Coursework: Organization and management of an educational institution. Management of educational institutions


Egorov Evgeny Evgenievich 1 , Vasilyeva Lyudmila Ivanovna 2
1 FSBEI HPE "Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after Kozma Minin", candidate economic sciences, Head of the Department of Innovative Management Technologies
2 FSBEI HPE "Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after Kozma Minin", candidate pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Innovative Management Technologies

This article is devoted to some aspects of improving the quality of management of educational organizations at the present stage of development and reform of the education system of the Russian Federation. Significant problems associated with the implementation of the process of managing educational organizations have been identified. The reasons for the occurrence of these problems are indicated. The ways of improving the quality of management in the field of education are determined.


Egorov Evgeny Evgenievich 1 , Vasileva Ludmila Ivanovna 2
1 Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University, PhD in Economic Science, Chair of management innovative technologies,
2 Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University, PhD in Pedagogical Science, Assistant Professor of the innovative management technologies

This article deals with some aspects of improving the quality of management of educational institutions at the current stage of development and reform of the education system of the Russian Federation. Identified significant problems with the implementation of the management of educational institutions. The reasons for the occurrence of these problems. Identify ways to improve the quality of governance in education.

Bibliographic link to the article:
Egorov E.E., Vasilyeva L.I. Some problems of improving the quality of management of an educational organization // Modern scientific research and innovation. 2014. No. 12. Part 2 [Electronic resource]..03.2019).

With the constant reforms of the education system of the Russian Federation, carried out at all levels, in our opinion, not enough attention is paid to improving the quality of management of educational organizations. At the same time, it is obvious that it is the quality of management that largely determines both the success of the reforms themselves and the quality of education in general. Although it cannot be said that nothing is being done in this direction. Most heads of educational organizations undergo advanced training or retraining in the field of education management, are being introduced Information Technology management in education, there are separate examples of successful implementation of relevant management technologies (for example: project management, management by objectives, key performance indicators systems, etc.). But this work on the development of management in educational organizations, in our opinion, lacks systemic features, it is more fragmentary than holistic. But the main thing is that the pace of changes in the management system of an educational organization lags significantly behind the pace of changes in educational activities proper. This fact cannot but have a negative impact on the quality of the entire education system of the country, which is confirmed by the numerous problems present in this area.

One of the leading reasons for the rather low quality of management of an educational organization, in our opinion, is the global inertia of the education system. This inertia is manifested, first of all, in the fact that society, the country's economy is changing much faster than the education system, in other words, it is trying to work in the old way in new conditions. Accordingly, the management system of educational organizations in many respects does not meet the requirements that are developing in the market of educational services. From this premise follows a number of problems in the field of management of educational organizations. But, before considering some of these problems, let's say a few words about the quality of management of educational organizations.

Without pretending to the depth and comprehensiveness of the consideration of the concept of quality in the management of an educational organization, and without focusing on specific indicators and measures of this quality (which is not the subject of research in this article), we will determine the initial position that determines this quality. It seems that the target function of managing an educational organization is the quality of educational educational process requested by the customer. And from this point of view, we think there will be little disagreement, because, even without carrying out relevant research, one can see the growing dissatisfaction of customers (and all categories of customers at once: the state, society, parents and students) with the quality of education. Consequently, the quality of management of both the system as a whole and specific educational organizations leaves much to be desired. Next, we highlight some problem areas that, in our opinion, are decisive in the field of management of an educational organization.

Firstly, the most important problem of educational organizations in the field of management (oddly enough, so far ...) is the culture of meeting customer needs. The marketing orientation of the organization in the market of educational services, of course, should become the leading one for all educational institutions, from preschool education to organizations additional education. Although, in the latter, the situation in this regard is much better, especially if this organization is commercial. There are many causes and consequences of the problem that has developed in the indicated plan, among which there are both objective and subjective, but the fact remains. For some reason, the system, for example, of car service support is many times better than the same system in education. If not to say that the system of customer service in education, both before he came to an educational institution, and after he formally graduated from it, is completely absent. And there are hundreds of such examples. Meanwhile, the idea of ​​the value of the client should literally permeate the management system of the educational organization, which should, first of all, meet the needs of this client, and not get hung up on solving their own internal management problems.

Secondly, a significant problem in the sphere of management of educational organizations is its overregulation and formalization on the part of state, regional and local educational authorities and other government structures and regulatory bodies. Unfortunately, in recent years, the number of reporting documents, statistical data, organizational and economic regulations has increased significantly, although the logic of the development of socio-economic systems tells us otherwise. We can draw a disappointing conclusion that the degree of bureaucratization (in the most negative sense of this term) of the education system has not decreased, as it should be, but has increased significantly. And instead of solving the really pressing problems of managing an educational organization, their leaders are often engaged in replicating information rubbish, often no one, in fact, needs it. Partially, this problem gives rise to the above one, when the activities of the management of an educational organization are aimed at satisfying the founders (which, of course, is partly true, but only partly ....), and not at satisfying the main customer - the student. Although declaratively, from the side of educational authorities, it looks quite different.

Thirdly, an important problem directly for the heads of educational organizations is weak (or even absent) strategic thinking. A neglectful attitude to the careful construction of an educational institution's development strategy negatively affects all of its activities. The inability to determine one's place in the educational services market, to explore the trends in this market, competitors, one's strengths and weaknesses, to determine development opportunities in the relevant market, lead to organizational passivity and "budget dependency". Which also cannot but affect the quality of management of an educational organization. The formation of a general strategy and the implementation of individual strategic directions in the activities of an educational institution can guarantee its relative stability and progressive development.

Fourth, another significant problem in the management of educational organizations is, in our opinion, the concentration of leaders on solving momentary problems, instead of paying attention to the key processes that give rise to these problems. One of the most effective methodological approaches in management is the process one, which fully justifies itself in the field of education. The selection of the main processes, the definition of the "input" and "output" of a particular process, the identification of all components of the process and the analysis of their effectiveness, the search for relationships between different processes, the appointment of those responsible for the process can significantly improve the quality of each process separately (especially the educational process) and the quality of management of the educational organization generally.

And, finally, fifthly, a relatively local, but also important problem of the management of educational organizations is the weak application of modern technologies management (for example: “management by objectives”, “six sigma”, “change management”, “balanced scorecard”, “continuous improvement”, “knowledge management”, “project management”, etc.). At the same time, at present, the importance of introducing modern management technologies in educational organizations can hardly be overestimated. This is due to the fact that the education system, due to the historical features of socio-economic development, plays the role of "catching up" in the economy. Therefore, education can only adopt existing management technologies from commercial organizations. But this is the only way to bring the quality of management of an educational organization to a decent level. This is also important because new functions and models of education are increasingly being introduced in this area, which require appropriate organizational support, which can only be created through the use of modern technologies.

Of course, this is not an exhaustive list of problems in the field of management of educational organizations, but correcting only these shortcomings can significantly improve the quality of this management. Moreover, as noted, this process is two-way. On the one hand, changes should come from the authorities in terms of providing greater freedom in the management of an educational organization, removing the bureaucratic burden, freeing from excessive formal control, and so on. On the other hand, changes in the management system of an educational organization should come from within. And this, in our opinion, is the most important path for the head of an educational institution. Customer orientation, strategic thinking, process optimization and the use of modern management technologies can significantly improve the quality of management of educational organizations, and hence the quality of education in general.

  • Efimov V.S., Lapteva A.V. Foresight of higher education in Russia - 2030: the basic scenario is the "conversion" of higher education // University management: practice and analysis No. 3 (85), 2013 // Yekaterinburg, 2013, pp. 6-21.
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    In the modern world, along with the growing influence of human capital, the importance of education as the most important factor in the formation of a new quality of society is increasing.

    Management of an educational institution in modern conditions is a complex process, the components of which are right choice goals and objectives, study and in-depth analysis of the achieved level of educational work, a system of rational planning, organization of the activities of student and teaching teams, choosing the best ways to improve the level of education and upbringing, effective control.

    School management is scientifically based actions of the administration and teachers aimed at the rational use of time and effort of teachers and students in the educational process with the aim of in-depth study of academic subjects, moral education, comprehensive development of the individual and preparation for a conscious choice of profession.

    The solution of these issues depends on the ability of the head of the school and teachers to creatively use the latest achievements of science and best practices, on relationships in the team, on the activity of teachers and students in educational and educational work.

    Efficiency and competitiveness modern organizations and the role of the psychological factor in managing them is described in his works by Rozanova V.A.

    Problems arising in management educational institutions, dedicate their works to Lazarev V.S., Potashnik M.M., Frish G.L., Pidkasisty P.I., Slastenin V.A., Rogov E.I., Konarzhevsky Yu.A., Shamova T.I.

    The personality of a leader in management structures is considered by Ukrainian psychologists Bandurka A.M., Bocharova S.P., Zemlyanskaya E.V. Shipunov V.G., Kishkel E.N. pay great attention to the role of the leader in the management system.

    The solution of theoretical and practical problems of managing an educational institution is becoming increasingly important due to humanization and democratization, the growing role and importance of protecting human rights and freedoms, the development of market relations, the formation of new social structures and forms of management. Therefore, in order to effectively influence the activities of subordinates, a modern leader needs a deep understanding of the basics of organization and management. Although these mechanisms in the modern management of an educational institution are still little studied, the results already available scientific research can significantly expand the manager's ability to create conditions conducive to the formation of the interest of team members in the productive work of the organization.

    An analysis of the literature relating to issues of organization and management, a study of the experience of managerial activity shows that at present not enough attention is paid to the management of an educational institution, its qualities and performance, the requirements that modern rapidly changing society imposes on its leader.

    Thus, the chosen topic "Organization and management of an educational institution" is relevant, as it considers the foundations and modern mechanisms for the effective management of the teaching staff and has great practical significance, which lies in the possibility of improving the conditions of the pedagogical work of teachers, increasing the efficiency of the management process of an educational institution by improving the professionalism of managers schools and their substitutes.

    Thus, the purpose of the course work is to study the modern foundations of the organization and management of an educational institution.

    object learning is the management system of an educational institution.

    Subject- the process of organizing and managing an educational institution and its impact on the effectiveness of managing the teaching staff.

    In accordance with the purpose, object and subject, the following tasks:

    1. To study the scientific, methodological literature, media materials in this area;

    2. Define the concepts of "Management of an educational institution", "management system of an educational institution";

    3. Identify the functions and principles of management of an educational institution;

    4. Consider the management structure of an educational institution;

    5. To characterize the management styles of an educational institution and determine the most effective style at the present stage of development of the educational space;

    The study used the following methods: analysis of literature, study and generalization of the experience of management activities by an educational institution.

    Chapter 1. The management system of an educational institution

    1.1 The concept of managing an educational institution

    The management process always takes place where it is carried out general activity people to achieve certain results.

    Management refers to the systematic impact of the subject of management activity (one person, a group of persons or a specially created body) on a social object, which can be society as a whole, its separate sphere (for example, economic or social), a separate enterprise, firm, etc. in order to ensure their integrity, normal functioning, dynamic balance with the environment and achievement of the intended goal.

    Since an educational institution is a social organization and it is a system of joint activities of people (teachers, students, parents), it is advisable to talk about managing it.

    social management is carried out by influencing the living conditions of people, the motivation of their interests, their value orientations.

    Many scientists define the concept of "management" through the concept of "activity", "impact", "interaction".

    As Pidkasisty P.I. notes, control- process impact on the system in order to transfer it to a new state based on the use of the objective laws inherent in this system.

    Management as “influence” or “impact” is also defined by Shipunov V.P., Kishkel E.N. ., Bandurka A.M. .

    "Under management in general, - writes V.A. Slastenin, - understood activity aimed at making decisions, organizing, controlling, regulating the object of management in accordance with a given goal, analyzing and summing up on the basis of reliable information. "And intra-school management, in his opinion, is a" purposeful, conscious interaction participants in a holistic pedagogical process based on the knowledge of its objective patterns in order to achieve the optimal result" .

    Rozanov V.A. notes that management is a system of coordinated activities (measures) aimed at achieving significant goals.

    Since today the philosophy of "influence" in school management is being replaced by the philosophy of "interaction", "cooperation", the concept of "management of an educational institution" should be defined through the concept of interaction. So, under the management of an educational institution, we understand the systematic, planned, conscious and purposeful interaction subjects of management at various levels in order to ensure the effective operation of an educational institution.

