Wild field sober look. What is happening in the Donbass. A question worse than Hamlet's

The local militia almost completely fled. Mercenaries also run like cockroaches. Fighting with our Russian military personnel and the Cossacks, who are a third of the GRU specialists. Their task is not so much to fight as to destroy the infrastructure. They enter into combat clashes only with a serious quantitative advantage over our battalions, if there is no serious advantage, then they retreat. This does not mean that ours are like a resort there. They fight really well and beautifully.

There are chances that the main phase of the war will end in a few weeks, if Putin does not throw out some trick. But guerrilla warfare can drag on for a long time. Perhaps 2-3 years. To stop the partisan movement in the Donbass, all the locals who will support this evil spirits will have to be evicted from there. The current Ukrainian elite is not capable of such measures, therefore, in order to end the war in Donbas, it will also have to be changed.


One of the most important factors that led to the actual defeat of Luganda was the lack of smoking in the cities occupied by rebels and Russian militants. Of course, they don’t like Ukraine there, but in order to give up smoking for the sake of the war with Ukraine, they are not ready for such feats. So if your plans include raising an uprising in some industrial zone, remember, in addition to weapons, you need a lot of smoking. Girkin does not seem to have taken this fact into account, for which he will be hanged.

Get up at 4 am and wait for the punishers

The main entertainment in the villages is to get up at 4 in the morning, sit on the mound and wait for the punishers. The people are very confused. They are very surprised when punishers bring sausages instead of gallows. The army of Luganda, if it had gotten, God forbid, to Kyiv and Lvov, it would have set up the gallows. And here is a break in the pattern of Punishers with sausages. However, do not think that this somehow reduces the degree of hatred towards Ukraine. The old wisdom about the wolf which is useless to feed is valid here and will operate flawlessly.

A question worse than Hamlet's

“Well, why are they coming to us?”

We mean the Ukrainian troops. Almost everyone asks this question in one form or another.
We don't want Ukraine!
We don't need to be released!
- Leave us alone! We do not want to Ukraine!

Like small children, they do not understand why the Ukrainian army does not allow the activities of terrorist organizations in the Donbas. They do not understand because the minds of children are in their heads. And not just children, but mentally retarded children. It's cruel, but you can't throw words out of a song. The main problem of Donbass is the lack of an elementary worldly mind.

It is necessary that someone from the leadership of Ukraine explain to these people that the Ukrainian army is going to liberate not them, but Ukrainians and Ukrainian lands. They should also be explained that on the territory of Ukraine it is impossible to build Novorossia and run around with a Kalashnikov assault rifle and with a Colorado ribbon on the ass. Such behavior is dangerous to property and to life. There is a beautiful city of Moscow, go there and build.

people mood

I immediately warn you that no one measured the numbers, so they are purely conditional, in my subjective opinion. Moreover, Donbass is still different.

Approximately 30 percent are ethnic Russians who don't care at all. They are ready to destroy the entire Donbass, as long as there is no Ukraine there. Calculating ethnic Russians is very simple - they are the most aggressive, zombified and the hatred against Ukraine is simply wild there.

I will give one example. I personally know one malacholny who terribly hates Ukraine. The hatred is such that it frantically waits for the militants' counterattack on Lutugino. And this is despite the fact that her daughter and sister live in Lutugino. Imagine yourself all the idiocy of this aunt, who doesn’t even give a fuck about her own daughter and sister. And there are a lot of those. If someone tells you that the people have seen the light there, do not believe it. There is nothing even close.

They are driven only by hatred for Ukraine. Therefore, it is useless to appeal to logic. Ideally, they should be resettled from there to Russia, because they themselves do not live and will not give life to other people.

There is another contingent, which can be conditionally called deceived fools. These have already understood that they were simply deceived and they do not want to go to Luganda anymore.

In general, I will give advice to those who care about who says something or thinks there, or estimates percentages for Ukraine or against. My advice to you is go for them. The winner of the war is Ukraine, and the winner sets the rules. As we say, so be it. Who does not like it - go out with things.

How to understand these people

Quite simply - these are typical migrant workers. The main thing is sausage, and Rodina is in tenth place. In 1991 they betrayed Russia because there were more sausages in Ukraine. In 2014, they also betrayed Ukraine, because Russia has more pensions. They will betray again and again. Nobody needs such citizens, not even Putin. And Ukraine will be a complete fool if it warms these vipers on its chest again.

Many Ukrainians are perplexed why not do it simply: If you don't like the country, just take it and leave it. Russia is big, there is a lot of space, there is also enough work.

But everything is not so simple here. For 20 years, the anti-Ukrainian bastard has been hammering into their heads the thesis that there is no Ukraine and Donbass is a purely Russian land, and they are the masters there, and Ukrainians are nobody there at all.

And I must say that Ukraine has been silent for all these 20 years and has not refuted these allegations in any way. The authorities turned a blind eye to such rhetoric most often. What is there regarded as consent. And now here's an unexpected twist. For 20 years, evil spirits ruled there, and Ukraine turned a blind eye to this, and now troops have entered.

The local lumpen, who for the most part is not much different from the movie hero Sharikov, sincerely believes that the Donbass is Russia, not Ukraine. And it is almost impossible to convince them, and it is not necessary.

Cause of hatred for Ukraine

Ethnic Russians sow hatred for Ukraine in the Donbass. But what kind of Russians are they? Bastard katsapye. Actually, they hate everyone and everywhere. Having annexed the Caucasus by force, they hate Caucasians and yell the slogan Russia - only for Russians. The mind can't really understand them. Such people have nothing but hatred in them. It so happened that they live in our house and hate us Ukrainians, the legitimate owners of this house.

