Why is diastasis dangerous? Factors provoking the appearance of pathology. Why is diastasis a problem?

Ecology of health: Today is an article on one of the most popular women's topics - diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles after childbirth. Therefore, men, if you stopped by to see us, you can calmly return to your business, because such trouble does not threaten you due to the lack of opportunity to be in an interesting position.

Today is an article on one of the most popular women's topics - diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles after childbirth. Therefore, men, if you stopped by to see us, you can calmly return to your business, because such trouble does not threaten you due to the lack of opportunity to be in an interesting position.

You will learn everything about diastasis - what it is, why it occurs especially often in pregnant women, what myths exist around it and what body movements, or rather exercises, will help improve your situation with it.

Diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles. What, why and why?

Lately, I often receive emails from young mothers in which they share their problems, in particular about diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles, and complain that there is no truthful (non-contradictory) clear information regarding this phenomenon on the Internet. Due to the fact that the number of requests has exceeded the impossibility of responding to everyone, I decided to devote a full-fledged note to this issue, which is in front of you. Well, let's start with this...

Giving birth to a child is one of the main missions of a woman on this planet., and perhaps you would not be reading these lines if such a mission had not been completed by my most beloved woman. However, the birth of a child (and especially a second one) does not pass without a trace for the mother in labor and often brings a whole bunch of additional goodies, in particular, the following:

    weight gain;

    appearance of riding breeches - ears/sides;


    breast enlargement/swelling;

    flattening of the buttocks;

    abdominal muscle diastasis;


Thus, it turns out that by giving life to a new little man, a woman sacrifices herself, her beauty. Therefore, after childbirth, curvy changes make themselves felt for a long time. However, there is enough information about losing weight and creating streamlined shapes, but too little attention is paid to diastasis of the abdominal muscles, although the problem is very common. Therefore, in this article let us try to understand this phenomenon.

Diastasis of the abdominal muscles: the theoretical side of the issue

Diastasis is the separation/divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles. As a result of this separation, the right and left halves of the rectus abdominis muscle (Rectus Abdominis) are moved apart relative to the middle fascia of the abdomen, the linea alba. In the picture version, the muscle divergence looks like this.

Diastasis most often (in two cases out of three) occurs in women who have given birth to a second and subsequent child.

Expansion and thinning of tissues midline occurs in response to the force of the uterus pressing against the abdominal wall, and hormones also contribute to “softening” connective tissue. A midline more than 2-2.5 fingers wide (about 2 cm) is considered problematic.

Diastasis most often appears precisely after pregnancy, when the abdominal wall is quite soft and the thin tissues of the midline of the abdomen no longer provide adequate support for the torso and internal organs. Young ladies should understand that slight expansion Midline swelling occurs during all pregnancies and is normal. In some women after childbirth, the discrepancy does not exceed 1.5-2 fingers, however, for the most part, the values ​​go beyond 2.5.

Diastasis often disrupts the slender figure of a flat prenatal tummy and is a serious problem that causes aesthetic discomfort in a woman. In particular, as surveys show, ladies are embarrassed to undress and bare their tops even in front of their betrothed. Therefore, the problem definitely requires a solution. In addition to aesthetic inferiority, diastasis recti reduces the integrity and functional strength of the abdominal wall, and can also cause low back pain and pelvic instability.

Genetics plays a big role in getting diastasis during childbirth., in particular, miniature and small-sized young ladies are at increased risk. For thicker women and those who are no strangers to physical activity and fitness, pregnancy can proceed without diastasis at all.

In the modern information flow, you may encounter many conflicting opinions and advice on how to restore the abdominal wall and midline after childbirth. Most of these recommendations can worsen the abdominal separation, and in fact you will get even more diastasis.

Therefore, you need to know about...

Myths about diastasis of the abdominal muscles

So, there are the following myths regarding the divergence of the rectus muscles, and in particular the following:

    causes irreversible damage to the abdomen;

    requires only surgical intervention;

    causes constant bloating a.k.a. “mummy-tummy”;

    causes pain;

    the abdominal muscles will never recover after childbirth and will always be weak;

    All women should wait at least 8-10 weeks after giving birth before starting any exercise or postpartum recovery program.

Remember, none of these statements are true.

How can I tell if I have diastasis?

