Wallpaper for the living room in a modern style. Style plus homeliness: what wallpaper to choose for the living room to feel comfortable. Wall styling

Creating a practical, functional and beautiful interior in the living room is a priority issue. After all, it is in this room that all household members spend their evenings, close guests are received here and large receptions or parties are held. The living room can be safely called the hallmark of any home. The design of the walls of this room largely forms the whole image of the room, its character, mood. That is why the choice of how to finish vertical surfaces becomes a stumbling block for most owners. The choice of modern finishing materials is incredibly wide, the spread in cost is also large - it's time to get confused in a modern store. And yet, the most popular option for decorating the walls in the living room has been wallpaper for many years. The technical characteristics of this finishing material are changing, improving, new collections from modern manufacturers appear, color and texture solutions are presented in an incredibly wide range. Why is it so difficult to find your perfect living room wallpaper? We hope that our large-scale selection of living room design projects, decorated in a wide variety of ways, will help you find the answer to this question and choose the best finishing option for the most important room in your home.

Wallpaper for modern rooms

Despite the emergence of all kinds of ways to decorate walls in living quarters, wallpapers are confidently leading the list of current ideas. Most Russians choose to wallpaper the vertical surfaces of their living rooms because:

  • they are presented in an incredibly wide range of color and texture solutions;
  • you can choose a material with the desired technological characteristics;
  • the spread in the cost of goods is also wide, a homeowner with any wallet size can find a suitable option;
  • wallpapering the walls with wallpaper is one of the easiest ways to finish, which can be done independently, without the help of specialists and without compromising the aesthetics of the room;
  • using wallpaper, it is easy to create an accent of color or texture, highlight one or another functional area, decorate walls;
  • wallpaper can be combined with other types of finishing materials;
  • it is easy to get rid of the boring finish and refresh the interior of the living room.

So, what factors will determine the choice of wallpaper for the living room in terms of color, texture and technological properties:

  • the size and shape of the room;
  • the presence, number and scale of window and door openings;
  • the location of the room relative to the cardinal points;
  • decoration of the premises adjacent to the living room;
  • if the living room combines a kitchen and dining area, then the choice of wallpaper will differ, first of all, in terms of the technical characteristics of the material;
  • personal preferences of the owners in the choice of color, wallpaper print;
  • the desire to create a calm, peaceful design of the room or highlight the room with a bright accent, an unusual wallpaper pattern or a spectacular imitation.

The choice of wallpaper according to technological properties

If the common room performs only the functions of a living room, then the choice of wallpaper according to technical characteristics appears before us in its entirety. If in the common space, in addition to the living room, there is a dining room and a kitchen, then more stringent selection conditions are imposed on the decoration of vertical surfaces. It is necessary that the wallpaper can be cleaned with a damp sponge, withstand small mechanical damage without losing its aesthetic properties. At the same time, the decoration should create a single, harmonious image of a multifunctional room.

In the living room, for complete or partial wall decoration, all types of wallpaper can be used in terms of classification according to technological characteristics:

Paper- The main advantage of this type of wallpaper is its low cost. A rich selection of colors, patterns and prints and high environmental friendliness can also be attributed to the obvious advantages of paper material. But fragility, susceptibility to color fading from exposure to sunlight and the lack of any surface cleaning significantly reduces the popularity of this type of finish. Paper wallpaper decoration may require replacement after 1.5 - 2 years of operation in a home with small children and / or pets.

Vinyl and non-woven wallpaper can be attributed to one category of strong, durable materials with a wide range of color and texture solutions. Non-woven vinyl wallpaper can be repainted several times, creating a new image of the room without a significant investment of time and money. Such wallpapers can be cleaned, even using wet cleaning, cleaning products. The material does not lose its aesthetic qualities for a long time.

Textile wallpapers look luxurious, have high environmental properties, are able to "breathe". But such a finishing material has many disadvantages - in addition to the rather high cost, the surface cannot be cleaned with the help of tools (you must be very careful about the operation of such a finish). If earlier it was possible to see mostly beautiful velvet fabrics on the walls in living rooms, then the latest trends in the formation of modern style dictate the use of cotton and linen. For minimalist, strict, concise living rooms, this type of finish can be used not only for accent surfaces, but also for all walls of the room.

Metallized I would like to highlight wallpapers in a separate group. Although they can be made from different raw materials and have different properties, all types are related by the presence of golden, silver or copper luster in the composition of the material. Where, if not in the living room, you can afford a touch of luxury. Even in laconic modern interiors, the metallic sheen of an accent wall can create a special mood, increase the degree of originality and elegance of the image of the room.

