Competitions for adults on the theme of Moulin Rouge. Party in the style of the Moulin Rouge. Costumes and gifts. Photo session of a chic, bold, interesting and fun wedding in the style of Moulin Rouge

December 16, 2015

If you want to make the holiday truly stylish and extravagant, there is one win-win option - Burlesque Party.

Genre: musical, vaudeville, Moulin Rouge - today it is called differently. The style of the mentioned burlesque is said to be not sublime-low, but "low-sublime", where monologues, dialogues, songs and dances are erotic overtones. In order not to get confused and not to form a picture of vulgarity and vulgarity in my head, let's go in order ...

20-30s - the era of burlesque. Bright show performances broke into the life of the USA and Paris, the conversation about which caused a blush among noble ladies and an embarrassed smile from gentlemen. Rumors about frank dances, daring songs and a sea of ​​entertainment in an atmosphere of sophistication and wealth did not just arouse irrepressible curiosity, but literally brought hundreds of connoisseurs of creative recreation burning with anticipation by the hand. At that time, the so-called criteria of revelation and propriety were scrupulously monitored. "Queens of Burlesque" Josephine Baker and Mae West literally overgrown with gossip "beyond recognition", and the latter spent ten days in prison for the so-called obscene behavior in society.

By the way, in the modern world, there is also a “burlesque queen”: the ex-wife of the scandalous performer Marilyn Manson, Heather Rene Sweet. Many modern professional participants in this art are literally offended by the current stereotypes imposed by the owners of establishments with a dubious reputation. Calling themselves "burlesques" left and right, they offer the viewer a primitive program, mostly consisting of cheap striptease. It's good that there are sources from where you can get reliable information. And great movies, after all!

Already in the 40s, burlesque shows really spread from theaters to nightclubs, where they sometimes sounded like “cabaret shows”. Now the owner of the establishment decided where to “locate” the limits of decency and whether they are needed at all! A distinctive feature of the cabaret at that time was the creation of high standards of skill for actors, dancers and all participants in the entertainment program. Improvisations, deviations from the worked out scenario were not allowed. Therefore, undertaking the organization of such a show, determine for yourself what years your Burlesque will look like!

When starting to organize a holiday, your task is to do everything sensibly, otherwise the glamor and magical theatrical atmosphere will turn into a poor parody of a cheap strip club. It is important to understand that for this you need to invest a lot of effort and money, so you won’t be able to save much on such a birthday.

In any case, the essential attributes and elements of the holiday are: wealth, luxury, glamour, chic, beauty, passion, lack of complexes, shamelessness, extravagance.

Graceful hints, subtle humor, puns, flirting - all this in the style of Burlesque!

1. When is Burlesque appropriate?

Such a party will help to effectively celebrate both a birthday, bachelor / bachelorette party, as well as New Year or even Halloween.

2. Time.

Invite guests to 20-21.00: this is an "all night" party, not for five hours. Moreover, the preparation of the appropriate image will take not so little time - one make-up is worth something!

3. Invitations.

If you try very hard, then the guests will feel the atmosphere of the upcoming party even before the action begins. Try to compose an incendiary invitation! Surely this will help friends create the right image and prepare an unusual speech in the style of creative intellectuals of the 30s. For example:

« Dear Ostrovskaya Diana!
Legendary show productions from the theatrical and entertainment cabaret "Burlesque" are at your service! The mysterious owner of the best ballet show in the world is fascinated by your beauty and invites you to the most outrageous opening of your city! Welcome to the world of passion and luxury!
We are waiting for you on December 30, 2015 at 21.00.
Luxurious appearance, disposition to the initiatives shown and this invitation are indispensable conditions for entering the celebration.
We look forward to seeing you.
With uv. Gatsby»

To create invitation cards with your own hands, you will need white, black, red cardboard, gold and red ribbons, feathers and pieces of lace. And there - combine and create unique original postcards! They don't have to be identical. There are no rules, they are named, and that's all that matters.
You can order similar flyers in the printing house.

4. Images and costumes.

Common to all and important. Images should be bright, stylish, attractive, sexy (but not vulgar).

Behavior: not screaming love for yourself and every element of the world around you, balancing eccentricity, emotionality and elegance, restraint.

Aestheticism: the ability to behave, correct speech, intonation, beautiful gestures, posture, gait ...

Now more specifically.

Men. It's easier with men. There are only two options here: gentleman(then businessmen, politicians, intellectuals and all sorts of creative personalities had a similar appearance) and bandit. For the first, tuxedos, ties, bow ties, vests, a top hat, a cane are suitable.

