How to grow a beauty business. The global market for beauty salons: global trends and development prospects

Text by Tatiana Blagovidova

Photo, from personal archive GC Beauteam and Womenbz

The essence of the project:

  • haircut at a fixed price - 200 or 250 rubles (depending on the city), which takes no more than 20 minutes;
  • payment is made through the terminal in cash or by card;
  • the terminal also has a special fingerprint scanner: in this way, the client registers in the system and can participate in loyalty programs and other promotions (for example, receive the sixth haircut as a gift);
  • a fingerprint is used to create a mark that the master has left the shift.

Terminal functions:

The technology allows us to build work without an administrator and thereby reduce the prices for the services themselves. The second point is that customers do not need to leave their phone number for various loyalty programs (many do not like this - they are afraid that they will constantly be called or sent SMS). In the case of a fingerprint, a phone is not needed, and the system still "remembers" the client.

For us, the terminal collects the following data: how many clients there were per day, week, month, what salary to write out to the master (masters work on a percentage of the service), how many customers paid by card, how many in cash, which services are more in demand. It turns out that the terminal helps to build analytics.

Due to the fact that we do not have an administrator, we save about 70,000 rubles per month


We are saving on all fronts at once:

  • Area and rental price. We do not have reception area- there is a neat, small terminal. Salon for 4 workplaces can be opened on 25 sq. m. In classic beauty salons, the average area is 60 square meters. m. average price rent for 1 sq. m is 1000 rubles. That is, savings on rent - 35,000 rubles per month.
  • Administrator salary. In a classic salon, there are at least two administrators, they work in shifts. Due to the fact that we do not have them, we save about 70,000 rubles a month. We pay a subscription fee for the terminal, but it is several times less than the salary.
  • Equipment and tools. We do not save money on this, because, I repeat, customers today are accustomed to good service, and in general, here we are talking about sincerely taking care of each client. We have professional equipment, tools, good furniture. But unlike a traditional salon, we save on the purchase of equipment and tools for related services: manicure, hair coloring, solarium, and so on.

Meet - Ally Webb, founder of the Drybar beauty salon chain (USA). How do you go from an in-home salon stylist to one of the most successful business women in the beauty industry with a network of 3,000 stylists? How do you write the “ultimate guide” filled to the brim with stylist tips and tricks on how to style long curly hair at home quickly and easily? Where did Alli get the money for her beauty business? What is her philosophy as the owner and director of a network of beauty salons? Read about this and much more in Ally Webb's interview with the Heymama portal. We at Salon Marketing have translated this interview for you, because only by expanding the boundaries and meeting new people do we become more successful.


After years of work, finally learning how to deal with her unruly curls, Allie Webb founded Drybar. Starting a business that involved grooming friends' hair at their homes (we'd all love to have a friend like that!), she managed to grow it into a $70 million business. Allie's interview is worth a read, as is her new book, "Drybar: Everyone's Guide to Hair Care!" (). The book is what Allie calls "the most complete reference book" that is bursting at the seams with her advice and recommendations as a stylist and someone who has been trying to conquer long curly hair all her life. The book includes three detailed sections, over 100 stylish inspirational photographs and step by step lessons. The book is bright, positive and cheerful, the same as we, girls, after a chic styling!

1. Alli, we read your book with admiration! Congratulations! How did you come up with this idea?

2. Tell us your startup story. How did you get the money? How did you get started? Have you had to convince men that women should spend money on styling?

I've always struggled with my naturally curly hair and almost all my life. strove to have straight strands. After exploring several career paths, becoming a professional stylist and then a stay-at-home mom, I decided to start a Straight at Home mobile hair styling business where I went to all my mommy friends and styled their hair in the time when their children were sleeping. This small business took off quickly and it dawned on me that I was not alone in my quest for great hair.

Not only am I not alone, but there was actually a large unfilled niche in the market - there were no places where in a cheerful, pleasant atmosphere and affordable price it could be set up. I realized that I had to fill this niche. I turned to my older brother and business partner, Michael Landau, to help me make Drybar a reality. He gave me the money to open our first Drybar, but it wasn't easy to convince him! Michael (who's bald himself!) was worried that people wouldn't understand our concept of a hair salon, but he let me take a chance. My other business partner Cameron (also bald) knew right away - he knew all too well the difference between my naturally messy curls and the magic of great styling that made me really happy!

