Acceptance of a check for collection from the Bank of Canada. How to cash a personal check quickly and cheaply

After buying a car at an auction in America, small amounts of money remain, the so-called “tails”. Auctions do not like to return them, offering to credit them for account renewal or leave them until the next purchase, and if you have made a purchase of one car and do not plan to participate in the auction in the future, then the desire to return your hard-earned money will triumph.

In my practice, there were no refunds and I decided, as an experiment, to try to return a certain amount from my balance in my account. To speed up the process, I called the States and asked the senior manager in charge of the Russian region how to do it. I was asked to confirm by e-mail my Moscow postal address and that's it.

As you can imagine, I have encountered different problems at auctions and of course I know the administrator of the auction and they know me and maybe it’s easier for me to decide something (by the way, they didn’t ask anyone not to recommend a refund), and you, as a beginner, can be “loaded”.

Know, no matter how you are persuaded, the money must be returned and will be returned, but not money to your bank account, but in the form of a paper that is not understandable to everyone, in a simple postal envelope, called "American Check". As I assume, you have not often encountered this, which is why I am writing instructions for cashing American checks.

In fact, this is a full-fledged payment document and is unconditionally accepted for payment in all countries of the world, while taking a few minutes of time. We have our own way and the attitude of banks to such securities, to put it mildly, is not friendly.

To summarize and draw conclusions:

1. If yours is broken mailbox or not only you "visit" it, open a temporary mailbox at the nearest post office, but only at the address indicated during registration at the auction.

2. Do not ask to send a check by registered mail, it will take even longer. Ask on the check to indicate a longer period for cashing out or not to indicate at all.

The information is current as of July 2010.

The address of the branch where I made the transfer: Moscow. Prospekt Mira 120/1 (M - Alekseevskaya) Bank - Moscow.

Since 2011, withdrawing money from the auction has become much easier.

The entire amount is returned to your foreign currency account in a Russian bank, and within one business day. To do this, you must have or open a foreign currency account in any bank (where you can open a foreign currency account!) And send, by e-mail, the details to the auction manager.

account name: ALEKSEY SILAEV (your initials)
account number: 40817840800000005892 (your account number)
bank name: RUSSIAN REGIONAL DEVELOPMEN BANK (PJSC "RRDB" - the name of your bank in English)
Swift: RRDBRUMM Account No. 400940760 (information about the bank in the Swift system)
Correspondent Bank name: JPMorgan Chase Bank, New York swift: CHASUS33 ABA 021000021 (correspondent bank)

These four lines are enough to receive money within a day, given the time difference between the US and the Russian Federation.

In the West, along with credit cards checks are also common, which are different types. A check is a bank monetary document that confirms that the account holder pays a certain amount to its bearer. If you want to know detailed information about checks, refer to the article.

How to cash personal checks

Checks issued under the Google AdSense program are nominal. These checks can be cashed in almost any bank. To do this, you need to call several large banks in your city and ask the question: do they accept personal checks that are issued by a foreign bank for collection. If the answer is yes, then it is worth clarifying the conditions for cashing out, for example, ask what percentage the bank takes and choose the most profitable one.

The most famous bank that offers good conditions for cashing checks is VTB 24. So, the bank takes a commission of 3% for the service, but not less than $15. Therefore, it is beneficial to cash out only large amounts. Of course, it is better to clarify the information in the bank itself, as conditions may change.

The collection operation takes approximately 2 months, this applies to all banks. The check is valid for 6 months, so do not delay cashing out, take your passport and go to the bank, where you will need to write an application, indicating all your data and information from the check.

Where else can you cash a collection check?

  • You can cash this check both in banks and in other organizations that carry out the procedure for cashing personal checks.
  • Alfa-Bank, Sberbank, VTB 24, Impexbank - the advantages of these banks are that it is possible to cash a check without a personal presence - through online banking. You can cash out a personal check using the EPayServices payment system. The service accepts checks from banks in the USA, Asia, Canada, Europe, Latin America in dollars, euros and pounds sterling.

