Why dream that the TV was stolen. Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great. Why dream of a new TV

Quite often it happens that a very unusual dream is dreamed. Its main feature is that it is very difficult to remember any details. The whole dream passes as if in a fog, and only one of its features is especially remembered. In this case, you should not try to remember absolutely everything. Even one at a time, it would seem minor detail you can give a good interpretation to your dream. The dream book will help us with this. TV - what can he dream of and what does such a vision mean?

A bit of reasoning

In order to learn how to interpret dreams, it is not necessary to be a psychologist or an esotericist. Each object in a dream has its own meaning, and one way or another, it is connected with its essence. Let's take TV for example. As a rule, people spend a lot of time behind him, of course, if there is one. Being near the screen, a person begins to lose track of time, gets hung up on certain films or programs and stops thinking about his life. What does the dream book say about this? TV can be safely called another dimension, a world in which a person is not his master.

General value

As we have already found out earlier, TV is an object that takes a lot of time and effort from a person. If he is dreaming, then this means that a lot of time has already been lost. Perhaps a person lives only for today and does not think at all about what awaits him tomorrow.

A dream in which the TV is turned on quite clearly indicates that you have lost your goal in your life and do not think about the future at all.

What else does the dream book say about this? TV can also mean comfort, home decor, family affairs. As a rule, this device is in almost every home, and for this reason it can be associated with household chores or chores.

Esoteric dream book

TV, depending on various other factors, in a dream can be interpreted in different ways. There are a huge number of dream books, and each of them offers its own interpretation.

For example, the one we are considering esoteric dream book. TV (large) in this case means that certain kinds of problems will arise in your life. They are worth looking into Special attention. They are not at all like a movie or a TV show, but rather the opposite. You need to make every effort to solve them. If the TV that you are dreaming of is broken, then this means that you do not think about what is happening at all and run the risk of being in big trouble.

Actions with a TV in a dream

Certain actions with this device in a dream have their own meaning. What does the dream book say about this? Breaking the TV means that you can miss a lot important chance in your life. It can be both certain prospects in work, and relationships with a loved one. Before interpreting a dream, you should think about what is happening with you at this stage of life.

Perhaps you are in a quarrel with your loved one? Then the dream means that it is necessary to give him a second chance. Buying a new TV in a dream promises great opportunities and prospects for the future. A dream means that you have already taken all the necessary steps and now you just have to reap the benefits.

Selling a TV may mean that, most likely, luck will pass you by. You risk losing your usual comfort and tranquility, and the events that have occurred will depend on your decision. If the TV was stolen in a dream, then you cannot do anything with the current situation. What happens in life is absolutely not the result of your actions. You must humbly accept the gifts of fate, even if they are not entirely good.

What was the TV

A general description of the TV can also help in interpreting the dream. To do this, just remember what the TV was like in a dream. If it was new and turned off, this means that you are far from the problems that actually surround you. You need to take a closer look at what is happening around you. An old black and white TV may indicate that it's time to reconsider your point of view. Perhaps on this moment your views are a little outdated, and it's time to look at the world with "new eyes".

What else can be said about such a TV can dream of sadness and separation. Perhaps someone close to you will leave soon, and you will be very bored. Of course, in such a situation it is difficult to take any action, but now you will be ready for such an event in advance. A scratched TV can dream of financial loss and trouble. Perhaps your friends gossip about you or want to make some kind of trouble. Any scratches in a dream should be treated with particular care, because they can be interpreted as insults that will leave an imprint in your heart.

What other secrets about this device can the dream book tell? A broken TV in a dream may indicate that all your hopes and plans may collapse. In addition, any problems with this device promise problems at home or in the family. In this case, the dream gives advice that you need to devote more time to household chores. Perhaps you let everything take its course and do not deal with them at all.

Freud's dream book

Most interesting interpretation sleep can be read in Freud's dream book. The scientist believed that any complex device, including the TV is a symbol of manhood. The dream in which you see a new and serviceable TV indicates that everything is in order with your health, you are full of strength and energy. AT personal plan for a man, such a dream promises a romantic relationship and a good chosen one. If such a device is dreamed of more than one, then perhaps soon you will have a very important choice. Likely to be taken very quickly important decision.

It has absolutely the opposite meaning - the man has obvious problems with sexual health. For this reason, he should rest more. If a girl dreams of a TV, then according to Freud's dream book, such a vision can be a symbol of great love or a faithful partner. A broken or broken device indicates that the girl will soon part with her lover or there will be a major quarrel.

TV has long been an integral part of our lives. It is in every family, and not just one. On it we watch programs, films, concerts.

And very often the TV can dream in dreams. He accepts various meanings depending on the dream. Let's look at what the TV is dreaming of.

What did you see

Seeing or watching TV - promises you a quiet family life and home comfort. Sometimes a dream suggests that someone interested is watching you. It can be a leader, a colleague at work, an influential person. You should show yourself better side to get attention.

Perhaps this person can radically change your life, offer new job which will bring financial stability. As the dream book says, color TV portends a meeting with friends, and black and white - that someone or something from the past will try to penetrate your present.

