Signs about hiccups and yawning. Why does a person have a yawn according to popular beliefs

Yawning is a physiological process of a reflex nature, accompanied by opening the mouth. It is activated when there is a lack of oxygen in the body. It is interesting that this process in a person begins even when he is in the womb - at the 12th week of his development.

Despite the physiology of the process, it is surrounded by superstitions and signs that are different for each folk group.

For example, the Chinese claim that yawning is a person's unspoken request for a blessing from the highest powers.

And the Indians were sure that yawning attracted death, and during this process they began to make loud clicks with their fingers to frighten it away.

Signs associated with closing the mouth with a palm when yawning

Signs associated with yawning are very unfavorable.

There is a belief that during this process, through the ajar mouth, demons can settle in the human body and capture its essence.

According to another opinion, through an open mouth, when yawning, the soul can fly out of the body.

To prevent this from happening during a yawn, the ajar mouth must be crossed. If you neglect this advice, an unbaptized oral cavity can be skewed for the rest of your life.

Does yawning allow you to determine how others relate to a person?

There is a saying that yawning is contagious. This feature many people use in order to determine their position in the surrounding society.

So, if someone yawned, and his interlocutor supported him with a mirror yawn, he feels sympathy and respect. Such a sign did not appear by chance.

It has been scientifically proven that not every person is susceptible to such a feature, but only one that has a tendency to empathize.

It is interesting that such a scientific discovery is actively used by the Japanese to rally the work team and increase its efficiency. For example, Japanese workers who carry out their activities in the office are distracted by short breaks.

In them, they begin to yawn en masse. Such distractions from business contribute to the saturation of the brain with oxygen, due to which its work is activated.

Signs by day of the week and hours

In order to clearly understand what yawning promises, a special “yawn” was developed for the days of the week and time of day. It allows you to understand why a person begins to yawn at a certain period of the week. Such predictions help a person prepare for the near future, and perhaps correct the direction of his destiny.


Saturday morning from 6 to 7 portends mutual love, and from 7 to 8 - indecision.

A little later, if a person yawns from 8 to 9, he will receive a long-awaited gift.

If yawning appeared from 9 to 10, on life path many rivals will appear, and if from 10 to 11, someone will show genuine interest in the personality of the yawner.

In the last hour before noon, a yawn promises treason.

The rest of the time, yawning is shrouded in the following signs:

In the evening, yawning is characterized by the following signs:

Sunday signs:

  • 6-7 - waiting for a meeting with a chosen one;
  • 7-8 - positive news;
  • 8-9 - acquaintance with a blond chosen one;
  • 9-10 - the formation of a conspiracy;
  • 10-11 - love from a timid person;
  • 11-12 - love dreams.

After half a day, yawning promises:

  • until one in the afternoon - disappointment in the chosen one;
  • up to two - receiving a postcard in which there will be a declaration of love;
  • up to three - unexpected guests;
  • up to four - to a deterioration in relations with comrades;
  • up to five - an unexpected twist of fate;
  • six - sympathy from others.

On Sunday evening, a yawn portends:

  • 18-19 - an interesting journey;
  • 19-20 - date;
  • 20-21 - hypocritical moods among others;
  • 21-22 - the appearance of 2 boyfriends;
  • 22-23 - love dreams;
  • 23-24 - betrayal of comrades.


If a person began to yawn immediately after waking up: at 6-7 in the morning, then soon he will be expected to form new love relationships built on trust and reciprocity.

From 7 to 8 in the morning, yawning is a bad omen that promises bad news.

At 8-9 o'clock, yawning may indicate that soon the second half of the yawner will appear on the horizon, and at 9-10 - that kisses are waiting for him.

From 10 to 11 yawning portends an acquaintance with a new person who will leave only pleasant impressions. In the last hour before noon - the yawner will receive the most important information.

Afternoon yawning is accompanied by the following signs:

Yawn in the evening:

  • from 18 to 19 - to the appearance of mutual love;
  • from 19 to 20 - to possible disrespect from others;
  • 20-21 - to quick happy changes in life;
  • 21-22 - to a difficult situation, which can only be dealt with together with your comrades;
  • if a person yawns from 22 to 23, passion awaits him, and if at 23-24 hours - separation.


If yawning came in the morning hours: from 6 to 7, then you need to wait for a gift in the form of flowers.

You should expect deception from the second half if a person began to yawn from 7 to 8 hours.

The next two hours promise a yawning love change: up to 9 o'clock - a manifestation of love from a friend, and up to 10 - a declaration of love.

A serious conversation portends a yawn from 10 to 11 o'clock, and if it happens from 11 to 12, new acquaintances await the person. Afternoon there are the following signs:


Morning signs of Wednesday are also signed by time:

  • up to 7 hours - to the attention coming from two personalities;
  • up to 8 - to a situation in which you need to protect your interests and positions;
  • up to 9 - to an incredible twist of fate;
  • up to 10 - a symbol that someone who is yawning is dreaming;
  • up to 11 - to the appearance of a reliable friend;
  • until the last hour before noon - for an interesting date.

If yawning occurs during the day:

  • until one o'clock in the afternoon - to the appearance of indecision in the behavior of a lover;
  • up to two - to the appearance of gossip;
  • up to three - to spend time together with relatives;
  • up to four - to new acquaintances;
  • up to five - to receive news from relatives;
  • up to six - to treason.

Evening yawning:

  • up to 19 - to the development of a stormy romance;
  • up to 20 - to the collapse of illusions;
  • up to 21 - to fun leisure;
  • up to 22 - to receive a declaration of love;
  • up to 23 yawns indicates that someone is waiting for a meeting with a yawner;
  • before midnight - to the appearance in a close circle of envious people.


Yawning on Thursday, depending on the time, promises:

Evening yawn portends:

  • up to seven o'clock - betrayal by loved ones;
  • up to eight - the desire of friends to meet with a yawner;
  • up to nine fun party which will take place in the circle of loved ones;
  • up to ten - gossip surrounding information about new love;
  • up to eleven - the sympathy that has arisen in the surrounding society;
  • before midnight - a decrease in attraction from the second half.


