Steam cleaner Karcher: advantages, instructions, reviews. Steam cleaners: general information Can a steam cleaner

There is no hostess or owner who would not like to make cleaning easier and more efficient. So I’ve been thinking more and more lately: should I buy a steam cleaner? In order not to regret the purchase, I decided to first turn to popular women's forums for opinions.

The first question that was helpful to clarify is what is the difference between a steam cleaner and a steamer? The steamer can only handle ironing clothes, while the steam cleaner can both iron (with a special nozzle) and do light cleaning (especially in the kitchen and bathroom) without the use of chemical detergents.

What to clean?

An important question - what tasks can a steam cleaner handle? I share with you an approximate list of what they can clean:

  • stove,
  • oven,
  • microwave and other kitchen appliances,
  • hood,
  • fridge,
  • taps (limescale must be pre-treated),
  • bath,
  • toilet,
  • sink,
  • window,
  • mirrors,
  • doors,
  • batteries,
  • walls (especially those covered with tiles),
  • furniture,
  • upholstered furniture, carpet and carpet (pre-treatment of stains, wool cleaning; for the rest you need a steam vacuum cleaner),
  • oil stains on clothes
  • blinds,
  • vehicle interior,
  • plant leaves.

Plus, ironing clothes with a special nozzle and getting rid of unpleasant odors. By the way, for mirrors and windows, as well as for mopping and cleaning wool from carpets and upholstered furniture, there are also special nozzles. Do not forget that the dirt does not disappear, but simply dissolves - after cleaning, you need to remove it with a cloth or napkin.

Steam cleaner - Opinions of housewives

There are many opinions about steam cleaners, I have collected the most complete reviews for you. Our author, Masha Shatalina, was the first to kindly share with me:

I had this model: Karcher SC 1.020 What can I say? He is good. Cleans everything from tiles (and grout lines) to kitchen cabinets. It was tested on windows (glasses and frames), a leather sofa, a greasy hood, a kitchen set, linoleum (kitchen and hallway), tiles in the bathroom and plumbing (sink, stainless steel faucet). It is also great for them to blow off dust from large flowers, only you need to bring a stream of steam not too close so as not to burn the leaves - this is both cleaning and moisturizing. I also cleaned the floor tiles in the house after the construction with them - I cleaned it of building white dust.
What didn't work for me personally? Too much fuss: pour water, wait for steam to form, steam under high pressure on the surface to be cleaned, then wipe everything clean and dry. The water tank in this model is not very large, so I had to pour water several times, which takes a lot of time to clean. Therefore, it is easier and much faster for me to wash the same kitchen using chemicals. In fact, the steam generator is a great thing for allergy sufferers and families with small children. And I sold mine - so that I don’t take up space and don’t waste my time.

Steam cleaner - reviews on the forums

If you have not washed the stove for three years, it will not be enough to spend once and wait for it to shine, as on the day of purchase. In difficult places (for example, strongly moored), it is necessary to direct a stream of steam and hold it, rub it with a brush nozzle. For normal cleaning, yes, it's just a miracle. Cleaning is easy, pleasant and sterile: the steam kills everything! There is no need to contact with chemistry, breathe it - the steam cleaner cleans without it. No need to smear, then wait, and then scrub hard for a long time, everything washes much easier, effortlessly. Cleaning takes place in minutes. It cleans those places where it was impossible to reach or wipe off. Also saving on cleaning products and not only: I changed my mind about re-painting the walls and batteries, the hood also came to zero)))

Cool thing! It looks like a small vacuum cleaner. I take it out about once a month and thoroughly steam everything: the bathroom, the toilet, the kitchen. Everything just shines. Then it's easier to keep order. You wave your hands like that to scrub, all sorts of cracks between tiles, plumbing - very cool. I steam the curtains with a special nozzle - no need to dry-clean!
I bought a small one a couple of days ago. I cleaned the old stove quickly and wonderfully, I had to tinker with the microwave - I had it very dirty. Immediately, however, I went through the dishwashing detergent. Then ferry several times.
Tried tiles in the kitchen - not bad. Now I gave it to my friends to test, they cleaned the seats in the car. Satisfied, will buy for themselves. Of the shortcomings - the hand, of course, gets tired. I'm thinking about buying a bigger steam cleaner.