Traveler's checks

To get started, you need to buy traveler's checks in your home country, paying with national or world currency, and sign each of them. You can pay by checks in many cafes, hotels, shops and in any other places where travelers checks are accepted. It is also possible to exchange a traveler's check for local currency. To do this, you need to find an American Express office or another point where checks are accepted without commission. By clicking on the link, you will find the addresses -

In accordance with the current currency legislation of the Russian Federation, when depositing checks in excess of US$ 5,000.00 or an equivalent amount in another currency, you will need to submit documents justifying the transaction to the bank.
Acceptance of registered bank checks for collection: Moscow
Citi-Bank ( days
PromsvyazbankDoes not accept checks for collection-
Alfa BankDoes not accept checks for collection-
UralsibDoes not accept checks for collection-
RaiffeisenDoes not accept checks for collection-
UniCredit Bank (Unicredit)Does not accept checks for collection-
BinbankDoes not accept checks for collection-
Bank of Moscow ( commission - 2% of the check amount, but not less than 350 rubles. For collection, checks are accepted in US dollars, euros, British pounds sterling. The commission is paid directly upon delivery of the check for collection. In case of non-payment foreign bank check, the commission paid to the bank is not refundable. To return a check for collection, you need to apply to any branch of the Bank, having a check and an identity document with you.?
Acceptance of registered bank checks for collection: Rostov-on-Don
Citi-Bank ( commission on checks in US dollars - 1% of the check amount, min. - 25, max. - 300 US dollars For cheam in euros - 1% of the check amount, min. - 20, max. - 220 euros. Carefully read the bank's terms of service!30-90 days
Center-investDoes not accept checks for collection-
Bank ZenithDoes not accept checks for collection-
VneshTorgBankBank commission - 3%, but not less than $15 and not more than $300. The commission is paid upon delivery of a check for collection in rubles at the exchange rate of the Central Bank. For collection, checks are accepted in denominations from $25 to $5,000. Without problems, they accept, for example, checks of German banks in euros, checks of Canadian banks in US dollars. The account is opened free of charge.45 days
Sberbank, Bin-Bank, PetrocommerceChecks for collection are not accepted-
UniastrumBank commission - 1.5% of the check face value; min 10 - max 200 USD from each check. In EURO and other currencies: 1.5% of the nominal value of the check min 10 - max 200 euros from each check. At the time of acceptance of checks for collection, only the minimum amount of commission is withheld in accordance with the Bank's tariffs (10 US dollars / euros). In case of non-payment by a foreign bank of a check, the commission paid to the bank is not returned to the client. For cashing out received funds, when issuing cash, 2% of the amount is charged.?
RosbankBank commission - 2% of the face value, min 30 USD?
RosEvroBank (SovKomBank)Acceptance for collection of any nominal bank checks in any currency. Bank commission - 2% of the face value, min 30 USDup to 3 weeks
Converse BankCommission $5 if the check is less than $200, $20 if the check is more than $200. Check back $9.5.3 weeks
Promradtechbank$9 from one check, $7 if there are more than one checks. The money is deposited into your account (open for free). When withdrawing from the account + 2% of the amount. Myasnitskaya, 35, tel 207-91-572 - 3 weeks
Marine Bank (Marine Joint Stock Bank)0.15% of the amount, min $50, max $400; return of unpaid checks - $100 ?
Bank Sofia0.15%, min $15. Return of an unpaid check - $20. Delivery by DHL at the expense of the recipient. Commissions are charged upon receipt of money.2-4 weeks
Shipbuilding Bank3%, minimum $50.002-4 weeks
Bank for Development and Reconstruction$50 + 2.5% of the amount ?
