Games for the development of visual perception in young children. Several games for the development of visual perception and thinking

Anna Iotko
Games for the development of perception of preschoolers

MDOAU Kindergarten No. 3 Zei

Educator Iotko A. AT.

Games for the development of perception of preschoolers

Development of visual perception

1. Game "Cut Pictures"

2. Exercise "Selecting the missing piece of the image"

3. Game "Contours"

4. Game "Labyrinths"

5. Exercise "Lip Reading"

6. Game "What the artist forgot to draw"

7. Exercise "Bitmap"

Development of auditory perception

1. Game "Broken phone"

2. Game "Learn by sound"

The child sits with his back to an adult who makes noises and sounds with various objects. The child must guess what produced the sound.

3. Game "Where did you call?"

The child closes his eyes, and the adult stands away from him (left, right, back) and ringing the bell. The child must indicate the direction from which the sound comes.

4. Game "Who is bigger?"

Children close their eyes and listen for a minute to what is happening around. When the minute is up, consider who heard more sounds.

5. Game "Find a box with the same noise"

Development of tactile perception

1. Game "Find a Pair"

The child is offered blindfolded to the touch to find pairs of identical plates (the plates are pasted over with velvet, sandpaper, corduroy, flannel and other materials)

2. Game "What is inside"

The child is offered balloons containing various fillers: water, sand, peas, beans, semolina, rice, flour, buckwheat, etc.). Balls must be in pairs. The child must feel by touch to find pairs with the same fillers.

3. Game "Snowflakes"

Pieces of cotton wool are laid out on the floor like snowflakes. Children will be blindfolded to collect snowflakes by touch. Whoever collects the most wins.

4. Game "Grandfather - Water"

The child recognizes by touch which of the children is in front of him.

5. Game "Recognize the Shape"

Geometric figures are laid out on the table, the same as those in the bag. The teacher shows any figure and asks the child to get the same one out of the bag.

Development of the sense of smell

1. Exercise "Vegetables and fruits"

Offer to determine the smell with closed eyes, the products lying in the glasses and divide them into vegetables and fruits.

2. Game "Help the Monkey"

Food products are laid out in glasses - bread, fruits, vegetables; toilet articles - soap, perfume, toothpaste. Invite the children, on behalf of a sick monkey that has lost its sense of smell and sight, to determine by smell the foods that are edible for it.

3. Game "Smell Boxes"

For games you will need 2 sets of 6 boxes filled with pungent smelling substances (coffee, cocoa, cloves, cinnamon, vanillin, etc.) the child is looking for a pair of each box.

Development of taste perception

1. Exercise "Flavor Jars"

Solutions are being prepared: sweet, salty, sour. The child tries and labels his feelings with a word.

2. Game "Determine the taste"

A blindfolded child tastes pickled cucumber, sweet candy, sour lemon, bitter onion, labels his feelings with words.


The child tastes raw and cooked foods;

A child with closed eyes determines different varieties of bread;

The child determines what kind of fruit he tried;

The child determines the type of nuts by taste

The child determines the type of jam, sweets

The value of the game in the life of a little man is enormous. Through the game, the baby learns the world around him and learns its laws. Through various fun, the child satisfies his curiosity, broadens his horizons and looks for a connection between objects and phenomena. It is known that a person has five senses, and each can be developed with the help of certain fun at home, independently dealing with the baby.

Games for the development of visual perception

The development of visual perception in children begins with the organization of the game. That is, the baby must first be interested, not just by spreading rattling boxes of grains in front of him, but by offering to feed the hungry chickens, which means you need to take care in advance that these chickens are available. You can find a suitable picture in a magazine or draw a laying hen yourself.

The child can and should be prompted, but he must achieve the goal and make the right decision himself. Games for the development of visual perception of children are also important because they help strengthen the eye muscles and act as a preventive measure for diseases of the organs of vision.

According to statistics, the level of pathologies and various visual ailments has increased by 1.5 times over the past 5 years. Parents can prevent emerging problems if they carefully look at the baby, give him, on the advice of a doctor, special vitamins for the eyes and, of course, spend more time playing special games.

Here is some of them:

  • mix several sets of buttons and invite the child to sort them: first choose the largest, then the smallest, sort by color, find those with two holes and those with 4;
  • attach clothespins to a circle cut out of cardboard to make a “sun” or “flower”. Invite your child to remove all clothespins, and then attach them back. If you have them different colors, then you can ask the child to alternate different colors or lay them out in turn;
  • everyone in childhood loved to look for differences in two images in which everything is the same except for a few details. Such fun develops observation very well;
  • Putting together puzzles is the perfect activity to develop this sense organ.

But the baby perceives these auditory sonoristics unconsciously. They merge with other signals and stand out weakly, or even not noticed at all. In the future, the ability to strain his hearing, capturing various sounds, will be useful to him for staging correct and distinct speech, its expressiveness, loudness and speed. Parents from the first years of life can develop visual and auditory perception in their child.

The following games will help them in this:

  • when walking with a child on the street, be sure to name the sound source, pointing at it with your hand and pronouncing the sound it makes. For example, a cat "meow-meow", a dog "woof-woof";
  • when the child grows up, he must himself reproduce the sound of any object or animal at your request. For example, asking a baby how a beetle buzzes, you should get a logical answer;
  • hide from the child behind the screen various objects that make sounds, for example, a bell, a drum, a rattle, a pipe, a box of matches. The kid must guess the object that you pick up and make a sound in this way;
  • Read to your child a poem in which the same sound is often repeated and ask them to name it.

Games for the development of tactile sensations

The development of tactile sensations is very important for a child. Scientists have already proven that the better the fine movements of the fingers and hands are developed in the crumbs, the more mature and
the brain and speech are formed.

For the baby, any sensations are important, both those that come from bare feet, and those that come from the back. The latter have a beneficial effect on nervous system and also enhance immune defenses.

A child who lacks tactile sensations may experience physical suffering, a decrease in mood. Here are some tutorials to help you learn tactile sensations in children:

  • organize a fabric store and invite the baby to play. For example, a bear comes to the store and looks for fabric for tulle. It is clear that he needs a thin, weightless material. And if he wants to sew a fur coat for himself, then he should be warm, with a high pile;
  • take the "magic bag" and put in it any items that come to hand. Invite the baby to put his hand inside and, without peeping, determine by touch what object was in his palm;
  • sew small bags and fill them with cereals - buckwheat, rice, millet, cereal. The nuance of the game is that each bag should have a pair and the task of the baby is to find this pair, feeling each sack;
  • Blindfold your child and pick up two pencils. Touch various parts of his body: lips, arms, legs, ears, back, feet and others with one or two pencils at once, asking him to guess how many of them he feels on his body. In some places where there are two, he will only feel one, and then you slowly spread them apart until the baby understands that there are exactly two of them.

Games for the development of cognitive abilities of children of senior preschool age


We develop the perception of the form and qualities of the subject, attention, the ability to concentrate, purposefulness.

: soft music and some prize.

Description: tell the child that now he has to play detective. He must find the items that are in this room. They are not hidden, but you have very little information about them. Then you list the qualities of some item you have chosen. For example, if this is a TV, then the following features will be the distinguishing qualities - large, square (or flat), it can show something, it has buttons, etc.

Each time, the defining qualities j should be less.

Tell your child that the faster he guesses the object, the bigger and better his prize will be.


We develop attention, coordination, perception of the shape of an object, imagination

Materials and visual aids for the game: quite spacious room.

Description: this game is played in big company and promotes understanding and rapprochement of its participants among themselves.

First, a host is selected who will start the game. Then all players should stand in a circle and close their eyes. The host takes the hand of his neighbor on the left and begins to draw a certain figure on it with his right hand. It can be a well-known object (a flower, a house, a little man), or just an abstract figure (you can draw it when the guys are already familiar with the game). If from the first time the second participant did not guess what kind of figure it was, then it can be repeated several times. When the player guessed this figure, he informs the leader about this and begins to draw it on the hand of the next participant, and so on in a circle until the move reaches the last player. He must draw it on the leader's hand, and he will report how correctly this figure reached him. If it arrived with errors, then it is necessary to analyze where the error was made and why.

Who lives in the house?

We develop the perception of the shape of an object, its features, attention, analytical abilities, imaginative thinking

Materials and visual aids for the game: sets of thematic pictures (houses, flowers, vehicles etc.).

Description: before starting the game, it is necessary to prepare material for its conduct, i.e., draw a specific diagram for each picture. For example, if you have a photograph or drawing of a skyscraper in front of you, then its diagram should be in the form of a rectangle filled in dark color, with numerous small squares - windows more light color. If this is a one-story country house, then the scheme should consist of a square, a triangle standing on it, and a window. Similar schemes should be drawn for all other pictures.

Then you show the first diagram and lay out all the pictures on a certain topic in front of the child. The child must think and choose the one that, in his opinion, corresponds to the scheme. If he made a mistake, you must ask him to explain his choice and correct it.

This game can also be played in another form, when you show your baby a picture, and he must choose the appropriate scheme for it.

Who is out of place here?

We develop the perception of the form and qualities of the subject, attention, analytical thinking.

Materials and visual aids for the game: sets consisting of identical objects and one that is somewhat different, sets of cards with images of various objects, animals, plants, etc.

Description: Place the first set of items in front of your child. In our case, these will be cubes. One of these cubes must be different in some way. The difference can be very diverse, for example, in color (all the cubes will be red, and one yellow) or in shape (then a ball can be included in the set of cubes). The purpose of the child is not only to discover extra item but also try to explain why he decided so.

Gradually, the differences should become less noticeable. For example, you can make the following set: all the cubes are the same color, and one is older.

With each new game the number of items should increase, in parallel, you can add more than one extra item, but several. Sets of items can be replaced with pictures.

Who is iron, who is wooden?

We develop the ability to distinguish the qualities of objects, attention, observation, logical and imaginative thinking, the ability to concentrate

Materials and visual aids for the game: a list of various items, soft music.

Description: Before starting the game, you need to write down the names of about 40 items made from various materials. It is desirable to find and show these items so that the child can touch them and remember them visually.

The essence of the game is that the child, having heard the name of the object, must immediately determine what material it is made of. Get the child to name the properties of the object. For example: table - wooden, solid, smooth, square; saucepan - iron; table - wooden; spoon - iron; glass - glass; closet - wooden, etc.

If your baby makes mistakes in determining the material, you need to dwell on this subject and analyze in detail what it is made of.

Exercises to improve visual analysis

"Magic Pictures"

Equipment: subject and plot pictures, colour pencils.

Conduct: the child is presented with pictures in turn and the teacher asks to color them, focusing on the symbols that are written at the bottom of the sheet.

"Put the buttons in the boxes"

Equipment: a picture that shows buttons of various shapes, colored pencils.

Conduct: the teacher presents the child with a picture and asks to color the buttons in different colors in accordance with their shape. Then put the buttons into boxes of the desired shape, connecting the button with the box with a magic thread.

“From what figures are the objects? »

Equipment: a card with the image of objects made up of geometric shapes various shapes, colour pencils.

Conduct: the teacher presents the child with a picture and asks to consider the objects drawn on it: “What geometric shapes do these drawings consist of? » After reviewing, the teacher offers to color them in accordance with the task on the card.

"Make Shapes"

Equipment: task cards, colored pencils.

Conduct: the child is offered a card and the teacher asks to color only those details from which it is possible to make a geometric shape (circle, rectangle).

"Make a cube"

Conduct: the teacher presents the child with a card and asks to find the missing piece on the card for each cube. Then take colored pencils and color the cubes and their corresponding pieces in one color.

What shape are the objects? »

Equipment: a picture, on the left side of which geometric figures are drawn, on the right side - various images of objects, a simple pencil.

Conduct: the teacher presents the child with a picture and asks to consider the objects depicted on it and answer the question: “What shape are these objects? »Then he offers to take a pencil and connect the object and the shape it looks like with a line.

"Hide and Seek"

Equipment: task card, colored pencils.

Conduct: the child is presented with a card and the teacher asks to consider the figures depicted in the upper part of the card, then gives instructions: “These figures hid among other figures, they put on various decorations. Find them at the bottom of the picture and connect them with lines."

"Correct mistakes "

Equipment: a card on which alphabetic and numeric characters are correctly and mirrored, a simple pencil.

Conduct: the teacher presents the child with a card and asks the question: “Which letters and numbers are written incorrectly? Find and cross them out."

"Find a Pair"

Equipment: cards with objects drawn in a row, which show paired and extra images, a simple pencil.

Conduct: the child is presented with cards in turn and the teacher asks to look at the picture and find 2 identical drawings in each row. Complication: color images are shown first, then contour and shadow images.

"Find differences"

Equipment: paired pictures depicting similar but not identical objects, for example, cups that are the same in shape but different in color, cards with different images of the same geometric shapes, etc.

Conduct: the teacher presents two subject images that look very similar to each other, but have differences, then offers to find these differences and color the pictures.


Finding differences in several subject images (up to 6);

Finding differences in two similar plot pictures;

Paired toys are used;

Present the object and its image.

"Fix the rug"

Equipment: 2 variants of pictures, which depict a rug, with holes “cut out” in it (1, 2 holes) and “patches” drawn to it, simple and colored pencils.

Conduct: Option 1 - the teacher presents the child with a picture and asks to pick up from several pieces of material, one that would fit the pattern of the rug, then take a pencil and show it with an arrow.

Option 2 - the teacher shows the child a picture and asks the question: “What patch fits this rug? » Then he asks to paint the rug and matching patches.

“What is hidden here? »

("noisy" images)

Equipment: cards with contour images of objects, geometric shapes, numbers, letters that are noisy, that is, crossed out with lines of various configurations, colored pencils.

Conduct: the teacher presents cards in turn and asks to find

the figures hidden in them, name them and circle them with colored pencils.

“What did the artist forget to finish drawing? »

Equipment: cards with images of objects with underdrawn elements, colored pencils.

Conduct: the child is presented in turn with cards on which familiar images are not fully given, for example, a bird without a beak, a fish without a tail, a flower without petals, a dress without a sleeve, a chair without a leg, etc.

He is invited to think and say whether he found out who owns these or those elements of the image. Then you need to name the missing details (or finish them).


They present images on which only a part of the object is drawn (or its characteristic detail, it is required to restore the entire image.

"Recognize the picture"

Equipment: cards with objects depicted on them, geometric shapes letters, numbers, dots or dots, a simple pencil.

Conduct: the teacher shows the child in turn the cards and offers to listen to the instructions: “Please look at the picture. Try to connect the dots with lines and then you will know what is shown on it. Tell me what happened." Complication: - start from large images to smaller images;

From subject images to plot pictures;

The images are made first with dotted (dotted) lines, then in the form of a sequential row of numbers.

"Find the same figure"

Equipment: a card with an object on the left side and free space on the right side, a simple pencil.

Conduct: the teacher presents the child with a card and gives instructions: “Look, a figure is drawn on the left, take a pencil and try to draw exactly the same figure on the right.”

"Big small "

Equipment: a card with geometric shapes drawn in different shapes and sizes, colored pencils.

Conduct: the teacher presents the child with a card and gives instructions: “Color the large figures in red, the small ones in blue.” Then he asks to count them and write down their number on the card.

"What changed? »

Equipment: a picture that shows the drawn 2 halves of the drawings.

Conduct: the teacher presents the child with a card and gives instructions: “Look carefully at the 2 halves of the drawings on the right and left. Compare them and tell me what has changed in the right picture? »

"Find the same"

Equipment: a card with letters (numbers made in different types of printed and handwritten fonts, colored pencils.

Conduct: the teacher presents the child with a card and offers to consider it, asks: “What letters are written? How many? "Then he asks to take colored pencils and circle all the letters" A "- with a blue pencil, the letters" B "- in green, and the letters" E "- in red.

Games for the development of the integrity of visual perception

"Fold the picture"

Equipment: 2-3 images of objects, cut into pieces (for example, vegetables of different colors or different sizes etc.) .

Conduct: Option 1 - the child is presented with pictures that show parts of 2-3 images and are asked to assemble whole images from these parts.

Option 2 - the child is presented with pictures, and the teacher asks to find the selected fragments in the whole picture and color them.

Complications: you need to start with subject pictures, then complicate with story pictures.


They offer pictures with images of various objects, cut in different ways (vertically, horizontally, diagonally into 4, 6, 7 parts, curved lines).


Equipment: a card with halves of figures drawn on opposite sides, colored pencils.

Conduct: the teacher presents the child with a card and asks to find and connect the two halves so that they get a figure and color them.

"Fold the Shape"

Equipment: a card that shows geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, etc.) at the top of the sheet, and parts of these shapes at the bottom.

Conduct: cards are offered to the child in turn, and at the same time adults are given instructions: “The card shows geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, etc., their parts are shown below the line, but not all of them make up the whole. It is necessary to find only those which, when visually connected, will give a whole figure, and connect them with a line (string).

“Draw a picture and color”

Equipment: a set of pictures showing only the left side of the object, pencil and colored pencils.

Conduct: the teacher gives the child instructions: “Look at the left half of the picture, and now the right. Draw the same half with a simple pencil so that together they form one whole image. Color it."

Exercises for the development of visual-spatial


"Who is who? »

Equipment: a card with groups of objects drawn on it in 2 rows, colored pencils.

Conduct: the teacher presents the child with a card and asks to color her characters in accordance with the task written on the card.

"Where do the snails go? »

Equipment: a card with painted snails crawling in different directions, colored pencils.

Conduct: the teacher presents the child with a card and asks to color the snails with multi-colored pencils, in accordance with the conditions written on the card.

"Help Little Red Riding Hood"

Equipment: a picture on which the path of Little Red Riding Hood is drawn, a simple pencil.

Conduct: the teacher presents the child with a picture and asks to draw her way to the grandmother's house, starting from the arrow drawn on it.

"Help Sasha and Masha"

Equipment: task card, colored pencils.

Conduct: the teacher presents the child with a card and asks to help Sasha and Masha draw objects. Then he reads the conditions written on the card, and the child listens and fulfills them.

"Color the drawing"

Equipment: a card that shows in different spatial positions geometric shapes, colour pencils.

Conduct: the teacher presents the child with a card and asks to color the drawing with colored pencils according to the condition written on the card.


Equipment: a card with arrows pointing in different directions, colored pencils.

Conduct: the teacher presents the child with a card and asks to color the arrows with colored pencils, according to the condition written on the card.

"Who's hiding where? »

Equipment: task card, colored pencils.

Conduct: the teacher presents the child with a card and asks to color, according to the condition written on it, the pictures.

MDOAU Kindergarten No. 3 Zei

Educator Iotko A.V.

Games for the development of perception of preschoolers

Development of visual perception

1. The game "Cut pictures"

2. Exercise "Selecting the missing fragment of the image"

3. The game "Contours"

4. The game "Labyrinths"

5. Exercise "Read lips"

6. The game "What the artist forgot to draw"

7. Exercise "Bitmap"

Development of auditory perception

1. Game "Broken phone"

2. The game "Find out by sound"

The child sits with his back to an adult who makes noises and sounds with various objects. The child must guess what produced the sound.

3. The game “Where did they call? »

The child closes his eyes, and the adult stands away from him (left, right, behind) and rings the bell. The child must indicate the direction from which the sound comes.

4. The game “Who is more? »

Children close their eyes and listen for a minute to what is happening around. When the minute is up, consider who heard more sounds.

5. The game "Find a box with the same noise"

Development of tactile perception

1. Game "Find a pair"

The child is offered blindfolded to the touch to find pairs of identical plates (the plates are pasted over with velvet, sandpaper, velveteen, flannel, and other materials)

2. The game "What's inside"

The child is offered balloons containing various fillers inside: water, sand, peas, beans, semolina, rice, flour, buckwheat, etc.). Balls must be in pairs. The child must feel by touch to find pairs with the same fillers.

3. The game "Snowflakes"

Pieces of cotton wool are laid out on the floor like snowflakes. Children will be blindfolded to collect snowflakes by touch. Whoever collects the most wins.

4. The game "Grandfather - Water"

The child recognizes by touch which of the children is in front of him.

5. The game "Recognize the figure"

Geometric figures are laid out on the table, the same as those in the bag. The teacher shows any figure and asks the child to get the same one out of the bag.

Development of the sense of smell

1. Exercise "Vegetables and fruits"

Offer to determine the smell with closed eyes, the products lying in the glasses and divide them into vegetables and fruits.

2. The game "Help the monkey"

Food products are laid out in glasses - bread, fruits, vegetables; toilet items - soap, perfume, toothpaste. Invite the children, on behalf of a sick monkey that has lost its sense of smell and sight, to determine by smell the foods that are edible for it.

3. The game "Boxes with smells"

To play, you will need 2 sets of 6 boxes filled with pungent-smelling substances (coffee, cocoa, cloves, cinnamon, vanillin, etc.) the child is looking for a pair in each box.

Development of taste perception

1. Exercise "Flavor banks"

Solutions are prepared: sweet, salty, sour. The child tries and labels his feelings with a word.

2. The game "Taste it"

A blindfolded child tastes pickled cucumber, sweet candy, sour lemon, bitter onion, labels his feelings with words.


The child tastes raw and cooked foods;

A child with closed eyes identifies different types of bread;

The child determines what kind of fruit he tried;

The child determines the type of nuts by taste

The child determines the type of jam, sweets

Development of phonemic perception of children of senior preschool age through game exercises

General underdevelopment of speech - various complex speech disorders in which children have impaired formation of all components of the speech system related to its sound and semantic side, with normal hearing and intelligence.

Analyzing the literature on the problem of ONR in children preschool age, I concluded that many researchers (R. E. Levina, G. A. Nikashina, V. A. Kovshikov, G. A. Kashe, etc.) and an integrated approach to the correction of general underdevelopment of speech give the leading place to the formation phonemic perception. Practical experience also confirms that the development of phonemic perception has a positive effect on the formation of the entire phonemic side speech, including the syllabic structure of words. There is no doubt the connection between phonemic and lexico-grammatical representations. With systematic work on the development of phonemic hearing, children perceive and distinguish much better:

word endings, prefixes in single-root words, common suffixes, prepositions, confluence of consonants, etc. In addition, without sufficient formation of the foundations of phonemic perception, it is impossible to form its highest level - sound analysis, the operation of mental division into basic elements / phonemes / of various sound complexes: combinations of sounds, syllables, words. In turn, without long-term special exercises on the formation of sound analysis and synthesis skills (combining sound elements into a single whole), children with general underdevelopment of speech do not master literate reading and writing.

Analysis of the data allows us to establish that preschool children with OHP levels I and 2 have underdevelopment of all the functions of the phonemic system.

Studies have shown the need for speech therapy work to overcome the underdevelopment of phonemic perception, built taking into account the individual typological characteristics of this category of children.

Before starting to consider the methodology for the development of phonemic perception, it is necessary to clarify the very concept of " phonemic awareness».

Human speech is complex system sounds that differ in strength, pitch, duration and timbre. The ability to differentiate complex sound sensations (and especially speech sounds, as the most sounding complexes) is called semantic or phonemic hearing (O. V. Pravdina, Logopedia. Moscow. 1973, p. 10).

In other words, phonemic hearing is a subtle systematized hearing that has the ability to carry out the operations of distinguishing and recognizing phonemes that make up the sound shell of a word (L. S. Volkova. Logopedia. Moscow - 1989, p., 526,

The terms "phonemic hearing" and "phonemic perception" are synonymous (according to definition of R-I. Lalaeva, / Speech therapy, Volkova L. S. Moscow. 1989 /

The term "phonemic perception" means - "special mental actions to differentiate phonemes and establish the sound structure of a word" and is more accurate, corresponding to modern ideas about the processes of speech perception.

It is difficult to say anything new about the formation of phonemic functions in preschool children. When developing a method for correcting phonemic functions in children with general speech underdevelopment, teaching materials on the development of these functions in children, such authors as Raisa Ivanovna Lalayeva, Lyudmila Vladimirovna Lopatina, Lyudmila Georgievna Paramonova.

The purpose of correctional and speech therapy work is the development and correction of phonemic functions in preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech.

Corrective work is based on a number of principles:

The principle of a differentiated approach.

It is due to varying degrees of severity of violations of phonemic functions, features of symptoms, individually - psychological characteristics of children.

ontogenetic principle.

Offers to take into account the sequence of development of phonemic functions in ontogenesis. In this regard, corrective work is built in a certain sequence.

The principle of the gradual formation of mental actions.

In the process of developing complex forms of phonemic perception, it is necessary to take into account the fact that each mental action goes through certain stages of formation: the development of actions based on materialization, in terms of loud speech, and transfer to the mental plane. In accordance with this, initially, auxiliary means are included in the work, then work is carried out on the plane of loud speech, and then on the internal plane.

The principle of gradual complication of tasks and speech material.

Initially, simple speech material is offered, and its consolidation allows you to move on to more complex, and, accordingly, to a higher level of work.

Along with the above principles, general didactic principles are used in correctional work: the principle of visibility and accessibility of the material, the principle of conscious assimilation of knowledge, the principle of student activity, the principle of taking into account the age characteristics of the child.

Work on the formation of phonetic perception is recommended to be carried out in the following areas:

1. Development of auditory attention and memory.

2. Development of simple forms of phonemic analysis.

3. Development of complex forms of phonemic analysis.

4. Development of phonemic synthesis.

5. Development of phonemic representations.

6. Exercises to consolidate the skills of phonemic analysis.

Work in the above areas is carried out in a game form in the system speech therapy classes and is built differentially, depending on the degree of violation of phonemic perception, on the characteristics of the symptoms, on the individual psychological characteristics of children.

For each child, the content of speech therapy work and the starting step in correction are individually determined. In this regard, the recommendatory methodology indicates the main areas of work and types of exercises for them. The corrective process requires long exercises with multiple repetitions. If the material is not absorbed by the child, then it is necessary to repeat the exercises of the previous stage.

I. Development of auditory attention and memory.

Since the leading activity for preschoolers is the game, games and game techniques are widely used in correctional work.

1. Development of attention and memory based on non-speech sounds.

Game "Guess what I'm doing? »

Procedure: Children sit in a semicircle, a speech therapist behind a screen performs

various actions with objects, after which the children name these actions: tears paper, pours water,.

The game "Parade of Sounds"

Required material:

Pictures (vacuum cleaner, running water, alarm clock, saw, hammer,. ,

The sound of these objects (tape recording,

The contours of these objects, cut out on cardboard.

Procedure: The child, having heard a certain sound, must select the appropriate picture and place it in place (on the cut out contour).

Do the same game

Required material:

Rhythmic musical instruments: 2 drums, 2 pipes, 2 tambourines. Procedure: The speech therapist behind the screen beats the drum a certain number of times. The child must take his Drumsticks and strike back at what he hears.

Game "Bell"

Procedure: Children stand in a circle, the speech therapist moves behind

bell. The incoming person must show behind which child the bell rang.

Game What do the animals say? »

Required material: a) a sheet of cardboard measuring 30x50 cm. The cardboard must be divided into cells 10 x 10 cm and painted in two colors in a checkerboard pattern;

b) animal figurines.

the child in response moves the corresponding figure to a new square.

The game "Who called you? »

Procedure: The exercise is aimed at distinguishing the maximum reduced sound complex by timbre. The adult invites the child to turn away and guess which of the children (if the game takes place in a group) or which of the relatives (if they are playing at home) called him.

First, the child is called by name, then (to complicate) they say a short AU.

The game "Quiet - Loud"

Procedure: An adult invites the child to determine whether the sounding object is far or close, and then reproduce the sound complexes in a voice of different strength (loud, quiet).

Children shout: AU (loudly, AU (quietly).

The dog barks: AB (loudly, AB-AB (quietly).

A cat meows, a cow lows, a rooster sings, a chicken cackles, frogs croak, a crow croaks, a sheep bleats, etc.

Do the same game.

Procedure: An adult shows and then asks the child to reproduce changes in character, timbre and emotional coloring the same sound. A - crying, screaming girl

A - show the throat to the doctor

A - the singer sings

A - swing the baby

A - the girl pricked herself with a needle

Oh - mom was surprised

Oh - grandma groans

Oh - the singer sings

Oh - stretching daddy

Oh - shouts the hunter in the forest

U - the steamer is buzzing

U - sounds like a flute

U - the boy is crying

Procedure: Changing one sound complex in height and strength.

An adult invites the child to say, for example: MEW

loudly (the cat is nearby and asks to eat, quietly (the cat is outside the door, in a high voice ( little kitty, in a low voice (old cat).

Similarly, you need to change the sound parameters when playing the following onomatopoeia: I-GO-GO, MU, GAV, KVA, IA, KU-KU, etc.

2. Development of auditory attention and memory based on speech material.

Loto game.

Procedure: Children have pictures. The speech therapist calls the words, the children should hear the word denoting the depicted object in the picture and close it with a card.

The game "Remember and name."

Procedure: The speech therapist calls 3-4 words. Children listen and memorize the words named by the speech therapist. Then each child says one word. The naming sequence must be followed.

The game "Remember and show."

Procedure: Pictures are displayed on the canvas. Children close their eyes. The speech therapist names 3-4 pictures, after which the leader goes to the board and selects the named pictures.

Game "Choose the word".

Procedure: a) An adult reads 2 poetic lines, highlighting the last word in the initial line with his voice. The child must choose one word from the three proposed, achieving rhyme in the verse.

Whispers in my ear at night

The stories are different. (featherbed, pillow, shirt).

Ouch. Guys, believe, do not believe -

She ran away from me. (cat, door, wall).

The door said: “My dear!

Don't open me. "(shoulder, knee, leg).

From dirty even the table

Late in the evening. (ran away, left, galloped away).

Two foxes, two sisters

Found somewhere. (matches, brush, knife).

The pavement is empty.

And they left. (buses, trams, taxis)

The mouse spoke to the mouse -

How much I love. (cheese, meat, books).

The faithful dog got into the car.

It's in ink. (paw, neck, nose).

Went somewhere on the weekend

Mom, dad and. (kids, kids, kids).

Katya Lena asks to give

Paints, pencil,. (pen, notebook, book).

If it is difficult to find the right word, the adult reads the couplet in all three options, asks the child to listen and choose correct option- the one with the most similar words.

b) An adult asks the child to pick up a word in rhyme:

I dropped the briefcase from my hands.

So big on a branch. (beetle) .

A nimble bear walked through the forest

It fell on him. (cone) .

There are evil animals in the forest here.

Lock up for the night. (doors).

Hush, Tanechka, don't cry.

Don't drown in the river. (ball) .

One evening, two mice took away from Petya (books).

Vlad will not climb on the spruce,

He has it in his hands. (briefcase) .

“I work, I’m not used to it! "-

Answers. (truck) .

We collected cornflowers

On our heads. (wreaths).

The dog brought a bouquet to the goat,

She will be full. (dinner) .

Wind, wind, you are mighty

You're running packs. (cloud).

Back then forward

Can swim. (steamboat).

Do not tremble Seryozha,

This is ours. (cat) .

II. Development of simple forms of phonemic analysis.

1. Phonemic analysis of a number of vowels.

A) determining the presence of a vowel sound in a series of vowel sounds.

Speech material: combinations of 2-5 vowels.

Procedure: The speech therapist dictates a series of vowel sounds, the child reacts by movement to the given sound.

Instructions: Listen and raise your hand if you hear a sound.

B) determination of the number and sequence of the sound series of vowels.

Speech material: a series of vowels (2-3).

Procedure: The speech therapist pronounces a series of sounds, asks the child to say how many vowels are in the series and list them in order.

Instruction: Listen and say how many sounds I named, name them.

2. Phonemic analysis of open and closed syllables.

Speech material: first open syllables, then closed

(note: slotted sounds are more easily distinguished from open syllables,

explosive - in closed syllables).

A) Determination of the presence of a vowel sound.

B) Determination of the presence of a consonant sound.

At this stage, work is underway to assimilate the concepts of "vowel", "consonant", "syllable", "word" by children. Children learn the main characteristics of consonant sounds (hard - soft, voiced - deaf, syllable-forming role of the vowel sound, color designations of sounds in the schemes: red - vowel sound, blue - hard consonant sound, green - soft consonant sound.

Consonant sounds for phonemic analysis are taken first preserved in pronunciation, then newly called and automated.

3. Phonemic analysis of words.

The phonemic analysis of words is given on the basis of the increasingly complex sound-syllabic structure of words.

Speech material is given in the following sequence:

monosyllabic words, such as: mustache, house, rice;

two-syllable words from open syllables, such as: hand, river;

two-syllable words from open and closed syllables: ax, sugar;

two-syllable words with confluence: cat, donkey, pocket;

monosyllabic words with a confluence at the beginning of the word: chair;

monosyllabic words with confluence at the end of the word: wolf, tiger;

two-syllable words with a confluence at the beginning of a word: grass, firewood;

two-syllable words with confluence at the beginning and middle of the word: flower bed, cover; three-syllable words in the same sequence as two-syllable ones.

At the initial stage of training, phonemic analysis is carried out using visual-objective aids: diagrams, chips, drawings, rulers, etc.

A) Isolation of sound against the background of the word.

Speech material: taking into account the above sequence.

Procedure: Both vowels and consonants are suggested for emphasis. Instructions: Raise your hand if the word has a sound.

Name and select pictures, in the name of which there is a given sound;

Set aside as many chips as I called words with a given sound.

B) Isolation of the first stressed vowel from the word.

Procedure: Words are offered with intonation, randomly, pictures can be used.

Instructions: Name the first vowel of the word:

- (when learning to read and write / from 6 years old /, possibly a letter designation of a vowel sound) write the vowel at the beginning of the word

Pick up and name (or pictures starting with a stressed vowel

c) Isolation of the first consonant sound from a word.

Speech material: in the described sequence.

Procedure: Words are suggested with and then without intonation.

Instructions: Name the first consonant sound:

Raise the blue card if the first consonant in the word is hard and green if the first consonant is soft;

Mark the first consonant sound on the word diagrams with a color: blue or green, name it;

- (for literacy) mark the first consonant sound in the word with a letter, name the sound, letter.

d) Definition of the final consonant in the word.

Speech material: first in words, such as: ace, mustache, nose; then more complex sound-syllabic structures.

Procedure: The speech therapist pronounces words or shows pictures in the name of which the child names and characterizes the last sound.

Instructions: What is the last sound in the word:

Raise your hand if the last sound in the word is soft (solid, deaf, voiced, name it;

Indicate in words the last sound on the diagrams with colored pencils;

Select pictures with the given sound at the end of the word.

e) Identification of a stressed vowel from the middle of a word.

Speech material: in the described sequence (first words,

type: juice, house, rice).

Procedure: First the words are given with a long pronunciation of the vowel, then an approximation to the usual pronunciation in more complex word constructions. Instruction: Name the stressed ("strong") vowel sound of the word:

Raise your hand if the word "strong" sound.

- (for literacy) designate the “stressed” vowel sound in the word with the corresponding letter (except for words in which the pronunciation does not differ from the spelling).

III. Complex forms of phonemic analysis (from 6 years old)

1. Development of the skill to determine the number of sounds in a word.

Speech material: in the described sequence.

Procedure: The speech therapist presents the words, the number of sounds that the child calls or shows.

Instruction: Show how many sounds are in a word (on a counting row):

Name how many sounds are in the word;

Lay out as many chips as there are sounds in the word;

Select pictures with a given number of sounds;

Tap out the number of sounds in the word;

Write in a number (with sticks, how many sounds are in a word;

Sort the pictures into 2 groups according to the number of sounds;

Count how many consonants (vowels) are in the word.

2. Development of the ability to determine the sequence of sounds in a word.

Speech material: in the described sequence.

Procedure: The speech therapist presents the word, the sounds that the child calls sequentially.

Instruction: Name the picture and list the sounds, names in order:

Listen to the word and name the word by sounds;

Lay out the word with colored chips;

Fill in the diagram, marking the sounds with the color corresponding to the sound;

Name the words "by sounds", describe each sound.

3. Development of the skill of determining the place of sound in a word.

Speech material: The child determines the place of the sound given by the speech therapist and analyzes the sound structure of the word.

Instructions: Find the place of the sound. in the word;

Name the picture, the place of the sound. in the word;

Choose pictures that have sound in their titles. stands in 2 (3, 4) place;

Name the location of the sound. in words (in a series of words);

Mark the place of the sound on the diagram;

Name the "neighbor on the right" of the sound. (option: “neighbor on the left”, neighbors);

Name the sound after the sound. (option: before what sound);

Name, designate between which neighbors there is a sound;

Make a word scheme (from colored chips, cards, color with pencils);

Analyze the word scheme (according to the plan: number of sounds, 1st sound, its characteristics, 2nd, 3rd,., last);

Compare the word schemes, match them with words from the pictures;

Choose from the pictures those whose names correspond to this scheme. , Explain why) ;

Arrange the pictures in two groups, under the diagrams corresponding to them.

IV. Development of phonemic synthesis.

Speech material: Sounds are given first in an undisturbed sequence, then in a "messed up order".

Procedure: Children compose and name words from the sounds presented by the speech therapist, which are offered with “interference” (claps, a temporary break, some word, for example:., then., then.).

Instructions: Say the word that I thought of.

V. Development of phonemic representations

Speech material: depending on the stage of development of phonemic perception. Procedure: The speech therapist sets the conditions, and the child, based on his experience, completes the task.

Instructions: Think of a word with sound. :

Think of a word with 3, 4, 5 sounds;

Select pictures with 3 and 5 sounds without naming them;

Pick up a word with a sound in a given place (at the beginning, at the end, in the middle of a word).

VI. Exercises to consolidate the skills of phonemic analysis

1. Select pictures with a given sound in the title, with the definition of the number of sounds.

2. Come up with words with a certain number of sounds and with a sound in a certain place (for example: from 5 sounds, with the sound P in 3rd place: ball).

3. Add a different number of sounds to the same word to get the word: PA + (steam, park, ferry, sails).

4. Convert words:

Adding sound: mole mouth; fur-laughter; wasps-spits; (may be a comparison of these word patterns) ;

Removing sound: plow-meadow; corner-goal;

Changing one sound of a word (chain of words): catfish juice; souk-soup-soh-sor. ;

Rearranging sounds: saw-linden; paw folder;

Compilation of new words from the sounds (letters) of one word: trunk-ox; -thol; -table.

5. Start each word with the sound (letter) of the last: house-, poppy-, rink-, cat-,. (the game can be made more difficult by limiting the number of letters in words).

6. Word-mystery: according to pictures, from the first sounds of the names of which a new word or picture name is formed.

7. Name the word in which the sounds are located in reverse order: nose-sleep, sor-ros, cat-current.

8. Guessing word: certain sounds of words fit into the squares (3rd, it turns out a guessing word.

9. Solving crossword puzzles, puzzles, diagrams.

10. Finding a common sound in words, for example: moon-hammer.

11. Selection of words for graphic diagrams.

12. Work (from the age of 6) on the sound-letter analysis of words, with parsing and "typing" words in a notebook.


1. R. A. Belova-David. On the issue of systematization of speech disorders in children. Speech disorders in preschool children. » M., 1969

2. Kashe G. A. "Teaching literacy to children with phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech."

3. Lalaeva R. I. Lecture notes. St. Petersburg, 1996

4. Lalaeva R. I. "Methods of psycholinguistic study of speech disorders in abnormal children." D-d, 1990

5. Speech therapy. Textbook for students of defectological faculties of pedagogical institutes. (under the editorship of Volkova L. S., M., 1995)

6. Speech therapy. (under the editorship of Pravdina O. V., M., 1969)

7. Lopatina L. V., Serebryakova N. V. Logopedic work in groups of preschoolers with an erased form of dysarthria. St. Petersburg, 1994

8. Rybina E. V. “Preparation of preschool children with speech disorders for sound analysis” Defectology, 1989

9. Tkachenko T. A. “Development of phonemic perception and skills

sound analysis. » St. Petersburg, 1998

10. V. A. Kovshikov “Correction of violations of sound discrimination” St. Petersburg. 1995

11. John Tgas Clinie "Joie par l orelle!"

And the horse is ... (clapperboard, rattle, turntable, etc.).

White bear - chocolate,

And the Hedgehog - ... (marmalade, lemonade, etc.

The game "We play - we select rhymes."

Monkey and cuckoo, cockerel and cat

We decided to play rhymes with the kids a little:

The cuckoo echoed: a coil, ...

The cat also purred: palm, ...

Cockerel crowed: bag, ....

Task: Pick up rhymes. Children are offered pictures: a bear, a bump, a donut, a boy, a coil, a rattle, a pillow, a feeder, a palm, a potato, an accordion, a midge, a bag, a pot, a strap, a top. They choose a picture and substitute a word for a poem.

The game "Memorize the words."

Equipment: pictures whose names are similar in sound (cancer, poppy, house, smoke, lump, cat, juice).

Game description: an adult calls a few words (com, cat, juice). The child must put the named pictures in the given sequence.

Game "Forbidden Word"

Purpose: development of phonemic perception, differentiation of words similar in sound.

Description of the game: children stand in a semicircle, an adult invites them to catch the ball and at the same time listen carefully to what words he says. If the speech therapist says the word "ball", then you can not touch the ball. Possible set of words: doctor, ball, rook, oven, ball, lie down, hide, mother, ball ...

Sound differentiation, syllable differentiation

Game "Name the syllables in order"

An adult pronounces a word, children say: which syllable is the 1st, which is the 2nd. For example: GARDENS - 1st syllable SA, 2nd syllable DU. First, words of 2 syllables are taken (WATER, FIELD, MOON, MORNING, SKY, SPACE ...). Pronouncing the words in syllables, the children clap their hands for each syllable.

The game "Flags"

The adult names the sound. The child, determining what kind of sound it is: a vowel, a soft consonant or a hard consonant, raises the flag of the corresponding color.

The game "Colored hedgehogs"

Purpose: differentiation of hard and soft consonants.

In front of the child are pictures in the name of which there are sounds С and СЬ (or others). An adult asks to give the blue hedgehog all the pictures with the sound C, and the green hedgehog with the sound CL.

Echo game

Purpose: development of phonemic perception, differentiation of sound combinations that are similar in sound composition.

Equipment: screen.

Description of the game: an adult offers a child: “I will make sounds, and you repeat them like an echo. If I speak loudly, then you also repeat loudly, if it is quiet, you are also quiet. An adult clearly pronounces behind the screen: ay, wa, io, oi, ui, io. The child repeats.

The game "Which syllable is superfluous?"

Purpose: development of phonemic perception, differentiation of syllables with oppositional consonants.

Game description: An adult pronounces a series of repetitive syllables, for example, na - na - pa - na, and asks the children which syllable is “extra”. Then the syllable series becomes more complicated (wa - fa - wa - wa, ...)

The game "Come on, guess!"

What is the same sound in all words?

Fur coat, cat, mouse (sh sound). Beetle, toad, skis - well; kettle, key, glasses - h; brush, box, sorrel - w; braid, mustache, nose - s; herring, Sima, elk - s; goat, castle, tooth - h; winter, mirror, vaseline - z; flower, egg, chicken - c; boat, chair, lamp - l; linden, forest, salt - l; fish, carpet, wing - p; rice, fortress, primer - r.

III Development of the skill of elementary sound analysis and synthesis

  1. Determining the number of syllables in a word, composing words from a different number of syllables

Exercise "Beat the syllables with a ball"

Adult says a word in a frame lexical topic. The child, beating the ball on the floor, divides the word into parts. Exercises - “Let's walk the word”, “Slap the words” (similar)

The game "Locomotive and wagons"

The locomotive is carrying a picture. The child names the picture, then divides the word into syllables, attaching as many wagons to the locomotive as there are syllables in the given word. The game "Who will go in which car?"

An adult shows an image of a train with numbered wagons, shows a subject picture and asks to show in which wagon the sound is traveling: the number of syllables in the word corresponds to the number on the train wagon.


An adult renders a caterpillar, consisting of parts, you need to use it to show how many syllables are in the word. If the word has 1 syllable, then 1 part is attached to the head of the caterpillar, if 2 syllables - 2 parts, etc.

2. Games to highlight the first and last sound in a word

The game "Guess the word by the first letters"

An adult puts before the child how many pictures, how many sounds in a word. The child selects the first sound in each word, connects them in order and names the resulting word. You can lay out the first letter of each word and then read what happened.

Game "Chain of words"

The first player (teacher or child) names a word, the next player selects his word, where the last sound of the previous word will be the initial sound. The third child continues the game, and so on. You can not repeat the words named by other players. the main task games - do not break the chain; the player who made a mistake pays a phantom at the end of the game (for example, he comes up with a few words for a given sound). The game "Colored plates"

There are three plates on the table: green, blue and red. The child distributes the pictures. The color of the plate characterizes the first sound of the word.

Game "Learn the word"

Say the word, omitting the last sound, for example: “tan ..”, “pow ..”, “veni ..”, etc. The child must add the last sound to make a word.

  1. Games for highlighting the place of sound in a word

The game "Sound Lotto"

Before the child, pictures and sound schemes of words with three squares

(in the first case, the first square is shaded, in the second, the second, in the third, the third square). The task is to arrange all the pictures under the appropriate diagrams.

The game "Who lives in the house" is similar, the word schemes are presented in the form of houses, and the pictures can be replaced with toys from kinder surprises.

The game "In which car does the Sound ride?"

An adult shows a train with three wagons, shows a subject picture and asks to show in which car the sound travels: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end?

The game "Button up the button on the shirt"

A pocket appears on a cardboard flat shirt - a picture. An adult asks to show the approximate place of a certain sound with the help of a chip - a button.

The game "Flowerbed"

An adult shows a subject picture and asks to “plant” a tulip on the first, middle or last flower bed, showing the approximate place of the given sound in the word (the flower bed is schematically depicted on a sheet of colored cardboard)

Game "Beads"

Purpose: to consolidate the skills of sound analysis, to develop fine motor skills, thinking.

Scattered at Lyusenka

Let's put them in a box

Let's put on a rope.

1. Using beads of red, blue and green colors, you can make sound patterns (red beads - vowel sounds, blue beads - hard consonant sounds, green beads - soft consonant sounds).

2. The teacher puts several beads on the string in advance in a certain sequence. The child should continue to put on the beads without breaking the sequence.

  1. Games to determine the number and sequence of sounds in a word

Game "How many sounds?". At this stage, children are able to determine the number of vowels during continuous pronunciation (one, two or three vowels: a, ay, oui, aea). The child should put as many sticks on the table as he heard sounds.

Game "Encryption"

Put as many red circles as there are vowels in the word.

Game "Chips"

With the help of chips white color the child shows the number and sequence of sounds in the word in the picture.

Exercise "Word Scheme"

With the help of red, blue and Green colour children make up the sound scheme of the word.

Starry sky game

An image appears on black cardboard. With the help of colored chips in the form of stars, the child makes up the sound scheme of the word.

Game "Let's build a pyramid"

The teacher invites the children to build a pyramid of pictures. He explains that at the base of the pyramid there should be placed pictures with images of objects whose names consist of five sounds, the next row of a pyramid-picture with objects whose names have four sounds, etc.

The teacher calls the children one by one. Any picture is selected, the word is pronounced clearly, the number of sounds in it is determined. If the picture is suitable, it is inserted into the corresponding pocket of the pyramid.

The game "How many dots - so many sounds"

The game requires a cube, on the faces of which is located different amount dots (two, three, four, five, six, zero). Children take turns throwing dice and name words, the number of sounds in which is equal to the number of dots on the top face of the dice. In the event that zero is thrown,

the player skips a turn and passes the die to the next player. For each incorrect answer, the player pays a forfeit.

  1. Creative tasks

The game "Word on the palm"

An adult comes up with a word with a given sound (for example, with the sound sh) and claps the child’s hand, the child in response comes up with a word with the same sound and claps the adult’s hand, etc.

Game "Think of a word?"

With a "mosquito song" - an umbrella, a zebra, exercises, a vase, a basket.

With a "beetle song" - a giraffe, acorns, a toad, skis, scissors, a circle, a knife.

With the "song of the wind" - a hat, a fur coat, a scarf, a pencil, a car, a closet, a bump. With a "motor song" - cancer, fish, mushrooms, cheese, frame, cake. With a "pump song" - a dog, a fox, a donkey, a bag, a table, a chair, an airplane.

"The word is change, changing - lengthen"

Purpose: expansion vocabulary, development of attention, speed of thinking

Course of the lesson: An adult throws the ball to the children, while pronouncing a one-syllable word: garden, bush, nose, knife, table. The child who caught the ball, before throwing it back, changes the word so that it becomes two-syllable (nose - noses) or three-syllable (house - houses). The number of syllables is determined.

“We’ll catch the ball - once! And two - we will unravel the words!

Game progress: Throwing the ball to the children, the speech therapist pronounces the words, and the children, returning the ball, repeat them: Plate, cave, room, dishes, shop window, well. Then the speech therapist confuses the words by rearranging the syllables. And children MUST unravel them. Speech therapist: Children: reltaka plate scheper cave nakomta room supoda dishes trivina showcase lokodets well

The game "Syllable and syllable - and there will be a word, we will play the game again"

Option 1. Purpose: strengthening the ability to add a syllable to a word.

Game progress. The speech therapist says to the children: - I will say the first part of the word, and you will say the second: sa - har, sa - ni. Then the speech therapist alternately throws the ball to the children and says the first syllable, the children catch and throw it back, naming the whole word.

You can throw the ball on the floor.

Option 2. Purpose: differentiation of sounds, development of attention, speed of thinking.

Game progress. The speech therapist throws the ball to the children, calling the first syllable: “sa” or “sha”, “su” or “shu”, “so” or “sho”, “sy” or “shi”. The child completes the word.

For example: Sha- balls of sa-sanki sho- rustle so-forty shu- fur coat pouch shi ~ bus syrok.

Ball tossing game "One hundred questions - one hundred answers from the letter A (I, B), and only with this one."

Purpose: development of phonemic ideas, imagination.

Game progress. The speech therapist throws the ball to the child and asks him a question. Returning the ball to the speech therapist, the child must answer the question so that all the words of the answer begin with a given sound, for example, with the sound I. Example: - What is your name? - Ira (Ivan). - A surname? - Ivanova. - Where are you from? - From Irkutsk. - What grows there? - Figs. - What kind of birds are found there? - Orioles. What gift will you bring to your family? - Butterscotch and toys.

Games for children from 1 to 2 years old.

"Where does it sound?"

An adult with a rattle, a bell or a squeaky toy sounds from different angles. "Where does the bell ring? Ding dong. That's where he calls. “Where is now? Come on, look.

That's where he is."

"Show (tell) who it is?"

Show photos in the family album: "this is mom, this is dad." Then ask: “Where is dad? Show grandfather.

"Guess by the sound"

The child sits with his back or with his eyes closed. The adult creates sounds and noises (scissors cut paper, a pencil rolls on the table), the child calls (shows or reproduces the sounds heard).


Move all loud objects very quietly from one corner to another.

An adult depicts an object with sounds (an airplane, a cat, a dog). The child guesses.

Games for children 3-4 years old.

"Guess Who's Coming"

show the child pictures of animals and explain: “Here is a bear, he walks slowly, hard, this is how a tambourine sounds” (knock slowly on a tambourine, and let the child walk like a bear). Similarly, a sparrow, a bunny.

"Petrushka is wrong"

Parsley came to visit (any toy). Parsley asks the child to teach him to pronounce the words. Parsley asks to pronounce the words clearly and loudly. Sometimes Petrushka confuses sounds.

So instead of "table" - says "chair", instead of "lamp" - "cabinet". Parsley is surprised and asks to clarify the mistakes.

"What are the words?"

We ask the child to name affectionate words (sun), words that sound loud (tiger), voiced words (call), quiet words (whisper).

"Give back the word"

An adult calls the word (in a whisper, quietly), and the child repeats it, as if “returning” it back.

"Radio operators", "Morse code"

The child repeats the slapped (beaten) rhythm. Gradually, the rhythmic pattern becomes more complex.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes



Sensory development is one of the main lines of mental development in preschool childhood. The main types of sensitivity change significantly.

So, visual acuity and hearing improve, the accuracy and subtlety of color discrimination increase, musical (sound-altitude) phonemic hearing develops. Improved orientation in the properties and spatial relationships of objects.

The child assimilates socially developed ideas about sensory properties - sensory standards of color, size, shape, etc. This is facilitated different kinds activities of the child, primarily productive. With the assimilation of sensory standards, the development of perception actions is associated, which contribute to a purposeful and systematic examination of objects.

Significant changes occur in the development of the child's orientation in space and spatial arrangements items. This orientation begins with the child's selection own body, leading hand.

Words have a significant influence on the development of perception, highlighting the signs of objects and thereby contributing to the awareness and consolidation of ideas about sensory qualities. The genesis of perception is closely connected with the development of visual-figurative thinking, with the improvement of the system of representations and the ability to operate with it quite freely. The child learns to navigate on the plan, the drawing of the room, the site.

The most difficult thing for preschoolers to master is time orientation, since time does not have a visual form. From the initial perception of time periods associated with regime moments, children move on to the perception of seasonal changes, days of the week.

They represent the present time somewhat better, by the end of preschool age they begin to represent the future, but in a short time perspective. For a more complete development of perception in a preschool child, it is recommended to use didactic games.

Games and exercises for the development of perception in preschool children:

Didactic game "Wonderful bag"

Target: to teach to compare objects with each other, to develop perception in children 4-6 years of age.

Equipment: a linen bag, small items: buttons of various sizes, a thimble, a spool, a cube, a ball, a candy, a pen, an eraser, etc.

Game progress:

Invite the child to determine by touch what these things are. If several children participate in the game, then you need to ask one child to describe each object, feeling it, and the second (if there are several children, then all the rest) to guess, name and draw a thing according to the proposed description.

Didactic game "Collect the pyramid"

Target: develop the perception of a child of 3 - 5 years of age.

Equipment: two identical pyramids. One pyramid is designed to work for a child, and the second will act as a standard.

Game progress:

1. Invite the child to assemble a pyramid gradually tapering upwards according to the finished standard.

2. To organize a complex design according to the standard, that is, the assembly of an irregular pyramid, a tower of an unusual configuration.

Didactic game "Find a toy"

Target: to develop the perception, as well as the attention of children 4 - 5 years of age.

Game progress:

Several toys can be placed in the room so that they are not conspicuous. The host, and it can be both an adult and a child, having chosen a toy, begins to tell what it is, what it can do, what color, what shape, what size.

Participants in the game can ask questions, and then go in search of this toy. The one who finds the toy becomes the leader himself. The new presenter describes the properties of the already given toy.

The game continues until all the children have passed through the role of the leader.

Didactic game "Make a picture"

Target: develop perception in children 3 - 5 years of age.

Equipment: simple pictures depicting apples, cucumbers, nesting dolls. One picture is whole, the other is cut into 3 parts.

Game progress:

Invite the child to assemble the cut picture according to the model.

For children 5-6 years old, the following task can be offered:

a) collect more complex pictures;

b) take two identical postcards, one of which is left as a standard, and the other is cut into 4-5 parts, then, after mixing them, assemble according to the model;

c) for a child, you can complicate the task by asking them to add pictures from memory, without a standard.

Didactic game "White sheet"

Target: to develop the perception of the shape of objects in children 3-5 years of age, as well as to develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Equipment: a sheet of paper with drawn figures, part of which is painted over in green, a set of figures in white, identical to the figures on a sheet of paper.

Game progress:

Invite the children to cover the green figures on a sheet of paper with white figures. With the correct arrangement of the figures, the result should be a white sheet of paper.

For children 5 years old, it can be somewhat complicated by placing the figures pasted on a piece of cardboard in a linen bag. And then we ask the child to find the necessary “patch” by touch to close this or that green figure.

Didactic game "Know the subject"

Target: develop the perception of color, shape and size in children 4-6 years old.

Equipment: geometric cards.

Game progress:

The child is given tasks aimed at differentiating the signs of color, size, shape:

a) Give the bear a circle, give the doll a triangle, give the bunny a square. Put the square on the window. Put the circle on the sofa.

Put a red circle, a blue square, bring a green triangle.

b) Gather all the circles, separate blue circles, green circles, yellow circles, red circles.

c) Show triangles, then select blue triangles, green triangles, yellow triangles, red triangles.

d) Collect all the squares, choose blue squares, yellow squares, green squares.

e) Show small circles (small triangles, small squares).

f) Collect large circles (squares, triangles).

g) Show green big squares, small blue circles, big red triangles, small green squares.

Didactic game "Find the same object"

Target: to develop the perception of form in children 4-6 years old.

Equipment: pictures depicting a lamp standard and a few more drawings of lamps of various shapes.

Game progress:

The child is offered pictures, among which he must find the same as the standard. The task is limited in time, only 30 seconds are given to study the pictures. After that, the child must answer.

For children 4 years old, you can leave the standard in front of your eyes, for older children, the standard should simply be covered with a sheet of white paper. This option will allow developing not only the perception of the child, but also memory, and attention.

Invite the child to look carefully at the lamp. Find the same among other lamps.

Didactic game "Colors"

Target: develop color perception in preschool children.

Game progress:

Invite the child to name 5 objects of a certain color (blue, red, yellow, brown, black, green, etc.) in 1 minute. Repeat items are not allowed.

The teacher can also organize a game with a group of children. One of the guys who cannot name 5 items of the named color in 1 minute leaves the game, and the winner is given the right to become the leader and suggest a color for finding items.

Didactic game "Who is more observant"

Target: develop the perception of form in preschool children.

Game progress:

Invite the child to name 5 objects of a certain shape (round, rectangular, square, oval) in 1 minute. Repeat items are not allowed.

The teacher can also organize a game with a group of children. Each child must take turns naming objects of the named form, so many objects of one form or another will be listed, which contributes to the development of each child.

One of the guys who cannot name 5 objects of the desired shape in 1 minute leaves the game. The winner is given the right to propose the name of the form of the object for further play.

Didactic game "Tell about animals"

Target: to develop the structural perception of preschool children.

Equipment: a sheet of paper with a squirrel, a cat, a lynx, a duck, an owl drawn on it.

Game progress:

Within 5 seconds, show the children a sheet of paper with drawn animals.

Ask the children to name what is drawn and talk about the features and differences of these animals.


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Development of tactile-motor perception in preschool children with visual impairment.

It is known that at the heart of any action - vision, hearing, speaking, writing, reading - are the so-called basic movement patterns. It has been proven that both the mind and the child's eye move at the same speed as the hand. This means that systematic exercises aimed at developing tactile-motor perception are effective tool improving the performance of the brain.

Tactile-motor perception is the basis for the development of such mental processes in children with visual impairment as attention, memory, perception, thinking and speech.

Tactile (from Latin tactilis - tactile) type of sensations arises as a result of the contact of objects with the outer integuments of the human body and makes it possible to know the shape, size, elasticity, density and roughness, heat or cold, characteristic of the object. Thus, tactile perception is a reflection of a whole complex of object qualities perceived by a person through touch, sensation of pressure, temperature, pain.

A child with vision pathology shows aspirations for a tactile examination of objects, but does not independently master groping movements. Having received the task to identify an object by touch, he usually holds it in his hand for a long time, without making any movements, and therefore cannot distinguish the shape, size, arrangement of parts, texture. Without specially organized corrective work, tactile sensitivity in such children does not develop.

The hand is the organ of touch. On the fingertips of the dorsum of the hand is the largest number specialized endings of nerve fibers located in the skin and responsive to touch. The completeness and correctness of the image of the perceived object depends on the synchronism of the movements of the fingers of both hands, the accuracy and purposefulness of the movements, the sequence of perceptual (examining) actions.

The development of tactile and motor sensations will be facilitated by manual activities:

Modeling from plasticine, clay, dough;

Application from different materials (paper, fabric, fluff, cotton wool, threads);

Application molding (filling the relief pattern with plasticine);

Origami (paper design);

Macrame (weaving from threads, ropes, laces);

Drawing (with fingers, a piece of cotton wool, foam rubber);

Games with a mosaic and a constructor (metal, plastic, push-button);

Puzzle games;

Sorting small items (buttons, acorns, beads, chips, shells) of different size, shape, material;

Games with water of different temperatures;

Games with small pebbles, legumes, dry sand (warm and cold), etc.

We should not forget about the traditional finger gymnastics, the use of elements of massage and self-massage of the hands, which also help to increase tactile sensitivity.

There are two types of touch: passive and active.

Passive touch is carried out due to the activity of the skin-mechanical analyzer. However, while tactile stimuli act on the body (or any part of it), which is at rest, the emerging image of the object is characterized by globality, some uncertainty and inaccuracy. It becomes clear that the primary role in cognition is given to active touch.

Active touch is the formation of a tactile image as a result of its deliberate palpation, in which one of the leading roles is played by kinesthetic (motor) sensations.

For the development of tactile sensitivity, an object-spatial developing environment is necessary. The harmonious combination of various shapes, sizes, textures, colors of objects, the natural qualities of natural materials allow children not only to master new sensations, but also create a special emotional mood. At the same time, teachers should take into account that the tactile environment involves the development of tactile sensitivity not only of the hands, but also of other parts of the body (feet, back, etc.).

The use of various didactic simulators, games, manuals.

Ball baths for hands - a large container filled with multi-colored plastic balls. Bath balls can be the same or different sizes.

Tactile baths - a small box or container filled with peas (beans, beans, lentils, etc.). The search for small objects in such a bath contributes to the activation of finger gnosis.

Tactile panel (touch panel for hands) - a panel made of carpet and a number of removable parts depicting a plot (houses, trees, bushes, flowers, berries, animals, grass, etc.). Details that differ in color, shape, size, texture, material are attached to the main panel using various fasteners: Velcro, buttons, hooks, buttons, etc. Composing plot compositions on a panel from them, children experience a variety of tactile sensations, while simultaneously learning the qualities of various materials, exercising in modeling spatial relationships according to the teacher's instructions, and later on according to their own plan.

Magic cube - a multifunctional tool (find and trace a certain figure along the contour, go through the labyrinth with your finger

Different in shape, elasticity, surface texture massage balls, brushes, terry gloves, massagers are used for self-massage and mutual massage of arms, legs, back.

Very useful for children with visual impairments are games with numbers or geometric shapes made of rough (velvet, sandpaper, etc.) paper and other materials: “Detect by touch”, “Find the right number”, “Show the geometric figure”, “Count the sticks” . The child repeatedly runs his hand over the figure (figure), feels it and calls it.

At the same time, the form and method of writing this figure (figure) are remembered, which are associated with its name, and the number of objects is also determined. By analogy, games with letters are played.

During the examination, it can be noted that the tactile movements of visually impaired children who have not undergone special training are chaotic and do not allow the child to get a sufficient idea of ​​​​the object under study. The practice of work shows that the most complete ideas arise when perception is included in practical activities: in this case, the general idea of ​​​​the subject is subsequently replaced by more

definite and detailed.

Tactile-motor perception is carried out different ways- by feeling the object or by tracing it along the contour. In this case, a different image also arises: in the process of feeling - volumetric, while tracing - contour, planar.

Consider the stages of work on the development of tactile sensitivity, each of which is characterized by a gradual complication of both the examination process itself and the verbal report on the identified qualities and properties of the object, its main features:

Feeling objects with different surface with open eyes, in the future - with closed;

Training in special examination movements (stroking, kneading, tapping, squeezing, etc.);

Designation in separate words of the properties and qualities of the materials used and the characteristics of the subject;

Feeling objects with contrasting surfaces with open eyes, later - with closed ones;

Finding the necessary three-dimensional object by touch according to the description of the properties and qualities of the material from which it is made, or on another basis (selection first from 2 objects, and then from 3-5 objects);

Finding the contour of an object from several (3-4) proposed contours of objects;

Determination along the contour of the object itself with closed (bandaged) eyes;

Finding two identical contours of an object from several proposed contours of objects with closed (blindfolded) eyes.

One of the main ways to develop tactile sensations is didactic games. In games, you have to create special conditions for highlighting tactile-motor perception: offer to close (tie) the child's eyes, put up a screen, use an opaque bag, etc.

Didactic games for the development of tactile sensations

Miraculous Pouch

Purpose: finding familiar objects by touch.

Equipment: an opaque bag and objects of various shapes, sizes, textures (toys, geometric shapes and bodies, plastic letters and numbers, etc.).

Recognize the figure

Purpose: finding a geometric figure by touch according to a visually perceived pattern.

Equipment: opaque pouch; two sets of planar and volumetric geometric shapes (cubes, cones, cylinders, ovals, squares, triangles, etc.).

Define by touch

Purpose: to determine the differences between familiar objects by touch;

comparison of objects by touch in length, size, width.

Guess what the object is made of

Purpose: to determine the texture of the material when touched.

Equipment: a set of items with different material textures (cotton wool, fur, fabric, paper, leather, wood, plastic, metal).

You can use objects and materials of various textures: viscous, sticky, rough, velvety, smooth, fluffy, dry, etc.

Guess the item

Purpose: definition of an object along the contour.

Equipment: a sheet of paper, a pencil, a three-dimensional contour image of an object (herringbone, house, fish, bunny, bird, etc.).

Find a couple

Purpose: finding materials that are identical in texture to the touch.

Equipment: pairs of plates pasted over with velvet, emery, foil, velveteen, flannel, silk, paper.

Divide by size

Purpose: determination of the size of fillers by touch.

Equipment: a set of small opaque bags filled with beans, peas, rice, semolina, etc.

Guess the number (letter)

Purpose: identification of signs using tactile sensations.

Assemble a matryoshka

Purpose: to determine the size of familiar toys by touch.

Equipment: two nesting dolls.

Purpose: Distinguishing small objects by touch.

Equipment: a bowl with a mixture of grains (beans, seeds, etc.) and a plate (for each child).

What tree is the leaf from?

Purpose: to determine from which tree the leaflet and connect them.

Equipment: separate cards with the image of leaves and trees.


Purpose: activation of tactile movements of the index finger.

Equipment: labyrinth - glued thick thread or Velcro (in a circle, wavy, etc.)

At the same time, there are properties of objects that are perceived only tactilely. These are temperature, weight, surface quality.

I will give examples of such exercises.

Purpose: to determine the different qualities of surfaces by touch.

Equipment: a set of plates with a smooth and rough surface.

Cold - warm - hot

Purpose: to determine the temperature of the water by touch.

Equipment: three bowls of water (cold, warm, hot).

Find the lightest and heaviest bag

Purpose: determination of the weight of the bags

Equipment: bags with filler of various weights.

Exercises for the development of tactile sensitivity (performed with closed eyes):

Naming the fingers in random order (the teacher touches the finger, the child shows and calls it);

Feeling the texture of the material with one hand, finding an object from this material - with the same or the other hand;

Feeling a figure, object or letter with one hand, finding among others - with the same or the other hand;

Recognition of figures, numbers or letters written on the right and left hand.

Teachers should take into account that the tactile environment involves the development of tactile sensitivity in children with visual impairment not only of the hands, but also of other parts of the body.

The teaching staff of our kindergarten has been cooperating with the Illustrated Books for Little Blind Children Foundation for a long time. Every year, each child receives a set of books aimed at developing tactile-motor perception.

Working with tactile books

Beautiful, bright and interesting books turn the process of teaching and training the vision of preschool children into an exciting and educational game.

Long-term practice of working in a kindergarten for visually impaired children confirms that carefully selected material for the development of tactile-motor perception, used in the classroom and in Everyday life children, in combination with close cooperation with an ophthalmologist, allows achieving high results in mastering visually impaired children the skills of tactile examination and perception of surrounding objects.

Material prepared

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten of compensatory type No. 45

Speech at the MMO of speech therapists

"Development of tactile-motor perception in preschool children with visual impairment" (with presentation)

Prepared by a teacher-defectologist



perception operations.

The following operations of perception are distinguished: detection, distinction, identification, recognition.

Discovery is the initial phase of the perception process. At this stage, an answer is given to the question: "Is there an object?".

Discrimination, or perception itself, leads to the formation of a perceptual image. For example, when we perceive an object, almost all of our senses are activated. The visual analyzer helps to perceive color, shape, size. The taste analyzer allows you to feel the taste. The tactile analyzer makes it possible to judge the hardness of an object, etc.

Discrimination leads to the formation of the image of the object.

Identification, or comparison, is the identification of a directly perceived object with an image stored in memory.

Identification - final stage- assignment of the given object to the class of objects perceived earlier.

Types of perception.

  1. According to the leading analyzer:
  • visual perception;
  • auditory perception;
  • olfactory perception;
  • tactile perception;
  • taste perception;
  • kinesthetic perception.
  1. According to the degree of purposefulness of perception:
  • arbitrary perception, when there is a perception of the goal;
  • involuntary perception, when there is no purpose to perceive something.
  1. Reflection objects:
  • the perception of space is a reflection of the remoteness of the object, its shape, volume, size;
  • the perception of time is a reflection of time periods (duration, sequence of events);

human perception ( appearance, character traits). - development of visual perception of colors - distinction, naming, classification;

Development of visual and tactile perception of forms - distinction, naming, classification;

Development of visual and tactile perception of size - distinction, naming, classification, comparison by size;

The development of visual perception and the formation and development of spatial orientation - understanding, naming, orientation;

Development of visual and tactile perception of the texture of objects - distinction, naming and classification;

Development of taste sensitivity.

The work was carried out in different types of activities:

In the process of special didactic games and exercises on sensory perception, aimed at developing the perception of spatial and qualitative properties of objects and the formation of perceptual actions. These games are held both separately and as individual element lessons.

During games and exercises aimed at developing the child's social perception. These games are reflected in the social development section, which is aimed at the perception of a person, his actions, movements, including expressive and mimic, the perception of himself and his peers around him.

Task for the development of attention: the development of volume, stability, distribution, switching, concentration of attention, the development of voluntary attention.

Task for the development of perception: development of the properties of perception, meaningfulness, generalization, integrity, constancy, volume; development simple species perceptions: sizes, shapes, colors, perception of space, time, movement.

The development of perception as an intellectual process, which is based on an active search for features necessary to form the image of an object.

1. Didactic games aimed at developing the ability to distinguish colors.

"Run to me!"

Game progress: There are blue, red, yellow, green flags in the vase. Children take one at a time, the teacher - four flags (of all colors).

The teacher invites the children to look at the flags, wave them. (Then the children complete the task shown by the teacher.)

Put the flags on your knees. Raise the blue (red, yellow, green) flags. (Children who hold the flags of the named color raise them.)

Now I will name the flags of one or another color. First look at my flag, then at your flag, and if their colors match, then run to me.

Children sit on chairs. The teacher moves away for a certain distance, raises one flag (holds the rest behind his back) and calls its color, then gives the command: “Red flags, run to me!” Children run up to him, raise the flags, checking whether they completed the task correctly, wave them and sit down. The teacher sequentially calls the flags of all colors, and at the end of the game raises all four flags. All the children run up to him, waving flags and dancing.

Complication: the teacher raises two flags.

"Arrow, arrow, circle"

(a simplified version of the Color Lotto game).

Purpose: to exercise children in the ability to match colors, to contribute to the consolidation of knowledge and the color system.

Game progress: Children sit on chairs around the table, at the corners of which there are flags (red, blue, yellow, green). In the center of the table is a disk with an arrow, around which circles of four colors are laid out. Educator (twisting the arrow).

Arrow, arrow, circle

Show yourself to all the circles!

And how sweet are you

Tell us quickly


Takes the circle indicated by the arrow and places it next to the flag of the corresponding color. Children repeat game actions.

"Open Your House"

Purpose: to exercise children in the ability to match colors, to contribute to the consolidation of knowledge and the color system.

Game progress: Children sit on chairs. Taped to the back of each chair is a circle of yellow, red, green, or of blue color. Keys of the same colors cut out of paper are laid out on the table.


Children, stand up and see what color your house (circle) is. (Children name the color.) Go to the table and choose a key of the same color for your house.

What key did you take? (The child names the color.)

After all the keys are sorted out, the children lock the houses (they say “chik-chik”) and go for a walk.

Teacher: One, two, three, four, five,

The children went out for a walk. (They walk around the chairs.)

They knocked, (They knock on the floor with their fists.)

Circling, (Circling.)

They jumped and frolicked. (They jump.)

The kid walked

It's time for everyone to go home.

They approach their chairs, unlock the house (they say chik-chik) and sit down. When the game is repeated, the teacher changes the chairs.

"Collect drops in a glass"

Purpose: to exercise children in the ability to match colors, to contribute to the consolidation of knowledge and the color system.

Game progress: In front of the children, cut-out colored circles of different colors are laid out on the table. An adult puts one drop of a different color into each glass, pronouncing his actions: “I will put a drop of blue in this glass, we will collect a full glass of identical droplets.” Six colors of the spectrum are used.

"Fold the Pyramid"

Purpose: to exercise children in the ability to match colors, to contribute to the consolidation of knowledge and the color system.

Game progress:

Option 1

Four pyramids of different colors have all the rings removed and put on a tray. Each child collects a pyramid of a certain color.

Option 2

The child, at the request of the teacher, selects desired color paper pyramid rings. Laying out the pyramid, he tries to independently name the color of the rings.

"Pick up the ball"

Purpose: to exercise children in the ability to match colors, to contribute to the consolidation of knowledge and the color system.

Game progress:

Guys we have a holiday today, good mood let's decorate our group. Take each flag (cut out of colored cardboard). Now pick up a balloon similar in color to your flag. Name the color of your balloon and flag. Let's decorate the group.


Purpose: to exercise children in the selection of the six colors of the spectrum according to the sample.

Vocabulary: The names of the six colors of the spectrum - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet.

Game progress:

Children we have air balloons different colors and threads of the same colors. Now strings will appear on the flannelgraph (places on equal distances vertically six bands in a spectral sequence, naming their colors). And now we will tie a ball of the same color to each thread. Children take turns tying the balloons and name the color of each.

"Hide the mouse"

Purpose: to consolidate children's ideas about six colors.

Game progress: the teacher puts houses for the mouse on the table (sheets of paper in six colors, in the middle there is a window with a drawn mouse). You see mice peeking through the windows. To hide the mouse, you need to close the window with a door - a square of the same color as the house, otherwise the cat will come, see where the window is, open it and eat the mouse. First, the child is offered one house, then, complicating it, 2-3 houses at the same time.

"Pick by color"

Purpose: to consolidate ideas about six colors. Teaches children to highlight colors, distracting from other signs of objects.

Game progress: Children, we will play a game. You have mats made of multi-colored cells. See what toys you have. Match the color of the toy to each cell of the rug, put the toy on such a cell so that it hides on it. If the toy is of a different color, it will be visible.

"Live Domino"

Purpose: to continue to introduce children to the six colors of the spectrum and their names. Learn to compare objects by color by applying them to each other.

Game progress: The teacher ties ribbons on the hands of the children different colors in the form of bracelets and invites everyone to quickly build a circle so that for each child the color of the ribbon tied on one arm matches the color of the ribbon of a friend standing on one side or the other.

"Water Color"

Purpose: to form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdifferent shades of color according to lightness. Vocabulary: light, dark, lighter, darker.

Option 1

Game progress: Educator: “Today we will paint the water, we will get red water different shades. Water in jars is colorless, and we will make it colored. See how I will paint the water: I take the paint on the brush, dip the brush halfway, now I rinse it in one jar. I got a light red water. And in another jar I will put more paint: I will dip the brush completely in the paint, rinse it, pick up the paint again and rinse it again in the same jar. It also turned out red water, but already dark.

Option 2

Game progress: The game is played in the same way as in Option 1, only six colors of paint are now distributed.

"Decorate the Christmas Tree"

Purpose: to teach children to group shades in two shades of each of the six colors, select them according to the word denoting the color.

Game progress: Children have silhouette images of Christmas toys. A tablet with the image of a Christmas tree is placed on the easel.

The teacher names some color and those of the children who have a toy of this color hang it on the Christmas tree.

"Who has what dress?"

Purpose: to teach children to select objects according to the word denoting color, to group shades of the same color tone.

Game progress: The teacher shows the children a doll, the children name what color her dress is.

"Pick up items of similar color"

Purpose: to exercise children in matching and grouping objects by color.

Game progress: Option 1

Toys are placed on two tables. The teacher gives each participant an object or toy of one of the colors of the spectrum. Each child must match all the toys of the same color. After completing the task, the children change toys, and the game is repeated again.

Option 2

Children form pairs. The teacher distributes to each pair of playing sheets of paper on which various images of different colors are painted with paints. Having determined what color the image is on the sheet, the children go to the table, on which pictures with multi-colored objects lie interspersed, and select the necessary cards.

"Collect a flower - seven-flower"

Game progress: The teacher lays out circles of six colors. The child picks up the petals according to the color of the middle.

"Help the fish"

Purpose: Purpose: to exercise children in the ability to match colors, to contribute to the consolidation of knowledge and the color system.

Game progress: The child lays out the fish kids according to the color of their mother fish.

"Fold the Rainbow"

Purpose: to exercise children in the ability to match colors, to contribute to the consolidation of knowledge and the color system.

Game progress: The child collects a rainbow of colored arcs cut in half, following the model of the teacher and names the colors. If the child cannot name the color, the adult is responsible for it.

"Pick a Pair"

Game progress: Color lotto in drawings is used for the game. An adult lays out pictures in front of the child and asks them to pick them up in pairs of the same color.

"Which balloons flew away?"

Purpose: to exercise children in comparing objects by color.

Material: Color lotto with flags and balls.

Game progress: The teacher lays out flags in a row, the child selects balls of similar color.

"Color Carousel"

Purpose: to exercise children in comparing objects by color.

Material: Circle with the image of objects, colored squares (turn the color down and lay out on the table)

Course of the lesson: Each participant chooses a square and a sector on the circle. If he matches the color of the object in the picture in his sector, then he performs some task: he names objects of the same color, collects a flower of the same color. He chooses the task himself. If the square does not match the color of the object of the sector, then the choice is made by another participant in the game. The first person to complete all tasks wins. The number of tasks can be discussed before the start of the game. The first choice is made by the one on whom the counter stops: “Rainbow, arc, arc! Choose me soon!"

"Guess what color the clothes are"

Purpose: to exercise children in the ability to match colors, to contribute to the consolidation of knowledge and the color system.

Game progress: Children sit in a circle on chairs, one seat is free. The adult says: “The seat next to me on the right is free. I want a girl in a red dress (a boy in a blue shirt, etc.) to take it.”

"Find objects of the same color"

Purpose: to exercise children in the ability to match colors, to contribute to the consolidation of knowledge and the color system.

Game progress: Adult says: “When I get back, everyone should have something red (yellow, brown, blue, purple, etc.).” The leader leaves, the children look for objects of the named color in the group. The driver returns and checks whether the task has been completed correctly. Game replay

Didactic game "Find a toy"

Target: to develop the perception, as well as the attention of children 4 - 5 years of age.

Game progress:

Several toys can be placed in the room so that they are not conspicuous. The host, and it can be both an adult and a child, having chosen a toy, begins to tell what it is, what it can do, what color, what shape, what size. Participants in the game can ask questions, and then go in search of this toy. The one who finds the toy becomes the leader himself. The new leader describes the properties of the already given toy. The game continues until all the children have passed through the role of the leader.

2 Didactic games. Form

Didactic game "Make a picture"

Target: develop perception in children 3 - 5 years of age.

Equipment: simple pictures depicting apples, cucumbers, nesting dolls. One picture is whole, the other is cut into 3 parts.

Game progress:

Invite the child to assemble the cut picture according to the model.

For children 5-6 years old, the following task can be offered:

a) collect more complex pictures;

b) take two identical postcards, one of which is left as a standard, and the other is cut into 4-5 parts, then, after mixing them, assemble according to the model;

c) for a child, you can complicate the task by asking them to add pictures from memory, without a standard.

Didactic game "White sheet"

Target: to develop the perception of the shape of objects in children 3-5 years of age, as well as to develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Equipment: a sheet of paper with drawn figures, part of which is painted over in green, a set of white figures identical to the figures on the sheet of paper.

Game progress:

Invite the children to cover the green figures on a sheet of paper with white figures. With the correct arrangement of the figures, the result should be a white sheet of paper.

For children 5 years old, it can be somewhat complicated by placing the figures pasted on a piece of cardboard in a linen bag. And then we ask the child to find the necessary “patch” by touch to close this or that green figure.

Didactic game "Know the subject"

Target: develop the perception of color, shape and size in children 4-6 years old.

Equipment: geometric cards.

Game progress:

The child is given tasks aimed at differentiating the signs of color, size, shape:

a) Give the bear a circle, give the doll a triangle, give the bunny a square. Put the square on the window. Put the circle on the sofa. Put a red circle, a blue square, bring a green triangle.

b) Gather all the circles, separate blue circles, green circles, yellow circles, red circles.

c) Show triangles, then select blue triangles, green triangles, yellow triangles, red triangles.

d) Collect all the squares, choose blue squares, yellow squares, green squares.

e) Show small circles (small triangles, small squares).

f) Collect large circles (squares, triangles).

g) Show green big squares, small blue circles, big red triangles, small green squares.

Didactic game "Find the same object"

Target: to develop the perception of form in children 4-6 years old.

Equipment: pictures depicting a lamp standard and a few more drawings of lamps of various shapes.

Game progress:

The child is offered pictures, among which he must find the same as the standard. The task is limited in time, only 30 seconds are given to study the pictures. After that, the child must answer.

For children 4 years old, you can leave the standard in front of your eyes, for older children, the standard should simply be covered with a sheet of white paper. This option will allow developing not only the perception of the child, but also memory, and attention.

They offer the child to carefully look at the lamp. Among other lamps, find the same one.

Didactic game "Colors"

Target: develop color perception in preschool children.

Game progress:

Invite the child to name 5 objects of a certain color (blue, red, yellow, brown, black, green, etc.) in 1 minute. Repeat items are not allowed.

The teacher can also organize a game with a group of children. One of the guys who cannot name 5 items of the named color in 1 minute leaves the game, and the winner is given the right to become the leader and suggest a color for finding items.

Didactic game "Who is more observant"

Target: develop the perception of form in preschool children.

Game progress:

Invite the child to name 5 objects of a certain shape (round, rectangular, square, oval) in 1 minute. Repeat items are not allowed.

The teacher can also organize a game with a group of children. Each child must take turns naming objects of the named form, so many objects of one form or another will be listed, which contributes to the development of each child.

One of the guys who cannot name 5 objects of the desired shape in 1 minute leaves the game. The winner is given the right to propose the name of the form of the object for further play.

Didactic game "Tell about animals"

Target: to develop the structural perception of preschool children.

Equipment: a sheet of paper with a squirrel, a cat, a lynx, a duck, an owl drawn on it.

Game progress:

Within 5 seconds, show the children a sheet of paper with drawn animals.

Ask the children to name what is drawn and talk about the features and differences of these animals.

Game "Geometric Lotto"

Purpose: to teach children to compare the shape of the depicted object with geometric shapes and select objects according to the geometric image.

The teacher examines the proposed material with the children. Children name shapes and objects. Then, at the direction of the teacher, they select cards with the image of objects of the desired shape for their geometric patterns. The teacher helps the children to correctly name the shape of objects (round, square, triangular)

D / and "Find out who is drawn."

Purpose: to teach children to project a three-dimensional object onto a plane, to recognize the human body from a contour and silhouette image, to consolidate the ability to name and show the main parts of the body, their spatial position.

Equipment: a large sheet of drawing paper, a black marker.

The child is placed on a drawing paper, his body is outlined with a marker, then the child gets up. Further, the teacher, together with the children, consider the contour image of the body. After that, you can offer to consider the silhouette image various people on cards.

D / and "Draw on a stencil."

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to stencil a person's image, trace a line, highlight the main parts of the body, their shape, size, spatial position, improve motor memory.

Equipment: stencils with the image of a person, sheets of paper, felt-tip pens.

D / and "Make a whole out of parts."

Purpose: to teach children to compose a whole image from its parts, to fix the spatial position, to develop a holistic perception.

Equipment: a sheet of drawing paper with an outline image of the child's body already drawn, cut into pieces (by body parts).

D / and "Stick, stick, cucumber ...".

Purpose: to teach how to make a schematic image of a person from counting sticks, to fix the names of body parts, their spatial position.

Equipment: a set of counting sticks, sample.

D / and "Find in the picture."

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to distinguish the image of a person from a variety of other objects, fix the gaze on the image, recognize and call it a word.

Equipment: plot picture.

D / and "Wonderful bag".

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about different types of toys, their shape, size; to develop the ability to visually examine them, highlight the main parts, supplement visual information with representations obtained by various analyzers.

Equipment: fabric bag, toys (dog, doll, pyramid, car, spinning top, etc.).

D / and "My cheerful sonorous ball."

Purpose: to teach to call a word and understand the speed qualities (fast, slow) of the ball, to fix the name of the form.

D / and "Pick up the silhouette to the subject."

Purpose: to teach to correlate a natural object and its silhouette image; activate fixation, localization, develop visual memory.

Equipment: various toys and their silhouette image on the cards.

D / and "Make an object out of a mosaic."

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to compose images of toys, to improve the ability to work on a model: visually highlight parts of an object, their location, size, color, etc., correlate the image on the sample with your own.

Equipment: button mosaic, sample images of toys (ball, flag, house, boat, etc.)

D / and "Let's dress the doll"

Purpose: to teach children to recognize and name items of clothing, to practically act with them, obtaining additional information through a tactile analyzer, to highlight parts of clothing (sleeve, pocket, button, collar, etc.), to determine the color, shape, size, spatial position of the parts (right sleeve, left sleeve, top button, etc.).

Equipment: items of natural and doll clothes (T-shirt, shorts, dress, socks, coat, hat, scarf, etc.), doll.

D / and "Pick up the threads for the dress."

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to correlate the color silhouette of the dress with the color of the threads, to develop the ability to recognize and name the colors of the spectrum (red, yellow, green, blue, black, white).

D / I "Compose from parts."

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to make a whole object from parts, fix the name of the parts (sleeve, collar, pocket, etc.), their shape, spatial position.

Equipment: cut pictures depicting items of clothing.

"Find your clothes among others."

Purpose: to teach children to recognize and name their clothes by color, size, size, style, to consolidate the ability to visually examine objects, fix their eyes on them.

Equipment: stencils with the image of animals, felt-tip pens, a piece of paper.

D / and "Simpose color - on the contour image."

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to recognize animals by their color planar image, correlate it with a contour image, teach the technique of overlay, develop a bifoveal fusion of two images into one.

Equipment: cards with color and outline images of domestic animals (horse, cow, cat, dog, pig, etc.).

D / and "Cut pictures".

Purpose: to improve the skill of composing a whole image from parts, to fix the names of the parts, their shape, size, spatial position.

Equipment: cards with the image of pets, cut into 3-4 parts

3. Games for the recognition of non-speech sounds.

1. "Where did you call?"

Children sit in groups different places rooms, in each group some sounding instrument. The leader is chosen. He is offered to close his eyes, guess where they called, and show the direction with his hand. If the child correctly indicates the direction, the teacher says: "It's time" - and the leader opens his eyes. The one who called, gets up and shows a bell or a pipe. If the driver indicates the direction incorrectly, he leads again until he guesses correctly.

  1. "Say what you hear."

The teacher invites the children to close their eyes, listen carefully and determine what sounds they heard (the chirping of birds, the signal of a car, the rustle of a falling leaf, etc.). The game is good to play on a walk.

  1. "Quiet - loud!"

The teacher knocks the tambourine quietly, then loudly and very loudly. According to the sound of the tambourine, the children perform movements: to a quiet sound they walk on their toes, to a loud full step, to a louder one they run. Who makes a mistake, he becomes at the end of the column. The most attentive will be ahead.

  1. "The mother hen and the chicks".

A hen (child) sits at the table. Chickens sit around the table. The chickens have cards on which a different number of chickens is drawn.

Each child knows how many chickens are on his card. The mother hen knocks on the table, and the chickens listen. If, for example, she knocks 3 times, the child who has three chickens on the card should squeak 3 times (pee-pee-pee).

  1. "Who will hear what?"

The teacher behind the screen knocks with a hammer, rings the bell, etc., and the children must guess what object produced the sound. Sounds should be clear and contrasting.

  1. "Seller and Buyer"

One child is a salesperson. There are two boxes in front of him (then their number can be increased to four or five), each containing a different type of product, for example, peas, millet, flour, etc. The buyer enters the store, greets him and asks to let him go. The seller offers to find her. The buyer must determine by ear in which box the cereal he needs or other required product is in. The teacher, having previously introduced the children to the products, puts them in a box, shakes each one and gives the children the opportunity to listen to the sound made by each product.

  1. Find a toy.

a) The children stand in a circle. The teacher shows a toy that they will hide. The leading child either leaves the room, or steps aside and turns away, and at this time the teacher hides a toy behind one of the children. At the signal "It's time", the driver goes to the children, who quietly clap their hands. As the driver approaches the child who has the toy hidden, the children clap louder; if they move away, the clapping subsides.

b) Children sit on chairs in a semicircle. One child drives (he goes to another room or turns away). The teacher hides the doll. At a signal, the driver enters, and the children say to him:

Doll Tanya ran away

Vova, Vova, look,

When you find her, then boldly dance With our Tanya.

If the driver is in the place where the doll is hidden, the children clap their hands loudly, if they move away, the claps subside.

The child finds the doll and dances with it, all the children clap their hands.

  1. ‘"Meet the guests!"

The teacher announces to the children that guests will come to them now: parsley, a bunny and a bear. He singles out three guys who go behind the screen and change clothes there. Parsley gets a cap with bells, a hare - a hat with long ears, and a bear - a bear's hat. teacher

warns the kids that the bear will come with a rattle, the parsley with a drum, and the bunny with a balalaika. Children must guess by the sound which guest is coming. Before going out to the children, the animals make sounds behind the screen, each on his own instrument. Children have to guess who is coming. When all the guests have arrived, the kids stand in a circle, and the parsley, bear and bunny dance as best they can. Then new guests are chosen and the game is repeated. When repeating the game, you can give guests other sounding toys.

  1. "Sun or Rain"

The teacher says to the children: “Now we will go for a walk. There is no rain. The weather is good, the sun is shining, and you can pick flowers. You are walking, and I will ring a tambourine, it will be fun for you to walk to its sounds. If it starts to rain, I'll start banging my tambourines. And you, having heard, should quickly go to the house. Listen carefully as I play."

The teacher conducts the game, changing the sound of the tambourine 3-4 times.

  1. Learn by sound."

The players sit with their backs to the leader. It produces noises and sounds with various objects. Anyone who guesses what the leader is making noise with raises his hand and, without turning around, tells him about it.

You can make different noises: throw a spoon, an eraser, a piece of cardboard, a pin, a ball, etc. on the floor; hitting an object against an object, leafing through a book, crumpling paper, tearing it, tearing material, washing hands, sweeping, planing, cutting, etc.

II. Exercises.

  1. The exercise is aimed at distinguishing the maximum reduced sound complex by timbre. The adult invites the child to turn away and guess which of the children called him.

At the beginning, the child is called by name, then (to complicate) they say a short AU.

  1. An adult invites the child to remember the fairy tale "Three Bears". Then, changing the pitch of his voice, he asks to guess who is speaking: Mikhailo Ivanovich (low voice), Nastasya Petrovna (medium-pitched voice) or Mishutka (high-pitched voice).

The same lines:

"Who was sitting in my chair?"

"Who ate from my cup 9"

"Who slept in my bed?"

"Who was in our house?" etc. are pronounced alternately in a voice of different pitch, in three versions.

  1. The adult offers the child to determine whether the sounding object is far or close, and then to reproduce the sound complexes in a voice of different strength (loud, quiet).

Children shout: AU (loud), AU (quiet). The dog barks: AB (loudly), AB-AB (quietly). A cat meows, a cow bellows, a rooster sings, a hen clucks, a frog croaks, a crow croaks, a sheep bleats, etc.

14. An adult pronounces the same sound with a change in its character, timbre and emotional coloring, and then asks the child to reproduce the sample.

A - crying, screaming girl

A - shows the throat to the doctor

A - the singer sings

A - shakes the baby

A - the girl pricked herself with a needle

Oh - mom was surprised

Oh - grandma groans

Oh - sings singerO - stretching dad

Oh - shouts the hunter in the forest

U - the steamboat is buzzing

U - sounds like a flute

U - the boy is crying

15. The exercise is aimed at changing the sound complex in terms of height and strength. An adult invites the child to say, for example - “meow”: loudly (the cat is nearby and asks for food); quiet (cat outside the door); high voice (little kitten); in a low voice (old cat). Similarly, you need to change the sound parameters when playing the following onomatopoeia; and go - go, mu, woof, qua, be, ku - ku, etc.