Money circle of 5 elements. What do lucky numbers mean in Feng Shui? Feng Shui meaning of phone number

The entire Eastern theory of harmonization of space can be understood by knowing the basic principles by which it influences the world around us.

There are 5 elements of Feng Shui, which are basic and, based on their interaction with each other, harmony or, conversely, disharmony of space develops.

Let's look at the names of these components, the principles of their action and other nuances that are important for understanding Eastern teachings.

What are the elements of Feng Shui?

In the teachings of Feng Shui, there are five elements that are the basis of the entire universe. But they differ from the traditional names of the elements. These elements are: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water.


This element begins the cycle - it symbolizes the birth of a new life and personal growth. According to Eastern theory, a person with the energy of Wood always achieves his goal, although he does everything rather slowly and thoughtfully. He is very strong and endowed with excellent intuition.

The main color that corresponds to this element is green, but sometimes it is complemented by purple. It is this color that in many esoteric teachings is associated with vitality and the plant world. The shape corresponding to this element is rectangle, height, oblong.

The directions that correspond to the Tree are the east and southeast, the health and family/marriage sectors, respectively. It is in this part of the home that living plants and their images, various wood items, as well as rattan and bamboo furniture should be placed.


In the five elements of Feng Shui, Fire is considered the most powerful. It is responsible for expansion, transformation, ambition, passion, motivation and any active activity. A person under the protection of Fire is a very passionate, active and highly intellectual person.

The colors of this element are red, orange and all possible combinations thereof. In all esoteric teachings, Fire is associated with warmth, light, sincere and strong feelings, sunrises and sunsets. The shapes for this Feng Shui element are triangular and any with sharp ends or ornaments.

Under the auspices of Fire is always the southern part of space, which is responsible for self-realization and glory. In the fire zone, you should place various lighting elements (lamps, candles, fireplace), as well as corresponding images - landscapes with sunset or sunrise, figurines of the Phoenix bird and anything related to warmth and light.


The Earth element is always grounded, measured, a sense of soil under your feet, stability, support, reliability and a material basis. A person who is under the protection of Mother Earth absorbs new knowledge well, shows strength of spirit and has good health.

Earth colors are brown, yellow and their shades. In esotericism, constancy, fortitude and strong will are associated with the Earth. The shape corresponding to this element is a square.

The earth is the patron of three directions at once - the southwest, northeast and the center of space. She is responsible for marriage, patrons/teachers and health. Items that best activate the energy of the Earth are landscapes with beautiful landscapes, magic crystals, any natural, precious and semi-precious stones and products made from them, as well as ceramics.


Metal always signifies a person’s mental abilities, his intellect and thinking, as well as financial well-being and abundance. A person under the protection of Metal has high intelligence and business acumen.

This feng shui element is associated with three colors: white, silver and gold. In esoteric teachings, Metal is most often associated with wealth and jewelry. The shapes that correspond to metal are circle, dome and crescent.

There are two cardinal directions under the auspices of Metal - the west and the northwest. The West is responsible for procreation and creativity, and the North-West is responsible for travel and human patrons. The most suitable items to place in the Metal zone are the money tree, coins and symbols of financial well-being, as well as any metal products.


Water is vitality, liberation and renewal, human spirituality, contemplation and meditation. A person who is protected by this feng shui element is a creative person, full of harmony and wisdom.

The colors of the water are blue, cyan and blue-green colors. In esotericism, water is closely associated with meditation, spiritual self-knowledge and inner harmony. The shape of water elements is all kinds of waves and bends, reflecting the fluidity and mobility of the element.

Water is responsible for the northern direction - the wealth sector. In this area of ​​space you need to place mirrors, any objects related to water (aquariums, fountains, pools), as well as corresponding images and figures - seascapes, figurines of fish, dolphins, frogs.

Interaction of the five elements of feng shui

All five feng shui elements interact with each other according to a certain principle. All students of Eastern science need to remember that all elements follow one after another in a circle in a strictly defined order:

  1. Tree
  2. Fire
  3. Earth
  4. Metal

Elements that are located next to each other are “friends” and, therefore, know how to “strengthen” each other. So, for example, for Wood, Water and Fire will be friends, for Metal - Earth and Water, for Water - Wood and Metal, and so on.

Knowing this simple rule, you can independently place the right objects in space. So, for example, a living plant (Tree) will have an even more positive effect on the space if an aquarium (Water) or a candle (Fire) is placed next to it. And the influence of the sunset landscape (Fire) will be enhanced by a ceramic vase (Earth) and bamboo (Wood).

There is also the opposite rule - some elements conflict with each other. For example, the warring pairs are Fire-Water, Wood-Metal, Earth-Wood, Water-Earth, Metal-Fire. If these elements are nearby, then chaos is created in space, but at the same time, the opposite element can “neutralize” the excessive influence of any other.

So, for example, in a room completely decorated in red colors there will be too much Fire. To slightly soften its “influence”, you need to introduce a little water element into the interior, for example, hang a picture of a seascape on the wall.

The world is in harmony

All five elements of Feng Shui, according to the rules of Eastern teachings, must be balanced with each other - only then harmony will reign in space and human life. That is why in Feng Shui there is a division of space into sectors, where each is responsible for a specific element and does not mix with others.

If you look at the Bagua square, the friendly elements in it will be located in close proximity to each other, and the warring ones are at a distance: thus, at the same time, each object has its own place, while enhancing the properties of the other, but does not interfere with the others.

Understanding how the 5 elements of Feng Shui interact with each other, you can not only arrange your home according to all the rules, but also activate those zones whose energy you most need at the moment.

The Five Elements system, or elements, is one of the main foundations in the practice of Feng Shui. It is believed that the interaction of Yin-Yang allows Qi energy to exist in different forms. And they are called the five elements - Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water. All objects, natural phenomena, and even we ourselves consist of the Five Elements! If you delve into the essence of this theory, learn to understand and apply it, you can achieve amazing results.