AB RussiaAcceptance for collection of checks in US dollars: Bank commission - 2% of the face value of the check; min 5 USD from each check. The amount of the minimum balance on the demand account in foreign currency is 15 USD for each check. Penalty for non-payment of a check - 15 USD.
Acceptance for collection of checks in euros and other currencies: Bank commission for checks - 2.5% of the face value of the check, min 15 euros from each check. The size of the minimum balance amount is determined depending on the currency of the demand account on which it is placed and the number of checks transferred for collection: for an account in US dollars - 30 USD for each check, for an account in euro - 30 EUR for each check. Penalty for non-payment of a check - 30.00 USD, 30.00 EUR.
Acceptance of registered bank checks for collection: St. Petersburg
Bank "Russia"2% of the check. Account opening $100 (almost immediately you can withdraw everything), no collateral. Smolny, per.Kvarnegi, 41-3 weeks
Baltic Bank$5 + $3 shaft. account (Flour, 2)1 month
Petrovsky Bank2%, but not less than $10. (Nevsky prospect, 26, Mikhailova st., 17)3-4 weeks
Acceptance of registered bank checks for collection: Ufa
BashcreditbankTaking for collection: 0.15% of the amount, minimum $50. Postage: $5-10 by regular mail, $40-50 by DHL. Per issue: 2% of the amount, minimum $102-4 months; by DHL - 1-4 weeks.
Acceptance of registered bank checks for collection: Minsk
Prior Bank4% of the amount (min. $10) + 5% tax1.5 - 2 months
Bank Aval ( of the amount when credited to the account, 2% of the amount (min $5)When issuing cash 50 days
Privatbank ( of the amount, (min 20 UAH)1.5 months
JSC "VABANK" ( minute. 5 dollars USA. Cash withdrawal on checks accepted for collection 1%?
WAT CB "NADRA" ( and processing of personal checks in USD for collection issued to banks in the USA and Canada: Amount over 3001 USD - 1.50% (min $50.00), Amount up to 3000 USD - 2.00% (min $2.00, max $50.00). Commission is charged in USD
Acceptance and processing of personal checks in USD for collection issued to other banks: Amount over 3001 USD - 1.50% (min $50.0), Amount up to 3000 USD - 2.00% (min $2.00, max $50.00). Commission is charged in USD
Acceptance and processing of personal checks in EUR for collection: Amount over 3001 EUR - 1.50% (min 50.00 EUR), Amount up to 3000 EUR - 2.00% (min 2.00 EUR, max 50.00 EUR). Commission is charged in EUR
JSC "UKRINBANK" ( for collection of personal checks: 2% of total checks, min USD 10.00?
VAT "DERZHEKSIMBANK UKRAINE" ( of sums indicated in checks, min. 1 USD?
JSCB "IMEXBANK" ( of personal checks 2% (min $5)?
JSC "INDEX-BANK" ( and processing of personal checks for collection in USD, EUR and GBP: 2.00% of the amount, min 5 USD (charged when covering the check). When accepting personal checks for collection, a guarantee security in the amount of 20 (twenty) US dollars is placed, which is returned upon reimbursement of the amount on a personal check according to the NBU exchange rate on the day of the operation.?
PRAVEX-BANK ( and traveller's checks are accepted in the following currencies: USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, CAD, CHF, DKK, JPY, NOK, SEK. Payment in US dollars, Euros or in British pounds minus commissions of foreign banks and Pravex-Bank.30-40 days
BANK "STOLYTSIA" ( (min 10.00 USD)?
VAT "KREDITPROMBANK" ( withdrawal by order, nominal and gift checks accepted on the terms of "collection": 3%, min 10 USD?
First Ukrainian International Bank ( of check amount (min $30) + postage?
Saving Bank2% of the amount2-4 weeks
Ukreximbank3% of face value?
Ukrsotsbank5%, minimum $35?
Acceptance of registered bank checks for collection: Kyiv
HansabankaFor a check up to $200 - commission 5.00 Ls, for a check >$200 - commission 10.00 Ls. The commission is withdrawn at the moment the check cover is credited to the account.21 day

A registered bank check is a non-issued security issued to a specific person, individual or legal entity abroad, and paid in foreign banks. The check must be printed. The inscriptions Void, Copy, ... are clearly visible on the photocopies.