3. What is your philosophy as a businesswoman and as a boss?

Don't be afraid to express your opinion and thoughts. I think it took me some time to get used to my role and gain the confidence to say what I think. However, I have spent many years listening and learning, which is just as important.

4. You made a career in PR before becoming a hair stylist and opening a home-based salon. What helped you understand that women need a paradise where they can come just to dry their hair?

Working in my mobile business in hair styling, I was faced with such demand that I could barely keep up. I've asked my clients why they don't go to salons for styling and their answers have always been the same. There were only two options - either pay too much money for a haircut at an exorbitantly priced salon, or go to an inexpensive salon and end up with a haircut that wasn't professional enough. So I began to think about opening my own salon where women could get their hair done in a fun, pleasant environment and at an affordable price. This is how the idea of ​​Drybar was born.

5. What do you think has made Drybar so successful that even new competitors that enter the market every day can't stop it? What is your recipe for success?

I think it's a combination of many things. We place great emphasis on exceptional customer service, training and growth of our employees. We also take our 10 Core Values ​​very seriously; one of them, "We are a family" is another key factor for us. When you work at Drybar, you are part of our family and enjoy working when you feel cared for.

6. We love the way you really stick to the bar concept at Drybar - the salons have bartenders and hairstyles are named after cocktails. How did such a concept come about?

When we started developing the idea, we approached our incredibly talented designer/architect Josh Heitler and detailed our vision based on many years of working in different salons and what I'm in recent times observed while visiting clients at home. First and foremost, for reasons that may (and may someday!) take up a whole book, I didn't want the Drybar to look like a traditional salon. I also didn't want women to look at themselves in the mirror while they were getting their hair done. We wanted our clients and stylists to be able to communicate easily, as if with friends in their favorite bar. I came up with the idea of ​​making the salon look like an actual bar. Josh and his team took all of that into account and he came back with a bunch of different prototypes and concepts. We all immediately chose "bar" and started!

7. Before you started Drybar, you were a stay-at-home mom who started taking salon clients "at home" to "get out of the house." How did it turn into a $70 million business?

In fact, I actually went to their house :). Transition to big business was, frankly, at first more a necessity than an opportunity. We had a very busy place in Brentwood. I remember calling Michael about three months later and saying "you can get us more places and ASAP!" He did just that, and we quickly opened bars in Studio City, West Hollywood, and the Palisades. Fortunately, we have seen the same demand and success in every new location. Michael initially thought it was a LA-only thing, but once we opened bars in Dallas, Texas and Scottsdale, Arizona and saw the same results, we knew this was the start of something big. We started thinking seriously about hiring a team and raising real money.

8. What 3 things would you advise a mom who wants to build her own business?

Find the right partners, especially those who are good at something you're not good at. In my case, it was my brother who had the business acumen and experience that I lacked at the time. And for him, I brought skills and knowledge about hair and how to run a salon. In addition, you need to have a huge amount of support at home so that you have the time and mental energy to devote to your business.

9. What was the biggest challenge during the development and expansion of Drybar and how did you deal with it?

The hardest part of transforming into a big company is learning to let go of situations and truly allow smart people who we have hired to take the reins of government into their own hands. You just can't be involved in everything and make every decision.. It's still a constant struggle for me, it's all about keeping in touch with my team.

10. Are there any thoughts to expand your services?

Not! We really focus on one thing with all our focus and passion, and we are the best at it! Getting it right takes a lot of time, energy, money, and effort.

11. Previously, styling was only for special occasions. Taking the time to do something that makes you look and feel good can be something that will make a difference for a mom, making her more confident. A little bit of self-confidence can be what will put an end to it and move the situation to the next level. Do you think that beauty can be a powerful tool in your search for success? Do you think Drybar has made a difference for busy women?

