Tips from a clairvoyant for wealth. How to attract money and luck - advice from a psychic. How to combine business with pleasure? Powerful talisman

Human desires related to money have always been one of the most cherished. Especially now, during a period of constant financial cataclysms and terrible workload, I really want less effort and more money. Many specialists in the occult sciences argue that even in our time it is possible to attract untold wealth with the help of certain rituals, and it is necessary to follow not so complicated rules. What if it helps...

How to attract money into your life?

Firstly, if you wish attract money to your home, then what is needed is a huge, passionate, constructive desire for money. It is believed that only your energy that comes from thinking about money - very strong and positive energy - serves as a source of attraction cash. In addition, the dream must be textured and filled with meaning. Ideas like those from the movie “Old Man Hottabych”, like I want all the riches of the world and all the gold of the Earth, will not work. Specifics are required - I want a car of such and such brand, price, color, or I want to live in such a house, with such and such a swimming pool and a huge white dog like in the movie, etc. You must clearly imagine what your dream looks like, practically “feel” it.

To attract money to your home, do not think that your thoughts will materialize overnight and just after your imagination. Everything has its time. Remember also the periods when it is best (most effectively) to hold an event to receive the desired money - this is the period of the young moon, the period from nine to eleven in the evening. Psychic advice can sometimes help you get rich if you know

Attract money to your home with an egg

One of the common methods how to attract money using an egg and some other accessories. You should find seven small pebbles on the shore of a natural reservoir - river, lake, pond. Then stand with your back to the water and throw them over your right shoulder into the water, saying a special text: “Seven stones, seven misfortunes, seven failures will disappear from my life. The water will become a prison for them, and the silt at the bottom will become chains. So be it!”

Next, you should silently, without entering into conversations with anyone and without turning to the pond in the future, go home. Now it’s time for the eggs... Prepare three ten-ruble coins, one any paper bill, a full matchbox, a candle from the church and your photo and, of course, an egg. Three ten-ruble coins should be placed in a paper bill, place your photo on the left and place a candle on the right and light it with a match. Place the egg in your hand and think, think, think only about money and the dreams associated with it. Tense, long and leisurely. To directly attract finance, move the egg that is in your hand across the flame nine times and repeat your dream out loud and clearly. Then, with the same egg, run the same egg over the bill and your photo, located on the table, many, many times and at the same time also pronounce out loud the nuances of your new rich life, the more pedantic and meticulous, the better. There are rituals to attract money that are done during natural phenomena, for example like

AND last stage manipulation to attract money: go outside with the egg and grab the nail, finding male tree(oak, maple, etc.) - bury an egg under it and cover it with soil and a nail (basically, throw away the nail). At the same time, say the following text: “In my life there is prosperity, in my house there is happiness, in my soul there is peace. Amen".

It is believed that in about thirty days your financial situation will improve. But, before you start the event, prepare mentally and emotionally for the stress on your body. Remember that any occult ritual requires large number energy and can negatively affect the health of a completely unprepared beginner. Use this ritual to attract money, only in the most severe cases.

Psychics regularly give useful tips completely free. All of them are very effective, which is why we decided to collect the most effective of them in this article. Psychics will definitely give such advice positive result, will free the soul from sin and passions, cure diseases, drive away demons and give answers to desired questions.

Advice from psychics will help you find happiness, love and harmony. How to do this? Find out from our article

Most magicians and sorcerers are familiar with more high worlds, and know how to manage a person’s internal energy in order to attract financial flow, luck, happiness and love into life.

  1. Adhere to church fasts. During this period, such restrictions have a beneficial effect on the emotional human state, sins are forgiven, and addictions and passions are healed. Under no circumstances should you visit unfavorable establishments, such as bars and casinos. During Lent, such places are infested with demons, greedy for purified souls.
  2. Fatima Khadueva, a participant in the famous program “Battle of Psychics,” advises not to hold a grudge against your enemies. The rage accumulated inside destroys consciousness, and negative thoughts and emotions affect health and behavior. Experts are sure that when a person does harm to others, he harms himself, first of all. The ability to forgive, let go and forget is a great gift.