    Currently, the concept of management from the field of business is increasingly spreading to various areas of human activity, including education. However, the concept of management is narrower than the concept of management, since management mainly concerns various aspects of the leader's activities, while the concept of management covers the entire area of ​​human relationships in systems "managers-executors". Thus, the theory of school management, in particular, the teaching staff, is significantly supplemented by the theory of intra-school management.

    The theory of management attracts, first of all, with its personal orientation, when the activity of a manager (manager) is based on genuine respect, trust in his employees, creating situations of success for them. It is this side of management that significantly complements the theory of intra-school management.

    Speaking about the management of an educational institution, one should keep in mind control system, that is, apply a systematic approach to the theoretical understanding of managerial activity.

    The management system is understood as a set of coordinated, interrelated activities aimed at achieving a significant goal of the organization. Such activities include managerial functions, implementation of principles and application of good management practices.

    1.2 Management functions of an educational institution

    Key Management Functions- These are relatively separate areas of management activity.

    The functional links of management are considered as special, relatively independent types of activities, successively interconnected stages, the full composition of which forms a single management cycle. The end of one cycle is the beginning of a new one. Thus, movement to higher qualitative states of the controlled system is ensured.

    There are several functions of management of educational institutions. Lazarev V.S. distinguishes among them planning, organization, leadership and control. To these main functions Slastenin V.A. adds pedagogical analysis, goal setting, regulation .

    A.M. Moiseev, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Academy of Advanced Training and Retraining of Educational Workers, identifies three large groups of functions of managing an educational institution:

    1. Management functions of maintaining the stable functioning of an educational institution;

    2. Functions management of school development and innovation processes;

    3. The functions of managing the functioning and self-development of intra-school management include actions in relation to the management system of an educational institution itself.

    Summarizing the views of these scientists, we will reveal the following functions of managing an educational institution: analysis, goal setting and planning, organization, management, control and regulation .

    Analysis- a relatively isolated stage (stage) of cognitive management activity, the essence of which is the creative study, systematization, generalization and evaluation of various information about socio-economic conditions, the implementation of legal educational policy, the satisfaction of social needs, the experience of established management practices at all levels. .

    Based on the analysis of individual, group and public educational needs of the population, the most important social needs are identified: socio-economic, environmental, valeological, cultural, scientific, territorial, pedagogical, domestic, etc., determining the goals and content of education, the market of customers and consumers is determined. The latter include state authorities and administrations, enterprises and institutions, public organizations, active population groups, family, individuals.

    The function of pedagogical analysis in its modern sense was introduced and developed in the theory of intraschool management by Yu.A. Konarzhevsky. Pedagogical analysis in the structure of the management cycle takes special place: it begins and ends with it any management cycle, consisting of sequentially interconnected functions. The exclusion of pedagogical analysis from the general chain of managerial activity leads to its disintegration, when the functions of planning, organization, control, regulation do not receive rationale and completion in their development.

    The effectiveness of managerial activity is largely determined by how school leaders master the methodology of pedagogical analysis, how deeply they can investigate the established facts, and identify the most characteristic dependencies. An untimely or unprofessional analysis in the activities of a school principal leads, at the stage of developing a goal and forming tasks, to vagueness, vagueness, and sometimes to the unreasonableness of decisions made. Ignorance of the true state of affairs in a teaching or student team creates difficulties in establishing the correct system of relationships in the process of regulating and correcting the pedagogical process. The main purpose of pedagogical analysis as a management function, according to Yu.A. Konarzhevsky, consists in studying the state and trends in the development of the pedagogical process, in an objective assessment of its results, followed by the development of recommendations on this basis for streamlining the controlled system. This function is one of the most time-consuming in the structure of the management cycle, since the analysis involves the separation of parts in the object under study into a single whole, the establishment of links between system-forming factors. In the theory and practice of intraschool management, Yu.A. Konarzhevsky and T.I. Shamova identified the main types of pedagogical analysis depending on its content: parametric, thematic, final.

    Parametric analysis is aimed at studying daily information about the course and results of the educational process, identifying the causes that violate it.

    Thematic analysis is aimed at studying more stable, recurring dependencies, trends in the course and results of the pedagogical process.

    This type of pedagogical analysis allows the school principal to focus on studying and identifying the features of the manifestation of certain aspects of the pedagogical process, to determine their interaction with other parties, components and the system as a whole.

    Final Analysis covers a larger time, space or content framework. It is held at the end of the academic quarter, half year, academic year and is aimed at studying the main results, prerequisites and conditions for their achievement. The final analysis prepares the course of all subsequent functions of the management cycle.

    The content basis of the final analysis of the work of the school for the academic year is the following areas: the quality of teaching; implementation of educational programs and state standards; the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities of students; the level of upbringing of schoolchildren; the state and quality of methodological work at school; effectiveness of work with parents and the public; the state of health of schoolchildren and sanitary and hygienic culture; the performance of the school council, the pedagogical council, etc.

    Conducting a final analysis, its objectivity, depth, and prospects prepare work on the plan for the new academic year.

    Goal-setting and planning as a function of school management. The management process of any pedagogical system involves goal setting (goal setting) and planning (decision making). The improvement of goal-setting and planning of managerial work is dictated by the need for constant development and movement of the pedagogical system.

    Slastenin V.A. notes that "the goal of management activity is the beginning that determines the general direction, content, forms and methods of work. When determining the "tree" of management goals, it is necessary to present a general, or as they say, "general" goal in the form of a number of specific private goals, then is to decompose the general goal. Thus, the achievement of the general, general goal is carried out through the fulfillment of its constituent private goals. .

    This understanding of goal-setting allows us to move on to integrated planning. "Planning future activities, - as V.S. Lazarev writes, - means determining the goals, composition and structure of actions necessary to achieve them."

    In the practice of educational institutions, three main types of plans are developed: prospective, annual and current. The following requirements are imposed on them: purposefulness, perspectiveness, complexity, objectivity.

    A long-term plan is developed, as a rule, for five years, based on a deep analysis of the work of the school in recent years.

    The annual plan covers the entire academic year, including summer holidays.

    The current plan is drawn up for the academic quarter, it is a specification of the school-wide annual plan. Thus, the presence of the main types of plans allows you to coordinate the activities of pedagogical, student and parent teams. These plans are strategic in relation to the work plans of teachers and class teachers.

    The implementation of the planning function in a single management cycle increases the efficiency of the school. The main shortcoming of school planning to this day remains the absence in the plans of many educational institutions of realistically achievable in the planning period and scientifically based goals and specific tasks, the lack of orientation of management activities towards final results.

    The function of the organization in the management of an educational institution.

    Organization- this is the stage of management aimed at ensuring the choice of the best ways to carry out planned and creative tasks, determining a set of actions leading to the formation of relationships between parts of the whole: instruction, coordination, unification of people jointly implementing a program or goal. The main thing for organizational activity is the question of how really, with the help of what actions the goals of the organization are realized. That is why organizational activity is considered as a performing activity, as an implementation stage of management. .

    By its nature, the organizational activity of a person is a practical activity based on the operational use of psychological and pedagogical knowledge in specific situations. Constant interaction with colleagues, students gives organizational activity a certain personality-oriented orientation.

    The content of organizational activity can be revealed more fully through its characteristics in relation to all other management functions, each of which implies a certain orderliness and organization.

    At the stage of implementing the goals of the system, the most important and starting point of the organization is a clear definition and distribution of the functional responsibilities of all persons and departments that form the system. In turn, the distribution of functional duties involves taking into account the level of preparedness of each member of the organization, assessing individual psychological characteristics in terms of their compliance with the intended functional duties. Questions of training, selection, selection, placement of personnel are the core of the organizational stage of management in any social system.

    In the structure of organizational activities of the head important place occupies the motivation of the forthcoming activity, instruction, the formation of conviction in the need to fulfill this assignment, ensuring the unity of actions of the teaching and student teams, providing direct assistance in the process of performing work, choosing the most appropriate forms of stimulating activity. The organizational activity of the leader includes such a necessary action as an assessment of the progress and results of a particular case.

    The set of actions performed by the subject of management to ensure all these conditions is called management.

    When implementing the management function, the following main tasks are solved:

    1) selection, placement and evaluation of personnel, setting tasks for performers;

    2) analysis and regulation of the socio-psychological climate in the team;

    3) stimulation of the productive activity of subordinates and their self-development;

    4) creation of conditions for the professional growth of subordinates.

    Control - one of the stages of management, consisting in identifying deviations in the value of the actual parameters of the controlled system from the standards that serve as evaluation criteria (goals, legislative norms), in measuring, evaluating the results of the program. Due to various limitations that always exist in the external environment or in the system itself, the goals set are rarely achieved.

    The peculiarity of control in an educational institution lies in its evaluative function - focusing on the personality of the teacher. If the teacher is young, then it affects his professional development; if this is a teacher with experience - on strengthening or weakening his professional position and authority in the school.

    The existing practice of intra-school control is not without some shortcomings. Firstly, this is the absence of a control system, when there is no distribution of objects of control among the director and his deputies, when control is organized in the name of a report and a set of the number of lessons or classes attended. Secondly, this is a formalism in the organization of control, when there is no clearly defined goal of the control being carried out, objective evaluation criteria are absent or not used. Thirdly, the one-sidedness of intra-school control, understood as the control of any one side, one direction of the pedagogical process. For example, only the educational process is controlled, or only the lessons of the Russian language and mathematics, etc. Fourth, participation in the control of only officials, without the involvement of experienced teachers, methodologists, or, conversely, a small participation of representatives of the administration.

    In the process of intra-school control, methods such as the study of school documentation, observation, conversations, oral and written control, questionnaires, the study of advanced pedagogical experience, timekeeping, diagnostic methods, i.e. methods that allow obtaining the necessary objective information. The methods complement each other, if we want to know the real state of affairs, we must, if possible, use various methods of control.

    The stage is closely related to the control function of management. regulation or corrections, i.e. the process of preventing and eliminating possible or actual deviations from the set goals. The reasons for deviations in the final results may be incorrectly drawn up plans and errors in them, lack of complete and timely information, weak forecasts, errors in decisions made, poor execution, shortcomings in monitoring and evaluating results. At this stage, all control functions are presented in a collapsed form. Regulation and correction can be considered as operational management of current states (deviations). In cases where the measures taken do not produce results, there is a need to reconsider the goals. And this means the beginning of a new management cycle with the deployment of all the main stages of management technology.

    1.3 General and specific principles of management of an educational institution

    The activity of the manager, aimed at the implementation of managerial functions, is based on the principles of management.

    Control principle- these are the fundamental, fundamental rules that must be observed in the implementation of management, to ensure the achievement of specified goals.

    The management of an educational institution is one of the types of social management. It is quite natural that, in addition to the principles inherent only in school management, it widely applies the principles common to government controlled and the process of any labor (principles of NOT), the principles of social management.

    Principles of NOT. Any work (productive, pedagogical, managerial, etc.), regardless of its scope, form and content, is subject to certain laws and is based on a number of general provisions. Such basic principles of labor activity are: scientific character, regularity, optimality, material and moral stimulation, prospects, consistency, complexity, etc. .

    An example principles of social management principles can serve , developed by A. Fayol. Leading among them are:

    the principle of the optimal ratio of centralization and decentralization in management;

    the principle of unity of unity of command and collegiality in management;

    the principle of a rational combination of rights, duties and responsibilities in management.

    Specific principles of educational system management.

    The principle of combining the interests of children's and adult teams proceeds from these features of the school as a socio-pedagogical system and assumes, on the one hand, taking into account the peculiarities of the formation and development of the children's team, whose members do not yet have sufficient social experience, provides for the development of children's independence, initiative, requires protecting children's sense of self-consciousness. On the other hand, the observance of this principle implies taking into account the specifics of the adult team. This provides for the possibility of relying on life experience, social activities, political maturity, the responsibility of teachers, a sense of teacher pride, and involves maintaining the authority of the teacher in the eyes of children and their parents.

