Cash an American check. Where and how to quickly cash a check from Google Adsense

Greetings, Dear friends. In this article, I will show you how to quickly cash a check fromGoogleadsense in case you do not live in the territory Russian Federation or you are not its citizen, therefore you cannot, as most webmasters deduce cash through the Rapida system in Google Adsense.

So, as you all know, when you reach the coveted account of $ 100, you can receive your honestly earned, or not quite, cash by check within 2-4 weeks. All this is certainly good, if it were not for one small problem. The fact is that American checks are cashed in most cases in their states, since other foreign banks around the world simply do not work with them, since this is an unprofitable operation for them.

In other words, I was dumbfounded when I received my first check from Google Adsense, went to the central bank of my city (such a majestic seven-story building) and was told that they were seeing such a strange piece of paper for the first time and did not know what to do with it. After talking a little with the consultant, it turned out that only one bank known to them cashes these checks, and it is located in Moscow. Frustrated, I went home to make inquiries about how to cash a check from Google. The first thing that made me happy was that after 6 months the amount of $100 will return back to your Google Adsense account, and will not disappear like a stale product.

After poking around a little more on the Internet, I eventually found one cool service, Online.ePayService, where you can cash any foreign check while sitting in shorts on the couch and rather faster than banks do. Also later I found another site, which belongs to the Privat24 bank. There, too, you can cash a check with their plastic card. So, let's start everything in order.

How to cash a check from Google Adsense in Online.ePayService?

1 ) We go to the site, at the top we click "Russian version", then "registration".

2 ) Choose a personal account. Business account, as I understand it, is paid. We leave the tariff as it is - the base one. Ok, now you need to enter your phone number in the form and click on "send code". An SMS with numbers will come to your mobile phone, they must be entered into the form on the site and click on "verify". Attention! Enter exactly the number from your mobile phone, because every time you enter the site, it will always send you SMS with a set of numbers. This was done for security reasons, although the developers probably did not take into account that this procedure can bring any webmaster to a migraine.

So, now you have to fill in contact information about yourself. What is your name, where do you live, mail, etc. By the way, I filled out this information on English language, I don’t know if it’s possible in Russian? In any case, to help you if you have a hard time with English. Good, now just check the box that I have studied the specified information in detail, and click on the big button "apply to open an account."

3 ) Now we go to our mail, we find a letter from Online.ePayService there, follow the link. Here we will be asked to scan all the pages of our passport and even those that are blank, as well as international passport if he has and driver's license. Everything is simple here, we must scan all the pages, otherwise you will receive a message in 3-4 days that you have not downloaded all of them and will be denied registration. After you scan the pages, each time upload them one at a time to the site, each time checking the box that you have read the rules and press the "download" button, and wait until the scan is loaded.

After that, do this operation until you download all the scans. I want to say right away that it makes no sense to upload all copies of the passport at once, since the site will simply freeze. By the way, if you have a foreign passport and a driver's license, then you can not download them. Just in case you don't have a scanner, take a flash drive to any computer club or office where photocopies are made and images are printed. For 15-30 rubles everything will be scanned for you.

4 ) Good, now, as I already wrote, you need to wait 3-4 days for your passport data to be processed. After that, you will receive an email with your username and password. Going to the site, you will be asked to enter them, as well as the numbers that will come to you in an SMS message.

5 ) Now go to the "iCheck" tab and read the instructions for cashing a check.

In short, you only need to take a few consecutive steps.

- Tear off the appendage of the check. Where the green part of the check ends, there is a small notch that will allow you to separate the white part of the check from the green part. You can throw away the white one, you won't need it anymore.

- Now you need to clearly write the inscription For the credit to MTACC Inc. on the back of the check, where it is written in English ENDORSEHERE. Immediately you will need to write your name and surname in English, as on a check and put your signature, as on a passport. It is better to check in advance how your pen writes, since any corrections are unacceptable.

- Good, now scan the check from both sides as shown above. Be careful, your inscription should be at the top right, and not vice versa. Also note that each check scan must be no more than 3mb, otherwise it simply won't load. I personally got more than this value, but despite the fact that the receipt from Google Adsense cannot be cut or compressed in different programs to reduce its size, I found a pretty easy way out of this delicate situation.