For the second - black trousers, white T-shirts, suspenders, hats a la mafia, if possible - a holster with a weapon, of course, not real.
For those and others, such a simple attribute as a cigar is perfect.

Women. Given the fact that women were in such institutions for completely different reasons, you have a choice of the desired "role". Let's get to know each other better:

Spoiled daddy's daughter from a rich family. She, of course, secretly visits such establishments. She is dressed relatively restrained, although youth and hormones dictate a short dress and a long lady's cigarette. Nothing complicated: black, or gold in sequins, a short pencil dress, long beads with medium-sized pearls, a bracelet, stiletto sandals. If possible, a black bob or playful curls and a characteristic feather in the hair. The makeup is not overly bright (she ran away from home), her eyes can be hidden under a beautiful mask with feathers (she is afraid that someone will recognize her).

By the way, a black square and a fly over the lip will be appropriate for any look. And also curls, a veil, gloves above the elbow will fit perfectly!

courtesan girl. Be careful with this image. It suggests more obvious looseness, flirtatiousness, flirting. If overly jealous people are present at the celebration, hold your horses, do not miss this most important nuance! The costume is open and frank: a corset that draws in everything that is possible to a practically lifeless body, fishnet stockings, large bracelets, hairpins, bright makeup with mother-of-pearl, sparkles. In this image, appearance is 50%. The rest is high-quality acting and femininity!

dancer girl. A fairly revealing outfit will do: people do not come to see sculptures in a museum. But a little more modest than the previous image. Corset, flared skirt to the knee, stockings with suspenders, shoes with steady heels.

Girls, you should be graceful teasing but not provoking, flirting but not intrusive, sexy but not vulgar. Remember that burlesque actresses are not male-hating strippers, on the contrary, they are the absolute femininity! A man is an object for which the best sides of the female essence are revealed, one's own beauty is demonstrated and the significance of the male contribution to the prosperity of this very beauty is emphasized.

Before preparing the images, invite friends to watch one or more films on the topic: Burlesque, Burlesque Lady, Blaze, Mademoiselle Striptease, Chicago Blues, The Great Gatsby ...

It's good if everyone carries the charm of the then conversations and behavior through the whole evening. Indeed, in burlesque, manners are important, a style of behavior that differs significantly from modern ones. And we want to create a real Burlesque?!

5. Greeting guests.

Warn those invited that entry is by invitation only and for a nominal fee (nervous fiddling with all pockets will spoil the actors' improvisation). The greeter can be like an elegant butler, who hides the “revelation” behind the door of a cabaret with her imposing appearance, or a courtesan in fishnet stockings, who now and then looks around the street to see if there are policemen there. Asks if there is an invitation. Look suspicious, absolute seriousness. Asks for a donation. Hides in a corset (bra), if it is a man - in a folder. He opens the door, where everything is already open (music, light, smoke), and without a shadow of a smile asks: “Do you like what you see?”. After a positive answer, the “butler” changes his face to the widest smile and beckons with delight: “Then welcome to the world of entertainment and passion!”

6. Venue.

You can arrange a similar “party” at home, especially if you have a studio apartment, but the ideal venue would be a private nightclub hall. Be sure to have at least a small scene. This is important, without it it will not be possible to create a suitable atmosphere. How about the bright performances, incendiary cancan and sharp jokes from the artists?

7. Decoration of the festive hall.

Pay close attention to this part of the organization. A person who probably does not feel very comfortable in a revealing outfit before the party starts, should feel at ease as soon as he crosses the threshold of the festive hall!

Colors, which should be preferred: black, red, white. Also, gold and stripes will fit perfectly.

Decor elements: silk, leather, velvet, boa, lace. All this can become both elements of costumes and part of the interior, a characteristic decoration of the room.

The stage, ideally, should be in red colors. Luckily, many clubs are fans of the classics, because this attribute is not so hard to find. If you can, make the infamous windmill (as in Moulin Rouge). It can be made from foam or cardboard, brightly colored and covered with foil, covered with silk ribbon wire or chipboard (a more expensive option that requires skillful hands). You can make a windmill by laying out the silhouette with garlands on a dark background!

Cover most of the ceiling with black fabric, put yellow or white garlands on top of it, you get the effect of a starry sky. The fact is that the main lighting will be concentrated on the stage, and the viewer is in twilight. Therefore, additional, even the described lighting will be more relevant and effective than ever.