Friday signs are also signed by the hour and have the following meanings:

Yawning in the daytime:

  • up to an hour - to anxiety in the soul;
  • up to two - for the long-awaited meeting;
  • up to three - to an invitation to a date;
  • up to four - to communicate with comrades, which will help heal a broken heart;
  • up to five - to statements that can hurt loved ones;
  • up to six - to a break in relations;

If a person yawns in the evening:

  • up to seven - bye;
  • up to eight - to the development of the novel;
  • up to nine - to the fact that a yawner will become a dream for someone;
  • up to ten - to finding happiness;
  • up to eleven - to kisses;
  • before midnight - to the appearance of a secret admirer, who will soon reveal his identity.

Other signs

Yawning is shrouded in other signs. In particular, this applies to the frequency of yawning. If a yawn attacked a person, expect trouble. Such a process is considered a consequence of the induced evil eye, damage.

Such a sign appeared due to the fact that sorcerers, removing damage from people, under the influence of the released negativity, began to involuntarily yawn. If a sick person began to yawn, it means that the evil eye became the cause of his ill health.

Yawning is a symbol of energy purification, as well as the process of spiritual prosperity. This is due to the fact that during church services people start yawning.

During this process, the body is released from negative energy, it is filled with light.

According to Eastern theory, yawning helps clear the chakras. If a person is talking to an angry or envious person, giving his energy to him, he gets tired, feels weak and yawns. In this case, yawning is a defense mechanism that is necessary to repel a negatively charged energy attack. When a sufficient volume of oxygen is obtained, the energy potential is restored.

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Why does yawning sometimes occur? According to superstition, an inexplicable yawn occurs when some event or situation is planned ahead. There is a fortune-telling called "Yawning". With its help, you can easily determine what portends an unexpected yawn.


Yawning on this day promises bad luck. If you want to yawn in the morning, then failure will befall you in work or study. In the afternoon, a yawner predicts failure on the road. In the evening - trouble during a meeting with friends or a loved one.


Yawning on Tuesday portends loss. Yawn in the morning - expect a quarrel with a loved one that can separate you. You yawn during the day - do not plan anything and do not start important things. Yawning in the evening portends you the loss of money or property.


A true gaper in time portends a pleasant meeting or acquaintance on this day. Yawn in the morning - you will see a person whom you have not met for a long time. Yawned during the day - meet someone who has been looking for you for a long time and is waiting to meet you. In the evening - a pleasant date or a new acquaintance awaits you.


Yawning on this day of the week portends jealousy. In the morning - you will be jealous of your soulmate. In the afternoon - they will be jealous of you. In the evening - a person to whom you are indifferent will be jealous of you.


Did a fit of yawning catch you on Friday? Wait for the guests! In the morning you will be invited to visit. In the afternoon - they will suddenly come to visit you. In the evening, you will be able to visit those whom you have been going to for a long time.


If you yawn on Saturday, then someone is thinking about you. In the morning, a secret admirer remembers you. During the day - your friend or relative thinks about you. In the evening - they think of you in a negative way.


Yawn on Sunday - to financial profit. In the morning - a valuable gift awaits you, which you have long dreamed of. In the afternoon - an unexpected receipt of money awaits you. In the evening - an unexpected find. You can also pay off debt.

This fortune-telling-yawning for girls comes true only when an attack of yawning occurs for no particular reason. If you just didn’t get enough sleep, then this is a normal reaction of the body, which only speaks of a lack of sleep. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

What is incomprehensible here, - the majority will be surprised, - a person yawns, which means he just wants to sleep.

But in fact, the nature of yawning has not been thoroughly studied and is of great interest to scientists.

Like everything inexplicable, this process causes a lot of controversy, and therefore signs associated with yawning, there are many.

Why and why a person yawns - signs and beliefs

Our ancestors believed that during yawning, a person provides the demons with the opportunity to penetrate his body and take possession of it. That is why the rules of etiquette have long prescribed to cover your mouth with your hand while yawning.

Although in some countries, for example, in Turkey, on the contrary, there are omen that the soul can escape from the body while yawning. And that's why you need to cover your mouth with your hand.

The connection between yawning and evil spirits is also evidenced by the fact that this often happens during a service in a church. Many believe that in this way the body and soul are cleansed of evil, of negativity, filled with goodness and light.

Some psychics and magicians claim that yawning is a sign of an energy attack. Thus, the body gives a defensive reaction, shows that it needs additional help.

Why yawn by time of day and day of the week - signs

more precisely interpret I will accept when the yawning began, you can not only by day of the week, but also by time of day.

Yawn on a Monday morning, is a sign of receiving long-awaited news from a loved one. If yawning started on the first day of the week at lunch, - most likely, everything conceived will come true. Yawning on a Monday night, - a sign of an early meeting with close friends and nice people.

Tuesday morning yawn according to signs portends unpleasant encounters. You should expect visits from ill-wishers, often hidden ones. If the yawning started closer to lunch, - such a sign speaks of an imminent declaration of love. BUT in the evening, - that it does not hurt to call relatives.

If a Wednesday started with a yawn, - there is a chance to quarrel with the second half. At lunch yawning is a sign of an unexpected, but very pleasant meeting, and in the evening this portends the appearance of a secret admirer.

Yawning on a Thursday morning says that very soon everything secret will become clear, so if you have something to hide, it’s better to tell everything yourself. Strong yawning on Thursday afternoon may be a sign of gossip behind your back. It is not at all necessary that they have a negative connotation, but it is better to be prepared for any turn of events. Yawning on a Thursday night- a sign of a romantic meeting. It is likely that this will be the beginning of that very true love that you have been looking for for so long.

If Friday morning tortured yawning, this may be a warning to beware of ill-wishers. Most likely, they are preparing to strike from behind. Be careful. If a yawned on Friday closer to dinner, - this sign suggests that the beloved is ready to reciprocate, but does not know how best to do it. Friday night yawning, - to receive unexpected profits in quite tangible amounts.

Yawning on a Saturday morning may warn of large numbers envious people nearby. If this happens at lunch, - think about it, maybe you offended someone inadvertently? In the evening this may be a harbinger of a fun party.

Yawn on a Sunday morning, - a sign of a very profitable purchase. If it happens closer to lunch, - you have received the admiration of others, and if in the evening, that is, the risk of a small quarrel, and even a major conflict.

Rarely, but it happens yawning and at night. This is a proven sign of the approach of true love.

If, after waking up, a completely slept person literally cannot stop yawning, it is better to cancel all business for that day. Trouble is possible.

Why does yawning attack at this or that hour? How to interpret yawning by day of the week and a specific hour?

