Dmitry Gudkov won the municipal elections. Gennady Gudkov: The elections showed that Russia has taken another step towards the coming civil catastrophe. Headquarters, after polling stations closed

From the very beginning, I followed the coverage of this topic, which became number one in the world media. Any opinions, statements, speculations of former submariners and those related to this were in great demand, and various versions catastrophes, like mushrooms after a downpour, climbed onto the pages of the press and television broadcasts. They talked about the explosion of hydrogen in the battery pit, terrorists, etc. When the first results of underwater filming were shown and everyone saw footage with external damage to the nuclear-powered ship, they immediately started talking about a mine from the times of the war, a collision with an icebreaker. These two versions quickly disappeared, since the mine from the time of the war for the Kursk, “what a pellet for an elephant,” and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe exercises at that moment there was not only an icebreaker, but not a single civilian ship. The dominant version was a collision with one of the two American boats in the area (Memphis and Toledo), which resulted in damage to the right torpedo tube, the explosion of the torpedo in it and the penetration of flame into the compartment with torpedoes located there, which eventually exploded. Moreover, Defense Minister Sergeev said on television that an underwater object "commensurate with the Kursk" was spotted near the Kursk. This version was especially attractive to the military, because it removed the heavy burden of responsibility for what happened from the admiral's shoulder straps. I remember how one admiral, commenting on television footage of damage to the right torpedo tube, guiding his finger along the cut in the hull of the boat, claimed that this was done with the rudder of an American submarine. But this version also had serious opponents with convincing arguments, so they decided to raise the Kursk in order to finally put an end to it.

The Kursk was raised a year later, in 2001, at the Roslyakovo dock. Moreover, they raised it, having previously cut off the bow, in which the damaged right torpedo tube was located. In addition to the terrible picture of the destruction of the bow of the Kursk, the world saw two holes from the left and right sides.

Immediately after the rise of the Kursk in Roslyakovo, the commander of the Northern Fleet, Admiral Popov, held a press conference, at which he showed a photograph taken by the echo sounder of the cruiser Pyotr Veliky, which showed an underwater object near the Kursk. It was the collision with the American boat and the ensuing consequences, according to Popov, that became the main cause of the death of the Kursk. Unfortunately, I did not see this program, which my friend, a former submariner, told me about, so I cannot talk about its details.

The newspaper Sovetskaya Rossiya became interested in a hole with a dent on the starboard side and presented a version of a collision and torpedoing by the American Kursk boat. At the same time, this article did not say anything about a meter-long hole on the left side, as if it did not exist at all. At the same time, the newspaper "Life" became interested in the hole on the left side. On its pages, a version was expressed about the hit of the Granit missile fired from the cruiser Peter the Great at the moment when the submarine was on the surface. At the same time, the author of this article ignored the hole on the starboard side, and the crumpled right torpedo tube was generally out of work.

During a meeting in Roslyakovo dedicated to finding out the cause of the disaster, journalists asked Putin a question on this topic. Rising from the table, turning around, Putin, almost annoyed, replied: “We are considering all versions. Including: a collision with an unidentified underwater object. But we don't have objective evidence." Seeing and hearing this on TV, it seemed to me then that it was this version that dominated that meeting, which made Putin single it out in an interview.

A year later, in 2002, part of the first compartment was raised along with the right torpedo tube, and the remains of the compartment were blown up. Contrary to expectations, the damaged torpedo tube was not shown to the general public. Soon the main cause of the disaster was announced, which was outlined by the Prosecutor General Ustinov. It consisted in the fact that “due to the explosion of a training torpedo and further development explosive process in the combat charging compartments of torpedoes located in the first compartment of the Kursk APRK, and so on ... ". No comments were given for this version. Thus, this reason became version No. 1, after which this topic ceased to exist in the media.

Three years have passed since the official conclusion, and version No. 2 of the death of the Kursk APRK appeared, which he proposed in the documentary: “Kursk: a submarine in muddy water» French journalist Jean-Michel Carré. For the first time this film was shown on French television in 2005, but in our country it was banned for showing.

I just recently found out about this movie. Viewing it did not live up to my expectations. I expected to see research work, a scrupulous search for the truth, and the tape most of all resembled a political order, the purpose of which is to undermine Putin's rating and the policy of our state in general.

And it is no coincidence that the film did not begin with seascapes, which plows "Kursk", and showing fragments of the ceremony of Putin's inauguration as president of the country. That is, from the very beginning it is given to understand: who is this film really about. And then we observe how the author is most concerned about compromising evidence (savoring the hysteria of the mother of the deceased submariner at a meeting with Klebanov, the indignation of relatives against Putin, Kovalev's shameless rantings, Politkovskaya's statements about Nord-Ost, etc.), and the version itself is constructed in a flurry against Putin. This version was not new, but a development of the one proposed by "Soviet Russia" in 2001. Thus, Jean-Michel Carré took the side of the Russian communists, twisting the plot of his version in a Hollywood adventurous way, with disregard for logic and realities, for the sake of the goals set.