You can decorate your "starry sky" with photos of guests.
Puffs of smoke: stage and cigarette - everything is in place at a Burlesque party!
At the entrance it will be very handy to place an old mirror. This is possible. Although building foam and golden paint work wonders: here is an old frame for the most ordinary mirror! Nearby, not far from the entrance (there will be twilight), place several pinup posters (standards of female beauty of that time) and posters of famous actresses from films about burlesque shows.

It is desirable that there is not one large festive table, but several, for 2-4 people (according to the classics). On the tables - black and red tablecloths, the fabric can be inexpensive, in the dark it will not be evident at all! For each table - narrow vases, in which one red or white rose (can be artificial), and preferably several ostrich, peacock feathers. If the vases do not have a presentable appearance, decorate them with lace.
Burlesque involves luxury and chic, so plastic cups and homemade vases are absolutely not suitable.

Checkout photo corner. Stretch the fabric to match the entire party, organize a mini-curtain. Put the characteristic attributes: canes, boas, fans, masks, cigars ... In the background - a windmill, a heart, a cylinder of lights. Get great bright photos!

8. Music.

Hits from the previously mentioned films, as well as related music tracks by Christina Aguilera, Beyoncé, Madonna, Bianchi, "Pussycat Dolls".

9. Dancing.

Organically fit: passionate Latina, Argentinean tango, Balkan tribal.

10. Menu.

Main dishes. You won't be able to save much. In really good cabarets, you could enjoy various delicacies, so sliced ​​\u200b\u200band sprat sandwiches were not an option. You can choose a variation of classic French cuisine (with cheese soup and meat in French), or you can not follow the strict classics. It is enough to choose "noble" products and think over win-win successful dishes: red fish steaks, stuffed mushrooms, baked poultry with fruits and honey, stewed veal with pineapple, red caviar on a dried French baguette ... Any seafood will be appropriate, especially exotic, but be careful with quality and freshness.

Desserts. Ideal chocolate mousse, sundae with syrups of your choice and pancakes stuffed with whipped cream and fruit. Order "themed cookies", they can become the highlight of the festive table!
It is unlikely that you organize a beauty jumping out of a cake, but you must organize the cake itself! If you are already giving all the best, then order a really impressive burlesque cake.

The drinks. Definitely champagne. Don't be stingy with good quality champagne, otherwise guests will have to grimace all evening from excess acidity or cloying. Also, martinis and various liquors are suitable for women.

Absinthe was considered the obligatory alcohol at such parties. But this is quite an expensive pleasure. In order not to lose an important element of recreating the desired picture, take the trouble to prepare mint vodka.

Here is the simplest recipe:

Take a bunch of mint (40-50 grams), select beautiful fresh juicy leaves. Rinse them. Fill a glass jar tightly with mint (tamping it down with your hand), pour good quality vodka into it (otherwise “the spell will not work”), shake well and put in a dark place for 3-4 weeks, and in the classic version - for two months! As you can see, it is better to prepare in advance!

There is also a faster option:

For one liter of vodka, take 7-10 sprigs of mint and juice from one lemon / lime. Put the saucepan with the contents in the refrigerator for 3 days, covering it with a lid. When the vodka is infused, soaked with the aroma of mint and citrus, add one tablespoon of sugar and leave for another day in the refrigerator. Refreshing strong drink is ready!

For light drinkers, provide a green soft drink, Tarragon, for example.

The notorious Baileys, by the way, can also be cooked at home, but be sure not later than a day before the event!

11. Entertainment program.

To provide essential guarantees of a successful evening, book two or three professional themed numbers.
Invited guests can also prepare rooms if they wish. A song (even with a soundtrack), a dance, or a standup performance. The latter is highly desirable. High-quality acting humor from the stage is what you need! Let's not forget about good magicians.


"Corset". There are two couples. Girls are put on corsets in advance on some kind of underwear or a T-shirt. Men are offered to untie the corset in the shortest possible time. Who is the first - he won.

"Kiss in the Dark" Three or four couples. They are blindfolded and asked to find their man in the dark and kiss them. Speed ​​is important, you can’t “probe” it. Caught in the hands - you kiss. As soon as 3 pairs have been formed (those who did not have time can wander for a long time, bumping into the winners) - we open our eyes, evaluate. Surely there is a "same-sex couple." Favorites are those who found the original partner, if there are none, whoever found someone first.

"Cancan for men". Everything is clear here. The winner is the one who raised his leg higher and more accurately hit the beat.

"Guess what". The woman points to an element of her costume, the two men must say what it is as quickly as possible. Try to provide elements such as boa, bolero, arctic fox, clip-on earrings to make these words difficult. Who last, he drinks absinthe. The winner is kissed, the loser is so good (he's pretty fucked up, so to speak).

