OS in a non-profit posting organization. Accounting for fixed assets by non-profit organizations. What documents are needed - documentation

Accounting for fixed assets used in the main statutory activities of non-profit organizations has its own specifics. The assessment and accounting of fixed assets used in non-profit organizations for doing business are similar to their assessment and accounting in commercial organizations.

Currently, the valuation and accounting of fixed assets is regulated by the Regulations on Accounting and Accounting and PBU 6/01.

Receipt of fixed assets. Sources of fixed assets in non-profit organizations can be:

authorized fund;

Special-purpose financing;

Free receipt (donation) from third-party organizations and individuals;

Income from entrepreneurial activity.

As a general rule, fixed assets are accepted for accounting at their original cost. Depending on the source of income, the initial cost is determined as follows:

For fixed assets received as a contribution to the statutory fund - the value agreed by the founders;

For fixed assets received free of charge, including as targeted financing, the current market value as of the date of acceptance for accounting*;

For fixed assets acquired for a fee at the expense of business income, at the expense of other sources - the amount of the organization's actual costs for the acquisition, construction and manufacture, excluding VAT and other reimbursable taxes.

The initial cost of fixed assets also includes the actual costs of the organization for the delivery of objects and their reduction in a condition suitable for use.

Regardless of the sources of receipt of fixed assets and the form of organization, account 08 “Investments in non-current assets” is used for the preliminary accumulation of costs, which will subsequently constitute the inventory value of the object.

The basis for the acceptance of fixed assets for accounting is the act of acceptance and transfer of fixed assets (form No. OS-1), duly executed.

An additional condition for crediting to the balance sheet of fixed assets relating to real estate is the availability of a certificate of state registration. The same condition is necessary for the calculation of depreciation on real estate (except for land and subsoil, which are not depreciated), if the acquired or received objects are used in business activities.

The receipt of fixed assets is recorded in the following postings:

DEBIT 08 “Investments in non-current assets” CREDIT accounts for accounting for settlements and costs (60, 23, 70,69,10, etc.)

Formation of the initial cost of fixed assets acquired, created by an economic or contract method;

DEBIT 08 "Investments in non-current assets" CREDIT 75 "Settlements with founders"

Making an object of fixed assets as a contribution to the authorized capital;

DEBIT 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors" CREDIT 86 "Target financing"

Accounts receivable for targeted financing are reflected;

DEBIT 08 "Investments in non-current assets" CREDIT 76 "Settlements with founders"

Obtaining an object of fixed assets at the expense of targeted financing;

DEBIT 01 "Fixed assets" CREDIT 08 "Investments in non-current assets"

Putting an object of fixed assets into operation (based on OS 1).

Disposal of fixed assets. If an item of fixed assets is not used more in the activities of non-profit organizations due to complete physical or obsolescence, damage, loss, etc., it must be written off from the organization's balance sheet.

Grade. If an item of fixed assets is written off as a result of its sale, then the proceeds from the sale are accepted for accounting in the amount agreed by the parties in the contract. The received amounts are attributed to the increase in income on account 91-1 “Other income”.

The disposal of fixed assets is documented by the following postings:

DEBIT 01 sub-account "Retirement of fixed assets" CREDIT 01 "Fixed assets"

For the amount of the initial cost of retired fixed assets;

DEBIT 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets" CREDIT 01 sub-account "Retirement of fixed assets"

Write-off of the depreciation accrued on the retiring object of fixed assets, if the object was used in entrepreneurial activity, and, therefore, depreciation was charged on it;

CREDIT 010 "Depreciation of fixed assets"

Write-off of accrued depreciation on an item of fixed assets if it was used to carry out the main statutory activities of non-profit organizations;

DEBIT 10 "Materials" CREDIT 91 "Other income and expenses"

Materials received as a result of dismantling (dismantling, liquidation) of retiring facilities;

DEBIT 91 "Other income and expenses" CREDIT of cost accounting accounts (23, 10, 70, 69)

Expenses incurred for dismantling (dismantling, liquidation) of fixed assets (work of auxiliary production, materials, wages (with accruals) of employees involved in dismantling);

DEBIT 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers” CREDIT 91 “Other income and expenses”

Shipment, accounts receivable for the item of fixed assets being sold (for the amount of the contract value);

DEBIT 91 "Other income and expenses" CREDIT 01, sub-account "Disposal of fixed assets"

The residual value of the retired item of fixed assets is written off;

DEBIT 86 "Target financing" CREDIT 91 "Other income and expenses"

Reflected the loss from the disposal of fixed assets (related to the decrease in income);

DEBIT 91 "Other income and expenses" CREDIT 86 "Target financing"

Reflected profit from the sale of fixed assets or other disposal.

Depreciation of fixed assets used in the main statutory activities of the NPO. In non-profit organizations, fixed assets used in the implementation of the main statutory activities (non-entrepreneurial) are not depreciated. This means that their cost is not transferred to the cost of production (accounts for the formation of costs). Depreciation is accrued on the value of such fixed assets at the end of the reporting year. But for property acquired before January 1, 2000, depreciation and write-off are carried out in accordance with the generally established procedure (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated September 18, 2000 No. 04-02-05 / 2, and it refers not only to fixed assets, but also to the following types of property: low-value and wearing items, intangible assets).

For facilities put into operation before January 1, 2002, depreciation is charged on the basis of the Uniform Depreciation Rates. For facilities put into operation after January 1, 2002, for depreciation, you can use Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 1, 2002 No. 1 “On the classification of fixed assets included in depreciation groups”.

To summarize information on the movement of depreciation amounts (which, of course, fixed assets of non-profit organizations are subject to), off-balance account 010 “Depreciation of fixed assets” is intended. Analytical accounting on account 010 "Depreciation of fixed assets" is carried out for each item of fixed assets.

Depreciation is calculated at the end of the year according to the established norms of depreciation charges (Instructions for the application of the chart of accounts). Recall that the double-entry method is not used for off-balance accounts, that is, depreciation will look like this:

DEBIT 010 "Depreciation of fixed assets"

-the amount of depreciation for the year at the rate of depreciation.

When certain objects are retired (including sale, gratuitous transfer, etc.), the amount of depreciation for them is debited from account 010 “Depreciation of fixed assets” (posting Credit 010).

