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Fishing in October has a number of features, especially in the second half of the month. The angler's calendar for October 2017 will tell novice fishermen how to fish in October, how fishing for pike in October differs from catching perch ... And the fish biting calendar for October 2017 will help determine what kind of fish and how it bites in October, what bite the ide, pike will have , zander and burbot in October. Moon calendar for October 2017 will help you choose the right day for fishing in terms of the influence of the moon on fish activity. We hope this information will be useful to you.

The fisherman's calendar for October notes that fishing conditions become increasingly difficult in the second month of autumn. If at the beginning of October the weather is still quite warm and the fishing patterns do not differ from the previous month, then starting from mid-October, the weather conditions worsen: the air temperature drops, frosts are possible in the mornings, the number of cloudy and rainy days increases.

As the angler's calendar for October notes, for the angler in this autumn month, the main thing to remember about pressure surges, the fish does not tolerate sudden changes, this can affect the deterioration of the bite. The fish biting calendar for October recommends taking note that almost all fish, when the pressure increases, go down to the depth, into the pits, and when the pressure drops, they begin to rise to the surface of the reservoir.

How to fish in October

The fisherman's calendar for October recommends that those who have not been fishing for a long time refresh their knowledge about the habits and methods of catching fish. Especially successful in this autumn is catching predatory fish fattening fat before winter. The main attention in October, the angler's calendar advises, should be given to fishing with float rods (for fry) and, under favorable conditions, spinning. Roach and silver bream in October go well for worms and bloodworms, and in good weather you can even catch silver carp or ruff. Carp bite in October, too, checked.

In some years in northern regions an early freeze-up is observed and exciting fishing begins on the first ice. In the southern regions, the weather is relatively warm and the fishing is the same as in September. With a steady cooling in the Kuban for the winter come rybets and shemaya. With a favorable, relatively warm weather fishing for carp continues in the Kuban, the lower reaches of the Dnieper and Volga, as well as predatory fish (pike, perch, asp). Catfish is less common.

What to fish in October

The angler's calendar for October notes that a decrease in water temperature affects the behavior of many species of fish. The activity of peaceful fish as a whole decreases, it goes to deeper parts of water bodies. In this regard, fishing becomes more effective with which you can fish at a great distance from the coast. Fishing with float rods is possible in those places where medium or large depths begin immediately near the shore.

On rivers, such places can be found along concave banks, where the channel comes closer to coastline. You can also fish near pools near dams, under steep banks and rocks. On lakes and reservoirs, the places where the depth begins close to the coast are not so clearly expressed, but the above special signs can be followed.

  • Catching pike in October on mugs and a track on a tackle with dead fish more successful, because during frosts on the spinning rod, the fishing line on the reel freezes, and the rings are covered with a film of ice. The fisherman's calendar for October 2017 marks the ongoing autumn zhor pike, mainly in deep places.
  • On the bottom fishing rods in October, greedily takes burbot for minnow, frog, creeping out at night, chub guts come across less often, ide is almost not caught.
  • In October, float fishing rods catch perch and pike for fry. In lakes and ponds, it takes on bloodworms and roach, and in good weather - white crucian carp.
  • In posting in October, as the fisherman's calendar fixes, dace is well caught.
  • Sheer lure on a small lure, better with a worm or bloodworm attachment, in October it is interesting to catch perch.
  • Along with flashing, mormyshka fishing is also successful in October.

Fishing in October

Pike fishing in October

The angler's calendar for October suggests that catching pike on a spinning rod is good until frost.

Summer has come, it is still not too hot outside, and the conditions for fishing are close to ideal. In the first weeks of June, many species of fish have a short pause in feeding, which is a consequence of the spring active zhora.

The number of fish allowed to be caught at the end of spawning increases significantly. So, in June it is already possible to actively hunt silver bream, asp, rudd, crucian carp, bream, tench, roach, perch, carp, carp, pike perch, catfish, ide and sabrefish. With summer warming, the phases of the moon in the behavior of aquatic life are becoming increasingly important, and therefore the fisherman's calendar June 2017 should always be at hand when planning fishing.

The fisherman's lunar calendar for June 2017 portends an excellent bite of peaceful fish species from 1 to 3, from 14 to 17 and from 28 to 30 June.

White fish at the beginning of summer begins to eat intensively, which is facilitated by the abundance of algae and various small food in the form of larvae. Following the latter, aquatic inhabitants often rise to the surface.

The water is still cloudy, so anglers don't have to worry about being seen and don't need to wear much camouflage.

