Calculation of laying tiles in the bathroom. How to calculate the amount of bathroom tiles yourself. Additional elements on which the tile is laid

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Production repair work begin with right choice technology and the acquisition of appropriate materials. Ceramic tile flooring is no exception.

High-quality tiles in our time have ceased to be a scarce finishing material, and floor cladding is not done so often in order to purchase ceramics for future use in large quantities. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the tiles on the floor correctly, taking into account the specifics of the technology and the possibility of spot repairing the flooring.

Correct is the calculation of flow with a minimum error, and - only in the big direction. This will save money and save you from an unpleasant surprise when there is not enough material, and you need to at least buy more.

With seeming simplicity, the calculation of the need for ceramics must be made taking into account many factors that affect the consumption of tiles:

  • the size and configuration of the room;
  • type of flooring (straight, offset, diagonal);
  • tile format.

The length and width of the room is measured with a tape measure.

Determination of tile consumption in square meters

Monotonous flooring with ceramic tiles in the form of straight laying, diagonal laying or offset cladding is a common technology. The calculation of the need for tiles in this situation begins with measuring the floor with a tape measure and calculating its area by multiplying the length in meters by the width.

6.3m x 3.1m = 19.53 sq.m.

To calculate in square meters the number of tiles required to finish this area, add 10% to the resulting value and round the result up, taking into account trimming of products during the sticker process and possible damage to the material.

Floor tile packaging

19, 53 sq.m. x 1, 1 = 21, 483 sq. m. We round up and get 22 square meters. tiles.

The packaging with ceramics indicates how many square meters of material are contained in a box of tiles, for example, 1.1 square meters. Dividing our received consumption value by this value, we get how many packs are required:

22: 1, 1 = 20 packs - the final result of the calculation of the need for tiles. If the value is fractional, then the number of packages must be rounded up to integer units.

Counting when laying diagonally

A diagonal tile sticker allows you to hide the defects in the geometry of the room, which justifies a slightly higher consumption of ceramics when using this type of flooring.

When laying tiles diagonally, 15% must be added to the floor area, since fitting ceramics when fastening in this way generates more substandard waste, and also rounds the result up.

19, 53 sq.m. x 1, 15 = 22, 46 sq. m.

After rounding, we get 23 square meters. facing material, divide by the quadrature of the ceramics in the box and get the amount of tiles, expressed in packs:

23 sq.m. : 1.1 sq.m. = 20.9 packs. We round up and get how many tiles you need to purchase - 21 boxes.

If the room has a different shape (trapezoid, polygon, oval, circle), then the area of ​​​​these figures is determined using the corresponding mathematical formulas, or the floor is divided into simple geometric components (rectangles, triangles), the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich must be calculated separately and summarized, and then, given the type of flooring, apply a multiplying factor of 1.1 or 1.15.

When laying tiles diagonally, the calculation is carried out in the same order as with the usual

Piece method for determining flow

Such a calculation of the need for material gives a smaller error and is mainly used when using expensive finishing materials by direct laying or when drawing up on the floor. art panel. When laying ceramics diagonally, this counting method is not applicable.

Let's consider the calculation on a specific example.

Room dimensions: 6.3 m x 3.1 m.

Product dimensions: 0.25 m x 0.20 m.

At direct way laying ceramics across the room in the value of its length will fit the following number of sheets of ceramics:

6.3m: 0.2m=31.5 pieces. Round up and get 32 ​​pieces.

The size of the width of the room will fit:

3.1m: 0.25m=12.4 pieces. After rounding, we get 13 pieces.

We multiply these values ​​and get:

416: 10 = 41, 6 packs. Round up and get 42 packs of tiles.

Experts say that piece-by-piece calculation of tiles is more accurate.

Combined demand calculation

In this case, a map-sketch of the floor finish is drawn up, measurements are made of individual sections of the base and the format of the corresponding tile.

First, using the piece by piece method, the amount of ceramics involved in the composition of the panel or ornament in the center of the room is calculated, and then in square meters or piece by piece, you need to calculate how many sheets will be required to design background sections with monotonous cladding, taking into account the difference in waste between direct laying and laying along diagonals.


Using these recommendations, you can minimize the likelihood of an error in calculating the need for ceramics and save not only on the minimum amount of remaining material, but also on the absence of the need for additional trips to purchase tiles in case of a shortage.

Repairing a bathroom, and indeed any room, is always a troublesome, costly, time-consuming task. For this, it is necessary to prepare a large number of all kinds of tools, materials, pick them up in accordance with certain requirements. In addition, you need to take into account the design of the apartment so that the space being equipped does not fall out of the general idea, unless, of course, this was originally planned.

In order to spend Finishing work needs to be calculated the exact amount required materials. Moreover, you should buy the entire norm of products and even with a margin, since another batch of products is likely to differ in tone or texture, which is very ugly.