Also, in a separate type, you can select all photo wallpaper(on whatever basis they are printed). Modern technologies allow to carry out photo printing of the highest quality on any surfaces. Your wall with the image can be textured, have metal inclusions. You can choose any drawing - from your own portrait to a picture of the earth from space orbit, as long as the theme and method of printing fit organically into the overall picture of the living room design.

Actual ideas of 2017 - plain wallpaper or with a pattern?

Fortunately for us, designers do not give an unambiguous answer to this question. How many owners - so many preferences in the design of living spaces. In addition, modern style, although it gravitates towards minimalist moods, does not cancel the decoration. This means that decorating walls with printed wallpaper is an actual way to decorate rooms such as living rooms.

If we talk about the monophonic performance of wallpaper, then designers recommend choosing natural shades in the new season. They not only create a favorable atmosphere in the room, but also make it easier for us to combine finishes with the colors of other interior items. If the room is located on the south side of the building, then you can use a cool palette. If the living room has access to the north side, and also has poor natural light, then it is better to give preference to warm colors.

A light palette will never go out of style. Moreover, there are enough apartments with small living rooms in our country. The old housing stock is replete with rooms with an area of ​​​​no more than 15 sq.m. Such a room needs a light color scheme for wall decoration, which can visually increase the volume of the room. But this does not mean that it is necessary to use exclusively white. You can apply the design technique of an accent wall for one surface and use wallpaper with a pattern (on a light background) or create a textured accent, use embossed wallpaper, which differ only in brilliance and a pattern visible only at a certain angle.

Gray never goes out of style. Universal shades of gray are able to create a neutral background to focus our attention on furniture and decor. Elegance and nobility, restraint and even rigor - in shades of gray there is everything that is necessary to set a certain character of the room. In addition, the gray background is ideal for integrating wood objects, snow-white surfaces or dark contrasts.

Dark velvet (velor) wallpapers or canvases with embossing, a slight metallic sheen or texture can radically change not only the exterior of the premises, but also its character, the prevailing atmosphere. Of course, using dark tones in the design of living rooms is only worth creating accent surfaces and in the case of well-lit medium and large spaces.

The trend of using wallpapers with imitations of various surfaces remains relevant. This can be the creation of a concrete wall, brick or masonry, wooden elements, even wall panels with peeling paint. It all depends on the effect that you want to achieve when decorating the main room of the home.

If we talk about imitations more extensively, then this type of finish can include the use of photo wallpapers that create the illusion of wall decoration. You can create the feeling of finishing surfaces with fabric, soft fur or thorns, place a photo of a brick wall with a hole or a green lawn with a distant perspective.

Considering modern collections of wallpaper with prints, it can be argued that the most popular recently is geometric ornament. At the same time, the drawing can be either clear, bright, colorful, or barely noticeable, as if blurring in space. Most often, wallpaper with a geometric print is a combination of two, less often three colors or shades.

One of the options for geometric print - stripes, is a popular wall decoration option, including in the living room. Vertical stripes (even light, not colorful) can visually increase the height of the room ...

And horizontal stripes will visually increase the volume of the room as a whole.

Floral and animalistic themes in the collections of finishing materials with a print have a clear oriental bias. Not only plants, but also birds, animals, insects become "participants" of the living room interior. As a rule, such wallpapers look like art paintings and create a very special atmosphere in the living room. The uniqueness of the interior will be provided to you.

A few ideas for using wallpaper in the interior of the living room

By far, the most popular way to use wallpaper for decorating a living room is to cover all the walls of the room. But this option can hardly surprise anyone, but creating a reliable, beautiful and strong enough protection for the walls of the room is quite half the force for almost all types of wallpaper. If you plan to create the decoration of all walls with one type of wallpaper, then it is important to remember simple rules, which, however, are not the ultimate truth and may be subject to exceptions:

  • if printed curtains hang on the windows, then it is better to choose plain wallpaper;
  • the smaller the living room, the lighter the tone of the finish should be;
  • a large, colorful pattern for small rooms is undesirable, but it is better to exclude a very small print that can cause a ripple effect - if wallpaper with an ornament is used, then it should be soft, medium in size;
  • if it is planned to focus on the bright upholstery of upholstered furniture in the room, then it is better to choose wallpaper in light, neutral colors;
  • dark wallpaper (contrasting pattern using dark tones) makes sense to choose as an accent in rooms with good natural light (panoramic windows or several medium-sized window openings).

The design technique for creating an accent wall in interior decoration has been used for a long time and very actively among our compatriots. This design can be used in rooms for various purposes, living rooms are no exception. In some cases, it is in the living room that it is advisable to allocate one or another vertical surface in order to zoning the space, emphasizing the functional segment, switching attention from the site of the room that is unsuccessful in terms of geometry or layout.