Our philosophy at Drybar has always been that we don't just sell styling, we sell confidence and happiness. I always feel more confident and strong when my hair looks great! I want women everywhere to be able to experience this feeling every day, not just on special occasions. I know for a fact that Drybar has changed and continues to change that. We see this again and again in every new city we visit. At first the ladies come predominantly on special occasions or events; but then they quickly realize that coming to Drybar is fun and relaxing, it's affordable. After Drybar they look and feel great and think “why can’t I do it on a regular Tuesday?!”

12. Can you tell us about your 10 core values?

As our team grew from a few people to several thousand (I can't believe we're over 3,000 now!) we decided to create our own set of values ​​that would help us focus on what's really important to us, and also help us attract new people who will join our culture. We spent a lot of time discussing and debating, and in the end, came up with 10 ideals that we now call the heart and soul of Drybar. We still spend a lot of time discussing these values ​​and make sure we live by these values.

In fact, my husband's sister, Sarah, our Human Resources Director, recently initiated an amazing program whereby people can recognize a team member who lives by our values ​​by sending them a "heart and soul" postcard. Recipients are pleased when they receive such a postcard, and if you go into any of our company premises, you will see hundreds of such postcards on the wall. It makes me feel proud and makes me happy.

13. What does it take to become a stylist at Drybar? What are you looking for?

First of all, we are looking for truly happy and friendly people. Of course, you must be a licensed stylist. We know that we can teach you how to do great styling - we are the real experts! What cannot be taught is to be a good and thoughtful person, and this is the most important thing for us. As we say in our values, life is too short not to improve somewhere.

Home business for women is a great chance to become the mistress of your time and gain financial freedom. Dedicate yourself to home business using ideas for women professionals. Organize own production at home. Provide services to the population by opening your own individual enterprise from scratch. Use these opportunities to strengthen family budget or realize your talents.

The first list contains business ideas for women who can apply their profession at home.

1 Accounting at home

Maintain accounting records, prepare tax returns and other reporting for individual entrepreneurs or small businesses.

2 Legal advice

At home, draw up statements of claim, various requests, explain legislative norms help in labor disputes. Use marketing strategy"walking distance" and offer legal services residents of your house or street.

3 Tutoring and further education

A home business can be started from scratch for women with a psychological and pedagogical education. Conduct tutoring sessions on the profile of your subject both at home and via Skype. Very much in demand today additional education children, therefore, having developed your own program, feel free to open from scratch your home school-studio for teaching music and vocals, drawing, arts and crafts, computer literacy, foreign languages and other activities.

4 Estimate bureau

Having a diploma of a construction university, start making estimates. Of course, this business will require the purchase of a special computer program, but the result will not be long in coming. Look for clients in state and budget organizations, drawing up estimates for the repair of premises and landscaping.

5 Remote work

Psychologists, programmers, designers, philologists, journalists, artists, photographers are waiting for a lot of offers on the Internet for remote work. You can and should use your education for additional sources of income! Women are often chosen as remote employees, as they are more responsible and diligent when there is no boss over their heads.

Providing services is a profitable women's business

Some Ideas home business for women have been known for a long time, but despite this, they will always be in demand. In the provision of personal services, it is important to provide high quality - then the customers themselves will transfer your contacts to each other. Starting a business from scratch, consider different variants services to the population.

6 Home studio

Do not be afraid to start sewing clothes with your own hands, even if there are enough dressmakers in the city. Sewing dresses for prom or costumes for dance groups is already a large segment of the service market, in which there is always a place for new ideas.

7 Home barbershop

To open your own barbershop, you need quite a bit: separate room, large mirror, comfortable armchair, small rack, good lighting and a set of tools. But the main condition is the desire to develop, to study fashion trends, to be able to find an individual approach to each client.

8 Children's massage room

Baby massage room great idea for business at home. Small children often get sick, and mothers do not always have the opportunity to take their children for a massage to the clinic. Therefore, your smile and kind healing hands will always be in demand among the inhabitants of your street or yard.

9 Agency "Nanny for an hour"

If you have a love for small children, open your own babysitting agency. The main idea of ​​this business is to provide short-term assistance to a nanny at home. This service will be in demand by mothers when you just need to go to the hairdresser or to the hospital and do some shopping. To keep a child busy for a short time, equip a room for children to play, pick up games and toys, pencils and paints, books and cartoons.

Hobby club or home workshop?