The above procedure for calculating depreciation on fixed assets is used solely for accounting purposes.

Tax accounting contains other rules for calculating and accounting for depreciation amounts for fixed assets of non-profit organizations.

Depreciation of fixed assets used in the business activities of non-profit organizations. These fixed assets are depreciated using account 02 "Depreciation of fixed assets". Their cost is transferred to the cost of production. Recall that in accounting there are four ways to calculate depreciation:

Linear way;

Decreasing balance method;

The method of writing off the cost by the sum of the numbers of years of the useful life;

The method of writing off the cost in proportion to the volume of products (works).

The application of a specific depreciation method for a group of homogeneous items of fixed assets is carried out during the entire useful life of these fixed assets.

Depreciation for each item of fixed assets or a group of homogeneous items of fixed assets is made on a monthly basis by posting:

DEBIT of cost accounting accounts (20.26, etc.) CREDIT 02 “Depreciation of fixed assets”.

For those items of fixed assets that are acquired at the expense of profits of non-profit organizations and accepted for accounting, starting from January 1, 2002, for accounting purposes it is recommended to apply the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the classification of fixed assets included in depreciation groups" dated January 1, 2002 No. 1 (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated January 21, 2003 No. 16-00-14/17). In other words, depreciation can be charged on the basis of the same useful lives of fixed assets as in tax accounting.

Repair of fixed assets. In non-profit organizations, the repair of fixed assets used in the main statutory activities is carried out in accordance with the estimate of income and expenses. Restoration of fixed assets, as a result of which their initial value should increase (modernization, reconstruction, etc.), is a separate target event and should also be financed separately. Expenses for all types of repairs are taken into account on a par with other types of expenses - administrative and business: the amount of expenses for the repair of fixed assets is debited to account 26 "General business expenses" with subsequent write-off from funding sources (Debit 86 Credit 26).

OS overhaul. The right to revaluate fixed assets once a year is granted to commercial organizations, this provision does not apply to non-profit organizations (clause 15 of PBU 6/01 “Accounting for Fixed Assets”, this is also emphasized in the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated January 25, 2002 No. 16-00-14 / 453). It turns out that non-profit organizations cannot revalue fixed assets, regardless of whether they are used in the main statutory or entrepreneurial activities of non-profit organizations.

A government institution subordinate to the Ministry of Finance was allowed to write off an object of real estate. When to write off the object from the balance: after demolition or after the termination of ownership? We, having received consent to write off the property, demolished the building. Then they filed documents for the termination of the property rights of the Russian Federation and operational management. After receiving a cadastral extract on the removal of the object from the cadastral registration and receiving an extract from the USRN on the termination of the property rights of the Russian Federation and operational management, the property was written off from the balance sheet by the date of termination of the right. What to do with the inventory: how to display a property that has not yet been written off the balance sheet, but has already been demolished in the inventory lists? The inventory takes place from 11/01/17 to 11/30/17. termination of the right 21.11.17.


Property that has been retired from operation as a result of a decision to write it off, until the moment of its liquidation (destruction), is not subject to accounting as fixed assets. This follows from the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 19, 2013 No. 02-06-010/56211 (see here). Therefore, fixed assets must be written off from the balance sheet on the basis of the write-off act agreed with the founder.

Considering that when writing off from the balance sheet, documents must be attached to the act, confirming the termination of the right of operational management, accordingly, the date of write-off of the property from the balance sheet should be the date specified in the write-off act (unless other conditions are reflected in regulatory legal acts at the regional (local) level).

When writing off the balance sheet, real estate subject to dismantling (destruction, disposal) must be simultaneously reflected on the off-balance account 02 “Tangible assets accepted for storage” until the moment of destruction. Such a conclusion follows from paragraph 335 of Instruction No. 157n and the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 19, 2013 No. 02-06-010 / 56211.

Property reflected in off-balance accounts is subject to inventory in the general manner. When conducting an inventory of property listed on off-balance account 02, use the inventory list (collation sheet) for non-financial assets (f. 0504087).

In which statement data about the property will be entered (on balance accounts or on off-balance accounts) will depend on the date on which the inventory of real estate was carried out.

Considering that the provisions of paragraph 51 of Instruction 157n and paragraph 10 of Instruction 162n (see here) have a double meaning, since they do not indicate which account to write off property during disposal (from balance sheet or off-balance sheet), therefore, in order to avoid disagreements with inspectors, fix the procedure for reflecting property subject to disposal (dismantling) in the accounting policy of the institution.


How to formalize the disposal of real estate and movable property

All property is assigned to institutions on the right of operational management. An exception is established for objects of cultural heritage (cultural property). Such objects are used by the institution in a special manner, as a rule, on the basis of security lease agreements or on the right of free use. This is stated in paragraph 1 of Article 123.21, paragraph 1 of Article 296 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, parts 1, 8 of Article 3 of the Law of November 3, 2006 No. 174-FZ, paragraph 9 of Article 9.2 of the Law of January 12, 1996 No. 7-FZ.

The property of institutions is divided into the following groups:

 property assigned to them by the founder;

 property acquired at the expense of the founder's funds (allocated for these purposes);

 property received by the institution in another way (including those purchased with funds from income-generating activities).

Disposition of property and its write-off

The list of property, the disposal of which must be agreed with the owner, and the procedure for obtaining consent for its write-off depend on the type of institution.

In the accounting of state institutions:

A government institution is not entitled to dispose of property assigned to it on the basis of the right of operational management, without the consent of the owner (clause 4, article 298 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). This means that when any property is disposed of, a state-owned institution must obtain the consent of the owner to write off.

The procedure for coordinating the disposal of property depends on the property on the basis of which the state institution was created:

 property of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (municipal formation);

 federal property.

For state-owned institutions of a subject of the Russian Federation (municipality), the approval procedure is established by regulatory legal acts adopted at the regional (local) level. For example, for the municipal government institutions of the city of Chelyabinsk, the decision of the Chelyabinsk City Duma dated June 28, 2011 No. 25/17 approved the Regulations on the procedure for writing off property. In particular, in order to obtain consent to write off property, the institution must submit:

 an application for approval of the write-off of the property of a state institution;

 expert opinion on the technical condition of the property of the state institution;

 reports on detected equipment defects according to the approved unified form.