One of the most common troubles is the so-called “black streak,” when a person is simultaneously faced with a whole heap of problems: financial difficulties, illness, failures, etc., etc. If such troubles appear suddenly and threaten serious consequences, it is worth undergoing a magical diagnosis. Perhaps it is human envy that caused the damage, family curse and the intervention of dark forces in life. But you can deal with some problems yourself:

  1. To attract money, you can do a simple ritual. And ordinary cinnamon will help do this - an inexpensive spice that can be found in any supermarket. You need to sprinkle the spice on your wallet, and also rub it on your wrist every day, thereby attracting the flow of money in your direction. After just a week of regular rituals, money will freely begin to come to the owner.
  2. The second method takes longer, but in ten cases out of ten it gives positive effect- you can forget about lack of money, if not forever, then obviously for long term. It will require metal vessel medium size and always green. The first week after the full moon, you must gradually fill the jar with 55 coins, with a denomination of 50 kopecks or 5 rubles. After seven days, the vessel is sealed with wax. A person should take the vessel in his right hand and walk around the house (or apartment) clockwise, constantly saying “Ved Wayana mani gory!” It is important to constantly shake the jar so that the clink of coins can be heard. After walking around, you should close your eyes and imagine a whole hail of gold coins falling from the sky. This procedure must be repeated for at least three days in a row.

Does man have a destiny?

All psychics are sure that a person has a destiny and a great purpose, although some of their interpretations are slightly different. Some are against radical interventions in fate, and do not believe that it can be turned in a different direction, while others are constantly engaged in corrections human destinies, thereby helping to find happiness. But those who nevertheless decided to remake it must be aware of the extent to which important step they agreed, and what consequences this may entail.

Orbs in photographs

Almost all people have encountered defects in photographs at least once in their lives. Indeed, 70% of them can be safely attributed to problems with lighting, equipment, lenses and printing errors. But in the remaining 30% of the photo otherworldly entities appear. And they can be both good and bad. Only a qualified psychic can give an exact answer whether the orb is connected to an otherworldly entity, or whether there is a logical explanation for it.

How to win the lottery

Every person will be able to guess the winning combination in the lottery if he listens to the advice of psychics. The most popular advice from experts and people who received the coveted reward:

  • Before starting, follow a strict diet for 2-3 weeks;
  • You must buy tickets and place bets yourself - this increases the chances of success.
  • The most winning combinations are the date of birth, that is, the added numbers of the day, month and year.
  • Take a break after three subsequent successful victories.

Questions about marriage most often arise among women. Following the advice of Alexander Litvin, you can find the desired family happiness within a few months:

  • Clothing should be dominated by calm neutral shades of beige, yellow and champagne.
  • You need to give up pants and shorts. You should wear dresses and skirts even at home.
  • You need to bake at least once a week homemade bread. Its energy and smell attracts loving men.
  • You should only sleep on standard double beds. From folding sofas and it is recommended to refuse such furniture.
  • Bring the feminine principle into harmony - that is, gain confidence and love yourself.
  • When it comes to jewelry, you should give preference to shiny and bright jewelry, but you should forget about metal while searching for your chosen one.

What to do with an engagement ring after a divorce

Medium Maxim Gordeev, a finalist in two Ukrainian projects “Battle of Psychics,” answers the question of what to do with an engagement ring after a divorce. Wearing such jewelry is an ancient tradition. No matter how a person treats this symbol, it is foolish to deny that it is endowed with special, mystical power.

Thousands of people make the mistake of continuing to wear a ring even after divorce proceedings. Why? Such decoration is a vessel of energy binding. IN happy marriage it is like a connecting emotional link, but after parting it will bring nothing but suffering and heartache. So what to do with the ring? Storing it in the house is definitely a no-no, because it will preserve negative energy in the home.

The ideal option is to include wedding ring to a craftsman who will melt it into any other jewel. You should also not re-gift a ring (especially when it comes to the tradition of passing jewelry on from generation to generation). Metal absorbs energy better than other materials, and even if it is good, it can still leave a negative imprint on other people’s relationships.