Just open our scan through Photoshop, click "files", "save as", select the file type in the tab - JPEG. Before saving, you will see a window where you can adjust the quality of the picture, the lower the quality, the less the image will eventually weigh.

Ok, now we upload two of our scanned receipt images at once. If anything, the front side is where the check is green, and the back is where you put your signature.

After that, you will have to wait, as a rule, no more than a day, when you will receive a message in the mail that your check was accepted or not. If accepted, the date when the money will be credited to your account will be indicated down in the “date of crediting” column. By the way, if the money does not come, write immediately to the support service, otherwise you will wait forever. In addition, if you just have a foreign check not from GoogleAdsense, then you will also have to send its original to their office by mail.

6 ) Once your funds are credited, they can be withdrawn from Online.ePayService in two ways.

Method 1. Just on the main page of the site, go to the WebMoney.z tab, enter here the number of our wallet, which has the currency in dollars, and click send. I have personally used this method. Out of just over $100, I was charged a $5 commission, which is not that much.

Method 2. Just get them a plastic card. In a month, it will come to you by mail, where you can already transfer your money to it from the Online.ePayService website and then withdraw it at any ATM.

How to cash a check from Google Adsense in Privat24?

The scheme is similar to the one described above, except that you should already have any Privat24 bank plastic card. After you start it, it will need to be tied to their system, ask their support team about how to do this. After that, you will need to register on their website. Then go to the “more”, “services”, “Google check”, “new application” tab.

And upload scanned copies of the check. Just be careful here, because on the back you will only need your signature and nothing more. Adnexal part from the check, it seems, it is also not necessary to tear off. Although, to be honest, the Online.ePayService service was enough for me, so here I no longer specified what and how to do.

How else can I cash a check from Google Adsense?

As I said above, you can cash out through banks, but it will be just a hell of a procedure. First you will need to call all the banks that are in your city and ask them: “Do you accept personal checks issued by a foreign bank for collection?” If you tell them: “Do you cash foreign checks?”, then they will not understand anything, no matter how strange it may sound. Also, if they accept checks, then ask them on what conditions, I think you will be a little shocked.

Ok, if they accept, take a check, passport, and some more cash, since you will pay a commission even before the check is cashed. Then you will have to stand in line for 1-2 hours, fill out a bunch of paperwork. After that, you will be told to go home, and they will call you when this whole procedure is over, and it lasts 2-3 months. Also, if your bank cannot agree with a foreign bank on cashing a check, then they will not return their commission that they took from you, but they will return the check -_-

So you've become the proud owner of the check you want to cash. Whether it's compensation for services, a birthday gift, or just a nice surprise, you're ready to get that money and spend it as quickly as possible. Except you've run into one problem: you have no idea how to cash checks. Don't worry! Even if you do not have a bank account, you can easily cash your check at the nearest bank branch. Here step-by-step instruction the whole process.


Part 1

Be carefull

    First of all, you must make sure that you can trust the person who gave you this check. This is the most important step throughout the process, as an invalid or fake check can cause you a lot of trouble. To avoid embarrassing situations, only accept checks from people you know and trust. If you are accepting payment from a person you do not know (for example, someone offers to pay with a check for your grandmother's carpet, which you decided to sell through Avito), then it is better to ask for cash, if such an option is possible. If you are sure that your check is valid, then before going to the bank, make sure you have the following information: #* Correct details (full name and address) of the person who gave you the check

    • Contact details of this person so that you can contact him in case you have any problems during the cashing out process
    • The name of the bank that issued this check
  1. Confirm check liquidity before after you cash it out. To do this, you need to sign on the back of the check, immediately after the "x" icon, on the horizontal signature line. Do not sign the check before going to the bank, so that if the check is lost, it cannot be cashed by strangers. If you do not validate the liquidity of the check, the bank may have difficulty cashing your check.

    Cash your check as soon as possible. Some checks, such as checks used by employers, have an expiration date. Even if there is no expiration date on your check, remember that banks are not required to cash checks that are more than six months old. To receive your money quickly and easily, be sure to cash your check on time.