So, exercises are being held in the Barents Sea, in which three dozen ships and submarines participate, including the Kursk. A Chinese delegation is present at the exercise, which is interested in acquiring the latest Shkval torpedo missile, which America is trying to prevent, since the combat capabilities of this torpedo allowed China to bring its Navy to the level with the West. Therefore, in the exercise area are the American boats "Memphis" and "Toledo", as well as a British submarine, a Norwegian reconnaissance vessel and spy satellites. When the Kursk prepared to launch the Shkval, the Toledo maneuvered in close proximity to force them not to perform a torpedo demonstration, and the Memphis was on duty nearby. During the maneuvers, the Toledo collided with the Kursk and damaged the right torpedo tube with the rudder blade. Hearing the sound of the Kursk torpedo tube (?!) being loaded, Memphis decided to save the Toledo and fired a torpedo that hit the torpedo compartment. The damage to the Kursk was not dangerous, so its commander decided that the hole could be repaired, but the design of the American torpedo, causing a fire, eventually led to the death of our nuclear submarine.

And then the process of saving the American side from the accusation of the tragedy began. This process was allegedly orchestrated by Putin for the political and economic dividends that followed. There were lies and collusion between the Russian and American sides, who hid the truth from the world community. But most of all in this film went to Putin, who was presented as a liar and a political schemer. Therefore, the ban on showing this tape in our country was natural. Judging by the Internet survey, the author of the film skillfully took advantage of the gullibility and superficial thinking of a considerable number of citizens of our country, and it’s not even worth talking about the Western audience: they simply don’t show anything else.

“A year ago, it was clear to everyone. There were three versions of the death of the submarine: a collision with an enemy submarine, the explosion of a World War II mine, and the explosion of an emergency torpedo.

Deputy Prime Minister Ilya Klebanov, head of the government commission to investigate the causes of the disaster, summing up the “underwater part” of the investigation, said a year ago that the reason was “80 percent” clear and the boat was needed only to get the bodies of the submariners and some additional evidence for main version.

But now a year has passed, the boat was raised. Klebanov came to three versions choose one and close the issue once and for all. He came, examined the nuclear-powered ship raised from the bottom.

And ... left. Nothing to add, nothing to say, nothing to explain. He left, as we were told by people who saw him during a visit to Murmansk, in bewilderment and confusion. What is the reason? As experts who worked at the dock in Roslyakovo told us in confidence, it was not even the terrible picture of destruction inside the submarine that made an indelible impression on the Deputy Prime Minister, but the port side of the Kursk crushed by some monstrous external influence. Or rather, a hole in the left side.


They talked a lot about her a year ago, especially in the first days after the accident.

A hole in the left side in the region of the 24th frame is about a meter in diameter, close to an ellipse in shape, with edges turned inward.

These inward-curved edges just did not give everyone peace. It was they who made them say at first that the boat had been rammed by an icebreaker (although the leadership of the Ministry navy instantly refuted this version, provided evidence that in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe death of the "Kursk" there was not a single icebreaker, but in general there was no civilian ship), then - about a mine from the time of the war (but this version was immediately refuted by the creators of the boat - TsKB "Rubin" ; according to them, the strength of the Kursk hull is such that a mine from the time of the war is like an elephant pellet).

Then they forgot about the hole in the left side. Switched to starboard. Found either a scratch or a dent. And they began to claim that this was irrefutable evidence of a collision with an enemy submarine. First, they sinned at Memphis, then at Toledo.

They demanded that the Americans and the British be given the opportunity to inspect their boats. They were indignant that they did not give. Experienced Experts, sea wolves, naval commanders, “overgrown with shells”, set out beautiful pictures depicting a collision and its terrible consequences: they say that an enemy boat hooked the side of our boat with a rudder pen, crushed the torpedo tube and the torpedo in it, it exploded from this, knocked out the back cover of the torpedo device, a fire started in the compartment, and after 135 seconds, ka-ak ...

At the same time, experts in torpedo weapons about these exotic versions, at best, were modestly silent, and more often stated that this was nonsense. That no rudder blade, under any impact, is capable of crushing a torpedo tube (thick-walled steel pipe with additional stiffeners) so that the torpedo collapses in it - it’s more likely that the very rudder blade will fall off than this will happen. An even more fantastic option is the ignition of a torpedo inside the torpedo tube with the rear cover knocked out. You just need to know the device of the torpedo tube. The back cover is held by a cremaler lock - robust design special strength. And the front cover opens like a door. So, if an explosion occurs inside the torpedo tube, all its energy, along with pieces of the torpedo, will splash out, and not inside the compartment.

As you can see, version #1 is “Even more fantastic” than version #2. In addition, this article contains a photograph of this very torpedo tube (underwater shooting), under which there is a caption: “Torpedo tube with a torpedo back cover. The bracket on the tail of the surviving torpedo is clearly visible.

But 15 years later, this picture, after the newspaper one, finally (apparently declassified) appeared on the Internet.