    Pedagogical direction of management activities in the school. School management means the implementation of a variety of activities: administrative, economic, organizational, legal, pedagogical. This activity is aimed at solving problems of various nature, for example, strengthening the material and technical base of the school, building and repairing educational buildings, supplying equipment, landscaping, school buildings, purchasing furniture, teaching aids, ensuring sanitary and hygienic conditions, arranging pedagogical personnel, recruitment of classes, regulation of the working hours of the school, control over the activities of teachers and students, organization of mass events with students, ensuring cohesion, a creative attitude to business, etc. However, the effectiveness of this activity is achieved when it is completely subordinated to pedagogical tasks.

    The principle of normativity. School management should be carried out on the basis of a certain generally accepted regulatory framework, in accordance with the existing recommendations governing various aspects of educational work, regulations, charter, instructions, guidelines, circular letters from the Ministry of Education.

    The principle of objectivity involves strict adherence to the requirements of the objective laws of the educational process, taking into account the real capabilities of the teaching staff, the real contribution of each of its members, is the main condition for the activities of the school.

    Unity of pedagogical positions consists of the formation of a unified view of the tasks of the lesson, the value of extracurricular work, the assessment of the final results of work, leads to the provision unified requirements to students, a common style of relations between students and teachers, etc.

    The principle of combining state and public principles. We must not allow the alienation of the school from society and society from the school, the isolation of the school from the processes taking place in public life, as well as the narrowness and corporatism of the professional interests of teachers. The school has always faced the task of combining the efforts of the state and society to solve the problems of development, the organic merging of public and state principles in its management. .

    Any system of principles can be used in management. After all, as A. Fayol writes, "the trouble is not a lack of principles. One must be able to operate with principles. This is a difficult art that requires thoughtfulness, experience of determination and a sense of proportion."

    There is a close relationship between the principles and methods of managing the teaching staff. Methods, according to the definition of Pidkasisty P.I., are ways, ways of implementing the principles of management, achieving the intended goals. . The most well-known methods of team management are management decision-making methods ( brainstorming method, discussion, business game, routine method, etc.) and methods of their implementation(methods of collective and individual motivation, administrative methods, etc.)

    Thus, the process of managing the teaching staff requires managers to high level professionalism. An effective leader is considered to be the one that at the stage of implementation of a particular management function demonstrates only positive personal qualities using effective principles and methods of interaction with the team.

    The effectiveness of the management process, the mood of people in the organization, relations between employees depend on many factors: the immediate working conditions, the professionalism of personnel, the level of management, etc. And one of the first roles in a number of these factors is played by the personality of the leader.

    1.4 Organizational structure of educational institution management

    Today it is impossible for one leader to solve all managerial tasks, therefore, it becomes necessary to build the organizational structure of an educational institution.

    An organizational structure is a way of dividing a common goal into subgoals and distributing the latter between subsystems or elements. Defining the organizational structure, the subject of management regulates the powers and responsibilities of the participants in joint activities, as well as the rules for their interaction vertically and horizontally.

    From the point of view of management, an educational institution, like any social system, can be structured into a subject and an object of management. The subject of management includes all those individuals and social groups that organize the management process. Those individuals and groups to whom control actions are addressed act as objects of control. Since in social systems management is associated with people, it takes the form of leadership. It is customary to call the subjects of management managers and governing bodies, and the objects of management - executors (subordinates), or executive bodies.

    The pedagogical system is "a set of interconnected structural and functional components subordinated to the goals of upbringing, education and training of the younger generation and adults" (N.V. Kuzmina).

    The internal organizational structure of the system is determined not only by its intended purpose, but also by the ways of sectioning the system, i.e. criteria that are accepted as the leading structure-forming factors. For example, when targeting an organization, its multi-level structure will correspond to a hierarchy or "tree of goals".

    With a multi-level hierarchical structure of management, the same persons or bodies can simultaneously act as an object of management in relation to a superior person or body and as a subject of management in relation to subordinate persons.

    The structure of such a system as a school is diverse, polystructural; a huge number of structures of various kinds operate in it, which can be grouped into four main groups.

    1) C the structure of the material and educational base of the school, those. a way of connecting such elements as school buildings, furniture, technical equipment, educational and visual aids, technical means training, etc.

    2) The structure of the general school team, including:

    the structure of the teaching staff, which includes methodological commissions on subjects, subject departments, educators, various informal groups, etc.;

    the structure of the student team, consisting of groups of primary, secondary and senior classes, various student associations in accordance with the interests of students;

    the structure of the support staff of the school;

    the structure of the administrative apparatus (organizational structure of management).

    3) Procedural structures - the most mobile, dynamic, manifested in the activities of people. There are a huge number of procedural structures in the school, ranging from the structure of each lesson to the innovative process. System-forming, uniting, subordinating all the rest is the educational process.

    4) The last block in the general school structure - the most complex and least studied - its spiritual structure. This is its philosophy, mission, policy and strategy, organizational culture.

    Organizational culture- this is a system of ideas, values ​​and patterns of behavior, shared by all its members, setting guidelines for their behavior and actions, as well as a sign-symbolic system (mythology, rites and rituals, organizational heroes, organizational taboos, communication language and slogans).

    When considering the management system of a school, the composition of its subjects, a set of managerial functions, and the organizational structure of management (their hierarchical structure, managerial connections and relationships, subordination and subordination by levels, links and blocks) are usually singled out.

    The organizational structure of the control system is usually depicted in the form of a diagram, a model called an organigram, where, in addition to the subjects, the connections between them are shown: who reports to whom (relationship of subordination), who interacts with whom on an equal footing (relationship of coordination).

    There are several types of organizational structures for managing an educational institution: linear, functional, linear-functional, divisional, project and matrix. Let's consider the main ones.

    Linear- represents a sequence (hierarchy) of individual and collective subjects, arranged in order of subordination from top to bottom, i.e. in relationships of subordination;

    functional, where the subjects line up in accordance with their functional duties, where coordination links are indicated;

    Linear-functional organizational structure, where the connections and relations of subjects are characterized simultaneously by subordination and coordination, i.e. developed both vertically and horizontally;

    for schools that have switched to the development mode, along with the linear functional, there is also matrix a structure in which various mixed management entities (creative groups, organizing committees, research teams, etc.) are represented, which are temporarily created to solve one or another innovative task or problem.

    The most common organizational structure of an educational institution in practice is a linear-functional structure (Appendix 1).

    Speaking about the organizational structures of the management of an educational institution, it is impossible not to say about the levels of the management system. The structure of the management system of most educational institutions is represented by 4 levels of management (vertical structure):

    First level- school director, heads of the school council, student committee, public associations. This level defines strategic direction of school development.

    Second level- Deputy directors of the school, school psychologist, organizer of the children's movement, assistant director of the school for the administrative and economic part, as well as bodies and associations participating in self-government. These entities carry out tactical control educational institution.

    Third level- teachers, educators, class teachers, performing operational managerial functions in relation to students and parents, children's associations, circles in the system of extracurricular activities.

    Fourth level - co-management- students, bodies of class and school-wide student self-government. The allocation of this level emphasizes the subject - the subjective nature of the relationship between teachers and students.

    Each lower level of the subject of management is at the same time the object of management in relation to the higher level (Appendix 2). On each of them, its own structure of bodies, associations, councils, etc. unfolds horizontally.

    The fifth and sixth levels in the management structure may appear if several educational institutions are merged (general director level), as well as when some body (for example, a board of founders, a board of trustees, a school conference, etc.). Subjects of this level have the right to appoint and remove directors, distribute finances, change the purpose and structure of the school.

    Chapter 2. Organization and management of an educational institution in modern conditions

    2.1 Personal qualities and management style of a modern leader

    The problem of leadership occupies a special place in the theory of management and organization. Traditionally, leadership is understood as the relationship that arises in the organization in the process and about management. The basic principle of management is unity of command. Its essence is that power, the right to decide, responsibility and ability to control the processes and relationships in the organization are provided to only one official. Accordingly, the leader is a person personifying responsibility, power and the right to control. One-man relations largely form the hierarchical pyramid of the organization.

    In the most general way, one can define requirements, which corresponds to the head of any managerial rank in various social organizations.

    These requirements are determined through professionally significant qualities, by which we mean the individual qualities of the subject of activity, affecting the effectiveness of the activity and the success of its development. The answer to the question about the qualities that a leader should have has undergone a significant evolution in the course of development. management theory(F. Taylor, A. Fayol, L.I. Umansky and others).

    Based on a general analysis of research by psychologists in the field of management, all the qualities that a modern leader should have can be divided into five groups:

    1) human qualities: diligence; integrity, honesty; commitment, fidelity to the word; self-criticism; humanity; tact; justice; purposefulness; altruism; high culture, impeccable morality; energy; performance; consistency; love for your work; optimism; demanding of oneself and others; sense of humor; external attractiveness (tidiness, style of clothing, etc.);

    2) psychophysiological qualities: good health, resistance to stress, general level of development, intellectual properties, individual psychological properties (temperament, personality orientation);

    3) business qualities and organizational skills: initiative; independence in solving problems; self-organization (the ability to save one's own and other people's time, punctuality and accuracy); discipline; performance; the ability to clearly define the goal and set the task; the ability to change the style of behavior depending on the conditions; the ability to arrange personnel and organize their interaction, the ability to mobilize the team and lead it along; the ability to control the activities of subordinates; ability and desire to make decisions quickly; the ability and desire to objectively analyze and evaluate the results, the ability to stimulate subordinates; creative approach to the assigned task; the ability to maintain initiative, the desire to use everything new, progressive; the ability to maintain one's authority.

    4) communicative qualities: the ability of a manager to establish business relations with superiors and related managers, with subordinates, the ability to maintain a normal psychological climate in a team, the ability to communicate (culture of speech, the ability to listen, etc.), the ability to speak in public ;

    5) professional knowledge: knowledge of the science of management (fundamentals of management, personnel management, etc.); application in practice of modern organizational and managerial principles and methods; ability to work with documentation. .

    If a leader possesses all of the above qualities, he can be considered ideal.

    Rozanova V.A. notes the following qualities of a leader (manager) that impede the effective operation of the organization:

    insufficient formation of an individual managerial concept;

    mismatch of organizational and personal values ​​and goals of the manager;

    insufficient degree of availability of managerial abilities of the manager;

    lack of knowledge, skills and abilities of a manager in the field of managerial activity;

    manager's lack of creativity;

    inability to manage oneself;

    inability to manage a group;

    unfriendly attitude towards staff;

    lack of desire for personal growth;

    inability to motivate staff;

    difficulties in communicating with subordinates;

    applying an ineffective leadership style;

    focus on yourself and your personal goals;

    lack of focus on solving professional problems;

    lack of creativity in work;

    conservative behavior of the manager;

    the presence of conflicting behavioral tendencies;

    the presence of neurotic tendencies of behavior;

    A competent leader will never allow such a number of shortcomings in himself and his activities, he will constantly work on self-development, self-education, improvement and self-education.

    All the personal qualities of a leader are manifested in his management style. Management style- this is a certain system of methods, methods and forms of managerial activity preferred by the head. In relation to education, the following leadership styles are used:

    Directive collegial style.

    The leader seeks to make individual decisions. Distributes powers with the participation of direct deputies. In work, he is active, which is not observed in subordinates. The prevailing method of leadership is orders and assignments, the requests of the performers are rarely carried out.

    Shows an active interest in discipline, regularly and strictly supervising subordinates. The main emphasis in the work is not on achievements, but on the mistakes and miscalculations of subordinates. The demands on others are very high. The leader allows advice and objections only to his assistants. Criticism is negative. He has endurance. Communication with subordinates occurs only on production issues. Business oriented, i.e. to the task. Positive attitude towards innovations, but not towards human relations. In the absence of the leader, the team copes with the work, but under the control of the deputy.

    Directive-passive style. The distribution of powers is constantly changing, being mismatched. The activity of performers is allowed, but not considered significant. Often resorts to requests and persuasion, but when this does not help, he uses orders. Strictly refers to the observance of discipline, but does not make much effort in this matter. Control over the work of performers is carried out rarely, but very strictly with the main emphasis on the results of the work. Entirely relies on the competence of employees. Allows subordinates to give advice. Little interest in work. Careful and tactful with staff. Subordinates are often more competent than the leader. He demands unconditional obedience from his deputies. Avoids innovation, especially in dealing with people. Pays attention to managerial functions when significant problems arise. He practically does not deal with issues of the socio-psychological climate in the team. For him, these problems are solved by other people. In the absence of a leader, the team reduces labor productivity.