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How to determine your element according to Feng Shui

If your birthday is after February 20, then look at the last digit of the year of your birth and see the designation in the table.

If your birthday is from January 1 to February 20, then look at the last digit of the previous year of your birth.

For example:

  • if you were born on May 27, 1986, then your element is fire;
  • if you were born on February 11, 1986, then your element is also fire;
  • if you were born on February 8, 1986, then your element is wood, since the Chinese New Year (in our year 1986) was celebrated on February 9 - it was 4684 in China.

Also, keep in mind that:

An even year is a Yang-type person, an odd year is a Yin-type person.

Yang type is an extrovert, prefers to live in a darkened, cool house,

Yin type is an introvert; he likes spacious, bright, warm houses.

Feng Shui elements and their influence on character

Element Fire

Item characteristics: represents summer, heat, fire. Gives light, happiness and warmth, but has destructive power, associated with explosions and fires. In a positive sense, this is sincerity and honesty; in a negative sense, it is aggression, war.

Associations: candles, sun, lamps, lamps, triangle, red color, image of fire and sun, artificial materials.

A man constantly needs adventure, the excitement of surprises and loves to take risks. A fairly demanding leader, loves active action, infects those around him with energy, as well as enthusiasm, and carries him along. They do not obey rules, do not tolerate restrictions, are inventive and have a great sense of humor. Needs constant intimate connections. She loves to play in relationships, which is something all women should take into account. However, he does not like obligations. He prefers not to solve problems, but to run away from them. This is a man of action, for whom the result is not as important as constant movement forward.

A woman repeats some of the features of men and brings to them a special note characteristic of the female sex. Shows activity, swiftness, inexhaustible energy, and can be impulsive. Men call such a woman fatal. She drives you crazy easily. But if she finds one and only love, she is faithful to the grave. Masculine manifestation in character is expressed in prudence, the desire to win in everything.

Element Water

Item characteristics: represents water in all forms and manifestations. It could be a pleasant rain or a tsunami. Reflects the inner “I” of a person, beauty and art. In a positive sense - compassionate support, nutrition in a broad sense, in a negative sense - fear, stress, anxiety.

Associations: streams, rivers, blue and black colors, glass and mirrors, pools, fountains, aquariums, images of water.

Man - they tend to desire feminine and beautiful representatives of the fair sex. Such womanizers are fickle and cunning. They have the gift of diplomacy and persuasion. They are able to listen carefully and are able to negotiate well. They perceive the world holistically in all its completeness and diversity. They are open to the feelings of other people, they may seem bright and charming, but they are unlikely to let you into the depths of their soul. They show flexibility in life, which greatly contributes to achieving their goals.

The woman has a capricious character, as well as cunning in her eyes. Easily charms and drives you crazy. She finds it difficult to convince others of her own fidelity. He has an amazing imagination and has a great sense of the world and people around him. Her unique communication abilities sometimes lead her to adventurous situations. However, she strives for consistency with all her lightness and airiness. Avoids conflicts.

Element Earth

Item characteristics: It reveals the nutrient medium from which seeds grow, all living things arise, are nurtured and everything returns to it. Supports other elements, gives them nutrition. In a positive sense - wisdom, sincerity, intuition, in a negative sense - empty worries, tense anticipation, nervousness.

Associations: brick, clay, terracotta, cement, stone, yellow square, orange and brown colors.

A man is a calm, balanced person who does not do hasty or adventurous things. He prefers thoroughness and thoughtfulness. A simple example: he will not chase a rabbit while hunting, but will smoke it out of a cozy hole. Prefers to enjoy life. You can rely on them, they are faithful, not prone to rashness, have enormous inner strength, and are stable in a critical situation. The uniqueness of the character is that even in the worst situation he will insist that everything is fine, will not give up and will see everything through to the end. As a person has adapted to the elements of the earth, so he will live.

A woman has high sensuality and a natural desire for harmony with the world around her. She is distinguished by femininity, charm, a sense of individuality, style, and image. However, he has a developed sense of possessiveness. Once she decides that it’s mine, she won’t be convinced. It is difficult for her to give her partner freedom in terms of relationships, hence a strong feeling of jealousy arises. Women of this element are not prone to risk, but can take it.

Element Metal

Item characteristics: represents strength and autumn, hardness, the ability to serve as a container for objects, conducts electricity. In a positive sense - communication, interesting ideas, justice, in a negative sense - danger, destruction, sadness. The metal is used to make jewelry and weapons.

Associations: with all metals, round shapes, metal objects, kitchen utensils, gray and white colors, watches, coins.

A man is capable of sacredly believing in his own rightness and convincing others of this. He is not just impudent, but confident in his own infallibility and uniqueness. He is distinguished by his ambition, which sometimes manifests itself in the form of ruthlessness. They often succeed in their life path. However, he is deprived of the ability to enjoy what he has achieved. This distinguishes it from other elements.

A woman - they say about such a woman that she is a “magnetic person.” It can charm and frighten because it shows feelings very strongly. He knows how to compete fiercely, but expresses anger sparingly because he does not know how to do it. Capable of conquering peak after peak, and not only in terms of relationships. She manages to do this in almost any business. The need to achieve perfection in everything is one of the main features of a woman of the Metal element.

Element Wood

Item characteristics: represents vegetation, spring, growth. In Yin form it is pliable and flexible; in Yang form it is hard and durable. In a positive sense it is used as a staff, in a negative sense it is used as a spear. It has the qualities of growth, fruiting, and versatility.

Associations: with plants, wooden furniture, paper, green, columns, room decoration, painting.