Beautiful wallpapers that differ from the main background of the room in color, print or texture can be used not for the entire wall, but only for part of it. For example, you can highlight the chimney of a fireplace (that part of it that is not exposed to the flame does not heat up intensively).

The opposite option for decorating the space around the fireplace is to highlight the surface of the chimney with symmetrical canvases of beautiful wallpaper. Strict lines in combination with a delicate pattern will help create not only a harmonious (and what can be more traditional than symmetry), but also a slightly festive atmosphere of the living room.

Also, with wallpaper that is different from the main background, you can paste over the niches of the living room, into which a video zone or storage systems with open shelves are built. Any geometric nuances of the room can be presented from the winning side if you use accent trim.

No less effect can be achieved when gluing interior partitions designed to zone the combined space, in which, in addition to the living room, other functional segments are located.

The use of beautiful, expensive wallpapers to create a semblance of wall panels within moldings will help not only diversify the monochromatic finish, but also emphasize the belonging of the interior to one or another stylistic direction. Zones with accent design, located according to all the rules of symmetry, will bring order and balance to the interior.

Another way to locally use wallpaper to decorate a living room is to paste over the space inside niches with open shelves or bookcases. Thus, it is possible to create the necessary color accent, and diversify the palette of the room and solve the issue of zoning by highlighting a segment for reading, a home library or a zone of storage systems.

Wallpaper for the living room - trends of 2019

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Interior wallpaper for the living room photo

The living room has always occupied a central place in an apartment or a private house; it is in it that family celebrations are most often held and guests are welcomed. And if so, it should attract special attention to itself. To make the room look beautiful and cozy, there is not enough refined and stylish furniture, wallpaper, a variety of types of which can be seen in the photo, requires no less attention in the interior of the living room. It is not so easy to pick up a high-quality coating that fits well into the environment, but it is quite possible if you follow some useful tips.

Interesting wallpaper ideas in the interior of the living room

The main criteria for choosing wallpaper

Of course, wallpaper for the living room is selected according to its appearance - this is an important factor, but in addition to aesthetic properties, other qualities must be taken into account:

  • environmental friendliness of the material;
  • lifetime;
  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation;
  • appearance.

Wallpaper for the busiest room in the house should not only be beautiful and made of modern high quality materials, but also safe for health - do not contain allergens and do not release toxic substances into the space. It is important that the coating does not accumulate dust and static electricity.
As for external beauty, there is not the only correct opinion, it is a matter of taste. Some people like wallpapers with bright images, while others want to see calmer plain walls without frills. Examples of different types of wallpaper for the living room can be seen in the photo.

Delicate 3D wallpaper in the interior of the living room

Modern dark wallpaper in the interior of the living room

Gray shades in the interior of the living room

Choice of primary color and pattern

The choice of background color and pattern of modern wallpaper for the living room depends on your own preferences, as well as on the size of the room, the type and quality of lighting. Never use wallpaper that you don't like, even if it's very trendy this season. At the same time, too bright, albeit favorite shades, will quickly tire you out and are unlikely to organically fit into the interior of a room intended for relaxation.

Be careful when choosing wallpaper for small living rooms, pay attention to the main colors in the interior of the rooms in the photo. In small spaces, light shades of wallpaper are used to expand the space in the living room interiors. Dark and deep colors are best reserved for large, tall rooms, otherwise the room will look gloomy. You also need to carefully select the coating pattern in small rooms. In a small hall, small patterns, located not too often or geometric ornaments, look more appropriate.

Wallpaper with a small pattern in the interior of a small living room

Wallpaper with geometric patterns in a small living room

Striped pattern on the wallpaper in the living room

Black and white wallpaper in the interior of the living room

Important! Striped ornaments will perfectly cope with the visual expansion of space. At the same time, the color of the stripes can be either monochrome or multi-colored or achromatic, based on a combination of black and white.

To make a too spacious room more comfortable, on the contrary, you need to visually underestimate it - for this, choose horizontal stripes or wallpaper along with moldings as a pattern. If the living room is large, but the ceilings are not higher than 3 m, you can safely use large and bright patterns in the decoration, they will not look bulky. You can see the wallpaper options for the living room and choose the one you like in the photo.

Brown striped wallpaper in the interior of the living room

Wallpaper with a large pattern in the interior of the living room

The color of the walls is always selected taking into account the amount of light in the room. So, if the living room is dark, the wallpaper should be chosen as light as possible, while for well-lit rooms, any shades are suitable, up to the difficult-to-use cold colors of the blue and blue spectrum.

Note! Wall decoration should be in harmony with the overall design of the room. A fashionable and stylish living room can be decorated using already known design ideas, or you can come up with an interior yourself.