Has it ever crossed your mind that a simple yawn at a certain hour could mean something? As it turned out, there is a whole yawn in which the meaning of yawning is painted by hours and days. So, let's start with the day that starts the week - Monday.

00.00 — 06.00
If you yawned in this island of time, then prepare for the arrival old friend.

06.00 — 07.00
If yawning occurred in this period of time, then today a test of loyalty awaits you.

07.00 — 08.00
At this moment they suffer from yawning happy people. If you yawned now, then something very pleasant will happen to you soon.

08.00 — 09.00
In this period of time, yawning may mean that someone is in a hurry to show you.

09.00 — 10.00
During this interval, yawning promises a cheerful walk at a wedding event with good comrades.

10.00 — 11.00
Yawning now portends you meeting with the old soulmate in an unusual place.

11.00 — 12.00
If the mouth with irresistible force pulls to open wide during this time interval, then a profitable offer is just around the corner.

12.00 — 13.00
At this hour, yawning sticks to separation from a husband or boyfriend for a while.

13.00 — 14.00
Yawning at this time promises you a monetary reward for your diligent efforts.

14.00 — 15.00
At this interval, a yawn attacks to a fight with a loved one.

15.00 — 16.00
Yawning is associated with illness. You are advised to take your health seriously.

16.00 — 17.00
A yawn attacks to overflow the heart with happiness.

17.00 — 18 00
If you experienced yawning during this period, expect an addition to the family.

18 00 — 19.00
A yawn for the solemn event.

19.00 — 20.00
Yawning sticks to victory over the most repulsive enemy.

20.00 — 21.00
The mouth unbearably widens to meet a new friend.

21.00 — 22.00
Yawn hunting is tested for a long journey.

22.00 — 23.00
Not willingly, opening your mouth wide promises you a trip to visit people who are pleasant to your heart.

23.00 — 00.00
Zev attacks to snags in the work.

Gawker Tuesday:

00.00 — 06.00
Attacks yawning to conflicts with a friend.

06.00 — 07.00
Yawns for an intimate date of two loving hearts.

07.00 — 08.00
The mouth involuntarily opens to a new round in a love relationship.

08.00 — 09.00
Yawning sticks to the worst rival on the horizon.

09.00 — 10.00
The mouth widens to travel. You will go to it very soon and with people pleasant to your soul.

10.00 — 11.00
If during this time interval you experienced yawning, then in this case you need to wait for misfortune in the house.

11.00 — 12.00
In the indicated time island, yawning overcomes to strengthen friendship with a new girlfriend.

12.00 — 13.00
If at this time the mouth involuntarily opened, get ready to get in trouble with the law.

13.00 — 14.00
Yawns for bulky purchases. They will be useful and to the point.

14.00 — 15.00
Zev begins to take on exciting adventures.

15.00 — 16.00
If you yawned during this segment, then the yawner says that you will soon get into a stupid incident.

16.00 — 17.00
Zev attacks an unexpected guest. Get ready for an unpleasant meeting.

17.00 — 18 00
If at this time you yawned, then. the hour is uneven, someone will scold you properly.

18 00 — 19.00
Yawns to problems in alliance with a dear little man.

19.00 — 20.00
Yawning sticks to a huge stress for the body.

20.00 — 21.00
If at this time you succumbed to the pharynx, then tomorrow you will have a pleasant walk in a cool company.

21.00 — 22.00
Yawning makes the mouth open to blessed news.

22.00 — 23.00
Yawning happens to a quarrel with a friend.

23.00 — 00.00
Rock involuntarily opens to a difficult conversation with superiors.

Gawker Wednesday

00.00 — 06.00
The mouth opens involuntarily due to health problems. You are advised to be examined by a doctor.

06.00 — 07.00
Yawning attacks in those cases when it is necessary to take a responsible and very important decision.

07.00 — 08.00
If at this time you indulge in yawning, then expect temptation from any side. This may be the temptation to eat something wrong during the diet, or the temptation to cheat on the other half.

08.00 — 09.00
Yawns to meet with an old friend or girlfriend.

09.00 — 10.00
Yawning sticks to receiving gloomy news.

10.00 — 11.00
Yawning to the device for a new position.

11.00 — 12.00
If you yawned in this island of time, it means that soon you will have a conflict incident with one of your work colleagues.

12.00 — 13.00
Yawning to the most pleasant pastime.

13.00 — 14.00
Zev attacks boredom. To drive her away, go visit or call a good friend.

14.00 — 15.00
If during this period your mouth involuntarily and widely opened, then expect blessed news in the evening.

15.00 — 16.00
When a yawn attacks in the indicated island of time, then it is necessary to wait for an improvement in the financial situation.

16.00 — 17.00
Uncontrolled yawning at this hour promises you a meeting with an old friend that will turn your life upside down. Memories will excite you so much that everything will turn upside down dramatically.

17.00 — 18 00
Yawning overpowers to major acquisitions in the near future.

18 00 — 19.00
If yawning attacked at this hour, then expect a good surprise from the second half.

19.00 — 20.00
Yawning during this period promises you a useful and unexpected gift from the admirer.

20.00 — 21.00
Yawning overcomes to separation from someone close to the heart of people.

21.00 — 22.00
If the mouth expanded during this period of time, then expect an increase in income. You may be promoted at work.

22.00 — 23.00
Yawning promises health problems.

23.00 — 00.00
The yawning reflex may portend unpleasant conversation with a friend. It's time to dot the "and".

Gawker Thursday:

00.00 — 06.00
If at this hour you yawned, then wait for an invitation to a noisy party. Behave there with dignity, so as not to "earn" reputation problems.

06.00 — 07.00
In this interval, yawning attacks to problems in relationships with work colleagues.

07.00 — 08.00
If during this period of time you were attacked by involuntary opening of the mouth, then expect a scandal in your house.

08.00 — 09.00
In this temporary island, yawns to betrayal by a friend. Be vigilant and look at all your girlfriends. It's time to add one of them to the list of enemies.

09.00 — 10.00
At this hour, he yawns to visit a person whom you cannot stand, but you will have to go there.

10.00 — 11.00
Yawns to receive moralizing from the older generation. Take them seriously, because these tips will come in handy in the future.

11.00 — 12.00
If at this hour you yawned, it means that the moment has come to change something in your appearance.

12.00 — 13.00
At this hour, yawning attacks to an unpleasant incident that can happen to you on your way to work.