    In connection with the prevailing scientific interpretations, the directive position in management retains its leading position, because it is most convenient for managers as a familiar standard of relations with subordinates. This standard is unconditionally accepted and implicitly approved not only by the subjects, but also by the objects of management. It embodies the traditional directive style in which personality traits bosses for the ruled matter only as "fair decisions" on benefits and punishments. A leader can be at the same time an outspoken dictator and an understanding interlocutor, a caring mentor and an impartial judge - all this is accepted as a necessary "fatherly" (maternal) severity, and the self-organization of subordinates itself loses its meaning for them.

    The style is passive-collegiate. The leader seeks to avoid responsibility, takes a passive position in the implementation of managerial functions. Allows initiative from subordinates, but does not strive for it himself. Allows performers to work independently. The main method of leadership - requests, advice, persuasion, orders tries not to give. Poor supervision of subordinates. He surrounds himself with highly qualified specialists, positively relates to innovations in the field of communication with people. Opposes innovations in the sphere of production. Demands for justice, but rarely. Often goes on about the subordinates. In the absence of a leader, the team continues to work effectively.

    mixed style guides. The distribution of powers in the performance of managerial functions is carried out between themselves and the performers. The initiative comes from both the leader himself and his subordinates. But he tries to take a little on himself, if he does not take the initiative himself. He has a positive attitude towards the independence of performers. The main methods are orders, orders or requests, but sometimes resorts to persuasion or even reprimands. Does not focus on discipline. Carries out selective control, strictly monitors the final result of labor. With subordinates in communication keeps a distance, without showing superiority. Gives the right attention to production tasks, as well as human relations. There is a normal socio-psychological climate within the team.

    Today regulations require the reorientation of educational leaders to a different style of relations. The most significant educational institution for the head is determined by the reflexive style of management, which involves the introduction of such values ​​into the life of the manager as co-management of the learning process, joint goal setting, design, transformation of knowledge content, stimulation of research activities of teachers, etc.

    At the same time, when implementing a directive style or declaring the implementation of a reflexive one, heads of educational institutions find themselves in a difficult position. The first style is branded as authoritarian and unacceptable, but the most accessible, because it is understandable, unconditionally accepted and implicitly approved not only by the subjects, but also by the objects of management. The reflexive style is required to be introduced from above, officially defining it as the only possible one in the conditions of democratization. However, clearly demonstrated patterns of public administration (strengthening the vertical of power, growing influence power structures, control over the media, etc.) indicate the dubious effectiveness of purely reflexive methods of management in Russia.

    Each specific leader cannot have only one style. An experienced leader is able to use one or another style depending on the circumstances: the content of the tasks to be solved, the specific composition of the led group, etc.

    Leadership style has a great influence on the activities of subordinates, and the effectiveness of the organization.

    So, the effectiveness of any organization, including a comprehensive school, depends on the style of team management. The management style manifests itself personal qualities of a leader. By developing and improving the personal qualities of leaders, changing the leadership style, it is possible to increase the efficiency of the educational institution.

    2.2 Personnel policy of an educational institution at the present stage

    Today, when the status of a teacher has a very low social level, the management of an educational institution is faced with the acute problem of attracting and retaining qualified personnel. The limited material and social guarantees from the state do not allow us to confine ourselves to one sad statement of this problem. The head of an educational institution is forced to independently look for ways to solve it, not only using funds from the director's fund, but also creating own system corporate incentives, benefits, success strategies, including taking care of the moral, psychological and valeological factors of the stability of the school team.

    As a result, the manager of an educational institution should be able to:

    form a team of like-minded people (grow the school as a corporation);

    provide optimal conditions for self-realization of children and adults;

    stimulate creativity, support initiative;

    delegate powers, develop forms of self-government, public control, guardianship;

    attract and competently use additional sources and methods of financing;

    use new social resources in personnel policy;

    build relationships with others social system;

    take care of creating the image and maintaining the social status of the school;

    to introduce high technologies in management processes.

    The modern head of the school is not an administrator who knows how to give orders and scold + bring to the attention of the point of view of higher authorities. It's more like a conductor in an orchestra, where everyone plays their own part. With this approach to management, the vertical model disappears, the rigid system of positions - a range of new competencies, freedom of maneuver, awareness and coordination of actions appear. So, there is a powerful resource for the development of corporate culture. Leading schools can become "islands" of corporate spirit, from which the real formation of the Russian education system as a spiritual community and strategic partnership will begin.

    The concept of professionalism is changing in the education system. Like many modern enterprises, the school today prefers not a narrow executive specialist who knows his subject "from and to", but a teacher who is able to solve interdisciplinary problems and regulate human relations, an active communicator with a whole range of key competencies. Each employee represents his firm; every teacher participates in the construction of the school world.

    Thus, the competitive conditions for employment in educational institutions are fundamentally changing, other requirements are put forward, among which the ability to communicate productively, the willingness to improve themselves, initiative and the ability to work in a team play an important role.

    Of course, these qualities need stimulation and support. The modern head of an educational institution should have in his arsenal a number of measures that guarantee employees corporate support, forming the so-called " teacher's social portfolio. The social portfolio can consist of two parts. The first includes various benefits and compensation payments, grants, etc. For example:

    Free lunch;

    Compensation for the education of employees' children;

    Ticket subsidy;

    Internet access and e-mail;

    Access to corporate information resources of the institution;

    Support for advanced training;

    Computer training;

    Medical support and insurance;

    Corporate gifts;

    Providing interest-free loans, etc.

    The second part assumes optimization of working conditions :

    support for initiatives (scientific and methodological, organizational and financial);

    conducting educational and methodological seminars, workshops, trainings;

    organization of the process of advanced training and obtaining additional professional competencies;

    workplace equipment;

    corporate network based on "intranet-internet" technologies;

    providing access to databases (Garant, Skynet, etc.);

    provision of periodicals;

    provision of specialized literature, etc.

    In addition to the "social portfolio", it is necessary to build a system emotional-psychological and valeological support teachers and staff, which may include:

    psychological and psychotherapeutic counseling (individual and group);

    communication trainings and business games;

    the cycle of school holidays and traditions;


    organization of a theater troupe and a show group of teachers;

    organization of group classes in shaping, aerobics, etc. (mixed groups "teachers-parents");

    tours, concerts and entertainment programs and etc.

    Important indicators of the stability of the school team are the level of culture of relations that have developed in the school community and a favorable psychological climate. Therefore, it is necessary to support by regularly holding events aimed at uniting the school community. .


    Russia, like many countries in transition, is undergoing large-scale social and economic reforms. An important component of these reforms are reforms in the education system.

    The education system that has developed in this millennium is going through a difficult period of renewal. The main task at this stage is to find the right answer to the question of what should be the management of an educational institution today in order to best promote democracy, an emerging civil society, a new quality of national culture and a new understanding of the phenomenon of globalization of education.

    The undertaken analysis allows to draw the following conclusions:

    The management of an educational institution is understood as a systematic, planned, conscious and purposeful interaction of management subjects at various levels in order to ensure the effective operation of an educational institution.

    The management system of an educational institution is a set of coordinated, interrelated activities aimed at achieving a significant goal of the organization. Such activities include managerial functions, implementation of principles and application of good management practices.

    Among the functions of managing an educational institution, the main ones are analysis, goal setting and planning, organization, leadership, control and regulation. These functions have a specific focus for an educational institution and are special, relatively independent species activities, sequentially interconnected stages, the full composition of which forms a single management cycle.

    In the practice of the work of educational institutions, both general and specific principles of management are taken into account. The specific principles include: a combination of interests of children and adults, the pedagogical orientation of management activities at school, the principle of normativity, the principle of objectivity, the unity of pedagogical positions, the combination of state and social principles.

    The most well-known methods of managing educational institutions at the present stage include management decision-making methods (brainstorming, discussion, business game, regulatory method, etc.) and methods for their implementation (methods of collective and individual motivation, administrative methods, etc.). .)

    There are several types of organizational structures for managing an educational institution: linear, functional, linear-functional, divisional, project and matrix. The most common organizational structure of an educational institution in modern practice is a linear-functional structure.

    The vertical management structure of an educational institution is represented by four levels: director - deputies - teachers - students. Each lower level of the subject of control is simultaneously the object of control in relation to the higher level.

    An important element of an effective management system of an educational institution is the management style. Management style is a certain system of methods, methods and forms of management activity preferred by the leader. Leadership style has a great influence on the activities of subordinates, and the effectiveness of the organization. Today, the most significant educational institution for the head is determined by the reflexive management style, which involves the introduction of such values ​​into the life of the manager as co-management of the learning process, joint goal setting, design, transformation of knowledge content, stimulation of research activities of teachers, etc.

    An important indicator of the effective management of an educational institution is the stability of the teaching and student staff. Therefore, today the head of an educational institution must find ways to solve the personnel problem using funds from the director's fund, creating his own system of corporate incentives, benefits, success strategies, take care of the moral, psychological and valeological factors of team stability.

    Thus, the concept of management, which a dozen years ago was interpreted only as command, is changing dramatically today: it is the regulation of information flows and communication processes, and not the transmission of orders from top to bottom. This is the delegation of authority and the joint solution of key issues; stake on competence and moral authority. Coming to an educational institution, new leader, the manager has to solve many problems, such as:

    the problem of management policy in the conditions of real competition of educational institutions;

    the problem of transition to an open and mobile educational system;

    the problem of attracting and retaining qualified personnel;

    the problem of finding additional funds and resources for modernization;

    the problem of creating conditions that provide adequate time for the quality of education;

    the problem of information support and exchange, etc.

    In the near future, the heads of educational institutions, as well as the entire Russian education system, will have to work significantly on resolving these problems.


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    Attachment 1

    Linear-functional management structure of a modern educational institution

    Annex 2

    I level Top management

    (institutional) Management of secondary

    Flight Director

    II level Grassroots management

    (managerial) link

    Deputy directors

    IV level Pupils

    Home > Law

    Problems of management of an educational institution (organization)

