Set the Sherkhan alarm 5. Programming the Scher-Khan car alarm key fobs. When VALET mode is turned on

Of everything model range The most unfortunate alarm system with Scher-Khan autostart is definitely Magicar 5. This is due not only and not only to the hacking vulnerability common to all Scher-Khan systems of these years, but also to the extremely illogical implementation of autorun. Even the classic and most convenient “software neutral” for raising the handbrake cannot be physically implemented here, there is no input for the handbrake.

In the same way, the most accurate analog method for monitoring engine operation using a tachometric signal is not provided. So best recommendation owners of such systems will have to replace them with more modern ones that work adequately with autorun and persistent co.

Nevertheless, many motorists continue to use previously installed (usually in car dealerships) Magicar 5, and during operation, questions inevitably arise - from how to set up the Sherkhan Magicar 5 key fob to how to disable autorun on Magicar 5 (by the way, correct reading- "magicar").

An auto electrician-diagnostician, a certified StarLine specialist, works on the site. If you have questions about car alarms, ask them at the end of the article in the comments or Vkontakte. When contacting, indicate the make of the car and the model of the alarm.

Keyfob programming

Although “falling off” key fobs are mainly the prerogative of the Logicar line, where the need for regular re-registration has become a byword for a long time, there is a possibility of loss of recognition here. It is not difficult to register the Sherkhan 5 keychain, it is enough to remember a simple procedure.

First of all, you need to remember that the entire set must be rewritten: at the beginning of the procedure, the memory of all previously stored key fobs is erased. If a problem arose on the road, when you only have one key fob with you, you should repeat the procedure upon returning home, but with complete set- otherwise, if the main key fob breaks, you will have to open the car with emergency disarming of the system. On all prescribed key fobs with an LCD screen, you need to turn off the " Free hands” (holding button 1 for two seconds), and the system is disarmed.

Key fob programming is performed in three stages:

  1. Quickly turn the ignition on and off three times, after which the light alarm should give one flash.
  2. Switch on the ignition again, leaving it in this state.
  3. With a pause of no more than 4 seconds, alternately press buttons 1 on all prescribed remote controls (no more than three).

Exit from the keyfob assignment mode will occur automatically 4 seconds after the last press.

Re-prescribing- one of the most effective measures in case the Magikar 5 key fob does not work. Only after making sure that there is no physical connection (that is, the key fob cannot be registered), you need to look for a problem in the system or change the key fob.

Time setting, autostart by time

timer start (A);
turbo timer mode (B);
passive activation of the system (C);
automatic activation mode without pressing the buttons (D);
included siren (E);
shock detection sensor (F) is off;
vibrating alert is active in the key fob (G);
control of door locks after starting the ignition (H);
open trunk lid (J);
the engine is switched on in the autostart mode (K);
system state (L);
open doors (M);
field for displaying hours, temperature and data during autorun (N);
operating mode Valet (O);
working alarm or dimensions not switched off (P);
shock sensor triggering (Q);
key fob battery indicator (R);
signal level (S).

Since the alarm has a timer autostart mode, when the car starts every day at a specified time, for its operation it is necessary to correctly set the time on the main key fob. The procedure for setting the time on the Sherkhan Magikar 5 alarm key fob:

1. Hold down buttons 2 and 3 for 2 seconds. The display will change to something that looks like "Pro9" (actually it should be Prog, but due to the limitations of the seven-segment screen elements, it looks like this).

2. Briefly press button 1 - the current time will start flashing, the key fob will give a single signal.

3. Press button 2 to set the hours, use button 3 to enter the minutes.

Autorun by time(of course, all the right connections and the settings of the system itself must be made in advance) is possible in two versions. Or the car starts every day in set time(for which the clock is set), or this happens every 2, 4, 8 hours from the moment the mode is activated and regardless of the clock setting. The type of timer autorun is set in the system settings, that is, several options cannot be activated at the same time.

To enable autorun by timer for 24 hours, you need:

1. Hold down buttons 2 and 3 for 2 seconds.

2. After the inscription “Pro9” appears, briefly press button 2 (not 1, as for setting the current time. The indications of the previously set autorun time will start blinking.