The following simple test will help determine if you have abdominal muscle separation. or there is no need to get nervous prematurely. To identify diastasis, do the following:

    lie on your back, bend your knees, place the soles of your feet on the floor;

    place one hand behind your head and the other hand on your stomach, touching your fingertips along your entire midline, parallel to your waist, at the level of your navel;

    relax your abdominal wall and lightly press your abdominal cavity with your fingertips;

    lightly twist/tear your top part off the floor using crunches, making sure to keep your chest close to your pelvis. As soon as the muscles begin to move, immediately record how many fingers fit inside them and how deep the fingers go inside;

    also record how many fingers can be placed between the tense muscles slightly above and below the navel (3-5 cm in both directions).

This home test will allow you to determine the size of the “hole” in your stomach - the area around the navel that is not covered by muscles. If such a “gap” is not palpable, then you do not have diastasis, otherwise it does exist, and the degree of muscle divergence depends on how many fingers the “hole” has swallowed. Accordingly, the larger/deeper, the stronger the diastasis.

Don't panic if you feel " big holes" in the abdomen in the first few postpartum weeks. The midline connective tissue after childbirth is quite soft, but over time and with appropriate exercise, it will slowly but surely regain its former density and elasticity, reducing the size of the holes.

So, you have done the test and suspect you have diastasis. Now let's decide what degree it is, and the following classification will help us with this.

    Type 1 – slight expansion of the white lines in the umbilical region, the most harmless, i.e. virtually no effect on the shape of the abdomen. Formed after the first pregnancy;

    Type 2 – divergence in the lower sections with relaxation of the lateral muscles. It is reflected in the shape of the abdomen, making it slightly protruding from below;

    Type 3 – divergence of the abdominal muscles along all seams, both upper and lower sections. Accompanied by the presence of umbilical hernias and an unaesthetic appearance of the abdomen.

As you might guess, all work to restore the former flat shape of the tummy depends on the stage of muscle separation. The smaller it is (types 1 and 2), the greater the likelihood of achieving prenatal forms naturally (not surgically). The third stage usually involves abdominoplasty. It is also important to understand that when the abdominal muscles diverge and the midline bulges, reverse complete “contraction” is extremely difficult to achieve (especially with type 3) due to the fact that the linea alba does not have muscles - it is connective tissue. Therefore, realistically assess your prospects and the degree to which the efforts expended are necessary.

Why can pregnant women get diastasis?

In fact, abdominal muscle discrepancy is not only the preserve of pregnant women, it can be:

    a consequence of incorrect exercise technique;

    a consequence of performing certain exercises and sports;

    a consequence of excessive weight gain.

In pregnant women, diastasis forms when the growing uterus presses on the abdominal wall.– a.k.a. 6 pack abs. If the lower/transverse abdominal muscles are weak and unable to support the growing uterus (its increasing pressure on the rectus muscles), then the 6 pack becomes 2 by 3.

As a result of the enlargement of the fetus, the linea alba (its connective tissue) stretches to the sides. Your organs will now “press” on this connective tissue, and you will look with a protruding tummy and, through weak point– abdominal muscles, feel and feel their divergence.

So, we laid down some theory and realized that Diastasis is a protrusion of the inner abdomen from under the muscles. Now let's move on to practical measures to improve the current “interesting” situation.

Exercises for diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles. What are they?

First, let's figure out what movements/exercises should be strictly avoided so as not to worsen the situation. These include:

    exercises that involve lying on your back on a fitball;

    yoga poses that involve stretching the abdominal muscles (dog, cow) and breathing with the stomach (vacuum);

    Abdominal exercises that involve bending the upper spine/lifting it off the floor against gravity. For example: lying abdominal crunches, cross crunches, bicycle, roll-ups, cable crunches, push-ups, planks;

    lifting/carrying heavy objects (including children);

    most four-legged exercises.

In the picture version, the compilation atlas of prohibited exercises looks like this.

In general, we can draw the following conclusion: if you have diastasis, you should avoid “direct” press exercises; you need to focus your attention on certain isometric movements. In particular, the following exercises can be performed with a separation of the abdominal muscles in order to improve the situation.

Exercise No. 1. Lying pelvic lifts (bridge).

Lie on the floor on your back, bend your knees. Start lifting your pelvis by lifting your hips up. Pause at the top, squeezing your buttocks and tensing your abs. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Exercise No. 2. Wall squats with a Pilates ball between your legs.

Press your back against the wall and squat to a 90-degree angle, placing a small ball at your feet. Hold the bottom position for 25-30 seconds, and then straighten your legs, standing up to your full height.

Exercise No. 3. Raising your leg up from a lying position.

Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Lift your left leg vertically up, lifting your body off the surface. Lower your leg, returning it to the starting position. Repeat the same for right leg, performing 10 repetitions of each.

Exercise No. 4. Slides with your feet.