By the way, about the hole on the starboard side, which is attributed to the American torpedo MK-48

The first thing that catches your eye is that the hole in the case is neatly cut out and it doesn’t look like this hole was made by some kind of object that struck, which would certainly have left slip marks along the edges, and here, as if a circle was cut out on paper with scissors . And here are the statements about the torpedo: “Firstly, the MK-48 is not an anti-tank blank, the principle of the combat use of this torpedo is completely different - it powerful explosion in the immediate vicinity of the hull of the attacked ship, the force of the explosion is enhanced by hydraulic shock. That is, a torpedo is only a means of delivering explosives to the ship's hull and its design is not designed to pierce the ship's hull, because this function lies with the explosives. Especially in this case the Kursk has a strong hull thickness of 100mm of armor, and it can probably be overcome by a large-caliber gun shell from surface ships, but not a torpedo. And it is worth noting the bent hull around the hole, as if it was actually the shell of the battleship's main caliber gun that caused the hole, but the shells do not fly under water. Fantastic fake, fantastic technology! If it really was a torpedo, then crashing into the hull of the Kursk, it would explode and as a result there would not be such a neatly round hole. And here is another statement: "So that's not a single piece from a foreign boat, no torpedoes or explosives were found” (“Sunken Secrets of Kursk” by I. Egorov). But it was this hole that became the main clue for Jean Michel Carré when he created documentary film"Submarine in troubled waters".

But most of all, this picture baffles the version of the American torpedo:

These holes were not obtained as a result of the explosion of torpedoes, but by “monstrous external influence from the outside”, which no boat, icebreaker and other ships could inflict, and also such holes could not be obtained from hitting the bottom .... Raised to the surface

the wreckage of the hole in the right torpedo tube in 2002 was not shown to the general public. Therefore, for now, only this picture remains, since the remains of the nose, cut off along the red line, were blown up.

But I will not interfere with the text written 7 years ago, the original version of which I tore to pieces: “›journal/122059″, but I will continue the current one, which has been repeatedly added.

Version number 2, which was put forward by Jean-Michel Carré, also has many questions.

As a rule, upcoming military exercises are announced in advance, the area where they will be held is indicated, in which there should be no strangers. How could two American boats have ended up in an exercise area crammed with thirty warships and submarines conducting maneuvers with live firing, missile and torpedo launches?.. After all, this was a mortal risk! These boats could be "confusing" with training targets ... and there would be no one to blame! In addition, these boats had the audacity to approach the Kursk, and even at such a shallow depth at which they could even be detected from the surface, visually? roof!? After all, we are not in a state of war to do this!

And torpedoing under these conditions, and even because of the alleged sound of a loading torpedo, is generally “Hollywood” ... only Steven Seagal was missing in the role of the Memphis commander. If this actually happened, I think the commander of the Kursk would rather give the command for an urgent ascent in order to inform his people about what happened to him. And then the fate of the American boats would have been decided, since they illegally ended up in the restricted area of ​​the exercises and "asked for" themselves to be "targets". And do not exaggerate: this incident would not have led to the launch of the Poplars and the Minutemen ... It is too frivolous to arrange an apocalypse for this reason. Rather, this conflict would be resolved by money.

In my opinion, it would not make sense for our leadership to harbor America if this actually happened. In this case, it seems to me, America would have to pay for the Kursk and more .... Now is the time of a market economy, not the Iron Curtain.

I believe that foreign diplomatic missions were telling the truth when they reported that there was not a single foreign submarine in the exercise area. Why don't Jean-Michel Carré and others believe them?.. Obviously, only desire and a set goal govern here.

As for the damage to the right torpedo tube, there is an opinion of experts on this, which is expressed in the newspaper "Life", so journalistic fantasies are simply inappropriate.

So who, then, crushed the right torpedo tube, covered with 100mm armor (the frontal armor of the Tiger), “that no rudder blade, under any impact, can crush it like that ...”? .. And here, perhaps, it is time to talk about the version Number 3.

When the main cause of the Kursk disaster was announced in 2002, the NTV channel showed a protest rally organized by the relatives of the dead sailors, since this version actually blamed the crew for what had happened. One of the protesters told the correspondent that the admiral (I don't remember who) told them that there had been two blows to the hull. In reply General Prosecutor's Office agreed to acquaint her relatives with materials on the Kursk disaster, "including secret documents, but in the manner prescribed by law." And this means that they had to sign for non-disclosure of state secrets. This signature criminalizes disclosure. It is these secret documents that apparently hide version number 3, forcing the authorities to get off with a "fantastic option" because "there is no objective evidence."

In one of the television programs (about 10 years ago) dedicated to the death of the Komsomolets nuclear submarine, one of the commanders of the nuclear submarine, a captain of the 1st rank (I don’t remember his last name) told how one day the instruments showed that an object was moving towards his boat, and when it should there was a collision, the object disappeared! And this was also the case with the Americans.

Until recently, the topic of UFOs was a secret all over the world, but recent times little by little the veil of secrecy began to be lifted.

Recently, there was a program on the topic of UFOs on the Rossiya TV channel. It featured declassified materials, among which were even videos taken by American astronauts of unidentified objects above the surface of the moon! It was also told about unidentified objects observed by many sailors. These objects moved underwater at great speed, and even after flying out of the water, they turned into flying objects! There was a case when unidentified underwater objects in the Norwegian fjord were mistaken for enemy boats, which began to bomb with depth charges, but they failed to sink anyone - the objects disappeared. But most importantly, this film expressed the idea of ​​​​the real existence of the 3rd Force, to which the Americans at one time attributed the disappearance of their Scorpion boat and the death of other nuclear submarines.