Under the finish in the bathroom choose tiles. She possesses various forms, sizes, colors, suitable for floor and wall laying. The number of products that will be needed will depend on these parameters. So, how to calculate how many tiles you need?

Tile selection

Before counting required amount products need to be defined with their characteristics. The bathroom is different from the rest increased level humidity, which makes the requirements for finishing materials quite high.

When purchasing a tile, you should take into account its properties, which it should have especially for flooring:

  • abrasion resistance;
  • high strength;
  • resistance to temperature extremes;
  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to household chemicals;
  • resistance to abrasive agents.

First step

Before you start calculating the number of bathroom tiles, it is best to carefully measure the room by recording the data obtained. This will help the usual tape measure or rangefinder, which are available in every store.

The measurement takes place in two planes: the height and width of the walls. If they have the correct shape, then it is enough to take 2-3 measurements. In the event that there are protrusions or depressions, then they should be measured separately.

In addition, you need to know the exact proportions of the door and, if any, window openings. This will allow you to more accurately calculate the required material. Experts even recommend drawing up a plan of the room, where the position of the plumbing, the total area, the parameters of the wall and floor are noted. As a result, this approach will give a more complete picture of what is happening and help to make accurate calculations.

Worth remembering! If the walls in the bathroom seem even, then this is not always true. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out several control measurements in order to avoid errors in the calculations.

We determine the amount of material. Method #1

The first indicators are achieved by multiplying the length by the width and are removed from the floor area. By analogy, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone tile product is calculated, and the data obtained are rounded up.

Having received two approximate numbers, we divide the floor area by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bceramics, and the resulting value is rounded up to a larger integer. Thus, we have a certain number to which we need to add 5%, i.e. multiply by 1.05, and the result is rounded up.

For clarity, it is necessary to calculate on an example, where we take the average statistical data. The initial ceiling is 2.70 m, the walls are 1.9 and 2.0 m, the door width is 0.7 m. If the conditional dimensions of the floor tiles are 35 by 35 cm, then the calculation will be as follows:

  • 1.9*2.0=3.8 m2;
  • 0.35*0.35=0.1225 m2;
  • 3.8 m2 / 0.1225 m2 = 31 pcs.;
  • 31 * 1.05 \u003d 32.55, which means you need about 33 tiles.

Method #2

Counting the number ceramic products, which will be laid on the floor, is carried out due to the length and width. To do this, you need to divide each of these floor parameters by a similar tile value. The data obtained are multiplied, after which we round them up and add 5% again. Here is an example calculation:

  1. 1.9/0.35=5.42 pieces;
  2. 2.0/0.35=5.71 pieces;
  3. 5.42*5.71=30.96 pieces;
  4. 31*1.05=32.55, i.e. you need about 33 tiles.

Bathroom tile plan

Need to know! Usually managers in specialized stores prefer to use the first method to determine the exact amount of material.

We determine the number of products per wall. Method #1

Under the facing of the wall surface, we need a certain number of tiles. To do this, we calculate the perimeter of the entire room. We add the length of each wall separately, after which we add together the length with the width and multiply all this by 2. (1.9 + 2.0) * 2 = 7.6 m.

Then subtract the width of the doorway from the perimeter, and divide the resulting integer by the length of the frieze. (7.6-0.7)/0.2= 34.5 pcs. Here it is based on standard size tiles 200 × 400 mm, and the dimensions of the frieze 200 × 80 mm. After that, the value is multiplied by 5%, where the result is displayed in 36 tiles.

Method #2

The following method allows you to find out the exact number of products required per sq. meter. This technique is proven and suitable for laying on any surface of various sizes. First you need to calculate the total area of ​​​​the bathroom by adding the length of each wall, after which the resulting value is multiplied by the height of the bathroom.

Let's look at an example, let's say the height is 2, the length is 3, the width is 2.5. Then 3+3+2.5+2.5=11m. The next step is to multiply the perimeter by the height: 11 × 2 = 22 square meters. meters - area. From it we subtract the space occupied by the door and window opening, of course, if they are available.

Let's say we got the number 20 square meters. meters. Then we find the total area of ​​one ceramic product. Conventionally, 0.4 × 0.2 m, we get 0.08 sq. meters. Now it remains just to calculate the values. For this 20 sq. m/0.08 sq. m. = 250 pieces, while adding about 5-10% as a reserve of tiles.

Using the above methods, one can accurately calculate right amount tiles, which will be required for a wall or floor. However, there are other techniques, known somewhat less than the examples shown. Thus, it remains only to use the knowledge gained and independently carry out all the calculations.

Video instruction

A preliminary calculation will allow you to plan the renovation budget and think about the design of the bathroom in detail. If you correctly calculate the number of tiles, you will not have to buy additional material during the finishing process.

