Why dive into the water in a dream? Dive into the water in a dream - decoding features from different dream books

The dream interpretation interprets the vision, where a person dives, as a symbol of some extraordinary decisions, original ways achieve what is planned. Did the dream dive succeed? This is a favorable sign: efforts will be crowned with success. Other details will help to correctly interpret what such a plot is dreaming of.

General interpretation

Dreamed of diving into the water? In reality, the sleeper will commit a risky, unexpected act, something new, extraordinary. Also, a similar plot, according to the dream book, means self-knowledge.

Why dream of scuba diving in a dream? Troubles are coming at home or at work, difficulties with superiors. For a young woman - problems during pregnancy or an unsuccessful marriage.

From a cliff - a person’s financial situation can be significantly shaken. He will have to show all his business qualities, endurance in order to improve the course of affairs.

Dreamed of diving into a wave? The dream book notifies: you have hard work or hard study ahead, which will bring knowledge when it is clean. dreaming dirty wave promises quarrels, the risk of making a big mistake.

To the depth - a sign of business failures, decline. This is also a warning: excessive curiosity can turn into trouble. However, getting out of there safely portends unexpected success.

Why dream of choking by diving into the pool, into the sea, lake? According to the dream book, there is a rather dubious success ahead, adverse, sometimes even tragic consequences are possible.

Where did you dive

Diving in a dream from a height into a river or into the sea - the dreamer will be able to successfully complete some difficult task, making every effort.

Into the lake - due to your negligence, enemies may appear among colleagues. The dream interpretation advises weighing your words and deeds. Into the river - some kind of family celebration is expected ahead. At sea - please your children with an exciting trip.

Why dream of diving into the pool? The sleeper will finally complete the long-planned task, despite all obstacles. We must boldly go, without being distracted, towards the goal.

In the hole - if you enjoy swimming in it in a dream, then you can improve your health or make peace with friends after a long quarrel. When you dreamed that it was unpleasant to swim there, you expect monetary losses.

To the ocean - for a man means: his efforts are unlikely to pay off. For a woman, when she got a beautiful pebble or shell - success.

Dive into the snow, fool around, wallow there in a dream - ahead of a carefree pastime, fun. If, floundering, you couldn’t get up in any way, you abandoned your business in reality too much. The dream book notifies: it's time to give them maximum attention.

What was the water

It is important to remember what the water was like in a dream. Did you dive into the net? Things will be completed successfully, despite the accompanying difficulties. If your eyes are open at the same time, the dream book interprets the plot in this way: a conversation with random acquaintances will allow you to learn a lot of new things.

In a dirty, muddy - the situation will not change in favor of the sleeper. There may be unexpected losses. It is necessary to take into account such a development of events in order to use fallback options.

Since water in a dream is a symbol of purification, a change in one's inner self, diving into the cold means: purification is quite painful, but internal changes will be fully realized, improving the dreamer.

business area

Why dream of diving deep into the water? You will achieve your plans in a non-standard way. A good dive in a dream portends the successful achievement of goals. When it is unsuccessful, it means that there is a risk that the plans will collapse. However, you should not refuse them - it is better to make changes in time or calculate a fallback option.

In the muddy - there are difficult, unpleasant problems that need to be solved. Dream Interpretation recommends: by fully concentrating, you can achieve this.

From a height - a dreamed vision portends: no matter how unusual the matter is, it will be successfully implemented, you just need to make the appropriate efforts and perseverance. The result can be achieved if you really want.

Dive into shit in a dream - large incomes, significant profits await ahead. It will be brought even by operations from which only failures were expected.


Why dream of diving into the water? Expect difficulties on the love front. The dream interpretation emphasizes: by showing more sensitivity to your partner, you will smooth out minor troubles and prevent major strife.

In a clean - for lovers means the fulfillment of cherished desires. It is likely that a happy marriage awaits them.

To the bottom of the reservoir - because of a stormy romance, chaos is possible both at work and in personal affairs. The dream interpretation notifies: it's time to put things in order there.

Dreamed of diving into the pool? Expect sexual pleasures with your loved one. Especially if you jumped in a dream clear water- nothing will overshadow your happiness. Muddy promises difficulties.

Why dream of diving?

If you suddenly happened to dive into the water in a dream, then in this case you need to remember what kind of water it was. If it was transparent, then this dream portends prosperity. If it was dirty and muddy, then most likely this is a clear sign for concern.

So, why dream of diving into the water? In fact, diving means that in reality a person is in a difficult situation with which he cannot cope on his own. Sometimes such a vision means that in this way he wants to throw off the problems hanging over him, and as if he wants to hide, hide from failures. If in a dream you dive into a transparent river and warm water, then the dream promises a successful completion of all affairs, a successful resolution of problems. If, having dived under water, a person cannot emerge back, and feels that he is drowning, then the dream warns him against committing rash acts. Also, such a dream predicts further tests for life path which will be quite difficult and difficult to overcome.

Watching in a dream how others dive, then the dream portends that this person will be able to find the right way out of this situation. For young people to see such a dream is a harbinger of a new acquaintance, which will later develop into mutual love.

Often, thanks to similar dreams, the most secret desires of lovers were fulfilled. I dreamed that a person who sees a dream is only going to dive, but something stops him.

This dream says that in fact, he has some kind of risky business, and he doubts the correctness of the decision. Thus, the matter is best left for better times. Although, of course, many people believe that risk is a noble cause, but in this case, if there are any doubts, it would still be better not to risk it. It is worth remembering whether a person dived in a dream or not.

If a woman dreamed about how she dives and swims underwater in a transparent sea, while watching the fish, then such a dream portends her an early pregnancy.

If in a dream under water she saw dead fish, then such a dream could be tragic. Because in fact, she plans to have an abortion. Before resorting to such a procedure, it is recommended to think carefully about everything.

If a man sees a dream where, having dived, he experiences satisfaction and pleasure from swimming under water, then the dream tells him that he will receive a profitable business offer or that his material well-being will noticeably improve.

To see in a dream how others dive, and at the same time the person who sees the dream is overcome by a feeling of anxiety, then in this case someone will ask him for help. Seeing carefree children diving means that soon this person will have a long-awaited trip, it is possible that this will be a long-awaited vacation with the family.

If the water was muddy and dirty, and it was difficult to see anything, then in this case it is necessary to be more careful, prudent. Since such a dream often warns that you need to prepare in advance for possible troubles.

Considering the meanings of dreams, it is also worth paying attention to what the water was like in a dream. If it is clean, transparent, in which pebbles, fish, algae were visible, then this dream predicts a pleasant development of events in reality. Therefore, dreams should be interpreted in conjunction with other meanings.

If you dreamed about how you dive - this is evidence of a conflict with your subconscious. You need to pay attention to self-knowledge, to understand yourself, in inner fears and experiences.

Perhaps you should take a risk, either do an act that is not expected of you, or do something new, unexpected and original.

Where did you dive in your dream?

dive into the water dive into the sea dive into the pool

Where did you dive from in your dream?

Dreaming of diving from a bridge

Dive from the bridge in a dream - this indicates the need to resolve a difficult task soon. Focus all your efforts on its completion, and you will not have to regret: the goal will be achieved, and the memories of the work done will remain most pleasant.