Build a home business for women with your own hands in the literal sense of the word. Why is handmade in great demand today? Yes, because some people cannot do anything with their own hands, while others simply do not have time for these activities. What hobbies can be used as an additional source of income?

10 Knitting workshop

Knitwear self made always in fashion. Both hand knitting and machine knitting are in demand. To begin with, try knitting children's things for sale - yarn consumption and time are small, and the price of children's goods is always high.

11 Workshop for making gifts and souvenirs

Give consumers the answer to the burning question: “What to give the person who has everything?” invent original ideas for different categories of recipients, for example, teenagers, bosses, newlyweds. Author's dolls and toys, interior items, bags and wallets, postcards can serve as souvenirs. Find your direction and create an exclusive in different needlework techniques.

12 Workshop for the production of designer jewelry

One of the most popular topics in the field of handicraft. Designer jewelry is in great demand, and women of all ages regularly buy accessories for new outfits. When implementing this idea, it is important to decide on the material from which you will make jewelry, thoroughly master the technology and develop your own vision of beauty.

13 Salon of wedding accessories

Fashion for wedding design has come quite recently. The trend of recent years is the design of a wedding in the same style. Offer the newlyweds your own look at the festive little things: gifts for guests, table design, wall decorations and others. Make several options, take photos of accessories and distribute promotional materials to bridal salons.

14 Pet Products Workshop

Houses for cats, clothes for miniature dog breeds, various toys - these "animal" goods are not cheap in stores. However, with a thoughtful approach, their cost is ten times lower. Design your models using recycled materials such as waste paper, leftover yarn and fabric, wood or plastic. Modern needlework tools and trendy material processing techniques will allow you to make interesting things.

15 Art workshop

Painting on wood and stone, batik, paintings and portraits - there is a lot of room for creativity for art lovers. And adding to traditional types drawing computer programs, you will be able to offer a wide range of art and graphic works.

How to monetize your hobby? A hobby will generate income with a properly organized approach:

  • distribute promotional business cards to friends,
  • exhibit your man-made things at city exhibitions,
  • Post photos of your work on social media
  • negotiate with stores to sell your goods for sale.

Activity, a desire to work and a non-trivial view of creativity are the keys to the success of your business at home.

Finding Hidden Reserves for a Home Business

If your house has free space or empty buildings in the yard, use them to start your business from scratch. After all, many manufacturers are experiencing difficulties due to high rent. What ideas are suitable for your square meters?

16 Home greenhouse

What to grow? Houseplants, greens for sale, flower seedlings - the options depend on the climate and the preferences of the buyers. The first task when arranging a greenhouse is equipment proper lighting and temperature regime. But, having worked hard from the beginning, you will receive stable income for many years.

17 Agency for Children's Holidays

In a free space, arrange a rehearsal room and storage for props. Find original ideas for a children's birthday, a holiday of the first call, congratulations to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden - and you never know reasons for celebration and fun. You can find your clients in kindergartens and schools: hand out bright advertisements, come to parent meetings, sign contracts with the administration of children's camps.

18 Photo studio at home

Organization of photo shoots is also an attractive type of home business for women. Beautiful design premises, individual approach to clients and original photo processing will be the starting point of your success.

Digital technologies and the Internet open up wide opportunities for the development of new activities.

19 Home contact center

Having a telephone and high-speed Internet, outsource to organizations in the field of work with potential clients. Master the technique of "cold calls", the technology of writing email newsletters, the rules for working with email, that is, everything related to maintaining the interest of customers in this company.

20 Advertising agency

With the help of modern computer programs start making your own layouts for promotional materials, such as booklets, flyers, calendars. If you want to expand the list of services, you can order the printing of promotional products in the printing house and give the client a ready-made package.

What kind of business should a woman do? In this article, we will consider 5 interesting and original business ideas for active and purposeful girls.

Hello dear girls and women! This is Alexander Berezhnov, an entrepreneur and one of the founders of the website.

Today, this wonderful article has been published on the pages of a business magazine especially for you.

What is a business for a woman? For some of you, this is a small home project, and someone wants to create a big interesting company.

In any case, the material in this article will help you structure your thoughts, give you new ideas and inspiration to start a new venture.