It is wrong to try to negotiate with them or try to appease them somehow. They will never change. They will continue to sow hatred towards Ukraine, wait for Putin, vote for anti-Ukrainian parties and do all possible nasty things for our country.

There is only one solution to this problem - to evict this brat from Ukraine. It is not difficult to do this. In essence, they are all migrant workers. If there is no work, they will leave. There is work in Russia - that's where they will go.

Ukraine should deprive all this public of citizenship, and stateless persons should not be given the right to work. Without work, they will leave for their Russia and everyone will be fine. Both to us and to them.

Of course, there will be a lot of screaming and snot about the violation of human rights. But after what Russia has arranged in the Donbass, I am sure that the entire civilized world will be happy if it is possible to separate the two warring parties along different apartments.

I am sure that this idea will be supported by the majority of Ukrainians. The only thing left to do is to get the government to fulfill this plan.

As any Ukrainian patriot knows, Ukrainians founded the Roman and Byzantine Empire, built pyramids for the Egyptians, dug Black Sea, came up with the Sanskrit language for the backward Indians and gave humanity the teachers Jesus and Buddha. Everything is so splendid... Is there an exaggeration here? When did the first Ukrainians appear on Earth?
The article was written to throw a sobering look at the antiquity of the Ukrainian nation, to enlighten those who are not in the know. First, let's give the floor to Oles Buzina:

“If you take a look at the map of modern Ukraine, it turns out that it is full of incomprehensible names. Below, Crimea dangles like a big pear, a gift from the generous uncle Khrushchev. From north to south, rivers flow with names that are unintelligible to the Slavic ear - the Danube, the Dniester, the Don and the Donets. To the west rises the wooded ridge of the Carpathians with the mysterious Hoverla, where President Yushchenko liked to run for inspiration. In the east beyond the Kuban is the Caucasus, where, as in the time of Lermontov, "an evil Chechen crawls ashore, sharpens his dagger." And only in the north are understandable words - Pripyat, Stokhod, Goryn - small quiet rivers, making their way through the dull Polesye. It turns out that non-Slavic peoples once lived in the south and west of Ukraine?
Yes, that's exactly what happens, gentlemen! …

Writing among the Slavs appeared in the 9th century. It was invented by Cyril and Methodius, adapting the Greek alphabet for local needs. Since then, the Slavs began to keep their own chronicles. But the previous millennium is also documented in detail by the Romans and Byzantines. ….
From the Roman Chronicles of the Frontier new era we know that a Dacian tribe of carps lived in the Carpathians. Their modern closest relatives are the current Albanians. "Carpathians" - so in their language the mountains were called.
Ukraine itself was called Sarmatia, after the name of the most numerous and warlike of the tribes that lived here. Where, in a thousand and a half years, Taras Bulba and his sons would ride across the Wild Field, detachments of heavily armed Sarmatian horsemen in strong scaly shells roamed. Judging by the language, the Sarmatians were Iranians. It was they who gave the name to the Ukrainian rivers - Don, Donets and Danube. "Don" in Iranian meant "water".

“It has long been noted that as soon as our historian grasps the events of the II-IV centuries in Ukraine, he immediately begins to speak beautiful nonsense.
Everything before the 2nd century is clearer than clear. At first, the Cimmerians lived in our steppes. Then the Scythians turned them. Then the Sarmatians came and drove out ... the Scythians. But after the Sarmatians, our “fatal” failure begins.

Having reached it, the orthodox Slavic mind falls into inarticulate bleating about the "debatable affiliation" of the so-called Chernyakhov culture. ... Of course, it was not possible to hide all the ends in the muddy academic water. Even in the school textbook ancient history there is a mysterious episode. At the end of the 4th century, from across the Danube, the Germanic tribe of the Goths climbed into the Roman Empire - directly from the Northern Black Sea region. On canoes and rafts, tens of thousands of these barbarians crossed the border, which passed just along this river, and flooded Dacia - present-day Romania. And even in 378 they defeated the army of the Roman emperor Valens near Adrianople ...
But after all, beyond the Danube, where the Goths came from, in this very Northern Black Sea region, is our current southern Ukraine. It turns out that the Germans lived here before the Ukrainians? Yes, gentlemen, that is exactly what happened in the 2nd-4th centuries.
The Goths, carefully described in Roman and Byzantine chronicles, originally lived in the north - in Scandinavia - Scandza. ... According to the Gothic historian of the 6th century Jordan, from "Skanza, as from a womb that gives birth to tribes, the Goths came out with their king named Berig." They were hungry. …"

Largest sizes the Gothic state reached in the second half of the 4th century, when Germanaric ruled it. According to Jordan, this thug "many ancient writers compared in dignity with Alexander the Great." He managed to subdue even those remote places where Moscow is now located, and in the early Middle Ages the Finno-Ugric tribes Mordens (Mordva), Merens (Merya) and Vasinabronki (all white) lived in the early Middle Ages.
Describes Jordan and Germanarich's campaign against the Wends - the early Slavs, who "although they were worthy of contempt because of the weakness of their weapons, they were nevertheless powerful due to their large numbers and tried to resist at first. But the great number of those unfit for war is worthless ... They all obeyed the power of Germanaric."