When choosing wallpaper for your living room, so as not to make a mistake with the combination of shades, use the color wheel - this is a quick and easy way to choose colors that match each other. If you want a quieter option that does not distract from the decor of the room, use neighboring colors. If you want brightness and unusualness, feel free to take on shades located at opposite positions of the spectrum.

You can diversify the interior of the living room using two types of wallpaper, as in the photo. Different wall colors or patterns will help zone the room.

Zoning the living room with different shades of wallpaper

Red color in the interior of the living room

Living room wallpaper material

The variety of materials from which fashionable wallpaper for the living room is made these days is a huge amount. From the first time it is difficult to figure out what exactly you need. To choose the right wallpaper that will last you as long as possible, you need to know the main types of materials. What wallpaper to choose for the living room can be seen in the photo with various options.

So, what are modern wallpapers:


Paper-based wallpaper is the cheapest, but at the same time short-lived option. Such wallpapers are quite thin, so perfectly smooth walls are required under them, otherwise all irregularities will be very clearly visible.

Important! Paper-coated walls cannot be washed, and it is difficult to match the pattern when gluing - get ready for a large waste of material during repairs.

Coverage benefits:

  • profitability;
  • ease of installation;
  • a large selection of colors and patterns;
  • able to hide small surface imperfections with the right color.


  • cannot be washed;
  • bloom in the sun.

Solid paper wallpaper in the interior of the living room


Vinyl wallpapers are denser than paper ones, although they are made on the same basis. They are not afraid of irregularities and are easily cleaned of dust and dirt with the help of wet cleaning.


  • high strength;
  • varied relief;
  • moisture resistance;
  • high decorative characteristics.


  • high cost;
  • complexity of installation;
  • big weight;
  • an unpleasant odor that disappears only a few days after the repair.

Dark vinyl wallpaper with small patterns


Non-woven wallpaper is a great option. They can be painted several times, washed, such a coating has a diverse selection of textures and patterns.


  • breathable material;
  • affordable prices;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • easy to clean with a damp sponge;
  • suitable for painting;
  • able to hide even cracks in the walls.


  • transparency;
  • poor choice of colors and textures;
  • do not have good sound and heat insulation performance.

Non-woven wallpaper with flowers in the interior of the living room

Wall mural

Wall mural in the interior of the living room is an interesting idea. Realistic and colorful images allow you to expand the space, as well as hide other imperfections of the room.


  • a wide selection of images, which allows them to be used in the living room in any style;
  • moderate price.


  • unable to hide the flaws of the foundation;
  • difficult to install - professional services are required.

Photo wallpaper in the interior of the living room

Fabric wallpaper

Fabric wallpapers are immediately reminiscent of the style of wall decoration in houses a couple of centuries ago. Such a coating is based on paper or non-woven, and the outer layer is made of natural or synthetic fabrics - silk, linen, velor, etc. Such walls look incredibly luxurious, they are very beautiful and elegant. When choosing a textile coating, be aware that the fabric quickly accumulates dust and does not like water.


  • natural material;
  • antiseptic impregnation, due to which mold does not occur and microbes do not accumulate;
  • there is no need to join them;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • big choice.


  • high price;
  • professional sticker;
  • can not be washed with water;
  • collect all the dust in the room;
  • absorb any odour.

Some disadvantages are solved by purchasing more expensive Teflon-treated options; such a coating does not collect dust and does not absorb odor, which is especially true if the living room is combined with the kitchen.

Fabric wallpaper in the living room combined with the kitchen


Fiberglass as a base for wall covering is the most convenient option to use. Such wallpapers are resistant to water and fire, they are durable and can be painted more than once.

Fiberglass on the walls in the living room


Bamboo is a natural and environmentally friendly "breathable" material. Such wallpapers allow you to regulate the climate in the room, in summer there will be no excessive heat in the living room, and cold in winter. Bamboo wallpaper can be vacuumed every six months, and too dirty areas can be easily wiped off with a damp sponge.


  • environmental friendliness;
  • naturalness;
  • simple care;
  • dust does not accumulate.


  • high cost;
  • suitable only for some interior styles;
  • small selection of colors.

Bamboo on the walls in the living room

metallized coating

Metallized coating is not the most popular option, but it is worth mentioning. Aluminum foil applied as an outer layer protects against magnetic radiation from radios, televisions and mobile phones located in neighboring rooms.


  • protect against magnetic radiation of any electrical devices;
  • easy to clean - easy to clean;
  • resistant to water and fire;
  • not afraid of household chemicals.


  • very high price;
  • sensitive to even slight mechanical damage.

Metallized wall covering is in great demand

Photos with a variety of interiors will help determine the choice of wallpaper for the living room. Of course, not every idea from a photograph can be implemented at home, but some of them will be a good find.
In terms of high quality, Italian wallpapers are good in the interior of the living room, the most popular options are shown in the photo.