Below we will consider both classic and non-standard ways of starting a business for women, having studied which, dear girls, you will have new ideas for organizing your business.

So let's begin, dear ladies!

1. Business for a woman - myth or reality?

There is an opinion that business is the lot of the strong half of humanity. But in modern world fast speeds and information technology, women are no worse able to conduct entrepreneurial activities.

Practice shows that in some areas women are not only not inferior to men, but are also able to conduct business much more successfully. These are traditional women's areas: beauty and health (cosmetics, clothes, dancing, yoga, massage, health and rejuvenation procedures), cooking, psychology and pedagogy.

By the way, how women can create passive income for themselves on an equal basis with men, that is, such income that will come to you, regardless of whether you work or not. You have a question, how can this be, I do not work, but the money goes?

The methods described in the article about passive income can be a good alternative for you to start your own business.

Continuing the topic of business for women, after doing some analysis, I noticed that in my own way psychological warehouse women are more patient and able to wait longer for results than men. In addition, women have better flexibility and intuition, and female charm often helps in negotiations with men.

When it comes to starting their own business, women of mature years often say that they don’t have the same energy anymore and that young girls will overtake them, because young people grasp everything on the fly, are better versed in information technology, and so on.

Don't worry. Age is not at all a reason to abandon your entrepreneurial ideas, on the contrary, the older you are, the more life experience you have, you know different people endowed with life wisdom.

For example, the famous successful woman entrepreneur Mary Kay (Mary Kay) - the founder of the cosmetics company of the same name, began her business closer to 50 years and achieved tremendous success.

And for those girls who want to start earning in the very near future (3-7 days), there is one very interesting way. It consists in the following.

And wherever there are a lot of people, naturally, there is money and a lot of it.

It has long been known that, for example, for messages with hidden advertising, our stars of show business, sports and politics receive a solid reward.

And it works like this.

For example, the famous showman, actor and KVN player Mikhail Galustyan, so beloved by young people, under the guise of ordinary text messages from his life, can “accidentally” advertise some store, person or event.

Of course, he will do this not by chance, but for a good fee of several thousand dollars.

In most cases, we are not as hyped as our star compatriots, but a thousand or two rubles a day can be earned here.

We described the ways to make money on Twitter in the article "", just read it.

2. What kind of business should a woman do or men who are not competitors

Usually, men prefer more "brutal" areas to open their business, such as construction, auto business, complex manufacturing business.

Dear girls, if you are looking for a good business idea, then we categorically do not recommend that you engage in such traditional male species business, especially if you do not yet have entrepreneurial experience.

Again, I recommend turning your attention to the World Wide Web. Even if you are just starting to explore the Internet, then believe me, no matter what business you do, if you do not actively advertise your project on the network, you will miss great opportunities.

And it doesn’t matter if you are engaged in Internet business, opened your own beauty salon or provide any services at home, be sure to study the technologies for attracting customers via the Internet, order the development of your website, do more PR of your personal brand on the network and then your business will stand out from competitors will look much more solid and develop faster.

It is much better if you start working on your project gradually. This is how you open a business minimum investment and avoid unnecessary losses at the start of your business.

If you already have some experience commercial activities, then you can try to open more complex project e.g. anticafe * .

anticafe- a cultural and entertainment institution free from alcohol and tobacco, where visitors pay for the time spent.

In an anti-cafe, usually food and drinks are not sold, but are included in the cost of staying in an institution.

Such women's business is already successfully developing both in large and provincial cities.

it best business for hospitable hostesses, who can start a more serious project, for example, opening their own hotel or a large restaurant in the future.

In it, I talked about seven proven ways to make money that are available to any girl.

3. 6 simple business ideas for women

We turn to a review of business ideas for women. Perhaps for some they will seem banal, but at the same time they have one indisputable advantage - they all work for sure and have been tested in practice by thousands of women.

Business idea 1. Making and selling handmade crafts

Think back to your childhood. Surely you made something, did a “love story” at school, helped design wall newspapers at the institute, or liked to give gifts made by yourself.

All these skills can be turned into a good business.