Lie on your back and put your hands behind your head, stretch your legs. Raising your straight legs slightly, begin to bring them towards your body, taking steps in the air. Complete Perform 3 sets of 20 reps.

Exercise No. 5. Crunch with a towel.

Wrap a towel around your torso and lie on the floor. Cross its ends at your waist and cross it with your hands. Slightly lifting your head, neck and top of your shoulders, pull the ends of the towel, bringing your chest closer to your pelvis. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

On average, with regular exercise at least 3 times a week, the first visible result can be seen after 1.5-2 months of exercise.

Actually, these are all exercises for diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles, as you can see, simple, but extremely effective.

However, exercise is not a panacea, and it will produce a synergistic effect (2+2=5) when working in combination with a tailored diet and aerobic activity. In particular, it should be remembered that when burning fat, there is a general change (reduction) in circumference, including in the abdominal area, so losing excess weight will help reduce pressure on the rectus abdominis muscles, and therefore the process of “healing” of diastasis will go faster.

Thus, it turns out that an effective plan for combating abdominal muscle separation is as follows:

1. power adjustment/setting;

2. inclusion of cardiovascular activity in the daily routine;

3. performing specialized exercises.

So, we figured out the action plan. Now let's answer the question: when can you start working to improve the situation with diastasis?

As for the start time of work, it all depends on the degree of “neglect” source material. Those. usually l mild stages of diastasis (1) go away on their own over time- the fabric tightens itself, without unnecessary movements on your part. On average, with the right diet and avoidance bad habits, the period is 1.5-3 months.

This might interest you:

All further stages (2 and 3) require action on your part, and the deadlines can be from 5 months to 1 year. Therefore, if you are the owner of 2-3 degree diastasis, tune in to long-term work, which can begin 2-4 weeks after the birth of the child. published

After bearing a child, any woman faces a large number problems: obesity, the appearance of cellulite, a fatty apron on the stomach and sides, muscle diastasis, etc. Such problems occur not only in women, sometimes they also occur in men and children.

The appearance of a rounded tummy is a big problem for many women. Many articles list dozens of myths that are completely unrelated to such a disease.

In this article, we will take a closer look at what diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles is and how to get rid of it.

Causes of appearance in men and women

The shape of the abdomen depends on the condition of the skin, the volume of fat deposits, as well as on the muscular aponeurotic system. A sign of diastasis is not only a rounded belly, but also the appearance of shortness of breath, umbilical hernia, and pain in the muscle area.

Abdominal muscles with diastasis and normal

The causes of diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles can be not only pregnancy; obesity, heavy loads and a thin structure of the white line can also be prerequisites for the formation.

The abdominal muscles are connected to each other by the white line. The linea alba fibers are a thin layer of connective tissue that is designed to support the rectus abdominis muscles. In a healthy person, the size of this tissue can vary from 2.5 to 2.7 cm in the navel area; deviation from these norms is considered to be diastasis.

The divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles provokes stretching of the fibers of the linea alba. Since these fibers are not muscle tissue, they cannot fuse or contract, so it is almost impossible to connect the rectus muscles without surgical intervention.

The discrepancy of the abdominal muscles develops most quickly during gestation and after childbirth. Due to the constant growth of the baby inside the womb, the abdominal muscles are stretched. A consequence of muscle divergence can also be intrauterine pressure, which appears with constipation, frequent cough, urinary retention, as well as displacement of internal organs, congenital pathologies of the abdominal wall.

Important! Diastasis occurs in 1 out of 3 women who have had a cesarean section. The risk of occurrence in most cases occurs in people over 35 years of age.

Diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles after childbirth is especially dangerous for women who want to become pregnant again. Muscle pathology can lead to complications during fetal development.

Doctors distinguish 3 stages of diastasis:

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  1. The discrepancy is 5-7 cm.
  2. The discrepancy is 7-10 cm.
  3. The discrepancy is more than 10 cm.

Degrees of diastasis

Surgeons divide diastasis into the following types:

  • slight muscle separation in the navel area;
  • muscle divergence at the level from the navel to the pubic bone is often accompanied by weakening of the lateral muscles (protrusion of the lower part of the abdominal wall is observed);
  • muscle divergence along the size of the entire white line, a clear round belly is formed and the waist size increases, possibly the appearance of a navel hernia.

How to determine its presence?

You can determine whether a person has diastasis either independently or with the help of a surgeon. It should be remembered that independent technique It is quite effective, however, only a doctor can identify the actual cause of the disease and select treatment.