Rudd and roach gradually disperse throughout the pond, and most of them can be found in areas with moderate and weak currents. These representatives are recommended to fish from cover, as they now swim near the surface and have a good view of everything that happens outside the water.

Carp come to life in all types of water bodies, from big rivers to small ponds.

Particularly active biting of fish in June will be observed on cloudy days, and real zhor fish will show before and after a summer thunderstorm, which, according to weather forecasters, will not be a rarity this year.

Fisherman's lunar calendar June 2017: predator bite forecast

The fishing calendar for June 2017 indicates a good bite of predatory fish in the first and last days months, namely 1 and 2 and from 26 to 30 June, as well as from 12 to 14 numbers.

It is recommended to catch closer to sunset, because it is not in vain that he is one of the twilight predators. In contrast to previous months, at the beginning of summer, the fanged one can often be seen in shallow waters, where it is actively looking for small, heat-loving fish. It is noteworthy that only males of zander show great activity at this time, while females still lie down after spawning.

Pike at the beginning of summer should be looked for in places of accumulation of peaceful species of fish.

Small wobblers and spinners act as the main bait for predators. Wiring should be fast, as both pike and pike perch, without hesitation, rush in pursuit of prey.

We draw your attention to the fact that the full moon will come on the 9th, on fishing within this day the fry will be overactive, and it is recommended to use baits of large fractions, and to put larger baits on the hook. The new moon this month will come on the 24th, and you should not count on a special bite two days before it and a couple of days later. It is especially not recommended to go out for night fishing during this period.

In general, the calendar of the fisherman in June 2017 promises a rather productive month in terms of fishing, but weather conditions will also play a significant role.

The lunar calendar of the fisherman and biting will be great helper if you want to go fishing.

  • This magical planet mysteriously affects all life on our planet.
  • Even the ebbs and flows of natural reservoirs depend on the phases of this eternal satellite of the Earth.
  • Therefore, the behavior of fish that live in the seas, oceans, ponds, rivers, lakes also depends on the Moon.
  • From this mysterious planet depends on the growth of plants, human hair. Astrologers also offer lunar calendars for haircuts, seedling transplants, and others.

Lunar calendar of a fisherman and fish biting for 2019: table

  • A favorable period for fishing is the day when a new moon appears in the sky, as well as all the days of the growing phase of this planet.
  • The moon in the waning phase negatively affects the behavior of fish. Their appetite decreases, which means that the bite will be average.
  • In 2019, the biting forecast is not very favorable on the day of the full moon, as well as the day before this period and the day after it.

Most good days for biting from 3 to 10 and from 19 to 22 lunar days.

Important: Do not forget that the weather conditions, the transparency of the water in the reservoir, the direction and speed of the wind, and atmospheric pressure also affect the bite of the fish.

Remember: If all these factors are favorable, and the lunar table portends a bad bite, then a good catch should not be expected. Also, vice versa, on a favorable day according to the lunar table, but in bad weather and strong wind, there will be no catch.

Lunar calendar of a fisherman and biting for 2019: table

Month of 2019 Promising days in terms of biting Days when average bite is expected Bad biting fish
January 7-13, 18-25 14,15, 26-29 1-6, 16, 17,30
February 4-9, 17-22 10-16 1-3, 23-28
March 5-10, 17-25 11-16, 26-29 1-4, 30-31
April 4-8, 12, 24-25 9, 11, 13-15, 17-23, 26-30 1-3, 10, 16
May 1-4, 23-25 6, 8-22, 26-30 5, 7, 31
June 4-16
17-28 1-3, 29-30
July 4-7, 14 -21 2, 3, 8-10, 12,13, 22-29, 31 1, 11, 30
August 1-4, 6, 9, 11-19, 22, 30, 31 5, 7-8, 20, 21, 23-24, 27-29 10, 26
September 1-7, 11-17 8-10, 18-20, 26-30 21-25
October 6, 9-13, 20 7, 8, 14, 16-19, 21-29 1-5, 15, 30
November 5, 7-12, 15, 17, 20 1-4, 13-14, 18, 19, 21-29 6, 16, 30
December 11-13 6-10, 14-29 1-5, 30

Lunar calendar of a fisherman and biting fish for January 2019: auspicious days

In January, fishermen go ice fishing. If you have the necessary equipment, gear and top dressing, then choose the right days from the lunar table and go fishing.

Lunar calendar of the fisherman and biting for January 2019 - auspicious days, days of average and bad bite:

  • The behavior of winter fish differs significantly from its behavior in summer. Every experienced fisherman knows this.
  • In winter, while fishing, it is not recommended to make extra noise.
  • The fishing rod must be strong, since it is in winter that you can catch a big oily fish, so decent equipment is half the battle.