The inscription on the check "void after 180 days" means that the check is invalid after 180 days. After six months have passed, cashing a check is extremely difficult. Although some banks carry out such a procedure for an additional fee.

The check must contain the following details:

    Name "check" included in the text of the document Date, month, year and place of drawing up the check Name of the drawer (payer) Name of the check holder (recipient of funds) Name and location of the paying bank on the check Instruction to the payer to pay a certain amount of money, check currency code, check amount (in figures and words) A simple and unconditional offer to pay a certain amount Magnetic strip containing information about the number of the check, the code of the paying bank for the check, the account number of the check issuer The place where payment on the check is to be made Signature of the person who issued the check )
Payments by checks are one of the safest types of payments. If the check is drawn in your favor, then only you or the person in whose favor you make the endorsement can cash it. If a check is stolen from you, you can report it to the issuing bank; the check will be canceled and no one will receive money from it.

In addition to the commission of banks accepting checks for collection, the client must pay the bank a commission of foreign banks (if any). As a rule, you receive the amount to your account minus the commission of foreign banks.

Commission for the collection of a check can be charged both when the check is deposited for collection, and when funds are credited to the account.

It usually takes 10-20 days for a check to be mailed.

For operations in the direction of the collection of counterfeit or stolen checks, criminal liability is provided.

Sberbank of Russia temporarily(?) does not accept personal checks for collection.

In all developed countries, it takes several minutes to cash a check. At the same time, the commission is often much less than in Russian banks.

If you have friends or acquaintances in the US, you can cash checks through the bottom. Just write on the back "Pay to the order of Vasya Pupkin" and sign. Vasya Pupkin will be able to cash this check in an American bank for free.

What banks do you use to cash checks?

Read to the end and you will be able to cash any checks with a minimum commission, within only 5 days!

This is my first check from Google. Before that, I did not receive and, moreover, did not cash any personal checks at all, and I did not know how to do it, and even more profitable, until today. But over time, each person becomes wiser. It is not for nothing that in the old days people of advanced age were called wise men. The longer you live, the wiser you become!)) Well, okay, something got distracted. Let's get back to the question of cashing a check.

My site has Google ads. Amount in $101 , I earned in about 10 months, but not quickly. But I haven’t developed that site for a long time, I don’t write articles there, attendance is at the level of 500-600 uniques per day and the topic is very narrow. Therefore, I believe that the result is more than worthy!

When my balance Google Adsense replenished in the amount of just over $ 100, the company automatically sent a personal check to my postal address, which I registered in Adsense. And she notified me about this by e-mail, saying that a letter with a check was sent to your address. Here is the check itself:

I was inexperienced and did not know that now there is a completely different way to withdraw money from Adsense through online service to your e-wallet. It takes much less time and the percentage of cashing out earned money is much more profitable. By the way, I wrote about this in my article "".

But, there is nothing to do. The check has come, it's time to start the process of receiving "live" or electronic money.) I assumed that checks of this kind could be cashed by the bank. I went to my favorite Sberbank and asked the operator girl:

- Hello! Tell me, please, do you cash personal checks for collection issued by a foreign bank? … 10 second pause…

“Something, sorry, that was all she managed to squeeze out.

I repeated my question, to which 10 minutes later, after long calls and conversations with the boss, I received the answer "NO" !!! To tell the truth, I didn’t expect anything else, so I wasn’t very upset.

Arriving home, he began to call all the major banks in the city of Ryazan and ask if they could cash a nominal check issued by a foreign bank for collection.

In our city, only VTB 24 turned out to be such a bank. Perhaps also PrioBank, but I could not find out the full information there. VTB 24 Bank charges $30 for cashing a check + another 1% for directly receiving money from the amount you receive. Yes, a ruthless price!