The man is very emotional. They strive to achieve universal love. In the world around them they are capable of social altruism, but only if the people they help share their views. They prefer to manage relationships rather than be managed. If something goes wrong, they quickly become cold about the situation and try to run away. Friendship and common ideals in relationships, friendly, social or love, are very important.

A woman - in general, we can say that there are three main characteristics: honesty, beauty and truthfulness. She knows how to be attractive and resourceful, has an independent spirit and a desire for freedom. Intimate relationships are easy for her, but she tries to remain silent about her needs and can only open up to those closest to her. Not an owner and does not like to be someone's property.

Feng Shui elements and color

In addition to the interior, colors in Feng Shui also include the person himself. Each of us has one or another color or set of colors. They not only help us live harmoniously, but also bring good luck, wealth, family well-being and prosperity into our lives.

When choosing colors, many are guided by intuition. You shouldn’t discard this factor if you can choose the combination that has a positive effect on your mood. It is possible that you intuitively chose the color that exactly matches your Feng Shui type. And each color has its own element. In Feng Shui, everything is interconnected. Knowing your element helps you choose your own style correctly.

If you have already decided which element you are, then you will be interested to know that:

Water people are harmoniously suited to: black, blue, light blue.

Earth – brown, yellow, beige.

Fire – red, orange.

Metal – gray, silver.

Trees – light green, green.

Feng Shui elements and money

Water. The most changeable and mysterious element. She is responsible for our thoughts, which are then transformed into actions. If you are used to considering money as something dirty, saying that it spoils people, then you are unlikely to get rich yourself. Think respectfully about money. Imagine that you already have the required amount. Start feeling like a white man. For example, sometimes take a taxi instead of the bus. Buy expensive perfume. etc. Try to live beyond your means at least sometimes for a day. And don’t torment yourself with thoughts about how much money you spent. What's done is done. Your purchases are your good mood. It’s not for nothing that they say money after money.

Earth. Motto - Favorite thing. The element of stability and confidence. Responsible for our past, future and present. Her possessions are the ways through which money flows into your life. Don't limit your luck with pessimism that you will never be lucky, lack connections, or get a good job. Optimism receives material support from life more often than those who block the cash flow with negative thoughts and words. Remember that doing what you love will bring big profits. Efforts invested with soul always return in the form of solid material rewards.

Fire. The motto is to spend. An uncontrollable active element, powerful energy. The wisdom of Fire consists in the ability to love ardently and passionately, and to spend money intuitively, under the influence of the momentary mood. Allow impulse shopping. If you constantly save, you slow down the flow of monetary energy, which does not like stagnation. Material energy must be constantly renewed. Remember, the money spent will be replaced by new ones. Love others and yourself! The energy of money and feelings are two components of one whole. When the heart is filled with love, mechanisms are activated that attract money into our lives. There is even a pattern: if there has been no sex in your life for a long time, then your financial status will not grow. And if you have a lot of debtors, this indicates that you refuse to accept someone’s love. If you often become a debtor yourself, it means you are not giving people the love you are capable of.

Metal. The motto is enough of everything and a lot. Symbolizes firmness, confidence, endurance, determination. Responsible for niches, immediate plans and long-term goals. If you can tie money to specific goals, its energy will begin to work for you and fuel your desires. You need to clearly see the goal and know specifically how much money you need for this. Sometimes people want to have a lot of money without specifying how much. For one person a lot is a thousand, for another a million. If you agree to a small amount, then that's what you'll get. Modesty is not appropriate here. Don't be afraid to raise the bar, want more, don't limit yourself. Plan your expenses. Life needs to be easier.

Tree. The motto is not to waste time on trifles. This is the element of order and strength. It helps us preserve capital. To attract money, fold it neatly, piece of paper to piece of paper. Money scattered around the house and stuffed into pockets is a sure sign of destroying your well-being. Keep large bills in your wallet. A pack of tens is an illusion of wealth. Accustom your mind to large bills. Ideally, have a large, irreplaceable bill with you.

Compatibility of elements in love and marriage

Fire+Fire Relationships

The two fires arouse in each other strength, optimism and energy, the desire for creativity and unusual solutions. The union here promises to be long and strong. Because the parties do not get bored with each other's company.

Representatives of this elemental sign are very optimistic and full of enthusiasm. Combinations of two people belonging to the element of fire. Together they can be very strong. They are able to bring to life the best features of the element of Fire, strengthening it on both sides.

A couple consisting of two Fire people will be together for quite a long time, since they do not get tired of each other. At the same time, they experience quite pleasant and even warm feelings for each other and, moreover, they can also be a spark for their partner if he begins to get tired of the relationship.

Fire+Earth Relationships

Here there is stimulation, stimulation of each other's potencies. The creative imagination of fire combines perfectly with the sensuality and intuition of earth; their unity strengthens the relationship of such people for a long time and in all possible manifestations.

This is a rather harmonious and at the same time beautiful combination. People who will be in such a relationship will simultaneously act as an exciting and stimulating phenomenon for their partner.

An interesting fact is that the imagination and enthusiasm of Fire can be very beautifully combined with the sensuality of people who belong to the elements of Earth. It is these two qualities that will be dominant in such a union of two people, which will complement the relationship and develop it in such a way that it is as harmonious and beautiful as possible.

Fire+Metal Relationships

Fire and metal are opposing elements, and fire suppresses – melts and destroys – metal. Metal tries to subjugate it to its will and impose its opinion on fire, which results in an acute conflict. However, the situation can be softened by the sense of humor inherent in both signs. To harmonize relations, a softening mediator is needed - the earth. Elements of earth must be present in the house.

As you know, fire melts metal. This can significantly complicate a couple's relationship. People who can be classified as the elements of metal will try to impose a personal opinion on their partner, which is fraught with a break in the relationship and simply unpleasant or even catastrophic consequences.