I wash them everything and everywhere. In the kitchen - a stove, facades, tiles, appliances (refrigerator, micro, oven, washing machine - all previously turned off), freezer. In a bathroom with limescale, steam will not cope, only if you pre-moisten it with vinegar for 15 minutes. But all the nooks and crannies - with a bang. In the toilet there is a seat, a toilet bowl on top and under the rim: you don’t need to unscrew the lid, and chemistry is only in the toilet knee. Floor and mirrors. In general, the thing is very necessary for me.
I use it every day to clean the floor (two small children), once every two days to iron clothes and remove dust from furniture, once every three days to clean the kitchen and bathroom, once every 7 days to wash windows and mirrors. In addition, I use a steam cleaner to process toys, clean shoes, refresh a stroller, clean suede items, and refresh clothes. Ironing linen with it is a pleasure: children's clothes are on the front side (no stickers or other finishes deteriorate), linen ones are effortless. I am very, very happy with my purchase! Everything is done quickly and easily. We breathe chemicals only in the form of dish detergent and Domestos for bathrooms (once a week). I recommend buying it if possible! The price matches the quality.

Apartment owners often have to deal with serious pollution, which, even with hard work with a rag, is problematic to eliminate. In such situations, comes to the rescue. The steam that it creates acts on the contamination with a high-pressure jet, ensuring its rapid elimination.

In contact with

Many owners of apartments in the house use the Karcher SC 4 steam cleaner, which is suitable for solving various tasks.

Appliance for home

In the apartments of our fellow citizens, such a device as a steam cleaner is rarely found. But note that the number of people who purchase and use it in their home is increasing every year. This device is similar in appearance to a vacuum cleaner. It, like dust collection equipment, is connected to the mains. However, unlike it, a steam cleaner when using provides steam to surfaces that need cleaning.

Due to the high functionality of this technique, using such a device, a person has the opportunity to perform several important operations at once: cleaning and disinfecting surfaces on which serious contamination has occurred. Thanks to the dry steam produced by the steam cleaner, you can effortlessly remove dirt and stains from various surfaces. Using this technique when cleaning allows you to clean:

  • furniture;
  • tile;
  • window;
  • plates.

Advantages of a steam cleaner

Like any technology, a steam cleaner has certain advantages. Among the most important are the following:

This model of steam cleaner, which can be found on many home appliance websites, has been on the market for a long time. The device from the company Karcher is different efficiency and ease of use. When using this model, high cleaning efficiency is ensured. Videos on the Internet demonstrate how easy it is to clean an apartment using such a device.

High exposure to temperature allows you to quickly deal with pollution. Having at its disposal the Karcher SC 4 model, the owner of the apartment without serious efforts can achieve the desired result when cleaning his home. Included with this handheld steam cleaner is a set of nozzles, which makes it easy to clean the apartment. The nozzles that come with this handheld steam cleaner make it possible to remove dirt from hard-to-reach places.

The Karcher SC 4 steam cleaner comes with nozzle Comfort Plus, which is designed to clean the floor. It has a flexible connection, so using it during the cleaning of the apartment, the user gets the convenience of cleaning surfaces from dirt.

Prices for steam cleaner Karcher SC 4

steam cleaner Karcher SC 4

Steam cleaner Karcher SC 4: instructions

Choosing a steam cleaner Karcher SC 4 for the home today are made by many people who do not want to have problems cleaning their homes. Someone prefers this model after reading the reviews. Others make an important decision after watching a video about the capabilities of this device.

Karcher products are generally quite reliable, and in addition, they are easy to use. The Karcher SC 4 model has the listed qualities and in addition to this is a functional device that provides the user with great opportunities in use. It has an attractive appearance and makes it easy to cope with old dirt on surfaces.

First power on

Before using this model, it is necessary to install the steam cleaner on a flat surface, and then fill the internal boiler with water. The manufacturer recommends using distilled water. In this case, scale will not form in the boiler during use of the appliance. The instructions for the device, as well as the reviews, indicate that it is forbidden to carry the steam cleaner during use. When the device is connected to the network, its active state is indicated by two burning indicator lights. After 10 minutes, the heating lamp will turn off. This is a signal that the device is ready for use.