Living room wallpaper style

It is difficult to choose wallpaper suitable for the interior of the living room. This issue must be approached thoughtfully. Even the smallest room bears the imprint of the worldview of the owners and requires the creation of a cozy space that is comfortable for households and guests.

Classic style

This is one of the most neutral styles without flashy decorations and colors. The interior is cozy, the contrasts are smoothed out. The main shades used in the decoration are quite light. It is beige, milky, olive, natural shades of brown, sand color. Walls should be made in the same color scheme. Wallpaper with flowers looks good in the classic interior of the living room, especially successful examples are clearly visible in the photo.
Additionally decorate the walls:

  • paintings in classical style in carved frames;
  • photos with calm scenes;
  • bronze-framed mirrors.

Living room interior in classic style


The main materials used in decorating rooms in the Art Nouveau style are wood, leather, glass, and metal. At the same time, in the outlines of furniture, only soft lines and shapes, the same rule applies to surface patterns. It is best to choose wallpapers with smooth floral patterns.

Modern style in the interior of the living room

High tech

This is one of the most rigorous areas of interior design. The style is based on the maximum functionality of each piece of furniture. Dark wallpapers look good in the interior of such a living room, which is clearly shown in the photo. A feature of the wall finish is also gloss and metallic colors. You can use gray as the main background. And here are examples in the photo of how white wallpapers look in the interior of a high-tech living room.

High-tech living room

East style

This style includes several sub-styles - Turkish, Moroccan, Chinese and Japanese. Such living rooms look colorful and very cozy. The luxury of the ancient east can be conveyed with the help of textile wallpapers with patterns corresponding to the chosen culture. But more modern variations of styles allow you to use any materials. In this case, it is better to use plain wallpaper in the interior of an oriental living room or get by with just a slight hint of national ornaments.

Living room interior in oriental style


This style, at a cursory glance, is very similar to Provence, but more rough. There is much less decor here - there are no huge collections of figurines and textiles, paintings and other cute gizmos. The walls are often finished with natural wood or wallpaper with an imitation of this material. Popular light colors, floral ornaments and pastoral scenes. How the interiors of a country-style living room with light wallpaper can look like can be seen in the photo.

Country style living room


One of the easiest styles to design. Nothing distracts the eye here. The furniture is extremely simple, there is no pretentiousness and frills. All surfaces are plain, and the colors used are soft and muted. The photo clearly shows examples of wallpaper for a living room in the style of minimalism.

Minimalist living room decor

Picking wallpaper that matches the overall design of the living room is a really difficult task, but quite exciting. Correctly combine colors and patterns, the surface of the walls should be in harmony with all the details of the interior. In this case, the room will look like a single whole and please the eye for a long time.


Photo gallery (61 photos)

The living room is the most important component of any house and apartment. It is here that they receive guests, arrange gatherings, parties, and just spend their free time with their families. And this suggests that the hall should be decorated appropriately. If you don't know where to start, start by choosing wallpaper.

Modern wallpapers allow you to completely transform any room, even the most everyday one, while smoothing and minimizing all the bumps and roughness of the walls, which, by the way, must be pre-prepared and leveled, otherwise the wallpaper will show visible flaws. But, since the article is not about preparation, but about choice, we'll talk about it.

Wallpaper in the interior of a classic living room

wallpaper requirements

The first thing to pay attention to is practicality. The living room is a gathering place for people of any degree of density. An accidentally left greasy handprint on the wall will slightly overshadow the owner of the room, but it will be problematic to remove this stain. Although, if you are a homebody and do not like noisy companies, you can not really think about cleaning the coating.

Avoid monochrome colors, i.e. . The first automatically turns the living room into a kind of operating room or hospital room. And any dust that has settled on the wallpaper will be extremely clearly visible. Although it is impossible to note such an important fact as flies annoyingly flying around the room and leaving behind, let’s say, “traces”, which will not be easy to get rid of.

Black tone and others like it will put pressure on the psyche, and fairly. If you want to shade the room - order black furniture, but not new wallpaper. And in general, there are several hundred intermediate colors.

Black wallpaper in the living room

Another important aspect is burnout resistance, or rather immunity to the sun. Often living rooms have considerable dimensions and are complemented by 2-3 panoramic windows. If they face the north side, then there is nothing to be afraid of, but if they face the south or west, the pattern fades rather quickly. Worst of all, paper, textile and vinyl types of wallpaper cope with this. It is better to choose something from non-woven, fiberglass or liquid analogues.

And most importantly: the wallpaper must be beautiful. The living room is not the kitchen, where practicality is important.