The fire will gradually destroy the metal, thereby provoking a fight within the couple, which may not have a very good effect on the relationship. But a positive feature is that people within such a couple will be able to normally evaluate the actions of other people from the point of view of expediency and will pass them all through the prism of healthy humor, which is inherent in both representatives of fire and representatives of metal.

Sometimes it is better to laugh at your partner’s actions than to take them with hostility and thereby strain the relationship within the couple.

If you are planning to build a fire-metal relationship, then we can only advise you to keep something at home that symbolizes the earth. This will help to significantly weaken the negative impact of fire on metal, as a result of which the relationship will become more harmonious and established, but it will still be quite difficult to call it ideal.

Fire+Water Relationships

This relationship is not the best, because water has the ability to extinguish fire. Nevertheless. She is able to bring creative power to the activity and enterprise of fire, which, in turn, also nourishes the forces of water. But, despite the natural tendency to communicate, people born under the signs of water and fire cannot understand each other’s feelings. To harmonize relationships, they should have something from the element of wood in their home. It will weaken the negative interaction between fire and water.

It is believed that this combination is not favorable, since water can extinguish fire. However, in addition to its destructive effect on fire, water can bring a creative moment and energy into its life. At the same time, the nature of fire, which is usually energetic and enterprising, can bring a healthy dose of inspiration into the life of water representatives.

Despite the fact that both water people and fire people are capable of constructive dialogue and communication, it will be very difficult for them to convey their point of view and their thoughts to each other. Moreover, it will be problematic for them to show their feelings in such a way that they are accepted by the second partner and correctly understood.

Such problems can be solved in the following way: you need to keep something in the house that should symbolize a tree. At the same time, it can effectively neutralize the negative effects of water. At the same time, the influence of the fire person in the house will increase.

Fire+Wood Relationships

Such a connection is considered good: the tree calms the overly impulsive and momentary fire, and the fire gives the tree the strength to carry out the most daring projects. Both are united by a love for everything new, interesting and unexplored.

This combination can be called harmonious enough to begin building long-term relationships. Wood people can give greater stability to impulsive representatives of Fire, and at the same time, the very energy of the latter can encourage their partner in such a pair to strive for greater achievements than those that he has already achieved or would have achieved alone.

A good role in such a pair is played by the fact that both fire and wood are optimists. They can quite accurately predict certain events, but fire and wood can also do this by looking at things sensibly!

Water+Water Relationships

A wonderful union where the parties deeply feel each other on an intuitive level, guess the needs and requirements of the partner. Inner affinity strengthens their determination and protects them from negative external influences and influences. Two waters find strength and confidence in each other.

Many people think that the relationship with water people is ideal. Both partners will feel complete unity and kinship, literally intuitively guessing what their partner wants. Each of them will easily understand what kind of help the other needs.

But keep in mind that such a union will be doomed to an exclusively honest and truthful relationship, because otherwise the partner who is being deceived will understand this very quickly.

But for those people who are not afraid of such little things, only one thing can be said: such a union will bring an excellent opportunity for both partners to become better and more self-confident, especially since such a relationship will not resemble the relationship of two people, but the actions of one organism.

Water+Wood Relationships

Here the partners help each other a lot. Therefore, such an alliance is favorable for both. Water nourishes the tree, gives it the energy to grow and bloom, and the tree brings water a sense of stability and clarity of purpose. Water softens, brings the ability to empathy and compassion, and promotes self-expression. The tree brings strength and stability to water, strengthens water that is prone to frequent mood changes. Their connection is built on the intuitive, subtle closeness of souls and minds, so over time their union only grows stronger.

This combination is considered to be quite successful. All this is possible due to the fact that water nourishes the tree, which helps it grow and bloom. The tree, in turn, will help the water become more stable and static, the tree will show the water a goal.

At the same time, water will give the tree the opportunity to express itself and begin to perceive the world around it a little more vividly. The tree will give strength to water, which is often prone to changes in its mood.

Both partners are very honest in such a relationship, and a kind of intuitive connection is formed between them, which helps them feel much closer to each other. Moreover, over time this connection only strengthens.

Tree+Tree Relationships

This is a creative union of two active natures. The tree loves variety, change, different activities. The two trees reinforce these inclinations in each other - each, in addition to their own hobbies and varied hobbies, also has common interests. However, they do not get tired of their partners, but on the contrary, they actually blossom. They are tolerant, inclined to give in and help each other.

It is believed that this combination is very harmonious and active. People who belong to the element of wood are prone to various types of activities and strive to take on everything.

At the moment when a relationship begins to be built between two people of this element, in addition to their own career, each of them has a lot of their own personal hobbies. At the same time, due to the abundance of their hobbies, they will definitely find common points of contact.

Some may think that such a union is very debilitating, but at the same time, both people of the wood element can not only not notice this, but also flourish. These people can be considered patient, trusting, willing to help each other and at least open to dialogue and requests.

Of course, these descriptions do not always correspond to the true inner world of a person, but every person can find in himself character traits and problems of other elements, not only those to which they belong.

Earth+Earth Relationships

Such an alliance is considered very good. Two earth sign people are caring towards each other and each tries to be on top in the eyes of their partner. At first glance, restrained, their feelings are actually deep and passionate. However, earth people are very stubborn and this can cause conflicts. But if mutual affection is strong enough. Then all these problems will easily fall aside.

This combination can be considered very good from the point of view that both partners will take care of each other in the best possible way. Sometimes from the outside it may seem that such relationships are a little boring, but in fact this impression arises solely due to the fact that the people of the earth strive to make them deeper and more passionate without making it public.

The only case in which a big problem can arise in such a relationship is the mutual stubbornness of both partners.

But if both representatives of the earth show a good and warm attitude towards their partner, they will receive a truly kind and harmonious relationship.