Dream Interpretation Dive the river dreamed of why in a dream Dive the river? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of diving in a river by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dive

Dream Interpretation - Dive

Dream Interpretation - Dive

Dream Interpretation - Dive

Dream Interpretation - Dive

Dream Interpretation - Dive

Dream Interpretation - Dive

Dream Interpretation - Dive

Dream Interpretation - River

(See interpretation: water)

A clean, quietly flowing river with clear water in a dream portends joy, satisfaction with the course of one's life. The noise of the river in a dream portends some kind of scandal, quarrel or evil. Sometimes such a dream warns of danger.

The smooth surface of the river reflecting surrounding nature, portends future changes, peace and a happy, prosperous life. See also what is reflected in the water by name. If in your dream the reflection in the water differs from what should be reflected there, then great disappointments, failures and deception of loved ones await you. The failures predicted by this dream can adversely affect your future. Seeing a bloody river in a dream is a sign of great misfortune, a serious illness. Falling into it in a dream is a harbinger of a serious illness or death. A milk river in a dream portends great joy, profit, wealth and pleasure. If you dream that the river overflowed its banks and flooded the surroundings, then a great shock awaits you and you will need all your patience to cope with the shock. Such a dream can also mean a big scandal, which can be bad for your future. The dream in which you saw that the river was taking you away with its course means that you should control your feelings and not try to vent evil on friends or loved ones, as this can lead to a break in some kind of relationship. Such a dream also portends danger, illness, or a lengthy lawsuit. It is better to dream that you were able to get out of the river, since in this case the dream predicts that you will be able to avoid danger and safely complete the work you have begun. Looking at the river from a high bank in a dream means that soon you will have a road. The longer the river is, the longer your road will be. If you dream that the river blocked your path, then you need to prepare to overcome great difficulties, without which your business will fail. Crossing a river in a dream means the fulfillment of a secret desire or the achievement of a big goal. Such a dream often portends a big profit. If in a dream someone helps you swim across the river, then a happy chance awaits you. Such a dream may portend a win or unexpected money. Wading a river in a dream is a sign of overcoming obstacles. If you dream that a calm river with clean and clear water flows in your house, then soon a rich guest will visit your house, who can become your patron and help you arrange your destiny. If in a dream the river spoils furniture or harms your belongings, then you should be wary of scandals or quarrels in the house, as this will disrupt the calm course of your life and cause a long strife between your family members.

Jumping into a river in a dream means that you hope to improve your affairs soon. See interpretation: flood, sink, swim.

Dream Interpretation - River

To see a large, full-flowing, smoothly flowing river - to a long, happy, calm life. Sailing in a boat along the course of a large river - luck will accompany you in everything, you will not have to make any efforts: you will achieve all your desired goals, and all things will be done by themselves. Swimming in shallow water, at the risk of being stranded - to lack of money, financial losses.

Imagine that you are getting out of shallow water to big water and continue on your way.

If you have to swim across a river, that means you have to take difficult decision to sacrifice something more to achieve your goal. If you dream that you are fording a river, the dream portends changes in your personal life. For singles, such a dream can mean marriage. To see that you are being transported to the other side of the river - in reality your friends will solve all the problems for you. Swim against the current - on the way to the goal you will have to overcome obstacles, but everything will end well.

The smooth and calm surface of the river - to improve well-being. Stormy, but clear waters of a mountain river - to joyful events that will affect not only you personally, but will be related to your entire environment. A dry river is a stagnation in business. Seeing separate puddles at the bottom of a dry river in which small fish are splashing - your business is unlikely to bring you big profits, most likely you will have to be content with little.

If you see a dried up river, imagine that it started to rain and the river quickly filled with water.

If the river overflows and blocks your path, you will have a difficult life choice. If in a dream you successfully crossed the river, this means that in any situation you will behave correctly.

If you dreamed of a river flooding, imagine that you are crossing it in a boat and continue on your way.

Muddy River - to big rumors, mostly false, in which, however, there will be some truth. If you can distinguish truth from lies, the information received can help you in an important matter.

Imagine that the turbulent waters calm down, the turbidity settles and you see a clean, quiet river.

swim dive

Dream Interpretation Swim Dive dreamed of why in a dream Swim to dive? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream Swim diving by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dive

The dream in which you dive from the tower into the pool portends the successful completion of a difficult task. Dive into a pond or lake - make enemies among colleagues, into the river - for the upcoming family celebration, into the sea - take an exciting trip with the children.

If you dive in clean clear water with your eyes open, you will learn a lot of new things in a conversation with random fellow travelers. Dive into dirty or muddy water- circumstances will change not in your favor, bringing unexpected losses.

Dream Interpretation - Dive

Diving in clear water is a successful completion of a difficult task.

For lovers, such a dream is a romantic meeting.

Seeing divers in a dream - you have an exciting journey ahead of you.

Diving in troubled waters is anxiety, vague anxiety.

Everyone dived and dived, they stirred up the water, now you want to dive.

Wait for the mud to settle. It won't come out tonight, be patient until the next one. Is this dream worth the effort?

Dream Interpretation - Dive

Diving in clear water - to the successful completion of some difficult task. If the water is cloudy, you will suffer from anxiety, anticipating a change in business.

If in a dream you watch others dive in clear water, a journey awaits you with very pleasant fellow travelers.

For those who love this dream promises a happy fulfillment of cherished desires.

Dream Interpretation - Dive

Diving in clear water - to the successful completion of some difficult task. If the water is cloudy, you will suffer from anxiety, anticipation of changes in business. If in a dream you watch others dive in clear water, a trip with very pleasant fellow travelers awaits you. For lovers, such a dream portends the fulfillment of the most cherished desires.

Dream Interpretation - Dive

To dream about how you dive off a cliff in deep water, - learn some secret (see also Water).

Imagine that you dive to the very depths and find pearls there (see Pearls).

Dream Interpretation - Dive

A sign of a very difficult task that will require your full concentration.

If the water is clean and transparent: a dream portends that you will do well with your difficult tasks.

To dream about how others dive and get some useful items from the bottom means that you also have a chance to succeed - you just need not be afraid of difficulties and focus on the main thing.

Dive into the muddy dirty water: a sign that you will have to focus on solving very unpleasant and difficult problems.

Dream Interpretation - Dive

Jumping into the water from a great height is good luck in some completely unusual business.

Just dive under water - to get rid of everything bad in personal affairs.

Getting ready to dive - to an irresistible temptation to take risks in love or any undertaking.

Dive in troubled water - suffer from anxiety due to changes in life.

Watching others dive (if the water is clear): for lovers - the fulfillment of desires.

For everyone else - a journey with pleasant companions.

Dream Interpretation - Dive

Dive - performance cherished desire associated with a loved one.

Diving from a high bridge is the successful completion of a difficult task.

Watch divers - traveling with a friend will bring joy and satisfaction.

Dream Interpretation - Swim

Sailing on a ship on a river or lake - a dream portends that you will experience annoyance and shame for the stinginess of your admirer, sailing on the sea - you will soon achieve a prominent position in society and will endow others with benefits.

If you are sailing on a small boat in calm clear water, this is a promise of a bright, unclouded feeling that will leave a mark on your soul for life.