Wallpaper color selection

First of all, think about the color scheme. It is fundamental when choosing. No matter how expensive the rolls are, even if they are from Italian brands and fashion designers, if they do not match the overall style and tone of the furniture, it will not work.

For spacious bright living rooms, bright colors and midtones are perfect, filling the room with positive energy and pushing for all sorts of activities. These colors include:

  1. beige;
  2. turquoise;
  3. green;
  4. violet;
  5. Orange;
  6. pistachio.

If you are a supporter of soothing shades, but do not consider yourself a bore, use a white base with bright splashes.

Color and ornament

It would seem that the color should be selected individually, depending on the wishes of the customer. But there are some nuances associated with the dimensions of the room: the lower the ceiling, the lighter the shade of the rolls should be. There is also a reverse trend: a high ceiling requires a rich wallpaper pattern to make the room look more “alive”.

As for the drawing. For small rooms, the best option would be to choose wallpaper with a small pattern or geometric elements.

Advice. Vertical stripes do a good job of visually “stretching” low ceilings, and they do a good job of expanding the space.

And what to choose for tall living rooms? Here various moldings, horizontal stripes and a large pattern are used. Visually, the room will become a little smaller, but at times more comfortable.

Wallpaper in rare vertical stripes

Lighting plays an equally important role. For the north side, from where there is traditionally less light, colors and blotches such as:

  1. yellow;
  2. citric;
  3. cream;
  4. beige;
  5. gold.

Wallpaper with golden splashes

For the south, you can use cold tones:

  1. grey;
  2. green;
  3. blue.

No one says that these criteria are mandatory, but these recommendations have justified themselves more than once.

Wallpaper materials

We come to the most important thing - the choice of materials. What wallpaper can I choose for the living room? For the living room, they often offer options such as:

  • paper;
  • non-woven;
  • vinyl;
  • tissue;
  • fiberglass;
  • bamboo.

The list is far from complete, but these are the main varieties offered on the market.

paper wallpaper- the cheapest type of material. They are quite thin, so they perfectly “emphasize” any irregularities in the wall. From this it is worth drawing a conclusion: you need to glue such a roll only on an ideal coating.

Ornament and pattern will also be problematic to choose. Manufacturers do not greatly honor cheap products, so they don’t really bother with the pattern. In other words, it will take a long time to select and adjust the joints, and there will be a lot of waste. Yes, and gluing them is a real “pleasure”: paper soaked with glue breaks very quickly at the edges by which you hold the prepared roll, so follow all the rules of caution so as not to damage the product.

Non-woven wallpaper- more resistant in all respects, but their price, respectively, is higher. They are much more practical, denser and more durable. Such tapestries are no longer afraid of moisture, sun and other technical aspects of operation. They, if desired, can even be painted if you have previously purchased the appropriate type of material.

Wallpaper in horizontal stripes

For the living room, this is one of the best options in terms of price-quality ratio. The choice of colors, patterns and ornaments is also much higher. On the wall, they look very attractive, since the seams are almost invisible, and the composition forms a single whole. A living room covered with such tapestries will look very attractive.

Vinyl wallpapers - another good buy. Yes, they are thinner than non-woven ones, since they have a paper base, but they are not inferior in quality to the previous ones. They are easy to clean and wet clean, and the composition looks like a single monolithic coating, since it will be problematic to find the seams between the wallpaper, especially with a pattern of vertical stripes.

Fabric wallpaper- representatives of luxury products. They are able to transform the living room into a real Renaissance or Rococo boudoir. The product is based on paper or interlining, as well as textile elements. As a decorative coating is used:

  1. silk;
  2. velours;
  3. felt;
  4. jute fiber;
  5. polyester.

Fabric wallpaper

These wallpapers will be the highlight of any interior. And it's not even beauty. Monolithicity plays the main role. But in the care of this material is capricious, because it attracts dust and other elements that spoil the picture. Unfortunately, washing them is not recommended, so you have to excel.

fiberglass wallpaper can be called the most durable in this list. They serve for years and sometimes decades. In addition, they can be painted, which does not affect the properties of the material, even several repaints. In this case, the rolls must be appropriate, i.e. for painting.

Fiberglass can be repainted up to 8-10 times

The material is made of fiberglass and various impurities that increase the "life" of the material. There are also no complaints about strength and reliability. As for the shortcomings and other nuances. Firstly, you need to purchase special glue for them, since the usual wallpaper composition is not suitable - it simply cannot withstand the weight of the canvas. Yes, and removing them from the wall will be problematic. The fiberglass texture is tightly glued to the wall and without tearing off pieces of plaster, you simply cannot tear off the sheets.

bamboo wallpaper- a chic option for lovers of natural materials. Yes, they are completely natural and do not contain synthetic additives. In addition, they are hypoallergenic, which only plays into the hands of people suffering from this disease. Unfortunately, the product is very expensive, and its cost starts from $50-70 per roll.