3. Press button 1 to set hours, button 2 to set minutes.

5. Press buttons 2 and 4 to turn on the TIMER indicator on the screen.

If you need to change the autorun time when the timer is already activated, you must first disable it (similarly, by pressing 2 + 4), set the timer time, then enable it back.

If the alarm settings are set to run periodically, just press the 2+4 buttons to turn on and off. After activating the intermittent start mode for the first time, the engine will start after 2, 4 or 8 hours, depending on the settings of the central unit.


Auto start by temperature and voltage

Since Sherkhan Magikar 5 (in the generally accepted meaning) does not allow autostart by temperature, it is only possible to limit the periodic start. In other words, the car will try to start every 2, 4, 8 hours if the following conditions are met:

  • the temperature at the installation point of the central unit is lower than the specified threshold;
  • the battery voltage is lower than the set threshold.

You can set one of these conditions, or two at the same time. Their programming is described below.

Alarm settings

To change the system settings, any of the previously registered key fobs is used. The car must be disarmed, ignition off.

The system has two separate settings menus. The entrance to the first menu is performed by pressing and holding the buttons 1 + 2, the second - 1 + 4. After the sound signal, you need to select the function number by pressing button 4 and make a short pause, after which the machine will give the number of the selected function with siren signals. With buttons 1,2,3 and 4, you can then set the desired value of the function.

In menu 1 The following functions are associated with the work of autorun:

  • 12: Engine warm-up time at auto start, 5,15,25 or 45 minutes for settings 1 to 4 respectively.
  • 13: timer start type. In value 1, the launch occurs every 24 hours according to the time set on the key fob, in values ​​2.3 and 4 - every 8.4 or 2 hours from the moment of activation.
  • 14: Limit the number of autostarts, maximum 5, 7, 16. When set to 4, the number of starts on the timer is not limited.
  • 16: autorun reservation type. In option 1, the ignition interception occurs every time the ignition is turned off, but with a noticeable pause during which the engine may stall. Option 2 introduces additional condition: The doors must be closed. If you do not need autostart reservation at a particular moment, it is enough to first open the door and then turn off the ignition. There is also a delay before the ignition is intercepted. Therefore, the only adequately working backup option on the Magicar 5 is manual backup (function value 3), when you need to press and hold button 2 of the key fob before turning off the ignition.
  • 17: a way to complete the "software neutral" algorithm. In option 1, the car will stall after closing the door without arming, in option 2 it will be similar, but with auto-arming. In option 3, the engine will stall only after manual arming. This is the only way to use.
  • 20: Limit periodic triggers based on battery voltage. In option 1 it is not set, option 2 sets the threshold to 11.5 V - until the voltage drops below, the start will be blocked. If you choose to run every 24 hours, the setting is ignored.
  • 21: auto start temperature threshold. In option 1 it is not installed, in options 2-4 the temperature is set to -15, -25 and 60 degrees, respectively (the last option is for the air conditioner to work in the heat).

Menu 2 autorun needs settings:

  • 12: minimum starter rotation time, 0.6, 0.8, 1.2 or 2 seconds. It should be set to the minimum possible, since there is no automatic cut-off of the starter, as on alarms with a tachometric input.
  • 13: maximum time starter rotation, 2, 4, 8, 10 sec. It should also be as low as possible to save the resource of the starter and the flywheel ring gear.
  • 14: increase in starter rotation time on subsequent attempts to start after an unsuccessful one. In option 1, each new start attempt lasts 0.2 s longer than the previous one, in option 2 - by 0.4 s. Option 3 sets the fixed scroll time given by function 12.
  • 15: pause between ignition on and start attempt, 2, 4, 8 and 10 seconds. The first two options are relevant for gasoline engines, options 3 and 4 are for diesel engines with glow plugs.
  • 16: pause after stopping the engine until the ignition is turned off. 0, 4, 15 seconds or 4 with restart attempts.

The remaining autorun settings are related to the connection scheme for a particular car and should not be changed by the user.