For federal state institutions, the procedure for coordinating the disposal of property is established by the federal executive authorities in whose jurisdiction they are (subparagraphs “e”, “e”, paragraph 4, paragraph 10 of the Regulations approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2010 No. 834 ). For example, for federal institutions subordinate to Rosreestr, the list of documents is established by order dated July 30, 2012 No. P / 340. The procedure for agreeing on a decision to write off federal property of institutions (including state-owned ones) subordinate to the Russian Ministry of Education and Science is determined by the regulations approved by Order No. 1676 of May 20, 2011.

In order to agree on the write-off of federal property, institutions submit documents to the founder in the manner approved by the joint order of March 10, 2011 of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia No. 96 and the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 30n.

Separately, we single out the write-off of the property of a federal institution that ceases to operate: it is liquidated or reorganized. In this case, the decision is made by the liquidation commission in agreement with the GRBS and the Federal Property Management Agency (clause 5.1 of the Regulations approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2010 No. 834).

The features of writing off federal property are also established in relation to:

 territorial bodies of federal state authorities (federal state bodies), territorial management bodies of state non-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation, subordinate institutions of state academies of sciences - subparagraphs "c", "d" of paragraph 4 of the Regulation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2010 No. 834;

 federal state authorities (federal state bodies), management bodies of off-budget funds of the Russian Federation, state academies of sciences - subparagraphs "a", "b" of paragraph 4 of the Regulations, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2010 No. 834.


The write-off of an object from the register must be formalized with a primary document, for example, an act for write-off. Which document (act) needs to be drawn up will depend on the type of property. So, for example, when writing off fixed assets, you need to draw up acts in the form:

 No. 0504105 – when decommissioning vehicles;

 No. 0504104 – when writing off other fixed assets (except vehicles);

 No. 0504143 – when writing off soft and household equipment;

 No. 0504144 - when writing off the literature excluded from the library (with the list of excluded literature attached).

This follows from the Guidelines for forms No. 0504104, No. 0504105, No. 0504143, No. 0504144, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 30, 2015 No. 52n.

For more information about documenting, see the recommendations:

 Free transfer of fixed assets;

 Liquidation of fixed assets;

 Sale of fixed assets;

 Release of material stocks into operation (production);

Realization of inventories (except for goods and finished products).

Often, the decision on the disposal of property is made by the commission for the receipt and disposal of assets, which also approves the drawn up acts. How to create it, see here.

In addition to the primary document (act), the legislation may provide for the execution of other documents. So, in order to agree on the write-off of federal property, you need to draw up and send to the owner:

 a list of objects of federal property, the decision to write off which is subject to approval;

 a copy of the decision on the establishment of a permanent commission, as well as the Regulations on this commission, its composition, approved by order of the head of the institution;

 a copy of the minutes of the meeting of the permanent commission for the preparation and adoption of a decision on the write-off of property objects.

Send these documents with a cover letter containing the full name of the institution.

This is stated in the Order approved by the joint order dated March 10, 2011 of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia No. 96 and the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 30n.

At the regional (local) level, a different set of documents may be established.

An example of registration of disposal of especially valuable movable property in an institution

In June, the Alfa budgetary institution will liquidate physically worn-out equipment worth 750,000 rubles. The equipment was previously purchased at the expense of funds allocated by the founder and included in the composition of especially valuable movable property, so Alfa must coordinate its liquidation with the founder. The approval procedure is approved by the founder.

The composition of the commission for the receipt and disposal of assets was approved by the head of Alfa by order.

After the decision was made to liquidate the equipment, the commission drew up an act on the write-off of the fixed asset object (f. 0504104). Further (after the execution of the act), Alpha sent the founder an application for approval of the write-off of property. The following documents are attached to the application:

 act (f. 0504104);

 a copy of the order on the establishment of the commission;

 a copy of the inventory card;

 certificate of balance sheet value of equipment;

 conclusion on the technical condition of the fixed assets object (drawn up based on the results of the technical expertise);

 a copy of the minutes of the meeting of the commission on the write-off of property objects.

How to register and account for the liquidation of fixed assets

At the regional and local levels, the procedure for writing off property is established by the relevant executive authorities. For example, in the Chelyabinsk region, the procedure for writing off property is established by the order of the Ministry of Industry of the Chelyabinsk region dated December 2, 2010 No. 1439-r. The procedure for making a decision on the write-off of property, established by this order, is similar to the above procedure for making a decision on the write-off of federal property. But in paragraph 9 of the order there is a condition that a decision on liquidation cannot be made if there is no representative of the executive body for property management, who is a member of the commission.

In order to confirm the need to eliminate a fixed asset, it is sometimes better to conduct an independent technical examination (assessment). For example, this may be provided for by law or may be required when members of the commission cannot determine for themselves that the object cannot be restored.

The results of the examination are formalized in an act or conclusion. And this document, as a rule, must be submitted to higher departments in order to obtain permission to write off the object (see, for example, the order of the Federal Water Resources Service dated November 23, 2011 No. 294).

With regard to the property of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (municipal property), such a requirement may be enshrined in the regulatory legal acts of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local self-government. For example, in the Smolensk region, the requirement to conduct a technical examination was established in relation to the write-off of an object in progress (reconstruction, expansion, technical re-equipment) by the decree of the administration of the Smolensk region dated October 25, 2011 No. 673.

Acts of technical expertise are drawn up for each fixed asset planned for liquidation. They indicate:

 name of the object;

 inventory and serial numbers;

 year of issue;

 book value and residual value;

 percentage of wear, causes and nature of the malfunction, justification of the impossibility (inexpediency) of repair;

 conclusion on the expediency of further use if there is an agreement on the decision to write off the fixed asset item.

If the commission has established the need to liquidate the fixed asset, it draws up an act on the write-off of property. The act is drawn up on the following standard forms:

 Form No. 0504105 when decommissioning vehicles;

 according to the form No. 0504143 when writing off soft and household equipment;

 according to the form No. 0504144 when writing off the literature excluded from the library (with the list of excluded literature attached);

 according to Form No. 0504104 when writing off other fixed assets (except vehicles).

The listed forms contain the requisite “commission conclusion”, in which it is necessary to indicate the reason for the write-off of the object (the result of the inspection results).