Purpose of nozzles

This Karcher steam cleaner is already used by many people in their apartments. In the reviews, they speak positively about this model. . Using a device from Karcher, you can effectively deal with any pollution, even if they are located in places that are difficult to access. Thanks to the set of nozzles that come with Karcher SC 4, you can remove dirt in a variety of places. A person who has purchased such a steam cleaner should know how to use the nozzles. Each of them has its own purpose.

The steam gun is used to remove stains or odors from clothes. It can also be used to remove dust from indoor plants.

If you are faced with such a problem as dirt that has arisen in hard-to-reach places, then in this case nozzle should be used. It effectively eliminates dirt formed at the joints, near the sink, as well as in the gaps. Using a nozzle, the steam leaves the device at the highest temperature, which ensures effective removal of contaminants in hard-to-reach places.

Steam cleaner karcher sc 4: reviews

I was looking for a steam cleaner for a long time and eventually settled on the Karcher SC 4 model. Before buying this appliance, I read reviews about it. They turned out to be positive. It was the responses of other people that prompted me to purchase this model. The model turned out to be quite functional. When used, it produces steam under high pressure. Even with a long press, the steam flow remains as strong as in the first minutes. This makes it possible to effectively remove contaminants.

I advise everyone to avoid problems with this technique before using to read the instructions for use. I was pleased with the presence of a set of nozzles included with this model, which ensure the removal of dirt from even the most difficult places. To all those who are looking for a good steam cleaner, I recommend this model.

The purchase of the Karcher SC 4 model was a real salvation for me. Thanks to her, I can now quickly clean my apartment. When using this device, cleaning is faster. I use this device once a week. Among the shortcomings of the model, I can note a short cord. However, for the high functionality of the device and ease of use, I am ready to forgive her this shortcoming.

Olga Petrovna

I have been using the Karcher SC 4 steam cleaner for some time now. I must say that it provides excellent cleaning of old dirt. When using the appliance, I can use steam with stable pressure. Among the disadvantages of this model, I want to highlight that the device does not work well with dried fat. But I note that all steam cleaners have such a problem, regardless of the manufacturer. In general, this model suits me. Would recommend to anyone for a quick home cleaning.


Nobody likes to clean the house. This process takes a lot of time and effort. However, cleaning up your own home can be made easier by using the Karcher SC 4 steam cleaner. This model is available on many home appliance websites. Before using the device you should read the instructions. It explains how to use this technique. By following all the rules for using the steam cleaner, your cleaning will be faster and unpleasant moments will be excluded during the use of the device.

Cleaning is a routine process that haunts us throughout our lives. This almost daily work takes a lot of time and effort from the hostesses. But they could spend this time playing with children, meeting friends, watching a movie. Therefore, most women in the world use various household chemicals to speed up the cleaning process.

Now it is difficult to imagine high-quality cleaning without the use of chemicals. They have firmly entered our lives. But this type of cleaning has a downside. Cleaning products, acting on stains and plaque, also affect our skin, eyes and internal organs. And this over time can lead to unpleasant consequences.

To date, many modern manufacturers of cleaning equipment, including Karcher, taking care of people's health, have offered a gentle alternative to cleaning with detergents - steam cleaning. This is the easiest and most environmentally friendly way to remove household contaminants of varying degrees of complexity. Steam cleans the surface as well as chemistry. At the same time, it does not exert any mechanical effect on the surface.

One of the devices that can use steam to clean almost any surface from dirt is a steam cleaner. The steam supplied by it under high pressure not only liquefies fatty contaminants and removes dirt, but also disinfects the surface to be cleaned, ridding it of most bacteria, microbes and allergens. At the same time, synthetic cleaning products are not even used, which helps to reduce the cost of cleaning and improve the environmental situation in a house or apartment.

However, I would like to make a small reservation: hot steam is not a magic wand, waving which you will remove even 10-year-old pollution, and a steam cleaner is not a device that can clean an apartment in 5 minutes. Although it will allow you to bring shine and cleanliness to the house 2 times faster.

In general, the steam supplied by a steam cleaner is good at fighting greasy or food stains in the kitchen, mold and plaque in the bath and toilet. It also quickly removes light stains from upholstered furniture, refreshes textiles and houseplant leaves, and disinfects children's toys.

