Production of a dryer for large fish. Dryer for fish with fan. How to dry and dry fish on a fire

Dried and dried fish is one of the most popular snacks in our country, and it would be strange to pay money for it if you yourself like to fish, and even boast of plentiful and regular catches. The simplest version of a do-it-yourself fish dryer can even be an ordinary clothesline with clothespins on which the prey will be attached. To protect against midges, the catch can be protected with a mosquito net thrown over the top, but with the “production” put on stream, this does not look serious.

Home-made drying for fish of a decent appearance and the same functionality can be done at home by placing a large number of slaves in a small space and providing there at the same time good ventilation and protection from curious insects. In a rural area, such a solution is especially relevant, since not only fish, but also mushrooms, and even meat can be dried in a similar way. Two variants of this design can be distinguished. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Demountable hanging cabinet

In private houses, in most cases, they resort to making a box, covered on all sides with a mosquito net to protect against insects. Depending on the size, such a structure can be hung on a wall or even be multi-tiered and stand on the ground - then up to several dozen fish can dry in it at the same time, but the likelihood of access by ground insects increases. The dimensions of the future box are determined only by you, based on your fishing abilities.

For good air access, the box should not have walls - in fact, we are talking just about a contour frame. For its manufacture, a bar is usually chosen or wooden slats, whose thickness should never be less than 2.5 cm. Moreover, in many cases it makes sense to take a thicker material if the structure has many tiers, or its volume allows you to hang several kilograms of fish at once. In order not to be mistaken with the amount of purchased material, you can draw up a drawing in advance.

Just keep in mind that any box of a relatively large size will not interfere with the presence of additional spacers for strength and stability. When purchasing a bar, it is worth taking it with a small margin - just in case.

For beauty, wood is often sanded and then painted, but it is more reasonable to do the first procedure before assembling the structure, and the second after assembly. The polished slats are cut so as to make two identical rectangles out of them, which will become opposite walls. You can connect them together either with several separate spacers, or with two more equal rectangles. After all this, one more rectangle needs to be made according to the size of one of the walls - it will serve as a door. For the perfect correctness of all angles, most masters advise using special metal corners small size, sold somewhere in the neighborhood with the same lumber.

When the frame is ready, if not painted, then at least varnished, because wood, and even outdoors, will last much longer.

Paint and varnish must be chosen wisely: they must protect the wood from water and salt deposits, but at the same time be environmentally friendly, because toxic fumes will surely soak the fish.

In the upper part of the box, as well as between the spacers of the lower tiers, you need to stretch a twine or wire on which the fish will be hung. The density of the rows and the vertical distance between the rows should be determined based on the size of the catch you can usually show off. Choosing among twine and different types wire, focus on the ability to withstand rain and withstand the expected weight of the catch, it is also reasonable to provide an easy option to replace sagging or torn pieces.

When this stage is also passed, you can start fitting the mosquito net - usually it is simply cut into fragments required size and simply nailed to the rails in a taut state. In this way, all sides of the box are trimmed, except for the one left for the door, and with the planned tight hanging on the wall, the opposite side may also be left without a grid. The door itself is also upholstered with a mesh, after which it is attached with hinges to the “doorway”. final touch there will be the creation of a “heck” of two or three nails, but here it is worth approaching the task as responsibly as possible so that not the slightest gap remains.

If it suddenly turned out crooked, and there are still cracks, you can paste them on the outside with a sealant.

Many, by the way, do not want to make the door on their own, but specifically adjust the dimensions of the box to the dimensions of the standard counter mosquito net on the window to use it as a door. The very lazy ones may not assemble any frame from a bar at all, simply by connecting several such grids together.

Some craftsmen do not like the fact that when the door is open (at the stage of hanging the fish or extracting part of the prey), insects can get inside, therefore, instead of doors, they sew a zipper into the mesh. This can make the inlet much smaller and easier to control, but this approach tends to degrade the mesh on that side more quickly.

Drying chamber with fan

This design is more intended for the city - at least, it not only can, but should be inside the building, since it requires electricity to operate.