Here are just some business ideas for handmade women:

  • embroidery and beading;
  • floristry, making bouquets of sweets and soft toys;
  • creation of collages, postcards, posters;
  • bags, wallets, boxes;

Your friends and girlfriends will be willing to buy all these things, and most importantly, you yourself will not spend money on gifts, because what you have done with your own hands is valued higher, and the cost of materials for making one craft usually does not exceed 100 - 500 rubles.

After a simple calculation, it turns out that if you spend an average of 300 rubles per unit made by yourself, then you can sell it for at least 1000 rubles, or even more. After all, this thing will have the status of an exclusive, made in a single copy!

And this is not all the money that you can earn by being able to do something well, for example, the same do-it-yourself crafts.

You can get no less, and maybe even more income by selling your knowledge.

Business idea 2.

If you are a mother or plan to become one in the future, then why not capitalize on your abilities given to you by nature in relation to children.

Now many parents are so busy with work that the maximum they can take the child to Kindergarten or school in the morning and pick him up in the evening.

But such educational and educational institutions Oddly enough, they practically do not develop the creative potential of the child.

A great solution here would be to create your own creative studio.

You can organize it right at home and teach children any applied arts and creativity that you own.

For example, modeling from plasticine or clay, embroidery, or cooking.

That is how one of the heroines of our business magazine, Anna Belan, opened her creative studio.

You can start by offering your services to friends, acquaintances or neighbors, and if things go well, then simply register as individual entrepreneur, (how to do it right, read the article "") and expand your activities on a larger scale.

Business idea 3. Courses of women's "tricks"

This business idea for women is a logical continuation of the previous one.

Courses « female tricks”is a kind of club where you are an expert in any women's topic. There may be several such topics, it all depends on your level of training and experience.

For example, there are many women who would love to enroll in cooking classes, sewing classes, or parenting classes.

There are even girls who are ready to sign up for “female pickup” courses.

As you know, demand creates supply! Look around you for what people need, and then think about what you can offer them.

If in the course of your work you have secured the status a good specialist, then, together with organizational skills and a burning desire, you will be able to organize your business by creating a club of "women's tricks".

By following them, you will learn how you can make money without starting your own business.

Business idea 4. Women's clothing and underwear store

Do you like to dress beautifully and know a lot about fashion? Then perhaps best solution there will be a store opening for you women's clothing and underwear.

By the way, if you look a little into the future, you can open your own store for women, where the assortment will not be limited only to clothes, for example, women's accessories and cosmetics can be sold here.

Yes, your store requires an investment of money, time and some experience in doing business.

In order for your business project to be successful, we advise you to analyze the already operating stores in this area. Go around a few of them, study their range, under the guise of a buyer, find out which products are in the greatest demand and why.

So your store will have a better chance of success.

Dear ladies, we categorically do not recommend that you take a loan to open your own business, especially if you do not have experience in this. It is better to start with a project that does not require investments, acquire the necessary skills, and then take on more complex business projects.

Brief steps to open a women's goods store:

  • Demand analysis (we choose a niche and determine what exactly we will sell);
  • Selection of premises (we rent or adapt our premises for trade, if any);
  • Purchase of equipment and goods;
  • Official registration of the company;
  • Conducting an advertising campaign.

Business idea 5. Providing services in the field of beauty and health

Surely you also met them "Masha - manicure", "Marina - makeup artist", "Lilya - hairdresser", "Anna - yoga" and so on.

If you have a pronounced craving for beauty, lead a healthy lifestyle, then it's time to make money on the provision of such services for women and open your own small women's business.

Maybe you graduated from some special courses in beauty and health, or you are just interested in this direction.

Business idea 6. Buying a Sushi Master franchise

In this section, I want to present a business idea with minimal risk, namely, the purchase of a restaurant chain franchise Japanese cuisine.

Why am I suggesting this particular project? There are several reasons. And the main one: I know for sure that the scheme works. A good friend of mine named Sergey has already launched such a franchise in Maykop six months ago and is now making steady profits. So the project has been tested in practice, I can vouch for its effectiveness.

The second reason is the perspective of the niche. All over the world, there is an outflow of visitors from large expensive restaurants to more affordable ones. The establishments of Sushi Master are just such a plan. Even in small towns with a population of 50,000 or more, the idea has every chance of becoming profitable.