Lunar calendar of a fisherman and biting for February 2019 - favorable days, average and bad days for bite:

Lunar calendar of a fisherman and biting fish for March 2019: auspicious days

  • The winter fishing season in many regions of our country continues until April.
  • Fish caught in ice water, is distinguished by its unique taste. In addition, it keeps well.
  • Many fishermen even go ice hunting to other regions on special tours, so you need to carefully choose the right day according to seasonal calendar and lunar table.

Lunar calendar of a fisherman and biting for March 2019 - favorable days, days of average biting and bad days:

Lunar calendar of a fisherman and biting fish for April 2019: auspicious days

  • Every fisherman wants to come home from a tour with great catch, but this is not always the case.
  • Gentle wind, pure clear water, good top dressing, and the fisherman comes home with a small fish for his cat or nothing at all.
  • Only experienced anglers know to pay attention to the lunar calendar.
  • Pisces also live in harmony with the Moon, with their biorhythms, which are associated with the movement of this planet and the Earth.

Lunar calendar of a fisherman and biting for April 2019 - favorable days, average and bad biting:

Lunar calendar of a fisherman and biting fish for May 2019: auspicious days

  • Fish have many environmental analyzers.
  • In addition to the usual sense organs (hearing, taste, touch, smell and vision), they have a magnetic and seismic analyzer, reacting to changes in the atmosphere, the speed of water flow and possessing magnetic azimuth orientation and electrolocation.
  • Any external influences that our consciousness does not pay attention to, the aquatic inhabitants understand well. This also applies to lunar influence. Therefore, you need to reckon with the lunar table if you want to catch a lot of prey on the next trip to the reservoir.

Lunar calendar of a fisherman and biting for May 2019 - favorable days, days of average and bad biting:

Lunar calendar of a fisherman and biting fish for June 2019: auspicious days

Scientists have long been studying the behavior of the inhabitants of the seas, oceans and other bodies of water. They even tried to separately consider the influence of the eternal satellite of the Earth and the weather (its change), but these two factors are closely related to each other.

Lunar calendar of a fisherman and biting for June 2019 - favorable days, days of average and bad biting:

Lunar calendar of a fisherman and biting fish for July 2019: auspicious days

  • The moon, being closest to our planet, in comparison with other celestial bodies, cannot but influence the behavior of aquatic inhabitants.
  • It creates a special gravity, making the tension of the water maximum, which entails a change electrical impact on fish.

Tip: Use lunar table if you are planning to go fishing. This will help achieve the desired goal - to catch a lot of prey.

Lunar calendar of a fisherman and biting for July 2019 - favorable days, unfavorable days and days of average biting:

Lunar calendar of a fisherman and biting fish for august 2019: auspicious days

  • Aquatic inhabitants react to changes in lighting during the day.
  • This happens not only with nocturnal fish, but also with those that hibernate after dark.
  • At the peak of the rays of the sun or moonlight, the inhabitants of the reservoirs can observe biorhythmic peaks.
  • Therefore, during the month there are days of excellent, average and bad bite.

Lunar calendar of a fisherman and biting for August 2019 - favorable, bad and relative days for fishing:

Lunar calendar of a fisherman and biting fish for September 2019: auspicious days

  • Unlucky days for biting in 2019 are the new moon, and one day before this period and after it
  • These days, not only night, but also daytime bites are falling.
  • Gravity problems that a certain lunar phase creates interfere with good fishing

Lunar calendar of a fisherman and biting for September 2019 - favorable days, average and bad biting:

Lunar calendar of a fisherman and biting fish for October 2019: auspicious days

  • The moon and our planet are constantly changing their location relative to the solar circle.
  • In the process of joint movement, all these planets enter into a strong mutual attraction.
  • The greatest force of attraction (tidal wave) occurs when a certain point on our planet is closest to the moon. The least attraction (low tide), on the contrary, is when the point of the Earth is farthest from the Earth's satellite.

Lunar calendar of a fisherman and biting for October 2019 - favorable, average and bad days for a fishing trip:

Lunar calendar of a fisherman and biting fish for November 2019: auspicious days

  • Many experts believe that the influence of the moon is due to changes in pressure in the layers of water where fish live.
  • Astrologers associate this factor with moon phases, therefore, in one period of the month, the bite increases, and in the other it falls.

Lunar calendar of a fisherman and biting for November 2019 - favorable, unfavorable days and days of average biting:

Lunar calendar of a fisherman and biting fish for December 2019: auspicious days

  • The study of the impact of lunar biorhythms on the behavior of fish is still ongoing.
  • Fishermen at this time use their experience and the lunar calendar.
  • Many experienced anglers rely on a sense of their intuition that develops over time. But in order not to be mistaken in the forecasts of good fishing, you need to look into the lunar table.