The echo of those times remained in the Scandinavian sagas that mention Danparstad - the capital of the Goths on the Dnieper. The hero of the “Song of Khleda” preserved in the Elder Edda demands for himself “the famous forest that is called Myrkvid, sacred graves on the Gothic land, a wonderful stone in the bends of Danp, half chain mail, former Heidrek, lands and people, and brilliant rings.” Myurkvid - translated as Black Forest. It still exists on the right bank of the Dnieper above Zaporozhye. Even today, it impresses with its size. By car, you pass it at least an hour. The stone in the bends of Dunpa is easily identified with the Dnieper rapids. As for Danparstad, some of the pre-revolutionary historians suggested that it preceded the current Kyiv. Prince Kiy is the Gothic rex Kniva, allegedly well-known from Jordan's Getika.
Be that as it may, it was from the Goths that they penetrated into Slavic languages words such as "prince" (from the Gothic "kuni" - the elder of the clan), "regiment" ("volk" - armed people, people), "helmet" (Gothic "hilms") and even "pension" - money (" pannings"). The last word well known to both historians and those who remember the modern German "pfenig" - one hundredth of a mark.
And yet, at the end of the 4th century, the Goths were forced out of Ukraine by a new terrible enemy - the Huns, who came from the Zadonsk steppes. “Germanaric, aged and decrepit, suffered from a wound,” Jordan writes, “and, unable to endure the Hun raids, he died at the one hundred and tenth year of his life. His death gave the Huns the opportunity to overpower those Goths who sat on the eastern side and were called Ostrogoths. The Visigoths (“Western”) crossed the Danube and, fleeing the Huns, found a new homeland on the territory of the Roman Empire. They stopped only in Spain, where they made upper class society and royalty.
But until the 15th century, a small Gothic principality existed in the Crimea, destroyed only by the Turks. It was there that those "Gothic red maidens ... on the shores of the blue sea" lived, who rejoiced at the defeat of the Russians in the Tale of Igor's Campaign.
The Italian Josaphat Barbaro, who traveled around the Crimea in the 15th century, wrote in his diary: “Beyond Kaffa, along the bend of the coast on the great sea, there is Gothia ... The Goths speak German. I know this because my German servant was with me. They spoke to him and fully understood each other, just as a Furlander and a Florentine would have come to an understanding.
And even in late XIX century professor of the Kyiv University of St. Vladimir Julian Kulakovsky will be struck by the "Nordic" appearance of some mountain Tatars - apparently, the descendants of the Goths.
The name of Germanaric has been forgotten. The name of the Hun Attila thundered. But who was he - a wild Asian nomad or a proud Slavic prince Bogdan Gatyl, as one witty Kyiv writer wrote? …
a cheerful picture of the "victory parade" of the Hun leader Attila was painted in the novel "The Sword of Ares" by the writer Ivan Bilyk. Released in 1972, the book caused quite a stir. The leader known from historical chronicles nomadic tribe In the 5th century, the author portrayed ... an ancient Russian prince, renaming him Bogdan Gatyl.
Out of fright, the stupid Kyiv officials did not think of anything better than to see nationalism in this. Instead of introducing the “Sword of Ares” into the school curriculum, torturing them with kids like Hanchar’s “Ensigns”, it was removed from libraries. .... In 1990, in the wake of perestroika, Dnipro re-released The Sword of Arey, since then, over and over again, one hears: “Attila ... is that Gatylo?” ... "
But what is it really?
“... His name can still be somehow changed into Gatylo, but how can we “glorify” his brother Bleda? And what to do with Attila's dad, who was called by the "typical" Ukrainian name Mundzuk? And with uncles Oktar and Roas? And in the end with the Mongolian slit of the eyes and a thin beard, like the facts about the ancient Ukrainian ancestry?
The steppe then spoke the unimaginable wild surzhik, consisting of Hunnic, Germanic, Greek and, probably, Slavic words. ... But neither the appearance nor the name of Attila Mundzukovich gives suspicion of even a drop of our blood in his veins.

“By the 6th century, our ancestors multiplied so much that the Gothic historian Jordan, for the sake of scientific accuracy, divided them into two giant branches.” He mentions the names: Wends, Antes, Slavs
“In the third year after the death of Emperor Justin,” states the author of “Ecclesiastical History” John of Ephesus, “the accursed people of the Slavs moved, which passed through all of Hellas ... He took many cities, fortresses; burned, robbed and conquered the country…. They learned to wage war better than the Romans…”
Procopius of Caesarea, secretary of the Byzantine commander Belisarius, left a colorful description of the Slavic army.
Soon they flooded all of Central and Southern Europe. In the west, the foothills of the Alps and the Spree River, where Berlin is now, became their border, and in the south - the warm resort Adriatic coast. “For the sins of our Ants and Slavs rage everywhere,” the same poor Jordan melancholy remarked, hinting that there are no cures for this disease and are not expected in the near future.
Everything would be fine, do not adore the Slavic princes to fight among themselves. Having seized half of Europe, they did not bother to create a single state and, cheerfully lived the loot, harassing each other in internecine skirmishes.
Payback followed immediately. Gradually, the western tribes of the Slavs fell under the influence of the empire of Charlemagne, and the eastern ones began to pay tribute to Khazaria, a predatory trading state on the Volga. …
And then the Vikings appeared - those very stubborn fellows who mastered the path "from the Varangians to the Greeks." The state of the Eastern Slavs was without them. But the Varangians were the first to bring the idea of ​​an empire - a superpower that soldered all these Drevlyans, Polyans and Krivichi to mighty Russia from the Carpathians in the West to the upper reaches of the Volga in the East. They also gave the name - Rusichi, Rusyns, Russians - that was the name of the ancestors of the modern East Slavic peoples until the 17th century. …