To measure the room, you must use a tape measure. Most exact values can be obtained with a laser device. Having found out the parameters of the bathroom (the height and length of the walls, the size of the doorway), you can make preliminary calculations of the number of tiles. The easiest option is when the room has the shape of a rectangle or square. In this case, the minimum number of walls must be measured.

If the bathroom is complex shape, it is necessary to carefully measure all the protruding elements, take into account existing niches.

The results must be recorded on the diagram, so it will be easier to calculate the materials. A drawing made to scale will also allow you to take into account all the details of the design of the bathroom, and correctly plan the arrangement of furniture. The calculation algorithm is affected by the type of masonry floor tiles(diagonal, rectangular, rhombus, etc.).

2. Basic rules for calculating tiles

The calculation algorithm is quite simple. When calculating the exact number of tiles, you will need formulas for determining the perimeter and area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe rectangle.

To calculate the wall area, use the following formula:

Parameters A and B (width and length of the room) alternate depending on the specific area.

The perimeter of a rectangle is calculated by the formula:

P = (B + A) * 2.

Designations in formulas:

  • S - area certain surface in the bathroom, sq.m;
  • P - designation of the perimeter of the room, m;
  • A - bathroom width parameter, m;
  • B - dimension of the length of the room;
  • H is the height of the wall.

Calculation scheme:

  • The total area of ​​​​the room is obtained by adding the square meters of the individual walls of the bathroom;
  • Then, from the obtained value, one should subtract those areas that will not be tiled, for example, the area of ​​​​the doorway to the room, or the window.

In order to reduce material consumption, the cladding is not done in the space under the bathroom. This option is possible if you plan to install a decorative screen. In this case, the height of the room for calculation is measured from the top level of the side.

Some sites provide a special calculator that allows you to determine the required amount of material for the purchase. With the help of such programs, it is possible to facilitate the task when calculating the amount of material if tiles of different shades are combined.

3. Calculation of bathroom tiles with a total area of ​​4 sq.m.

The main dimensions of this room:

  • Wall with an opening - 2150 mm;
  • Short wall length - 1900 mm;
  • Doorway - 700x2000 mm;
  • Room height - 2700 mm.

Dimensions of the selected collection of bathroom tiles:

  • wall tiles white color- 500x250 mm;
  • Green wall tiles - 500x250 mm;
  • Decor - 500x250 mm;
  • Green floor tiles - 500x500 mm.

Cladding plan

Tiles designed for flooring are laid in one tone. On the wall with the door planned white tile. The rest of the wall surfaces are supposed to be done with alternating colors according to vertical stripes and also add decor.

Calculation of floor tiles

We determine the parameter of the area of ​​​​one tile: S \u003d 0.5 x 0.5 \u003d 0.25 sq.m;

  • Total floor area: S = 4 sq.m;
  • Calculation of the number of tile elements for the entire floor area: 4 / 0.25 = 16 pieces.

Calculation of tiles for bathroom walls

Wall decoration elements have the same format (width and height).

  • One of the walls (with an opening) is tiled with white tiles, we calculate its area without a door: S = (2.15x2.7) - (0.7x2) = 5.805 - 1.4 = 4.405 sq.m;
  • The area of ​​​​one tile for the wall: S \u003d 0.5 x 0.25 \u003d 0.125 sq.m;
  • The number of white tiles for a wall with an opening: 4.405 / 0.125 \u003d 36 pieces (round the number up);

Consider another calculation method that is suitable for tiled surfaces different color.

  • Number of tiles in width for other walls:
    1.9 m: 1.9 / 0.5 = 3.8 pieces;
    2.15 m: 2.15 / 0.5 = 4.3 pieces;
  • The number of tiles along the perimeter of three walls: (3.8 x 2) +4.3 = 11.9 pieces;
  • We calculate how many elements fit in height: 2.7 / 0.25 = 10.8 pieces.
    This value can be rounded down if a stretch ceiling is planned;
  • In this example, stripes of tiles different colors oriented vertically.
    Laying green tiles is planned in 8 vertical rows, taking into account the decor elements: (8 x 10.8) - 4 = 86.4 - 4 = 83 pieces;
  • The number of white tiles for three walls in width: 11.9 - 8 = 4 pieces.
    For three walls in total: 4 x 10.8 = 44 pieces.

Total volume values ​​​​of tiles for bathroom walls

White tiles: (36+44) = 80 pieces;
. Green tiles: 83 pieces;
. Decor: 4 pieces.

When calculating the number of tiles, it is better to take into account the safety factor. In case of damage to the material, residues can be used, without discrepancies in shades.


Before you start laying tiles on the floor or start doing wall decoration, you need to determine in advance the required amount of tiles. Only by thoroughly understanding how to calculate the number of tiles, and performing the appropriate calculations, you can avoid extra costs and reduce waste to a minimum.