    and prospects for their resolution by means of law

    A.V. Artyukhov, doctor of sociological sciences In the modern world, education is one of the main mechanisms of progress, both scientific, technical and social. Here is an excerpt from the 2004 Presidential Address: “Today, in order to take leading positions in the difficult conditions of global competition, we must grow faster than the rest of the world. They must outstrip other countries both in growth rates, and in the quality of goods and services, and in the level of education, science, and culture. This is a question of our economic survival, a question of Russia's worthy place in the changed international conditions ". Therefore, interest in the activities of educational institutions, the requirements for their work have increased dramatically in recent years. Moreover, not only from the side of the state, but, first of all, from the side of citizens. And this is understandable, since the level of education, professional competence largely determine the well-being of the individual, his social status. Unfortunately, one should state the growing dissatisfaction in society with the results of the work of the domestic education system. This problem is complex, has a multifaceted nature, one can talk a lot about this, one can give many fairly weighty arguments about the reasons, but the problem of improving management directly at the level of an educational institution is becoming more tangible and more prominent against the backdrop of some positive changes in the education system. The effectiveness of the education system is defined as the total performance of each educational institution (organization) included in the system. Unfortunately, this performance, which is measured by a whole range of indicators, is often extremely different for educational institutions. This "unevenness" of work can be seen most clearly in the quality of education received by graduates. For example, why are the diplomas of one university listed on the labor market, while the employer looks at the diplomas of another university with suspicion? What's the matter? After all, many of the educational institutions are in equal legislative, economic, climatic and other conditions, but work very differently. Often we can find only one explanation - educational institutions differ in the quality of management. And it is no coincidence that we often associate the success or failure of an educational institution with the personality of the head of a university, college, school, etc. And here it is appropriate to talk about human resource management, which, in essence, is the main vector of management in an educational institution. One cannot but agree with the opinion of Randall S. Schuler: “Now, more than ever before, it is recognized that human resource management is a decisive factor for the survival and success of an organization.” Therefore, it is on how the head of the educational institution solves the main four tasks of human resource management (attracting the necessary employees, retaining the necessary employees, motivating employees, retraining them) that the effectiveness of the educational institution largely depends. It is no coincidence that sociological studies conducted by the Institute of Education Management at the municipal level on the problems of education showed that the greatest opportunities for the development of municipal education systems are the improvement of the management of educational institutions. Only about 3% of respondents believed that the management of an educational institution has no opportunity to influence the development of the education system, while over 22% recognized that there are great opportunities to influence the situation by improving the management of an educational institution. At the same time, every third respondent named one of the main constraints factors for the development of an educational institution - insufficient qualifications of managers and teaching staff, conservatism of the head of the institution or lack of time for the management of the institution to deal with the development of the educational institution. Today, the state of affairs in education, including its management, is dissatisfied with the majority of categories of people involved in this industry. If we look at management from the point of view of the participants in the educational process, we will see diverse opinions and views here. From the point of view of students and their parents, the management of most educational institutions does not provide the necessary protection of the interests of students and their families. I will name only some of the most common complaints about the management of an educational institution. a) The required quality of education is not provided. Here is an excerpt from the newspaper: “Recently, the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science checked the work of 125 universities and branches in the Stavropol Territory, Samara and Tyumen regions. The conclusion is disappointing: only 27 educational institutions provide the proper quality of education.” At the same time, graduates of a general education school must hire tutors or attend preparatory courses to enter a university, which creates overload for students and requires serious material costs from families, including the cost of bribes, which are a sign of a lack of professional management in an educational institution. And graduates of vocational schools in many cases cannot find a job due to professional incompetence and are forced to start their labor activity with retraining. “Of the one and a half million graduates who annually leave their alma maters with a diploma of higher education, only 700 thousand are able to compete in the labor market” (data from the newspaper). The right of citizens to education is not protected. First of all, we are talking about free education. Today, students or their parents in most educational institutions are forced to finance the learning process to one degree or another. For example, according to the Higher School of Economics, in the 2003-2004 academic year, preschool education spent most of the families with children preschool age. Only 13% of families had no expenses for these purposes. At the same time, 17% of families (and about 24% in Moscow) were forced to bear the costs to ensure the admission of children to preschool educational institutions. That is, the "entry" fee or it is often called "sponsorship" is becoming a common thing. Moreover, sponsorship is often accompanied by a gift. At the same time, the collection of contributions from parents for collective gifts to staff for the holidays has become widespread. Additional classes or “special” treatment of the child are paid, etc. As a result, a child's non-attendance at a pre-school institution is often explained by the lack of funds to pay for education. If you take general education school, a similar picture is observed here. In particular, about 80% of families make contributions to the class fund, schools, repairs, security, etc. Not to mention the procedure for entering a university, 7.3% of university students and 17.4% of college students make contributions to the funds of their educational institutions, and, respectively, 38 and 52% of students spent on gifts for teachers for the holidays. Thus, “gray” contributions not only increase families’ spending on education, but, first of all, destroy pedagogical relations between teachers and students, reduce the quality of education, create an atmosphere of suspicion and distrust, and allow us to talk about bribery and corruption in the education system. Students and parents are not satisfied with their participation in the management of the educational institution. Despite the proclaimed principle of the state-public nature of management in the field of education, in fact, self-government has not yet been developed in the domestic management system. For the most part, the role of public bodies of educational institutions, in which students or their parents participate, is limited to activities carried out outside the educational process, and in recent years they have been dealing with financial support for the functioning of schools and kindergartens, primarily at the expense of parents. Pedagogical workers refer to the “gaps” of management as the “inability” of managers to provide them with the necessary social status, working conditions, the opportunity to improve their skills, create a creative environment in the team, an environment of search, and skillfully introduce innovations. Of course, in the first place is the problem of wages. The claims are justified. Thus, in March of this year, the average monthly salary in the field of education was the lowest of all groups of economic activities and amounted to 5189 rubles. This is 64% of the all-Russian level of average wages, 53% of wages in the group of public administration, military security and compulsory social security, and 22% of wages in the field of financial activities. The numbers are telling. But the question arises, what can the head of a state or municipal educational institution do? The simplest, but not the best position is a stating position - how much was given, so much was divided. But finding a way out of a difficult situation is the responsibility of managers, because management is a process of planning, organization, control and, I especially emphasize, motivation to achieve the goals set for an educational institution. Practice shows that even with the current limited resources, it is possible to increase wages. For example, in the Tyumen region, the teams of many vocational schools using the provided independence have learned to earn money, including for raising wages. Or another example, this year in the Tyumen region a number of preschool educational institutions changed their organizational and legal form and immediately received new economic and financial opportunities. Heads of educational institutions evaluate the possibilities of management very reservedly. As severe constraints on managerial activity are called: the inability to attract the best representatives of society and young people to work because of low wages; the impossibility of economically stimulating employees if there are no sufficient extra-budgetary sources; financial opportunities do not allow creating the necessary training base, at the same time, financial independence is replaced by the treasury and the property agency, as well as a number of conventions (some of which were mentioned above); academic freedom is limited by standards, attestation and accreditation; the absence of a legalized partnership between a professional educational institution and an employer for professional educational institutions. Employers evaluate management activities in terms of efficiency, expressed in two indicators: how many people came to production and how professionally competent they are. I will not cite the percentage of graduates of pedagogical or medical universities who came to work in the direction, it is very small, I will not say that many graduates who come to work are forced to retrain. So, according to an expert assessment, 40% of graduates of PU do not receive the minimum necessary in the market professional qualifications. There is another figure that gives an assessment of the practical orientation of our professional school. According to experts, organizations today spend more than 400 billion rubles a year on retraining and advanced training. This is slightly lower than all budget expenditures in the Russian Federation for education. On the one hand, it is necessary to welcome the investment by firms of funds for the training of personnel, if it were not in many cases to eliminate the "educational" marriage. At the same time, consumers of educational services - employers do not participate in the development of programs and the creation of conditions for the educational process. The tax legislation does not stimulate the participation of employers, including in the management of educational institutions. If we analyze the documents of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the Federal Agency and the statements of their leaders, it is clear that they themselves are dissatisfied with the current situation. The management of educational institutions is inefficient, dependent and requires a constant paternalistic attitude towards oneself. Existing system education inefficiently uses up to 25% of budget funds and up to 49% of family funds, which is a direct consequence of poor management. Example. The number of students per teacher in higher and postgraduate professional education is 12 in Russia, 18.7 in Belgium, 17.1 in the USA and 23.1 in Italy. What's the matter? It seems that the basis of such a sharp difference lies in the level of management of the educational institution. Here it must be admitted that the quality of management of an educational institution today is mainly at the mercy of the head of an educational institution. The law does not actually establish even the minimum framework for the quality of education management. In essence, in this matter we live in the ideology of the past socialism. All of the above allows us to conclude that there is insufficient normative legal regulation of relations in the field of managing an educational institution. It is long overdue to amend the current legislation on the management of educational institutions. It is impossible to recognize the current situation. We need to be more effective in improving legislation at the federal level, primarily in terms of detailing certain norms. What do we have today in federal legislation, in terms of regulating relations in the management of an educational institution? In fact, these are the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and the Federal Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education”. It is these legislative acts that lay the foundation for the legal regulation of the management of an educational institution. In the first of these laws, there are two independent articles devoted directly to the management of an educational institution. These are Article 35 "Management of State and Municipal Educational Institutions" and Article 36 "Management of Non-State Educational Institutions". It must be said that the provisions of these articles are very meager and regulate only a minor part of the provisions that arise in management. Features of the legislative regulation of the management of higher educational institutions are established by Article 12 of the Federal Law "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education". Very subtle issues in management, including combinations of self-government and unity of command, are not disclosed in these laws. And apparently it is no coincidence that a large article by a deputy appeared in the Poisk newspaper State Duma SOUTH. Nazmeev on this subject. The article raises a serious question - how to limit the power of rectors? Now, according to the author, a different period has come and it is necessary to develop democratic principles of university management, the principles of autonomization of universities and, as an option, it is proposed, in addition to the academic council, the board of trustees, to create a governing board, which can include from 7 to 24 people, which will be elected the most authoritative professors of this university are headed by the president, and the rector is assigned the role of a manager for the operational management of the university with appropriate powers. The article gives a figure of extra-budgetary funds that universities have earned on the education plan - this is about 60 billion rubles. But only a small part goes to the additional payment of teaching staff, and 25% refers to poorly controlled areas of expenditure. On the capital construction and purchase of equipment used only 3-4%. I mean, the numbers are very convincing. Conclusion: it is necessary to develop democratic principles in the management of universities, including the creation of authoritative governing boards that will take over the development of strategic-normative functions and control functions. This idea deserves a full discussion. Once again I want to emphasize the inefficient system of self-government in educational institutions. All these bodies, in most cases, the entire council are directly subordinate to the head and there is no need to talk about real control over the administration of the university. Communication with teachers shows that many are opposed to their rectors, they suspect them of spending large sums on themselves and their immediate environment than they should, and teachers are left with very modest additional payments from contractual activities. This cannot but concern us. Measures must be taken to democratize the management of educational institutions. We are talking about creating a system for organizing the management of an educational institution. The organizational and legal forms of educational organizations proposed by the Ministry caused a heated discussion and everyone knows about the critical assessment by the Russian Union of Rectors of many provisions of the relevant bills, and there are grounds for this. At the same time, we must understand that the current situation in the education system does not correspond to the situation that was 10-15 years ago. Obviously, there are new structures that deal with educational activities, new circumstances have appeared (the Bologna process, etc.) to which the education system and education management must respond. The education system is not static and must adapt to existing realities. Therefore, it is also necessary to make changes to the legislation. For example, in the Tyumen region, without waiting for federal legislation, tens and hundreds preschool institutions moved to autonomous status non-profit organizations. The goal is to improve the quality of education and increase the teacher's salary, which is the most urgent problem and is one of the main points in the development of education.
    1. Ensuring an effective system of personnel management of educational institutions and organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership


      1. The section "Qualification characteristics of the positions of educators" of the Unified qualification reference book for the positions of managers, specialists and employees (hereinafter referred to as the CSA) is intended to address issues related to

    2. Education quality management in a rural educational institution


      The quality of education in the Concept of the all-Russian system for assessing the quality of education is understood as a characteristic of the education system, reflecting the degree of compliance with the actual educational results achieved and the conditions for providing

    3. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 24, 2010 No. 209, the procedure for attestation of teaching staff of state and municipal educational institutions (2)


      Letter of the Department of General Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Trade Union of Public Education and Science Workers of the Russian Federation dated 18.08.2010 N 03-52 / 46.

    4. Guidelines for the model and algorithm of the activities of a general education institution in the context of the introduction of new federal state educational institutions of general education with a case of projects of local OU acts (on the example of one educational institution;

    5. The model and algorithm of the activities of a general education institution in the context of the introduction of new fgos of general education with a case of projects of local acts of educational institutions on the example of one educational institution (1)




    Zhdanova Elena Vladimirovna, Master student of the 2nd course of distance learning under the program "Management in Education" FGBOU MPGU, Moscow, Russia

    Annotation: The article discusses one of the approaches to the management of an educational organization in modern conditions - the process approach to the organization and management of activities.

    Keywords Keywords: process approach, process management, input and output of the process.

    Today, most leaders of educational organizations are looking for tools to improve the efficiency of management activities. With the development of management theory, we can talk about the advent of the era of "intellectual" management. One of the tools of intelligent management is the so-called "process approach".

    The process approach is one of the management concepts that was finally formed in the 80s of the last century. In accordance with this concept, all activities of the organization are considered as a set of processes. In order to manage, you need to manage processes.

    In production practice, the process approach has been widely used since 2000, when a completely new ideology of quality assurance was proposed during the revision of the ISO 9000 series standards, and the process approach became the basis for the construction and functioning of the quality management system.

    State Program "Development of Education" for 2013-2020 one of the strategic goals states "ensuring the high quality of Russian education in accordance with the changing demands of the population and promising development tasks Russian society and economy".

    Thus, the process approach to the organization and management of activities is one of the approaches to the management of an educational organization in modern conditions.

    According to V.S. Lazarev, the essence of process management consists in a continuous sequence of actions that are implemented by the subject of management, as a result of which the image of the management object is formed and changed, the goals of joint activities are formulated, ways to achieve them are determined, work is distributed among the participants in the activity, and their efforts are integrated.