Any box can be used as a frame, only now with integral walls and the possibility of tight closing. You can put it together with your own hands, but the use of large (at least 20 liters) is much more popular. plastic containers from anything.

The ventilation grill is usually built into the box cover located on top, but a small one is installed in one of the narrow side walls. exhaust fan window type, so that by its efforts the air flow passes through the entire box. Availability electric fan allows you to completely level the lack of draft due to the lack of free air circulation in the room, therefore even the dense walls of the plastic box will not interfere with the quick achievement of the result - in most cases, this design dries the fish faster than the classic one with a net and fresh outdoor air. In the upper part of the box, metal rods with a wrench thread are attached, which are fastened on the outer sides with the corresponding nuts - we will hang fish or other products on them.

On this, the simplest design of a home drying cabinet could be completed, however, some craftsmen offer options for improving the design. So, it's no secret that for normal drying, you need not only constant inflow air, but also heat , which in winter time even indoors is not always achieved. good decision to increase the temperature inside the cabinet, the use of an electric mat can be used - such an item can be bought at a pet store, since it is necessary for the comfort of most pet reptiles. You can go the other way, providing a place inside the box for installing ordinary incandescent bulbs, which also heat up significantly during operation, but they will take up more space and may require numerous holes in the frame.

When installing any equipment for raising the temperature, it must be remembered that water flowing or evaporating from the dried products should not get on the heated surface, and even more so on electrical contacts.

Both design options are quite effective, tested over the years of operation and used by hundreds of thousands of our fellow citizens, as evidenced by positive reviews on various fishing forums. Another thing is that for beginners who decide for the first time to try to dry fish or mushrooms on their own, the first pancake comes out lumpy. Out of ignorance, such people often sin on an unsuccessful design, although the reason for the spoilage of products or their very specific taste lies not in the crooked hands of the master, but in the banal non-compliance with the technology for preparing the catch.

For example, it makes no sense to dry fresh fish - the finished product will turn out to be completely tasteless and few people will like it. Before being sent to the drying cabinet, the fish must be salted for at least 10-12 hours, and not any salt can be used for this - only coarse-grained is suitable, and iodized and "Extra" are considered completely unsuitable for these purposes.

Another common mistake is to thoroughly wash the fish before salting - although this may seem unhygienic, this should not be done. The fact is that the inhabitants of the depths are already an excellent breeding ground. various microorganisms, and the increased presence of water also contributes to this, at the same time slowing down the drying process.

Fish dryers, simple and reliable, hanging and stationary will delight every fishing enthusiast! Flake from the Mitek company the most reliable, capacious and durable fish dryer from NPO Kedr are compact, light and simple. Which one you choose, it's up to you!

To this day, many people try to dry fish in a tarinka, on outdoors, I don’t immediately think about flies that spoil the whole catch, but small animals at night. a scorching sun or rain? Everything comes with experience of course. We offer fish dryers that have already been tested by experienced anglers who know a lot about cooking fish.

It can be added that fish dryers can also be used as a dryer for herbs, fruits and other veins.

Fish dryers

Flake- a necessary thing if you are fond of fishing, especially if you go on a long fishing trip, and you are interested in the issue of the safety of your catch. It is they who guarantee the safety of the fish from flies and other insects during drying. In addition, wide the lineup dryers will provide you with the ease of choosing the right model.

Today I decided to tell you about one of my last year's purchases. The little thing is very specific, but very useful.
So. Vertical three-tier dryer for fish. (suitable for drying not only fish, but also other products)
In the review I will tell you about the dryer itself, as well as about my recipe for drying fish. Beware, there is content 18+
What is this dryer for in the first place? And it is needed for, as the name implies, for drying and harvesting dried fish. The dryer has three undeniable pluses which make it very useful.
The first plus: the dryer allows you to save space well. She is ergonomic. Allows you to dry a relatively large amount of fish in a relatively small amount of space.
The second plus: with its dimensions, when folded, the dryer takes up very little space.
Third plus: the mesh design completely excludes access various flies and other scavengers to dried fish. No need to fence boxes, hang gauze or look for places where the fish will dry, and the flies will not climb into it.