So, to check for the presence of diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles, you need to perform the following exercises:

Another option for the exercise: having assumed a position (as described above), you need to cough, at this moment it will be clearly visible whether the white line is stretched.

This method can be used if a person does not have a fat apron.

Is it dangerous?

Treatment of a disease such as diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles is a purely individual matter. At the initial stage of the onset of the disease, a slight roundness of the abdomen may already form, however, this brings rather aesthetic inconvenience.

The danger is that over time the disease does not go away, but quite the opposite, it can develop.

With diastasis, the abdominal muscles are weakened, the abdominal wall is not protected, and pathologies such as hernias, displacement of internal organs, and malfunction may occur. digestive system. This disease is also fraught with problems with the spine and pelvic organs.

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In addition, weakened abdominal muscles will gradually atrophy, and this is quite serious. Stretching of the skin during diastasis leads to the fact that it loses elasticity, and fatty tissue will accumulate in this area.

Surgeons note that diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles is not a hernia. However, in advanced cases the formation of a hernia is inevitable. It is impossible to restore the normal position of the muscles at stage 3 without surgery. The same cannot be said about people who are at the 1st stage of development - at this stage special sets of exercises are quite effective.

To avoid straining the abdominal muscles of a child, women and men need to strengthen their abs. Daily 10-minute exercise will help prevent serious problems in the future.

When is surgery necessary?

The nature of the muscle discrepancy and the stage of the disease can be determined using a comprehensive examination of the abdominal cavity in the clinic. Any surgical intervention is stressful for the body, so a qualified specialist will be against radical methods at the first stage of development.

Put away big belly possible using plastic surgery. A specialist can make a diagnosis only after performing an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. In this case, the person himself can verify the presence of diastasis.

Surgical intervention is necessary at stages 2 and 3 of the development of diastasis. Exceptions include some pathologies of the development of the disease in a child; such operations are recommended for children after 3 years of age.

Diastasis refers to the displacement of the rectus muscles relative to the vertical axis of the abdomen (linea alba) due to the expansion and significant thinning of the connective tissue separating these muscles. As a result, “gaps” or “dips” are formed, located on a vertical line along the navel. Normally, the width of the linea alba varies in the range of 2-2.5 cm, while with diastasis the distance between the muscles varies from 3 to 15-20 cm.

The dangers of diastasis

The initial stage of diastasis is associated with aesthetic problems, while the progression of the disease can lead to pain in the spine, muscle atrophy, and prolapse of the abdominal organs.

Reasons for the development of diastasis

Most women usually find out about diastasis after their second pregnancy. The anterior wall of the abdomen is already weakened after the first “belly”, in addition the body expectant mother produces a specific hormone relaxin, designed to facilitate adaptation to rapid physical changes, but leading to softening of connective tissue.

It should be noted that the appearance of a slight discrepancy in the abdominal muscles during pregnancy is provided for by nature, and after childbirth, recovery occurs naturally. However, in some cases, the woman’s body cannot “patch up the holes” on its own, so a visible protrusion of the abdomen appears in the middle part, and then diastasis is diagnosed. The development of the disease can result from overweight, incorrect performance of some abdominal exercises or prolapse of organs.

Types of diastasis

There are 3 degrees of pathological changes in the white line of the abdomen:

  • first degree diagnosed if there is a discrepancy of the rectus muscles of no more than 5 cm. In this case, the usual shape of the abdomen is preserved, there are no medical complaints;
  • at second degree the expanded midline strip reaches 6-10 cm. Aesthetic problems are aggravated: the stomach protrudes in the lower part, the waist is smoothed and the figure “expands”. Unpleasant symptoms appear, such as pain when walking or exercising;
  • For third degree characterized by stretching of the connective tissue along the entire vertical line to a distance of more than 10 cm. Along with the formation of an unsightly sagging abdomen, poor posture and prolapse of internal organs develop.

Can diastasis be cured?

Expansion of the white stripe of the abdomen is an irreversible process, however, with the help of non-standard physical activity on the abs and medical recommendations the disease can be controlled. If the diastasis is advanced (the expansion exceeds 15 cm), then surgical intervention is inevitable.

Diastasis test

To determine the presence of diastasis, you need to lie on your back on the floor, bend your knees and fix your feet on the floor. It is recommended to place one hand on the back of your head while free hand a line located on a conventional vertical from the navel to the chest is palpated.

The test is carried out under some tension, to create which it is enough to raise your shoulders and stretch in the direction of the pelvis. If diastasis is present, a roller-like protrusion of the abdomen will visually appear. Palpation allows you to determine the presence or absence of “dips,” sometimes “depressions,” the size of which determines the degree of the disease.