Franchise owners offer food outlets in four formats: "Island", "Street", "Food Court" and classic. Choose depending on the future location of the institution and your budget. Approximate investments - from 1.3 million rubles.

The partner receives the finished product with working scheme marketing, a recognizable brand, unique recipes and proven cooking technologies. In addition, a special startup team will help launch the project as quickly and competently as possible. Experts know how to effectively solve any of possible problems and eliminate them as soon as they occur.

120 restaurants in 80 cities already bring their owners regular income. Among the owners there are girls. If they can do it, it will surely work for you too!

And here is what Alex Yanovsky, one of the owners of the Sushi Master chain, says about the advantages of the franchise:

Summing up the intermediate result

Regardless of which direction you choose to open your business, we want to give you a simple but proven technology for the successful start of a project.

Technology for a successful start in business for a woman:

  1. Decide what you can do. Make a list of 30 things you enjoy doing. Don't rush, it will take certain time. Stay alone with yourself and make sure that no one distracts you.
  2. Match your favorite things with what you can do well. Keep in mind that your favorite business MUST be in demand by the market!
  3. Find clients and earn your first money. This can be done by notifying your friends, acquaintances, relatives and neighbors, as well as by posting ads on the Internet.

So you can scale your business and increase its profits in the future - this is quite real.

A few months ago, we interviewed two female entrepreneurs who started their photography business.

How they did it, read in our interviews:

4. List of 30 business ideas for women in various fields

Working in the beauty industry is the dream of many girls. Photo:

If you want to work in the beauty industry and get a high salary, doing what you love every day, feel free to turn it into a profession. ForumDaily found 5 such professions that allow you to have a stable income.

Master of permanent make-up (Permanentmakeupartist)

Salary per year:$55,000 - $80,000 (data from

A permanent makeup artist can earn up to $1,500 a day. Photo: from the archive of Anna Ishutina

The results of a study conducted by the community of permanent makeup masters (SPCP) suggest that professionals in this field receive from $55,000 a year, and the cost of procedures ranges from $300 to $800. There are no limits to earnings.

“The salary of the master depends only on the master himself. You can take only 1 client per day and earn $300-500 per procedure, or you can take 5 people and have a daily income of $1500. Everyone chooses for himself,” says Anna Ishutina, founder of the TIAN Permanent Makeup Studio.

A permanent makeup master is an ideal profession for those who dream of working in the beauty industry, developing creatively and having a good income.

Product Developer (productdeveloper)

Salary per year:$46 413 — $127 164

The delicious smell of a popular lipstick, the eye-catching packaging of eyeshadows, the exciting color scheme of a blush set - just think, someone came up with all this. And it's not about complex formulas, but about the sensations that cosmetics gives. Every beauty brand in the state has product developers who decide which new eyeshadow palette to release to make them want to buy, which stores to partner with, and which online marketplaces to promote products.

The only routine that specialists may encounter is associated with a large abundance of cosmetics, which must be lived and "breathed".

According to PayScale, the average developer salary is $80,000 per year.

Among the desired professional skills are knowledge of the basics of marketing, creativity, stress resistance, communication skills. To get a job in a good cosmetics company, you will need a bachelor's degree from an accredited university and 2-3 years of experience as a product developer in the cosmetics field.

Directorsalonthe beauty (hair and beauty salon owner

Salary per year: from $75 000

Inna Tsalkovich's team in her salon in Manhattan. Inna is in the center. Photo: from the personal archive of Inna Tsalkovich

Owning your own beauty salon is a childhood dream of many girls. In the US, this business can make good money if you're really willing to work hard. After all, almost every resident of America from 9 to 99 years old “brings beauty” at least a couple of times a month.

There are 3 options for starting this business: open a salon from scratch, coming up with a unique concept, buy a franchise business, having received from its owners complete guide to action, or purchase an existing salon. Of course, the first option is the most difficult, but at the same time interesting. It took Inna Tsalkovich more than 20 years to go from a hairdresser's assistant to a master top level and opening his own salon, which in 2015 was named the best in Manhattan.