A dream in which your voyage is interrupted by an impending storm is a harbinger of a thunderstorm that thickens in a family atmosphere and is ready to rain tears at any moment.

Sailing on a large ocean liner, making a pleasant journey, is a sign of trouble that may arise due to your thoughtless and careless statements about your colleagues. If in a dream you went on a circumnavigation, it means that in reality you will be completely satisfied with the results of your work and the progress of affairs in general.

To dream of people floating and sunbathing on the beach - in reality you will be deceived in your expectations happy love, for you will be abandoned by a friend who will betray you, seduced by another, more attractive person.

The dream in which you swim in the pool portends that your soul will rush between two loved ones, not knowing which one to give your heart to.

If you dream that you are swimming naked, not being able to go ashore because of the men who appeared there, then in reality you will fall into difficult situation when you have to make an unambiguous choice between your aspirations and duty towards loved ones.

Seeing men swimming naked portends unfortunate grief, which, in essence, should not be paid serious attention. If in a dream you are scuba diving, then in reality you will lose hope of realizing your plan when the goal is already very close and achievable.

Dream Interpretation - Swim

Swimming in a dream is a sign of anxiety or danger associated with receiving money or benefits. Crossing some kind of body of water in a dream and successfully completing the swim means that you will achieve what you want. If in a dream you come back halfway, then in life your work will end with the fact that, having started it, for some reason you will not be able to complete it. Sometimes such a dream portends an accident or even death to the one who swam. Swimming naked in clear water in a dream is a sign of pleasure, pleasure, pleasant meetings. If you dream that you are swimming in a dream with your lover, then soon you will have to leave due to circumstances that are beyond your control. Swimming in running water in a dream is a sign of obstacles in business and empty chores. If the water foams or rises in a dream, then serious trials await you. See interpretation: water, sea, lake, boat, etc.

Dive for a drowning man

Dream Interpretation Dive for a drowning person dreamed of why in a dream Dive for a drowning person? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Dive after a drowning person by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dive

The dream in which you dive from the tower into the pool portends the successful completion of a difficult task. Dive into a pond or lake - make enemies among colleagues, into the river - for the upcoming family celebration, into the sea - take an exciting trip with the children.

If you dive in clean clear water with your eyes open, you will learn a lot of new things in a conversation with random fellow travelers. Dive into dirty or muddy water - circumstances will change not in your favor, bringing unexpected losses.

Dream Interpretation - Dive

Diving in clear water is a successful completion of a difficult task.

For lovers, such a dream is a romantic meeting.

Seeing divers in a dream - you have an exciting journey ahead of you.

Diving in troubled waters is anxiety, vague anxiety.

Everyone dived and dived, they stirred up the water, now you want to dive.

Wait for the mud to settle. It won't come out tonight, be patient until the next one. Is this dream worth the effort?

Dream Interpretation - Dive

Diving in clear water - to the successful completion of some difficult task. If the water is cloudy, you will suffer from anxiety, anticipating a change in business.

If in a dream you watch others dive in clear water, a journey awaits you with very pleasant fellow travelers.

For those who love this dream promises a happy fulfillment of cherished desires.

Dream Interpretation - Dive

Diving in clear water - to the successful completion of some difficult task. If the water is cloudy, you will suffer from anxiety, anticipation of changes in business. If in a dream you watch others dive in clear water, a trip with very pleasant fellow travelers awaits you. For lovers, such a dream portends the fulfillment of the most cherished desires.

Dream Interpretation - Dive

To dream about how you dive off a cliff into deep water - you will learn some secret (see also Water).

Imagine that you dive to the very depths and find pearls there (see Pearls).

Dream Interpretation - Dive

A sign of a very difficult task that will require your full concentration.

If the water is clean and transparent: a dream portends that you will do well with your difficult tasks.

To dream about how others dive and get some useful items from the bottom means that you also have a chance to succeed - you just need not be afraid of difficulties and focus on the main thing.

Diving into muddy, dirty water is a sign that you will have to focus on solving very unpleasant and difficult problems.

Dream Interpretation - Dive

Jumping into the water from a great height is good luck in some completely unusual business.

Just dive under water - to get rid of everything bad in personal affairs.

Getting ready to dive - to an irresistible temptation to take risks in love or any undertaking.

Dive in troubled water - suffer from anxiety due to changes in life.

Watching others dive (if the water is clear): for lovers - the fulfillment of desires.

For everyone else - a journey with pleasant companions.

Dream Interpretation - Dive

Diving is the fulfillment of a cherished desire associated with a loved one.

Diving from a high bridge is the successful completion of a difficult task.

Watch divers - traveling with a friend will bring joy and satisfaction.

Dream Interpretation - Dive

Dream Interpretation - Dive

Dive - Extraordinary decisions, ways to get your way. AT clean water- Methods are illegal, but not dangerous. Dirty - there can be unpleasant consequences. Choking when diving - success is doubtful, the consequences are tragic.

Dive water clothing

Dream Interpretation Dive water clothes dreamed of why in a dream Dive water clothes? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Dive in water in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dive

The dream in which you dive from the tower into the pool portends the successful completion of a difficult task. Dive into a pond or lake - make enemies among colleagues, into the river - for the upcoming family celebration, into the sea - take an exciting trip with the children.

If you dive in clean clear water with your eyes open, you will learn a lot of new things in a conversation with random fellow travelers. Dive into dirty or muddy water - circumstances will change not in your favor, bringing unexpected losses.

Dream Interpretation - Dive

Diving in clear water is a successful completion of a difficult task.

For lovers, such a dream is a romantic meeting.

Seeing divers in a dream - you have an exciting journey ahead of you.

Diving in troubled waters is anxiety, vague anxiety.

Everyone dived and dived, they stirred up the water, now you want to dive.

Wait for the mud to settle. It won't come out tonight, be patient until the next one. Is this dream worth the effort?

Dream Interpretation - Dive

Diving in clear water - to the successful completion of some difficult task. If the water is cloudy, you will suffer from anxiety, anticipating a change in business.

If in a dream you watch others dive in clear water, a journey awaits you with very pleasant fellow travelers.

For those who love this dream promises a happy fulfillment of cherished desires.

Dream Interpretation - Dive

Diving in clear water - to the successful completion of some difficult task. If the water is cloudy, you will suffer from anxiety, anticipation of changes in business. If in a dream you watch others dive in clear water, a trip with very pleasant fellow travelers awaits you. For lovers, such a dream portends the fulfillment of the most cherished desires.

Dream Interpretation - Dive

To dream about how you dive off a cliff into deep water - you will learn some secret (see also Water).

Imagine that you dive to the very depths and find pearls there (see Pearls).

Dream Interpretation - Dive

A sign of a very difficult task that will require your full concentration.

If the water is clean and transparent: a dream portends that you will do well with your difficult tasks.

To dream about how others dive and get some useful items from the bottom means that you also have a chance to succeed - you just need not be afraid of difficulties and focus on the main thing.

Diving into muddy, dirty water is a sign that you will have to focus on solving very unpleasant and difficult problems.

Dream Interpretation - Dive

Jumping into the water from a great height is good luck in some completely unusual business.

Just dive under water - to get rid of everything bad in personal affairs.

Getting ready to dive - to an irresistible temptation to take risks in love or any undertaking.