Taboo exercises for diastasis

There are a number of exercises that can lead to worsening of the pathology. This:

  • classic abdominal exercises: repeated sit-ups while lying on your back, “bicycle”;
  • various stretches and twists, including on a fitball or wall bars;
  • yoga poses “dog” or “snake”;
  • exercises aimed at inflating the abdomen;
  • swing your legs in a lying position or on the wall (“scissors”, pulling your legs towards your body).
  • lifting the pelvis in the supine position. When performing, the spine is tightly adjacent to the floor, the legs are bent, the support is on the feet and body;
  • in the “lying on your back” position, shins are bent and feet are fixed on the floor, raise one leg to 90%, hold for a couple of seconds and straighten;
  • lying on the floor, raise your straight legs slightly above the floor and pull first one leg and then the other to the body;
  • breathing exercise, which restores elasticity to the abdominal wall, consists of pulling the abdomen inward as you enter and relaxing as you exhale. This complex can be done lying down, standing or sitting, at any time. A more complicated task is that while inhaling while lying down, you need to use your finger to “press” the navel as much as possible towards the spine;
  • Kegel exercises (alternating tension/relaxation of the vaginal muscles).

Subtleties of treating diastasis

Diastasis will not disappear on its own; it is a disease that can progress and significantly complicate a woman’s life. Non-surgical, alternative treatment will only be effective if the patient gradually and regularly performs the recommended exercises. Initially, the cycle is aimed at muscle training pelvic floor(Kegel exercises), then they begin to strengthen the transverse muscle (navel retraction) and only then the main complex aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles.

According to statistics, every fourth woman develops diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles during pregnancy or after childbirth. This is an increase in the width of the white or midline line. The pathology tends to progress and may be complicated by the appearance of umbilical hernias. Corrections using physical therapy Only the first degree of the disease can be treated. The second and third already require surgery. Among the methods of surgical treatment of diastasis, the most popular are minimally invasive: obstructive, endoscopic hernioplasty, abdominoplasty, laparoscopy.

Diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles - when the distance between the “cubes” of the press increases

The midline (white, median) line or stripe of the abdomen runs vertically down the center of the abdominals. It is formed by the tissues of aponeuroses - tendon sheaths of muscles, which are intertwined with fibers in the middle of the abdomen from the pubis to the xiphoid process. This stripe, up to 2 cm wide, is called the white line because it is a different color from the muscle tissue. During pregnancy, hormones act on connective tissues, softening them to make it easier for a woman to give birth. And the increased volume of the uterus and the child in it have high blood pressure on the anterior wall of the peritoneum.

At the same time, the softened collagen fibers of the midline are stretched, the ligamentous tissue of the aponeuroses becomes thinner, the anterior muscles (or “cubes”) of the press seem to diverge (move apart) to the sides, and a gap is formed between them. During physical activity on the abdominal muscles, the white stripe protrudes, and when lying down, in a relaxed state, it sinks. This is diastasis.

The marker shows the length and width of the divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles

Depending on how widely the rectus muscles diverge, the disease is classified into degrees. The first, easiest degree is when the discrepancy between the “cubes” is within 70 mm, the second - when the width middle zone reaches 80–100 mm, and the third - when the white line becomes wider than 100 mm.

With the first degree of diastasis, the cosmetic defect can be eliminated by performing special exercises therapeutic exercises (it should be taken into account that with diastasis, stress on the abs is prohibited - you can’t pump them and you can’t lift your legs in a lying position either). In cases where the width of the middle stripe is more than 80–100 mm, only surgical methods of eliminating the pathology are recommended - others will no longer be effective.

Depending on the width of the divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles, three stages of the disease are distinguished

As a rule, postpartum diastasis becomes noticeable 2-3 months after delivery. The disease tends to progress. As the width of the middle band increases, the risk of complications increases. Therefore, under no circumstances should you be afraid of an operation to suturing diastasis if your doctor has prescribed it for you. Modern methods surgical correction of the disease differ high efficiency and a minimum of side effects.

Video: how to determine if you have diastasis

Methods of surgical treatment of postpartum diastasis

The purpose of surgical intervention for muscle separation, postpartum diastasis, is to strengthen the tissues of the midline and eliminate its stretching. The expected effect is both functional and cosmetic.