Additional Information

Perhaps these dryers in your city are cheaper. Ask at local fishing shops. For example, such dryers are sold for a price comparable to the monitored price, but with dimensions of 25x25cm.

I used to dry fish the old-fashioned way. On a stretched wire and wrapped in gauze. Like this:

The disadvantage of this method is that the flies climb to the still raw fish and lay larvae. Even gauze does not always save if the fish is poorly wrapped. Therefore, when I came across the option to buy a folding dryer, I bought it without hesitation:

Now the price is unfortunately higher than last year. But you can look in other stores or wait for sales.
The dryer comes from the store in a package:

Quite compact when folded

Dryer dimensions 35x35cm:

When unfolded, the height of the dryer is about 57cm (plus the length of the ropes):

This is how the dryer looks like in working condition:

The material of the dryer is some kind of fine synthetic mesh. Quite thick and strong. Stainless steel frame. The castle is also synthetic. There are two sliders:

Opens easily:

In the open state, there is access to three shelves on which you can lay out fish for drying.

After it closes, and not a single fly or other muck will get close to the fish.
Well, now I will show exactly how I cook and dry the fish. To be consistent. I'll start from the very beginning and point by point:
Point one:
Early in the morning, we go fishing. Preferably away from the city, to places where there are few fishermen, and the fish are not knocked out by Chinese nets. We have a good time fishing. We catch fish. We are resting. We sunbathe. We burn.

On the day of fishing, the weather was changeable. It's hot, it's raining. But in the end, about 3 kg of large roach were caught:

Point two:
I bring the roach home. I'm cleaning. Gutted. I cut off the heads and cut along the spine into two halves:

I put the cut fish in a prepared container.

I fall asleep with salt, sugar and red pepper. The recipe is simple:
for 500 grams of fish I use 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt without a slide, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, 0.2 teaspoons of bitter red pepper.

I mix thoroughly. I close the container with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for two days for salting:

And I myself go to cover my neck, face and hands with cream. Because everything that was open burned down:

Point three:
After two days, I take the fish out of the refrigerator. I lay out the fish in three layers on the dryer already suspended on the street and close it:

As you can see, the fish is open on all sides for fresh air, so the drying process takes place without any problems, stagnation, etc.
Point four:
It's been 3 days since the fish was put outside on the dryer. It's time to harvest. More precisely, it's time to pull the fish. She's ready:

The dryer worked just fine. The fish dried evenly on all sides. No flies got to the fish. The fish looks very appetizing.

Point five. Most Responsible:
We go to the store. We buy beer. And we start eating fish:

In my case, one and a half liters of dark unfiltered Bruge Dark organically fit into a calm Saturday evening with my family. (Please don't forget that overuse alcohol can be detrimental to your health. But the use in moderation and not very often is quite allowed):

While talking quietly, almost all the fish was eaten by me, my wife and three children. So I'm going fishing again this weekend.
You may have forgotten, but this was a review of a fish dryer. The product is definitely needed and useful. Helps a lot for those who love to exercise. homemade dried fish. Never regretted that he bought. Like simple design but worth the money. And I can definitely recommend to buy.
That's all. I wish you all a good weekend and a good summer. I plan to buy +71 Add to favorites Liked the review +109 +200

Delicious, dried fish is the best addition to beer on a nice pleasant evening with friends. To save money and not buy from the store dried fish, You can make it yourself. How? Very simple and inexpensive, you just need to make a little effort.

How to make a box for drying fish with your own hands?

To make a box, we need some materials, as well as some skills to work with tools.

We will need:

Wooden bars;

Mosquito net;


Screws for wood.

1. First of all, we determine the size of our future box. We chose the size: 1 meter high, 1 meter long and 0.5 meters wide.

2. We cut the bars of the size we need and sew them together with screws.

3. To make the box more stable, we will strengthen it with several ribs.

4. We hook the cables between the side ribs. They immediately perform two functions: they do not allow the frame to stretch, and we will hang fish on them.

5. Let's start processing wood. We open in two layers with Bio-doctor from beetles.

6. After the wood dries, we proceed to the opening with varnish. It should be opened in two layers, with an interval of 5 hours.

