Draw a cash receipt online. Cash receipt

Whatever printer the cashier’s workplace is equipped with, it will require not only a driver connecting the printing device to the computer terminal, but also a program for printing receipts on the printer. Thanks to this program, a cash receipt is generated in accordance with a given template, lines with information about the purchased goods and their quantity are entered into it, summary information about the cost of the entire purchase, the date and name of the store where the purchase was made is added. Sometimes if the width receipt tape allows, the program for printing cash register receipts allows you to place the store logo on the receipt as well.

When the check is completely formed, at the cashier’s command, the printer begins to print, and after the printing process is completed, it cuts off the finished check.

Programs for cash registers

Cash registers require use relevant program for drawing up and printing a receipt. One of the most famous programs is Kassy 0.72, which can work on 60 types of different cash registers. This software also allows you to use a regular computer or tablet to prepare a receipt and print it out.

This task is sometimes posed if it is necessary to restore lost or damaged receipts for a store: printing is done on a regular inkjet printer. At the same time, the possibilities software allow you to adjust the design style to the typical style for a specific model cash register. The instructions for this program describe in detail how to set up receipt printing by selecting the readings that are most suitable for the user from among the available adjustments.

Often they have built-in printer designs and all the necessary drivers and programs for layout of cash receipts are already included in the software. To master the work and study the principles of forming a check, you only need to study the instructions for the cash register in detail and practice a little.

Programs for POS terminals

A modern computerized POS terminal operating under operating control Windows systems or Android, can be equipped with various software. As an example, you can use a specialized section of the well-known program “1C: Retail 8”. Its capabilities are much wider than those of a conventional cash register, since the terminal performs operations related to the commodity and financial accounting of a trading enterprise, and allows different types analytical research.

But at the same time, it also includes a program for printing receipts on a printer, which allows you to set up without any special skills appearance check. To do this, use a template in which you can change the details of the header and footer inscriptions and immediately see on the terminal screen what the finished check will look like.

If the program for printing cash receipts supplied with the terminal does not suit you, it can be easily replaced. Often, manufacturers of receipt printers include in the delivery package not only a driver for communication with the terminal, it also includes a program for printing cash receipts on a specific printer.

The program for printing receipts on a printer can be purchased separately and installed on the terminal, and it can also be specially written by an experienced programmer to suit the requests of a customer who is not satisfied with the traditional layout of a cash receipt provided by templates. Writing new software is not particularly difficult for a programmer, but the program he developed for printing receipts will produce such beautiful cash documents, which no one else has.

Printing from a personal computer

On a desktop computer you can have powerful software systems for creating graphic and text images. But these systems, which take up a lot of space and are quite difficult to use, are inconvenient and completely irrational to use on a POA terminal. That's why highly specialized programs are being developed for portable cash register computers.

If it is not available, it can be replaced by a laptop or tablet, on which there is no need to have complex software, and the program will print cash receipts in a simple and convenient way. The printer can also be used for an office, but it will print on sheet paper, and to use roll paper, you will have to purchase a special device designed for printing on a narrow ribbon.

Cash receipts- an agreement between the buyer and the seller. A financial document confirming the sale (purchase) of goods.

Order a receipt printing machine to print cash receipts.

Buy a check printing machine where you can punch any cash receipts. You can view samples of cash receipts below. I must warn you that falsifying cash receipts is punishable by law.

Order check printing machines in the payment and delivery methods section.

Types of cash registers and samples of cash receipts:

Programming the check printing machine ChPM Mercury 180 under the right organization is done through a computer, and is not difficult even for a novice lamer. You can also enter all data through the cash register keyboard, or order programming from us.

Price Mercury 180: 3550 rubles.

Data programming: 600 rubles.

Printing receipts costs from 1 rub/piece due to the low cost of thermal printing.

Cash receipt Mercury 130K

One of the most common cash registers Mercury 130K prints cash receipts on thermochemical paper 57 millimeters wide. You can print in several fonts at the checkout; the fonts can be changed in programming mode.

Minik cash receipt 1102 F (without EKLZ)

The width of the receipt tape is 44 mm. This cash register is already outdated, and also does not include an EKLZ.

Cash receipt EKR 2102K with EKLZ

Almost similar to the Minik 1102K cash receipt, it can print in two types of font: narrow and wide.

Cash receipt AMC 100K

Cash receipt AMC 100 K can be of two types; the print font can be small and large. Also on the right check you can see that the ECLZ is close to filling and should be changed soon.

Cash receipt Kasby 02K

Here is a receipt from a Kasbi 02K cash register connected to a network with a computer. In this combination, the cash register can print the names of goods - inexpensive trade automation is obtained.

Cash register with automation Regular print Kasbi 02 K Compressed print Kasbi 02K

Cash receipt Samsung ER4615RK

Nowadays it’s rare to find a Samsung cash register anywhere. It is the last of the stand-alone cash registers to have dot matrix printing. Now it has been replaced by Alpha 400K with thermal printing.

Cash receipt Ladoga K

Cash receipt Shtrikh M FR K (fiscal registrar)

Cash receipts from this device differ depending on where it is located: in a cafe, restaurant, store or gas station. The width of the receipt tape is 80 mm.

gas station Cafe or restaurant Retail store.

You can make a duplicate check at the online cash register using personal account CRF and software in the workplace.

Fig 1. Process of printing a receipt at an online cash register

The capabilities of modern cash registers allow you to restore a duplicate within 30 days from the current date.

The need to withdraw a duplicate check at an online cash register arises under the following circumstances:

  • the cash register tape has run out or is broken;
  • the buyer requires a copy to be made for reporting purposes;
  • the buyer has lost the receipt and wants to receive a duplicate;
  • There was a failure in recording information, you need to repeat the operation.