The judge - a girl with red lipstick - leaves a kiss mark on the winner's cheek. The maximum number of prints of her lips determines the absolute winner.

As a super prize, there can be a pack of cigars, a bottle of absinthe for men, an element of good cosmetics (a set of shadows, a makeup brush, French toilet water), bottles of French wine for women.

12. Gifts.

Gifts shouldn't be cheap and useful (it's not a hippie party), they should be expensive and showy. If it's a birthday, give a gift from the whole team, this will add realism to the implementation of this recommendation.

A man can be presented with cufflinks, good alcohol, cigars (according to individual preferences), a solid leather belt or a business briefcase.

For a woman - expensive jewelry or gold. Also suitable glamorous clutch, shawl, cosmetics.


Take a lot of photos, or better yet, hire a professional photographer. After all, for sure you will be at such a party for the first and last time!

Remember the world where you are Monica, Jessica, Marilyn, and not Katya, Lilya and Tonya. And photographs store not only a picture, but also feelings, smells, sounds, emotions ...

The most outrageous party to you!

The dream of lovers is that their wedding is interesting, beautiful, perfect and memorable. The wedding of your dreams can be a Moulin Rouge wedding.

It is so beautiful and amazing that both the bride and groom and the guests who were lucky enough to be present at the celebration will remember it. Lucky, because when else will there be an opportunity to plunge into the world of colors, fun, music and dance.

Moulin Rouge is a French cabaret. To recreate the bohemian atmosphere, you will have to work hard, but the result, if everything works out, is worth it.

Photo session of a chic, bold, interesting and fun wedding in the style of Moulin Rouge

Who is the Moulin Rouge wedding for? Couples who are not alien to creativity, laughter and art. Couples who want to surprise guests and remember their wedding as one of the most wonderful events in their lives. We invite you to see what this stunning wedding looks like./p>

General characteristics and style features

Let's break down the arrangement of the wedding in the style of the Moulin Rouge. This way you won't miss a single detail. And do not forget to agree in advance with a professional photographer and videographer, otherwise the photo session will be a failure, not to mention video shooting.

DIY Moulin Rouge Wedding Invitation Cards

According to the invitation, guests should guess what awaits them. You can order, or you can make them yourself - who feels the atmosphere of the upcoming celebration better than you? Here are some easy options.

  1. Insert into invitation programs with a wedding script.
  2. We glue a postcard made of silk paper to the touch with lace, imitating a garter, on top of a red ribbon bow.
  3. Take striped paper as a base. From above, make an application in the form of mademoiselle in a revealing outfit.

The text of the invitation should not be simple. Make it ornate:

“Monsieur and Mademoiselle will be glad to see you at their Moulin Rouge cabaret on the occasion of a joint celebration. You will see stunning lights and colors, enjoy music and fun. Waiting for you. The dress code is appropriate."

Features of the clothes of young people, witnesses and guests

The clothes of young people, witnesses and invited guests should correspond to the theme of the wedding.

  • The bride's outfit is a dress with a corset, with a seductive and deep neckline, high-heeled shoes, a lace garter on the leg. The color can also be white, the main thing is that the skirt is fluffy with a long train and a high slit on the side, feathers, boas, lace. Long gloves, a red bow, a rose accentuate the Moulin Rouge outfit. A veil, in any case, at the celebration itself, is not required. Instead, a miniature hat with feathers and a veil flaunts on her head.
  • The groom's attire is a black tuxedo or tailcoat with a bowtie and a white shirt with cufflinks. Ceremonial shoes: black lacquered shoes. A black cylinder will also come in handy, as well as a cane, gloves, a mouthpiece, a watch on a chain. A red flower is inserted into the buttonhole of the tailcoat.
  • Witnesses must be dressed to match the young, that is, like cabaret actors. Unless their outfits are less pretentious than the outfits of the bride and groom.
  • Do not forget to do hairstyles - large curls playfully descend on bare shoulders, a lush rose flaunts in your hair.
  • A costumed wedding is a troublesome and expensive business. You cannot dress all women and men in dresses and costumes of that time. But this is not critical. The main thing is that all guests should be in evening dresses, preferably with clutches (ladies). At the entrance, offer guests accessories in the spirit of the Moulin Rouge. Women - fishnet stockings, a flower or a bow in their hair, red garters, lace fans with feathers. For men - a cane, gloves, mouthpieces, a red flower in the buttonhole.

Wedding bouquet of the bride

The bride's bouquet is bright, elegant, but not large. The perfect combination: white and red wine roses. The bouquet contains dark blue or black feathers, rose petals and feathers decorated with rhinestones and stones.