The act drawn up by the commission must be approved by the head of the institution. When writing off federal property - immovable or especially valuable movable - the head approves the act after its agreement with the founder. It is possible to carry out the activities provided for in the act (dismantling, dismantling, dismantling, disposal, etc.) only after its approval. Dismantling and dismantling of fixed assets before the approval of acts on their write-off is not allowed.

This procedure is provided for by the Guidelines for filling out forms No. 0504105, No. 0504143, No. 0504144, No. 0504104, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 30, 2015 No. 52n, paragraphs 34, 52 of the Instructions to the Unified Chart of Accounts No. 157n, paragraphs 9, 10, 11 of the provision , approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2010 No. 834, and regarding the destruction of property is also explained in the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia of December 19, 2013 No. 02-06-010 / 56211.

The property that the commission of the institution decided to write off and which requires dismantling, take into account on the off-balance account 02 “Tangible assets accepted for storage”. Register objects in a conditional assessment: one object - 1 rub. From the off-balance account, write off the property according to the write-off act. These rules are from paragraph 335 of Instruction No. 157n, paragraph 10 of Instruction No. 162n, paragraph 12 of Instruction 174n and paragraph 12 of Instruction No. 183n.

Let's take an example. As long as the institution operated the car, it was an asset. The car was in an accident and, according to experts, cannot be restored. After that, the car is no longer an asset, although it remains an object of ownership. This means that without waiting for the approval of the write-off act, it should be transferred off the balance to account 02.

Tip: additionally fix the accounting procedure on the off-balance account 02 in the accounting policy. This will protect you from the claims of the inspectors. The fact is that paragraph 51 of Instruction No. 157n says that in accounting, fixed assets are written off when the dismantling and dismantling activities are completed. But it is not specified from which account to write off: balance sheet or off-balance sheet.

Based on the write-off acts, make notes on the disposal of fixed assets in the inventory cards that you use to account for the storage and movement of fixed assets:

 in the inventory card of accounting of non-financial assets in the form No. 0504031 (when an item of fixed assets is disposed of);

 in the inventory card of group accounting of non-financial assets in the form No. 0504032 (upon disposal of a group of fixed assets).

This is provided for in the Guidelines for filling out forms No. 0504031, No. 0504032, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 30, 2015 No. 52n.

During the liquidation, dismantling and disassembly of the fixed asset, it is possible to obtain individual materials, components and assemblies suitable for use. Such property must be credited (clause 23 of Instruction No. 162n, clause 34 of Instruction No. 174n, clause 34 of Instruction No. 183n).

How to take inventory

Is it necessary to conduct an inventory of assets and liabilities on off-balance accounts

Conduct an inventory of property, financial assets, liabilities and other accounting items on off-balance accounts. This rule was directly established in paragraph 20 of the Instructions to the Unified Chart of Accounts No. 157n. The off-balance inventory will confirm the indicators of the annual reporting on these accounts (clause 1.1 of the annex to the letter dated February 2, 2017 of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 02-07-07 / 5669 and the Treasury of Russia No. 07-04-05 / 02-120).

Carry out the check in the same order as for balance accounts: draw up inventories, reflect the results in the act and statements. More

How to approve an order

Is it necessary to reflect the order of inventory in the accounting policy

Fix the procedure for mandatory and voluntary inventory in the accounting policy (clauses 6, 20 of the Instructions for the Unified Chart of Accounts No. 157n, order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated June 13, 1995 No. 49, letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated April 30, 2015 No. 02-07-10 / 25594). To do this, issue an application to the order on accounting policy.

Write in order:

 Inventory schedule for the reporting year. In particular, set dates for the annual inventory;

 timing of inventories;

 list of property, liabilities, financial assets and other objects for verification.

In the Procedure, take into account the specifics of the institution's activities. The federal GRBS and the PBS subordinate to them additionally prescribe the features of the inventory of accounts receivable, which is carried out quarterly. Such clarifications are given in the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated April 30, 2015 No. 02-07-10 / 25594, the letter dated December 10, 2015 of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 02-07-07 / 73609 and the Treasury of Russia No. 07-04-05 / 02-848 .

In accordance with the norms of the federal laws "On non-profit organizations" (Article 25), "On public associations" (Article 30), "On charitable activities and charitable organizations" (Article 16), etc. A non-profit organization may own land plots, buildings, structures, structures, equipment, inventory, cash in rubles and foreign currency, securities and other property.

The property of NCOs intended for use in their main (non-entrepreneurial) activities can be conditionally divided into two parts: used by a non-profit organization for the purposes of managing its activities and used directly in its main activities. The latter include the equipment of classrooms in educational institutions, property of orphanages used directly by children, property transferred by charitable organizations to those in need, etc.

In the activities of NPOs, it is quite common to use property in the main (non-entrepreneurial) activities that does not meet the conditions for classifying it as fixed assets and materials in the interpretation provided for by official documents.

With regard to fixed assets, formally the property of a non-profit organization does not fall under the criteria for fixed assets given in PBU 6/01. Paragraph 4 of this PBU states that “when accepting assets as fixed assets for accounting, the following conditions must be met at a time:

  • a) use in the production of products in the performance of work or the provision of services or for the management needs of the organization;
  • b) use for a long time, i.e. useful life, lasting more than 12 months or normal operating cycle, if it exceeds 12 months;
  • c) the organization does not expect the subsequent resale of these assets;
  • d) the ability to bring economic benefits (income) to the organization in the future.

The useful life is the period during which the use of an item of property, plant and equipment brings economic benefits (income) to the organization.

The property of the majority of NCOs meets only paragraph (c). And if not all conditions are met, it is not subject to PBU 6/01 and the Guidelines for accounting for fixed assets. However, there is no other position in the Chart of Accounts for accounting for expensive and long-term used property, which at the same time does not apply to fixed assets.

Clause 7 of the Accounting Regulations “Accounting Policy of an Organization” (PBU 1/98), approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of December 9, 1998 No. 60n, states that the accounting policy of an organization should ensure that business activity factors are reflected in accounting based not only from their legal form, how much from the economic content of the facts and economic conditions (requiring the priority of content over form). Therefore, NPOs have the opportunity to indicate in their accounting policies that certain types of property, such as buildings, vehicles, computers, are accounted for according to the rules provided for fixed assets. And other types of long-term property used for the purposes of managing the financial and economic activities of a non-profit organization are reflected in account 10 “Materials”, sub-account 9 “Inventory and household supplies”.