Dive in troubled water - suffer from anxiety due to changes in life.

Watching others dive (if the water is clear): for lovers - the fulfillment of desires.

For everyone else - a journey with pleasant companions.

Dream Interpretation - Dive

Diving is the fulfillment of a cherished desire associated with a loved one.

Diving from a high bridge is the successful completion of a difficult task.

Watch divers - traveling with a friend will bring joy and satisfaction.

Dream Interpretation - Dive

Dive - Extraordinary decisions, ways to get your way. In clean water - methods are illegal, but not dangerous. Dirty - there can be unpleasant consequences. Choking when diving - success is doubtful, the consequences are tragic.

Dream Interpretation - Dive

Dive - Extraordinary decisions, ways to get your way. In clean water - methods are illegal, but not dangerous. Dirty - there can be unpleasant consequences. Choking when diving - success is doubtful, the consequences are tragic.



I saw how my 6-year-old daughter jumped into the pool and went under water, she was in a terry bathrobe, she can’t swim, I immediately jumped after her and at that moment I realized that I was also in a terry bathrobe and that I needed to quickly take it off, and now I will sink from the weight of the dressing gown and lose time to save the child. I was very frightened in a dream for the life of my daughter, I was annoyed because of my mistake and immediately woke up, as if from a nightmare.


I saw how my son jumped into the water, it was very deep there, the water was very clear, and you could see how he was spinning in a pool at a depth.


I have been dreaming for 2 days where I dive into clean pool and I’m specifically drowning so that they save me, and moreover, in today’s dream, I could breathe through my nose through the water. What's interesting?


I dive into a dirty, muddy river, I feel a supply of predators, I get out of the water, and I feel something like a biting leech hanging on my back. Thanks


I was near the sea. the weather is sunny. but the sea is somehow strange, like a large pool, enclosed by rocks. I was at the top and looked down this reservoir. the altitude was high and the sea very deep. it was divided into sections: in one the water is clear and there are many fish, even some snakes swam, I was already scared of them. nearby the water was also clean, but the whole bottom was covered with algae. somewhere, the bottom was not visible at all. there, people also rested on the rock, some were engaged in jumping from a cliff into the water. I decided to jump too, but not where they are. approached the area where the bottom was not visible. I think I'll jump here, and then I'll swim to where everyone jumps. here I jumped. right in the clothes for some reason. dived into the water and took a little air. I feel that I am diving very deep, deep, I want to go back already, but I can’t reach the bottom. Water presses on me, there is almost no air left, and I keep sinking lower. but then she began to slowly rise uphill and emerged with her last strength. I think how deep it should have been more air stock up.


I saw in a dream my daughter entering salt water, when she dived she did not find the child. It was cold outside, but when the water came in it was warm.


I dreamed that I was on a pier, not a passenger one, there were warships that looked like warships, and I jumped into the water, which turned out to be like transparent gray glass, and not reaching the bottom, but having gone very deep, I was even frightened, I break out, but through the air , not on the water ... and I find myself again on the pier.


another person pulled me deep under the water, I climbed up in the water for a long time until I saw the light, but even before it I had to swim for a long time. the water was clean, clear and glowing, warm.


i dreamed that, swinging on a tree, I plunged completely into the warm sea water, and then I noticed that I began to peck and I dived into the water for the fish that was in the mardushka (such nets) and took it out, brought it home. the fish was unusual, more than medium in size, similar to a ruff. then I cut it and there was something incomprehensible, seemingly pleasant.


At first I saw sand (later it turned out that these were sandy paths of a hill), we walked along it: I am a husband and son, and there was shallow water - blue transparent - sea. and I told my husband that my son can dive here and it’s not dangerous, because it’s shallow, then I went further along the path and dived - after the dive I saw myself from the side: it seemed that the paths were high ridges - and when I dived from the side I saw that the depth is very large, and it’s as if I’m in an aquarium - the walls are paths - from one side to the other, I also saw the bottom from the side. The water was a pleasant saturated blue color - with the glare of the sun - so it seemed very warm


my husband and two acquaintances dived into the lake. at night. there was some kind of ancient sanctuary. acquaintances dived in secret from us and pulled out jewelry from there. My husband and I found out about this. and the husband decided to see where they dive. he is interested in the topic of treasures))) he brought me three earrings from there. I measured them. I couldn't wear two pairs. and dressed one. they were like carnations. round. gold. my husband also showed me some graffiti on the walls. look like runes. I am curious by nature, but when my husband suggested I dive. I was afraid he said that twenty was not enough. twenty breaths while you dive. but there is air in the sanctuary itself??? And the lake is not flowing. everyone dived at night and the water in the lake was dark, but there was no feeling that it was muddy, dirty.


I dreamed that I was with some unfamiliar grandfather and with my friends. Then the dream was interrupted a little. And the next picture is how I swim in the water with them, and they make me jump from a small nest. I was afraid, but then I did it. And I really dream that I dive, get to the bottom, while I feel that there were pebbles, and emerge)


I, with unfamiliar relatives and with my brother, drove in a white car along some road, as if we were stealing from someone. And here we are, not noticing the cliff, falling down, but managed to open the doors, the car sank, and we swam up and got up. We had something come up and I had to dive for it. When I got up again there was no one, they left me. I was in a terrible state, somehow it was not clear that I ended up in some famous dance club or what it was. I don’t understand anything, I pass girls dressed the same and opposite them were boys in costumes, they danced a waltz, when they noticed me, they started laughing, but only a few remained silent, when I looked in the mirror I saw how grimy I was. The whole dream I felt melancholy and loneliness.


I jump from a high tower into a light blue clean pool, go into it with my head, everything around is bright and beautiful. I often have dreams where I swim.


I dived into the water from the springboard, the pool was located such a feeling in the Roman baths with columns, I pushed off the springboard and took off high, then I grouped and entered the water very clearly.


i dreamed that I came to the shore of the lake with a little girl, to fish with a net, people were swimming there. the water was clear and small and large turtles were visible at the bottom. then the girl dropped cellular telephone and a camera in the water. I dived in and pulled out all this and another phone.


I dived into deep water, clean, clean, and cold, we saw some beauties under the water, I don’t remember exactly what. Dived 2 times, with other people, and competed who lasted


I fell into a green lake .. my hand slid off the fence and plunged into the water deep enough, but sensing that I was going too deep to the bottom, I immediately surfaced ... everything)


I dived and was under water very deep. It was hard to swim up, but it was light at the top. The water was bright blue


today I dreamed how I dived into the water from a high dive many times until it broke. what does that mean


dived into some channel in a bathing suit. emerged. somewhere in the distance. the water is cold. .I came out surprised


Hello, I dreamed that my 3-year-old daughter dived into the water, bathed and laughed, then I dived to her, we swam together. Then we went to the pier and a dolphin jumped into my hands ... in a dream they told me it was a very rare dolphin and showed it in a book .... all


Hello, I dreamed of a high sea, it was higher than my head. I went there with my eyes open and could breathe.


well, in short, I will write the water I dreamed of in a large gym clean and there were a lot of young people, tell me what it is for


This was dark pond. My sister and several other people dived under the water and took out (collected) white shells from the bottom. I was also forced to help, but I was afraid to dive. Then I nevertheless dived and then water got into my right ear. It was very unpleasant, but I had to dive. Surprisingly, the water at the bottom was clear. I really wanted to get it out of my ear, but it didn't come out. After some time, she leaked out. And I felt better. By the way, it was night.


