The eye as an optical system. Optical devices
Radioactivity. Alpha, beta, gamma radiation. Rutherford's experiments. Planetary model of the atom
The composition of the atomic nucleus. Nuclear reactions
Reference materials
An example of a variant of OGE control and measuring materials (GIL)

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Physics, A new complete reference book for preparing for the OGE, Purysheva N.S., 2016 -, fast and free download.

Physics. A new complete guide to preparing for the OGE. Purysheva N.S.

2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: 2016 - 288 p.

This handbook contains all the theoretical material on the course of physics required to pass the main state exam in the 9th grade. It includes all elements of the content, checked by control and measuring materials, and helps to generalize and systematize knowledge and skills for the basic school course. The theoretical material is presented in a concise, accessible form. Each section is accompanied by examples of test tasks. Practical tasks correspond to the OGE format. Answers to the tests are given at the end of the manual. The manual is addressed to schoolchildren and teachers.

Format: pdf

The size: 6.9 MB


Preface 5
mechanical movement. Trajectory. Path.
Move 7
Uniform rectilinear motion 15
Speed. Acceleration. Uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion 21
Free fall 31
Uniform motion of a body in a circle 36
Weight. Matter density 40
Strength. Composition of forces 44
Newton's laws 49
Friction force 55
Elastic force. Body weight 60
The law of universal gravitation. Gravity 66
body momentum. Law of conservation of momentum 71
Mechanical work. Power 76
Potential and kinetic energy. Law of conservation of mechanical energy 82
simple mechanisms. Efficiency of simple mechanisms 88
Pressure. Atmosphere pressure. Pascal's law. Archimedes' Law 94
Mechanical vibrations and waves 105
The structure of matter. Models of gas, liquid and solid structure 116
Thermal motion of atoms and molecules. Relationship between the temperature of a substance and the speed of the chaotic motion of particles. Brownian motion. Diffusion.
Thermal equilibrium 125
Internal energy. Work and heat transfer as ways to change internal energy 133
Types of heat transfer: conduction, convection, radiation 138
Quantity of heat. Specific heat capacity 146
The law of conservation of energy in thermal processes.
Energy conversion in heat engines 153
Evaporation and condensation. Boiling liquid 161
Melting and crystallization 169
Electrification of tel. Two types of electric charges. Interaction of electric charges. The law of conservation of electric charge 176
Electric field. The action of an electric field on electric charges. Conductors and dielectrics 182
Constant electric current. Current strength. Voltage. Electrical resistance. Ohm's law for the plot
electrical circuit 188
Series and parallel connections of conductors 200
Work and power of electric current. Joule-Lenz law 206
Oersted's experience. The magnetic field of the current. Interaction of magnets. The action of a magnetic field on a conductor with current 210
Electromagnetic induction. Faraday's experiments.
Electromagnetic vibrations and waves 220
The law of rectilinear propagation of light. Law
reflections of light. Flat mirror. Refraction of light 229
Light dispersion Lens. Focal length of the lens.
The eye as an optical system. Optical instruments 234
Radioactivity. Alpha, beta, gamma radiation.
Rutherford's experiments. Planetary model of the atom 241
The composition of the atomic nucleus. Nuclear reactions 246
Reference materials 252
An example of a variant of control and measuring materials OGE (GIA) 255
Answers 268

The handbook contains all the theoretical material on the basic school physics course and is designed to prepare 9th grade students for the main state exam (OGE).
The content of the main sections of the reference book - "Mechanical phenomena", "Thermal phenomena", "Electromagnetic phenomena", "Quantum phenomena", corresponds to the modern codifier of content elements in the subject, on the basis of which the control and measuring materials (KIMs) of the OGE are compiled.
The theoretical material is presented in a concise and accessible form. The clarity of presentation and clarity of the educational material will allow you to effectively prepare for the exam.
The practical part of the handbook includes samples of test tasks, which, both in form and in content, fully correspond to the real options offered at the main state exam in physics.