If the discrepancy is not too large, plastic surgery with local (muscle and collagen) tissues is possible, when the surgeon creates correct design from the fibers of the tissues of the peritoneum itself. But at the same time, the cosmetic effect is minimal, and the statistics of relapses are quite rich. Therefore, today doctors often prefer to use a mesh endoprosthesis to eliminate diastasis, which covers the entire stretch zone and which, in just a month and a half, grows with connective tissue and forms a single anatomical complex with it.

The endoprosthesis is made from synthetic materials, hypoallergenic, takes root well - cases of rejection are rare. The connective tissue structure with it is about 2 mm thick and quite durable, withstands decent loads without stretching or being damaged. The introduction of such a mesh into the abdominal wall is possible through large and small approaches (traditional incisions or using minimally invasive techniques).

Very often, simultaneously with the correction of diastasis, other operations are performed: on the abdominal organs or plastic, for example, to remove excess fat or sagging skin.

Traditional methods

Surgical intervention can be carried out in the traditional way - this is when a wide tissue incision is made (160–180 mm, from the navel to the sternum, along the entire length of the discrepancy) - the so-called public method. Or using endoscopic (laparoscopic) technology - a closed method - a low-traumatic procedure involving incisions up to 30–40 mm.

A regular seam is not as aesthetically pleasing as a cosmetic one.

Traditional suturing of diastasis is gradually fading into the background due to a number of disadvantages that are not present in newer minimally invasive techniques. But not all medical institutions have necessary equipment for endoscopic hernioplasty or laparoscopy.

Mostly low-traumatic operations are performed in large private clinics, and they are paid. In hospitals state system healthcare surgeons more often correct diastasis using traditional ways. In addition, in advanced cases, it is traditional intervention that can correct the situation, while minimally invasive methods for severe complicated diastasis may be ineffective.

Table: traditional methods of surgical treatment of diastasis

One of the methods for suturing diastasis with open access

Advantages of traditional methods:

  • effective in severe cases of diastasis;
  • operations are possible in almost every public hospital;
  • no special expensive equipment is required.
  • Among the disadvantages are:

  • severe pain after surgery;
  • long hospital stay (until removal of external sutures);
  • a large incision on the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity - from 150 mm to 200 mm - the operation does not provide the expected cosmetic effect;
  • long period of recovery and disability;
  • After surgery, lifting heavy objects (more than 10 kg) is prohibited;
  • you can’t play sports for 3 months;
  • there is a high risk of relapse of the disease, complications in the form of adhesions, etc.
  • Minimally invasive methods

    Almost all the disadvantages of traditional methods of suturing diastasis can be avoided if the operation is performed using one of the modern minimally invasive techniques. Therefore, to get rid of diastasis, clinics often offer patients endoscopic hernioplasty or laparoscopy.

    Endoscopic hernioplasty

    It is performed using special endoscopic equipment, under general anesthesia or regional (usually epidural) anesthesia. During the operation, the rectus muscles are pulled (left to right) to the required distance and sutured along the entire length of the discrepancy. Tension plasty with local tissues is effective for small widths of the white line (2 degrees of diastasis).

    The surgeon makes two incisions (horizontal):

  • in the “bikini” area (above the pubis) - about 40–50 mm long;
  • in the area of ​​the umbilical ring (or in the navel) - approximately 10–20 mm long.
  • Through the incisions, the doctor inserts an endoscope with a special video camera into the abdominal cavity. And with thin long instruments he performs all the necessary manipulations: mobilizes the anterior layers of muscles and sutures them. At the same time, he sees the image transmitted by the video camera on the monitor, which improves the quality and reduces the traumatic nature of the operation.

    Endoscopic hernioplasty can be performed both under general anesthesia and under local anesthesia, most often epidural

    In parallel with the correction of the discrepancy of the abs, liposuction can be performed - removal of excess fat on the abdomen, skin tightening, hernia repair (umbilical or linea alba), surgery on the peritoneal organs, if necessary. When the diastasis is sutured along its entire length, the incisions through which the intervention was performed are also stitched with an intradermal cosmetic suture. Drains are inserted into the edges of the seams. Immediately after the operation, it is recommended to put on compression garments (bandage) and wear them for a month.

    The procedure takes no more than 1.5–2 hours. After it, a long hospital stay is not required - after a day or two the patient goes home. The operation does not leave any noticeable marks - the scars after it are very small, appearance the abdomen does not spoil, adhesions usually do not develop in them.

    Obstructive hernioplasty

    If the diastasis is large, suturing is performed using an endoprosthesis. This operation is called obstructive hernioplasty.