    From the point of view of M.M. Potashnik, management is a process that implements plans in time, a sequential change in the states of the control object, a set of actions of managers aimed at the result. T.M. Davydenko notes that the process approach "... allowed practitioners to holistically present their activities in the form of a management cycle, to realize the essence and technology of its constituent types (functions)" .

    A process is a set of interrelated and interacting activities aimed at transforming inputs into outputs. The goal in planning and implementing processes under controlled conditions is to add value to the product.

    Under the inputs of the process consider the resources that are converted during the process into the outputs of the process.

    Process output is the result (product, service) of the process.

    Creating services that provide value to external or internal customers is the ultimate goal of management processes. The main principle of each process is a focus on the consumer of the service, the goal is to satisfy the needs of the consumer.

    L.E. Skripko identifies the following stages of the implementation of the process approach in the organization:

    Process identification;

    Deployment of processes;

    Determining the relationship and interaction of processes;

    Process documentation;

    Implementation of processes;

    Process improvement.

    The identification stage includes:

    Description of the main processes;

    Definition of the process (formulation, content of the process);

    Process functions;

    The place of a process among other processes.

    The main processes are those aimed at creating products or services, leading to the release of products and adding value to products.

    Auxiliary (supporting) processes include those that create the necessary conditions for the implementation of the main processes. These processes are not directly involved in the transformation of the product. The outputs of such processes are resources for the main processes.

    Process Deployment Stage:

    The order of execution of the process in the form of a flowchart or algorithm;

    The owner of the process is determined;

    Process standards;

    Inputs, outputs of the process;


    Process indicators.

    The owner of the process is an official who has at his disposal the necessary resources in the form of personnel, infrastructure, software and automation, as well as information about the process. The owner of the process manages the progress and is responsible for the results, the effectiveness of the process.

    The inputs and outputs of processes, their sequence and interaction can be described by a process model, which reflects all the activities of the organization.

    In an educational organization, the main ones are the processes that determine the main activity of the educational institution, aimed at the qualitative satisfaction of the consumer's order. These include the following:

    Reception of students;

    Development of basic educational programs;

    Implementation of basic educational programs;

    Development of additional education programs;

    Implementation of additional education programs;

    educational process;

    Scientific and innovative activity.

    Supporting processes:

    Processes governing the activities of management;

    Processes determine the organization's ability to deliver quality on an order.

    The stage of determining the relationship and interaction of processes:

    Building a working process model;

    Building a matrix of distribution of powers and responsibilities.

    All activities within the main processes begin with marketing research that studies the needs of consumers (consumers for educational institutions are the state, students, parents, and other educational institutions). These requests become an output from the "Marketing and Advertising" process and an input for management processes and processes for developing basic and additional educational programs. In turn, curricula, work programs, educational and methodological support become an output from the processes of developing programs, which become an input for the processes of implementing programs and the educational process. All information about the results of these processes again becomes the input to the "Marketing and Advertising" process, which, in turn, provides information about the results of the educational organization and the level of satisfaction with consumer requests. These marketing research become the basis for the formation of improvement plans.

    Documentation stage:

    Determination of the composition of the process documentation;

    Development of documented procedures;

    Definition of process recording forms.

    Documenting processes gives them official status, contributes to their compliance with established requirements, ensuring the necessary level of training, cyclicality and traceability of processes, as well as assessing their effectiveness and efficiency.

    The implementation phase includes:


    Process Improvement Stage:

    Choice of strategy and improvement methods;

    Planning and implementation of improvements.

    Nonconformities identified during the implementation of the process are subject to regulation, as a result of which the resulting nonconformities are eliminated by means of adjustment or corrective actions. These procedures are aimed at improving the process. The main vectors for improving the process should be considered to be minimizing its variability and exceeding the achieved performance indicators compared to the planned ones. Moreover, the more complex the process, the greater the potential for improvement.

    The main advantages of the process approach are:

    Coordination of actions of various departments within the process;

    Orientation to the result of the process;

    Improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization;

    Transparency of actions to achieve the result;

    Increased predictability of results;

    Identifying opportunities for targeted process improvement;

    Elimination of barriers between functional divisions;

    Reducing unnecessary vertical interactions;

    Exclusion of unclaimed processes;

    Reducing time and material costs.

    The process approach is characterized by great opportunities for the development of the organization's management system.

    The complexity of implementing the process approach lies in the need to:

    Documentation of each sub-process,

    Development of standards and systems of indicators.

    Availability of an electronic document management system and an information system;

    Creation of corresponding really operating mechanisms of management.

    In addition, in relation to social systems, the process approach is committed to the principle of standardization and does not take into account social aspects.

    The process model allows you to clearly represent the sequence and interaction of processes, consider the activities of the organization, both in horizontal and vertical directions, according to the principle of a closed chain, analyze the relationship of processes and, on this basis, choose the most effective ways to improve the functioning of the organization.


    1. The State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020 (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2014 No. 295)
    2. Davydenko T.M. Reflexive School Management: Theory and Practice. M.; Belgorod: BSPU im. Olminsky, 1995.
    3. Potashnik M.M., Moiseev A.M. Management of a modern school (in questions and answers): a guide for heads of educational institutions and educational authorities. M., 1997.
    4. Skripko L.E. Process approach in quality management: textbook / L.E. Skripko. - St. Petersburg. : Publishing House of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, 2011. - 105 p.
    5. School management: theoretical basis and methods: textbook. allowance / ed. V.S. Lazarev. M., 1997.
    6. Electronic resource:[

    The management process always takes place where the common activity of people is carried out to achieve certain results. Management refers to the systematic impact of the subject of management activity (one person, a group of persons or a specially created body) on a social object, which can be society as a whole, its separate sphere (for example, economic or social), a separate enterprise, firm, etc. in order to ensure their integrity, normal functioning, dynamic balance with the environment and achievement of the intended goal. Since an educational institution is a social organization and it is a system of joint activities of people (teachers, students, parents), it is advisable to talk about managing it. Social management is carried out by influencing the living conditions of people, the motivation of their interests, their value orientations. Many scientists define the concept of "management" through the concept of "activity", "impact", "interaction". “Management in general,” writes V.A. Slastenin, “is understood as an activity aimed at making decisions, organizing, controlling, regulating the object of management in accordance with a given goal, analyzing and summing up on the basis of reliable information.” And intra-school management, in his opinion, is "a purposeful, conscious interaction of participants in a holistic pedagogical process based on the knowledge of its objective patterns in order to achieve an optimal result" At present, the concept of management from the field of business is increasingly spreading to various areas of human activity, including number and education. However, the concept of management is narrower than the concept of management, since management mainly concerns various aspects of the leader's activities, while the concept of management covers the entire area of ​​human relationships in systems "managers-executors". Thus, the theory of school management, in particular, the teaching staff, is significantly supplemented by the theory of intra-school management.

    The theory of management attracts, first of all, with its personal orientation, when the activity of a manager (manager) is based on genuine respect, trust in his employees, creating situations of success for them. It is this side of management that significantly complements the theory of intra-school management. Speaking about the management of an educational institution, one should keep in mind the management system, that is, apply a systematic approach to the theoretical understanding of management activities. The management system is understood as a set of coordinated, interrelated activities aimed at achieving a significant goal of the organization. Such activities include managerial functions, implementation of principles and application of good management practices.

    Functions of managing an educational institution

    The main management functions are relatively separate areas of management activity. The functional links of management are considered as special, relatively independent types of activities, successively interconnected stages, the full composition of which forms a single management cycle. The end of one cycle is the beginning of a new one. Thus, movement to higher qualitative states of the controlled system is ensured. There are several functions of management of educational institutions. To these main functions Slastenin V.A. adds pedagogical analysis, goal-setting, regulation. A.M. Moiseev, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Academy of Advanced Training and Retraining of Educational Workers, identifies three large groups of functions for managing an educational institution:

    1. Management functions of maintaining the stable functioning of an educational institution;

    2. Functions of managing school development and innovation processes;

    3. The functions of managing the functioning and self-development of intra-school management include actions in relation to the management system of an educational institution itself. Summarizing the views of these scientists, we will reveal the following functions of managing an educational institution: analysis, goal setting and planning, organization, leadership, control and regulation. Analysis is a relatively isolated stage (stage) of cognitive management activity, the essence of which is the creative study, systematization, generalization and evaluation of various information about socio-economic conditions, the implementation of legal educational policy, the satisfaction of social needs, the experience of established management practices at all levels. Based on the analysis of individual, group and public educational needs of the population, the most important social needs are identified: socio-economic, environmental, valeological, cultural, scientific, territorial, pedagogical, domestic, etc., determining the goals and content of education, the market of customers and consumers is determined. The latter include state authorities and administrations, enterprises and institutions, public organizations, active groups of the population, families, individuals.

    The function of pedagogical analysis in its modern sense was introduced and developed in the theory of intraschool management by Yu.A. Pedagogical analysis in the structure of the management cycle occupies a special place: it begins and ends with any management cycle, consisting of successively interconnected functions. The exclusion of pedagogical analysis from the general chain of managerial activity leads to its disintegration, when the functions of planning, organization, control, regulation do not receive rationale and completion in their development.

    The effectiveness of managerial activity is largely determined by how school leaders master the methodology of pedagogical analysis, how deeply they can investigate the established facts, and identify the most characteristic dependencies. An untimely or unprofessional analysis in the activities of a school principal leads, at the stage of developing a goal and forming tasks, to vagueness, vagueness, and sometimes to the unreasonableness of decisions made. Ignorance of the true state of affairs in a teaching or student team creates difficulties in establishing the correct system of relationships in the process of regulating and correcting the pedagogical process.

    The main purpose of pedagogical analysis as a management function, according to Yu.A. Konarzhevsky, consists in studying the state and trends in the development of the pedagogical process, in an objective assessment of its results, followed by the development on this basis of recommendations for streamlining the controlled system. This function is one of the most time-consuming in the structure of the management cycle, since analysis involves the allocation of parts in the a single whole, establishing links between system-forming factors. In the theory and practice of intraschool management, Yu.A. Konarzhevsky and T.I. Shamova identified the main types of pedagogical analysis depending on its content: parametric, thematic, final. Parametric analysis is aimed at studying daily information about the course and results of the educational process, identifying the causes that violate it. Thematic analysis is aimed at studying more stable, recurring dependencies, trends in the course and results of the pedagogical process

    This type of pedagogical analysis allows the school principal to focus on studying and identifying the features of the manifestation of certain aspects of the pedagogical process, to determine their interaction with other parties, components and the system as a whole. The final analysis covers a larger temporal, spatial or content framework. It is held at the end of the academic quarter, half year, academic year and is aimed at studying the main results, prerequisites and conditions for their achievement. The final analysis prepares the course of all subsequent functions of the management cycle. The content basis of the final analysis of the work of the school for the academic year is the following areas: the quality of teaching; implementation of educational programs and state standards; the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities of students; the level of upbringing of schoolchildren; the state and quality of methodological work at school; effectiveness of work with parents and the public; the state of health of schoolchildren and sanitary and hygienic culture; the performance of the school council, the pedagogical council, etc. The final analysis, its objectivity, depth, and prospects prepare work on the plan for the new academic year.

    Goal-setting and planning as a function of school management. The management process of any pedagogical system involves goal setting (goal setting) and planning (decision making). The improvement of goal-setting and planning of managerial work is dictated by the need for constant development and movement of the pedagogical system. Slastenin V.A. notes that "the goal of management activity is the beginning that determines the general direction, content, forms and methods of work. When determining the "tree" of management goals, it is necessary to present a general, or as they say, "general" goal in the form of a number of specific private goals, then is to decompose the general goal. Thus, the achievement of the general, general goal is carried out through the fulfillment of its constituent private goals. This understanding of goal-setting allows us to move on to integrated planning. "Planning future activities, - as V.S. Lazarev writes, - means determining the goals, composition and structure of actions necessary to achieve them." In the practice of educational institutions, three main types of plans are developed: long-term, annual and current. The following requirements are imposed on them: purposefulness, perspectiveness, complexity, objectivity.