Note: there were no Ukrainians. There were small tribes of the Russian people

"To determine the boundaries of an ethnic group, there is a simple principle based on the opposition of "friends and foes." Every Frenchman knows that he is not a German, not an Englishman or a Spaniard, although he does not even think about the reasons for this difference. And every Ukrainian is sure that he not a Pole and not a Tatar.
Before Mongol invasion all the Eastern Slavs were “their own” for each other, despite numerous princely civil strife. All of them were ruled by the princes of the new Varangian Rurik dynasty. All professed Orthodoxy with strong remnants of paganism. Everyone sang the same epics of the Kyiv cycle about Ilya Muromets and Dobryn Nikitich.
In listing the princes, the author of The Tale of Igor's Campaign addresses Vsevolod the Great Nest of Suzdal, Vseslav of Polotsk, Glebovichi of Ryazan, and Yaroslav Osmomysl of Galicia. He calls on all of them to stand up for the Russian land, by which he understood both the Kiev region and the distant Suzdal region with little Moscow barely hatched.
And it was not just an ideological declaration! In 1223, the son of Vsevolod the Great Nest, Yuri, to help the Chernigov, Kyiv and Galician princes who set off against the Mongols, sent a detachment led by his vassal, the Rostov prince, and the same Mstislav the Udaly, starting his career in distant northern Novgorod, calmly moved to reign on south - to Galich. And the local population at the same time did not at all consider him a “Muscovite”.

"Be that as it may, the founder of the first princely dynasty in Russia was the Viking from the Skjeldung clan - Rurik, who laid the traditions of the national great power. Ladoga was his first capital. ... It is also known that in 873 he managed to get a district in Friesland and return to the West. But even before that, he managed to give birth to a son, Igor, who inherited the newly acquired lands in Russia. Together with Oleg, he will have to capture Kyiv, expanding his possessions to the Slavic south. "
"The Novgorod Chronicle says:" And Igor grew up ... And he had a governor named Oleg ... And they started to fight - and the Dnieper river and Smolensk city climbed. And from there they went down the Dnieper ... and saw Kyiv and asked who he reigns, and they said to them: “Two brothers - Askold and Dir” (...) And Igor Askold said: “You are not princes, and not of a princely family, but I am a prince and I should reign.” And they killed Askold and Dir ""
“But if someone called the territories under his control Kievan Rus, they would be incredibly surprised - although less than at the sight of Grushevsky, who stubbornly called these Vikings with the title he invented himself “old Ukrainian princes”.
“Svyatoslav is the first of the Rurikovich dynasty that came to Kyiv, who called himself not in the Varangian, but in the Slavic manner. Consequently, the Vikings by his birth were already decently glorified on local soil. Overgrown with children, women and relatives.
But despite this, in Svyatoslav himself there was not a drop of Slavic blood. His father was the Varangian king Ingvar, his mother was the Varangian Olga. Leo the Deacon describes the bright northern appearance of the prince - Blue eyes, blonde hair, upturned nose. For southern Kyiv, such an anthropological type was then as rare as it is now. But in terms of culture, Svyatoslav was clearly “ours”. And he even wore his hair in the steppe manner - in the form of a hanging curl on a shaved skull.
This hairstyle greatly provoked the "sharovarny galushka patriots." Since there is a "settler", it means that the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks were already in the time of Svyatoslav! But the settler is not yet proof of the existence in Kievan Rus Cossacks. In fact, this is an ancient hairstyle of nomads, found throughout the Great Steppe from Mongolia to Hungary. The Turks, by the way, will wear it in the same way in the 16th century, as well as the Zaporozhye Cossacks. And on the head of Svyatoslav, the “settler” testifies, first of all, to his connections with the steppes. For a long time Kyiv prince raged precisely in alliance with the Pechenegs - those who, in the end, made a bowl out of his head "

Issued in Lvov in 1934 and repeatedly reprinted in Canada, "History for children of the school age," there is a charming picture "Muscovites are destroying Kiev." On it, bearded goblins in pointed helmets picturesquely cut, grab by the hairpieces and rape the unfortunate people of Kiev. The heart bleeds.
But after reading the text under the picture, you start to laugh sincerely - it turns out that they “ruined” in 1169, when there were no “Muscovites” in nature yet, and Moscow itself was barely registered on the pages of history. It was mentioned for the first time in the chronicle only twenty-two years earlier as a tiny town of the Suzdal prince Yuri Dolgoruky. In terms of meaning, it was something like the current regional center. Therefore, writing that in 1169 “Muscovites destroy Kiev” is the same as suggesting that a gang of pig stealers from Kobelyak poses a danger to the capital of present-day Ukraine.
But somehow it was forgotten that in fact it was the Galicians who ruined Kievan Rus - the very famous Roman and Danilo of Galicia and several other colorful personalities who preceded them. “Ale, the Ukrainian state did not disappear through those that Kiev was living,” writes the already mentioned “History for Children ...” Tilki ії the core passed to the back.
What a brazen Bandera nonsense! It is clear that for no reason at all the state nuclei do not move. They are driven by historical figures. And usually with separatist manners. In the XII century, Galich was just such a core of local separatism.