Decorating the wedding venue

Pay close attention to the choice of the hall, and its design, decor, entertainment and, of course, the kitchen. Then the Moulin Rouge wedding will go like clockwork. And be sure to think over and hold a bachelor and bachelorette party in the Moulin Rouge style, and perhaps even a bride price. And go all out on them.

Moulin Rouge Wedding Party

The party program should be exciting, memorable and fun. Invite mimes who will follow the mood of the guests and copy them. A musician with an accordion who will play French melodies throughout the evening.

The selection of a toastmaster (entertainer) is also important. He must not only be smart and witty, but also able to draw guests into entertainment and dancing.

Competitions and entertainment reflect France, Paris:

  • the most incendiary can-can;
  • best suit;
  • pantomime;
  • shadow play;
  • cartoonist;
  • poetry competition in honor of the young;
  • tricks;
  • and, of course, incendiary dances.

At the beginning of the party or immediately after registration, launch pigeons into the sky, and at the end, light fireworks.

Prepare the newlyweds dance in the style of the Moulin Rouge. For example, the same can-can. The bride, lifting her skirts and revealing her slender legs, performs a dance for the groom, who is sitting at a separate round table. Cheerful music, ringing of coins - the young man obviously liked the dance.

Culinary style delights and a wedding cake

Guests may not like turtle soup, snails, or frog legs. But you can find decent dishes on the French menu. Or call them in the French manner:

  • goose liver pate (foie gras);
  • beef and chicken baked under French wine;
  • French bread and baguettes;
  • French sauces: Provence, mustard, bechamel;
  • wines, champagne with specially made labels in French.
  • Creme brulee;
  • pears with chocolate and vanilla ice cream (Poire Belle Helene);
  • chocolate muss;
  • hot chocolate;
  • hot croissants and profiteroles.

The Moulin Rouge wedding cake is tall with many tiers. At the very top are the figures of the newlyweds. The color of the cake is classic, but the decor is bright, sustained in black and red: mastic draperies, sugar or oil flowers.

The style of the cake can be classic or fantasy, for example, in the form of a scene with dancers, a retro car, a puffy layered skirt or a corset.

Honeymoon transport

The newlyweds must drive retro cars to the ceremony, to the banquet hall and around the city. Well, if there are several of them, you get a wedding procession. Decorate cars with ribbons, flowers, long feathers. And don't be afraid to overdo it in car decoration.

…it’s in the details, and this has a lot to do with the Moulin Rouge style wedding

Important little things and decor elements inherent in the style

Finally, about the hall, its design and other important details.

  • The lights are subdued and the room has an intimate atmosphere.
  • Primary colors in the design: white, red, black.
  • If space permits, set up round tables for guests.
  • Each table is decorated with flower bouquets in baskets.
  • There are always many flowers at a wedding. Ask the waiters to arrange bouquets throughout the hall, and not collect them on one table.
  • The place for the newlyweds is literally immersed in flowers.
  • Feathers, candles, paintings depicting the streets of Paris, paper and light garlands, drapery, huge hearts and roses hanging from the ceiling will not be superfluous.

Feel the cabaret atmosphere, and then the themed wedding will be perfect. And don't forget the gifts for the guests. It can be magnets or all the surroundings that were waiting for them at the entrance.

By the way, you can see how wonderful guys organized their wedding in the style of Moulin Rouge: Natalya and Victor by watching the video clip below. Happy viewing and happy holidays!

What only thematic festivities are not invented. One of these is the enviably popular Moulin Rouge style party. In everyday life, bright colors and blood-stirring impressions are so lacking. And therefore, having a corporate party or a fun “meeting” at home in a similar style is a great way to forget about routine and problems for a while.

What is the Moulin Rouge associated with? Of course, with French gloss, chic. This is burlesque, beauty, the radiance of lights and the temptation that even the “stone guest” cannot resist. Here you can afford almost everything - dance the cancan, immerse yourself in the life of the Parisian society, which considers itself bohemian. And the owners of beautiful legs have the opportunity to demonstrate with impunity all their charm.

Cabaret Toulouse-Lautrec

To convey the atmosphere of a Parisian cabaret as fully as possible, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail. For example, what should be the clothes in? Women can let their imagination run in any direction. Black stockings with garters, ostrich feathers, puffy skirts, bright multi-colored boas, tight, long tight gloves, huge fans and white underwear, which, of course, also has a peculiar design.