You need to buy tiles 10% more than the required volume for facing.

What should be taken into account during the calculation?

  • decide what type of tiling you choose;
  • decide on a color scheme;
  • decide whether it will be necessary to customize the tile according to the pattern;
  • decide whether the walls will be tiled only with ceramic tiles or the finish will be supplemented with various kinds of decorative elements.

There are several ways to lay tiles. You need to choose one of them and already based on decision calculate the number of tiles. The floor can be tiled in one of the following ways:

  1. Standard - in this case the edges of ceramic products are mounted along the walls.
  2. Diagonal - laying the edges is carried out at an angle of 45 degrees.
  3. Diagonal chess - tiles of different colors are laid with alternation.

For wall cladding, you can choose one of the following methods:

  1. Normal straight - laying of elements is carried out parallel to the floor surface.
  2. Normal with borders (you can use 1 wide border or alternate narrow with wide).
  3. Chess (tile can be laid both in the usual direction and diagonally).
  4. Diagonal.

It is very important to choose the type of laying even before you calculate the amount of tiles. Consider the fact that if ceramic tiles are laid diagonally, the consumption finishing material will increase significantly, because you will be forced to cut products to fit from the center of the room to the corners. If it is necessary to adjust according to the pattern, the number of tiles required for cladding will also increase. Do not forget that the joints of the first rows should be done away from the walls. This will visually hide the unevenness of the partitions.

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There are a number general rules, according to which you can determine the required number of tiles for the kitchen, bathroom and any other premises.

You will need the following tools:

  • roulette;
  • calculator;
  • paper;
  • pencil or pen.

Take a tape measure and measure the height and length of the surfaces that you are going to tile with ceramic tiles. Then measure the width and length of the floor. Write down the obtained values ​​in centimeters. From the dimensions of the wall with a doorway, and if the tiles will be laid in the bathroom, then from the one in which the bathtub is installed, it is necessary to subtract the dimensions of the opening and the bathtub.

Next, you will need to decide on the size of the tile plates that you will be laying. For finishing the floor, tiles are used with dimensions of 30x30, 33x33 cm, etc. Walls, as a rule, are finished with smaller tiles - 20x30, 25x33 cm, etc. Pre-calculate the result in square meters, and then calculate the number tiles by the piece. It is necessary to add about 10-15% to the calculated value. During the laying process, you will have to cut the tiles, some products may be accidentally damaged or turn out to be defective, so such a stock must be made.

No matter how perfect such programs are, they still allow some errors. For example, such applications do not take into account the width of the seams, and the developers themselves still recommend double-checking the results.

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An example of calculating floor tiles

To determine the number of tiles needed to finish a floor, measure the width and length of the surface, as well as the size of the tile itself. In this example, we will consider the calculation for a room with a floor of 150x170 cm, for the decoration of which ceramic tiles with dimensions of 33x33 cm will be used.

First divide the width of the floor by the side of the tile. It turns out that for laying in 1 row in width, 4.54 tiles will be needed. The resulting value must be rounded up to 5. Calculate how many such rows will be in your room. To do this, divide the length of the room by 33 cm. The result will be 5.15 rows. Round up to 6. Now multiply by 5 ceramic tiles in a row of 6 rows. You get 30 pieces, to which you need to add at least 2-3 tiles in reserve. Thus, you will need to buy 33 tiles.

If you did not calculate by the piece, but by surface area, a rather significant error would be made. The floor area in the considered room is 2.55 m². The area of ​​one used tile is 0.11 m². If you used this data, the result of the calculation would indicate the need to use 24 tiles (rounded). That is, in the end, you would not have enough material to work with. And the thing is that when performing a piece calculation, the trimming of tiles during installation is taken into account.

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An example of calculating wall tiles

As an example, we will consider a room whose walls are 270 cm high, 150 cm wide, and a 30x20 cm slab is used for cladding. Divide the height of the surface by the height of the tile. It turns out that in 1 row in height there will be 9 ceramic tiles. Divide the width of the surface by the width of the tile. It turns out 7.5, round up to 8. Now multiply 9x8. As a result, you will need to purchase 72 tiles. Add 7-10 tiles in reserve.

To calculate the number of tiles to finish a wall with a doorway, take the calculation data determined for the opposite wall and subtract from this value the number of tiles that fall on the doorway. For example, a doorway is 200 cm high and 70 cm wide. For cladding, the same 30x20 cm tile is used. Divide the height of the opening by the height of the tile. Get 6.7. In this case, it is necessary to round down, i.e. to 6. Divide the width of the opening by the width of the tile. It turns out 3.5, round up to 3. Multiply 3 by 6. As a result, to finish the partition with a doorway, you will need to take 18 fewer tiles. A similar calculation must be performed for the surface on which the bath is installed, if you do not plan to veneer the place that the container occupies.