Bamboo wallpaper in the interior of the living room in Japanese style

Designers are not advised to paste over the entire room with this material. It is enough to select one of the walls, or any section.

Bamboo is unpretentious in terms of care: it is enough to clean them with a vacuum cleaner a couple of times a year. Stubborn dirt and greasy stains can be easily removed with a damp sponge, but not with an abrasive side.

How to choose the right wallpaper for the living room? What criteria should be taken into account?

Law one. Zoning

Usually, even the smallest living room is zoned into one or three areas: a dining area for the whole family or with guests, a recreation area (+ TV) and a variety of activities (depending on the hobbies of family members, these can be dominoes, cards, chess, collecting, computer games, etc.). In addition, each member of the family, as a rule, chooses some corner in the living room and calls it “my place”.

Therefore, planning and choosing a living room design makes sense for the whole family - this is one of the most exciting activities. But this does not mean that one part of the living room will be pasted over with bright wallpapers that the children liked, the other - gray or beige (at the request of older family members), and somewhere there is an area where dad wants to insert photo wallpapers with cars. Everything should be harmonious, and the family should come to a consensus.

Second law. Available spatial features

When designing the interior, the following factors should be taken into account:

  1. Illumination of the room.
  2. Features of the room (niches, arches, the shape of the room, its dimensions, and so on).
  3. Ceiling height and presence of windows (size, quantity, format).

For dimly lit rooms, designers advise choosing rich and light colors of wallpaper: herbal, sea wave, white, lemon. Moreover, the color of the walls can be combined, for example, three walls are white, one is lemon, or all the walls are of a light shade of a sea wave, and a fragment of one of them is decorated with photo wallpapers.

If there are niches in the room, you should immediately figure out how to arrange them in an original way. Traditionally, it is customary to place bookshelves here and paste over the niche with the same wallpaper as all the walls. But sometimes, if the dimensions of the niche allow, they put a TV, an electric fireplace, a coffee table and the like in it. In this case, it can be highlighted with a different wallpaper color than the rest of the walls. Photo wallpapers in a niche, by the way, are also placed, you just need to clearly consider its size.

If the living room is small, wallpaper with a large pattern will not work, visually they will hide the size of the room. It is better to choose plain or coatings with a small pattern. Light wallpapers in a small living room look better than dark ones, but combinations are possible.

If the ceiling is low, you can visually beat this factor by pasting the living room with wallpaper with vertical stripes.

Law three. Economic

The economic factor is also taken into account: the most beautiful wallpapers are considered expensive - textile, glass, wallpaper from exotic materials, but if there is enough money for paper or non-woven, you should choose from them. Vinyl and non-woven - a little more expensive than paper, but such coatings are more wear-resistant. If the coating gets dirty, it can be painted over time.

Today on sale there are special coatings for painting, they have a special texture. The colors of the coatings can also be interestingly combined. You can combine different types of wallpaper, for example, paste over a fragment of a wall with a TV with expensive bamboo wallpaper, and all other spaces with paper. Someone likes liquid wallpaper, with their help, by the way, you can mask wall defects.

Law four. your favorite style

It is very important to decide on the style: will your living room be decorated in country style (rural look), high-tech style (with minimalist solutions and a set of glossy surfaces), or will it be chic modern or classic Provence. If all family members came to a consensus, you can select layouts (drawings, photos). There must be several. You may have to redraw, but it's worth it!

If all family members have chosen fashionable hi-tech, then the wall color combinations can be: white, black, lemon or beige, black, pink. If - country, the walls can be safely pasted over with wallpaper "under the panel". Herbal green, brown, sand, beige will go well with "ethno". All these colors are always in fashion and it will not be necessary to repeat the cosmetic reincarnations of the walls for a long time!

If you have a beautiful bright sofa, you can choose light wallpaper, and choose the same color for the curtains as the sofa. The sofa is usually placed in front of the TV. And if you plan to place a large mirror in the living room, it should hang in such a way that it reflects a beautiful place or window. If you have chosen wallpaper for a fragment of the walls, it is quite possible to hang a mirror opposite them.

Law five. Color spectrum

Dark floors

Your living room has a dark floor, this must be taken into account when choosing the color of the wallpaper. Wallpaper in light colors with stripes and vertical ornaments is more suitable for such a room.

Light floors

The light floor gives complete freedom of action, as it is in harmony with any wallpaper. The only condition that should be observed is that if your choice fell on dark wallpaper, then you should not paste over the entire room with them. Limit yourself to one or two walls.