In addition, they send all the data to Moscow, and when it will be the next time, the girl did not tell me on the phone. Cashing out $101 to get $70 isn't profitable at all. In addition, it takes up to 1 month to check a check and about 2-3 months to credit funds to a bank account. It's just TRASH!!! And I began to look for other ways.

Poryskav on the Internet, I found a wonderful service, which is called ePay Service. This is a serious company that you can trust. The head office of which is located in America. In Russia, the representative office is located in St. Petersburg. AT general feedback about the service can be found on the Internet. The company provides a fairly wide range of services, both physical and legal entities, read all the details on the official website

The service cashes not only Google AdSense checks, but also Amazon, Commission Junction and many others. In addition, the tariffs are the most symbolic, in my opinion. Using the services of this company, I cashed out my legal money in 5 days.)) But first things first.

Registration on the ePayServices website

We go to the site Choose the language - Russian (RU). Now we need to register on the site. We click on the button "Registration"(top left). Further « Newuserregistration". We fill in all the fields with our real data, always in English letters.

  1. Choose "Personal Account".
  2. mobile phone- a field for entering your phone number. It is mandatory to enter the cell number (without the “+” sign, for example, 79801001100), because in the future, a code will be sent to it to access your account on the service website.
  3. Login- Create a username for your account. (Chueshov-Roman)
  4. Email- your address Email. I entered the mail registered on the Google website. ( [email protected])
  5. first name- field for entering your name. (Roman)
  6. last name- field for entering your last name. (Chueshov)
  7. date of birth- your date of birth. (1981-10-11)
  8. Skype / ICQ / Jabber- your internet contacts. I wrote skype.
  9. Country- from the drop-down list, select the country (Russian Federation)
  10. country residence- Country of Residence. Substituted automatically after selecting a country. (Russian Federation).
  11. street- street and house by registration, (29 Uritsky).
  12. apt- apartment number.
  13. City– city of registration. (Ryazan).
  14. Zip code– post office index (390000).

After filling in all the fields, do not forget to check the box "I agree" and press the big button « register".

Within 1 minute you will receive an email with the data to enter your Personal Area. Follow the link in the letter.
In the browser window that opens, enter your username and password, click the button "Sign In". Within a few seconds, you will receive a code on your phone, which must be entered in the appropriate field and click on the button "Verify". You are in your account. Congratulations!

P.S. If suddenly the verification code does not come to the phone, this often happens, do not despair. I just close the service tab and open it again after 2-3 minutes. I make a code request and it usually comes.

Now you need to verify in the system, for this you need to upload and send your passport data and other necessary documents to the ePayServices administration.

Verification process

Go to main menu item "The documents". Download the following documents here:

  • A civil passport, with all pages and even empty ones.
  • International passport, if any. I had an expired one. Just in case, I sent 1 page with a photo.
  • Address confirmation. Here I photographed the gas payment receipt for January 2016. In principle, you can send any payment. The main thing is that your name and address of registration should not be indicated on it.
  • Driver's license on both sides.

I took photographs digital camera, all the required documents in 16 Mpx resolution, cut the palatine and edited it in Photoshop to occupy smaller size and sent to the administration of the service for consideration by clicking on "Download".

Within an hour and a half, I received an e-mail about the successful verification procedure and about assigning me a personal account in the system. Hooray!!!

Once again, we follow the link in the letter, and by entering the login and password we get into our personal account. In field "Refill" go to tab "iCheck".
A window will open before us "Faster check cashing". Here we read all the information very carefully, go down and see two buttons where you need to add scans of the Google AdSense receipt.

When scanning receipts, make sure you do so as required by the service. Just take a picture and send it - it won't work!!! I'll tell you how I did it.

Before scanning the check, write on the reverse side For the credit to MTACC Inc. ROMAN CHUYESHOV and put your signature, as in the passport.

Having photographed both sides, I opened them in Photoshop and edited them according to the requirements indicated here ( Then uploaded to the server separately front side and werewolf by clicking on the corresponding buttons "Select a file". When finished, press "Add". The status of adding documents will immediately appear below.

