Guessing what awaits me in love. Tarot divination for the future

A strange thing is our life. Changes are knocking on the window, but we seem not to hear them. And after all, the changes are important, but we simply do not see them. Why? Yes, because we are afraid of change, and we resist it. We are afraid that they will change everything: our thoughts, our actions, our lives. To suppress resistance and stop being afraid of change, you can turn to the cards and make a Tarot layout for change. If you really are on the verge of some new events and are very afraid of them, the cards will be able to dispel your fears or confirm doubts.

The "Change" layout and its features

By their nature, people may reject change, call themselves victims of change, or rejoice in change and expect it. People who are afraid of change, find it a threat to their current position, seek to avoid them.

And when changes are inevitable, and you just can’t decide on them, do a fortune-telling, make a layout called “Change”:

  • it will address the reasons for the change;
  • you will know the consequences of change;
  • the alignment will analyze the dominant factors and give its vision of change.

Let's look at what causes a person to resist change. One and the most main reason it is passivity. A person who is accustomed to his "swamp" does not want to do anything in order to change at least something in his life. He denies the change, gets angry, has long negotiations. And all this in order to avoid change. In the "Change" layout, you may not understand some of the interpretation of the cards, so you can draw four more cards and find out what preceded the need for change. In an additional spread, you can describe the less significant factors of the present moment and new trends that will occur later.

According to some scholars, resistance to change stems from a lack of understanding of the importance of what change will bring. Try to approach change from a different perspective. Consider, along with the Tarot cards, all the pros and cons that may be after the change comes. See what positive values there will be much more. Direct all your energy towards what you want for yourself. Together with attention to the problem, we give it part of our energy. Therefore, it is necessary that your positive energy be directed towards both problems and changes. It is a pity that at school and college they do not teach how to choose a goal and go towards it. But without it it is difficult to get out of the maelstrom of problems. The alignment for change will increase your chance to see the best sides new opportunities and events.

In love, we all want certainty and assurance. But the situation is not always unambiguous and clear: even with a time-tested partner, sometimes you have to think about the future or decide on frank conversations. To find out what awaits in love in the near future, a simple and quick test will help.

This test is based on the work of the subconscious. It is no secret that it is the subconscious instinct, intuition and the sixth sense that can give us answers to many questions - if, of course, we manage to get through to them. Our simple fortune-telling for the future of love relationships will allow us to do this.

This test is also suitable for those who have long bound themselves with mutual feelings or, perhaps, even by marriage, and for those who want to know if a loved one will respond to feelings, and for everyone whose heart is still free.

You need to do the following: closing your eyes, focus and imagine the face of a loved one. If on this moment If you are not in love, you can imagine the dream partner you would like to meet along the way.

Then, when you open your eyes, remember the first three words you saw. It is they who will be characterized by your further love path.

In this quick divination from a picture, it is important to understand the essence: not a single word can be taken as a guarantee of Fate or for its fatal circumstance. The fact is that we ourselves create our future every day. And if you suddenly come across a warning about betrayal in a happy relationship, you should not immediately despair and rush to check the phone of your soulmate. Circumstances can only turn out this way. But it is in your power to prevent this and remind your loved one of feelings.

It is good practice to repeat this test periodically. Bookmark your browser and exercise your subconscious from time to time. And notice the subtle nuances. For example, if the word "treason" occurs to you regularly, you are probably subconsciously afraid of it, and it is worth working on your worldview and self-esteem so that all psychological attitudes and programs are only positively oriented.

Help you get to know yourself better. And this is an important step towards happy love and harmonious union. We wish you strong and mutual bonds, and don't forget to press the buttons and

13.02.2016 01:00

There is no better feeling in the world than love. We all strive for it, we desire it and ...

You can find out what kind of relationship you will have with your loved one in many ways. different ways. ...

There are many ways to know your future. One of them is the use of an ancient divination table. This method is simple and highly efficient.

The essence of the method is that you simply close your eyes, and when you open them, fix your eyes on a certain number. The first number you see will be determine your fate. You can also just close your eyes and then poke your finger at the screen. The number you hit will be the cherished determinant of your near future. Most convenient way choose only you.

Prediction table and its interpretation

Below is the table itself. It contains numbers from 1 to 100. Each number symbolizes a different fate. We recommend using this method no more than once a week. The table is most effective on the Full Moon, New Moon and on days such as February 29, December 31, January 1, the days of the solstice or equinox, and so on.