To set autostart from keychain Scher- Khan magicar 5, press button 2 on the key fob and hold it down for more than two seconds. With this manipulation, the car will be set to armed mode with the engine running, the doors will be locked, and after that the engine will be started. If the engine is started successfully, then the key fob will display information about how much time is left for the engine to run before stopping (it is most convenient if the time interval is programmed in minutes - from 5 to 45 minutes). If the launch has taken place, then in the distance you can see light smoke from the exhaust pipe.

To start a trip, during the set autostart interval, when it has not yet expired, open the driver's door, insert the ignition key into the lock and switch it to the position that corresponds to the inscription on the ignition on. All these actions must be done in no more than 20 seconds, if you delay in time, the ignition will not turn on and the engine will be turned off. As you understand, this is provided to prevent malicious attempts to steal your car.

In case of an unsuccessful start, the Sherkhan Magikar 5 system will make a second, and then a third attempt to start the engine. If all three launch attempts failed, then security system stabilizes in standby mode. To re-initiate the autostart function, you must first make sure that the engine is working.

Why autorun Scher-Khan magicar 5 does not work

Possible reasons for autorun failure are as follows:

  • discharged battery;
  • the temperature outside the window in winter has reached a critically low level (preventing the easy operation of this function);
  • other ICE systems could malfunction, making it difficult to start the engine;
  • car electrical failure
  • problems are related to the immobilizer, which prevents autorun;
  • the indicator shows smoke, although the engine did not start, so the system does not attempt to start 2.

If, when the key is flogged, the ignition works, and the auto start from a distance does not work, then you need to reprogram it, you can try to do the following - make the start periods shorter and set the response temperature higher.

How the Sherkhan Magikar 5 alarm works during launch:

When it is not possible to set to autorun:

  • with the ignition off;
  • if not all car doors are closed;
  • if the motor is already running;
  • in cars with mechanical transmission - if the "redundancy" mode is not active.

If the remote start is successful, then the corresponding systems behave as follows:

When the engine is automatically stopped, the systems behave as follows:

How to set the warm-up interval for autorun Sherkhan Magikar 5

To get started Scher-Khan installation magicar 5 in time, simultaneously with two fingers, press the first and second buttons on the key fob and hold the buttons like that for some time. (The autostart interval is possible 2, 4 or 6 hours - which specific value to choose depends on the condition of the battery and engine.)

1. Briefly press the Roman buttons 2 and 4 once without holding them down - this will turn off the timer.

2. Press the Roman button 4 13 times (after each pressing, the siren will confirm), then wait until the siren confirms the received signals 13 times.

3. It remains to select the autorun interval: to set autorun after two hours, press the Roman button 4, so that after 4 hours, press the Roman 3, after 8 hours, press the Roman 2.

4. Finally, finish the auto-start setting by turning on the timer by pressing Roman buttons 2 and 4 once and immediately releasing them.

How to set autorun Sherkhan Magikar 5 by temperature in the cabin

1. First, in a way already known to us, you need to turn on the autorun mode by time - to do this, press button 4 13 times (after each press, the siren will confirm), and then wait until the siren confirms the received signals 13 times.

2. Switch to programming mode. To do this, simultaneously press two fingers on the first and second buttons on the key fob and hold the buttons like that for some time.

  1. Deactivate the timer (if it is not already off) by briefly pressing buttons 2 and 4 simultaneously.
  2. Press 21 times on the Roman button 4 - the siren should turn on.
  3. Wait until the siren sounds 21 times, and then proceed to the temperature selection.
  4. To turn on autostart at minus 25°С, press button 3, at minus 15°С, press button 2.
  5. Restart the timer? by pressing buttons 2 and 4.

How to program the warm-up time

The warm-up time on the Sherkhan Magikar 5 alarm can be selected in the form of specific time periods in minutes (5, 15, 25 or 45 minutes).

  1. First you need to turn on the programming function by simultaneously long pressing buttons 1 and 2.
  2. Press button 4 12 times, each press will be accompanied by a sound confirmation, and the final confirmation of programming is 12 siren sounds in a row.
  3. It remains to set the warm-up time. To warm up for 45 minutes, press button 4 to 25 minutes. – button 3, 15 min. – button 2 and 5 min. – button 1.