Jumping into the water with her husband holding hands. Great depth, the two of us surfaced, clear water, from a large bank into a large river.


Sleep from Wednesday to Thursday
at first I dreamed that I wanted to ride the ferris wheel, but the trees interfered with us, and my sister and I moved it where we could ride, and I came up with this:
-Yana: let's jump into the water from an average height.
- Sister: come on
and we made a round big something like a pool and jumped
My favorite person came and laughed and left


Hello!!! I dreamed how we were on some kind of barge or ship with a friend (she had a child in her arms (very small, like a newborn)). there was someone else with us, but I don’t remember who ... Then something changed dramatically (someone dived and did not surface ... a friend somehow showed me how to dive correctly into the pool (she directly sat down in it with a child), but then this funnel became frozen, but it still pulled me in… but strangely, it couldn’t pull me in and I seemed to be walking on the surface of the water (I don’t remember exactly)… then everything started spinning in a strange way and I saw how my second friend jumped over friend who drowned ... she was gone for a long time, but soon she got that girl, but I didn’t see her at all in my dream ... I still remember when a friend got the girl, she was very cold, didn’t want to show her face, but then it turned out that she fell ill with some strange disease... I saw a lot of eyes on her body... she was crying... and that was the end of my dream.


Tell me, please, why did I dream that I jumped from the bridge into the river, dived and again found myself on the shore, but I understood that I could drown, but I still jumped again and I was having fun?!


Hello, I was fumbling like I dived many times, you can say from the mountain and always surfaced, so probably five times, but on the sixth time I ate surfaced, because. in a dream, I caught on some kind of ladder and so two more times, but then my teacher saved me and I woke up.
This dream worries me a lot.


I dreamed of something under the type of water storage, the room was closed, like in a cave. I looked into the water, and there are stones at the bottom, the water is clean, but dark because of the lighting, my brother was still there. He swam. and I dived into the water.


for some reason I dreamed that I dived into the sea for some reason, I dived very deep, my phone flew out of my hands at the same time, I wanted to dive even deeper after it, but I thought that life was more expensive, when I floated out, I began to lack air. but I got out anyway.


the wooden room stood on the water on stilts and from there it was possible to jump into clean clear water from the door, the water was everywhere, the shore was not visible, but the water in places was very warm, light, transparent, from there they climbed back into the room. on the one hand it is lighter and warmer, and on the other hand it is a little colder and darker, and I returned to warmer months


I don’t know how it happened, I just saw how my friend dived into the water and I immediately caught a glimpse, caught in the water and swam out with her


I dreamed that I dived into our river (Ob), my phone fell out and went to the bottom, I had to open my eyes to find it. And I saw that I dived too deep and found myself in some terrible flooded building that looked like a workshop, and then I feel fear and I don’t have enough air, I found a phone nearby, took it and quickly swam out the window. I surfaced in an unfamiliar reservoir and saw beautiful city, blue mountains, beautiful church. I left the reservoir and went to ask the church where I was, but near the church I saw a woman and her son pass by and I decided to ask them. They told me that I was in Ust-Kamsk. And then I start to fight in hysterics, because there is no way to contact my relatives.


I jumped into a deep cave, it was huge and there were like wells on the floor. I dived them and there, like the depths of the sea, the water is clear and clean. And so several times.

Oleg Perekhodenko:

I dived from a high place into a lake or a pond, as I once did in my youth, into greenish water, when I got into it I felt that I breathed in late before diving, and I dive quickly and there may not be enough air. I woke up, I already had such a dream about 3 weeks ago.


I dive into a deep pool with a girl (I don’t remember which one)! There is emptiness around, I get up to the bottom with it and emerge, the water is clean and transparent!


Basically, I had a series of dreams. first, that for some reason I built a tent near high road. in the same place, a stone's throw from the tent, a forest plantation began. It was as if I had just woken up and had almost no clothes on, and the boys were passing by the tent. they saw me in this form and I screamed. in that forest plantation with an overnight stay in nature, people (men and women without children, of course). one of the men heard my cry and, being drunk, wanted to drag me into the forest, naturally, not for good purposes. I escaped. after which I dream that I found myself on the shore of the lake, where the forest ends and the horizon is already visible, not plowed fields. the depth of the lake is impressive. like a deep pool. I dived into this lake and when I surfaced, I got tangled in some small homemade net. but it didn't scare me. I got out of the nets, out of the lake. then I dreamed that I saw another lake and it is much deeper (the first one was dark blue, and this lake is bluish) from a height. I am standing on some mountain at a great height. Next to me were people unknown to me, like a young woman and a man, and it seemed to me that they were my relatives. I was in the form of a girl of about ten years old. (I was in the form of a twenty-two-year-old girl in the tent). so, we fell, or rather, we were pushed by some unknown force into this lake and I was scared. after, we, as if on a trampoline, were pushed back to this mountain and, it seems, that's all.


I stood on the edge of a cliff. opened a beautiful landscape. It was summer and it was very warm. my friend was next to me. at the bottom there was some kind of bay with a sea beach. Here we saw dolphins swimming. we went down the slope and I began to call them in delight, leading the water with my hand. the water was not quite transparent and I only saw the shadows of dolphins. then one of them approached and jumped out of surprise, I fell into the water. I tried to get up but only managed to get some air. at first I was scared and then I liked it and a flock of dolphins was a little behind me. so I swam to shore. sometimes coming up for air but swimming under water. I saw people walking along the beach. when I got ashore, these people wanted me to race. I agreed. Even though I don't know how to drive a car. at the first stage, I didn’t take the first place, but these people wanted me to make another race a little later. I agreed. it was scary at first. and to calm down, I went for a walk along the coast where there was beautiful vegetation. creepers, some trees, flowers. through this vegetation I saw a girl who was sitting with a gorilla. and then I realized that this is not a gorilla, but a disabled man. he was afraid of me. but I gave him food and he took me to some shack. in it, I realized that it was he who was supposed to participate in the competition and not me. and decided that I would win for him. returned to base. I went through doctors for a medical examination who found fault with me and did not want me to undergo an examination. but I proudly passed them. I changed into overalls and went to some shed to the car. there were people nearby who sincerely helped me and wanted me to win them. advised how and what to do. shouted my name to support and I was embarrassed. I don't remember the race itself, but I won it. I was picked up by people who were rooting for me and I woke up.


I dived deep from a run and from a height into clear water touched the bottom and began to try to swim to the top, I was afraid that it would not work out and I would suffocate, but it turned out that I even started to breathe underwater and managed to swim to the top with little difficulty


I dreamed of the sea and very clear water where the children swam, I was knee-deep there, I went along the coast to a place where it was deeper, and there were many people swimming, the water was clear, but I swam and dived very deep there.