What can be steam cleaned?

Any surface that is not afraid of high temperature can be exposed to steam. And in an apartment you can’t count such surfaces: a stove, burners, an oven, a microwave, an extractor hood, a refrigerator, a sink, a tile, seams between tiles, plumbing, a bathroom and a toilet, a radiator, radiators, windows, mirrors, a glass coffee table.

With a steam cleaner, the hostess will spend much less time cleaning these objects. In addition, the steam generator is able to wash almost any floor, except for waxed parquet (hot steam will cause the wax to deform). Now many, having suffered with cleaning carpets, are switching to parquet or laminate, which need wet cleaning. The basic package of the steam cleaner includes a special nozzle for cleaning floors and a microfiber covering. They help to remove all dust, hair and dirt from hard floor surfaces.

The steam cleaner comes with a lot of accessories. Burners, handles, taps, seams between tiles, radiators, skirting boards are washed with a nozzle with a round brush.

A wider nozzle is suitable, for example, for washing a shower cabin, stove, doors, kitchen cabinet doors. It even comes with microfibre cloths. When the surface is treated with steam, the dirt lags behind it and passes to such a napkin. By the way, these wipes are very easy to wash in the washing machine.

Dust mites - will they be removed?

Such an apparatus as a steam cleaner is a very relevant thing, especially for people suffering from allergies. Indeed, today, according to statistics, every 5 people suffer from allergies, and half of them are small children. Dust mites are often the cause of an allergic reaction. By cleaning the apartment with a steam cleaner, we destroy dust mites and other allergens that are invisible to the eye and thus make life easier for allergy sufferers. At the same time, steam cleaning also removes unpleasant odors and humidifies the air in the room. After it, breathing is much easier.

A large number of harmful microorganisms live on soft toys. Therefore, for the benefit of our children, such toys simply need to be steamed regularly. Steam cleaners just help to destroy all these pests of health.

What can't be cleaned with a steam cleaner?

Many people ask this question before buying a steam cleaner. The answer is simple. Surfaces that can be deformed under the influence of high temperature should not be subjected to cleaning with a steam cleaner. First of all, it is, of course, parquet covered with wax. From textiles - these are products made from natural wool and linen.

But for those who are afraid of excessive moistening of surfaces, there was still a way out. You just need to set the steam cleaner to a lower steam level and you can start cleaning. If you have to wash parquet or laminate, then it is best to choose a minimum level.

Also, such an apparatus cannot be used to clean electrical appliances and products made of soft plastic.

How is a steam cleaner iron different from a conventional steam boost iron?

Ironing is an added bonus that a steam cleaner equipped with an iron provides to its owners. The steam generated by the steam generator enters the iron through a practical hose and from there it reaches the fabric under high pressure. At the same time, the effect of steam exposure is so strong that you will not need to iron clothes from several sides. After all, due to the high pressure, steam passes through the entire depth of the fibers. Now you can effortlessly smooth out all the wrinkles even on pure wool and linen items.

The indisputable advantage of a steam iron over a conventional one is that it does not act on the fabric with a hot steel sole, but, as already mentioned, with steam. It creates an air cushion between the sole and the textile, which protects delicate fabrics (velvet, silk, guipure) from damage.

Also, with a steam iron, hostesses will need much less time for ironing. Unlike the traditional version, the steam iron does not need to be refilled with water as often. After all, the steam cleaner, from which steam enters it, holds up to approximately 3 liters of water. This, in turn, should be enough to iron out a mountain of things.

Is there excess moisture in the house?

Many people think that steam cleaning leads to excessive humidification of the air and thus to dampness in the apartment. But this is a delusion. Steam, hitting the surface, quickly evaporates, leaving the cleaned object almost dry. At the same time, the air becomes fresher and more humid. And in winter it's even a plus. After all, hot batteries dry the air, and after such a wet cleaning it is much easier to breathe.

But if you are still afraid that residual moisture will harm the surface, then after cleaning it can be removed with a dry cloth.

Can a steam cleaner replace a vacuum cleaner?