But what is this 3rd Force?

Of course, no one will provide us with "objective evidence", but you can try to look for indirect ones.

Ufologists, of course, will begin to attribute this phenomenon to representatives of other worlds, but I do not agree with this. If they really are, then why shouldn't they contact us directly? What makes them play hide-and-seek with us? Possessing a higher mind, why do they behave so stupidly: endlessly collecting stones and sticks? It seems that they are afraid to reveal themselves to us, but why? I think that this is not the way to search for the 3rd Force.

I think that it is necessary to look for It in the Holy Scriptures.

“Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all their host” (Bible, Genesis: Chapter 2, v. 1).

What is this "army"? We see everything created by God, but the “army” does not. What does it represent? What are the goals and objectives of the "army" invisible to us? And why is it invisible: what's the point if it actually exists? After all, if the "host" exists in the text of the Bible, it must exist in reality.

“I created the earth and created man on it; I - my hands stretched out the heavens, and I gave the law to all their host ”(Isaiah: 45, 12).

This topic is extremely controversial (however, like the "big bang" theory, for which Nobel Prizes), and apart from versions and hypotheses, nothing can be at hand. Therefore, I will try to express only my personal version.

The "host of heaven" is God's instrument on earth, which is in parallel world so as not to interfere with our free will. It exercises complete control over each of us throughout life, helps or punishes, serves our transition to another world, controls the weather and political processes, arranges earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and also organizes mysterious catastrophes.

“And if Allah had willed, He would have taken away their hearing and sight” (Quran, Sura: 2, 20).

Let's say a plane crash is about to happen. At the energy level, they connect to the pilot's brain cells and block the visual and auditory channels, and instead connect their own. The pilot does not feel or feel anything, and at first sees the same picture as it really is. As we approach the airfield, the picture begins to change. Unsuspecting pilots maneuver according to what they see and hear. As a result, the pilot reports that he sees the runway and lands the plane on it, but the real runway is in a different place!..

In the same way, it is possible to mount a truck driver rushing towards him in a passenger car, which in fact does not exist, which forces him to turn the steering wheel to the left and drive into the oncoming lane, where he crashes into an oncoming bus, which he does not see. A similar scenario, in my opinion, happened with the Alexander Suvorov river passenger ship in 1983, when the ship, in the wheelhouse of which there were two people (the first officer and the helmsman), instead of the fourth went into the sixth span of the Ulyanovsk bridge, which led to death from above two hundred people!

But there are also cases of direct impact of the "army" on the object, as, for example, the TU-154 in 1995, near Khabarovsk, suddenly went down steeply, and the crew could not do anything with it. Or a MIG-31 fighter in the Vologda region fell from a height of 13 km, but both pilots never ejected! In a word, there are many options for mysterious disasters.

The case with the Kursk, in my deep conviction, is precisely the result of the direct impact of non-terrestrial NGOs, which is objectively evidenced by external damage to the hull, which could not be caused by any floating craft of terrestrial origin. It is extremely difficult to imagine how it was. It is necessary to have at least a record of the team's negotiations in these minutes, but they are classified. Although it is officially announced that the recording was turned off, it is simply impossible to believe in this. I myself saw a program where they showed a laboratory in which the restoration of tapes with recordings was carried out. A recording device was shown, and at the same time they said, pointing to the loaded reels, that it was at this point that the recording was interrupted. Disable recording during exercises when a combat launch of a torpedo was planned? ..

So the Kursk collides with an NPO, which crushes its right torpedo tube, pierces both sides (apparently, it was some kind of fantastic octopus), and the boat goes to the bottom! Being in a state of shock, the commander of the nuclear-powered ship Lyachev gives the broadcast command so that the team leaves their posts and arrives at the pop-up chamber for evacuation. Maybe it was for this reason that the team members were not in their places prescribed by the combat schedule. But after 135 seconds, the NGO gave a signal, and there was an explosion! At the same time, not all torpedoes were blown up, but their maximum permissible part, as evidenced by the collected a large number of TNT from torpedoes destroyed by the explosion that did not explode. Apparently, if all the torpedoes had exploded, then not only the Granit missiles would have collapsed, but also the reactor, which would have caused an ecological catastrophe in the Barents Sea! And such results, apparently, did not suit the 3rd Force. Enough for now, our planet and Chernobyl!

From the "Peter the Great" they saw an object near the "Kursk" and, apparently, decided that it was a foreign submarine (no NGO, of course, no one assumed), and decided to punish her for what she had done. Therefore, the bombing, which is mentioned in the documentary, was more likely addressed to the alleged enemy boat, and was not a call for the Kursk to surface. Only now it is impossible to destroy an NGO, since it can easily hide in another dimension and throw a buoy for fun, and the enthusiastic military had to look for a boat right up to the Norwegian border.

The first underwater survey of the Kursk hull immediately led to the suspicion that something had happened that went beyond the limits of earthly ideas, which means that it was not subject to wide publicity, since it was an international secret. For this reason, the director of the CIA came to settle this issue with joint efforts. For this reason, Memphis and Toledo were not shown so that there was suspicion on them. For this reason, the Kursk was raised, cutting off the bow. For this reason, the damaged starboard torpedo tube was not shown to the public when it was raised in 2002. For this reason, a "fantastic option" was declared. For this reason, the UFO option was immediately, categorically, rejected. Because the governments of the world are afraid of panic and unpredictable consequences that could arise in large sections of society if everyone finds out the truth about this. But this cannot go on forever, because, in my opinion, these catastrophes have a definite purpose.