Since we are talking about this, let us note that
“The Galicians differed from the real Russians in everything - in psychology, anthropological type and, (most importantly!) non-Slavic origin.
Yes Yes! Precisely non-Slavic! Subconsciously, the natives of Western Ukraine are still aware of this...
Anyone who communicated with the inhabitants of the Lviv or Ivano Frankivsk regions knows the local expression - "racial Galician." “Yogo squad is a racial Galician!” - they will tell you with pride. Or: "Pan Zenik is a right racial Galician." And they will point to a fidgeting “kurdupel” (short-legged subchik in our opinion) with ideological hysteria in his eyes ...
The answer can be found in any monograph on Slavic ethnogenesis.
At the turn of the old and new eras, there were no Slavs in Galicia yet. It was inhabited by the carriers of the so-called "culture of the Carpathian mounds" - the Dacian tribe of carps. The ancient Dacians are the ancestors of the current Romanians and Moldovans. In the 2nd century, under the emperor Trajan, they were conquered by the Romans, who founded the province of Dacia on the territory of present-day Romania.
But the conquerors did not reach the Carpathians and Upper Transnistria themselves. The poor local territories inhabited by backward savages simply did not interest the natives of Italy.
This continued until the era of the Great Migration of Peoples, when the Slavs began to seep here from Volhynia. In the 5th-6th centuries, this part of the Dacians, having fallen under their rule, lost their language and switched to the Slavic dialect, naturally, distorting it. Romanians and Moldavians emerged from the Dacians who submitted to the Romans. And of those remnants of them who recognized the superiority of the Slavs, the current Galicians. Thus, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the Galicians are, in fact, Slavicized Moldavians."
“Looking at how the Hutsuls are jumping around with their national tomahawks, I don’t doubt the reasons for this “originality”. tsatskami keptari with wool inside.
Under the rule of Russia, the Carpathian lands came late. At first, Kyiv competed for them with Poland. He competed with varying success, until at the end of the 10th century Vladimir the Holy selected them as part of the so-called "Cherven cities". Hence the other name of Galicia - Chervonnaya Rus. Its capital, by the way, at first was not Galich, but Przemysl.

In general, while Galician nationalists are composing ideas that Russians are not Slavs, but either Mongolo-Tatars, or Finno-Ugric peoples, in fact, we observe non-Slavic origin precisely among Galicians. The only thing true in their writings is that the Galicians are not Russians. But, as you can see, they are not Ukrainians and not Slavs at all.
We do not draw any chauvinistic conclusions from the non-Slavic origin of the Galicians, only a statement of fact. It's just that the delusional ideological dogmas of Ukrainian, Galician, nationalism become more obvious. By the way, if the Carpathian Gtsuls - Dacians-non-Slaanes - are Ukrainians, then why shouldn't Ukrainians-Slavs be Russians?

As already mentioned, "in the XII century, Galich was the core of local separatism."

But let's omit the details of the history of Galician separatism - you can read about them in the book of Oles Buzina (1). The big picture is important:

“In fact, Russia was just a cluster of demoralized people, who were divided by princes from the prolific Rurik family. After all, all these Vladimirkas, Vsevolods, Ivans Berladniki - although distant, are relatives. All of them are descendants of Grand Duke Vladimir the Holy. But there is not enough land for them, since each leaves numerous heirs. The permanent civil war between the princes turns into a simple fact of everyday life - the same as rain, slush and loss of cattle. The lords are fighting - the peasants' forelocks are cracking.
But this muddy chaos does not fit into the “Ukrainians against Muscovites” scheme! It does not fit, if only because the best ally of the Galician Vladimirka in the fight against Kyiv is the Suzdal Yuri Dolgoruky. Yes Yes! The same, thrice cursed by the authors of countless stories for children, "the founder of Moscow."
Their partnership is so strong that Yuri Dolgoruky even gives his daughter for the son of Vladimirka - Yaroslav Osmomysl. Two provincial princes family ties strengthen the villainous alliance against Kyiv!”

And one more detail

Now, when we, Ukrainians, are being taken out almost “from Adam”, when, following the “History of Ukraine Rus”, they are ready to write the history of “Ukraine of Sarmatia”, “Ukraine of Scythia” and, probably, “Ukraine of Vandalia”, they forget that on top of ancient Kyiv, burned in 1240 by the Mongols of Batu, lies a thick layer of ash. “Most of the people of Russia,” writes Giovanni del Plano Carpini, who visited these places after the defeat, “are killed or taken prisoner.” There are almost no descendants of the Kyivans of that time - until the middle of the 16th century, the abyss of political emptiness yawns. No, Ukraine is not Russia! It differs from it in the same way that France differs from Gaul, and modern Italy from the Roman Empire. Or like a Budyonnovsky stallion from the Don. Of course, a descendant in a straight line - but how much fresh blood has been added ... "

When did the name Ukraine appear at all and since when can one speak of Ukrainians as a special community?

“When Lithuania united with Poland, the most violent began to flee to the border of the Wild Steppe, where the Zaporozhian Sich arose. It was a real wanderer. Hotheads from everywhere gathered here, even from the Crimean Khanate - Kochubei, known from Pushkin's "Poltava", for example. At the end of the 16th century, unable to accommodate and feed the new Cossack elite, gluttonous and impudent, Zaporozhye exploded in a series of uprisings that lasted a whole century and laid the foundation for a new state - Ukraine.
What is curious: back in the time of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, Ukraine was called a tiny strip of land on the border with the Wild Field - Zaporozhye, Kiev region, Cherkasy and Kanev starostvos. Lviv region, Podolia, even Volhynia were not included in it. Talking about the reasons for the uprising of 1648, the author of the Cossack Chronicle of the Witness writes in a language that is already slightly different from Old Russian, but not yet very similar to Ukrainian: , in Volyn, ale and in Ukraine, the mountain began to take. Therefore, Volhynia is not Ukraine for him!
But gradually the name of the steppe zone spread all the way to the Carpathians, and the local population began to call themselves Ukrainians instead of Rusyns.
Having found themselves, thanks to Bogdan Khmelnitsky, as part of one state, Ukrainians and Russians, who were often called Muscovites, felt that they were damn similar, but, on the other hand, they subtly differ in some way, and immediately gave each other funny nicknames crests and Katsapov. Some wore beards. Others are settlers. Some shirts were let out over trousers. Others tucked her into bloomers. Some are accustomed to bawl at the councils, choosing a hetman. Others unquestioningly carried out all the orders of the tsar father. Since the time of Kievan Rus, 500 years have passed - a huge period. In the south, the blood of the ancient Russians was mixed with hot Polovtsian and phlegmatic Lithuanian. In the north, the population of Kievan Rus dissolved the Finnish tribes, who even in the 12th century inhabited the territory of even present-day Moscow. But a common faith (Orthodoxy) and common enemies (Tatars, Turks and Poles) helped them get along under the scepter of the Romanovs and push the boundaries of the Slavic superpower up to the Danube and the Black Sea.