Within 1 hour, check scans are checked and the status changes to "Received" if everything is done correctly. In the "Date of crediting" field, the date appears when you will be credited to the balance of the system cash taking into account the epayservice commission equal. My commission was 3.5% of the amount indicated on the check. I have money in my account after 5 days.

It remains the case for the small. Transfer funds from the system balance to the Webmoney wallet.

Withdrawing money from ePayService to your Webmoney wallet

On the main page, go to the section "Withdrawals"« WebMoneyZ". Of course, you must first have a WM dollar wallet registered.

I want to note that the transfer commission, according to the system, is only 1%.

We fill in all the fields: the Z wallet number, the amount you want to withdraw. In the payment details field, I wrote: “Google Adsense check cashing.”, and press the button "Send". We enter the verification code that came to the phone and a window opens in front of us - "Application created!".

Is it possible to cash a check of a foreign bank in Russia? It is possible, but it will be expensive, and the procedure stretches for 1-2 months.

To the editors of "F." asked the owner of a Bank of New York personal check for $200 with a request to tell how you can cash it in Russia. It turned out that not all major banks provide such a service. Based on the results of phone calls to the largest credit institutions, it turned out that Sberbank, Rosbank, MDM-bank, Promsvyazbank do not work with personalized commercial checks issued for individuals. The call center of Alfa-Bank reported that its Moscow offices do not deal with the collection of registered "physical" checks.

This situation is easy to explain. According to the interviewed "F." bankers, the demand for this service on the part of the population is low: we are talking about one-time transactions, so sometimes even the websites of some banks do not indicate tariffs - only call centers tell you that you can cash a check. Telephone operators, however, do not always have complete information about the commissions charged from the client, and are asked to come to the branch.

Collection of a nominal check of a foreign bank in Russia is expensive. The final amount of the client's costs for cashing out consists of three main parts: the bank's commission for the service (1-2% of the nominal amount of the check), the commission of the foreign issuing bank (if it is expected by tariffs) and the costs of the Russian bank (postage, settlements with banks - correspondents). As a result, the total commission reaches 4-6% of the nominal amount of the check.

Be sure to remember that the owner can get the "cash" in his hands no earlier than 1-2 months after the application is made in a Russian bank. It is necessary to compare this period with the validity of the check itself - often it is necessary to cash out the amount indicated in the document within three months from the date of issue. It is advisable to have a document with you, which indicates the source of funds, the amount of which is indicated in the check. Suppose, if you received a fee for the work done in this form, you need to ask the customer for a supporting document. Banks need such certificates for currency control, that is, monitoring the origin of funds intended for the recipient. Not everywhere the presence of such a document is required, but the bank has the right to ask for it.

Sometimes prerequisite collection becomes the payment of the guarantee fee. If the refund of the check is successful, the deposit is returned to the client, otherwise it remains in the bank as compensation for expenses. The "incoming" commission, that is, the fee upon delivery of a check for collection, is provided for by almost all Russian operators, and these funds are not returned to the client even if the check is not paid.

Commission upon delivery of a check, % of the nominal amount of the check

Commission for cash withdrawal, % of the nominal amount of the check

Other expenses*

min 200 rubles, max 6000 rubles



1.5% of the nominal amount of the check

Commissions of foreign banks in case of their occurrence

Commissions of foreign banks in case of their occurrence

Bank of Moscow

min 350 rubles

Postage and commissions of foreign banks, if any


min 500 rubles

max 7200 rubles (depending on the check currency)

min $30, 30 euro

Commissions of foreign banks in case of their occurrence

Absolut Bank

Guarantee fee ($100). In case of a refund, the check is returned

2% for issue

min $10, max $250

Commissions of correspondent banks (non-fixed, on average 1-2% of the face value of a check)


1000 rubles

Commissions of foreign banks, postage

Shipping (Russian Post - $1, DHL - $60), 75 euros in case of check non-refund, foreign bank commission (about $50)