    A modern endoprosthesis is a multilayer mesh, strong, reliable and at the same time elastic, highly extensible (does not interfere with muscle contraction and stretching during physical activity), made from high-tech synthetic, hypoallergenic and easily implantable materials. It closes the defect, strengthens the thin, stretched midline of the abdomen, and protects the sutures from separation.

    A durable mesh made of high-tech hypoallergenic materials serves as an endoprosthesis for diastasis hernioplasty.

    The use of an endoprosthesis for the treatment of diastasis is currently considered the most effective solution Problems with discrepancy of the rectus abdominis muscles. It is often sewn in using the endoscopic method.

    Among the advantages of obstructive hernioplasty:

  • the pain syndrome is mild, there is usually no need to take painkillers after surgery;
  • the implant takes root well and does not cause any discomfort;
  • the rehabilitation period is short: complete recovery occurs in no more than a month;
  • the risks of relapse are minimal;
  • the cosmetic effect is the best, and the seams are almost invisible.
  • Abdominoplasty

    During this plastic surgery, the surgeon not only removes excess skin and fatty tissue, but also sutures the diastasis along its entire length. After the intervention, the abdomen becomes flat and toned, and the waist is thin (as far as possible, based on the woman’s anthropometric data).

    Abdominoplasty is an operation that allows you to correct diastasis and at the same time remove excess fatty tissue or skin from the abdomen

    The decision on the possibility of such an operation is made after the patient has passed all the necessary examinations: blood and urine tests, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, precise definition degrees of diastasis and others (based on medical history). If necessary, you will need to obtain permission to intervene from highly specialized specialists.

    This is important! Smoking is prohibited two to three weeks before surgery and for three weeks after it.

    Abdominoplasty is usually performed under general anesthesia. The operation is performed using endoscopic equipment. Small access through two incisions - along the bikini line and in the umbilical area. The maximum cosmetic effect cannot be achieved by excision of the skin-fat “apron” alone, toned stomach- result of suturing diastasis. Therefore, abdominoplasty consists of two stages.

    During the operation:

  • First, excess skin and fat is excised;
  • then the muscle sheaths are stitched together - the normal state of the muscle corset of the anterior abdominal wall is restored;
  • cosmetic sutures are applied to the incision sites;
  • compression garments are put on.
  • After the intervention, you need to stay in the clinic for several days under the supervision of doctors. Then the recovery period can take place at home with mandatory regular examinations by the attending physician. The stitches are removed after two weeks, and compression garments should be worn for two months. After the same 8 weeks, you can slowly begin to integrate into your usual lifestyle - playing sports, leading sex life, lift weights (not very heavy, without fanaticism).

    With the help of abdominoplasty, the problem of discrepancy between the “cubes” of the press and the mummy-tummy (mother’s tummy) is solved forever, without the risk of relapse.

    The laparoscopic method of intervention is also minimally invasive. Through a small access (usually in the bikini area), inert gas is injected into the abdominal cavity to create a working space. Most often CO2. Under the control of a video camera, long instruments are used to perform tension plasty of the diastasis using local tissues (the rectus muscles are pulled in and fixed with sutures, excess connective tissue is excised, sutures are applied) or an endoprosthesis is sewn in.

    Laparoscopic surgery is performed using a video camera and long instruments, with minimal incisions.

    This technique is also called “blind” plication. It is often used to eliminate diastasis of the anterior muscles and umbilical hernia, as its complications.


    After suturing the diastasis using traditional methods(or they also say - open method, greater access) the recovery period lasts longer. Plus, adhesions in the suture area can become a problem during subsequent pregnancies. It will be necessary to remove the adhesions first, and plan conception only after a long time - from one to three years.

    With minimally invasive methods of intervention, no more than 1% of side effects are recorded. And some experts are confident that a six-month recovery after surgery is enough to allow you to become pregnant and give birth again. Other doctors advise their patients to wait about a year to fully gain strength, and only then think about conceiving. But there is one nuance here. If suturing of diastasis was performed without an endoprosthesis, after the subsequent birth, a repeat operation may be required to eliminate stretching of the collagen tissue of the midline.

    After suturing diastasis, doctors advise waiting at least a year before planning a new pregnancy.

    Should I have surgery: pros and cons

    After childbirth, the stretched anterior wall of the abdominal cavity returns to normal within several months - depending on individual characteristics, from three to six.

    Among the indications for surgical correction of diastasis in women who have given birth:

  • Stage 2 or 3 of the disease when the width of the divergence of the rectus muscles is more than 80–100 mm;
  • ineffectiveness of conservative therapy - physical therapy (physical therapy), massage, physiotherapy, etc.;
  • diastasis diagnosed more than a year ago.
  • This is important! Without surgical intervention, only first-degree diastasis can be corrected. In other cases, only surgery will help eliminate the pathology.