Makeup should be as bright as possible with sparkles and bright red lips. Active blush and heavily lined eyes are elements of the image. Hairstyles in the style of "Moulin Rouge" are curled curls treated with varnish with sparkles and different shades. And for greater effect, a lush mane can be provided with a small hat, feathers and rhinestones.

What about men? Here, Moulin Rouge-style costumes should be distinguished by an elegant cut. Tailcoats, tuxedos, canes, top hats, monocles and cigars are all at your service.

And “old” posters with elements of reproductions of paintings by Degas, Picasso and Toulouse-Lautrec will help to emphasize the peculiarity of the party style. Small panels with views of Paris will fit in. The drapery of the walls should be done in red and black colors, the light should be dimmed. And, of course, baskets full of flowers will add a special flavor to the holiday. The musical background can be organized with various retro melodies, but the incendiary cancan dance is the hallmark of the Moulin Rouge style.

And a mandatory photo session of the whole action - when you and your friends can dress up for such an occasion in such bold outfits.

The stone French pavement, the night, the wings of a scandalous mill lit with red lights in the bohemian sky of France ... The decline in the morals of society, and an unshakable faith in the sincere feeling of individuals. Now silence reigns in this area, but very soon the Moulin Rouge will open its gates, decorated with a scarlet bulldenezh to the first dressed up guests. And you are the lucky winner of an invitation card for this evening? And are you sure you want to be there? And, of course, you will be as magnificently dressed as the royal ministers, or - the Maharaja? Or, on the contrary, will you be among the cabaret dancers, in a magnificent hat with feathers?

Fortunately, the Moulin Rouge is rich in images, and there are plenty to choose from for a party!


First, a few words about colors. Extravagant outfits in red, green, gold and silver tones will harmonize well with the entire environment of the impromptu hall of the Red Mill.

Yes mom, to comply with the established dress code, it is best to give preference to long evening dresses with a train and a deep neckline. It is important to pay due attention to accessories, adding a red or black boa, garter, sequined ribbon or satin gloves to the outfit. Be sure to wear your most expensive necklaces, bracelets and rings with the dress. Flashy wealth is a natural pass for a woman at the Moulin Rouge.

Men should come to the holiday in a formal suit or tailcoat with a tie (bow tie) and black leather shoes. You can also (to better match that era) put on a high black cylinder on your head. If you plan to be not only a passive spectator at the holiday, but also actively participate in the entertainment program, you can put on a bright showman costume.

This is the minimum by which you will be able to achieve compliance with your appearance specified in the invitation to the dress code requirement. If you want to show off your imagination, chic figure, and also - demonstrate your love for the film - we can offer some more very interesting options for participating in an impromptu cabaret.

I am the courtesan of the Moulin Rouge

Do you want to feel the longed-for looks of men and the lightning bolts that are thrown at you in the wake of their wife? Do you want to know what it's like to be a whore? Blood plays, requires adrenaline ... Then it is your image - the courtesan Moulin Rouge!

Characteristic for the "courtesan" details of the costume:

Hard corset - the upper part of the outfit;

A silk fluffy skirt with many ruffles, lace ribbons and frills is the lower part of the outfit.

I am a Moulin Rouge cabaret dancer

Cancan. Are you crazy in love with this amazing, energetic dance? And besides everything else, do you know how to perform it professionally? Then for you - image of the Moulin Rouge dancer! The main purpose of such an outfit since ancient times is to tease and excite. Because - he simultaneously hides the feminine forms of the dancer, and opens them for show. This costume does not include such a rigid corset as the outfit of a sexy courtesan, but at the same time it is executed in an identical red and black color scheme and is not without a lot of feminine lace, ribbons and frills. Depending on the merits and demerits of her figure, as well as on the presence of all kinds of complexes, or their absence, each girl can choose for herself a dance stage dress both more frank and more modest.

Dance costume details you need to pay attention to:

Lace neckband with "cat's eye" in a seductive dimple;

A miniature flirty hat with feathers and a veil, stockings with garters and long silk gloves (red or black).

I am an actress of the Moulin Rouge cabaret theater

This costume is a successful combination of courtesan and dancer costume details. The costume of the actress suggests the presence of a tight corset with puffs and a very short, naughty tulle skirt. Another option (a more modern version of the carnival costume, stylized as French burlesque of the late 19th century) is a black and red top and lace short shorts. By choosing an actress costume, you get a unique chance to show off the beauty of your slender legs without thinking about "what people will say." You can absolutely with impunity be colorful, sexy, and at the same time - enjoy the absence of ambiguous views ...

If you think the image you have chosen is not quite complete, not glamorous enough, you can add a few extravagant accessories to it.