The accounting rules for fixed assets are specified in the following documents:

  • · Chart of accounts and instructions for its use;
  • · Regulation on accounting “Accounting for fixed assets” (PBU 6/01), approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated March 30, 2001 No. 26n (as amended on May 18, 2002);
  • · Guidelines for the accounting of fixed assets, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of November 21, 2003. No. 91n.

These rules are taken by NCOs as a basis, while the accounting policy establishes certain features of accounting for this property, based on the specifics of managing a non-profit organization. For example, the types of property that will be accounted for according to the rules for accounting for fixed assets or their cost limit, forms of primary accounting documentation that reflect the specifics of the organization.

In addition, one should take into account those rules that are directly indicated for the accounting of fixed assets of NCOs in legislative and regulatory documents and instructions. So far there is only one such rule. Paragraph 17 of PBU 6/01 and paragraph 49 of the Methodological Guidelines for Accounting for Fixed Assets state that depreciation is not charged for fixed assets of non-profit organizations (used in their main activities). They are depreciated at the end of the reporting year according to the established depreciation rates. The movement of depreciation amounts on the specified objects is taken into account on a separate off-balance sheet account.

It should also be indicated in the accounting, from which sources the fixed assets were received. Usually they are target financing, target receipts. Fixed assets can be received by NCOs free of charge.

The acquisition of fixed assets intended for management needs at the expense of earmarked income is reflected in the accounting of NCOs by the following accounting entries:

Debit account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors",

Credit of account 51 "Settlement accounts" - payment of invoices for the acquisition of fixed assets, including VAT, their delivery and installation;

Debit account 08 "Investments in non-current assets",

Credit of account 60 -- purchase price of fixed assets, including delivery, installation and VAT;

Debit account 01 "Fixed assets"

Account credit 08 -- capitalization of fixed assets;

Debit account 86 "Target financing", sub-account "Expenses"

Credit of account 86, sub-account "Fund of non-current assets" - the use of targeted financing for the acquisition of fixed assets.

· Debit account 86 "Target financing";

Credit of account 83 "Additional capital" - reflects the source of financing for the acquisition of fixed assets.

The use of the “Fund of Non-Current Assets” subaccount is reflected in the accounting policy, since this subaccount is not in the Chart of Accounts for the Financial and Economic Activities of Organizations and the Instructions for its Application.

Due to the fact that the acquired property is used for a long time, it is reflected in operational accounting at the places of use. For example, they start a notebook, which indicates information about the receipt of property and its write-off. Property is usually written off due to its unsuitability for further use, which is established by the inventory commission based on the results of the inventory.

If the property is not purchased, but received as a result of a donation, then two options are possible. First: conclude an agreement for gratuitous use in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 36 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, part 2. Second: conclude a donation (donation) agreement and put it on balance sheet based on the original value of the property. The basis for accounting entries, in addition to the donation (donation) agreement, is the Act of acceptance and transfer of the fixed asset object, the inventory card for accounting for the fixed asset object and the accounting statement-calculation of depreciation.

When fixed assets are disposed of, the following entries are made:

Debit account 86, sub-account "Fund of non-current assets"

Account credit 01 -- for the initial cost of fixed assets;

Credit of account 010 "Depreciation of fixed assets" - by the amount of calculated depreciation.

If fixed assets are sold, then the amount received is reflected as income from other sales in the debit of account 51 “Settlement accounts” to the credit of account 91 “Other income and expenses” (subaccount 1 “Other income”). The expense part of this account is not formed, therefore, the entire amount of proceeds from the sale of unnecessary fixed assets is subject to value added tax and income tax.

A separate regulatory framework that determines the procedure for accounting for materials in non-profit organizations is also currently absent. In general, the accounting procedure for materials is given in the following documents:

  • · In the Chart of Accounts for accounting of financial and economic activities of organizations and the Instructions for its application, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n;
  • · Regulation on accounting “Accounting for inventories” (PBU 5/01), approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated June 9, 2001 No. 44n;
  • · Guidelines for the accounting of inventories, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2001 No. 119n.

The specifics of accounting in the non-profit sphere are reflected in these documents only fragmentarily.

A feature of non-profit organizations is that a significant part of the property used in the statutory non-entrepreneurial activities cannot be attributed to materials in any way. For example, clothes, shoes, bedding, toys, etc. for children from orphanages, clothes to distribute to the homeless. These are not objects of labor, and not low-value means of labor. Another example: religious items, books, audio and video cassettes of religious content cannot be classified as either finished products or goods, since they are used in statutory non-entrepreneurial activities. Accordingly, they do not fall under the understanding of inventories as assets held for sale. As a result of their distribution, revenue is not generated, the concept of cost and profit is not used, but the amount of donations for statutory activities is formed.

In PBU 5/01 and the Guidelines, the concept of materials is not given at all. It is indicated that materials are one of the types of inventories. From the list reflected in paragraph 2, as well as from paragraph 4 of PBU 5/01 in relation to non-commercial activities, one can take their characteristics as assets used for the management needs of the organization.

Account 10 "Materials" is present in the Chart of Accounts and instructions for its use. But it is in section II "Inventory". The accounts of this section are intended to summarize information on the presence and movement of objects of labor intended for processing, processing or use in production or for economic needs of the means of labor, which, in accordance with the established procedure, are included in the composition of funds in circulation, as well as operations related to their procurement (acquisition). Materials used in the non-commercial area are not involved in production, and therefore cannot have any relation to the production inventory.

Thus, this document can be applied in the non-commercial sphere only as a recommendation.

In the Methodological Guidelines for Accounting for Inventories, materials include raw materials, basic and auxiliary materials, purchased semi-finished products and components, fuel, packaging, spare parts, construction and other materials. For non-profit activities that do not involve the production of products, “other materials” can be taken from this list. The Chart of Accounts and instructions for its use provide a sub-account with this name to account 10. This document says: “On sub-account 10-6 “Other materials”, the presence and movement of production waste (stumps, trimmings, chips, etc.) ; irreparable marriage; material assets received from the disposal of fixed assets that cannot be used as materials, fuel or spare parts in this organization (scrap metal, salvage); worn tires and scrap rubber, etc.”. Thus, for non-commercial activities, this subaccount is only suitable for the sale of unnecessary property.