A 5-year-old girl jumped into the river. I swam after her. But she couldn't find it anywhere. The river was not deep. I'm wondering where she could have gone. I decided that she drowned. Although her body was not found anywhere.


i dreamed of a very wide river, there was a beach on the other side, I swam across the river, there were a lot of people, a conflict arose in the water with a girl of about 14, and then we plunged headlong, I was with my eyes open, the water was marsh-colored , but transparent, I caught a fish and cooked it together with a chicken in a pan, respectively, got out of the water, where there was a beach with sun loungers


I dreamed it was as if my husband was in an ice hole and my little daughter was lying next to me and looking, and then she crawled and almost fell into the water and I shouted falling, see my daughter falls into the water and then the husband, as he emerges from the water and took her, dived with her and immediately surfaced and gave it to me quickly get up home


I already have more three times I have a dream about how I am sitting on an airplane and I am afraid to fly. And when the plane starts to take off, I feel just fainting fear, which I feel even after waking up. Tonight we again flew on a plane, which was flown by my husband for some reason, I remember the fear, I remember it was very cloudy and I did not understand how he was flying, because nothing was visible. How dreams end, as I wake up.


My boyfriend had a dream from April 7 to 8, 2015. We were walking around St. Petersburg. Suddenly, he threw a stone into the water. And I, with the words: "Well, I asked you not to do that," I jumped after the stone. I got the stone. Then she said: "Well, that's it," and began to go to the bottom. My boyfriend, seeing this, jumped into the water after me. According to him, the water was warm and shallow. He got me out of the water. We went on walking.


I dreamed that I jumped straight out of the water and dive back into the water, then I swim under water and faced with the fact that there was ice above me, but I was able to break through it and swam out.


i dreamed that I was diving into a clear blue transparent sea, bottomless that it had no bottom that you could fly down endlessly, but I understand that the air could run out and that I had to rise and I rise and so on several times ..


I see a large clear sea (maybe a river). and I'm slowly sinking into it. And I clearly see myself that I am in the water, the water is clean and I emerge from the water just as slowly.


I had to dive into the water. there were two of them: one small with clean water, the second one is big but dirty. I dived into the small one ... but then I decided that I needed to swim in the big one, but I didn’t dive here naked. And then again I wanted to plunge into a small pond


i dreamed that I was sailing on a boat and I saw drowning children, I jumped into the water to save them and I save kittens, and then I dive under water and look for more children, but I don’t find it, but the water is clean and transparent, I dive to the very bottom, but I don’t find anyone I woke up


I dreamed that I had a room in a submarine. We descend to the depth, and then after some time we emerge back to the surface. Sort of like a round trip train. Someone does not make it in time, but for some reason I always end up on board, leaving some people who did not have time, but whom I know well in life, on the pier. It means something?


I dreamed that I was a mermaid of a boat floating under water, I see a guy running and diving into the water, at that moment I dived under the wow and emerged so that he would not notice me and continue to watch him, he swims farther and farther and I see the horizon I didn’t like it, I take a boat and sail to Rome. what happened is not complete, then he is in the boat and I push the boat closer to the shore at high speed. then he woke up and saw me with legs and offered to marry him, I went to the water and sat down, my legs turned into a tail, he answered nothing and again offered to marry him, he had to run and he said that tomorrow he would wake me up to wait on the same place.


My friend dived very deep and fast underwater. The first time she quickly surfaced. The second time she dived deep and just as quickly, and swiftly, but did not emerge. There were dark muddy colors, rather these actions took place late in the evening or at night.


ya plavayu,tipo eto moya doroga,po kotoroy ya doljna perebiratsa kajdiy den,na obratnom puti,ya niryayu i xoju po dnu,voda ne chistaya.viju kakix to lyudey pod vodoy,nekotorie chtoto delayut,a neskolko mertvie lejat


Good afternoon! I had a dream from Monday to Tuesday that I dive into the water and hold my breath with some kind of opponent, and I win) And fish swim around (not a real amount), while the water is very muddy and dirty))) Do not tell me why this dream ,


i dreamed that I jumped from a cliff into the sea with a young man and got great pleasure, then I told everyone about it. Although I am very afraid of heights and it was scary


I dived in a dream with acceleration and once dived to the point that I felt with my hands and saw a large stone at the bottom of this bay


Zdrawstwyjte! Mne prisnilsja son, bydto moj myz nuriaet w zelenowatoj mytnoj wode. Ja wo sne ego zwala, potomy chto w takoj mytnoj wode ego ne bulo widno. Ochen ispygalas.


i see a crystal clear lake in some kind of bay and at the bottom there are golden jewelry and golden stones. I dive to collect them. and there, like in a movie, all kinds of golden jewelry and golden large stones and I collect them


dived to the very bottom for a bag .. the water was cloudy transparent .. in a dream there was not enough air to swim to.. but I managed .. before swimming I grabbed my purse and swam out


I dream of some supposedly abandoned factory, I remember a lot of all sorts metal structures... and in the middle, as it were, a pool with dirty water, I needed to get over to the other side, and for this I had to jump into the water, but I was afraid that I would run into something in the water ...


I dreamed that my breathing stops and they want to save me, they took me out onto the ice and they say to get some air and dive, dive under the ice into the river and I see how I dive through the ice and just as quickly emerged and stand alive on the ice and everyone says that I am now saved


I dreamed about how dad jumped into the water from a great height, he entered the water in the wrong position, then before entering the water he took the correct position and beautifully plunged into the water. then I jump, but as if from a small height. When I sank, I realized that I hadn't taken in air. in a panic, I try to take a breath while in the water, and I understand that I am not choking. i.e. I breathe underwater.


I run away from him because I am offended, I run along the pier and I understand that he is running after me, I decide to jump into the water and swim so that he cannot catch up with me. The water is clear and clean, far from the shore, but I calmly float on the water. He jumps after me, swims next to me and supports me so that I do not drown.


My wife had a dream that night, as if I was diving into some large pit with iron edges in a scuba gear, tied with a rope, looking for treasures in this bottomless pit, I dived normally twice on the third, they pulled me out unconscious and my wife began to pump out.


from the window I see people dancing at night. then they climbed into the water, then I saw 2 couples diving who would stay in the water longer


I am traveling with a very wealthy pregnant woman in a car, she is happy! it’s like we’re going over the bridge and then suddenly the bridge ends and then the sea seems to be pushing it out, and it’s like I’m jumping into the water in the water some guy, I don’t see him for the first time and it seems like he’s not alive! but I see a telephone mob . and I dive specifically for him. then her husband jumps after me, we climb out, she starts to rage, I see an ambulance and she screams to her husband that we finally have a girl! then I abruptly find myself near the house and this girl seems to be my sister!!! although when I saw her it was not her but her voice


the child fell into the river, I dived after him. the river was not a big forest current and immediately woke up


I dived into clear water with a man. We joined hands and dived from a high cliff, but I was not afraid, but on the contrary - joy overwhelmed me. I did not feel the impact on the water, I first jumped from a great height, and then I felt that I was already in the water. The water was so clear that I could see the bottom


I had this dream in the morning! It was as if I was being forced to jump from a huge height into a pond and swim the floor with water, some people jumped before me, and I was afraid (it seemed like it was like a competition for an award), they said to dive in a suit similar to a shark suit


At first there were apples in the pool, without water, then some kind of competition began and she began to dive into the pool in order to be the first to get some papers, then there was a dispute ... ..


i dreamed that I dived under water with other people and we all swim, then I suddenly didn’t have enough oxygen, I started to suffocate, but I surfaced and everything returned to normal.