Accessories for the image of the Moulin Rouge

For example, put on a bright wig, decorate your hair with ostrich feathers or swan down, or put on a fancy handmade top hat.

Among other things, antique jewelry and lace “work” perfectly with dresses for the Moulin Rouge, as well as a mask with feathers. Most often, women from high Parisian society, appearing in such a haunted place, resorted to “disguise”. It was impossible for aristocratic ladies to come to the Moulin Rouge, but at the same time, it was the easiest way to weave networks of state intrigues here ...

Makeup and hair

And a few more words about makeup and hair. If you are a happy owner of long hair or medium length hair - give it a little volume and decorate your hair with large curls.

Make-up should also be bright, evening, fantasy. Drawings on the face and the use of long false eyelashes, applications, etc. are allowed.

Well, the costume is ready, the guest of honor cannot wait for the appointed hour and visit the mysterious Moulin Rouge. But, somehow it is not customary to go to a party of this magnitude without a gift. What to present to the hero of the occasion such that it matches the theme and has a hidden meaning, in harmony with the Moulin Rouge? Now I'll tell you!

Will be appropriate (if the hero of the occasion is a woman) Jewelry (or - expensive jewelry made of natural stones). Black necklaces, beads, earrings, brooches with an emphasis on the fashion of that era will be a great gift for such a holiday!

Will look extravagant handmade gifts , stylized as French burlesque of the late 19th century - pillows with a black-and-white photograph of the hostess of the celebration, made in batik technique, fashionable hats with rhinestones, feathers and sparkles, stage masks and elaborate garters.

However, such gifts are appropriate if you already know the person you are going to the party very well and for a long time. If, however, a work colleague (especially the boss) invited you to your place in the Moulin Rouge, or just an acquaintance, gifts of an intimate nature should not be presented. It's better to give bottle expensive French wine (in an unusual "clothing" - a corset), old book with the story of the French "Red Mill", or disk with a good copy of the famous movie.

And you can also (if there is a real cabaret in your city, or tours of the famous French theater are supposed) to give ticket for This show .

Do not forget also about the packaging for your original gift. After all, it is when you look at the packaging that the person gifted by you forms the first impression of the gift itself! Don't ignore this fact! Choose from red, black and gold, or old-France inspired wrapping paper.

Now everything seems to be ready! Time to start the show! However, there is one more important point that we need to discuss with you ... Even - as many as two! About building an entertainment program for your imposing guests and treats for them - read in the next article!

Recently, theme parties have become more and more popular. They give more emotions and are an additional reason to get together and have fun. In fact, the topics can be very diverse, it all depends on the desire of the organizers and the interests of the company itself. For example, for young and ambitious young people, devoid of any complexes, the Moulin Rouge theme is perfect.

Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of French cabaret and endless dance, indulge in passions and forget about time, as well as enjoy expensive alcohol and perfumes with rich sweet notes, that's what modern youth need.

In order for the party to take place in its theme, the first thing to do is to start by finding a room. Due to the fact that red, black and gold are considered the usual colors for the Moulin Rouge, it is better to look for a room as close as possible to these shades, because decorating green or blue walls will be somewhat more expensive and problematic.

Finding an entertainment venue in red is not a problem at all, because psychologists say that this particular color is able to arouse appetite.

Restaurant and club owners, as well as designers and art directors, readily believe this and find confirmation in their practice. After color, attention should be paid to lighting, whether it is possible to isolate natural rays, how effectively this can be done, and also, what is the level of artificial lighting. The ideal option would be the presence of all kinds of reflectors and lights at different levels. In order to create a feeling of semi-darkness and muffle the glare.

Do not ignore the furniture, it should be as close as possible to the French style. That is, to be not pompous, but sophisticated with carved and flirtatious elements, but this is already in the ideal case. Also, given a large choice, preference should be given to the room that has a stage, because it is difficult to imagine such a holiday without traditional cabaret dances on the podium.

How to furnish a room?

As mentioned above, the color scheme comes first. The red color should be deep, rich and languid, so to speak, personify passion and desire. Gold color is needed in order to emphasize luxury and high cost, it is better to give preference to a noble shade without adding orange or pistachio. Well, the black color serves as a neutralizer. Most of all, red should howl, more than half of all decorative elements can be assigned to it. But, the rest can be divided between black and gold.