So, now there are some differences in the Russian people. What is not surprising - the people were settled over a large territory and separated by the borders of different states. The term "Ukraine" appeared.
"The geographical term 'Ukraine' is indeed quite ancient, it is found not only in the Ipatiev Chronicles, but also in many other chronicles. But we must understand that the medieval term 'kraina', like 'okolie', 'okolica', is exclusively geographical (not ethnic) term, and this term was applied not only to the territory southern Russia. Outskirts (Ukraine), there were many, and not only in Russian or Polish history. For example, in the medieval Roman Empire (Byzantium) there were so-called Akrits - a subculture of peasant warriors who guarded the borders of the Roman Empire from the Arabs (as they then called Byzantium). If you translate the Greek word;;;;;;; (akritas) into Russian, it will turn out ‘Ukrainian’ (a resident of the outskirts is a border guard). Moreover, these Akrit warriors from the everyday and ethno-cultural point of view differed from the inhabitants of Constantinople no less than a Cossack with a forelock from a Muscovite in uniform, but both of them called themselves Romans (Romans in Greek) "(3)
But even then (during the reunification of Ukraine with Russia), Oles Buzina admits that between the reunited parts of the people, the similarities were “damn” obvious, and the differences “elusive”.
In any case, they managed to get along, as Oles Buzina writes,
Get along - it's too cautiously said.
Were there any problems with this?

Does this mean that Ukrainians dreamed of their own statehood, independence? Does this mean that Ukrainians in the Russian Empire were oppressed along ethnic lines? In the USSR, Ukrainians Khrushchev and Chernenko headed the state. In Russian-speaking schools in Ukraine, the Ukrainian language was taught, there were also schools with Ukrainian learning. Ukrainian songs sounded in the media. "Kobzar" by Taras Shevchenko in Soviet Ukraine was published in a larger circulation than in all the years of Ukrainian independence. It can hardly be called national oppression. And in the Russian Empire?

“Ukrainians managed to play an outstanding role in the fate of the Russian Empire. Actually, the Kyiv monk Feofan Prokopovich, who unusually liked Peter I with his wit and efficiency, came up with the idea.
And then the “friendship of peoples” was sealed by Peter’s daughter Elizabeth and a simple Cossack from Chernihiv region Alexei Razumovsky, playing a story about a princess from a fairy tale right in bed. Nickname Razumovsky - "Night Emperor" - speaks for itself. His brother Kirill, President Russian Academy sciences, Lomonosov will report on duty, in whose writings a new outlandish word will appear for the first time - Ukrainians.
Successes in St. Petersburg for a long time distracted us from the problems of local self-government. Field Marshal Paskevich, a Poltava resident, takes Warsaw at the head of the Russian army and makes friends with Nicholas I. Gogol travels to Italy at the royal expense, where he rakes tens of thousands for pasta on a grand scale. Bezborodko, the chancellor of the empire, dying, says goodbye to the assembled public with a phrase that modern political thought has not yet reached the level of: “I don’t know how it will be with you young people, but with us not a single gun in Europe will fire without our permission dare!"
Yes, it’s up to Ukraine, when you have an entire empire in your hands! Even Pushkin, annoyed by the successes of the descendants of the Cossacks in the "northern Palmyra", will angrily notice that his ancestor "did not jump to the princes from crests", forgetting that he jumped into the Russian nobility directly from the African palm tree.
When the empire was not enough for all Ukrainians, the idea of ​​independence was born. Although, I am sure, in fact, we are not very against the new version of Kievan Rus. Up to Vladivostok. With us at the head. With free transfer of Siberian oil joint-stock company Mirgorod pensioners. And with Zhirinovsky marching towards Indian Ocean in the rank of corporal Ukrainian army. Well, at most - junior sergeant. For we are extraordinarily generous in spirit. We don't regret anything. For myself".

That is, in the Russian Empire, the elite were Ukrainians on a par with Russians.
Because no one divided anyone on a national basis into Ukrainians and Russians, no one oppressed anyone on a national basis.
And the idea of ​​separatism and independence arose among those representatives of the elite who did not get warm places at the feeder ... But such dodgers have always been, in any nation. The fact that the people protected their values ​​and hoped to escape from the clutches of national oppression, from alien values, was never discussed.