How to find a job

Find high paying job every person dreams of something to his liking. Elena Smelova, a well-known participant in the “Battle of Psychics,” agreed to give valuable advice:

  1. Make a vision board or wish list. Thoughts clothed in a material shell truly have great power. Once you write down your expectations and dreams about your dream job on a piece of paper, you will soon receive a lucrative job offer.
  2. There is another magical method - conspiracy. You need to take a clean white handkerchief, place it on the pillow on which you sleep, sprinkle it with holy water three times, saying: “No matter what path I go, no matter what road I choose, I will meet joy everywhere. Luck is with me and I am with luck. So be it". Before an important interview, just wipe entrance handle the office door with this scarf, and it will definitely be successful.

There are five basic rules, following which life will definitely improve dramatically:

  • You should always wake up early and get ready without unnecessary fuss.
  • Plunge into activities and hobbies headlong, give them your soul and regularly devote time to your favorite pastime.
  • Learn to think positively. Every thought is material, therefore, when a person thinks about bad things, he attracts negativity into his life, and when his thoughts are occupied with good things, he surrounds himself with happiness, joy and love.
  • Feel free to get rid of everything unnecessary - garbage, unnecessary rubbish, as well as aggravating relationships and bad people. You always need to move forward, without looking back, and without reproaching yourself for mistakes from the past.
  • The last tip is regular visualization. It’s worth visualizing your dreams and desires every day, and then they will definitely come true.

How to increase your energy

By increasing your energy, you can achieve unusually good results at work, in your personal life (this is also reflected in sex) and in relationships with people around you and the world. To attract good luck and attention to yourself by improving your energy, you need to:

  • Do things you enjoy.
  • Do physical exercise.
  • Increase self-esteem.
  • Avoid meat and fish, as they carry the energy of death.

How to find happiness in your personal life

Rituals for improving the soul to gain mutual love does not exist. Here, all psychics agree that the soul must be cognized independently, and adhere to the following rules:

  • Monitor the appearance and order of the house.
  • To improve morally and mentally to offer the world more than just good looks.
  • Recognize and accept differences with the opposite sex.

How to find your path in life

Psychic Mehdi advises how to find your path in life:

  • Be aware of mistakes and try to avoid them. It's best to learn from other people's mistakes.
  • Preserve your inner self and not be influenced by the system, fashion and stereotypes.
  • Don't do plastic surgery. You need to love your body, and minor flaws can be adjusted proper nutrition and physical exercise.
  • Be versatile and constantly learn new things in order to be an erudite and interesting conversationalist.
  • Respect and adhere to principles.


Psychics give advice on all areas of life. With their help you can solve problems and find happiness. Follow their recommendations, and your life will definitely change!

One of the innovative trends in the world has become the fashion for turning to psychics or declaring oneself as one. Not every magician is able to prove his involvement in interaction with higher beings, and, therefore, not everyone you come to for advice can help you. Charlatans have ruined the entire aura of mystery and sublimity of magic, turning it into rituals using strange objects of unclear purpose. Fortune telling on the streets and in online chats can cost you more than one thousand, but you will not get any results.

Finding a real clairvoyant is quite problematic. Ordinary people do not understand anything about the secrets of magic, so they are easily deceived by extravagant appearance, a “powerful” look and a bunch of talismans. This article discusses ways to generate wealth through giving higher powers, and not methods on how to squander money faster. Therefore, all the rituals given below are carried out independently.

Perhaps magicians are trained using the same grimoires, but the advice that initiates give for attracting success is largely similar.

Of these, several fundamental ones can be distinguished:

Be positive

Money itself carries good energy, and in the spiritual sense the expression that bad attracts good does not work. Positivity does not mean an eternal mask with a smile, but joy and gratitude to everything at the subconscious level. This state strengthens a person’s spirit and helps him fight adversity, which leads to success.

Bring harmony within yourself

If you ask the higher powers for a million, then analyze, why do you need it? Expensive cars, yachts, clothes - all this is ordinary PR that does not bring moral satisfaction. You will simply waste money and will not be able to keep it or increase it. A person must live up to what he desires. If you want a new exclusive car, but you don’t even know how to drive... The Deities are not your help here.