How to program autostart by on-board voltage

You can program auto start, in case the battery is discharged to 11.5 volts.

  • Enter the time trigger mode by pressing button 4 13 times.
  • Activate the programming function by simultaneously long pressing buttons 1 and 2.
  • Press button 4 20 times without stopping, after which the siren will also sound 20 times.
  • Press button 2 - in this way you will turn on the autostart operation mode by battery voltage.

The most common problems with autorun

  1. The “Valet” mode is activated when the car is urgently disarmed (zzzz signs appear on the key fob). To solve the problem, you need to, with two fingers at the same time, press buttons 1 and 3 for more than 2 seconds.
  2. When the ignition is off, the car does not stall. The doors are locked, and in order to deactivate autorun, you need to activate the car's doors. To get out of this situation, you need to use button 2 to perform functions from 1 to 16. To turn off the engine, you need to turn the ignition key to the "Ignition Off" position.
  3. If you urgently need to remotely turn off the engine when autostart is running, then press button 2 and hold it.

Video: Setting up the autostart alarm Scher Khan magicar 5 on a manual transmission

Video: The car does not start with the Scher Khan magicar 5 alarm. Finding the cause

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One of the most popular anti-theft systems is Sherkhan Magikar 5. This is universal equipment. It is compatible with all types of gearboxes. One of the advantages of the Sherkhan Magikar 5 system is its reliability and high efficiency. It uses two-way communication with the car and displays information about its condition on a key fob with a display.

"Sherkhan Magikar 5", the instruction manual for which is included with the purchase, is recognized as one of the best options anti-theft devices. What are the main points to pay attention to? This will help the advice of experienced drivers.

Key Features

The Sherkhan Magikar 5 car alarm, the operating instructions for which should be well studied by the driver before starting its operation, is installed in the engine compartment of the car. This system is compatible with diesel and petrol engines. It is considered universal.

The limitation set by the manufacturer concerns the mains voltage. The wiring must supply 12 V for power.

The message between the vehicle's systems and the user's key fob is transmitted via a two-way radio link. Moreover, the engine starts when a special signal is transmitted from the remote control. You can program a timer.

The signal transmission range is 1.5 km. However, the car should be parked in an open area where it will be clearly visible. In the presence of obstacles, the signal range is reduced.


The Sherkhan Magikar 5 alarm, the operating instructions for which should be studied in detail by the driver, has a number of advantages. This explains its high popularity.

System reliability will be ensured by protection high level for all sensors, processor and antenna. Its installation is quite fast. Each owner will cope with this if desired. vehicle.

A powerful siren is installed in the engine department. It is quite loud and has almost no failures in operation. The advantage of the presented system is also the application of high standards in development. The creators of this alarm tested the equipment, which made it possible to bring its reliability to a high level.

The control panel with a display allows the owner of the machine to fully control all functions, as well as easily navigate the system readings. To take full advantage of the alarm, you must carefully study all the recommendations of the manufacturer.

Where to begin?

"Sherkhan Magikar 5", the instruction of which describes in detail the operation process, requires the implementation of all the manufacturer's recommendations. Installation must be carried out by a qualified mechanic. Otherwise, if installed incorrectly, the protective functions of the alarm may be impaired.

To get started with installed system you need to insert the battery into the key fob. It is included in the package, but is not installed in the remote control. This allows you to keep its charge at a high level.

After turning on the key fob, you can start working. To do this, information about the state of the car is displayed. You can manage commands, program the key fob using 4 buttons. Signals are transmitted in a certain encoding. It is unique, so no other remote can control the system. During the operation of the key fob, you can bind it again to the control unit, if for some reason the alarm system has stopped responding to its commands.

Guard mode

Compliance with the rules of work and a responsible attitude of the driver requires "Sherkhan Magikar 5". The instruction manual (autostart and other important modes which are described in detail) allows you to increase the comfort of using the machine.

To begin with, the driver must put the car in security mode. To do this, it is necessary to tightly close all the doors of the car, raise the windows. The trunk is also checked. After that, the driver presses the first button on the key fob. The locks are blocked, the starter will not work.