There is one more sub-account proposed for account 10 - “Inventory and household supplies” (10-9). It takes into account the availability and movement of inventory, tools, household supplies and other means of labor, which are included in the funds in circulation.

The accounting entries of NPOs when acquiring low-value fixed assets recorded on account 10-9 intended for management needs by bank transfer will be as follows:

Debit account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors"

Credit of account 51 "Settlement accounts" - for the amount of payment of invoices;

Debit account 10, subaccount 9

Account 60 credit - for the amount of received property, including VAT.

The accounting entries of the NPO when purchasing these items for cash will be as follows:

· Debit account 71 "Settlements with accountable persons";

Credit of account 50 "Cashier" - for the amount issued under the report for the purchase of inventory and household supplies;

Debit account 10, subaccount 9;

Account 71 credit - for the amount of received property, including VAT.

The accounting entry of the NBCO when transferring these items to the place of their use will be as follows:

Debit expense account (20, 25, 26, 91);

Credit account 10, sub-account 9.

The proposed set of sub-accounts may or may not be applied. A non-profit organization has the right to indicate in its accounting policy that it uses account 10 "Materials" due to the lack of a separate account for accounting for materials in non-profit activities, and also to enter those sub-accounts for it that correspond to its activities.

For example, if a non-profit organization works with orphans, then a possible set of sub-accounts will be sub-accounts:

  • 10-1 "Food";
  • 10-2 "Clothes and footwear";
  • 10-3 "Toys";
  • 10-4 "Sports equipment";
  • 10-6 "Inventory of cultural purpose";
  • 10-7 "Soft inventory, including bedding";
  • 10-8 "Inventory for household purposes", etc.

Since there are a lot of specific areas in the activities of non-profit organizations, therefore, the accounting procedure for such property, including primary documentation, is the subject of the accounting policy of a non-profit organization.

You can use different approaches to accounting for such property.

One approach is based on the fact that most often such property is acquired and immediately transferred for use. So, clothes and shoes are bought for a specific child according to his size. If we use account 10, then after the entry on the debit of this account, the entry on its credit will immediately follow. In the case of a large number of such transactions, the volume of records and primary documentation will be unreasonably high. Therefore, their operational accounting is organized. The procedure for this accounting, primary documents, the document flow mechanism, etc., are established by the accounting policy of the NCO.

In this case, the receipt of materials is reflected in the following accounting entries.

Purchasing by bank transfer:

1. Donations for the statutory non-entrepreneurial activities of NPOs were received by the cashier:

Debit accounts 50,

Credit of account 86, sub-account "Receipt of funds";

2. Donations made to the current account:

Debit account 51,

Account credit 50;

3. Transferred to suppliers for the acquired property:

Debit account 60;

Account credit 51.

4. Items received were written off at the expense of the source of funding:

Account credit 60.

The source of funding is deducted from the purchase price of the items, including VAT (as a non-refundable tax) and shipping costs.

Purchase for cash:

1. Donations for statutory non-entrepreneurial activities were received by the cash desk (incoming cash order):

Debit account 50;

Account credit 86, sub-account "Receipt of funds".

2. Issued from the cash desk against a report on the purchase of items intended for distribution (cash order):

Debit account 71;

Account credit 50.

3. Items received were written off at the expense of the source of funding:

Debit account 86, sub-account "Expenditure";

Account credit 71.

Received items are taken into account in the future as part of operational accounting at the places of use and materially responsible persons in the journal-order form.

The use of materials for use for statutory purposes is reflected:

Debit account 26 "General expenses";

Account credit 10.

The specificity of the reflection of these transactions in non-profit organizations is that VAT, as a rule, is a non-refundable tax and is included in the actual cost of materials. In addition, account 26 is closed monthly by posting:

Debit account 86 "Target financing";

Account credit 26.

When transferring materials for use, only one method of valuation is used - the cost of each unit. The application of this valuation method for inventory and household supplies is reflected in the NPO's accounting policy.

In the case of an NPO carrying out entrepreneurial activities, accounting for fixed assets, intangible assets and other material assets used for this activity is carried out in the manner established for commercial organizations.

As you know, any property sooner or later becomes unusable and, therefore, it becomes necessary to write it off the balance sheet of the institution. As our practice shows, the write-off of federal property often turns into a headache for an institution's accountant. What package of documents to prepare? With whom and in what terms to coordinate the write-off? How to avoid violations of the law?

We will answer these and other questions in this article.

For the "competent" write-off of movable and immovable property that is federally owned and assigned on the right of economic management to federal state unitary enterprises or on the right of operational management of federal state-owned enterprises, federal state institutions, federal government bodies, management bodies of state non-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation federation, there are a number of important general documents to remember(current at the time of writing):

Check if your organization has an order of the founder or another internal document that regulates a more detailed write-off procedure.

- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2010 N 834"On the features of the write-off of federal property" (hereinafter - Resolution N 834);

- Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of March 10, 2011 N 96/30n“On Approval of the Procedure for the Submission by Federal State Unitary Enterprises, Federal State Enterprises and Federal State Institutions of Documents for the Approval of a Decision to Write Off Federal Property Assigned to Them on the Right of Economic Management or Operational Management.”

Taking into account the provisions of these regulations and the explanations given in the letters of the Ministry of Economic Development, we will consider in detail the features of writing off movable and immovable federal property.

According to clause 2 of Decree N 834 under the write-off of federal property means a set of actions related to the recognition of federal property unsuitable for further use for its intended purpose and (or) disposal due to complete or partial loss of consumer properties, including physical or moral deterioration, or withdrawn from possession, use and disposal due to death or destruction, as well as the impossibility of establishing his whereabouts.

Write-off of federal property - a set of actions to recognize this property as unsuitable for use.


The provisions of Decree N 834 do not apply to write-offs:

a) federal property withdrawn from circulation;

b) museum items and collections included in the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as documents included in the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation and (or) the National Library Fund;

c) federal property located outside the Russian Federation.