But what is this goal?

Of course, there can be no unequivocal answer to this question, but your humble servant will try to go in this direction.

“He said about this: the fourth beast - the fourth kingdom will be on earth, different from all kingdoms, which will devour the whole earth, trample and crush it.” (Daniel: 7, 23).

Why, it's a mirror image of our time! Ecologists are already sounding the alarm, but "Vaska listens and eats." There are countries that do not even want to sign the Kyoto Protocol on greenhouse gas emissions! And the most "devouring", "trampling and crushing".

But what then makes humanity behave in such a suicidal way?

“Following America, the demon of consumption has engulfed all of humanity. For the most part, it worships not so much Christ, Allah or Buddha, but the golden calf ”(AiF, No. 33 (1502), 12.08.09. Cardboard politics. Alexey Pushkov, TV presenter, political scientist, professor).

It was the golden calf that became the true god for most of humanity. "Faith" in him requires from the "parishioners": bottomless consumption and an endless increase in zeros in bank accounts. And for the production of money, as you know, it is necessary to process raw materials, that is, to “devour”, “trample and crush” our planet, which was not created by our hands. For such a “religion” an appropriate morality is also needed: “No ethical revolution, to which Patriarch Kirill, in particular, called for, has yet been observed in the world” (ibid.). After all, watch the film: “Million years before our era” and we recognize ourselves in our ancestors!.. Time has changed only the scenery, and our morality has not got out of the cave. The same selfishness, the desire to snatch a fatter piece, a fierce struggle for the right to become a leader who, as the film says: “gets everything”, only all this has acquired a new appearance. Especially this scheme was exposed by the "fourth kingdom" in which we now live - the kingdom of the market economy.

The philosopher of the market economy Thomas Hobbes in the 17th century defined its ethical side in such a way that it is a struggle of “all against all”. And, of course, what kind of love for one's neighbor, to which Jesus Christ called, can be discussed in this situation? To this call we are now deaf as never before! But "God is love." Therefore, “love your neighbor as yourself” is not just a call, but part, if not the goal, of the Divine Plan. But as the realities show, humanity is moving in the opposite direction of this goal. What to do?

Our Creator cannot allow direct interference, as this would be violence against our freedom of choice. Violence is the lot of the primitive and manifests itself where the mind loses. For the Supreme Mind, which the Almighty possesses, it is simply humiliating. Therefore, God can only allow about Himself hint.

UFOs and everything connected with it are not representatives of other worlds, as is commonly believed. In the Bible, as mentioned earlier, it is called: "the host of heaven." It is my firm belief that this phenomenon (as it is also called) is an executive INSTRUMENT OF POWER God on earth. That is why the UFO behaves so strangely: suddenly appears - suddenly disappears, as if it wants to say that it exists, but at the same time does not give objective information about its real existence. That is, in fact, it is only about itself. hints. It is unlikely that aliens would be worried about our freedom of choice, and the fear of objective information about ourselves.

It is with the help of UFOs that God hints to us about His real existence. Only all these contact sorties (flying saucers, abduction of earthlings, crop circles, etc.) are perceived by us as tricks of representatives of other worlds. But the mysterious catastrophes make you think: that there is still a real Force. This is what our Creator has to do So hint about yourself, because this push it we by disbelief in His real existence. The proof of this is our obedient service to the golden calf, embodied in our way of life - the opposite of that to which the Son of God called us: “Be ye therefore perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect” (Matthew: 5, 48), that is, to universal love, which is perfection.

After each mysterious catastrophe, the authorities, for the above reason, prefer to get rid of the wide public opinion another fantastic option. But after all, it is obvious that this method is akin to painkillers for toothache. I think it's time to stop burying your head in the sand. It is necessary to officially recognize the real existence of the 3rd Force. BUT human society we need to keep calm and accept this phenomenon as part of our being. The time has come when we all need to sort ourselves out and think: what needs to be done to hints

1) Arriving at the command post, to take over on duty on 13.08.00 at 08.35, I immediately joined the build-up of forces and means of communication, due to the absence of the next communication session of the nuclear submarine "Kursk" (at 23h ... min from 12th to 13th ). They built up, accepted reports ..., until 11.14. After that, the replaced OD PUS of the Navy departed home.

in the message - “August 12, at about 11:30 am, Norwegian seismologists recorded two shocks with a force of 1.5 on the Richter scale …………. In the meantime, "K-141" did not get in touch, and by 11 pm an alarm was announced throughout the fleet.

2) Peter the Great discovered the submarine for the first time on the ground on 13.08.00 and I wrote a report about this in a journal at 16.31. After that, almost immediately, a report was received that the discovered submarine had begun to move and that it was significantly inferior in size to the Kursk. "PV" began the pursuit. He pursued until he received the order “Stop pursuing the submarine ... return to the search for Kursk” The destroyers who continued to pursue the submarine after the “PV” successfully lost this submarine in less than an hour ... And the “PV” continued the search and because of the beginning storm, discovered Kursk already at 20:00 with minutes, (I don’t remember exactly ...) returning almost to the same place where Kursk was discovered.