Deciphering numbers:

1. Soon a dilemma awaits you, a difficult choice.

2. Pay attention to the little things, because they will make a huge difference to you over the coming week.

3. A fateful meeting awaits you.

4. Random receipt of money, finding a new source of income.

5. Strengthening or finding new love.

6. Someone from the environment will hate you and will wish you harm.

7. Changes in personal life, new friends, new love.

8. Quarrels with loved ones in the coming days.

9. Depression awaits you.

10. An unexpected twist of fate, which may or may not be pleasant.

11. Attacks from loved ones.

12. Unplanned spending.

13. Travel, trip, change of scenery.

14. Luck in money.

15. Annoying problems.

16. Love triangle.

17. New opportunities, choosing a new path.

18. Avoid hasty conclusions and rash actions until you feel that you have succeeded in something extremely important.

19. Loss of strength, nervousness, fatigue.

20. Harmony with the outside world and with ourselves, finding an important balance.

21. Your decisions can cost you your luck. For the next couple of days, try not to make hasty decisions.

22. Someone from the people around you can be for you happy talisman for a while.

23. Be optimistic, for a small series of disappointments awaits you.

24. Learn from your mistakes in the next couple of weeks.

25. Diplomacy is yours best friend before the end of this week.

26. Your distrust of people can be both a salvation and a curse in equal measure.

27. Serious internal contradictions are possible.

28. Be careful. Any risks or adventures can lead to a fiasco.

29. Avoid Expensive Acquisitions Until the End next week. You may be expected big problems with finances.

30. Betrayal.

31. The end of friendships, love relationships.

32. Health problems.

33. New pleasant acquaintances in the next two weeks.

34. Wait for inspiration.

35. It is or will soon be the time to take a break from everyday problems.

36. Your dreams will move away from you.

37. Envy of the environment.

38. Good news, relief.

39. There may be a period of uncertainty in the next two or three days.

40. New temptations, mistakes.

41. Discipline is most important to you right now.

42. A small black stripe a couple of days long.

43. Your actions will have a special weight for many people until the end of the week.

44. You will miss your chance to win.

45. Relax and go with the flow.

46. ​​Do not share your plans and dreams with anyone, because in this case they will fail.

47. Maybe it's time to get rid of someone from your environment. Someone pretended to be your friend.

48. Don't chase two rabbits at the same time. Choose one path for yourself.

49. Changes in life.

50. There is a test strip coming up that can make you stronger.

51. Fate can turn unexpectedly for you. You will immediately feel it.

52. Grab every opportunity in the next couple of weeks.

53. Love is your salvation, your curse and your hope.

54. Among your priorities, there is one that is absolutely useless now.

55. Circumstances can mislead you, but don't lose your temper.

56. In the near future there will be new perspectives in the financial sector.

57. Someone will wish you harm.

86. Random cash receipts. Good luck in business.

87. Stay close to those who value you.

88. Vanity is the path to the abyss.

89. Strictly austerity will help you stay afloat in the coming days.

90. Those from whom you do not expect it will wish you harm.

91. You can be taken advantage of.

92. Within two weeks you will have a chance to increase your authority among colleagues, partners, friends.

93. It's time to put the house in order - throw away all unnecessary trash.

94. Soon you will see a prophetic dream.

95. Great time for expensive purchases.

96. Expect unreasonable kindness from a stranger.

97. Believe only what you see for yourself, not rumors.

98. Perhaps a slight misunderstanding with loved ones.

99. It is possible to realize the meaning of life, setting new goals.

100. The sixth sense will let you down, but when exactly is unknown.

Fortune-telling according to the prediction table is made for a period from 1 day to a year. In most cases, the predicted comes true within a week, a month, a couple of months. If, for example, a fateful meeting did not happen in a couple of weeks, then you should not forget about it, because it can happen in a month or two. That is why clairvoyants and psychics recommend guessing on the prediction table again only after the previous prediction is fulfilled.

Fortune telling online "His plans for a relationship with me" free alignment Tarot for love can be used in cases where you need to find out how serious your relationship is for your loved one, what they are for him, what he really wants from a relationship with you, what plans he makes for you.

Having laid out the cards on your loved one, you will also find out how he treats a serious relationship (marriage), whether he is ready to start a family, and whether he is ready to create it with you. The Tarot arcana will give a forecast of how likely it is to create a family in your union, whether you will have a wedding.

Free fortune-telling online “His plans for a relationship with me” can be carried out at any stage of the development of a relationship, but it is better to turn to this layout if your union has already developed and you and your loved one are a stable couple. Both women and men can use this divination on the plans of a partner.

Tarot cards ready for online divination"His plans for a relationship with me"

Choose 1st card

Card number 1. What a relationship with you is for a partner.
Card number 2. What your partner wants from a relationship with you.
Card number 3. His plans for a relationship with you.
Card number 4. How does your loved one feel about a serious relationship (marriage). His willingness to create a family.
Card number 5. What are the partner's fears and hopes regarding marriage with you.
Card number 6. Are you the person with whom your loved one is ready to start a family.
Card #7. How an existing relationship with a loved one will affect your life.
Card number 8. How the existing relationship will affect the life of your partner.
Card number 9. What will your union come to. How likely is it that you and your loved one will enter into an official marriage (whether you will have a wedding or not).