    Make a check deposit at your bank's ATM. This is another way to cash checks. When using an ATM to cash a check, the funds will be automatically transferred to your bank account. Please note that this process may take up to three business days. Meanwhile, if you already have some funds in your bank account, you can continue to use them. Either way, it's a quick way to make sure the money gets transferred from the check to your bank account. To deposit a check through your bank's ATM, you must:

    • Insert your bank card to an ATM
    • Enter your PIN and click "Next"
    • Select "Deposit check"
    • Insert a check into a deposit slot
    • Confirm the amount for which the check is issued
    • Withdraw money when it is transferred to your bank account (or sooner if you already have funds in that account)
  2. Use mobile app for a deposit. This new and convenient method, which is being used by a growing number of banks, allows customers to deposit checks into their bank accounts via smartphones. To use this method, you need to download your bank's mobile application on your smartphone, take a photo of your check from both sides, and confirm the amount for which the check was drawn. This method is similar to cashing a check at an ATM, but requires much less physical effort and time.

    • Sooner or later, you still have to drive to the nearest branch of your bank to withdraw the money that has been credited to your account.

Part 3

other ways to cash a check
  1. Cashing a check at the bank that issued the check. Don't worry if you don't have a bank account. All you need to do in this situation is to go to the bank that issued the check (the name of the bank will appear on the front of the check). Don't forget to bring your ID document! It is also worth remembering that many banks may charge a fee for such services, and will also offer you to open a personal account.

  2. Cash your check at the store. Very often, large supermarkets and franchises allow customers to cash checks for a small fee. Usually, this commission is less than the commission of banks or specialized companies for cashing checks. For example, in 7-Eleven stores, any check can be cashed by paying a commission of .99% of the total amount of the check, and in Wal-Mart stores, the commission is only three dollars for checks up to $1,000.

    • As previously noted, do not sign the back of your check until you are in front of the cashier who is cashing the check for you.
  3. Contact specialized check cashing companies only in the most extreme case. This option should only be used in special cases, because such companies charge a large commission on each check. At the same time, these companies are usually the fastest way to get money in hand and, depending on where you live, can be open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The high fees are justified by the serious risk companies face cashing all the checks they receive.

    • These companies are well aware that they work with clients who urgently need money and take advantage of their desperate situation.
      • Opening a bank account is very easy and does not require high costs– As a rule, banks ask you to invest no more than $50 in a new account. Thus, it will most likely be beneficial for you to open your own bank account, even if you do not plan to use it regularly.

Before I tell you about the most simple and convenient way to cash personal checks, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of banks that are all over the Internet listed as banks accepting checks for collection. In fact, there are much fewer such banks than you can see on other sites and forums. In most cases, information from other resources is already outdated and most banks that once accepted checks for collection have long abandoned this service.

As a result of long ordeals, a small list of banks has been compiled so far, about which it is known for sure whether they cash or not personal checks. If you do not live in Moscow, then you don’t even have to waste time on local regional banks, in 99.9% of cases these banks do not accept checks from foreign banks for collection.

Banks that do not accept registered checks for collection

This list has been put together to ensure that you don't waste your precious time at banks where you will definitely not be able to cash your checks. In order to find out if the bank accepts checks for collection, a letter was sent to all of the banks listed below or a question was asked by phone of the support service with a question about the possibility of cashing checks, as well as about the conditions and fees charged.

Sberbank- does not accept any checks for collection.
Alfa Bank- does not cash checks of foreign banks (it can be said that it does not cash checks at all, because Russian nominal checks most likely do not exist at all in nature).
Raiffeisen Bank, he is ImpexBank- does not cash checks.
Uniastrum- does not cash checks.
Mosoblbank- Doesn't cash checks.
Rosbank- once cashed out, now does not cash out.
Uralsib- just like RosBank, it no longer cashes checks.
From banks:
Bank of Moscow
no response was received, so it can be safely assumed that these banks also do not cash personal checks of foreign banks.

Banks cashing checks

VTB 24- cashes checks on which the phrase "pay to the order of" is present. Usually, such a phrase is indicated on nominal checks. However, VTB24 decided to keep silent about the conditions and tariffs and offered to come with checks to the bank branch.

Citibank- the only bank that provided all the necessary information on cashing personal checks. However, the conditions for cashing out are acceptable only if the amounts of your checks are sufficient to pay back for each check without regret. minimum commission of $25!

CitiBank terms and conditions for accepting checks for collection:

  • CitiBank will cash your checks only after you open an account with CitiBank.
  • The check must be in your name.
  • Check currency must be in US dollars or euros.
  • The check must be issued by a European or US bank.
  • The check must be valid for no more than 6 months.