13.00 — 14.00
If at this hour you yawn, then wait for uninvited guests by the evening. Although you didn’t plan the gatherings, the company will be good, and you will have a fun and useful time.

14.00 — 15.00
Yawning to the deterioration of your health.

15.00 — 16.00
Yawning at this hour warns you that a secret enemy has wound up in the environment. Review your relationship with each friend. Surely one of them is already suspected of something.

16.00 — 17.00
Yawning at this hour promises a serious danger on the road.

17.00 — 18 00
Uncontrolled yawning can promise an invitation to a celebration in the near future.

18 00 — 19.00
At this hour, yawning attacks to good news from afar.

19.00 — 20.00
Yawning promises serious waste. Be careful when buying, try not to buy anything on stock in the near future, so as not to find yourself on the list of fools.

20.00 — 21.00
Yawning happens to tangible changes in life.

21.00 — 22.00
Uncontrolled yawning promises you serious obstacles on the path of life. You will overcome them with pride and confidence, and gain invaluable experience.

22.00 — 23.00
At this hour, yawning promises a meeting with a super-man who will radically change your idea of ​​\u200b\u200blife.

23.00 — 00.00
Yawning promises a trip with friends to the sea or just out of town. There you will have fun and will never forget this trip.

Gawker Friday:

00.00 — 06.00
If you yawned during this time, then expect slander in your direction.

06.00 — 07.00
Yawning during this period portends laborious work in the near future. It will seriously exhaust you and will negatively affect your overall well-being.

07.00 — 08.00
At the indicated moment, yawning promises you a long trip not of your own will. Perhaps you will be sent on a business trip for work, but you will not want to go at all.

08.00 — 09.00
During this interval, yawning promises danger on the way.

09.00 — 10.00
If during this interval you have involuntary yawning, then in the near future you will be upset by a loved one.

10.00 — 11.00
Yawning in this island of time sticks to a long-awaited meeting with someone close in spirit and belief.

11.00 — 12.00
Yawning at this hour promises a fun time with friends in the near future.

12.00 — 13.00
During this interval, involuntarily yawning promises a profitable offer.

13.00 — 14.00
Yawning predicts an important event for you, where you will make acquaintance with an influential person. It will significantly change your life in a beneficial direction.

14.00 — 15.00
Yawning at this moment may indicate that on the threshold of your home is the happiness that you have been waiting for so long.

15.00 — 16.00
Involuntary wide opening of the mouth at this hour can promise a meeting with first love.

16.00 — 17.00
If during this interval you indulge in yawning, then prepare your ears for news from relatives from a distant city or village. Perhaps in the coming days they will want to please you with their visit.

17.00 — 18 00
Yawning into this temporary island predicts significant event on which your future career will depend.

18 00 — 19.00
This island of temporary yawning will attack to warn of a conspiracy against you, one of your close associates has planned to commit a completely ignoble act.

19.00 — 20.00
At this moment, yawning attacks to a passionate showdown with a person dear to the heart.

20.00 — 21.00
Yawning into this temporary island promises you to find yourself at the right time in the right place. this is going to happen soon.

21.00 — 22.00
If involuntary opening of the mouth occurs during this interval, then expect to receive a good reward for your work.

22.00 — 23.00
In this period of time, involuntary yawning will attack when you are in danger. Someone “does not digest” you, and in every possible way tries to harm you. Be careful.

23.00 — 00.00
If yawning attacks at this time, then expect sad news from friends.

Yawner Saturday:

00.00 — 06.00
During this interval, yawning portends the arrival of an old friend. You haven't seen each other for many years, and now it's time to meet.

06.00 — 07.00
If during this period of time yawning occurred against your will, then wait chic gift from close people. You have been dreaming about this thing for a long time.

07.00 — 08.00
When he yawns at this hour, then a short trip should be expected. It may happen because of the birthday of one of the blood relatives or friends.

08.00 — 09.00
If at this time you yawned, then get ready for a long and difficult to treat illness.

09.00 — 10.00
Yawning at this interval foreshadows you walking with a companionable person tonight.

10.00 — 11.00
If yawning attacked you during this interval, then get ready to receive a fountain of compliments addressed to your person.

11.00 — 12.00
When a yawn occurs at this hour, then you should expect a life lesson that will happen to you literally tomorrow.

12.00 — 13.00
If you noticed that you yawned once or even several times at this time today, then expect betrayal from the person chosen by your heart.

13.00 — 14.00
When a relentless pharynx attacks the indicated temporary island, then in this case one should expect a pleasant surprise from a work colleague.

14.00 — 15.00
During this interval, a yawn promises an invitation to some kind of solemn event.

15.00 — 16.00
In this island of time there is a yawn to some vivid impressions. Not even the hour, you will receive them.

16.00 — 17.00
If you yawned during this period of time, then prepare to receive a reprimand from your superiors in the near future.

17.00 — 18 00
Yawning at this hour promises a sudden profit.

18 00 — 19.00
If at this hour an unbearable pharynx attacked you, then we advise you to keep your mouth shut and not share personal secrets with anyone, otherwise it will “go sideways” for you.

19.00 — 20.00
If yawning attacked you during this interval, then beware of hidden enemies. They hate you so much that they dare to do anything to hurt you.

20.00 — 21.00
Yawning promises failure in love affairs.

21.00 — 22.00
Yawning happens to insults from the side best friend. Perhaps involuntarily and not intentionally, but a friend will seriously offend you.

22.00 — 23.00
If at that moment you yawned, then in this state of affairs, only deterioration in health remains.

23.00 — 00.00
At this moment, the pharynx overcomes to new love hobbies that will soon break out in your life.

Yawner Sunday:

00.00 — 06.00
During this interval, yawning for new clothes, in the near future you will be able to buy yourself a lot of fashionable and stylish things.

06.00 — 07.00
Yawning sticks to a new hobby. Perhaps it will be fateful.

07.00 — 08.00
If yawning persisted on this temporary island, then boldly act and go to your dream. Right now is the best time to turn your plans into reality.

08.00 — 09.00
During this interval, the temporal yawn overcomes its most damned enemy to victory. The hour of punishment has come for him. Fate will judge him.

09.00 — 10.00
If at this moment a yawn attacked your mouth, then get ready to hear a lot of unpleasant things about yourself.

10.00 — 11.00
When yawning attacks during this interval, it promises a danger at work. Be vigilant and do not fall for stupid provocations of colleagues.