But let's say it was an American submarine.

The late Admiral Baltin, on this occasion, argued that there could be no great damage in a collision of submarines. Of more than a dozen collisions between our and American boats, they ended in dents, damage to the conning tower fence, etc. did not lead to accidents. Yes, and as mentioned above by specialists in torpedo weapons: “That no rudder blade, under any impact, is capable of crushing a torpedo tube (a thick-walled steel pipe with additional stiffeners) in such a way that the torpedo collapses in it - rather, this very rudder blade will fall off, what will happen." But we will play giveaway and assume that the American boat has an incredibly strong rudder blade or side stabilizer, was able to crush the right torpedo tube and, like a butter knife, make a longitudinal cut of 100mm of the armor of the Kursk hull!

But, who then made a round hole on the starboard side?

But again the question arises: who made a hole on the port side in the region of the 24th frame, about a meter in diameter, and close in shape to an ellipse?

Why, this is the Granit rocket fired by Peter the Great, the Life newspaper informs us. Let's play giveaway again and believe.

And so the American boat, after being discovered, decided to start moving at a speed of 8 knots (14.5 km / h). At first, it was accompanied by "Peter the Great", then it was continued by two destroyers, which "were safely lost this submarine, in less than an hour ...". OK. Again, let's play giveaway, since we are not specific experts in this area (maybe the hydroacoustic equipment was “cut down” on both destroyers? ..).

But now the moment has come when there is nothing to play with, because the question arises: why did this “boat” spend the whole day near the “Kursk”, merging with it into one object ?! After the collision, the commander could have only one solution - to drape as quickly and as far as possible. For a day at this speed, you can overcome more than 300 km. But the "boat" for some reason preferred to wait a whole day, until the very moment of discovery !!! Moreover, she began to move, as if she had been informed that she had been discovered! .. Why did the crew of the alleged American boat perform actions that were absolutely incompatible with elementary logic? That is, he did everything in order to find himself, and even at the crime scene, for which they could be severely punished?!

And I have an answer to this question.

Having given the opportunity to make an entry in the journal (apparently, it was under their control), the NPO began to move almost at oar speed, with which it managed to get away from modern destroyers, whose equipment allows you to even see fish! As I assumed two years ago when I wrote this article, the NGO went into another dimension and made our ships and aircraft frantically search for themselves all the way to the Norwegian border, which was a pointless fuss.

Of course, not everyone will like it. Some, rejecting all the arguments and arguments, will call it nonsense, more hysterical ones will “drag” them to a psychiatric hospital, others ... I sympathize, but I can’t help. As V. Lenin, a well-known admirer of materialism, instructed journalists: "facts are a stubborn thing." It was this “covenant” of Lenin that the author followed when he worked on this material.

PS 2. Here is some more information: “Here are additional facts about the Kursk tragedy so that the citizens of the Russian Federation have no doubts. RIA-Novosti of December 6, 2000, headline: “ Russian warplanes pursued a foreign submarine17 August in the Barents Sea". Text: " Russian warplanes pursued a foreign submarine in the Barents Sea in the area of ​​the exercises Northern Fleet . it, according to RIA correspondentNews, Russian Defense Minister Igor Sergeev confirmed. On the eve of this fact, the recently retired Norwegian Admiral Einar Skorgen announced this fact.. However, he did not rule out the possibility of a collision. Russian submarine"Kursk" with an American submarine. The admiral also confirmed the fact that the US Navy submarine "Memphis" entered one of the Norwegian ports at the end of August..

For half a century now, the execution on the Railway Station Square has remained one of the most mysterious and bloody tragedies not only in the history of Kursk, but in the whole Soviet Union. On September 26, 1968, two soldiers of the internal troops - Private Viktor Korshunov and Corporal Yuri Surovtsev- killed an entire family with two children, and then opened fire on people hurrying about their business past the city railway station. As a result, one of the terrorists was shot dead, and the second was taken out of the cordoned off building in a police uniform.

Armed rebellion?

“You are listening to Voice of America from Washington. We interrupt the program for urgent message. In the Soviet Union, an armed rebellion broke out in Kursk. Several soldiers protesting against the policy communist party occupied a building in the city center. The area is cordoned off by the police. Details are being specified. According to our information, Soviet servicemen are protesting against the entry of Soviet troops into Czechoslovakia,” such a message sounded on September 26 on an American radio station.

Scandalous news about an armed rebellion in the USSR was picked up by foreign media, in the Union itself no one knew about the tragedy unfolding at that moment in Kursk.

On the morning of September 26th ordinary apartment, located on the fourth floor of a house near the railway station, two soldiers came in with suitcases. A day later, from the windows of this apartment, they opened fire on people who happened to be on the Railway Station Square. Coincidentally or not, but at that time a paddy wagon carrying convicts was driving up to the station. Several convicts were sent along the stage. The driver of the car, having heard the sounds of shots, managed to take the paddy wagon out of the fire and drive off to the nearest yard. One of those being transported - a 19-year-old guy - was mortally wounded.