If the command is completed, the key fob will emit a characteristic sound. The alarm will also beep and the headlights will flash 5 times. The indicator will flicker. This indicates that the system is working. Flickering will occur at a frequency of once per minute. The doors are not hermetically closed, the key fob will emit 3 beeps, as well as the alarm itself. You need to monitor the inclusion of the security mode.

Creating a PIN 1 code

If for some reason the driver cannot use the key fob, the system can be disarmed using PIN 1. It is set by the vehicle owner independently from 2 or 4 digits. Each code element can be set from 1 to 4.

"Sherkhan Magikar 5", the instruction manual of which is studied by the driver, has a certain sequence of setting PIN 1. The equipment is removed from the blocking mode and the car is opened. The ignition key must be turned to the "ON" position, but the engine does not need to be started. Buttons II and IV are pressed on the key fob. A siren will sound once, and headlights will flash.

Within 4 seconds, you need to press any of the buttons. Her number will be registered to the first digit of the code. The same number of beeps will sound. The remaining digits of the code are programmed in the same way. After the procedure is completed, the system will exit this mode. The siren will sound 2 times, followed by 2 headlight flashes.


If you turn off the security mode in a standard way does not work (the key fob is lost, not recognized by the system, etc.), it can be removed using the PIN 1 code. This is a simple procedure that was provided by the developers of the Sherkhan Magicar 5 system. The instruction manual describes this process in detail.

The driver opens the car. At the same time, an alarm siren sounds. It is necessary to turn the ignition key three times from the "Off" position. to the "On" position. The sound will stop.

Within 4 seconds, you need to turn the key as many times as the PIN 1 digit the driver programmed earlier. After entering the first code number, the headlights will flash once. Then the second number is entered. When all the code is entered into the system, the lock will be released. Otherwise, the siren will turn on again.


The driver, if desired, sets up the autorun function, which is embedded in the Sherkhan Magikar 5 system. The user manual for the key fob allows you to configure this mode. To do this, you need to be near the car, close all doors, turn off the security function.

The driver activates autostart. This function will put the machine in security mode on one's own. If the driver forgets to do this in manual mode, after 30 seconds with auto start on, the alarm will block all systems.

Information about the transition to this mode will be sent to the driver's key fob. To do this, the word Passive must be on the screen.

Every 10 seconds, the device transmits a signal to arm the system. This is very convenient if the driver sometimes forgets to block the car.

Other Useful Features

The Sherkhan Magikar 5 alarm system has many useful functions. The instruction manual will allow the driver to select useful modes for himself.

Silent armed mode transmits an alarm signal only to the key fob of the owner of the car. The burglar thinks there is no alarm in the car. This allows you to take it red-handed.

If the driver has small children, you can turn on the safe ride mode. When the car starts moving, all doors are locked.

There is a turbo timer function. This mode allows the engine to run for some more time even when the ignition key is off and the machine is armed. This is necessary for cars with a turbine. This mode increases the duration of the equipment.

Possible malfunctions

The presented alarm system is recognized as one of the most reliable. Its popularity is explained by the mass of useful functions, which are described in detail by the documentation for the Sherkhan Magikar 5 system - the instruction manual. Malfunctions in this equipment are not excluded.



Example notation:

I - quick (0.5 sec.) button press

I– – long (2 sec.) button press

(I+II) - fast (0.5 sec.) simultaneous pressing of the buttons

(I + II) - - long (2 sec.) simultaneous pressing of the buttons





Function (mode)

Enable security mode

Stop alarm mode

Enable starter/ignition interlock

close locks


Stop alarm mode

Disable starter/ignition interlock

open locks

Enable/disable the "Free

Turn on/off display backlight

Checking System Status

open trunk

PANIC or JackStop™ modes. For

stop press button I or II

Enable/disable siren signals

Additional management channel 1

Shock sensor enable/disable

Additional management channel 2

Enable/disable timed start

TURBO mode enable/disable

Enter programming menu 1


1) Factory value. Two step disarming is disabled. For
disarming, just press the button "II" of the key fob
2) Confirmation of disarming is required. If using the code
PIN1 disabled (programmable function 1-6 in factory setting),

it is necessary to press the button "II" of the key fob again. If used

four- or two-digit PIN1 code (programmable function 1-6

has the value II or III), it is necessary after pressing the button "II" of the key fob

sequentially press four (or two) buttons on the key fob with numbers,

the corresponding digits of the PIN1 code. Only after correct

the second step, the system will be disarmed. If the code is not

entered within 15 seconds or an incorrect code is entered, the system will go

into a state of alarm

Programmable function 1-20: "Auto start
by voltage battery»

to perform an automatic start timer.