11.00 — 12.00
If a yawn attacked you during this period, then wait for the uninvited guests.

12.00 — 13.00
If you indulge in yawning during this interval, then expect a difficult dialogue with someone close to your soul. You will have to find out the relationship and sort out all the omissions.

13.00 — 14.00
If a yawn has stuck at this hour, then follow the prompts of your heart and act as it commands. It's more about love relationships. Right now, the heart will tell you the right decision.

14.00 — 15.00
If you yawned during this interval, then very soon you will be able to overcome the disease.

15.00 — 16.00
If on this island of time you have undergone yawning, then tonight you can witness a secret meeting of someone from a familiar environment.

16.00 — 17.00
If at this moment you want to indulge in yawning to the point of horror, then prepare yourself for a catch from your best friend.

17.00 — 18 00
If during this interval you succumbed to yawning, then at the wrong time, you will have to come to the aid of the closest person.

18 00 — 19.00
If at this moment you indulge in a yawn, then get ready for a heavenly rest. Soon you will pack your bags for the trip.

19.00 — 20.00
If yawning has attacked right now, then prepare your nerves for a quarrel with household members.

20.00 — 21.00
If at this point you are in the pharynx, then get ready for a hospital bed. You will go there to identify the causes of general malaise.

21.00 — 22.00
If at this time yawning attacks, then you need to wait for a faithful and devoted attitude towards yourself from your beloved man. In the coming days, he will be able to fully demonstrate these qualities.

22.00 — 23.00
During this interval, yawns for thoughtless purchases. Be prudent in handling banknotes.

23.00 — 00.00
If during this period you yawned, then get ready to go to the barber. You will go there to bring beauty about some significant event.

Video signs about a gaper

Watch our videos and learn more about the gaper.

A person learns to yawn while still in the womb. This process occurs as a result of the body's reaction to a lack of oxygen. However, despite the natural physiological features, yawning has long been surrounded by beliefs and signs.

Each nation has its own beliefs about this, someone assures that by opening your mouth wide you can attract illness or even death. And someone believes that the yawner receives the blessing of the Gods at this moment. It does not matter if this process brings positive or negative aspects in your country, but everyone knows that it is worth paying attention to frequent yawning.

Our ancestors believed that during yawning, evil spirits could fly into the mouth. That is why during this process they began to cover him with his hand or to be baptized

The emergence of a gaper

Even in ancient times, the girls noticed that a yawn that overcame, for no apparent reason, served as a kind of warning or interpretation for the young woman. The beauties began to painstakingly record these moments, writing them down in special fortune-telling notebooks. Mom shared notes with her daughter, and the daughter with her daughter.

So after a few centuries, a gaper appeared. Proven for years and several generations, it is very popular among young girls, and to this day.

The hourly divination table has become the most convenient way for an accurate and truthful determination of the future, advice in relationships with a loved one and warnings.

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The Turks used to believe that yawning is harmful, since at this time the soul can fly out of the mouth.

Monday - unfortunate outcome of events

Of course, yawning at the beginning working week quite logical. However, even they can indicate changes in fate. Monday Yawner advises to be more collected at work and school. Although Monday is a hard day, inattention and carelessness can play a cruel joke on you.


07.00 - 8.00 Someone remembers you now. This is in no way related to love relationship. Maybe you didn't finish what you started or forgot to keep your promises?
08.00 - 9.00 You will be busy all day, trying to complete the entrusted work at the highest level.
09.00 - 10.00 Refrain from trips and flights, signs of ikalka indicate that now you should not leave your native land. far from best time for moving.
10.00 - 11.00 If the old relationship has long outlived its usefulness, then it is not worth holding on to them. A new round in your personal life will help revive the butterflies in your stomach.
11.00 - 12.00 Your sweetheart glances at another girl. Be careful, the opponent is not going to give up without a fight. Moreover, the guy is interested in her no less than in you.
12.00 - 13.00 Someone might need your advice today. Do not refuse to help your friends and acquaintances, and you will always be given a strong friendly shoulder in a difficult situation.
13.00 - 14.00 As they say: Scammer first whip. If a friend gave information that did not make you happy, it is not his fault. Ikalka at this time promises bad news, but the most important thing in this situation is not bad news, but how you perceive it.
14.00 - 15.00 An old friend is better than two new ones. Do not avoid communicating with old acquaintances, soon you will need their help.
15.00 - 16.00 Wednesday evening is best spent in a relaxed atmosphere, with loved ones.
16.00 - 17.00 Make time for your loved one. If the weather is good, take a walk in the park, if not, then you can just take a relaxing bath, light candles and turn on pleasant and relaxing music.
17.00 - 18.00 If it was decided to end the relationship, this does not mean that friendly communication should stop. Just watch your emotions and do not let too much in a conversation with former lover.
18.00 - 19.00 A beauty can be liked by guys much less than an ugly girl with a kind heart and complaisant character. The ice aura created by you only repels suitors. Change tactics of behavior with the opposite sex, so as not to be left alone.
19.00 - 20.00 At the end of the week you will be invited on a date. Take care of yours ahead of time appearance, you should not appear in front of a potential boyfriend in a unkempt form.
20.00 - 21.00 Warning for those who constantly forget something. Check your diary entries to see if you forgot to wish someone a happy birthday. Maybe you borrowed money and forgot to repay the debt on time?
21.00 - 22.00 It's not the gift that's important, it's the attention. The present that will soon be presented to you will be from the person you are interested in.
22.00 - 23.00 The time of loss will come for those who hiccup closer to midnight. It can be both a material loss and a spiritual one.
23.00 - 00.00 Stop making big purchases. Large spending will lead to a complete financial crisis.

Often yawn - to meet the enemy


If yawning occurs during a night's rest, then it is very important to remember the time when it happened. Divination is subject to yawning during sleep. If you walk until the morning, then, naturally, the body will react to lack of sleep. Such an event should not be regarded as a gaping prophecy.

00.00 - 01.00 Feel free to talk about your feelings out loud, and be sure that they are mutual;
01.00 - 02.00 Be a little more modest in dealing with people and then there will be no end to the fans;
02.00 - 03.00 Acquaintance with a secret admirer is just around the corner. He will be able to conquer any girl with his courtesy and attractiveness;
03.00 - 04.00 If a friend is really known in trouble, then you need to rush to the rescue immediately. Someone close to you needs help;
04.00 - 05.00 Feeling unimportant throughout the next day is the result of an incorrect lifestyle. The regime must be observed under any conditions.
05.00 - 06.00 Your beauty will conquer and enchant those around you.
06.00 - 07.00 Guests from distant lands will visit your home and bring with them a sea of ​​smiles and positivity. Well, of course, they will not leave you without gifts.