7. After the varnish dries, we will cover it with a mosquito net using a stapler. We sheathe almost from all sides, we do not sheathe the front one, there we will have doors.

8. We do the doors in the same way with the help of bars, mosquito nets, and we hook them on the hinges. They should close the box well.

A dehydrator, or dryer for fish or meat, is a must-have item for many fishermen and hunters to use as one of the ways to process their prey. In order not to spend money on an industrial design, you can make a fish dryer with your own hands with minimal financial costs.

Of course, the most inexpensive option for a dehydrator is an ordinary clothesline, on which a fish is strung and placed somewhere under a roof or on a balcony. With all its simplicity, this option does not exclude the infection of fish during the drying process with larvae. various insects, as well as from sitting flies. Therefore, the most practical and reliable dryers for food are always designed with walls that protect prey from flies, other insects and pollution from the street, but somehow promote free air circulation. According to their design, dryers for fish or meat are different:

  • Suspended
  • collapsible
  • Stationary
  • With fan

Hanging dryers differ from stationary dryers in that, in accordance with their name, they are suspended from the wall, thanks to which their height and position can be adjusted, which is convenient when choosing the most suitable place for the amount of sun or wind. Collapsible dryers very convenient in that they can be disassembled for compact storage while they are not in use. In addition, they are mobile, and during long-term fishing, the catch can be immediately placed in the dryer right on the shore of the reservoir. All these dryers are adapted to dry fish outdoors. What to do if there is no such possibility, or dehydration of fish needs to be done in winter? In this case, a dryer for meat and fish with a fan will help, which is quite simple to do with your own hands.

In order to make a dryer with a fan, you will need the following materials:

  • Plastic container with lid. Can be used plastic box for children's toys.
  • Extractor hood with outlet grate. Sufficient fan power is 280 cubic meters. Instead of ventilation hood you can use a PC cooler.
  • Threaded rod on M8 or M6, can also be used metal bars 3 mm in diameter.
  • Nuts, washers, bolts.

The sequence of work on the manufacture of the dehydrator is as follows:

  1. At the bottom of the box, on its short side, it is necessary to mark with a marker the place for mounting the ventilation hood. The place for fixing the grate for the hood is also marked, it is best if it is located on the lid. If this is not possible, it is built into opposite side from the fan at the top. Holes can be cut with a jigsaw, a circular saw-crown suitable diameter, or use a drill with a thin drill: holes are drilled around the perimeter of the circle, then the jumpers between them are removed with an ordinary knife. If you heat the blade of the knife, the plastic will be cut more easily.
  2. The fan and the grate for the hood are installed in the prepared holes, fixed to the walls of the box with fasteners. The lattice can be planted on liquid nails.
  3. Next, you need to mark the location of the holes for the rod, which will hold the fish or pieces of meat during drying. To do this, masking tape is glued around the perimeter of the box, and markings are already applied to it. Holes are drilled with a screwdriver or drill. Another option for attaching a drying rod is using duralumin corners. They are fixed on the long sides of the container with the shelf down, fastened with bolts, and on the shelves of the corners they are arranged through holes for the bar. With the help of such corners inside the dryer, you can make several rows.
  4. The threaded rod is cut into required amount bars of the desired length with a hacksaw.
  5. The rods are inserted into the holes, fixed with nuts and washers. If you need to dry something roomy, you can unscrew the nuts and remove the rods.
  6. The fish is strung on rods through the eyes or clings to hooks and hung on rods. Then the container is closed with a lid, the fan is turned on, the box is placed in any comfortable spot for several days.

Such a dehydrator is universal, since it is used not only for drying fish, but it is also a dryer for meat, vegetables or fruits. In addition, if thick parchment is placed on the rods, you can dry small products - berries and mushrooms. The dryer from the container is quite capacious, airtight, protects products from the penetration of any insects. How fast the food will dry will depend on the outside temperature of the dehydrator. Modify similar dryer it is possible if you install a special adapter-timer to set the operating time, as well as a device that supplies warm air inside.