The re-issued fiscal copy is not at all different from its original, except for its formatting. This happens because all transaction data is recorded in the fiscal drive and, not counting the advertising part, additional information about the products, headers and footers.

You can get a duplicate by printing it either from fiscal storage(cash register memory) using 1C, or in the OFD personal account.

Important! The duplicate printed from the OFD personal account has the greatest legal force.

Application "Copy of check"

In order for the online cash register to output 2 copies at the time of sale, you must first install in your personal account the additional paid application “Copy of Receipt” for outputting duplicates. Next time, if necessary, the cashier will be able to indicate that the receipt is needed in two copies, and the cash register will automatically display 2 originals.

Such an application will help you display copies for past dates. You just need to click the “Copy” button, and information about all previously performed transactions will appear in your personal account.

Related video: “Copy of receipt” application from Evotor – step by step instructions duplicate printouts.

Sending an electronic copy

If such an application has not been installed, you will not be able to print a copy from your personal account. However, you can send a copy from the fiscal drive to the client’s specified email account, from which he can print it himself.

Sending to client email in 1C

To send duplicates in 1C, the services for sending via SMS and to the client’s email must be installed.

It is possible to set the sending function immediately after the purchase is completed. To do this you need to perform the following combination:

  1. Master data and administration, then – configuration;
  2. sales of Federal Law-54;
  3. check the box “Send electronic checks after entering the cash register.”

Important! In the same menu, you can set a schedule for sending electronic copies to clients, which will occur once a day simultaneously to all clients for each transaction.

Sending a check via OFD

If you need to send duplicates through a fiscal data operator (FDO), then you will need to set the appropriate options in the 1C system in advance:

  1. Reference data and administration, then setup.
  2. Sales of FZ-54.
  3. Check the boxes “Send electronic checks via SMS via the fiscal data operator” and “Send electronic checks via E-mail via the fiscal data operator”.

A copy is sent in the field " Workplace cashier" from the "Form of payment" menu (cash, non-cash or mixed payment).

Confirmation of payment for the purchased goods is a cash receipt. Using a special direct link, you can download the sample for free, fill it out online and print it.

Every day, several times a day, people buy and sell objects of the material world, services. Needs and offers will exist forever as long as society exists. Confirmation of payment for the purchased item or service is a cash receipt, delivery note, receipt, cash receipt order and other written documents. Cash receipt most common in retail network goods. Let's take a closer look at the essential features of this paper. You can download the sample for free using a special direct link.

Despite the abolition of cash registers and simplification of the procedure for providing cash papers, the population is accustomed to receiving this sheet. Enterprise accountants are also accustomed to using this written act in tax reports to the state. A cash receipt is excellent evidence in case of legal disputes. The payment slip has unique properties and only carries positive qualities for all subjects of legal relations. That is why it is still in demand by society and the state.

Required items of a cash receipt

  • The name of the company that issued the check is at the top, in the middle;
  • TIN, ORGN, address and other organizational data of the institution;
  • Date of printing of the information paper, price, designation of the item or service;
  • Brief explanations about discounts;
  • Data of the operator who carried out the sale;
  • Delivery information and more.
The structure of the check has exceptional characteristics. A cash receipt is an information document that does not contain signatures or seals of the organization. Symbolization of the amount, name of the product, date of purchase, name of the institution that carried out the sale, TIN of the company is quite sufficient for the client to confirm the fact of the legal relationship with the specified seller, in certain time. Institutional recommendations for the preservation of these important sheets are quite reasonable.

Cash and sales receipts are issued to the person who deposits money into the cash register on account of goods purchased or services provided. These documents confirm the fact of payment made and are a kind of agreement between the seller and the buyer. These papers can be used as reporting documentation to present to the employer. In the absence of proper documentation, many people resort to forging checks online using special programs. At the same time, it is important to choose a reliable and simple service with which you can generate payment documents and stamps identical to the originals.

Forgery of sales receipt

The sales receipt is filled out in the prescribed form and issued upon request of the payer. This document contains detailed information about the completed transaction, namely the name of the product or service, the cost of each item, and the total amount to be paid. To forge a check, just download the appropriate forms, print and fill them out. The document is valid if there are standard seals and signatures on the sales receipt. Forgery of the seal is possible using free programs, which are freely available on the Internet. The standard seal shape can be round, square, rectangular or triangular. A high-quality counterfeit of sales receipts with stamps can completely replace the original document.

The most common and in a simple way Forgery of a seal is considered to be the use of special constructors that form the desired cliche online. Next, the document with the forged seal is printed on a printer and filled out in accordance with current requirements. The layout is created online - a person simply selects the right option and enters the necessary data (full name, individual entrepreneur, tax identification number, etc.). In this way, it is possible to falsify the certificate of completion of work and other documents that relate to the official regulation of the relationship between the buyer and the seller.

Forgery of checks with QR code is one of the most popular services today. It is quite possible to generate such a document yourself using a special online program. The QR code reflects encrypted data about the completed transaction - the date and time of the payment made, the serial number of the fiscal documentation, the payment attribute, the settlement amount, the serial number of the fiscal device, the fiscal attribute of the check. This category of checks is considered one of the most serious, since the two-dimensional identifier can be checked using a special application or online services. The QR code on the replica check is identical to the original version and contains all the necessary details.

To forge checks, you can use the program on the website https://www.v-c.club. To do this, just go through a simple registration, after which the main menu will become available. Using this service, you can independently generate cash receipts and maintain your own database of payment documents. In addition, you will have access to databases of cash receipts in different countries and cities. This program is intended only for generating cash receipts with a QR code and standard stamps. To create a stamp, select one of the suggested templates and follow the further instructions. Fake stamp seal is not available for this service. Forgery of bank checks is also not supported by the program and is not carried out by employees of our organization.