They say that if you look at a yawning person, you will yawn too. Why this is so, scientists still cannot explain. But it works, you can check for yourself.

Tuesday is a time of fun adventures and changes

The second day of the week will bring a lot to the yawner positive emotions, good news and unexpected twists of fate, also, by the way, pleasant. Tuesday's yawner carries good news and prophecy.

07.00 - 8.00 Soon you will receive recognition from a person who is very attractive to you;
08.00 - 9.00 The young man plans to propose to you in the near future;
09.00 - 10.00 If you are sure that the sympathy is mutual, proceed to an active offensive;
10.00 - 11.00 In order not to blurt out too much and not to spoil relations with a close friend, it is better to refrain from commenting on her;
11.00 - 12.00 All dreams materialize, so think only about the good;
12.00 - 13.00 Someone dreams about you day and night;
13.00 - 14.00 Mutual feelings, the most lovely gift that any woman and girl can receive from fate. Fortunately, now you are one of them;
14.00 - 15.00 Even a small quarrel can serve as good ground for discord in a couple in love;
15.00 - 16.00 Meetings and passionate kisses your beloved desires no less than yourself;
16.00 - 17.00 Unexpected falling in love will deprive you of sleep;
17.00 - 18.00 You should not show your thorns where you need to be soft and fluffy. Because of your complex nature, many guys are hesitant to have a relationship with you.
18.00 - 19.00 You are very sympathetic to one young man with whom you have known since childhood;
19.00 - 20.00 Love for all ages. However, one should be wary of the persistent courtship of an adult and influential man;
20.00 - 21.00 When a relationship ends, some feel pain, others feel relieved. Finally, you will get rid of a relationship that has long been a burden.
21.00 - 22.00 Unfortunately, things don't always work out the way we want. The guy that hurts your heart will never love you back.
22.00 - 23.00 Unnecessary expectations can only further upset you. You should not expect miracles where there is no reciprocity.
23.00 - 00.00 Right at this hour, someone cannot sleep, remembering your silhouette.

Have you ever wondered why we are taught from childhood to cover our mouth with our palms when we yawn? Yes, there is no doubt that a wide-open mouth does not look aesthetically pleasing, but here the reason lies also in an old folk belief.

The Old Believers believed that during this process the soul can fly out of the body. That is why, the mouth was tightly covered with a palm.

You can expect not only funny company and entertainment, but also a declaration of love


00.00 - 01.00 Get ready to put on your wedding dress soon;
01.00 - 02.00 A little courage doesn't hurt now to declare your sympathy out loud. After all, the young man does not even suspect that you are ready to accept his courtship. A little hint will be quite enough for him to move on to decisive courtship;
02.00 - 03.00 Do not torture yourself with early rises if you have nowhere to rush. As well as night festivities, if you get up early in the morning. There must be a measure in everything;
03.00 - 04.00 Yawning at this hour, you can safely make a wish. Rest assured, it will be fulfilled within a month;
04.00 - 05.00 Empty hopes hurt more than unfulfilled dreams. Don't torture yourself.
05.00 - 06.00 Love is already at your doorstep. You just need to open the door and surrender to this wonderful feeling;
06.00 - 07.00 Do not tell anyone your secrets and addictions. Everything secret can be revealed in an instant, due to excessive talkativeness.

Wednesday - gossip and envy of girlfriends

Wednesday's yawn warns fortunetellers about talking behind your back that discredits your honor. On this day, you should be careful at home and on the street. It is better to refrain from walking at night, so as not to become an easy prey for hooligans.


07.00 - 8.00 The first love will fill you with new emotions. Do not listen to other people's advice, trust your heart;
08.00 - 9.00 Best friend laid eyes on your young man. The love triangle will cause your jealousy;
09.00 - 10.00 You dream of a young man who won your heart;
10.00 - 11.00 Before you make a wish, think about whether it is important for you to fulfill it. The wish will be fulfilled within a week;
11.00 - 12.00 So in your destiny the time has come for a white stripe;
12.00 - 13.00 The eyes will shine, and the soul will be filled with happiness, the reason for this will be good news;
13.00 - 14.00 Finding out the relationship with your loved one, try to avoid rude words and insults;
14.00 - 15.00 The upcoming meeting will serve as a good opportunity to restore friendly and business ties;
15.00 - 16.00 Don't shoot from the shoulder. The situation can change in a moment;
16.00 - 17.00 The new boyfriend is set for a serious and long-term relationship;
17.00 - 18.00 Friends are always ready to help you and get you out of any troubles. Appreciate it;
18.00 - 19.00 Pleasant surprises do not end there. Surprises and gifts from distant relatives rush to you;
19.00 - 20.00 An evening spent in the company of a former lover will not leave good memories and will serve as a reason for a bad mood;
20.00 - 21.00 If trouble cannot be avoided, then it is not worth killing yourself and crying because of what happened. Let everything take its course. Sooner or later everything will work out;
21.00 - 22.00 At a friendly party, you will be introduced to a pleasant young man who will immediately become interested in your special one. Take a closer look at him, because you liked him too;
22.00 - 23.00 Different views on life have always been a cause for contention. If the beloved does not share your judgments, then soon you will become uninteresting to him;
23.00 - 00.00 Good sleep will help you gain strength before tomorrow. Good news awaits you, which will cause positive emotions;

In the church, you can often watch how the parishioners yawn during the service. It is believed that this process is associated with purification, due to which the yawner gets rid of the evil eye and bad thoughts.

An unexpected meeting awaits you


00.00 - 01.00 Giving yourself entirely to study or work, you can forever be alone. Stick to the golden mean, improve your personal life, and then take up career growth;
01.00 - 02.00 You have become a real puppet, everyone who wants to pull the strings for their own purposes. Don't let those around you control your life;
02.00 - 03.00 Tomorrow, from the very morning, will please with high spirits;
03.00 - 04.00 Pay attention to your parents, help with the housework, or just spend time with them in a confidential conversation;
04.00 - 05.00 If someone accidentally offended you, and immediately asked for forgiveness, you should not be angry with him;
05.00 - 06.00 Soon all your plans will come true;
06.00 - 07.00 In pursuit of two hares, you can be left with nothing.