The main decorations should be made of chic textiles, satin is best. They can decorate everything that is possible, from furniture and paths to napkins and bows. The main thing is not to spare the fabric, the larger and more voluminous the elements, the more it will be possible to convey the atmosphere of the Moulin Rouge. But we must not forget about the other two colors, if you manage to find a fabric of black and gold colors, where one is as a background, and the second performs large elements of the ornament, then nothing could be better, if only to put a fringe along the edge of the product. But there are also purely decorative elements, let's take a closer look.

Pictures - it is better to order separately, large posters according to pre-selected layouts and place them in carved golden frames. As pictures, you can pick up a photo of old Paris or scenic moments from French cinema. But here, too, one should not forget about the color affiliation, for example, a green lawn, near the Champs Elysees, will not work at all, only if it is converted into black and white shades or the paper is artificially aged.

Vases with large flowers are an indispensable attribute. Vases can be black, transparent or aged gold, and the flowers are completely different, but it is desirable that the buds are red shades and an impressive size. The only rule that is relevant here is a large number of such vases. It would be nice to make several vessels on the floor, and insert into them, in addition to flowers, feathers or compositions from them.

Full-length mirrors are not a very important attribute, but simply necessary. No matter how strange the previous phrase may sound, but it is exactly so ... In fact, you can easily do without them, but what about luxurious coquettes, for whom it is very important to look at yourself from the side to make sure that everything is in order and admire yourself once again. Besides, what kind of woman does not like to just spin around the mirror?!

Garlands, rain, beads - just what should be golden, firstly, this is the real color for these accessories, and secondly, their gloss and light will complete the atmosphere of the holiday.


Of course, in order for everything to be as thoughtful as possible and set up the invitees for full responsibility, calling for a serious approach to their image, it is necessary to think over invitations. It is best to turn to professional printing, and for the main idea, take, for example, tickets to a show or make a pass for everyone, only everything is in the same French style and respecting the key colors. The text must indicate the place, time and dress code, without which it will be simply impossible to pass.

Party Suits

Suits. Do not confuse the Moulin Rouge style with a brothel. Although passion and eroticism are in the first place, there can be no talk of vulgarity and accessibility. All costumes should be on the verge, as it were, a little more and indecently, but this fine line must not be crossed categorically.

Corsets with puffs work well, but it is better that they be with straps or puffed sleeves. Skirts should be very short, but in order not to cross the line of vulgarity, the presence of frills and "tails" at the back is important. And shorts, too, as short as possible are not allowed in close-fitting, it is better if they are made of a simple dense fabric that can keep its shape and straight or flared. Additionally, you can wear stockings, high-heeled shoes and a hat with a veil.

You don’t need to pay much attention to the hairstyle, let it be disheveled, consisting of curls and strands with chaotic curls. The shoulders should remain as open as possible and covered with a fur boa. For those who do not really like to expose their body, it is better to give preference to a floor-length dress, but the skirt should be voluminous and fluffy. As for men, everything is somewhat simpler. A classic suit, a snow-white shirt and a modest butterfly will suffice. The top of the style will be if you add a tailcoat, a cane, a cylinder hat and a scarlet rose to the breast pocket to the image.


As treats, dishes from French cuisine or close to it should be presented. For snacks, tartlets with various fillings, small sandwiches on a crispy baguette, meat in wine sauce, ratatouille, julienne, foie gras and all types of cheese are suitable. As drinks, it is better to offer guests champagne, liqueurs, wines, cognac or just various cocktails.


As the main music, which will be at the beginning of the evening and at the time of dancing, it is better to choose songs from the musical Moulin Rouge or just Cancan. For events, competitions and as a background, you should use songs from artists such as Christina Aguilera, Madonna, Justin Timberlake, Bianchi, etc. the main thing is that the songs should be incendiary, and the music should be rhythmic, because otherwise there will be no fun.

The entire playlist must also be thought out in advance so that there are no fumes and the crowd does not light up with indignant exclamations, it is better to hire a professional DJ.


In order to not just eat, dance and communicate, it is better to think over and have a little entertainment, this will add many advantages to the party itself and its organizers, as well as charge the audience with optimism and enthusiasm. You can take into service such competitions as lacing and lacing a corset for a while, the Kancan dance performed by men. But the blindfold competition is always held with a bang, without exception. It requires opaque blindfolds, everyone can participate. After everyone's eyes are blindfolded, the participants, spinning on the spot, go to walk around the hall, whoever stumbled upon whom and kisses him.

Beautiful female bodies in luxurious outfits moving in the semi-darkness to energetic music are a real pleasure with light notes of erotica. Such an evening, of course, will be remembered by every guest for a lifetime, and will also give a lot of positive emotions, thanks to the fun and lack of complexes in a noisy and liberated company.