Also, such people sometimes tend to overstep their principles so that the partner receives a little more in the relationship than the first partner can give him. Thanks to such concessions, relationships can be built much better.

Earth+Metal Relationships

One of the best combinations. Here partners will find help, respect and support in each other, and will admire each other. Earth is slow, but metal is patient. At the same time, the earth supports the ambitions of metal, which helps it carry out its bold projects. He. In turn, it helps the earth to expand its horizons, to be bold and expressive.

At the same time, both partners will love each other with all their hearts and even admire each other. An additional factor is that the people of earth are quite slow and stable people, while the people of metal are patient, which is very good in such relationships.

And each of the partners will receive exactly what he needs, on the one hand, people of metal will be able to feel that they are doing something for their partner, and people of earth will receive care and understanding, as well as the patience of their partner.

In turn, the earth will be able to satisfy the financial ambitions of the metal, which is very important in a harmonious relationship, and the metal itself will show the representatives of the earth possible development options and more profitable and useful prospects for the couple.

Earth+Water Relationships

It will be difficult for such a couple, since both are overly sensitive and vulnerable. The earth is reliable and stable, but stubborn. The stubbornness of the earth affects the more vulnerable water. In a practical sense, the union of earth and water is quite effective. Water is a creative nature. And the land is practical, it shows common sense in everything. To soften the harsh moments, there must be metal in their home.

This is a rather complex union, because both parties can greatly hurt each other emotionally. The earth in such relationships will provide stability, which the representatives of water so lack. However, the stubbornness inherent in representatives of the Earth can cause very strong irritation to their sensitive partner.

But such relationships can be very high quality in terms of business relationships. The creative potential of water people can go very well with the common sense and practicality of earth people.

Feng Shui masters believe that such a combination should bring unprecedented success. If you want to build relationships between people belonging to such elements, you should put something symbolizing metal in their house to remove problems in relationships. This will help not only neutralize conflicts within the couple, but also prevent their occurrence.

Earth+Tree Relationships

Wood and earth have opposite qualities: the earth is conservative, the tree is progressive, mobile. At the same time, the tree dries up the earth. However, their union can become quite good if they try to support each other and not offend each other. To establish relationships in the home, you need the attributes of the element of fire.

It is believed that such a combination cannot be called favorable, because the tree dries up the earth. The earth is a very stable element, whose representatives tend to exhibit such character traits as caution and conservatism. The tree, on the contrary, is more progressive and sociable.

Such a couple has a chance for the future only if the partners strive not only to argue with each other and constantly prove that they are right, but also to help each other. You also cannot hide your feelings in such relationships, because it is the manifestation of emotions and feelings that should have a beneficial effect on the development of the relationship and both partners.

In order to neutralize some of the negative aspects of this combination, it is worth keeping a fire symbol at home. This will calm the tree and it will dry out the earth less, and it will also help the earth receive what it lacks, namely, some craving for useful changes.

Metal+Metal Relationships

Good relationships between identical signs are determined, first of all, by understanding. In this case, problems are possible, but everything can be solved for the sake of the common cause. Others may find their relationship cool. This is due to the natural individualism and independence of metal people. In fact, their relationships are usually deep and long-lasting.

This union can be considered quite successful from the point of view of the Feng Shui system. Both partners will get to know each other and understand each other through intuition. Like other couples, they will have their ups and downs, but they will always find the strength to support each other for the good of the couple.

Sometimes from the outside it may seem that their relationship is too close, which is often the case in reality, but you should not trust the first impression of such a couple, because their relationship is much deeper than it seems.

This impression is created due to the fact that metal people go their own way and do everything their own way. But at the same time, they can get along wonderfully with other people of the same elemental group.

They strive to impose themselves, because this happens almost by itself. Relationships in such couples develop warmly, they are very strong and at the same time they can last a very, very long time.

Metal+Water Relationships

These two elements help each other to cope in difficult situations, both have deep intuition and the ability to deeply understand and empathize. Metal teaches water not to fall under the influence of others, water helps metal to “float away” from the past and be less conservative, teaches it to express its feelings.

This union can also be considered very successful, because both sides support each other. Both partners will be guided by intuition, which is almost the most important way for them to know their partner; neither participant in such an alliance will ever get tired of the other, because their relationship can be perfectly supported by each other’s initiative.

Then, when one partner gets tired of taking the initiative, the second partner will be able to replace him. And the first partner will have time to rest and when the second one is exhausted, he can replace him.

Metal+Wood Relationship

The combination of these signs can lead to conflict. Because both strive to rule and make decisions. At the same time, a sociable tree will love company, while metal will prefer solitude. This will irritate each other. But the tree is more flexible. And, most likely, he will get used to the unsociability of metal. Metal will suffer from the high demands of wood. But if metal does not argue with its idealistic partner. They will succeed. For such a couple, the main thing is to be able to give in and compromise in time.

Such a couple may experience certain difficulties, because both partners will strive for power and supremacy. And each of them will insist on their own point of view. At the same time, wood people will strive for people, they will want communication, and metal people will feel great alone.

At the same time, the metal will wonder why the tree wants to leave its company, which is not right, because they just want to relax with friends and company.

Also, the reaction of tree people to a partner’s desire for privacy can be extremely negative, because they will be irritated by the desire of tree people to be secluded.

A positive feature of such relationships is that both partners are very responsible. If wood people accept the fact that metal sometimes needs to be alone, relationships will normalize, but at the same time, metal people also need to not only build relationships in a normal style, but make significant concessions for their partner.

In this case, the relationship will be just the kind that will suit both partners. But keep in mind that very often your character will need to be slightly changed in order for you and your partner to feel more comfortable in the relationship.