This programmable function has two meanings:

1) Factory value. Automatic voltage start
battery is not used
the battery voltage does not drop below 11.5 V, or

the temperature condition assigned to the programmable

function 1-21

Programmable function 1-21: "Auto start
temperature threshold"

This function allows you to enable or disable the corresponding condition

to perform an automatic timer start, and select

temperature threshold.

This programmable function has four meanings:

1) Factory value. Automatic threshold trigger
temperature value is not used
2) The next timed start will be delayed until
the temperature will not drop below -15

C or battery voltage is not

How to set the temperature auto start of the engine on the Sher-Khan Magicar 5 alarm?

  1. it only has a start on the discharge of the battery !!!
  2. Attention! It is not possible to automatically start the engine only by temperature or only by low battery voltage. The time trigger enable condition is mandatory.

    Attention! During programming, the system must be disarmed and the ignition in the car must be turned off. The Hands Free mode is also disabled and the door is preferably open so that there is no re-arming during programming.

    1) Timed autostart setting (every 2, 4 or 8 hours)
    b) To activate the timed autostart mode, press the IV button 13 times in succession (the siren emits a beep after each button press; that is, press once, we hear a beep, press a second time - we hear a beep and so on 13 times)
    c) Wait for the siren to beep 13 times in a row.
    d) Then select the desired autorun time button II - 8 hours, III - 4 hours or IV - 2 hours.

    2) Setting autostart by temperature (when t is reached in the cabin -15, -25, +60)
    For the autostart to work correctly when the temperature is reached, 3 steps must be performed:

    2. Turn on temperature control (mode 1-21 in II, III or IV)
    a) Recall that the entry into the function programming mode is carried out by long pressing the I + II buttons.
    b) To activate the autostart mode by temperature, press the IV button 21 times in succession (the siren beeps after each button press; that is, we press once, we hear a beep, we press a second time - we hear a beep and so on 21 times)
    c) Wait for the siren to beep 21 times in a row.
    d) Then choose desired temperature autorun button II - (-15), III - (by -25) or IV - (+60).
    e) After that, you need to turn on the timer from the key fob. Press simultaneously II + IV briefly, the display will show the inscription “timer”. If it was activated (lit) before programming, it must be switched off (also II+IV) and switched on again.

    3) Setting up autorun by board voltage
    The implementation of the delay of the timed start up to the moment when the battery is discharged to 11.5 V is carried out as follows:
    1. Enable time trigger (mode 1-13 in II, III or IV) see 1) a), b), c)
    a) Entering the function programming mode by long pressing the I+II buttons.
    b) To activate the voltage autostart mode, press the IV button 20 times in succession (the siren beeps after each button press; that is, we press once, we hear a beep, we press a second time - we hear a beep and so on 20 times)
    c) Wait for the siren to beep 20 times in a row.
    d) This will enter into the programming mode of the function Limitation of timer starts by battery voltage.
    e) After that it is necessary to press button II to activate the mode.

    Engine warm-up time:

    To set the engine warm-up time, set function 1-12 to position II.
    In more detail, you need to do the following:
    a) Entering the function programming mode is carried out by long pressing the I + II buttons.
    b) To set the engine warm-up time, press the IV button 12 times in succession (the siren beeps after each button press)
    c) Wait for the siren to beep 12 times in a row.
    d) Then select the desired duration of the start button I - 5 minutes, button II - 15 minutes, III - 25 minutes or IV - 45 minutes.

    Make sure the system is disarmed and lit before programming.

  3. You set the desired temperature by programming the center. block and on the keychain you put the start on a timer, it seems like this.