Watching TV can also mean that you have to lead a rather secluded life in the near future. Do not regard this as a negative sign - perhaps right now you need to be alone for some time, think about problems, solve some questions, or just sort yourself out. As soon as you reach the goal, your life will become bright and rich again.

Do not forget that sometimes seeing TV is a symbol of wasting time. Perhaps you are spending it aimlessly, instead of solving pressing problems. Plan your time correctly and schedule things by the hour so that you don’t accumulate too many unresolved issues later.

A dream is favorable in which the spouses are busy watching programs together. it good sign: family life couples are very prosperous, harmony and homeliness flourish in the family, and nothing can destroy this idyll. The relationship of the spouses will be filled with mutual understanding and trust.

Deciphering some variants of dreams

To understand why the TV is dreaming, the following options from the dream book will help.

TV Status:

  • New - you will relax at a party that will bring a lot of fun and positive mood.
  • Old or broken - promises you an acquaintance with a new person who in the future may become your close friend.

Watch shows - some good news will reach you soon. Seeing a color TV in a dream - your life is rich and bright, there is no place for dullness and everyday life in it.

Buying a TV - you will meet new people who will become your friends. The purchase of a huge plasma panel or a large-screen TV indicates that you are overwhelmed with pride. But do not overdo it so that pride does not grow into vanity.

If the purchased equipment turned out to be faulty, such a dream warns you against wasting money on useless goods. Think about whether all the desired things will be useful to you. The dream also reflects new ideas that you are considering - they are likely to be very promising in the future.

To receive a TV as a gift - finally, you can make a purchase that you have long dreamed of or have been saving money for. If you give the TV - a dream indicates that you need to devote more time to your family. Set aside everything and spend the day with loved ones.

If the TV breaks down in a dream, this is a sign that you should mind your own business, and not let it take its course. Then it will be more difficult to clear them, and it will take more time.

Repair - someone influential will offer you help and even patronage. You should not refuse such an offer, it will help you solve problems and questions, as well as improve your financial condition. I dreamed of a TV that you disassemble and assemble with skill - a sign that in your plans and projects you should soberly and adequately assess your own capabilities.

A large and expensive TV portends a quick meeting with friends. And watching a movie on it portends good news. If you saw yourself on the TV screen, then you should control your own emotions, since you are quite sensitive to criticism from others. If in a dream you participate in some famous program or talk show, then in reality you will receive opportunities that were previously inaccessible to you.

Pay attention to the quality of the image you see on the screen. A clear and bright picture means that someone is trying to impose their opinion on you. Don't be fooled, someone else's opinion is not always correct.

A fuzzy and blurry image on the screen says that someone is trying to intrigue you, but all their efforts will be in vain, and you should not worry about such a dream. Watching, but not seeing images - you need to focus on the problems and affairs that are currently most relevant in your life. Author: Ekaterina Sokolova

Dream Interpretation TV

In the space of the current home, there is an exchange of priorities. If earlier the corner in which the icon hung was considered significant, now it is the one where the TV is placed. It is not endowed with symbolic functions.

Encrypted signs of dreams

TV in a dream can be paired with the symbol of the information channel, with a high degree of evolution. Sometimes with spiritual decline, degradation. We will find information about what the TV is dreaming of in classical and modern dream books.

Soothsayers of the XX century about technical innovations

If you dreamed of a TV

The new invention of the 20th century was perceived as a boon. In other words, cinemas were moved into the home, making visible and very interesting information that was on the radio. However, the interpretations of this image, which appeared in dreams, are ambiguous in different sources.

Miller's dream book

The psychologist believes that if this device is dreaming, get ready for a meeting with an old friend, from which you will learn a lot of useful information.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

The Italian philosopher and psychologist believes that a television receiver in a dream personifies interference in the dreamer's personal sphere of activity, which is alien to him, because it forms in him a false perception of the world around him. Someone established tight control over the dreamer, preventing him from deviating from a predetermined program.

TV in the interpretation of contemporaries

Increasingly, there are statements that the task of television in the current world is to subjugate consciousness, to impose standard schemes actions and thoughts. Why is TV dreaming, according to today's soothsayers?

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

The esoteric believes that watching TV shows, but not distinguishing between images, or not seeing it at all, means the dreamer is far from the problems that really confront him.

Seeing the image on the screen clearly enough means that someone is trying to impose their opinion on you.

The purchase of this device symbolizes the birth of a new idea that you will realize in reality. Seeing your TV in a dream promises the dreamer new perspectives that you need to hold on to.

Engaged in its assembly, there will be constructive plans. Dismantling represents the need for a detailed and logical consideration of the idea so that it does not die out in the bud.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

The healer and feng shui expert has her own opinion on the meaning of the image of the TV in a dream. She believes that this is the inner "I" of the dreamer. Watching TV means talking to yourself, feeling inner intuition and developing this feeling.

Dream Interpretation of Samokhvalov

Feel the impact on yourself

The psychoanalyst claims that this device, having appeared in dreams, personifies the negative side of maternal control over the child, which makes the child subconsciously follow a certain program, a style of behavior.