Another important fact to know about a steam cleaner is that it will never replace a vacuum cleaner. This machine does not suck up impurities. He will not be able to collect large dirt like a vacuum cleaner or a broom. With the help of a steam generator, you can remove the stain, remove plaque and remove dust, hair and wool from the surface being cleaned.

However, Karcher, taking care of the comfort of its customers, offers an even more modern and perfect device - a combination of a steam cleaner and a vacuum cleaner - a steam vacuum cleaner. This miracle technique combines 3 modes of operation: steam cleaner mode, conventional vacuum cleaner mode and steam vacuum cleaner mode. In the latter case, it releases steam, liquefies the impurities and sucks them in. In this mode, you can clean the floor carpet, stove, oven, microwave, hood.

What water to fill?

As you know, before starting cleaning with a steam cleaner, it is necessary to pour water into its tank. There is an opinion that distilled water is better suited for steam generators. But it's not. Yes, such water is completely purified from mineral salts and other impurities contained in it. However, it forms less steam and is more difficult to evaporate. Therefore, we do not recommend using it, especially for ironing.

In fact, ordinary tap water will do for a steam cleaner. If the water in your area is particularly hard, you can mix it with distilled water.

How to clean the steam cleaner from scale?

The use of tap water causes scale to form on the steam cleaner's heating boiler over time. To get rid of scale, complete with a “steamer” and other nozzles, there are special anti-scale sticks that dissolve in cold water. These sticks are absolutely harmless to human health and the environment. The frequency of descaling the steam cleaner depends on the hardness of the water. On average, the machine is cleaned once or twice a year.

In 2015 Karcher introduced two new models of steam cleaners (SC 3 and SC 3 Premium) that do not have a heating boiler. In them, water is converted into steam using a flow heater. To maintain the performance of such units for many years and protect the heating element from scale, these models do not use antiscale, but special cartridges.

According to experts, a person spends about 5 years of his life cleaning. The steam cleaner speeds up the cleaning process. This device seeks to solve all issues of maintaining cleanliness and order in our apartments and houses. Thanks to him, we have more free time to spend with family and friends.

The main thing is that we do not use any chemicals during the cleaning process. Therefore, it does not remain on the surface, and neither we nor our children breathe it. Steam cleaning will cope with all the problems in the way of cleanliness.

Steam cleaner can be selected

With the help of a steam cleaner, you can clean floors, a washbasin, a bathtub, a shower cabin, plumbing fixtures, mirrors, windows, and even plants. How he succeeds and what you need to know for this, look at the photo and video.


It is strongly not recommended to clean the parquet with a steam cleaner, for which the biggest danger is dampness. Because of it, he can dry out. But the laminate is more resistant to moisture. In order not to damage it, the napkin for the floor nozzle is folded in half and the steam cleaner is not turned on for a constant supply of steam. So the cleaning of the laminate occurs with a slightly dampened steam cloth. This is similar to cleaning with a regular mop, but a simple mop is wetted with water, as a result of which stains remain on the laminate and it fades over time. But wiping the floor with a steam-treated napkin, there are no stains.


1. First you need to remove the rubbish - vacuum or sweep the floor.

2.Cover the floor nozzle with a microfibre cloth.

3. With quick movements, move the nozzle along the floor, pressing the steam supply button.

With the help of a steam cleaner, you can clean floors, a washbasin, a bathtub, a shower cabin, plumbing fixtures, mirrors, windows, and even plants. How he succeeds and what you need to know for this, look at the photo and video.

Once this device was invented to disinfect floors in hospitals. However, due to simplicity and convenience, steam cleaners were released "to the people." Such environmentally friendly cleaning with hot steam (+120°C in the tank and 80°C at the outlet) kills up to 70% of bacteria. And this is especially important for cleaning a house in which children grow up.

To cope with dirt on different surfaces, Kärcher steam cleaners come with various nozzles: brushes (for floors, tables, windows), nozzles (for hard-to-reach cracks and corners), as well as terry cloths.

Clean up the bathroom

Clean up the bathroom

The main problems here are: lime deposits, mold on tiles, plumbing, dirt in the joints between tiles. Often this can be dealt with only with a brush and chemicals, spending a lot of time and effort. But for a steam cleaner, all this is not a problem. It easily cleans any surfaces, joints and plumbing.