Citibank fee for accepting checks for collection:

  • Checks in US dollars - 1% of the check amount, but not less than $25 and not more than $300
  • Euro checks - 1% of the check amount, but not less than 20€ and not more than 220€

As you can see, cashing checks through banks is not a good idea. First, you must first find a bank that accepts checks for collection. And even if you are satisfied with, say, CitiBank, then you will have to go to Moscow or to one of the few cities in which there are branches of this bank. Secondly, the commission is rather high, to put it mildly, and you are unlikely to find banks on more favorable terms. And finally, thirdly, the number of restrictions and conditions forces us to look for more acceptable options for cashing checks. And thank God there are such options. Read on for one of these options.

Turns out to cash out personal check no need to run around the banks and wait for several months for your money. Half of the work can be done without leaving home, with the help of online service ePayServices and it consists in sending scans of checks via the Internet to this company. The second half of the job is to send the original checks to her physical address by mail, or provide the checks at the company's office.

EPayServices is a payment system that, along with other services, provides check cashing services. EPayService cashes personal checks, checks from Google Adsense, Amazon and other companies. Through this payment system you can cash checks of banks in the USA, Canada, Europe, Asia, Latin America in different currencies - Canadian and American dollars, euros, pounds sterling (which, as practice shows, not a single Russian bank can boast of). The service is available to both citizens of Russia and Ukraine and has offices in both countries, in St. Petersburg and Kyiv, respectively.

At ePayServiece, you can cash a check in 1 hour by contacting one of the company's offices.

To cash checks through ePayServices, you must apply for registration in the service. The registration form will ask you where your funds are coming from and who the sender of the checks is to make sure the company can cash your checks and whether it makes sense to open an ePayServices account for you. You will also need to enter your phone number, which will be used for each authorization, just like in online banking. In addition, it will be necessary to indicate passport data and, if desired, data from other documents. Within a day after submitting the application, if everything is fine, you will email you will receive a notification about opening an account in ePayServices, which will contain your login information.

As soon as you log into your account, you can immediately send scans of checks to the site to accept them for cashing. For this operation, go to the iCheck section. On the page for uploading scans, you will see all the requirements for uploaded checks and the conditions for their processing. Once the scanned copies of receipts are accepted, you will be notified and you will need to send the original receipts by registered mail to the company's office, the address of which is also indicated in the iCheck section.

Terms of cashing checks in ePayServices

Terms of cashing checks depend on various factors - the amount of the check, the bank that issued the check, your rating in the system. For checks issued by US banks, the cashing time is from 2 to 20 days, for checks from banks in other countries - 30 calendar days.

Commission for cashing checks in ePayServices

The commission for cashing out is also not the same for everyone. ePayServices provides two tariffs "Basic" and "Premium", there is also a cumulative discount for the service commission. For new users on the "Basic" tariff, the commission is 3-5%. More detailed conditions You can find out on the website of the payment system.

Most likely, you already have a question about how safe it is to use the ePayServices payment system to cash checks. EPayServices is not an ordinary one-day exchanger, but an officially registered company in the United States and has all the necessary permissions and licenses for cashing checks from third parties, the details of which are indicated on the site. If you are afraid to send checks by mail to ePayServices, read more about this service on the official website, as well as reviews from other clients of this company. And of course, send checks by certified mail so that if lost, they can be tracked. By the way, ePayServices has the ability to cash checks that are lost along the way.

In the West, along with credit cards checks are also common, which are different types. A check is a bank monetary document that confirms that the account holder pays a certain amount to its bearer. If you want to know detailed information about checks, refer to the article.

How to cash personal checks

Checks issued under the Google AdSense program are nominal. These checks can be cashed in almost any bank. To do this, you need to call several large banks in your city and ask the question: do they accept personal checks that are issued by a foreign bank for collection. If the answer is yes, then it is worth clarifying the conditions for cashing out, for example, ask what percentage the bank takes and choose the most profitable one.

The most famous bank that offers good conditions for cashing checks is VTB 24. So, the bank takes a commission of 3% for the service, but not less than $15. Therefore, it is beneficial to cash out only large amounts. Of course, it is better to clarify the information in the bank itself, as conditions may change.