Meanwhile, on the square, war veterans, who were many in those years in Kursk, tried to suppress panic and lead people out of the fire into the station building. From the windows on the fourth floor, machine-gun fire continued, short and pinpoint. People were perplexed, did war suddenly come to their peaceful city?

Station square in Kursk. Photo:

Bad apartment

And in the very apartment from which the terrorists fired, the tragedy unfolded a day earlier. On the morning of September 26, they were still sleeping there when the doorbell rang. On the threshold stood two guys in soldier's uniform. The old woman who opened the door to the early guests was killed immediately. Four more adult residents of the apartment were shot through the pillow. Just a minute - and out of eight family members only three survived - Tamara Sataplin and her two small children. As if not noticing the bloody bodies, the killers began to drink to the music. When the vodka ran out, Tamara was sent for more, threatening to kill the children if she told the police about everything. According to legend, when a woman was walking down the street to a grocery store, she even met a district police officer, but did not tell him anything, relying on the honesty of the soldiers. But when Tamara returned home, she saw that her children were no longer alive. Some sources claim that they were not even shot, but beaten to death with a cast-iron iron. The woman was tied up and locked in the toilet.

All this time, residents of neighboring apartments heard strange sounds coming from the rooms where the mass kill. But none of them could imagine what was actually unfolding literally behind their wall. The police were called when, early in the morning on September 27, they started shooting at people in the square from the windows of this apartment.

The guards cordoned off the house. When trying to approach the door behind which the terrorists were hiding, the criminals opened fire. In one of the apartments, a headquarters was set up, where the highest police ranks gathered. They even say that the Kremlin was in direct contact with law enforcement officers during the special operation. Brezhnev ordered to take the terrorists alive in order to give them to a military tribunal.

Finally, after many hours of negotiations, one of the soldiers could not stand it. He opened fire on his partner and surrendered to the police. To prevent the crowd from tearing the terrorist to pieces, he was dressed in a police uniform and taken out of the building.

Infantile clerk and hot-tempered gunslinger

Who were the brutal killers who killed 11 adults and two children?

Corporal Yuri Surovtsev served in internal troops clerk at headquarters. From his characteristics, found by journalists, it follows that he had obvious mental disorders, due to which he even underwent treatment in a regional mental hospital. Surovtsev was infantile, easily excitable and impressionable. Despite the fact that after a year of service in the army he was already in the rank of corporal, Surovtsev depended on his partner and was completely under his influence. It was Yuri who eventually surrendered to the police and was sentenced to death by a military tribunal.

Private Viktor Korshunov is considered the main villain in this story. He was expelled from the institute for an "unworthy" lifestyle, entered the army, where in two years he became the best shooter of the unit. Shortly before the tragedy, Korshunov even received an honors badge from the Soviet army. But his character was described as hot-tempered, and his behavior was aloof. Also in the characterization of Korshunov it is said that he often talked about suicide and massacres.

Presumably, Korshunov decided to commit suicide after breaking up with a girl who did not wait for him from the army. But he didn’t want to die just like that, so he pushed the weak-willed Surovtsev to a terrorist attack. The case file states that Nikolai Korshunov's father was convicted of treason after the war. Perhaps in Viktor Korshunov himself there was a lot of hatred for his country.

Surovtsev and Korshunov stole weapons from the army stock, hitchhiked to the center of Kursk. According to local media, their target was originally the Kursk city committee, but it housed the Leninsky police department. Therefore, it was decided to hide in an apartment nearby and from there open fire on a busy square. Why did the house of Tamara Sataplina and her family become a haven for terrorists? There is a version that Tamara was a friend of one of the deserters, and he even visited her.

In 2016, in the program "The investigation was conducted" with Leonid Kanevsky, they spoke in detail about the Kursk terrorist attack. The issue says that Tamara Sataplin, who lost her entire family on September 26, 1968, asked the killers why they did it. The answer was: "We are the avengers." That's just why and to whom the Kursk terrorists took revenge is still unknown.