The fact that partners should not lose themselves with such changes in their character will play a rather important role. You need to remain yourself, but make concessions voluntarily and without any expectation of a response. This type of relationship is only possible on both sides.

Every year more and more admirers of Chinese philosophy appear. The art of Feng Shui attracts people with harmony and well-being, because if you restore balance in your home and workplace, then living and working will become much easier.

There are five elements in total that are the basis of Feng Shui - Wood, Earth, Metal, Water and Fire. They move in a circle, replacing each other like seasons.

Each element has its own characteristic and is a specific aspect of the eternal energy Qi.

Basic properties of elements

Each element has its own shape, color, direction, taste, body organ it affects, and season. The most powerful element is Fire, as it embodies the power of energy. It is characterized by a red-orange color with bright and rich shades. The energy of Fire is created by angular shapes, these can be rhombuses, pyramids, triangles. They spread energy very quickly in different directions. This element deals with transformation and expansion, symbolizing light.

The Earth element symbolizes support and earthiness, it has shades of brown, yellow, all muted tones that help slow down energy. Rectangular and square shapes allow this element to manifest itself fully. For example, if it is necessary to increase the energy of the Earth in a house, then the windows should be placed in the horizontal (ground) direction.

The element of Water symbolizes renewal and liberation and has black and dark blue colors that indicate personal wisdom. Since Water flows, it can take any form. Its movement is possible in the form of ripples or cascades, that is, the movement of energy flows down and to the sides. Water influences human spirituality and represents contemplation and meditation. This energy makes people creative, flexible, and peaceful, but its excess sometimes leads to indecisiveness, emotionality, and vulnerability.

The Wood element symbolizes personal growth, the birth of a new life. The cycle of 5 elements of Feng Shui begins with the Tree. Since the energy of the element moves vertically, it takes the shape of a column or cylinder. The color of the Tree is green, it symbolizes abundance, activity and growth. A person endowed with this energy does everything slowly, unhurriedly, carefully, but at the same time always achieves the goal. He is very strong and relies heavily on intuition.

The Metal element is responsible for mental abilities. Its colors are gray, white, silver, since they influence intelligence. The shape of Metal is a circle, its energy moves in a circle and comes out. This element often unites groups of people into communities and teams. Metal increases a person’s mental activity and stimulates thought processes.

Yin and Yang of all elements

Absolutely all elements have both Yang and Yin characteristics. If we talk about Wood, then healthy, young, green plants will be an example of Yang, while dried flowers, wood, etc. will act as Yin. A soft and pliable metal, for example, silver, is Yin, but a hard and complex metal (steel) is Yang. In Water, Yin is represented by wavy curtains, paintings with ponds, and Yang is represented by fountains and aquariums. Very often, Fire is associated with Yang energy, but this is not entirely true, because soft candle lighting and incense are more related to Yin.

The flow of Qi energy symbolizes transformation and expansion, it passes through all five elements, thereby creating Yin and Yang. As a result of establishing balance, Qi flows freely in the environment, bringing people in this house or place peace, tranquility, and a break from worries and troubles. The art of Feng Shui involves using the elements to achieve balance and free movement of Qi. To achieve harmony and well-being, it is not enough to simply collect and place all the elements in the house; you need to carefully study their cyclicity so as not to accidentally harm yourself. There are destructive and constructive cycles in nature; their competent interaction creates balance.

Basic cycles, their impact on people

go in a circle one after another in the following order: Wood-Fire-Earth-Metal-Water. To enhance the impact of any element, you need to place it near a friendly element. Wood gets along well with Fire and Water, Fire with Wood and Earth, Water with Wood and Metal, Earth with Metal and Fire, and Metal, respectively, with Water and Earth.

At the same time, Feng Shui can have a destructive or oppressive effect. If there is an excess of some element, then its influence can be reduced with the help of a hostile element. Fire can be extinguished with Water, a Tree can be cut down with Metal, Earth can be depleted with Wood, Water can be absorbed with Earth, and Metal can be frightened with Fire. That is why you cannot use all five elements at once, they will create chaos, oppress each other, and will not bring any benefit.

Feng Shui brings great benefits, because if there is an excess of some energy, then it can be pacified with the help of another. There is a deficiency of a certain element, which means it can be replenished with another element. All five elements are responsible for a specific organ of the body, so they are actively used in Chinese medicine. Fire is associated with the heart, Water with the kidneys, Metal with the lungs, Earth with the spleen, Wood with the liver. From this we can conclude that the kidneys are sensitive to cold, the heart to warmth, the lungs to dryness, the spleen to moisture, and the liver to wind.

Finding balance, peace of mind

When all five elements of Feng Shui are correctly activated, peace and tranquility will reign around. Chinese philosophy involves the pursuit of balance. Feng Shui can increase the personal Qi energy of each person. To do this, you just need to surround yourself with things that enhance or suppress certain elements. For example, if a person is too impulsive and starts at half a turn, then he has an excess of Fire. Water will help you calm down and improve the state of your nervous system; for this you can build a fountain in the yard or put an aquarium in your office.

According to Feng Shui, you cannot surround yourself with just one element. There is a lot of Earth around - a person will not be able to take risks, fully enjoy life, an excess of Fire - there is a risk of constantly quarreling with people around him. Feng Shui teaches you to find balance and maintain order. Chaos prevents the free passage of the flow of Qi, so all things must have their place, they cannot be scattered anywhere. It is also undesirable to use five elements at the same time, because it creates the effect of confusion.

But it is necessary to remember that Feng Shui first of all indicates the need to put mental harmony in order, and then pay attention to the physical aspect. You can furnish your apartment as much as you like with various figurines and bamboo sticks, but they will not help you find balance, because there is no peace of mind.

According to Feng Shui, a person must completely free his mind from worries, because they block the energy flow of Qi. You need to do good, be friendly, try not to get nervous over trifles, and then the positive Qi energy will heal not only the body, but also the soul.