1. Using a napkin, remove soap and lime residues from glass surfaces: showers, shelves, etc. Wash the sink, bathtub and tiles in the same way.

2. If there is plaque, dirt in the joints of the tile does not lend itself - put on a brush head and rub the contaminated place at an angle of 45 °, dousing it with steam.

3. Lime deposits on plumbing fixtures are removed with a spot jet nozzle.

Clean up the kitchen

Clean up the kitchen


1. To clean steel, enameled, glass-ceramic surfaces - hob, stove, refrigerator door, use a nozzle with a soft terry cloth. It wipes the surface with the simultaneous supply of steam. So the greasy plaque is removed without difficulty. But since the fat is gradually absorbed into the napkin, it must be changed from time to time.

The popularity of steam cleaners is steadily growing. This device becomes an indispensable assistant in the house. Thanks to him, you can not only clean any surface with high quality, but also disinfect it.

How does a steam cleaner work

The principle of operation of the steam cleaner is simple. Water is poured into the tank, brought to a boil, and then it comes out in the form of a jet of hot steam. For work, various nozzles, nozzles are used.

What can be done with a steam cleaner:

  • Clean the upholstery of upholstered furniture from dust;
  • Disinfect the surface: kill germs, bacteria, microorganisms;
  • Degrease different types of surfaces
  • Remove bad odor;
  • Upgrade soft toys;
  • clean curtains;
  • Remove animal hair and hair from the surface.

And this is just a small part of the list of features.

Karcher is a frequently used steam cleaner. There is the possibility of selecting a model: by weight, power, tank volume, the presence of a steam supply adjustment function and other characteristics.

Carpet cleaning technology

Begin the cleaning process by removing debris from the floor with a conventional vacuum cleaner. After that, the steam cleaner is passed several times over the carpet, moving from the far wall towards the doors. This must be done in order to soften the stains, dirt. Now they can be easily and quickly removed with a napkin or brush. Finish cleaning the carpet by drying it with a vacuum cleaner or paper towels.

Cleaning with a steam cleaner will perfectly refresh the appearance of the carpet, eliminate unpleasant odors. The pile at the carpet will rise, even if it was strongly crushed, the colors will become more saturated, bright.

Upholstered furniture cleaning

Cleaning technology:

  1. Prepare microfiber towels. You will need several of them.
  2. Fill the tank with water, preferably distilled.
  3. Check the interaction between the material and the steam cleaner. Treat a small piece of the sofa to eliminate the possibility of damage to the upholstery.
  4. Clean the surface of the furniture in small areas. As soon as one place has been treated with steam, immediately collect the softened dirt with a dry cloth. Microfiber perfectly absorbs moisture and dirt.

To clean a specific spot, you need to direct the nozzle at an angle to the surface, trying to blow away the dirt as if.

Textile care

If you treat textiles with steam, you can quickly refresh their appearance, eliminate various odors, and clean them from wool.

A special nozzle-iron will give an additional opportunity - smoothing things.

A few fabric care tips:

  • The steam cleaner should be held parallel to the surface of the fabric.
  • The softer, more delicate the material to be cleaned, the weaker the steam jet should be. For this, the function of regulating the supply of steam is important.
  • After cleaning, the condition of the surface should always be checked. If it is very damp, it must be dried using dry cloths or paper towels.

Cleaning clothes

This process can be carried out without even removing clothes from the coat hanger. A special nozzle will collect hair, threads, villi from the material. After steaming, things will look ironed, fresh, without foreign odors.

When cleaning fur products, the nozzle should be kept at a considerable distance: the steam jet should only lightly touch the surface, without penetrating deep. This will allow you to clean the pile qualitatively, provide volume to the fur.

The same applies to down jackets. The steam cleaner nozzle is kept at least 30 cm away from the jacket. This condition is necessary, since the fluff does not tolerate exposure to high temperatures.

Curtain processing

For such cleaning, you do not need to remove the curtains from the eaves. A special nozzle is put on the steam cleaner and a jet of steam is directed onto the fabric. Movements should be performed parallel to the surface to be treated. Leave the curtains to dry under their own weight.


We hope this article was helpful to you. If you have any questions, write them in the comments, we will definitely try to answer.