Inna moved to New York in 1996 with her husband and small child. She immediately took out an educational loan and went to study at a beauty school. The course cost $10,000 and included hairdressing, cosmetology and manicure. During training, the girl worked part-time in the salon as an assistant to the master, but very quickly began to move forward along career ladder. She constantly improved her skills.

“I graduated from the world-famous Wella brand school and the Bumble and Bumble school, countless trainings and master classes. A self-respecting master cannot do otherwise, because self-education comes first in our work. You need to be aware of the latest trends and beauty products, fashion trends. Of course, I invested a lot in my training, but I have always had many satisfied clients. And to make a person beautiful - isn’t that happiness? ”Inna shares.

Having changed only 3 jobs in New York, after 20 years as an ambassador, Inna and her husband opened a salon in Manhattan in the popular Soho area. The girl's husband was engaged in marketing and advertising, and Inna took up work with clients and practiced as a hairdresser. The girl recalls that from the moment the salon opened, she began to sleep 2 hours a day, because their business, as if Small child, constantly demanded attention and complete immersion.

“Your salon is a big responsibility and work 24/7. I didn't get a chance to rest or relax. During the day I cut and colored clients, and at night I figured out how to promote the salon, with whom to cooperate, how to become better and better. We worked with the Bloomingdale chain clothing store, with well-known modeling agencies. There were many artists and famous artists among our clients. We constantly held interesting "events". I remember that they even took part in the action and collected financial assistance for women from Africa. In other words, we lived a full New York life. I had a goal - to become the No. 1 salon, and in 2015 we succeeded, ”recalls Inna Tsalkovich.

Business justified itself financially. According to the girl, the turnover of the salon reached $ 250-300 thousand per year.

“Since I spent a lot of time with clients, the question “why is it so expensive?” blew me away. Clients constantly asked me why they should pay $200-300 for 2-3 hours of work. I agree, this is a rather big amount, but no one thinks that hairdressers and other salon employees work on commissions, salons do not pay them for medical insurance, vacations, and so on. Masters constantly spend their hard-earned money on training, "invest" in their knowledge. Moreover, the hairdresser is physically hard work and after a working day, my back and legs terribly hurt, ”Inna shares.

As the girl clarified, the owner of the salon works with his masters on a commission basis - the specialist receives 30-60% of the proceeds that he brought. The salon takes the rest. In some cases, the master simply rents a chair in the salon, but this format is less common. At the same time, the director of the salon pays all household expenses, buys cosmetics and is engaged in marketing.

Inna and her husband sold the salon after she developed health problems and moved to Florida. Today, Inna practices in one of the Boca Raton salons.

Beauty copywriter or beauty editor (beautycopywriter/beautyeditor)

Salary per year:$30 265 — $72 536

A beauty copywriter can work from home and earn $30,000 or more. Photo:

If you are one of those people who, every time you buy cosmetics, admire the name of a color or product every time, you clearly understand what exactly beauty copywriters do. They create names, come up with slogans, descriptions on packaging and annotations for the product. For “dust-free” work, a copywriter is paid $ 30-70 thousand a year, according to PayScale. In New York, you can find a job with a salary of more than $100,000 a year. Beauty editors write articles about beauty and fashion. Salaries start at $50,000 per year.

In order to become a copywriter, you need to be fluent in English, be creative, “be your own” in the world of fashion and cosmetics.

A specific education is not required, but many colleges and private schools offer various programs of study. A clear advantage of the profession is a free schedule.

Personal stylist (personal fashion stylist

Salary per year:$20 418 — $177 986

Many people do not understand the combination of colors, clothing and accessories, but really want to dress beautifully. Among them are both present and future artists, famous athletes and politicians, as well as representatives of other professions. In this case, personal stylists come to their aid, who go shopping with them, select clothes, create images for every day and for going out, and advise on the appropriate hairstyle and makeup.

The Payscale website claims that salaries in this area start at $20,000 per year and can go up to $177,000 per year.

To get a job as a stylist, you need to have exceptional taste, understand the types of figures and faces, be aware of the latest fashion trends, be able to look for rare things and combine them.

Special education in order to work as a stylist is not required, but a certificate of completion of courses, experience in clothing stores and a portfolio will only be a plus.