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According to the principles of Feng Shui, a very important task for every person is to build their own life in such a way that it balances two principles - Yin and Yang. Yin is the feminine component of the Universe. Phenomena, things, objects that have such energy are distinguished by silence and calm. Yin is the energy of shadow, darkness, night. It is always directed north. In contrast, Yang - the male component of the universe - is always something loud, colorful, bright, mobile, swift; this is the energy of light, of day.

Yin and Yang are unthinkable without each other. Together, representing a single cycle, they form our Universe. Everything that exists in this world, both created by nature itself and man-made, strives to ensure that these two principles are present in a harmonious combination. In a sense, the purpose of our existence is the striving for balance in our nature, Yin and Yang. With an excess of Yin, people become too quiet, calm, and slow. They are not eager to do something, run somewhere, strive for something. It is difficult for such a person to gain authority in the eyes of others and to defend his rights. An excess of Yang manifests itself through hypertrophied activity, constant busyness and fussiness.

How to achieve balance of Yin and Yang in life?

To make a person’s character harmonious, the art of combining the five main elements of Feng Shui comes to the rescue. Varying amounts of these fundamental components make up everything that exists in our Universe and influence everything that happens in it. The task of a feng shui specialist is to ensure that the five elements form a stable balance.

These five elements of the universe are nothing more than the five energy phases through which the life force Qi is able to pass. The tree symbolizes the rapid beginning, Fire - the peak, the pinnacle of development. The stabilization phase is Earth, the decline phase is Metal. And finally, the fifth phase is Water, indicating potential.

The above elements form creative and destructive, destructive cycles. The creative cycle is built as follows: Fire generates Earth, Earth generates Metal. Thanks to Metal, Water is born; Water, in turn, gives birth to Wood, and Wood produces Fire - and the chain is closed. During the destructive cycle, Metal melts due to the influence of Fire, Metal cuts Wood, Wood is capable of lifting Earth, Earth pollutes Water, Water extinguishes Fire.

To understand the essence of each of the five fundamental elements of feng shui, you should study their properties.

Properties of the Five Elements in Feng Shui


A tree is an identification, a symbol of the birth of a new life. Just as with the advent of spring everything in nature begins to come to life, it is from the Tree that the cycle of five elements begins. If you think about it, the birth of trees, the process of their transformation from a tiny seed into mighty plants with powerful roots and a lush crown, is a unique phenomenon. Sprouts striving from darkness towards light break the asphalt, the roots of a growing tree conquer the stone of the walls. It is not surprising that the Tree personifies everything that slowly, slowly, carefully, but at the same time confidently and irresistibly strives towards its goal and achieves it. At the same time, the Tree symbolizes inner knowledge and intuition. A person endowed with this energy is strong, but his power is flexible, obeying the prompts of his inner voice. It is believed that living plants can best symbolize a Tree. So, for example, with the help of bamboo sticks we can attract positive energy and good luck into our lives. To activate the energy of the Tree in your home, use any green objects.


It is Fire that among all five elements contains the largest amount of Yang energy. People have always treated this natural element with great respect and fear. Even before Feng Shui masters appeared, there was a narrow circle of “specialists” who were called the creators of fire. They were feared because it was believed that, being out of sorts, they could afford to burn down an entire forest. But when the creators of fire were in a good mood, they prepared excellent food with the help of the elements under their control. The energy of Fire is characterized by assertiveness, power, and the desire for superiority and dominance. In Feng Shui, the amount of this energy is usually regulated with red color or a candle. If there is a deficiency of Fire in the room, the situation can be corrected using a table lamp with a red shade or arranging red evening lighting. The habitats of Fire are fireplaces, pyramids, needles, images of sunrise and sunset, interior items made from wool, feathers, and leather. Children are considered the carriers of this type of energy - these nimble, active, restless, omnipresent creatures, as well as animals and birds. Excess Fire has a bad effect on a person. He is able, on the one hand, to turn him into a self-confident self-lover, and on the other, to lead him to nervous exhaustion, because such people are always in a hurry, trying to redo a lot of things, do not have time and can lose control over the situation.


The earth is man's habitat, the basis of his life. It is not for nothing that the expressions “have solid ground under your feet”, “stand firmly on the ground” arose, because it was here, on our vast, all-encompassing Mother Earth, that our ancestors lived, we live and our descendants will live. Earth energy is often used to make the relationship between man and his environment more harmonious. For these purposes, it is very good to place beautiful clay statues in your yard and decorate areas with large granite boulders. You can also get rid of the Earth’s energy deficit or increase its influence on fate with the help of sealed terracotta tanks filled with earth. Our position in this world will be more confident and stable the more Earth we have in our lives. This energy “lives” in stones and stone products, ceramic, porcelain, crystal objects, globes and landscapes. If there is too much Earth, then people become limited, narrow-minded creatures, victims of their own stubbornness. In this case, well-being and prosperity may disappear from their lives.


The Metal element is inherent in all forms of the planet; gold, silver, bronze, copper - the list of representatives of this element can be continued for a very long time. Metal objects surround modern people in such quantities that they have largely lost their value in their eyes. But in fact, the importance of this element is quite comparable to the importance of fire in the life of our primitive ancestors. Thanks to Metal, thought processes are stimulated, a person becomes more active mentally. It is quite simple to increase the amount of such useful energy in your home by acquiring metal candlesticks, clocks, figurines, photo frames or other metal objects. However, it is important not to overdo it here. Remember the rule: the more symbolic things appear in your scrap, the less favorable energy they attract into your life.