Attracting money and luck with stones

It's always a good idea to enlist the help of the natural elements by wearing stones. You don’t need to buy them from famous psychics; you just need to find a mineral that you like on any coast or in a regular store. Gems They cope better with the task of summoning wealth.

At one time, a lot of requests for enrichment came to Lilia Khegai, who became famous thanks to one mystical television project. And, as advice, she suggested to those in need a good ritual that can be performed alone and with a minimum of tools.

You need: iron faith in the power of the ritual, a candle blessed by the priest, and a red thread made of yarn 20 centimeters long. Light a flame and begin to burn the thread, saying “As this yarn burns, so let all the adversities inside the house burn.” You need to repeat the plot 9 times until the thread has time to burn completely. The ashes are collected in the hand (they should not fall on the table or altar) and thrown out the open window. Determine the direction of the wind in advance so that the burned adversities do not return to you.

Ritual to attract money

There is an easier way. You need to take a candle, light it and at midnight on the full moon go around the whole house, driving out poverty from the most hidden corners. No other light sources should be lit, but the ritual should be carried out without fear and with confidence in speedy enrichment.

What numbers attract money? "Numerical extrasensory perception"

A person’s numerological code consists of one digit and is calculated by adding all the digits of the full date of birth.

If you were born in 1976 - April 1, then you need to count like this: 1+4+1+9+7+6=28, 8+2=10, 1+0=1. Your code is one.

  • “1” - calls for a successful career and financial wealth, regardless of the person’s field of activity;
  • “4” promises material benefits, but only to those who are ready to achieve stability;
  • “6” - increases existing savings and is considered the best in terms of money;
  • "8" - also lucky number, promoting prosperity, but a very persistent person with this code will be able to get finance;
  • “9” is the best number that can accompany a person and gives success in everything.

Those who have not found themselves here should not be sad - the advice and rituals given above and below will help you.

Your desires must be accompanied by actions, regardless of whether you have secured magical support or not. The wealth that you receive must be spent not only on yourself, but also to help those in need. Otherwise, greed and self-interest may be punished. Not physically, but that only makes it worse. Work tirelessly and use the usual methods of getting rich, and prayers can only confirm your intentions and speed up the process of increasing capital.

Rituals and conspiracies of the strongest psychics for money

Most effective ritual opened by Alexander Sheps. His abilities have already helped many, now you can use his knowledge too.

  1. Tools: 7 red candles, 22 coins of different denominations, table with black tablecloth.
  2. Venue: large room with the windows wide open, the lunar energy should penetrate inside you and your home.
  3. Process: candles are placed in random order and lit, coins are scattered on the table. You sit down at the table and place your hands on it, palms down. Take a deep breath and imagine the power of the moonstone filling your spirit. Concentrate on the money, visualize everything you will gain with it.
  4. Climax: During your meditation, one or more candles should go out, this will be a sign of the beginning of the intervention of forces.
  5. Completion: stand at open window with a candle in right hand and money in the left, cast a spell in any form asking for favor towards you and increased income.
  6. Bottom line: ritual coins cannot be spent - keep them at home and wealth will come soon.

Very often people come to psychics with the problem that there is no money, and they need to get it somehow. Experienced magicians know that money and the lack of it is a solvable problem, you just need to use a few amulets and change your thinking. It’s good if a psychic performs a ritual on you to attract money, but if you want to get rich without investing, then use our advice.

How to save equity? Today there are many tips and superstitions for attracting cash flow. During economic crisis It is extremely difficult to achieve financial stability. Thus, it is necessary for one's own sake financial independence sacrifice something. What psychics advise to attract money, you just have to follow a number of rules. There are many rituals to attract cash flows, achieve real results, decide how much you would like to make a profit. Not in the best possible way lack of money affects us. Consequently, many are starting to look for a way to attract and increase their finances.