    Expected results from the intervention:

  • restoration of normal function of the muscular corset of the anterior abdominal wall;
  • elimination of protrusion of the midline;
  • returning the stomach to an attractive appearance.
  • Among the contraindications to surgical treatment of postpartum diastasis:

  • scars from previous operations (on the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity);
  • too much fat deposits on the anterior abdominal wall;
  • history of diabetes mellitus, heart and vascular diseases, etc.
  • It is not advisable to undergo surgery to suturing diastasis if you plan to lose a lot of weight. It's best to do it after you reach your ideal weight.

    Good day dear readers my sports and information blog sportivs, Alexander Bely is with you. Many girls have problems with excess weight, sagging belly, and they are very concerned about their health and aesthetic appearance. With excess weight, diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles often occurs, and today I want to talk about exercises that will help get rid of it.

    Basic Concepts

    So that you don’t have any questions, I would like to tell you what diastasis is and what it looks like.

    Diastasis is the deformation of the rectus abdominis muscles that occurs after childbirth and as a result of excess weight. separated relative to the central fascia of the abdomen (right and left parts).

    During pregnancy, the baby puts pressure on the front of the abdomen, which causes deformation of the abdominal muscles. When a child is pregnant, a specific hormone is released - relaxin, which makes the abdomen elastic. Mostly girls who are overweight before giving birth face a problem called diastasis.

    Is there any danger in this?

    For the most part, diastasis is just a problem of external aesthetics, but it is not. Sometimes it happens that diastasis is a big health problem that causes discomfort. If diastasis is not treated, then there is a possibility of various pain occurring in the abdominal area, this pain will eventually intensify after various types of stress.

    How to determine diastasis? Lying on your back, bend your knees. Place your fingers 4-5cm above the navel. It is necessary to keep your abs in a relaxed state and raise your head from the floor, if you feel deformation of the muscle fibers in the form of divergence, then you have diastasis, but do not be sad, then I will tell you about a set of exercises that will help get rid of this annoying problem. This problem is not observed in men.

    Therapeutic training

    During the treatment complex, it is necessary not to overdo it, as the situation can only get worse. It is strictly forbidden to use twisting, various deflections, or hanging leg raises as exercises. Most important factor when performing exercises is breathing. When you inhale, it is not recommended to inflate your stomach too much. If you have a second degree of diastasis, I recommend using therapeutic exercises, putting on a bandage.

    1. Cat. Starting position on all fours. It is necessary to arch your back, while pulling in your abdomen, but this should not be done abruptly. It is recommended to do 10-12 repetitions.

    2. Back arch. Starting position: lying on the floor, arms along the body. Place your feet parallel to each other and do butt lifts, it is important to raise them above shoulder level. Do 10-15 reps. Concentrate special attention on your breathing.

    3. The third exercise will be to draw in the abdomen, while simultaneously pressing the chin to the chest. Lying on your back, with your knees bent, you need to press your chin to your chest, while pulling in your stomach. Do 10-12 reps.

    4. Lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, lifted off the floor. Place your knees over your pelvis, then straighten one leg, sliding your heel along the floor. 10-12 repetitions on each leg. Squeeze your stomach in during the exercise.

    5. An exercise called compression. Place a towel under your lower back, grab it by the edges with your hands and cross it a little bent arms in front of you. Raise your head and shoulders off the floor, holding this position. Do 10-12 reps.

    • Warm up. Before every workout, no matter how hard, a warm-up is needed, especially for girls after childbirth. A thorough warm-up is the key to a successful workout, as it helps tone the ligaments and joints.
    • Correct breathing. It is important to breathe evenly with each repetition. If you have disturbed, uneven breathing, then this load is too difficult for you or you are doing something wrong.
    • Regular training. To get rid of this unpleasant problem you need to exercise regularly. 2-3 times a week for 10-15 minutes will help you improve your health.
    • Consult your doctor. Advice is, of course, good, but before starting exercises and self-treatment, it is better to seek high-quality advice from a professional - a doctor.
    • With diastasis there should be balanced diet. Avoid harmful products, such as chips, soda, fats. Eat more vegetables, salads, drink more water.

    I told you about what diastasis is, as a result of which it manifests itself, a therapeutic set of exercises, and also useful recommendations that will help you get rid of this unpleasant problem. There is also an informative video which I am sure will provide valuable insights for you. If you liked the article, click “tell your friends” in social networks. See you soon.