Ukrainians have never been oppressed by Russians, this is not different cultures, more common than differences, this is a single people, different parts of which have acquired some local features due to the fact that the people were settled over a large territory and separated by state borders (Russia, Austria-Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic)

So what about the jealousy of the Ukrainian nation? Oh yes: "Trypillian culture". A few words about this myth. It is curious that Russophobes are now running around with this argument, proving the antiquity of the “Ukrainian nation” compared to Muscovites. But for the first time this argument was put forward by a Czech Russophile to prove the antiquity of the Russian people, including Ukrainians. But it's not that. And in that
“... the origins of the Trypillian culture were discovered ... on the territory of Romania. Moreover: in Transylvania - in the homeland of the infamous Prince Dracula! From here it spread out in concentric circles, first crossing the Danube, then the Dniester and, finally, approaching the Dnieper.
Actually, the settlement excavated ... near Tripoli is just its extreme eastern outpost. ...
Trypillian culture died out in the III millennium BC. e. The first historical evidence of the Slavs refers only to the beginning of the 1st millennium AD. e. The historical gap between them is twenty centuries! In addition, the ancestral home of the Slavs ... is located on the territory of Polissya. Byzantine historians describe them as typical forest dwellers. But Trypillians never settled in the forest zone at all. Their culture fully fits into the forest-steppe zone, which Ukrainians will begin to develop only in the 17th century AD. e., and fully settled only under Catherine II. What kind of identity between Ukrainians and Trypillians can we talk about after that?”

But what about the great ancient ukrov? Did they never exist?
I hasten to reassure the patriots: there were!
It was more ancient than the Russians, the Ukrov tribe, who lived near the river Ucker (Ucker) in Germany (2), from which they got their name (3). They had nothing to do with Ukraine and Ukrainians, Rome was not founded, Egyptian pyramids were not built.
But to deduce from the mere similarity of names “the antiquity of the Ukrainian nation” ... Why such insanity? .. Or ... there is no smoke without fire? But our nationalists are not original even here
“Appearing on the political arena, ... [any state] certainly invents a brilliant pedigree for itself. No one cares about its authenticity. The main thing is crackling, fireworks, fascination.
The ancient Swedes derived themselves directly from the god Odin. The Poles of the 13th century, when only the lazy did not beat them, attributed to their ancestors the victory over Alexander the Great. The Jews came up with a fairy tale about their God's chosen people. As for the Ukrainians, they, according to the majority of our historians, always existed. This theory is called "autochthonous" - translated from the obscure ancient Greek "autochthon" - "self-generated", "root". That is, according to the logic of its followers, a certain Pithecanthropus, hatched from a monkey in Africa, came to the banks of the Dnieper, and then slowly reborn into a Ukrainian, from whom Russians, Belarusians and other peoples descended, up to the Indians. …
It seems to me that you can do nothing at all with such a theory: the talented Pithecanthropus ancestor has already done everything for you. And you lie on the couch, spit on the floor and contemptuously watch how someone on TV receives the Nobel Prize ... "

“I’m wondering: do modern Mongols, sitting in yurts in the middle of the bare steppe, also say, “But we are ancient, we had Genghis Khan and we conquered half the world”? Or are they still not as stupid as Svidomites and Zmagars?

Don't care who was there once! The Greeks were also an ancient and powerful civilization, and today it is one of the poorest countries in the EU, with huge debts, with a rapidly falling GDP and under the external control of Berlin and Brussels.

On the other hand, four hundred years ago there was a virgin forest on the site of modern New York, and today the United States is the world hegemon (albeit rapidly moving towards retirement, but still).

Who was helped by antiquity and old achievements? If today you are beggars and disenfranchised lackeys and schmucks under external control, then absolutely no one cares. In this case, the presence of glorious ancestors only emphasizes your modern insignificance" (4)

In general, the patriots of Ukraine still cannot find a more worthy occupation for themselves than measuring lengths. But even if measuring the length of body parts is stupid (despite the fact that it’s still your body, besides, they say, this parameter can be influenced consciously; another question is why), then measuring the length of a historical pedigree is absolute stupidity. Because no matter what heroic our ancestors did, your merit in this is absolutely zero. And for everything that happens to you now, you are primarily responsible.

Is it because the patriots of Ukraine are trying to be proud of their mythical antiquity, because they understand: in real life, in themselves, in their actions, in their results, they have absolutely nothing to be proud of?

Sources (default - 1)

1) Oles Buzina. secret history Ukraine-Rus
2) https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Or in English: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uecker
3) https://www.elpiadis.com/russia
4) Alexander Rogers: The Pride of the Limitrophes and the Terror of Reality

In the front top pocket of the backpack I have a small case for a small camera. At one time, just bought for fire stray. And in it:

A piece of flint ... I must say that in our area flint is extremely rare in nature. They speak on the ridges railway can be found. Or in piles of rubble... I haven't been able to find one, though. In other words, it is more correct to carry flint prepared in advance. So flint. Forged chair for him. You can break the file of course. But the forged armchair is more aesthetic). Tinder in a sealed jar. I have a tinder fungus prepared according to technology) And a little jute cord in a zip bag. And to the heap, a ferocerium rod from our narrow-eyed brothers fit in there.

Well, a strategic reserve in case damp or wet grass make a nest out of toilet paper. Then I blow it up.

The stock of tinder is nailed in the cupboard. When I cooked, I made it with a margin. Enough for a lot of fires. If necessary, the stock in the backpack is replenished from the locker.
And the case itself wanders through the pockets of the backpack, leaving it only for use or replenishment. It is applied in practice, it's all for the sake of showing people. Show off with one word.

Point two: fire from the sun.

The essence of getting fire from the sun is to focus Sunshine on tinder. For example, melting a lens out of ice, or bonding two bottle bottoms with resin and filling it with water, or polishing the bottom of a beer can, or breaking off a reflector from a flashlight ... We also mined a reflector from a car headlight. Three reflectors were stolen from us) Hidden in the forest))
And you can buy a magnifying glass. Worth every penny. Or a solar lighter on Ali. It's even cheaper! Well, put it in your backpack. Suddenly what.