14 years have passed since the tragedy of August 12, 2000, when the Kursk nuclear submarine of the Northern Fleet sank during a training cruise in the Barents Sea. This happened 175 km from Severomorsk. According to the official version, at 11:28:26 Moscow time, a torpedo exploded. After 2 minutes 18 seconds at 11 hours 30 minutes 44 seconds, a second explosion with a power of 3.5 points on the Richter scale thundered. The first explosion was up to 1.5 power. On this day, the crew was supposed to carry out training firing, but instead, an explosion was recorded in the exercise area, after which the nuclear submarine (NPS) stopped communicating. Two days later, the boat was found lying on the bottom at a depth of 108 m. On August 21, the death of all 118 submariners aboard the submarine was officially announced. After the death of the Kursk, the surviving submariners fought for their lives on the sunken submarine for several more hours. But no one was saved! The K-141 submarine (project 949-A of the Antey class, NATO classification Oscar-II) was laid down at the Northern Machine-Building Enterprise in Severodvinsk on March 22, 1990.
On January 31, 1991, the nuclear submarine under construction was included in the lists of ships of the Navy, and on April 6, 1993, she was given the name "Kursk". The construction of the boat was completed at the end of 1994. On December 30, 1994, the state commission signed the act of accepting the ship, and the Andreevsky flag and guis were raised. Guys - the bow flag of a ship or vessel, which, along with the state, civil or commercial flag or naval flag, indicates the nationality of ships and vessels.
Chronology of events: August 10, 2000, fulfilling the plan of exercises, the nuclear cruiser "Kursk" went to learning task near the Kola Bay. It was necessary to launch a cruise missile and practice torpedo firing at a detachment of warships. 12th of August The submarine was at the combat training ground in the Barents Sea. At 17.30 Moscow time she didn't get in touch set time. About the tragedy on the Kursk, the military leadership became aware in the evening Saturday 12 August when at 23.00 the submarine commander did not get in touch again. At 2330 hours, the submarine "Kursk" in accordance with the requirements normative documents was declared an emergency. August 13, a group of ships headed by the commander of the Northern Fleet, Admiral Vyacheslav Popov, went in search of a submarine. At 04.51 hydroacoustic equipment of the cruiser "Peter the Great" found a ship lying on the ground at a depth of 108 meters. August 14 at 11.00 In the morning, the fleet command made the first public statement that the Kursk submarine had sunk to the ground as a result of the accident. August 15 The main headquarters of the Navy officially announced the start of the rescue operation. August 16 at a sea state of about 2 points, the deep-water rescue apparatus "Priz" was launched from the ship "Rudnitsky". During the night, despite difficult weather conditions, several attempts were made to get to the boat. 15.00 - Russian President Vladimir Putin said that "the situation with the Kursk submarine is difficult, critical, but the fleet has all the necessary arsenal of means of rescue, and rescue attempts will continue to the end." Admiral Kuroyedov said that Russia would accept any assistance offered by the West. Assistance from Britain and Norway was requested. All attempts to dock the escape pods to the boat were unsuccessful. August 17 The Norwegian ship Seaway Eagle headed for the scene of the tragedy with deep-sea divers on board, and the Normand Pioneer transport ship with British specialists and equipment left the port of Trondheim. August 18 the rescue operation was continued by Russian rescuers, but there is still no reliable data on the condition of the boat and crew, the situation on board the Kursk is already assessed as “supercritical”. August 19 in the afternoon, the Norwegian ship Normand Pioneer arrived at the scene of the accident with a British rescue mini-boat LR-5. August 20 in the first hour, the Seaway Eagle rescue vessel with 12 deep-sea divers on board approached the disaster area. After the final approvals, the second stage of the operation began. August 20 for several hours of work, the Norwegian divers examined the nuclear submarine for damage and the presence of air cushions in the aft compartments. The Norwegians managed to unlock the emergency hatch valve, but they failed to get on the boat. On the morning of August 21 the Norwegians managed to open the escape hatch and get into the boat. However, the 9th compartment of the submarine, to which the hatch led, was flooded. 15.27 - a video camera was introduced into the submarine, with the help of which they tried to determine the state of the 7th and 8th compartments. The body of a sailor was found in the 9th compartment. 16.23 - Chief of Staff of the Northern Fleet Mikhail Motsak told RIA Novosti that "the worst expectations were confirmed, all compartments were completely flooded with water, and not a single crew member was left alive." The head of the press service of the Northern Fleet, Vladimir Navrotsky, said that the Norwegian specialists had decided that further examination of the submarine was inappropriate. 17.00 - Vice Admiral Motsak officially confirmed the death of the crew of the K-141 Kursk nuclear submarine. August 22 The President of Russia flew to Severomorsk. In the Vidyayevo garrison, he met with the families and friends of the dead sailors. Putin was unable to answer questions about what exactly happened to the Kursk and why they could not save the submariners. After meeting with relatives, Putin decreed August 23 as a day of mourning and departed for Moscow. August 23 is a day of mourning in Russia. 24 August- Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Vladimir Ustinov announced the initiation of a criminal case into the sinking of the Kursk nuclear submarine. August, 26th- Vladimir Putin signed a Decree on conferring state awards on the crew members of the Kursk nuclear submarine. Hero Title Russian Federation awarded to Captain 1st Rank Gennady Lyachin (posthumously). The remaining 117 crew members were posthumously awarded the Order of Courage. On the same day, Putin signed the Decree “On perpetuating the memory of the crew of the nuclear submarine Kursk”. August 29- US military and intelligence circles admitted that at the time of the Kursk accident there were two American submarines next to it, but denied that the collision with one of them was the cause of the disaster. 6 September- The United States handed over to Russia the data they have on the Kursk nuclear submarine disaster, in particular, the exact time of the explosions on board the Kursk to the second. September 19- President Putin decided to start an operation to raise the remains of the crew of the nuclear submarine and the submarine itself. the 25th of October- began the operation to raise the bodies of the dead sailors. On the night of October 26 The divers who opened the hull of the submarine examined the bodies of the sailors of the Kursk. It became clear that after the explosion in the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th compartments, people were alive. A suicide note was found in the pocket of the deceased commander of the 9th compartment, Dmitry Kolesnikov.
November 7, 2000- divers mothballed all the hatches of the Kursk. To this day, 12 bodies of the crew members of the Kursk nuclear submarine have been removed from the boat. Information taken from:;;