Water is another element endowed, in the minds of the Chinese, with magical powers. When humanity had not yet invented mirrors, only in the surface of the water could one see one’s own reflection. It was the world ocean that once became the cradle in which life originated. In Water, this element of black, sometimes dark blue, there is always some kind of mystery, a riddle. It is not surprising that it personifies meditation, contemplation, and human spirituality. As more Water energy and its symbolism appear in a person’s home, he becomes more sensual, peaceful, creative, and flexible. A glass vessel with water (certainly fresh), a bowl with pebbles made of glass or other transparent materials, some kind of black object - all this helps to fill the house with life-giving Water. At the same time, its excess can make people indecisive, very vulnerable and emotional.

Nature is designed in such a way that all five elements are balanced. However, the development of civilization, the separation of man from his roots, the construction and arrangement of homes without regard to the laws of harmonization of space have led to the fact that this balance is disturbed in our houses and apartments. However, in any room all elements should be represented. The absence of at least one of the five elements in one of the rooms leads to an imbalance occurring throughout the entire home, depriving a person of the opportunity to live in harmony with the world and himself.

5 elements of feng shui(Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water) constantly interact with each other. In a certain sequence they generate and destroy each other. Thanks to the movement of these five primary elements, the interaction of Yin and Yang energies occurs.

These 5 Feng Shui elements are the energetic phases through which Qi energy passes. The tree is a symbol of a swift beginning; Fire is the peak, the pinnacle of development; Earth - stability; Metal - decline; Water represents potential. They form creative and destructive cycles.

Generation cycle 5 elements of feng shui looks like this: Fire generates Earth, Earth creates Metal, thanks to Metal Water appears, Wood feeds on Water, and Tree ignites Fire, thus closing the cycle.

Cycle of destruction: A tree destroys the Earth with its roots, the Earth absorbs Water, Fire is extinguished by Water, Metal is melted by Fire, which, in turn, cuts down the Tree.

In varying quantities, these fundamental components of feng shui create everything that exists in the universe and influence everything that happens in it. Taking into account their characteristics, it is possible to influence the energy of space, creating an environment favorable to humans. The task of feng shui specialists is match these 5 elements so that they form a stable equilibrium.

In order to understand the essence of each of these 5 feng shui elements, you should analyze the properties and characteristics of each of them.


It is with this that the cycle of the five elements begins in Feng Shui; it is a symbol of the birth of new life, just as nature comes to life with the advent of spring. The birth of a tree can be called a unique process. From a small seed, thin, delicate sprouts appear that strive for light, breaking through asphalt and stones, and over time become powerful plants with a lush crown and powerful roots. Therefore, in Feng Shui this plant symbolizes intuition, inner knowledge and everything that slowly but surely, overcoming all obstacles, strives for its goal, certainly achieving it.

A person endowed with such energy is very strong, and his strength is flexible, sensitive to the promptings of his inner voice.

Trees are best symbolized in Feng Shui live plants. For example, with the help of bamboo sticks you can attract good luck and positive energy into your life. To activate this energy in a room, use any green objects.


Of all the 5 elements of Feng Shui, it contains the largest amount of Yang. This element has always inspired fear and respect in people. His energy is superiority, power, assertiveness, dominance.

Animals, birds and children are considered carriers - active, omnipresent and restless creatures. Excess, according to Feng Shui, negatively affects a person, turning him into a self-confident self-lover. Moreover, it can even lead to nervous exhaustion, because such people constantly strive to redo a lot of things, are always in a hurry, do not have time and sometimes lose control over the situation.

Quantity is adjustable candle or red light. If there is a deficiency, the situation can be corrected by arranging red evening lighting or a table lamp with a red shade. It lives in pyramids, fireplaces, in images of sunrise and sunset, as well as in interior items made from feathers, wool, and leather.


The next of the 5 elements of feng shui is the basis of human life, his habitat. We live on earth, our descendants lived on it, and our ancestors will live on it.

An excess leads to the fact that a person becomes a victim of his own stubbornness, a narrow-minded, limited creature. And then prosperity can leave his life.

Using the Earth in Feng Shui, you can make the relationship between man and the environment more harmonious. The more of it in our lives, the more stable and confident our position will be. For this purpose, you can decorate the yard with large granite boulders or beautiful clay statues. You can also enhance the influence with the help of sealed terracotta tanks filled with earth. The habitat is globes and landscapes, stones and stone, porcelain, ceramic, crystal products.


Metal objects surround modern man in huge quantities. As a result, unfortunately, they have largely lost value in his eyes. And in vain, because the importance of this element can be compared with the importance of fire in the life of primitive man.

The energy of the following of the 5 elements of Feng Shui helps stimulate thought processes, making a person mentally more active.

It’s quite easy to increase the amount of this energy in your home - you just need to get metal objects: clocks, candlesticks, photo frames or any metal figurines. However, it is important to remember that the more symbolic things are, the less favorable energy they will attract into your life. Therefore, it is very important not to overdo it.


The last of the 5 elements of feng shui. In the minds of the Chinese, it is also endowed with magical powers. It was in it that life once originated. When there were no mirrors yet, only in it could you see your own reflection. There is always some kind of secret, riddle in water. Therefore, it is not surprising that it personifies spirituality, contemplation, and meditation.

Penetrating into a person’s home, Water makes him more creative, flexible, and sensual. At the same time, excesses make a person very emotional, indecisive, and vulnerable.

Attracted by glass fresh water containers, a bowl with glass or other transparent materials pebbles, some kind black object.

In nature, all 5 elements are balanced, but the development of humanity, its separation from its roots, has led to the fact that people have ceased to properly equip their homes. Therefore, in our apartments in the vast majority of cases this balance is disturbed. And, nevertheless, all the elements must be present in any house. If at least one of the rooms does not have one of them, this will cause an imbalance, which will become an obstacle to a person’s path to harmony with the world and himself.

The Orthodox Church is categorically against Feng Shui!