The decision to write off federal property is made in the following cases:

  • if federal property unusable for further use for its intended purpose due to complete or partial loss of consumer properties, including physical or obsolescence;
  • if federal property out of possession, use and disposal due to death or destruction, including against the will of the owner, as well as due to the impossibility of establishing its location.
In this case, the decision to write off the property is made:

a) in a relationship federal movable property, with the exception of especially valuable movable property assigned to a federal state institution by its owner or acquired by a federal state institution at the expense of funds allocated by its founder for the acquisition of federal property, - organization independently;

b) in a relationship federal real estate(including objects of construction in progress), as well as especially valuable movable property assigned to a federal state institution by the owner or acquired by a federal state institution at the expense of funds allocated by its founder for the acquisition of federal property - by an organization by agreement with the federal executive body in whose jurisdiction it is located.

In order to prepare and adopt a decision to write off federal property, an organization creates a permanent commission for the preparation and adoption of such a decision (hereinafter referred to as the commission).

The regulation on the commission and its composition are approved by order of the head of the organization.

The commission is headed by a chairman who carries out general management of the activities of the commission, ensures collegiality in the discussion of controversial issues, distributes duties and gives instructions to the members of the commission.

The composition of the commission for the write-off of property may include: - chief accountant (accountant; other persons entrusted with accounting duties);

- heads of structural subdivisions of the institution;

- financially responsible persons who are responsible for the safety of property;

- specialists of the institution who can give an objective opinion on the state of the property.

If the organization does not have employees with special knowledge, they may be invited to participate in the meetings of the commission by decision of the chairman of the commission. experts. Experts are included in the commission on a voluntary basis.

An expert cannot be a person of an organization who is entrusted with duties related to direct material liability for material assets examined for the purpose of making a decision on writing off federal property.

The concept of "expert" in various regulations is interpreted in different ways, but in any case, it is not only a professional, but also a person with deep knowledge in a certain area and relevant experience.

Let's give some definitions.

Experts- citizens with special knowledge, experience in the relevant field of science, technology, economic activity, and organizations accredited in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation in the relevant field of science, technology, economic activity, which are involved by state control (supervision) bodies, municipal control bodies to carry out control measures ( Federal Law of December 26, 2008 N294-FZ"On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of state control (supervision) and municipal control").

Expert of the self-regulatory organization of appraisers- a member of a self-regulatory organization of appraisers, passed the unified qualifying examination and elected to the expert council of the self-regulatory organization of appraisers by the general meeting of members of the self-regulatory organization of appraisers ( Art. 16.2 of the Federal Law of July 29, 1998 N 135-FZ"On appraisal activities in the Russian Federation").

If the contract concluded between the organization in which the commission is established and the expert participating in the work of the commission provides for the remuneration of the provision of expert services, payment for his work is carried out: a) a federal government body, a management body for an off-budget fund of the Russian Federation, a federal state institution that, in accordance with the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, are recipients of federal budget funds - within the limits of the federal budget funds provided for their maintenance;

b) a federal budgetary institution, a federal autonomous institution - at its own expense or, in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, at the expense of funds provided from the federal budget in the form of subsidies;

c) other organizations - at their own expense.

If you do not want to pay an expert, it is necessary, firstly, to find such an enthusiast, and secondly, to expressly state the gratuitous nature in the contract.

The commission holds meetings as property that has lost its intended purpose appears. The order of meetings is similar to the meeting of the founders of any commercial organization.

The term for consideration by the commission of the documents submitted to it is clearly regulated. It should not exceed 14 days, after which the commission makes a decision.

At the same time, the meeting of the commission is considered competent if there is quorum, which is at least two thirds of the members of the commission.

The Commission carries out the following actions:

a) inspects federal property subject to write-off, taking into account the data contained in accounting, technical and other documentation;

b) decide on the expediency (suitability) of the further use of federal property, on the possibility and effectiveness of its restoration, the possibility of using individual components, parts, structures and materials from federal property;

c) establishes reasons for writing off federal property, including: - physical and (or) moral deterioration;

- violation of the conditions of maintenance and (or) operation;

- accidents, natural disasters and other emergencies. At the same time, it is desirable that all events of this kind have their documentary evidence;

- long-term non-use for administrative needs and other reasons that led to the need to write off federal property in accordance with clause 3 of Resolution N 834;

d) prepares an act on the write-off of federal property (hereinafter referred to as the act of write-off), depending on the type of written-off federal property in the prescribed form, and forms a package of documents in accordance with the list approved by the federal executive body in charge of the organization.

According to clause 12 of the Instructions for the application of the chart of accounts of budgetary institutions, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of December 16, 2010 N 174n, and clause 9 of the Instructions for the application of the chart of accounts of budgetary accounting, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of December 6, 2010 N 162n, the decision of the commission of the institution on write-off of fixed assets is drawn up by the following primary documents: - An act on the write-off of an object of fixed assets (except for motor vehicles) ( f. 0306003);

- Act on the write-off of motor vehicles ( f. 0306004);

- Act on the write-off of groups of fixed assets (except for motor vehicles) ( f. 0306033);

- Act on the write-off of soft and household equipment ( f. 0504143) (in terms of homogeneous items of household inventory);

- Act on the write-off of the excluded objects of the library fund ( f. 0504144).

By order of the head, the commission may be vested with additional powers aimed at ensuring the use of federal property for its intended purpose, including when conducting an inventory, as well as in the timely preparation and adoption of decisions on the write-off of federal property.

However, drawing up a commission act is not the last step in the long procedure for writing off property!

1. The executed act on the write-off of property must be approved by the head of the organization independently, and in respect of federal real estate (including objects of construction in progress), as well as especially valuable movable property - the head of the organization in agreement with the federal body the executive branch in charge of the organization.

2. In order to agree on the decision to write off federal property, the head of the organization sends the following documents to the federal executive body in charge of the organization:

1) a list of objects of federal property, the decision to write off which is subject to approval (hereinafter referred to as objects of federal property).