Colors and shades

First of all, you need to focus on your wishes, and only then find out fashion trends. Just because a color is trendy doesn't mean you'll feel comfortable around it. But just in case, let's say that "complex" colors with all their shades and halftones are popular today:

  • Lilac
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Grey

Remember the rule of three: when decorating a space, never use more than three colors so that the interior does not look tasteless. Experiment, play with contrasts. But try not to get carried away too much to overdo it with paints. For a living room with a small area, choose a light color, as a dark color visually reduces the space.

Law six. We select the most relevant drawings

There are many different drawings, but we will consider only the most relevant.

If you have chosen wallpaper with large-sized drawings, you should paste over the walls with such wallpaper in a zoned manner, that is, focusing on that part of the living room that, in your opinion, should be highlighted against the general background.

East style

Oriental culture made a very big influence on the design, so a large number of wallpapers with oriental themes appeared. When using such coatings, it must be remembered that they impose certain obligations. And you will have to match the interior and decor to the style of the wallpaper in order to maintain harmony in the space.

nature print

Wallpaper with eco pattern "depict" vegetation, pictures from the world of wildlife. Such coatings are well combined with various finishing materials. The wallpaper acts as an accent.

Floral drawing

Images in the form of flowers have remained popular for many years. Only the form changes. Previously, small flowers were in fashion, but now large floral ornaments in bright contrasting shades are in demand. Wallpaper in this style is also recommended as accents on one or two walls.

Geometric ornament on the wallpaper

Everything is also in the trend of the geometry of the picture. The only thing that changes is that the drawing becomes larger. To increase the space, use light wallpaper with a vertical stripe to make the room taller and with a horizontal one to visually expand it.

Wall mural

Wallpapers are gaining popularity. Since any image can be applied to them - from a galaxy to a portrait of your pet. But before using these coatings, carefully consider the pros and cons. The main thing is that the image that is recreated with the help of wallpaper does not conflict with the general atmosphere of the living room.

Custom wallpapers

Wallpaper from an unusual material with an eco-pattern - bamboo and cork are good because they are entirely made of natural material. They perfectly mask all problem areas on surfaces. It is desirable to cover one wall with such wallpaper, focusing on it. Brick and stone will be the most suitable materials with which this wallpaper is best combined.

Law seven. Side of the world

There is one important rule: when choosing colors and wallpaper patterns, consider the side of the light from which the living room is located.

If from the south, then you should choose cold shades with a not very bright pattern.

If from the north, then on the contrary, stop your attention on warm colors and bright patterns.

Law Eight. combination

This technique helps when the living room performs several functions: living room, bedroom and workroom. Paste the walls in a zoned manner, visually highlighting the area that needs to be emphasized. In order for the wallpaper to “play” and not overload the space, select no more than two walls. The combination gives scope to your imagination and allows you to visually correct the shortcomings of the layout.

And what options for wallpaper for the living room do you like?

The best wallpaper ideas for the living room - photo

Having considered seven times whether this or that solution will look beautiful and whether it will be annoying, you can safely go for wallpaper.

It is not known in which living room it is easier to choose wallpaper: in a spacious or small one, in the one where four, two or eight people live in the evenings. If you are not sure that the idea you have chosen will look beautiful, it is worth inviting a professional designer. But we hope that our photos will help you cope with the task yourself!

How to choose wallpaper for your living room. What is worth paying attention to. Tips for drawing up an individual design for living rooms of various sizes. Interior photo. All kinds of stylistic features of living rooms. New in 2019.

About choosing the type of wallpaper for the living room

How difficult it is in our time to choose wallpaper for your living room, when now almost every hardware store offers such a huge assortment, which includes all kinds of types and textures of wallpaper, and there is nothing to mention about materials and countries of origin - there are so many of them. But we will help you in this difficult situation. Let's first try to deal with the main varieties, sorting by the materials from which they are made.


Such wallpapers have many disadvantages - they are thin, often torn during pasting, and they need to be glued only on a flat surface without flaws. And when selecting drawings, sometimes large pieces of scraps remain, which is unprofitable in economic terms. But in themselves they are much cheaper than all other types.


Living room in Khrushchev

When choosing wallpaper, be sure to consider how much natural light enters the room. Any large elements and drawings will “crush” in a small room, but any light-colored wallpaper will visually add space. But you can’t take it at your own discretion, they must certainly match the tones of all other interior items. If between your little . and other rooms of "Khrushchev" do not have doors, then you should not make sharp contrasts when moving wallpaper from one room to another.

Latest wallpaper trends in 2019

I suggest you check out the latest fashion trends of 2019.

Style for real men.

Elements from a village house (figures of cows and woodpile).

All shades of marsala (wine).

Most elements of folklore.

Vegetation motifs on the walls.

Also, please see other photos with examples of living room design. We are sure you will definitely find something of your own among them.