The collection operation takes approximately 2 months, this applies to all banks. The check is valid for 6 months, so do not delay cashing out, take your passport and go to the bank, where you will need to write an application, indicating all your data and information from the check.

Where else can you cash a collection check?

  • You can cash this check both in banks and in other organizations that carry out the procedure for cashing personal checks.
  • Alfa-Bank, Sberbank, VTB 24, Impexbank - the advantages of these banks are that it is possible to cash a check without a personal presence - through online banking. You can cash out a personal check using the EPayServices payment system. The service accepts checks from banks in the USA, Asia, Canada, Europe, Latin America in dollars, euros and pounds sterling.

Traveler's checks

To begin with, you need to buy traveler's checks in your homeland, paying with national or world currency and sign each of them. You can pay by checks in many cafes, hotels, shops and in any other places where travelers checks are accepted. It is also possible to exchange a traveler's check for local currency. To do this, you need to find an American Express office or another point where checks are accepted without commission. By clicking on the link, you will find the addresses -

Does anyone know where and how to cash a check foreign bank in Russia? My mother has probably had half a year on 500 American dollars, so I want to help her, what good is lost, maybe something will fall to me.

Reader Comments

Foreign checks are accepted “for collection” in such banks as VTB24, Citibank (This bank generally has roots in America, so there is the most chance that they will be accepted) and the like. The speed of processing applications is really not so hot - you have to wait a month or even more.
In general, you need to go and find out for yourself - because there is also a situation when one bank branch provides such a service, while another refuses it.

In addition to banks, you can cash checks using the ePayServices online service - this is a payment system that, along with other services, provides a service for cashing checks from banks in the USA, Europe, Canada, Asia, Latin America in different currencies. The service is available to both citizens of Russia and Ukraine.

I also want to add that it is more profitable to cash out in large amounts than in small ones. Banks set a certain percentage for cashing foreign checks, but not less than a certain amount. So for the fact that you cash a check in the Ukrainian bank PUMB, you will be charged 1% of the amount, but not less than 30 dollars. That is, if you decide to cash a check of $30, in fact, you do not get anything at all. In this case, it is better to cash a check in Privatbank. Yes, there the percentage is higher - 3%, but at least 20 hryvnia, which is not so much when cashing the same 30 dollars. But in PUMBA, it is more suitable to cash out large amounts, starting from $ 3,000.

There was a problem with cashing a check. We went to Germany and cashed there. In order not to lose money. Interest on cashing checks is very high. In international banks they are lower and the risk of loss is lower.

tat, that is, as I understand it, in order to cash a check, you specially went to Germany? Apparently the amount should be large enough to decide on this. But if the amount is large, then the question arises with customs. Didn't you spend more on the road and on customs duties than the difference in the amounts between cashing in our country and in Germany?

I wanted to cash a check from Google during the winter, but it wasn't an easy idea. Yes, many banks take checks for cashing, but only this process is not one day, but sometimes even more than one month. I had to cash out through one Kyiv company specializing in this. Naturally lost interest.

Checks from Google, namely Adsense, can now be cashed in a private bank. It is possible to credit the card through private24 funds. I recently received an email about this.

This came to me too. I went to find out, not somewhere in the very lair of the beast. Office of PrivatBank in Dnepropetrovsk. How to do it there - no one has a clue. Most employees have never seen a check and have no idea what it should look like. You leave him. At least 2 weeks they study it there and only then enroll. And knowing the efficiency of Privat, it may take six months.

Sultan, so wait. You leave the check itself or a copy of it. You can't just leave a check. Knowing firsthand how documents are handled in PrivatBank. We can safely say that he will be lost somewhere and then you will not prove anything.

Astelik, To be honest, I don’t remember what was needed there - either the original check, or a copy of it. And then provide the original when cashing out. But then I gave up on this matter. In Kyiv, there is a company that does this, they do everything very quickly, though they take a percentage.

I didn’t know that you can also cash a check of a foreign bank here)) It’s good that banks provide such a service, I think that it came in handy and will come in handy in the future for many people! In general, banks provide a lot of services to their customers and, of course, take good pay for it.

I myself have never encountered the cashing of foreign checks in our banks. But many acquaintances say that it is not necessary to contact banks for this, there are some special online services.