Attracting money with amulets and talismans

A variety of talismans and amulets will not be difficult to acquire; almost every talisman can be charged with monetary energy. By making an amulet with your own hands, only then will it be charged with your energy.

Understand the rule for yourself: the money will not come on its own. Water does not flow under a lying stone. Talismans are used only to retain and increase income. After all, sitting on the sofa you won’t get money from talismans; in order for a talisman to earn money, you have to work hard. Money should be respected and not even the smallest thing should be neglected. Create a small storage space for your coins at home where they will feel comfortable. And place the bills in red envelopes, one for current expenses, the second for storage. Always carry one amulet banknote in your wallet, it can be a gift or with a number that at least slightly matches your date of birth.

Here is an example of one of the stones for attracting money, amethyst. According to many psychics, the stone not only opens an energy channel, attracting finance, but also helps in making the right decisions.

Bankers and financiers prefer the stone - chrysolite, it promotes intellectual feeling cash flows. Under no circumstances should you give it to anyone; it may break or be completely lost.

Amulets of success can be images of birds falcon, eagle, crane. Talisman ladybug is a strong harbinger of prosperity and success, a drawing or figurine will give patience, confidence and attract maximum luck. The elephant has always been associated with wisdom, intelligence, strength, and loyalty. Buy a small figurine of an elephant and place it in a prominent place, it will provide your life with enough money and longevity. A four-leaf clover flower should be carried in a wallet, in a small bag tied with green thread.

Amulets protect us from unplanned expenses or accidents.

How to increase your income?

We need to learn how to handle money. They should be kept in the wallet, neatly arranged by compartments and ascending notes. Once you receive your salary, don’t write off spending, the money needs to spend the night in your house, get used to it. For better attraction financial flow When buying a wallet, don’t hesitate, if you like it, buy it without hesitation. Never bring a found wallet into the house, no matter how expensive and beautiful it is. Don’t let your children and relatives raise money on the street, they could be talked into and thrown away. That kind of money will not bring happiness. Don’t write off the money that unexpectedly “fell” on you, spend it, and under no circumstances pay off debts with it. Money loves order, never put money in an old leaky wallet.

Some tips from psychics on attracting money

You can use rituals to attract money in any situation. As has been said more than once, it is your mental approach that decides a lot by changing your thinking. You must always imagine yourself as a rich person. Do not use the expression, no money, no opportunities. It’s better to say that you don’t want this now.

When taking a bath, imagine that you are bathing in gold coins.

Place a coin in your shoes, thus literally you will start walking around with money.

Don't waste your money buying cheap and unnecessary products.

Buy a high-quality, expensive item; such a purchase will bring you more moral satisfaction. Do not collect trash in the house, especially do not litter the corners, they should be light and clean, do not forget to put coins to attract finance.

Get a Crassula at home, or as people simply call the Money Tree, treat it like a family member, talk to it. Just do not pick dry leaves under any circumstances; when you drop them, money will come to you. Coins can be placed around flower pot, and 2-3 coins when digging into the ground.

The fear of lack of money lives in each of us, get rid of it. Be confident in your financial independence. Even if you don’t have a lot of money in your wallet, simply put, you manage your money, not they manage you.

You can both give and take money. Just follow some rules: lend only in the first half of the day, but debts must be repaid in the second half, before sunset. When lending, do not transfer money from hand to hand, place it on any surface. This rule also applies to purchases; you should not give money directly to the seller, put it on a special stand. Give money only in an envelope, so you close it when it leaks out of the house.

Psychics advise that for any money rituals you must have the desire. You must do your best to achieve your goal in order to attract monetary energy into our lives. When setting up, formulate your desires correctly, you must be affirmative: I have enough money.

You need to set a specific goal, for example, make a wish list, I will go on vacation to the sea in the summer, I will buy new boots, or I will buy new refrigerator. Write all your desires on a piece of paper, attach it in a visible place, and read them every day as if you were going shopping or already going on vacation. Don’t forget to burn the leaf when your wishes come true.

What you shouldn’t do with money so it doesn’t leave you

Never count the money in your wallet or piggy bank in the evening. It is also impossible to give to a beggar from hand to hand; put them in a container that is located next to him. Never place a woman's purse or purse on the floor. Don't hand over money over the threshold.