    A long-term plan is developed, as a rule, for five years, based on a deep analysis of the work of the school in recent years. The annual plan covers the entire academic year, including summer holidays. The current plan is drawn up for the academic quarter, it is a specification of the school-wide annual plan. Thus, the presence of the main types of plans allows you to coordinate the activities of pedagogical, student and parent teams. These plans are strategic in relation to the work plans of teachers and class teachers. The implementation of the planning function in a single management cycle increases the efficiency of the school. The main shortcoming of school planning to this day remains the absence in the plans of many educational institutions of realistically achievable in the planning period and scientifically based goals and specific tasks, the lack of orientation of management activities towards final results.

    The function of the organization in the management of an educational institution. Organization is a stage of management aimed at ensuring the choice of the best ways to fulfill planned and creative tasks, determining a set of actions leading to the formation of relationships between parts of the whole: instruction, coordination, unification of people jointly implementing a program or goal. The main thing for organizational activity is the question of how really, with the help of what actions the goals of the organization are realized. That is why organizational activity is considered as a performing activity, as an implementation stage of management. By its nature, the organizational activity of a person is a practical activity based on the operational use of psychological and pedagogical knowledge in specific situations.

    Constant interaction with colleagues, students gives organizational activity a certain personality-oriented orientation. The content of organizational activity can be revealed more fully through its characteristics in relation to all other management functions, each of which implies a certain orderliness and organization. At the stage of implementing the goals of the system, the most important and starting point of the organization is a clear definition and distribution of the functional responsibilities of all persons and departments that form the system. In turn, the distribution of functional duties involves taking into account the level of preparedness of each member of the organization, assessing individual psychological characteristics in terms of their compliance with the intended functional duties.

    Questions of training, selection, selection, placement of personnel are the core of the organizational stage of management in any social system. In the structure of the manager's organizational activity, an important place is occupied by the motivation of the upcoming activity, instruction, the formation of conviction in the need to fulfill this assignment, ensuring the unity of actions of the teaching and student teams, providing direct assistance in the process of performing work, choosing the most appropriate forms of stimulating activity. The organizational activity of the leader includes such a necessary action as an assessment of the progress and results of a particular case. The set of actions performed by the subject of management to ensure all these conditions is called management.

    When implementing the management function, the following main tasks are solved:

    1) selection, placement and evaluation of personnel, setting tasks for performers;

    2) analysis and regulation of the socio-psychological climate in the team;

    3) stimulation of the productive activity of subordinates and their self-development;

    4) creation of conditions for the professional growth of subordinates.

    Control - one of the stages of management, consisting in identifying deviations in the value of the actual parameters of the controlled system from the standards that serve as evaluation criteria (goals, legislative norms), in measuring, evaluating the results of the program. Due to various constraints that always exist in the external environment or in the system itself, the goals set are rarely achieved. The peculiarity of control in an educational institution lies in its evaluative function - focusing on the personality of the teacher. If the teacher is young, then it affects his professional development; if this is a teacher with experience - on strengthening or weakening his professional position and authority in the school. The existing practice of intra-school control is not without some shortcomings.

    Firstly, this is the absence of a control system, when there is no distribution of objects of control among the director and his deputies, when control is organized in the name of a report and a set of the number of lessons or classes attended.

    Secondly, it is a formalism in the organization of control, when there is no clearly defined goal of the control being carried out, there are no objective evaluation criteria or they are not used.

    Thirdly, the one-sidedness of intra-school control, understood as the control of any one side, one direction of the pedagogical process. For example, only the educational process is controlled, or only the lessons of the Russian language and mathematics, etc.

    Fourthly, participation in the control of only officials, without the involvement of experienced teachers, methodologists, or, conversely, a small participation of representatives of the administration. In the process of intra-school control, methods such as the study of school documentation, observation, conversations, oral and written control, questionnaires, the study of advanced pedagogical experience, timing, diagnostic methods, i.e. methods that allow obtaining the necessary objective information.

    The methods complement each other, if we want to know the real state of affairs, we must, if possible, use various methods of control. The stage of regulation or correction is closely related to the control function of management, i.e. the process of preventing and eliminating possible or actual deviations from the set goals. The reasons for deviations in the final results may be incorrectly drawn up plans and errors in them, lack of complete and timely information, weak forecasts, errors in decisions made, poor execution, shortcomings in monitoring and evaluating results. At this stage, all control functions are presented in a collapsed form. Regulation and correction can be considered as operational management of current states (deviations). In cases where the measures taken do not produce results, there is a need to reconsider the goals. And this means the beginning of a new management cycle with the deployment of all the main stages of management technology.

    Specific principles of educational system management. The principle of combining the interests of children's and adult groups comes from these features of the school as a socio-pedagogical system and, on the one hand, involves taking into account the peculiarities of the formation and development of the children's team, whose members do not yet have sufficient social experience, provides for the development of children's independence, initiative, requires the protection of feelings children's self-awareness. On the other hand, the observance of this principle implies taking into account the specifics of the adult team. This provides for the possibility of relying on life experience, social activities, political maturity, the responsibility of teachers, a sense of teacher pride, and involves maintaining the authority of the teacher in the eyes of children and their parents. Pedagogical orientation of managerial activity at school.

    School management means the implementation of a variety of activities: administrative, economic, organizational, legal, pedagogical. This activity is aimed at solving problems of various nature, for example, strengthening the material and technical base of the school, building and repairing educational buildings, supplying equipment, landscaping, school buildings, purchasing furniture, teaching aids, ensuring sanitary and hygienic conditions, arranging pedagogical personnel, recruitment of classes, regulation of the working hours of the school, control over the activities of teachers and students, organization of mass events with students, ensuring cohesion, a creative attitude to business, etc. However, the effectiveness of this activity is achieved when it is completely subordinated to pedagogical tasks.

    The principle of normativity. School management should be carried out on the basis of a certain generally accepted regulatory framework, in accordance with the existing recommendations governing various aspects of educational work, regulations, charter, instructions, guidelines, circular letters of the Ministry of Education.

    The principle of objectivity implies strict adherence to the requirements of the objective laws of the educational process, taking into account the real capabilities of the teaching staff, the real contribution of each of its members, is the main condition for the operation of the school. The unity of pedagogical positions consists of the formation of a single view of the tasks of the lesson, the importance of extracurricular work, the assessment of the final results of work, leads to the provision of uniform requirements for students, a single style of relations between students and teachers, etc.

    The principle of combining state and public principles. We must not allow the alienation of the school from society and society from the school, the isolation of the school from the processes taking place in public life, as well as the narrowness and corporatism of the professional interests of teachers. The school has always faced the task of combining the efforts of the state and society to solve the problems of development, the organic merging of public and state principles in its management. Any system of principles can be used in management. Indeed, as A. Fayol writes, "The trouble is not a lack of principles. One must be able to operate with principles. This is a difficult art that requires thoughtfulness, experience of determination and a sense of proportion." There is a close relationship between the principles and methods of managing the teaching staff. Methods, according to the definition of Pidkasisty P.I., are ways, ways of implementing the principles of management, achieving the intended goals.

    The most well-known team management methods include management decision-making methods (brainstorming, discussion, business game, regulatory method, etc.) and methods for their implementation (collective and individual motivation methods, administrative methods, etc.). , the process of managing the teaching staff requires a high level of professionalism from leaders. An effective leader is one who, at the stage of implementing a particular managerial function, demonstrates only positive personal qualities, using effective principles and methods of interaction with the team for this. The effectiveness of the management process, the mood of people in the organization, relations between employees depend on many factors: the immediate working conditions, the professionalism of personnel, the level of management, etc. And one of the first roles in a number of these factors is played by the personality of the leader.

    Organizational structure of educational institution management

    Today it is impossible for one leader to solve all managerial tasks, therefore, it becomes necessary to build the organizational structure of an educational institution. An organizational structure is a way of dividing a common goal into subgoals and distributing the latter between subsystems or elements. Defining the organizational structure, the subject of management regulates the powers and responsibilities of the participants in joint activities, as well as the rules for their interaction vertically and horizontally. From the point of view of management, an educational institution, like any social system, can be structured into a subject and an object of management.

    The subject of management includes all those individuals and social groups that organize the management process. Those individuals and groups to whom control actions are addressed act as objects of control. Since in social systems management is associated with people, it takes the form of leadership. It is customary to call the subjects of management managers and governing bodies, and the objects of management - executors (subordinates), or executive bodies. The pedagogical system is "a set of interconnected structural and functional components subordinated to the goals of upbringing, education and training of the younger generation and adults" (N.V. Kuzmina).

    The internal organizational structure of the system is determined not only by its intended purpose, but also by the ways of sectioning the system, i.e. criteria that are accepted as the leading structure-forming factors. For example, when targeting an organization, its multi-level structure will correspond to a hierarchy or "tree of goals". With a multi-level hierarchical structure of management, the same persons or bodies can simultaneously act as an object of management in relation to a superior person or body and as a subject of management in relation to subordinate persons. The structure of such a system as a school is diverse, polystructural; a huge number of structures of various kinds operate in it, which can be grouped into four main groups.

    1) The structure of the material and educational base of the school, i.e. a way of linking such elements as school buildings, furniture, technical equipment, educational and visual aids, technical teaching aids, etc.

    2) The structure of the general school team, including:

    The structure of the teaching staff, in which methodological commissions on subjects, subject departments, educators, various informal groups, etc. are distinguished;

    The structure of the student team, consisting of groups of primary, secondary and senior classes, various student associations in accordance with the interests of students;

    The structure of the support staff of the school;

    the structure of the administrative apparatus (organizational structure of management).

    3) Procedural structures - the most mobile, dynamic, manifested in the activities of people. There are a huge number of procedural structures in the school, ranging from the structure of each lesson to the innovative process. System-forming, uniting, subordinating all the rest is the educational process.

    4) The last block in the general school structure - the most complex and least studied - its spiritual structure. This is its philosophy, mission, policy and strategy, organizational culture. Organizational culture is a system of ideas, values ​​and patterns of behavior shared by all its members, setting guidelines for their behavior and actions, as well as a sign-symbolic system (mythology, rites and rituals, organizational heroes, organizational taboos, communication language and slogans).

    When considering the management system of a school, the composition of its subjects, a set of managerial functions, and the organizational structure of management (their hierarchical structure, managerial connections and relationships, subordination and subordination by levels, links and blocks) are usually singled out. The organizational structure of the control system is usually depicted in the form of a diagram, a model called an organigram, where, in addition to the subjects, the connections between them are shown: who reports to whom (relationship of subordination), who interacts with whom on an equal footing (relationship of coordination). There are several types of organizational structures for managing an educational institution: linear, functional, linear-functional, divisional, project and matrix. Let's consider the main ones.

    Linear- represents a sequence (hierarchy) of individual and collective subjects, arranged in order of subordination from top to bottom, i.e. in relationships of subordination;

    functional, where the subjects line up in accordance with their functional duties, where coordination links are indicated;

    Linear-functional organizational structure, where communications and relations of subjects are characterized both by subordination and coordination, i.e. developed both vertically and horizontally; for schools that have switched to the development mode, along with the linear-functional one, there is also a matrix structure, in which various mixed management entities (creative groups, organizing committees, research teams, etc.) are represented, which are created temporarily to solve one or another innovative task, Problems. The most common organizational structure of an educational institution in practice is a linear-functional structure

    Speaking about the organizational structures of the management of an educational institution, it is impossible not to say about the levels of the management system. The structure of the management system of most educational institutions is represented by 4 levels of management (vertical structure):

    First level- school director, heads of the school council, student committee, public associations. This level determines the strategic directions for the development of the school.

    Second level- Deputy directors of the school, school psychologist, organizer of the children's movement, assistant director of the school for the administrative and economic part, as well as bodies and associations participating in self-government. These subjects carry out tactical management of the educational institution.

    Third level- teachers, educators, class teachers who perform operational management functions in relation to students and parents, children's associations, circles in the system of extracurricular activities.

    Fourth level- co-management - students, bodies of class and school-wide student self-government. The allocation of this level emphasizes the subject - the subjective nature of the relationship between teachers and students. Each lower level of the subject of management is at the same time the object of management in relation to the higher level. At each of them, its own structure of bodies, associations, councils, etc. unfolds horizontally.