Lunar calendar of a fisherman and biting for December 2019 - favorable days, unfavorable days, days of average biting:

Astrologers see a connection between the phases of the moon and the earth and aquatic life, because they study such a mysterious science as astrology. To ordinary people you have to rely on your experience, weather changes and the advice of the lunar calendar.

Video: Fishing. What you need to know before you go fishing?


A favorable period for fishing is the day when a new moon appears. A favorable period for fishing is the day when a new moon appears.

Such calendars are compiled on the basis of the observations of our ancestors, which have been formed over the years. So, for example, it was noticed that during the period of full moons or new moons, the bite noticeably decreases, is unstable and unpredictable. But on the growing or waning moon, on the contrary, the catch increases significantly. This is only a small part of such observations, and therefore, every time you go fishing, it is useful to look at the Lunar calendar of the fisherman 2017 and make sure that you have chosen the right and successful day.

Do not forget that the state of the weather, the transparency of the water in the reservoir, the direction and speed of the wind, and atmospheric pressure also affect the biting of the fish.

Fisherman's calendar for august 2017

Fishermen by their nature, as you know, are quite unusual people. Will accept and superstition - more than enough. For example, there is a fishing etiquette, customs and traditions. And it will accept - do not count the numbers - both based on real experience and analysis of facts, and obviously superstitious, based on something incomprehensible.

Superstitions are taken for granted by many - a vital axiom, which, as you know, does not require proof. Nevertheless, regardless of whether the angler believes in signs or not, information about such causal relationships is necessarily stored in the depths of his consciousness. And as soon as there is a realization that events are developing according to the scenario prescribed by any sign, the regiment of superstitious people arrives.

About randomness and regularity

Often the first small thing caught and left becomes the only one in the catch or the largest. If this is not an alibi for the wife, let go for relatives.

The thinner the line, the larger the fish, so it is impossible to catch big fish.

You will not wait for the next bite until you put the fish on the kukan, leaving it lying on the ground.

If it doesn't bite the right way step up the nibble will turn away and start breakfast/lunch/dinner.

The fish will always bite on the bait you don't have.

Any new item equipment for fishing most often guarantees a zero result.

In whatever direction you sail on the boat, the wind is always oncoming.

The coarser and more reliable the tackle, the smaller size pecked fish.

The number of gear in the bag eventually leaves everything less space for fish.

If it doesn't bite today, it will bite tomorrow. If it didn't bite tomorrow, it will bite the day after tomorrow. If it still does not bite, then you are late for fishing exactly one day.

If a man keeps a whole cabinet of spinning reels, then they replace him with a harem.

The waiting time for a bite is directly proportional to the adverse weather conditions.

Passion for fishing is like female alcoholism: you can understand that you are sick, but you can’t recover!

What are the signs about fishing? In fact, there are a lot of them. Let's list some of them. We are sure that they will be useful not only to the fishermen themselves, but also to their loved ones, who, to one degree or another, are also “involved” in this hobby!

Folk omens about fishing

1. The best bite happens on the new moon on the day when the south wind blows. But pike and perch should be caught under a full moon.

2. The sun shines in the eyes while fishing - it will be good to peck.

3. When hawthorn blossoms, it is best to catch carp.

4. Gear should be prepared on the day of fishing - this will ensure good luck for the fisherman.

5. If you spit on the worm before you cast the rod, expect a quick bite.

6. To meet a woman on the way to go fishing - it's easier to go back, there will be no sense. The same will happen if you see a priest or a monk.

7. To meet a dwarf, crazy, just a person with an ugly, repulsive appearance - to good luck fishing.

8. Accidentally step on a fishing rod or net - there will be no catch.

9. Look back while biting - scare away luck.

10. Until the fishing is over, the catch is not counted.

11. During fishing, you can’t have a snack and snack on fish dishes - to failure. Squids with beer are also not allowed!

12. If the first fish caught in the net is a small fish, release it. But before that, tell her to bring her relatives with her.

13. A rare fisherman goes to his fishery without taking a bottle of alcohol with him. But vodka or beer should not be drunk alone. Before you cast a fishing rod, you need to splash a little alcohol into the water so that the water one becomes kinder and brings a lot of fish into the net.

14. If the ruff was the first to fall for the bait, you need to wind up the gear and go home. Still, nothing good can be expected on this day. big fish off the hook - the same thing.

15. Stuffy morning - to a good bite.

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