Turning it off means freeing yourself from the influence of someone else's opinion.

Dream storyline

Television dreams can be interpreted ambiguously. They can promise a measured and stable life. Sometimes they warn against dependence and spinelessness. It all depends on many factors. Let's describe the meanings of dreams, where such situations were seen:

  • black and white TV;
  • broken device;
  • buying a TV
  • TV stolen;
  • many TVs;
  • Remote Control.

If in a dream you watched TV shows on a large black and white device, a meeting with a friend on the desk will soon take place. It will be unforgettable for you.

When you happened to watch programs on a broken TV, then you will not be able to realize your ambitions in the professional field. This will be prevented in every possible way by ill-wishers.

To protect your ideas from the encroachments of envious people, do not voice your plans in their presence.

A broken device predicts a demotion, up to and including dismissal.

If in your dreams you managed to set up a broken TV, then you will make a very important decision, on which the well-being and budget of the family will depend. The decision will be correct, although it will make you pretty nervous.

Buying a color TV reflects the dreamer's desire to capture some important information for him. Which he is masterful at. This will be facilitated by a meeting with old friends, among whom will be the person who owns it.

If you dreamed of an old TV

The old device represents the mistakes of the past. They need to be fixed urgently, because a situation is likely in which they will surface, causing significant damage to the family and professional spheres.

The TV that was stolen represents the search for a new one. life path. But the dream indicates that you are not yet ready to change something. It's not as easy to let go of the past as it seems. You will have to return to it again and again. Therefore, do not rush, so as not to make rash mistakes.

To be where there were a lot of television receivers means a penchant for numerous sexual relationships. The dreamer does not have the squeamishness of intimacy with same-sex persons.

When in your dreams you used the remote control to watch programs, deftly controlling it, then you control your feelings and have power over others.

It's bad when the remote cannot be found. You lose control over yourself, which leads to a failure in activity. And this is in the hands of envious people.

A remote control that has failed has a similar meaning. Competitors or enemies can break you down and hurt your business if you don't outdo yourself.

She dreams that the remote control exploded, speaks of your annoyance from the fact that someone close to you, or something restricts your creative activity, interferes with freedom of action. You must go ahead against it.

If you dreamed of a TV, then you live only for today. Don't forget that tomorrow will come.

If you dreamed of a color TV, then you will have a pleasant meeting with friends.

If the TV broke down in a dream, then you need to go about your business, and not let them take their course.

If you buy a TV in a dream, it means that soon you will meet a person who can become a very good friend to you.

If the sound of the TV disturbs you in a dream, then someone will spread gossip about you, but they most likely will not affect you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Men

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Dream Interpretation - Buy and Sell

Buying in a dream is always better than selling. But to dream that you are giving money or a wallet for something means losses and losses, especially in your personal life. Buy something in a dream - to small profit.

Seeing goods in the bazaar is a warning to be careful because of the danger of deception. Buy them - to gossip. Seeing a lot of purchases in a dream is a sign that you will soon receive a significant amount of money that you will spend on the necessary things.

Buying cheap in a dream is a sign of an imminent love victory or an unsuccessful deal that you will enter into because of greed. Selling a lot and successfully in a dream is a sign of success in business and prosperity. Sometimes such a dream portends new opportunities. Unsuccessful sales in a dream are a sign of failure in business in reality. See interpretation: seller, gifts.

If you dream that your friend's things are being sold, then soon you will have to go through a lot because someone will betray this person. Selling in a dream often means betrayal.

A conversation with a seller in a dream often portends a trial, a quarrel, a division. To manage trade in a dream is a harbinger of dishonest profits. Underground trading in a dream means that you are not pretending to be who you really are, or that other people do not think of you the way you would like. See interpretation: smuggling.

Cashing in on something in a dream is a sign of deceit or betrayal. Shopping in a dream is a harbinger that fate will favor you if you bought essentials.

Making some valuable acquisition in a dream portends a change for you. More precisely, about the meaning of sleep, look at the names of what you bought. Planning big (expensive) purchases in a dream means that soon you will have to pay dearly for your mistakes.

If you dream that someone is talking to you about acquiring (purchasing) expensive (large) things, then soon someone will make an important decision that concerns you, and will not hesitate to inform you of his decision.

Interpretation of dreams from

If you dreamed of a TV, then you live only for today. Don't forget that tomorrow will come.

If you dreamed of a color TV, then you will have a pleasant meeting with friends.

If the TV broke down in a dream, then you need to go about your business, and not let them take their course.

If you buy a TV in a dream, it means that soon you will meet a person who can become a very good friend to you.

If the sound of the TV disturbs you in a dream, then someone will spread gossip about you, but they most likely will not affect you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Men

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Dream Interpretation - Theft

The dream of theft is good only for those who are planning a scam. For the rest, such a dream predicts failure in business and the danger associated with this business. The more expensive the stolen item, the greater the danger to you. Being caught stealing in a dream is a sign of annoying interference in business. To convict others of stealing in a dream yourself means that you should be more careful in your judgments so as not to lose friends. See interpretation: steal.

Interpretation of dreams from