On Thursday, yawns bring a fortune-telling meeting with a loved one that will leave pleasant memories. The day will be good in every sense of the word, take this opportunity to achieve your goals.


07.00 - 8.00 Laziness has always been the biggest obstacle to the fulfillment of any dream. You need to do quite a bit so that everything is as you planned, but make an effort, it will still be necessary;
08.00 - 9.00 A friend is waiting for a call from you, he is in great need of support;
09.00 - 10.00 You will be rewarded for conscientious work and diligent behavior. Expect bonuses or promotions. If you study, you will be awarded a certificate of appreciation or an increased scholarship;
10.00 - 11.00 Your loved one is acting like Small child, he’s definitely not ready for a serious relationship yet;
11.00 - 12.00 An evening spent with friends will help you relax at the end of the working week;
12.00 - 13.00 If you do not believe in love at first sight, then you will have a great reason to make sure own experience, in that it exists;
13.00 - 14.00 Detractors gossip behind your back. Don't pay attention to gossip, it's all from envy;
14.00 - 15.00 Meeting an old friend or former classmate will leave pleasant impressions and overwhelm with a wave of memories;
15.00 - 16.00 Financial frauds of dishonest people can leave you penniless and ruin the coming weekend;
16.00 - 17.00 You always want to trust your loved one, however, sometimes it will not be superfluous to listen to the opinion of older relatives. Unfortunately, you will be disappointed;
17.00 - 18.00 Ask for advice from an adult and experienced person whom you trust and can reveal your secrets;
18.00 - 19.00 Soon your sweetheart will reciprocate and invite you on a date;
19.00 - 20.00 The fact that everything turned out exactly the way you planned is only your merit;
20.00 - 21.00 The one for whom the heart hurts considers you just a friend;
21.00 - 22.00 A gloomy and sad face will never attract the attention of guys. Smile more often and changes in your personal life will not be long in coming;
22.00 - 23.00 You will win this love war. The guy will prefer to stay with you, and not with his former passion;
23.00 - 00.00 Acquaintance with a pleasant person will change life for the better.

They say that if during a conversation with people you want to constantly yawn, this indicates that you are communicating with an envious and ill-wisher. such people are also called energy vampires, who feed on the energy of their opponents.

Be prepared for what will be said and discussed about you


00.00 - 01.00 A beautiful figure has made your personality very popular among guys;
01.00 - 02.00 Live a healthy lifestyle this weekend. Go in for sports and stop drinking alcohol;
02.00 - 03.00 Allow yourself the luxury of making a gift to yourself. It can be a new dress, a beautiful trinket or a visit to a beauty salon, in any case, it will cheer you up.
03.00 - 04.00 Do not abuse cosmetics. Guys have always appreciated natural beauty in girls;
04.00 - 05.00 Don't be so wasteful. Learn how to shop within your budget;
05.00 - 06.00 Do something useful and interesting. A new hobby or return to an old hobby will give you the opportunity to feel a surge of energy and feel your creativity;
06.00 - 07.00 Properly use all the gifts of fate that this day has prepared for you.

Friday is Travel and Romance Time

On Friday, you can afford to relax a little, because the working week is already behind. Moreover, you will receive more than one invitation to have a fun weekend. Yawning on Friday, you can safely count on a successful acquaintance at a party.

07.00 - 8.00 The Beloved is preparing to have a frank conversation with you in order to correctly point out some of your shortcomings in character;
08.00 - 9.00 The outcome of a meeting with a lover will depend only on your behavior;
09.00 - 10.00 Betrayal close friend for a long time will deprive you of the desire to trust someone with your secrets;
10.00 - 11.00 Your unwillingness to do household chores can cause a quarrel with your parents;
11.00 - 12.00 Very soon you will meet your soul mate. Do not lose hope of finding happiness;
12.00 - 13.00 Someone from your environment feels sympathy for you;
13.00 - 14.00 Soon you will need to make an important decision on which your future life will depend;
14.00 - 15.00 Do not listen to the advice of a woman with blond hair;
15.00 - 16.00 You can become a cause of contention between a guy and a girl. Don't drag yourself into a love triangle;
16.00 - 17.00 When all things go topsy-turvy, the most important thing is not to give up and not lose heart. Black line will go faster than you think;
17.00 - 18.00 Don't be afraid to fight for your love. The opponent is persistent and prepares for the offensive;
18.00 - 19.00 You can be used for personal gain. Be careful and do not trust everyone;
19.00 - 20.00 Pay attention to your family. AT recent times you spend little time with loved ones, this can cause discord in the family;
20.00 - 21.00 A yawner prophesies you the loss of a little thing dear to your heart, it can be a piece of jewelry or another accessory. Also, the meaning can be regarded as parting with a loved one;
21.00 - 22.00 A young man is very jealous when he sees you in the company of other guys. Try not to provoke your lover and learn to behave with more restraint;
22.00 - 23.00 Sometimes it's better to be alone than to be in an unpromising relationship;
23.00 - 00.00 Very soon you will be able to try on yourself White dress. Dreams will come true, you will find happiness in family life.

It is believed that if you suddenly started yawning at home, then you should prepare for coming soon guests. It is also interesting that by the number of yawns you can determine how many people will visit your house today. Is not it great way find out for how many people to cook dinner?

Beloved person you must reciprocate


00.00 - 01.00 Take care of your health. In order to prevent, take tests and go for a general examination to the therapist;
01.00 - 02.00 The reason for failure lies in yourself. Get rid of excessive self-doubt and things will go smoothly;
02.00 - 03.00 If you are afraid of meeting guys, then your personal life will remain unsettled;
03.00 - 04.00 Expect an expensive gift, but do not try to brag about it to your girlfriends, whose good-natured smiles hide hatred and envy;
04.00 - 05.00 The enemy will be surprised that you endure all the gossip and talk that tarnishes your reputation. Black PR attracts the interest of others even more than true stories, so the enemy will be killed by his own weapon.
05.00 - 06.00 If people want to be together, no barriers and separations will interfere with them. Hour long-awaited meeting already very close;
06.00 - 07.00 Be friendly with people, smile and do good and the universe will definitely answer you the same.

Saturday - time to get rid of the blues

Those who yawn on Saturday should not forget that yesterday was the end of the working week and, perhaps, yawning is the result of a long party yesterday. I would like to remind you that fortune-telling includes prolonged and causeless yawning.