By listening to the advice of psychics on attracting money, you can save and increase your income. In addition to everything else, in order to attract money, there must be harmony, mutual understanding, and well-being in your home, because where there are quarrels, there can be no talk of wealth.

Dear readers, what advice can you give on raising money? Have you had any experience in performing a money ritual? Share your experience in the comments below the article.

Dear friends, I cannot answer all the questions you ask. There are certain topics that cannot be discussed publicly. I recently put up a post about my . Many people found this topic interesting, but even there I cannot tell everything in full. For me, this is not just a dream and visions. I am truly able to see and communicate with those we cannot see.

Today you asked a question about September 1 and 2 - good time to do a ritual to attract money. Of course, I'm not talking about rituals. I don't do this. But there are certain ways to attract wealth. Much depends on you - on your intentions, on your approach to this issue, how much you will put your soul into everything.
Today my employee Denis said that I am very good at cooking - tea, coffee, other dishes and asked: “What is the secret?” The secret is in love, in feelings. When I cook, I want to cook it in such a way that whoever drinks or eats it says: “How delicious!” This is very important, because if you really want to please a person, then you will succeed. And if you save, for example, on tea leaves or rush into preparing tea, the result will not be tasty, even if you have the most expensive tea. Do it from the heart and everything will be fine.

Tip 1. Show respect for money, including small coins.

About money. There are certain points that need to be observed. For example, respect even for small coins. You need to make towers from, for example, 1, 2, 5, etc. - ruble coins and replenish them day by day. You will see the towers grow and your subconscious mind will attract more money. How? You know, they say that a drop becomes a sea. Therefore, if you treat coins with respect, you will thereby attract wealth. This is the first way.

Second. There is a flower called " money tree" Many people buy it and think that they will have money. No. When you buy such a plant, it is important to care for it with all your heart - the larger and more beautiful this flower is, the more money you will have. But this applies not only to the money tree. This applies to almost all plants. When you put your soul and love into a flower, that flower will say “thank you.” Of course, if it is a money tree, you will get back several times more money. The subconscious and the suggestion of information are already at work here. Buy not only a money tree, but also other flowers for your home. They should all be healthy and beautiful.

There is another way to attract wealth. You need to think carefully about how much money you need to be happy - 5 thousand, 10 thousand, 100 thousand, a million, two, three... Write the amount and your name on paper, fold this piece of paper in four and put it under your pillow for 7 days. Over the course of a week, the leaf will absorb your energy. After a week, place this paper in water with a current, for example, a river. In exactly 3-4 weeks you will receive the first amount you need, but little by little.

The most important thing here is your intention. If you see that someone needs money, help. To do this, it is not necessary to give a lot of money - if possible. Be considerate of others. When you give, then you will get back several times more. Never be greedy, because sooner or later, we all leave this life, but money and wealth remain, we will not take all this with us.
But, unfortunately, our civilization is structured in such a way that you must, of course, have money, because if you don’t have it, then, accordingly, there will be problems. But, I’ll tell you honestly and with all my heart - a lot of money does not bring happiness. Let’s say that during a crisis, when the dollar exchange rate fluctuates, those who have a lot of money don’t sleep at night, they have problems, as they can lose large sums. Those who don’t have a lot of money don’t have such problems.
But, nevertheless, in order to provide for yourself, your family, to live well and beautifully, you need money, but not in bags. To live beautifully, you need, firstly, to have a loved one nearby. When a loved one is nearby, you can not eat foie gras and rejoice, but cook chicken liver and eat together. Unfortunately, many people no longer value such simple things; everyone strives for luxury and runs after branded expensive things. Many people think that expensive is good. Far from it. Everything that is good for the soul is good. Therefore, please learn to love and thank God for everything you have. Find harmony with yourself, then everything will be fine and you will feel the taste of happiness. Happiness is always nearby! This happiness is a child or a loved one, our health, happiness from what we have. Live and be happy! I always say: “We live a short life.” Don't forget about it!

Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa