How to make a house for a fairy in the garden. Houses for fairies, elves and gnomes in the garden at the cottage (20 photos) Miniature magical fairy garden for fairies

Fairy gardens are miniature compositions with small houses, tiny plants, trees and paths. Looking at this splendor, one gets the impression that fairy-tale characters live there. Create your own beautiful garden. This detail will enhance the landscape around your home, although this composition can be used anywhere.

It will be more fun if children are included in the project of creating a home park area. They love to invent new things.

Children can use the garden to organize fairy parties. They can play with small representatives of the flora.

The fairy garden is like a miniature courtyard with a tiny house and moss on the roof, small tools and a hedgehog.

In a fairy tale palisade, everything should be miniature and made of natural materials. So if you want to make a table use a mini stump and a piece of wood.

A colorful banner will be a great addition. Mushrooms are very cute. Look at the wooden walkways! It is a simple design but very well planned.

This is the house of the fairies, so feel free to add a few little aunts who relax on the porch or in the yard. Great decorations for the garden.

Use any old container to create a thumbnail. It can be small or large. The more objects in which you are going to place the composition, the wider the scope for your imagination.

An old metal container would be great. Do little house fairies and surround it with small flowers. The fairies will love it and fly there every night.

Place the container on its side. Fill it with mini things like tables, pots and ferns. Take whatever you need.

Create a cozy atmosphere in the fairy house. If you are serious about this project, add electricity to the fairy house.

Paint your house, fence, and outdoor furniture using bold colors. fairies are attracted bright flowers. So pick a palette and get going!

Here interesting idea: usage old book to create a mini-complex. Cut out the circle to make room for the tiny house. Use moss and plants to close the hole.

Use various colorful plants to make the magical garden colorful. Plant them in tiny pots. A palisade is a nice way to welcome spring, but it's also a good way to freshen up a space during winter.

You can equip the composition with different things, such as benches, rocking chairs, fountains, swings. You can create all this with the help of a tree and branches.

With the onset of cold weather, do not forget to bring a mini-garden home. Snow will look interesting on the roofs of houses, but the plants will die.

Take the old wooden barrel or a large garden planter. They don't even need to be painted. The dilapidated look makes them more interesting.

Make a tree house. That would be great and fun. Maybe if you design it right, birds or squirrels will settle there.

If you want an indoor fairytale park, there's no point in making it big. How do you like this cute cup? It is filled with soil, moss and a few tufts of grass. It all looks very cute and intriguing.

Decorate a large stump for composition. Cut a hole in the center, fill it with soil, and start adding all the pieces: the tiny house, the plants, and the decorations.

This piece is made with herbs and edible flowers. Such a pot will perfectly fit in the kitchen.

Create a huge composition in the baby bath. Place it on the site, decorate with whatever you want. The house is required, then improvise.

If you're inspired by the Hobbit movies, turn one of the trees into a fairy house. Add a door, some windows and a path.

Are you an inventor? Make miniature elements - mini stairs, furniture, a bridge over a river, and all sorts of fun things.

Buy small furniture from a store or order online. The scenery will acquire professional look. Furniture set looks like real.

An old pot is suitable for creating various compositions depending on the season. This is a simple project that doesn't cost much.

Put together a mini birdhouse, paint it and decorate it.

The design of a fabulous palisade around a tree that acts as a house. Plant a small garden for tiny crops, set up a hammock, swings and other cute things.

Compositions in pots

Use old pots for fairy houses. it great idea allowing children to create their own project. Put clay pot on the side and fill everything inside.

Use broken pots too. Arrange in them winter Garden, which leads to a fairy-tale castle.

Try to make a staircase by taking the pieces, decorate it with plants and moss to put it all together. Don't forget to add color!

If you take two or three pots, you get a big one. fairy garden. You place a smaller container in the upper part in the form of a house on a rock surrounded by vegetation.

There is different ways aggregation of fragments. This is truly a majestic view. Beautiful flowers form a path to the pumpkin, which is a shelter for the tiny figurines.

The ferns look like a coniferous mini-forest and it seems that the pumpkin is in the middle of the taiga.

An original design technique that can amaze visitors and arouse sincere admiration, especially among children, is to create a fabulous mini garden with your own hands. It allows you to create not only a beautiful original composition in a limited space, but also create your own little inner world.

Another name for a mini garden is a fairy garden. Indeed, the fabulous landscape allows you to bring a little magic to everyday life.

The basis of this technique is a combination of small plants, small houses and other elements (paths, bridges, figurines of people and animals, etc.), which together tell a story and form a certain mood.

You can create such a garden in miniature yourself. Its content is determined by the author's imagination and the available materials, but there are certain rules.

First of all, prepare a container or container in which the plants will grow. For this can be used old stump, a cart, a tree trunk, a small delimited space (for example, against the wall of a house) or, as in the photo, a broken pot.

The container must be filled with fertile soil and a drainage system should be considered. Think about how you will water and care for the plants. A lot depends on decorative elements. It is desirable that miniature compositions be of the same scale and worked out in detail.

Products made from natural materials look good. Mini flower arrangements can be very interesting. Miniature lighting gives them a special charm, especially in the evening, as if the fairy tale itself comes to visit you.

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Gardens for fabulous elves in the country

It is said that if elves settle in the garden, it will bring the owner of the garden good luck and success in all his affairs. It is only necessary not to forget to leave a saucer of milk on the porch of the house every evening. You can plunge into a fairy tale by building a small garden and a house for elves in suburban area.

What can you make a house for elves

In fact, a house for elves can be made from almost everything that fantasy is capable of. For these purposes, almost any improvised material will fit: cardboard, chipboard or fiberboard, plastic bottles, drywall, branches, boards, cement, foam plastic, iron sheets, cones, acorns, chestnuts, etc. It is necessary to think over to the smallest detail what shape and size the house will be, as well as whether it will be hollow from the inside or filled.

A great house for garden elves can be made from drywall. All parts of the house box must be glued together; for reliability, they can be fixed with furniture staples or small nails. Then cut openings for windows and doors and cover the house with a cement mortar. If small pebbles or crushed stone are added to the cement, it will seem that the facade of the house is made of stone. For the roof, you can take a large sheet of the most ordinary cardboard, fold it in half, thereby shaping future roof and cover it with cement mortar. The effect of tiles on the roof can be done using tree bark.

A finished house for elves will harmoniously look among the greenery. Such a house can be placed in the center or at the edge of a large flower bed. The elf house can be surrounded climbing plants or flowerpots. It will look quite organic and look near a small soda fountain.

House for elves in a tree

Another simple option for a home for elves in the garden is a treehouse. To do this, it is only necessary to make a small door and a few windows and glue or fasten with nails at the roots of one of the trees in the garden. In order for such a house to be more visible in the garden, it can be made oval or round and painted with paint of some bright color.

Walkways and steps

To finished house you can add some decorative elements. You can complement the composition by laying out a narrow path of pebbles to the dwelling of the elves or by making steps from pebbles. Steps can also be made around the tree, then the door of the house can be attached not at the roots, but a little higher. This will make the composition more noticeable, and the house itself will become more fabulous. appearance.

Garden for elves

To make the composition complete will help the creation small garden for fairy tale characters. A small area near the house for elves can be fenced with a small wicker fence, set up a gate, plant flowers, or lay out a fenced area with moss. You can also add various benches and swings to the house, and if you add a few more small houses with tiled roofs, you get a whole elven village. So at the summer cottage there will be a small fairy-tale country that will appeal not only to children, but also to adults.

garden figurines

Small figures of elves, gnomes and various animals can give a unique flavor to any garden. Unfortunately, these figures do not always look organic in the garden. If the figurines are installed on an emerald flower bed or lawn, they will rather spoil the appearance of the site than serve as a full-fledged decor element. In everything you need to know the measure, a large number of garden figurines, will also look ridiculous. The basic principle of creating a complete composition in the garden is stylistic unity. All garden toys and buildings should be made of the same materials.
Figurines in the garden should not look apart. They are meant to create completion garden composition. Figurines of fabulous elves, fairies and gnomes can be installed near fairy houses. Such figures should fit neatly into the composition. With the help of small ceramic figurines, you can create an entire elven village in which each of its "inhabitants" will do their own thing. Fortunately, there are a large number of such figures, so making such a design will not be very difficult. And figurines of birds and animals should be in those places in the garden that resemble their natural habitat. When choosing animal figurines, it should be remembered that, today, the quality of products is quite high, and these figurines are made with photographic accuracy. Not everyone will calmly react to a snake or toads crawling out from under a bush.

You may be wondering what it is - a garden for fairies. This is a miniature garden with tiny houses, plants, trees, paths and other details.
People of all ages are drawn to this hobby because it's a great way to get creative and create a real fairy tale world in a tiny space. Let's take a look at 20 of the most amazing examples of such gardening.
20. Fairy Garden of Oz
This arrangement of green glass bottles is so similar to Emerald City like a little land of Oz in its own garden. And the sign "Magic of the House" gives a feeling of real magic.

19. USA Independence Day Picnic
This garden is remarkable in that it is far from mythology and is dedicated to the 4th of July holiday. We see with you a typical picture of this holiday: relaxing in the courtyard of the house, burgers and sausages on the grill, a garland with the American flag.

18. Bilbo Baggins' house
If you're a Lord of the Rings fan, you'll love this Hobbit house replica. The bonsai, the house on the hill and the fence are all incredibly accurately recreated, but such work requires a lot of effort and skill.

17. House of the gnome
Most often, gardens for fairies are made in large pots, tubs, barrels, but the creator of this house decided to use a tree trunk. He carved windows and doors in it, decorated it with all kinds of forest riches. This house definitely belongs to a dwarf.

16. House for a fairy in a stump
This fairytale house was carved out of hemp in the backyard. Staircase leading to doors, windows and small pond, this work is not as richly decorated as the previous one, but the baby also worked on its creation.

15. Fairy garden for fairies in a garden wheelbarrow
A miniature garden can be created anywhere and wherever it is convenient and this is a big plus. For example, this rather spacious garden in a wheelbarrow: a house, branched paths, a pond and a lot of vegetation.

14. Fairy garden in the book
The garden can even be placed in an unnecessary book. Many of us learned about fairies from books like Peter Pan, so the garden in the book is perfect way attract fairies.

13. Garden for fairies in cinder block
Another interesting idea is a patio with a cinder block garden. Cinder blocks, as a rule, represent a noisy modern world, immediately there is an association with a new skyscraper under construction. But this garden with moss and plants has a calming atmosphere.

12. Garden in the coffee table
All previous gardens are located in nature, even somewhat merge with it, but it is almost impossible to bring them home while maintaining the integrity of the details. Another thing is this coffee table. Just a stunning example of the existence of nature within the walls of the house. Such a garden fills the space with life and attracts attention.

11. Hanging garden
Inspired by the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, this garden is housed in a hanging basket. The design and decor of such a garden is rustic, but the placement makes it stand out from all others.

10. Fairy garden in a cup
If your home doesn't have room for a garden in a wheelbarrow, then you can even create one in a cup! The simplicity of this fairy garden makes it all the more charming.

9. Fireplace in the garden for fairies
The fireplace enlivens the miniature garden even more, which no longer resembles a work of art, but a real little world of fairies, into which we can look. The fairies will be so enchanted by the fire that they won't notice your presence.

8. Wishing Well
One has only to throw a coin into the well and your wish will come true! Another wonderful decoration for your miniature garden will be a wishing well. They say that from such a well you can even hear the laughter of fairies.

7. Snow-covered fairy garden
Many people love snow, and winter seems to them an absolutely fabulous time of the year. If you are one of those people, then give your miniature garden winter atmosphere. True, the Tinker Bell fairy in her light dress will no longer be able to live here, but much less capricious elves from the North Pole will settle. When you get tired of the "snow", just remove the fluff and cotton wool and plant more greenery.

6. Fairy Village
For some people, a garden for fairies is not enough, they create entire streets, parks and even municipalities. But if you have free time, patience and means, why don't you fulfill your dream? This large fairy garden was created by Lyn Rejabec from Buffalo.

5. Tree houses
This house has two main differences from the other house, which has already been described earlier. Firstly, the windows and doors are not cut through, and secondly, this is a living tree. The amount of detail is simply amazing, we can see how life flows in the small Parisian streets

4. Fairy garden in a suitcase
A garden in a suitcase looks mysterious and intriguing. This combination of a soft, even silk lining of a suitcase and earth with wild vegetation impresses the viewer. For such a garden, it is best to take an old vintage suitcase.

3. Castle made of wood
This castle, though not a copy, is somewhat similar to Hogwarts. Nothing sparks the imagination like J.K. Rowling's novels, and they've raised a generation of kids who love to wave their wands and whisper "Wingardium Leviosa."

2. House in a shoe
There is a fairy tale about an old woman who lives in a shoe. And in this garden, it was possible to recreate the same house in a shabby shoe, surrounded by flowers and trees. Such magical gardens can bring us back to the world of childhood and fairy tales.

1. Japanese-style fairy garden
Most best examples gardens are those that are able to take the viewer into a fantasy world. Some people imagine Japan as foggy and strange with low houses, paper walls and screen doors. This garden, with a house on a hill near the pond, takes us to the Land of the Rising Sun and enchants with its beauty and serenity. If you want to interest your guests, then recreate such a garden.