    Fifth and sixth levels in the management structure can appear if several educational institutions are combined (general director level), as well as when some body (for example, a board of founders, a board of trustees, a school conference, etc.). Subjects of this level have the right to appoint and remove directors, distribute finances, change the purpose and structure of the school. Organization and management of an educational institution in modern conditions

    Personal qualities and management style of a modern leader

    The problem of leadership occupies a special place in the theory of management and organization. Traditionally, leadership is understood as the relationship that arises in the organization in the process and about management. The basic principle of management is unity of command. Its essence is that power, the right to decide, responsibility and ability to control the processes and relationships in the organization are provided to only one official. Accordingly, the leader is a person personifying responsibility, power and the right to control. One-man relations largely form the hierarchical pyramid of the organization.

    In the most general form, it is possible to determine the requirements that the head of any managerial rank in various social organizations meets. These requirements are determined through professionally significant qualities, by which we mean the individual qualities of the subject of activity that affect the effectiveness of the activity and the success of its development. The answer to the question about the qualities that a leader should have has undergone a significant evolution in the course of the development of management theory (F. Taylor, A. Fayol, L.I. Umansky, etc.). Based on a general analysis of research by psychologists in the field of management, all the qualities that a modern leader should have can be divided into five groups:

    1) universal human qualities: diligence; integrity, honesty; commitment, fidelity to the word; self-criticism; humanity; tact; justice; purposefulness; altruism; high culture, impeccable morality; energy; performance; consistency; love for your work; optimism; demanding of oneself and others; sense of humor; external attractiveness (tidiness, style of clothing, etc.);

    2) psychophysiological qualities: good health, resistance to stress, general level of development, intellectual properties, individual psychological properties (temperament, personality orientation);

    3) business qualities and organizational skills: initiative; independence in solving problems; self-organization (the ability to save one's own and other people's time, punctuality and accuracy); discipline; performance; the ability to clearly define the goal and set the task; the ability to change the style of behavior depending on the conditions; the ability to arrange personnel and organize their interaction, the ability to mobilize the team and lead it along; the ability to control the activities of subordinates; ability and desire to make decisions quickly; the ability and desire to objectively analyze and evaluate the results, the ability to stimulate subordinates; creative approach to the assigned task; the ability to maintain initiative, the desire to use everything new, progressive; the ability to maintain one's authority.

    4) communication qualities: the ability of a manager to establish business relations with superiors and related managers, with subordinates, the ability to maintain a normal psychological climate in the team, the ability to communicate (culture of speech, the ability to listen, etc.), the ability to speak in public;

    5) professional knowledge: knowledge of the science of management (fundamentals of management, personnel management, etc.); application in practice of modern organizational and managerial principles and methods; ability to work with documentation. If a leader possesses all of the above qualities, he can be considered ideal. Rozanova V.A. notes the following qualities of a leader (manager) that impede the effective operation of the organization; insufficient formation of an individual managerial concept;

      mismatch of organizational and personal values ​​and goals of the manager;

      insufficient degree of availability of managerial abilities of the manager;

      lack of knowledge, skills and abilities of a manager in the field of managerial activity;

      manager's lack of creativity;

      inability to manage oneself;

      inability to manage a group;

      unfriendly attitude towards staff;

      lack of desire for personal growth;

      inability to motivate staff;

      difficulties in communicating with subordinates;

      applying an ineffective leadership style;

      focus on yourself and your personal goals;

      lack of focus on solving professional problems;

      lack of creativity in work;

      conservative behavior of the manager;

      the presence of conflicting behavioral tendencies;

      the presence of neurotic tendencies of behavior;

    A competent leader will never allow such a number of shortcomings in himself and his activities, he will constantly work on self-development, self-education, improvement and self-education.

    All the personal qualities of a leader are manifested in his management style. Management style is a certain system of methods, methods and forms of management activity preferred by the leader. In relation to education, the following leadership styles are used:

    Directive collegial style. The leader seeks to make individual decisions. Distributes powers with the participation of direct deputies. In work, he is active, which is not observed in subordinates. The prevailing method of leadership is orders and assignments, the requests of the performers are rarely carried out. Shows an active interest in discipline, regularly and strictly supervising subordinates. The main emphasis in the work is not on achievements, but on the mistakes and miscalculations of subordinates. The demands on others are very high. The leader allows advice and objections only to his assistants. Criticism is negative. He has endurance. Communication with subordinates occurs only on production issues. Business oriented, i.e. to the task. Has a positive attitude towards innovations, but not to human relations. In the absence of the leader, the team copes with the work, but under the control of the deputy. Directive-passive style.

    The distribution of powers is constantly changing, being mismatched. The activity of performers is allowed, but not considered significant. Often resorts to requests and persuasion, but when this does not help, he uses orders. Strictly refers to the observance of discipline, but does not make much effort in this matter. Control over the work of performers is carried out rarely, but very strictly with the main emphasis on the results of the work. Entirely relies on the competence of employees. Allows subordinates to give advice. Little interest in work. Careful and tactful with staff. Subordinates are often more competent than the leader. He demands unconditional obedience from his deputies. Avoids innovation, especially in dealing with people. Pays attention to managerial functions when significant problems arise. He practically does not deal with issues of the socio-psychological climate in the team. For him, these problems are solved by other people. In the absence of a leader, the team reduces labor productivity.

    In connection with the prevailing scientific interpretations, the directive position in management retains its leading position, because it is most convenient for managers as a familiar standard of relations with subordinates. This standard is unconditionally accepted and implicitly approved not only by the subjects, but also by the objects of management. He embodies the traditional directive style, in which the personal characteristics of the boss for the managed matter only as "fair decisions" on benefits and punishments.

    A leader can be both a frank dictator and an understanding interlocutor, a caring mentor and an impartial judge - all this is accepted as a necessary "fatherly" (maternal) severity, and the self-organization of subordinates loses its meaning for them.

    Style passive-collegiate. The leader seeks to avoid responsibility, takes a passive position in the implementation of managerial functions. Allows initiative from subordinates, but does not strive for it himself. Allows performers to work independently. The main method of leadership - requests, advice, persuasion, orders tries not to give. Poor supervision of subordinates. He surrounds himself with highly qualified specialists, positively relates to innovations in the field of communication with people. Opposes innovations in the sphere of production. Demands for justice, but rarely. Often goes on about the subordinates. In the absence of a leader, the team continues to work effectively.

    mixed style guides. The distribution of powers in the performance of managerial functions is carried out between themselves and the performers. The initiative comes from both the leader himself and his subordinates. But he tries to take a little on himself, if he does not take the initiative himself. He has a positive attitude towards the independence of performers. The main methods are orders, orders or requests, but sometimes resorts to persuasion or even reprimands. Does not focus on discipline. Carries out selective control, strictly monitors the final result of labor. With subordinates in communication keeps a distance, without showing superiority. Gives the right attention to production tasks, as well as human relations. There is a normal socio-psychological climate within the team.

    Today, regulatory documents require the reorientation of education leaders to a different style of relations. The most significant educational institution for the head is determined by the reflexive style of management, which involves the introduction of such values ​​into the life of the manager as co-management of the learning process, joint goal setting, design, transformation of knowledge content, stimulation of research activities of teachers, etc. At the same time, when implementing a directive style or declaring the implementation of a reflexive one, heads of educational institutions find themselves in a difficult position. The first style is branded as authoritarian and unacceptable, but the most accessible, because it is understandable, unconditionally accepted and implicitly approved not only by the subjects, but also by the objects of management. The reflexive style is required to be introduced from above, officially defining it as the only possible one in the conditions of democratization. However, the clearly demonstrated examples of public administration (strengthening the vertical of power, the growth of the influence of law enforcement agencies, control over the media, etc.) testify to the dubious effectiveness of purely reflexive methods of governance in Russia. Each specific leader cannot have only one style. An experienced leader is able to use one or another style depending on the circumstances: the content of the tasks to be solved, the specific composition of the led group, etc. The leadership style has a great influence on the activities of subordinates and the efficiency of the organization. So, the effectiveness of any organization, including a comprehensive school, depends on the style of team management. In the style of management, the personal qualities of the leader are manifested. By developing and improving the personal qualities of leaders, changing the leadership style, it is possible to increase the efficiency of the educational institution.

    Personnel policy of an educational institution at the present stage.

    Today, when the status of a teacher has a very low social level, the management of an educational institution is faced with the acute problem of attracting and retaining qualified personnel. The limited material and social guarantees from the state do not allow us to confine ourselves to one sad statement of this problem. The head of an educational institution is forced to independently look for ways to solve it, not only using funds from the director's fund, but also creating his own system of corporate incentives, benefits, success strategies, including taking care of the moral, psychological and valeological factors of the stability of the school team.

    As a result, the manager of an educational institution should be able to: form a team of like-minded people (grow the school as a corporation); provide optimal conditions for self-realization of children and adults; stimulate creativity, support initiative; delegate powers, develop forms of self-government, public control, guardianship; attract and competently use additional sources and methods of financing; use new social resources in personnel policy; build their own relationships with other subjects of the social system; take care of creating the image and maintaining the social status of the school; to introduce high technologies in management processes.

    The modern head of the school is not an administrator who knows how to give orders and scold + bring to the attention of the point of view of higher authorities. It's more like a conductor in an orchestra, where everyone plays their own part. With this approach to management, the vertical model disappears, the rigid system of positions - a range of new competencies, freedom of maneuver, awareness and coordination of actions appear. So, there is a powerful resource for the development of corporate culture.

    Russia, like many countries in transition, is undergoing large-scale social and economic reforms. An important component of these reforms are reforms in the education system. The education system that has developed in this millennium is going through a difficult period of renewal. The main task at this stage is to find the right answer to the question of what should be the management of an educational institution today in order to best promote democracy, an emerging civil society, a new quality of national culture and a new understanding of the phenomenon of globalization of education. The undertaken analysis allows to draw the following conclusions:

    The management of an educational institution is understood as a systematic, planned, conscious and purposeful interaction of management subjects at various levels in order to ensure the effective operation of an educational institution.

    The management system of an educational institution is a set of coordinated, interrelated activities aimed at achieving a significant goal of the organization. Such activities include managerial functions, implementation of principles and application of good management practices.

    Among the management functions of an educational institution, the main ones are analysis, goal setting and planning, organization, management, control and regulation. These functions have a specific orientation for an educational institution and are special, relatively independent activities, successively interconnected stages, the full composition of which forms a single management cycle.

    In the practice of the work of educational institutions, both general and specific principles of management are taken into account. The specific principles include: a combination of interests of children and adults, the pedagogical orientation of management activities at school, the principle of normativity, the principle of objectivity, the unity of pedagogical positions, the combination of state and social principles.

    The most well-known methods of managing educational institutions at the present stage include management decision-making methods (brainstorming, discussion, business game, regulatory method, etc.) and methods for their implementation (methods of collective and individual motivation, administrative methods, etc.). .)

    There are several types of organizational structures for managing an educational institution: linear, functional, linear-functional, divisional, project and matrix. The most common organizational structure of an educational institution in modern practice is a linear-functional structure.

    The vertical management structure of an educational institution is represented by four levels: director - deputies - teachers - students. Each lower level of the subject of control is simultaneously the object of control in relation to the higher level.

    An important element of an effective management system of an educational institution is the management style. Management style is a certain system of methods, methods and forms of management activity preferred by the leader. Leadership style has a great influence on the activities of subordinates, and the effectiveness of the organization. Today, the most significant educational institution for the head is determined by the reflexive management style, which involves the introduction of such values ​​into the life of the manager as co-management of the learning process, joint goal setting, design, transformation of knowledge content, stimulation of research activities of teachers, etc. An important indicator of the effective management of an educational institution is the stability of the teaching and student staff. Therefore, today the head of an educational institution must find ways to solve the personnel problem using funds from the director's fund, creating his own system of corporate incentives, benefits, success strategies, take care of the moral, psychological and valeological factors of team stability. Thus, the concept of management, which a dozen years ago was interpreted only as command, is changing dramatically today: it is the regulation of information flows and communication processes, and not the transmission of orders from top to bottom. This is the delegation of authority and the joint solution of key issues; stake on competence and moral authority. Coming to an educational institution, a new leader, manager must solve many problems, such as:

      the problem of management policy in the conditions of real competition of educational institutions;

      the problem of transition to an open and mobile educational system;

      the problem of attracting and retaining qualified personnel;

      the problem of finding additional funds and resources for modernization;

      the problem of creating conditions that provide adequate time for the quality of education;

      the problem of information support and exchange, etc.