I dreamed that I was diving deep with my eyes open into blue clear water with a girl I know. At the same time, everything looks very realistic - algae, fish, air bubbles. What can this mean?


I dive deep into dark water, and when I emerge the water is soft blue with bubbles and sunbeams. I swim for a long time and it seems that I will suffocate, but the discomfort passes and everything is fine. So several times. Once I reach the bottom and grab the sand from the bottom when I emerge on the palms of clean, pleasant sand and a small coin.


I see how I dive into the water into the river and swim under the water next to me a big one is swimming white fish, I also understand that at the bottom I find some things of the ring, well, in general, according to my jewels, green water is not so clean mirror-like, well, as you dive into the sea, I see everything green and the bottom of the river and I swim so well


i dreamed of two banks. on one, a man runs to a meeting through green tall grass and jumps into a clean deep river


I was drawn to the bottom, I breathed under water, the circle was transparent greenish. It was like a lake .. I lay down on the bottom, inhaled and woke up


Hello! I saw how my daughter dives into a small, dirty, small pond with a crocodile!


Hello! I don’t remember the whole dream, I just remembered that I dive into the water more than once, I opened my eyes, the water was not cloudy.


i dreamed that I was on some kind of vacation, the nature is bright summer, a lot of trees. I’m going on an excursion with someone, they came to a tall beautiful cliff of 90 degrees ... someone says, I need to jump, I got scared, this someone is jumping, and then I fly, dive, emerge, I see myself from the side, like this everything happens .. and I get out of the water ... the water is clear and beautiful


I dreamed that I dive to the bottom of the sea ... transparent and clean .. and I catch small colored fish with a knot ... then I emerge and throw them into a balloon with water ... then I feel that this is not a sea but a pool


Hello! I have a dream, I am standing on the beach of the Swiss sea. People are swimming and, looking at them, I plunged near the shore and got out of the water. (In real life I have never been there and I don’t know anything about Switzerland) In the distance I see hills with snow. In a dream, it happens in the afternoon, towards evening. Here is such a dream.


my fishing rod got tangled with a fish on a hook and I dived into the water and I see there is a lot dead fish and a lot of big rya swims by and I started to catch them with my hands and arrange them in a water-transparent sapet and I can see well and under water I shout to a friend that there are a lot of fish here and I understand that I am talking under water and immediately woke up


I dreamed about how I ended up on the ice with my former classmates, we were dressed in summer clothes. The water was frozen. And suddenly I was called to dive by my former classmate and we dived into the water. They got out and sat on the ice. The water was cold, but at the same time warm. And then the ice floe broke off and I swam on it.


I dreamed that I was climbing into the pool, I saw the bottom, but when I climbed there there was no bottom! I wanted to swim out, but I couldn’t, although I swim well. Then my sister woke me up because I made sounds as if I were in pain
Something like this…


She dived into a deep pond after her son. The water is transparent. I saw the bottom. The son pushed off from the bottom and began to emerge, swim away from me. I'm trying to catch him. Little son 5 years old. At the same depth, my husband was watching us. I finally manage to catch my son and we emerge, seeing off her husband. I don't remember anything else.


dived clean running water and rested on dry land. Pleasant relaxation in the body and at the same time pleasant nervous excitement.


In a dream, I was pulled into the water ex girlfriend and I couldn’t emerge it was yesterday, today I dreamed that I was diving, and before that, my brother and I fell into the river with my brother and nephew, after which I even tried to dive to the car with my nephew, as if something didn’t let me

To dream of a lot of clean snow snowdrifts Why do fish dream in clear water

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Dream Interpretation Dive

  • Dive - get into a quandary, but if necessary, you should dive deep under the water to "cool" the heat burning in your chest.

Dream Interpretation: Eastern female dream book

In a dream to see Dive

  • A dream in which you dive into clean clear water portends a successful resolution of a complicated case. Dive into dirty or muddy water - to the anxiety associated with an undesirable turn of events. I dreamed about others diving, which means you will be able to establish business relationships with reliable and profitable partners. To the lovers similar dream promises the fulfillment of the most secret desires.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

Why dream of diving

  • Diving in clear water - to the successful completion of some difficult task. If the water is cloudy, you will suffer from anxiety, anticipating a change in business.
  • If in a dream you watch others dive in clear water, a journey awaits you with very pleasant fellow travelers.
  • For those who love this dream promises a happy fulfillment of cherished desires.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov

In a dream to see Dive

  • preparing to dive is a risky business, a quick temptation.

In a dream to see Dive

  • from a great height - an extraordinary thing will turn out.

Dream Interpretation: Modern Dream Interpretation

In a dream to see Dive

  • If in a dream you dive into clean clear water, then in reality you will be able to achieve a successful resolution of complicated cases. Dive into dirty or muddy water - anxiety associated with an undesirable turn of events. If you dreamed about others diving, then you will be able to establish business relationships with reliable and profitable partners. For lovers, such a dream promises the fulfillment of the most frank desires.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation Dive

  • Extraordinary solutions, ways to achieve your goal.
  • In clean water - methods are illegal, but not dangerous.
  • Dirty - there can be unpleasant consequences.
  • Choking when diving - success is doubtful, the consequences are tragic.

In the dream book, the site itself big dream book Runet contains 75 best dream books: lunar dream book, dream book for women, culinary dream book, mirror dream book psychological states, vintage English dream book(Zadkiel's dream book), Vanga's dream book, gypsy dream book, dream book of Tarot symbols, Freud's dream book, folk dream book belief and accept (folklore), Aesop's dream book, new family dream book, Jung's dream book, children's dream book, women's dream book, dream book of the Yellow Emperor, dream book of the Wanderer, Shuvalova's dream book, Azar's dream book, noble dream book N. Grishina, Tsvetkov's dream book, esoteric dream book, dream book of Health, Italian psychoanalytic dream book A. Roberti, and others.

If you had to dive into the water in a dream, you should definitely pay attention to what it was like, since the meaning that the plot carries depends on it. Why dream of diving into clean water? The dream interpretation interprets it as a favorable sign. But diving from a height cannot be interpreted unambiguously.

General meaning of vision

In general, diving under water in a dream means trusting your subconscious in order to find the answer to some question that is significant to you. Since this moisture represents our impulsive impulses, such a dream is more related to the emotional sphere.

Did you dream of diving into clean water? For a sick person, such a sign promises a speedy recovery. Also, such a vision portends the dreamer an easy overcoming of all problems.

Why dream of diving into a dirty one? The dream interpretation indicates: troubles may arise at work. Therefore, you should be more attentive to your duties, as well as employees.

Dive, swim in a cold dream - events will occur, under the influence of which the sleeper will reconsider his priorities. As a result, the views on the world around, the people who are nearby, the reasons for their actions will change.

business area

Did you dream of going under water from a height? If it was a cliff, the financial situation will soon worsen. You can fix it only with the best efforts. But the high bridge, according to the dream book, promises the successful completion of some complex enterprise.

Why dream that you see someone diving into the water, getting something useful from the bottom? The dream interpretation emphasizes: this sign signals that you can succeed, like others. It is only important not to be afraid of the upcoming difficulties, to confidently move towards the goal.