Point three: what if everything is fucked up. There is no sun at all. It remains to produce fire by friction. Everything is simple and complicated at the same time!

Every year we perform the rite of renewal of the fire. Just by friction we get a living fire. And so I have the appropriate set for such a case.
AT natural conditions you just need to take two planks, make a drill, a beam, an emphasis under the arm and cut) Just ...
In fact, the coal will fall out or not depends on many conditions. It has been verified in practice. For the first time, for example, I tried to make fire on the balcony for a month. I made a pine drill. For a month, I tried almost every day until it came to the conclusion that resin was released when heated! and this resin does not allow the coal to take up. I had to try it outside in the snow. The corner didn't fall out. Apparently due to humidity ... Well, all sorts of such nuances.
Moreover, the lining under the arm heats up and burns. Excess smoke in the eyes and discomfort)
Therefore, another cheat to make life easier)

The bearing is integrated into the lining. Virtually no friction and much more comfortable to hold.
As a string, you can still use a lace or make a rope out of clothes. But it’s more practical to put a skein in your paracord backpack just in case. Paracord doesn't stretch or wear out like that.

Point four. For dessert)
Chemical way of making fire)
Well, I couldn’t play with stray for fire and not get fire) Therefore, I dug manganese from my wife in the first-aid kit.

We assume that in our forest conditions it lies in the first-aid kit. We take sticks for making fire by friction ... Or we just cut a notch in any tree. We put a little manganese in the recess. It is important that everything is dry!

We add some sugar. Sugar in the grub set is with us! The ratio is about 8 parts manganese to one part sugar.

We put what we have to light up. I have the notorious jute.

With a “drill” or a sharpened stick, rub manganese with sugar with effort. We hear a click and see how we have a fire.

As a result chemical reaction quite a lot of heat is released. This is enough to light cotton wool or jute bushes. But the reaction is very fast! Therefore, the ignition must be applied immediately!

And, summing up all the above, it should be noted that we set ourselves difficult tasks. Making fire is not the most traditional ways for example. very interesting! Fun and useful! But it is more correct and more competent to be prepared or prepare in advance!

PS: of all this, I personally most often use a lighter) Sometimes matches. And I have a supply of them too)

Well, and knives too)

In the forest, Wix goes into his pocket, Bars goes to his belt, and the machetina still rides on a backpack)

In my first article, I would first of all like to write about the view of the world around us. By studying psychology, a person begins to look differently at the world around him. Everything that previously seemed wrong or incomprehensible to him takes on a completely different shape. Many previously established stereotypes seem ridiculous and unfounded. And this is normal, because a person begins to acquire sobriety of thinking. I will try to understand the language for most people, and as briefly as possible to explain the picture of the world in which we live.

First of all, I want to draw your attention to the upbringing of a person from his very birth. What is typical for most parents who have small children? This is education through prohibitions, this is impossible, then it is impossible, and so on. The child develops a restrictive thinking, which then haunts him throughout his life.

Further, these restrictions are imposed by all subsequent social institutions - kindergarten, school, institute and others, up to the place of work and one's own family. Accordingly, such a person will subsequently hammer the same thing to his children, and those to theirs, and so on ad infinitum. All this will continue until someone cuts off this endless chain of moralizing that makes no sense.

I tell you that there are no restrictions and prohibitions in this life. They are only for those who accept them and no more. The word “no” is a relative statement that says that one cannot, but another can. Impossible, wrong, I can't - these are all the same restrictions inserted into our heads by society so that we would be subordinate to this society. Throw these restrictions out of your head, and you will see a completely different picture of the world, one in which everything is possible.

In the new picture of the world, you will see yourself as an omnipotent person who can do everything, who never makes mistakes, and for whom nothing is impossible. You cannot do wrong, you can do it for your benefit, or without it, and nothing more. All those who tell you that you are doing wrong, thereby point out that you are doing wrong in relation to their understanding of the correctness, and therefore their benefit, but not yours. And all mistakes are nothing more than lessons to be learned.

There is such a thing as a "loh", this is a person who pursues and indulges other people's interests, and not his own. We were taught to care for our neighbor, morality, morality of behavior, those qualities that make us weak. We have always cultivated the notion that good triumphs over evil. However, this is not so, and the world in which we have to live today is a world of evil in disguise. But I would not call it evil, everything is quite fair and corresponds to the laws of nature, which has nothing to do with our beliefs. Therefore, in order to take a worthy place in this world, it is necessary to have a strong psyche, not bound by any restrictions and prohibitions.

The most interesting thing is that in human society indulge in weakness. Unreasonable parents nurse their already mentally weak children, interfering in their personal lives. All this makes us weaker. And there is no one to protect the weak, except for himself. All this illusion of security and stability, which is allegedly present in our supposedly civilized society, blinds us and does not allow us to see reality.

That is why people are sometimes surprised by the obvious, and cannot understand why something happened that happened when it should not have happened. I tell you, there is no stability, no security, no civilization. There is a wild society, teetering on the verge of madness. This society is manageable only when it experiences fear, but as soon as it feels permissiveness, it begins to destroy everything in its path.

This world is merciless to the weak, in order to survive in it you just need to be strong, and psychology gives such strength. The right mental attitude will make you invincible and invincible. This is called the strength of the spirit, which is based on an internal mental state. Study psychology, it will open your eyes to reality, help you become stronger, help you become the captain of your ship called life.