This list must include: - number in order;

— name of the object of federal property;

— the inventory number of the federal property object, if assigned;

— year of commissioning (year of issue) of the federal property object;

— book value of an object of federal property at the time of the decision to write off. Recall that the book value of objects of non-financial assets is their initial cost, taking into account its changes;

- the residual value of the federal property object at the time of the decision to write off (the residual value is understood to be the book value of the object, reduced by the amount of depreciation accrued on the corresponding date);

— the useful life established for the given object of federal property and the period of actual use at the time of the decision to write off;

2) a copy of the decision on the establishment of a permanent commission for the preparation and adoption of a decision on the write-off of federal property (with attachment of the regulations on this commission and its composition, approved by order of the head of the organization) if such a commission is being created for the first time, or if in its the position or composition has been amended;

3) a copy of the minutes of the meeting of the permanent commission for the preparation and adoption of a decision on the write-off of objects of federal property;

4) acts on the write-off of federal property and documents according to the list approved by the federal executive body, in accordance with paragraphs. "g" clause 6 of the Regulations on the features of the write-off of federal property, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2010 N 834.

3. These documents are sent with a cover letter containing the full name of the organization.

4. Based on the results of consideration of the documents submitted by the institution, the founder makes a decision to approve or refuse to approve the write-off.

The decision must be sent to the institution no later than 45 calendar days from the date of receipt of the specified documents by the founder. If a decision is made to refuse approval, the reasons for the refusal must also be communicated to the institution.

Prior to the approval of the write-off act in accordance with the established procedure, the implementation of the measures provided for by the write-off act is not allowed.

5. The implementation of measures for direct write-off is carried out by the organization independently or with the involvement of third parties on the basis of a concluded agreement and is confirmed by the commission.

6. And finally, the final disposal of federal property in connection with the decision to write off is reflected in the accounting (budgetary) accounting of the organization in the prescribed manner in accordance with clause 10 of Instruction N 162n1, clause 12 of Instruction N 174n2, clause 12 of Instruction N 183n3 and does not apply to actions related to the disposal of federal property.

7. But! Even after this the institution must be sent to the Federal Agency for State Property Management in time the act of write-off approved by the head of the organization, as well as documents, the submission of which is provided for by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 16, 2007 N 447 “On improving the accounting of federal property”.

To do this, the institution must meet a deadline not exceeding one month, unless otherwise established by acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, to enter the relevant information in the register of federal property.


According to the position of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, set out in the Letter of February 10, 2011 N 2238-AL / D08 "On the clarification of the norms of the Regulation on the features of the write-off of federal property, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2010 N 834", it is not possible to coordinate the write-off of federal property with the Federal Property Management Agency is required, which does not exempt right holders from the need to agree with the Federal Property Management Agency, after reflecting the relevant information in the register of federal property in accordance with the requirements of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 16, 2007 N 447 "On improving the accounting of federal property", in the prescribed manner, further actions on the order federal property.

So, in this article we have highlighted the main nuances of writing off federal property by budgetary and state institutions. By adhering to the above recommendations, you can protect yourself from making mistakes and possible negative consequences, save time and nerves.

And remember, the decision to write off federal property is made in agreement with the federal executive body in charge of it, only in relation to:

  • federal real estate (including construction in progress);
  • especially valuable movable property assigned to a federal state institution by the owner or acquired by the institution at the expense of funds allocated by its founder.
With regard to movable property that, in accordance with the law, is not classified as especially valuable movable property and has not been withdrawn from circulation, institutions are authorized to make decisions on writing off on one's own.

Pay close attention to the procedure for writing off property and the timely execution of documents, and the whole procedure will go smoothly!


  1. Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of December 6, 2010 N 162n “On Approval of the Chart of Accounts for Budgetary Accounting and Instructions for its Application”;
  2. Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of December 16, 2010 N 174n "On approval of the Chart of Accounts for accounting of budgetary institutions and Instructions for its application";
  3. Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of December 23, 2010 N 183n "On Approval of the Chart of Accounts for Accounting of Autonomous Institutions and Instructions for its Application".

The material was provided by a corporate publication for clients of the GC "IRBiS"

Accounting for fixed assets in non-profit organizations has its own characteristics. And it raises many questions among those accountants who are just starting to work with NGOs. In this reference material, we will show how to reflect transactions in accounting and tax accounting when acquiring fixed assets at the expense of targeted financing, as well as when selling them.


The reflection of operations for the acquisition of fixed assets in NPOs is reflected in the same way as in commercial organizations. With the exception of one nuance - VAT is included in the price as a non-refundable tax. However, for commercial organizations using the simplified tax system, the acquisition of fixed assets is reflected in the same way.

OS acquisition

60 51 paid OS
08 60 received OS
19 −1 60 the amount of VAT paid to the OS supplier
08 19 −1 VAT is included in the cost of fixed assets as a non-refundable tax (PBU 6/01, clause 8)
01 08 OS accepted.

Since the fixed assets are acquired at the expense of targeted funds, it should be reflected in account 86. There are two options:

Option 1

Comment 86 83 This option is recommended by the Ministry of Finance (though in response to private requests)

Option 2

Comment 86 86 −9 sub-account 9 "target receipts used for the acquisition of fixed assets"

The option you choose should be fixed in the accounting policy of the organization.


NCOs do not accrue depreciation on fixed assets; instead, depreciation is charged monthly on off-balance account 010. Even if the fixed asset is acquired at the expense of funds from entrepreneurial activities, depreciation is not charged on it in accounting, because such conditions are specified in PBU 6/01.

OS sale

In the case of the sale of fixed assets acquired at the expense of targeted funds, there are four options for recording transactions related to the sale. Which one is correct is a matter of debate among NPO experts.

  • 1. Option for those who chose option 1 when purchasing the OS, i.e. made wiring Dt 86 — Kt 83.
76 91 −1 (1)
91 −3 68 (2)
01 −2 01 −1 (3) OS to be retired
91 −2 01 −2 (4)
51 76 (5) paid by OS buyer
91 −9 99 (6) financial results
010 (7) depreciation amount written off
86 83 (8) red reversal, restoration of the source of financing for the acquired fixed assets
  • 2. The option is also for those who chose option 1 when purchasing the OS:
76 91 −1 (1) buyer's debt for fixed assets
91 −3 68 (2) VAT charged (by VAT payers)
01 −2 01 −1 (3) OS to be retired
83 01 −2 (4) write-off of the initial cost of fixed assets
91 −9 99 (5) financial results
010 (6) depreciation amount written off
  • 3. Option for those who chose option 2 when purchasing an OS:

Postings (1) to (7) are the same as option 1.