07.00 - 8.00 You can confidently take action. Your sweetheart feels great sympathy for you, but is embarrassed to admit it. Take a step towards your love;
08.00 - 9.00 You chose the wrong person for the relationship. A broken union in time can save you from resentment and disappointment;
09.00 - 10.00 An unexpected date invitation can take you by surprise. Prepare for it in advance, do your hair and manicure to meet the object of adoration in all its glory;
10.00 - 11.00 Undoubtedly, modesty adorns any girl. But your shyness robs guys of courage and confidence.
11.00 - 12.00 Hold off on major purchases, put them off for a couple of weeks. Otherwise, you risk driving yourself into debt.
12.00 - 13.00 Not quite the right time to implement your plans. But do not give up, your dream is feasible, but not now;
13.00 - 14.00 You need to relax with your friends. Visit a noisy company or a disco, new acquaintances will only benefit you;
14.00 - 15.00 Parting with your loved one is inevitable, try to present the bad news so that you remain friends;
15.00 - 16.00 An unexpected call from an old friend will cheer you up for the whole day;
16.00 - 17.00 The streak of luck will come very soon. right time try your luck in the lottery or prize draw;
17.00 - 18.00 When dreams don't come true, try to make someone else's dream come true. Then the universe will boomerang back your good and help direct it in the right direction;
18.00 - 19.00 Add some variety to your relationship. Invite your loved one to an unusual date or present an original gift;
19.00 - 20.00 An unexpected meeting with a former lover will spoil your mood for the whole evening;
20.00 - 21.00 Unfortunately, you cannot count on reciprocity from an object to which you are not indifferent;
21.00 - 22.00 Quarrels with colleagues can spoil your credibility in the team. Try to avoid any misunderstandings, both at work and at school;
22.00 - 23.00 Be careful, an unexpected fit of jealousy of your lover can lead to a final break in relations;
23.00 - 00.00 Do not trust a wealthy man with dark color hair. It can ruin all your plans for the near future.

Constant bouts of yawning in infants can cause oxygen deficiency. If the attack worries the baby too often, realists suggest consulting a doctor. Esotericists are advised to resort to the help of a priest.

You are happy and that is why you are envied


00.00 - 01.00 If you need good advice, it is best to ask your parents for it. You should not expect sincere help from friends and colleagues;
01.00 - 02.00 You need to reduce your spending a little. The money you save will come in handy very soon;
02.00 - 03.00 Not the best time for loans and credits. Try to distribute debts as soon as possible, if any;
03.00 - 04.00 A pleasant unexpected acquisition, albeit not expensive, will delight you and charge you with positive emotions;
04.00 - 05.00 To achieve the goal, you should behave a little more confidently, this will help you both in your personal life and in your career;
05.00 - 06.00 Look at the problem from the other side. Troubles make you more resilient and stronger;
06.00 - 07.00 Soon you will be invited to an exciting journey. Do not try to refuse, you deserve such signs of attention.

Sunday is a day of gifts and unforeseen surprises

Hiccup on Sunday, wait for unexpected receipts Money. However, you should not plan any noisy parties for the evening, because the weekend is already over.

07.00 - 8.00 If yawning overcomes you early in the morning on an empty stomach, then you can be sure that another girl has taken a closer look at your lover. However, before starting a debriefing, offer to talk frankly in private;
08.00 - 9.00 You should not go on a trip, even if it is not long. Wait a little with a change of residence, flights and long trips;
09.00 - 10.00 Your rudeness and harshness towards others does not make you theft in the eyes of potential suitors;
10.00 - 11.00 Feelings will be rejected and, as a result, a spoiled mood for the rest of the day;
11.00 - 12.00 Pleasant news from relatives and an invitation to a celebration (wedding or anniversary) will cause you positive emotions;
12.00 - 13.00 It is very pleasant to realize that for your young man, you are the most beautiful and desirable. But to improve the outlines of your body, it will not be superfluous to go in for sports;
13.00 - 14.00 Celebration of a significant event in the family circle will help to distract from bad thoughts;
14.00 - 15.00 Follow your thoughts. Every thought is easily transformed into words, and words turn into action. by the most the right step will put things in order in his head, and only then evaluate the situation and look for a way out of it;
15.00 - 16.00 Losses should not be upset, they always become the precursors of more valuable finds;
16.00 - 17.00 Be careful when following orders from your boss at work. One small mistake will cost you dearly;
17.00 - 18.00 A casual acquaintance can have a very significant impact on your destiny;
18.00 - 19.00 Sunday evening with family will bring much more joy than a noisy party with friends;
19.00 - 20.00 All life is made up of little things and accidents. However, it is these little things that shape our destiny;
20.00 - 21.00 Don't forget to call friends and family. After all, some of them can very painfully endure your inattention;
21.00 - 22.00 Do not blame yourself for the fact that the relationship with your loved one is coming to an end, it’s just that not everyone manages to find their soul mate at the beginning of their life path;
22.00 - 23.00 In a family scandal, try to take a neutral side so as not to offend anyone;
23.00 - 00.00 Remember if you forgot to wish someone a happy birthday, or if you missed some important event.

When a patient often yawns, this is a sure sign of the evil eye or damage. Reading prayers and holy water will help relieve the suffering of a yawner and speed up recovery.

You are expecting a large purchase or a lot of gifts


00.00 - 01.00 You have been looking for your soul mate for a very long time, and now the time has come for you to get to know each other;
01.00 - 02.00 Your rash actions and flirting with several guys at once can reflect badly on your reputation;
02.00 - 03.00 All the best moments of life are yet to come. Do not be upset because of failed or rejected love;
03.00 - 04.00 Happy hours are not observed. But, as they say: business time-fun hour. Having parted today, tomorrow's meeting will be even more desirable;
04.00 - 05.00 Be yourself. No need to surprise anyone with your abilities at work and self-destruction in relationships, then no one will be disappointed in anyone;
05.00 - 06.00 Move all tomorrow's meetings and dates to another day. It is possible to make the wrong decision, which will become the starting point in your subsequent failures;
06.00 - 07.00 Dedicate Sunday to your beauty. Tidy up your skin or go for a massage.

The gaper allowed the spontaneous reaction of the body to turn into a real fortune-telling. Today, not every young lady knows that one can guess by yawning. However, this the old fashioned way learn about life changes good advice and protect yourself from unpleasant moments.

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