When you saw other divers in a dream, you may have new partners, it is very possible to conclude quite profitable agreements between you.

Dreamed of diving into cold water? There will be an opportunity to soberly assess the situation. Perhaps it will appear new information, which will allow you to see what is happening in a different way and judge it more objectively.


Usually a dream that you are diving into the water is interpreted by the dream book as a sign of some very difficult task. To solve it, you must be attentive, collected. In muddy - the problems will be very unpleasant, difficult, you will have to work hard to solve them. In a clean, transparent - perfectly cope with difficulties.

Diving into water from a height in a dream is a symbol of some dangerous enterprise. The dream interpretation warns of the need to be more careful in reality, especially if you saw such a plot before an important undertaking.

Why dream of diving into dirty water? You will have to worry, because an unexpected turn is possible in solving cases.

Love, relationships

Dreamed of diving into the water? In reality, recklessly surrender to the whirlpool of feelings. Complications are coming on the love front, and it is not yet clear how such an act could end.

To dive in a dream means, according to the dream book, your position will be somewhat difficult. However, sometimes it is simply necessary, like diving deep under water, to isolate yourself from everything extraneous. This will allow you to cool down your overly violent feelings a little.

Diving into muddy water in a dream portends love joys. But with outbursts of feelings, try not to lose your head in order to avoid unforeseen turns.

Did you dream that you were diving into the water? Try to remember - what was it like? It is from this that the meaning of what you see will depend. Why dream of jumping into clear water? Dream books interpret such a plot very positively. But a dream in which it happened to dive from a great height cannot be given an unambiguous meaning.

Miller's opinion

Do you dream that you are diving into a crystal surface? If afflicted with disease, the disease will soon recede. Such a dream has another interpretation - it promises a successful resolution of all current difficulties.

And why dream of diving into muddy water? According to Miller's dream book, the times in the service are not the easiest for you. Try to treat the work responsibly and not inflate conflicts - this can cost you dearly.

Did you jump into icy water in a dream? Something will happen that will completely change your views and beliefs, says the dream book.

Work and business

Do you see a dream in which you jump into the water from a great height? There is a high probability of monetary losses if in a dream you had a chance to jump from the edge of a cliff. It will be possible to normalize the situation, but for this you will have to make as much effort as possible.

Did you dream that you were jumping from bridges? According to the dream book, successfully complete a difficult and complex project.

Why can one dream of raising some useful thing? Recognition and success awaits you, the dream book is encouraging. The main thing is not to give up, meeting obstacles on the way and take a firm step towards what you want.

And what does a dream mean in which others do the same? Soon you will find reliable partners with whom you can easily conduct profitable projects and count on their financial support.

If in night dreams I had a chance to dive into ice water, in reality it will turn out to look at the problem sober look. Maybe it will be possible to see it from a different angle, or learn something that will allow you to make a decision that turns out to be correct.

Be on the lookout

Quite often, the dream that you had to jump into the water is explained by dream books by the appearance in your life of a business that will have to spend a lot of time and effort. In addition, in order to solve it, you will have to show maximum composure and concentration. Dreaming that you are diving into muddy water? To cope with this task will be very difficult. Jumped into transparent? All difficulties will be on your shoulder.

Do you dream about diving from a high bridge? You may be drawn into a dubious enterprise. Be as vigilant as possible, especially if you are about to start some important project. There is a high probability that it will not bring the desired result and, in the end, will only do harm.

Why dream of diving into dirty water? Things will not go at all as planned, which will make you nervous and worried.

love side

If in a dream you dive into the water, in reality, immerse yourself in the overwhelming feelings. But it’s not at all a fact that emotions from them will be positive. Personal life can be complicated, so try to keep your head sober.

In general, diving headlong into the water suggests that you are not in the easiest position, and the jump symbolizes the desire to isolate yourself from the rest of the world. In peace and quiet, perhaps it will be possible to put thoughts in order.

But if you dive into dirty water, love entertainment awaits you. But do not let them capture you entirely, otherwise a very unexpected turn of events is possible.

Sleep from Friday to Saturday 03/23/2019

Sleep from Friday to Saturday can also be used in reality. abundance happy events and pleasant impressions given by Morpheus, he says ...

A dream in which you dive from a tower into a pool:
portends the successful completion of a difficult task.

Diving into a pond or lake:
make enemies among colleagues, into the river

If you dive in clean, clear water with your eyes open:
learn a lot of new things in a conversation with random fellow travelers. Diving into dirty or muddy water

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman Dive

Diving in clear water: to the successful completion of some difficult task.

If the water is cloudy: you will suffer from anxiety, anticipation of changes in business.

If in a dream you watch others dive in clear water:
You will travel with very pleasant fellow travelers.

Lovers such a dream: portends the fulfillment of the most cherished desires.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter Dive

Dive in a dream: a sign of a very difficult task that will require your full concentration.

If the water is clean and clear:
a dream portends that you will do well with your difficult tasks.

To dream about how others dive and get some useful items from the bottom:
means that you also have a chance to succeed - you just need not be afraid of difficulties and focus on the main thing.

Dive into muddy, dirty water:
a sign that you will have to focus on solving very unpleasant and difficult problems.

Eastern dream book Dive

A dream in which you dive into clean clear water:
portends a successful resolution of a complicated case.

Diving in dirty or muddy water:
to the anxieties associated with an undesirable turn of affairs.

I dreamed about others diving:
it means that you will be able to establish business relations with reliable and profitable partners. Lovers like a dream

The latest dream book Dive

Dive: make a hasty decision.

Psychoanalytic dream book Dive

Diving: forgiveness

“dive” into the mind, perhaps in search of childhood memories.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn Dive

it is a dive into the subconscious. This is especially true for emotional problems, as water is a symbol of emotions. It can also be a warning to get in touch with the subconscious motivations and fears that live in you, or with your inner wisdom.

Dive also:
can be a sexual symbol, where water symbolizes the feminine, and the dive itself - penetration into it.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation Dive

Dive: fall in love

from a great height: dangerous business.

Dream Interpretation 2015 Dive

Diving: reflection emotional problems, often subconscious.

Modern dream book Dive

Dive into clear water in a dream: to a favorable end to some complicated cases.

If the water is dirty or cloudy:
You will experience excitement about an unexpected turn in your affairs.

To dream about how others dive:
means that you will have pleasant companions. For lovers, such a dream promises the fulfillment of happy dreams and passionate love.

Dream Interpretation ABC Dive

personifies immersion in the unconscious area in search of an answer to life's questions.

Dive into the water, "rush into the pool of feelings": portends complications in a love relationship.

Esoteric dream book Dive

Dive: extraordinary solutions, ways to get your way.

To clean water: methods are illegal, but not dangerous.

In dirty: there may be unpleasant consequences.

Choke while diving: success is doubtful, the consequences are tragic.

Family dream book Dive

If in a dream you dived into clear water: successfully complete some difficult task.

Dive into muddy water ahead of anxiety due to a change in business.

Watched others dive into clear water:
Go on an interesting journey with pleasant fellow travelers. Lovers this dream

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya Dive

get into a quandary, but if necessary, you should dive deep under the water to "cool" the heat burning in the chest.